diff --git a/app/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/app/i18n/SceneBuilderApp_zh_CN.properties b/app/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/app/i18n/SceneBuilderApp_zh_CN.properties index cd75db0b8..39a31e900 100644 --- a/app/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/app/i18n/SceneBuilderApp_zh_CN.properties +++ b/app/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/app/i18n/SceneBuilderApp_zh_CN.properties @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, Gluon and/or its affiliates. # Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. # @@ -28,9 +29,509 @@ # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic labels +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +label.ok = 确定 +label.cancel = 取消 +label.close = 关闭 +label.delete = 删除 +label.copy = 复制 +label.save = 保存 +label.revert = 恢复 +label.do.not.save = 不保存 +label.overwrite = 覆盖 +label.review.changes = 查看更改 +label.discard.changes = 放弃更改 -label.ok = \u786e\u5b9a -label.cancel = \u53d6\u6d88 -label.close = \u5173\u95ed -label.copy = \u590d\u5236 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Menu Bar +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +menu.title.file = 文件 +menu.title.edit = 编辑 +menu.title.view = 视图 +menu.title.insert = 插入 +menu.title.insert.error = 插入失败。 +menu.title.modify = 修改 +menu.title.arrange = 安排 +menu.title.preview = 预览 +menu.title.window = 窗口 +menu.title.help = 帮助 +# File menu items +menu.title.new = 新建 +menu.title.new.template = 从模板中新建 +menu.title.new.basic.phone.app = 基本 +menu.title.open = 打开\u2026 +menu.title.open.recent = 打开最近 +menu.title.open.recent.clear = 清除菜单 +menu.title.save = 保存 +menu.title.save.as = 另存为\u2026 +menu.title.revert = 恢复为保存 +menu.title.close = 关闭窗口 +menu.title.reveal.mac = 在 Finder 中显示 +menu.title.reveal.win.mnemonic = 在资源管理器中显示 +menu.title.reveal.win = 在资源管理器中显示 +menu.title.reveal.linux = 在桌面上显示 +menu.title.import = 导入 +menu.title.import.fxml = FXML\u2026 +menu.title.import.media = 媒体\u2026 +menu.title.include = 包括 +menu.title.include.fxml = FXML\u2026 +menu.title.edit.included = 编辑 ''{0}'' +menu.title.edit.included.default = 编辑包含的文件 +menu.title.reveal.included.finder = 在 Finder 中显示 ''{0}'' +menu.title.reveal.included.explorer = 在资源管理器中显示 ''{0}'' +menu.title.reveal.included.default = 显示包含的文件 +menu.title.print = 打印\u2026 +menu.title.preferences = 偏好选项\u2026 +menu.title.quit = 退出 +# Edit menu items +menu.title.undo = 撤销 +menu.title.redo = 重做 +menu.title.cut = 剪切 +menu.title.copy = 复制 +menu.title.paste = 粘贴 +menu.title.paste.into = 粘贴到 +menu.title.duplicate = 重复 +menu.title.delete = 删除 +menu.title.select.all = 全选 +menu.title.select.none = 选择无 +menu.title.select.parent = 选择父项 +menu.title.select.next = 选择下一个 +menu.title.select.previous = 选择上一个 +menu.title.trim = 将文档修剪为所选内容 +# View menu items +menu.title.content = 内容 +menu.title.properties = 属性 +menu.title.layout = 布局 +menu.title.code = 代码 +menu.title.show.library.panel = 显示库 +menu.title.hide.library.panel = 隐藏库 +menu.title.show.document.panel = 显示文档 +menu.title.hide.document.panel = 隐藏文档 +menu.title.show.left.panel = 显示左侧面板 +menu.title.hide.left.panel = 隐藏左侧面板 +menu.title.show.right.panel = 显示右侧面板 +menu.title.hide.right.panel = 隐藏右侧面板 +menu.title.show.bottom.panel = 显示 CSS 分析器 +menu.title.hide.bottom.panel = 隐藏 CSS 分析器 +menu.title.show.outlines = 显示大纲 +menu.title.hide.outlines = 隐藏大纲 +menu.title.show.sample.data = 显示示例数据 +menu.title.hide.sample.data = 隐藏示例数据 +menu.title.disable.guides = 禁用对齐参考线 +menu.title.enable.guides = 启用对齐参考线 +menu.title.show.sample.controller.skeleton = 显示示例控制器骨架 +menu.title.zoom = 缩放 +menu.title.zoom.in = 缩小 +menu.title.zoom.out = 放大 +# Modify menu items +menu.title.fit = 适合父母 +menu.title.use.computed.sizes = 使用计算大小 +menu.title.grid = _GridPane +menu.title.add.effect = 设置效果 +menu.title.add.popup = 添加弹出控件 +menu.title.add.popup.context.menu = 上下文菜单 +menu.title.add.popup.tooltip = 工具提示 +# Modify -> GridPane menu items +menu.title.grid.select.next.row = 选择下一行 +menu.title.grid.select.next.column = 选择下一列 +menu.title.grid.move.row.above = 将行移到上方 +menu.title.grid.move.row.below = 将行移到下面 +menu.title.grid.move.column.before = 将列移到前面 +menu.title.grid.move.column.after = 将列移到之后 +menu.title.grid.add.row.above = 在上面添加行 +menu.title.grid.add.row.below = 在下面添加行 +menu.title.grid.add.column.before = 在之前添加列 +menu.title.grid.add.column.after = 在之后添加列 +menu.title.grid.increase.row.span = 增加行跨度 +menu.title.grid.decrease.row.span = 减小行跨度 +menu.title.grid.increase.column.span = 增加列跨度 +menu.title.grid.decrease.column.span = 减小列跨度 +# Modify -> Scene Size +menu.title.size.phone = 335 x 600 (Phone) +menu.title.size.tablet = 900 x 600 (Tablet) +menu.title.size.qvga = 320 x 240 (QVGA) +menu.title.size.vga = 640 x 480 (VGA) +menu.title.size.touch = 1280 x 800 +menu.title.size.hd = 1920 x 1080 +# Arrange menu items +menu.title.front = 带到前面 +menu.title.back = 发送回 +menu.title.forward = 向前推进 +menu.title.backward = 向后发送 +menu.title.wrap = 包裹 +menu.title.unwrap = 解开 +# Preview menu items +menu.title.show.preview.in.window = 在窗口中显示预览 +menu.title.show.preview.in.dialog = 在对话框中显示预览 +menu.title.hide.preview = 在窗口中隐藏预览 + +menu.title.theme = 主题 +menu.title.gluon.swatch = _Gluon Swatch + +menu.title.scene.stylesheets = 场景样式表 +menu.title.add.stylesheet = 添加样式表\u2026 +menu.title.remove.stylesheet = 删除样式表 +menu.title.open.stylesheet = 打开样式表 +menu.title.internationalization = 国际化 +menu.title.set.resource = 设置资源\u2026 +menu.title.remove.resource = 删除资源 +menu.title.remove.resource.with.file = 删除资源 "{0}" +menu.title.reveal.resource = 显示资源 +menu.title.reveal.resource.with.file = 显示资源 "{0}" +menu.title.resolve.unknown.types = 解决未知类型\u2026 +menu.title.preview.size = 预览大小 +menu.title.size = 场景大小 +menu.title.size.preferred = 首选大小 +menu.title.size.preferred.with.value = 首选大小 ({0} x {1}) +# Window menu items +menu.title.no.window = 无窗口 +# Help menu items +menu.title.scene.builder.help = Scene Builder 帮助 +menu.title.show.welcome = 显示欢迎页面 +menu.title.check.updates = 检查更新... +menu.title.about = 关于 Scene Builder +menu.title.register = 注册... +menu.title.help.javafx=JavaFX +menu.title.help.openjfx.getting.started=JavaFX 入门 +menu.title.help.openjfx.api.docs=JavaFX API 文档 +menu.title.help.openjfx.css.reference=JavaFX CSS 参考指南 +menu.title.help.openjfx.fxml.reference=FXML 简介 +menu.title.help.scenebuilder.contribute=为 Scene Builder 做贡献 +menu.title.help.scenebuilder.home=Gluon Scene Builder 主页 +menu.title.help.jfxcentral.homepage=JFX-Central +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Document +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +document = 文档 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Hierarchy +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hierarchy = 层次结构 +hierarchy.displays = 层次结构显示 +hierarchy.show.info = 信息 +hierarchy.show.fxid = fx:id +hierarchy.show.nodeid = 节点 ID + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Controller +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +controller = 控制器 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Inspector +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +inspector = 检查器 +inspector.show.all = 显示全部 +inspector.show.edited = 显示已编辑 +inspector.view.sections = 查看部分 +inspector.by.property.name = 按属性名称查看 +inspector.by.property.type = 按属性类型查看 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Preferences Window +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +prefs.title = 偏好选项 +prefs.alignment.guides = 对齐参考线颜色 : +prefs.doc.width = 默认根容器宽度 : +prefs.doc.height = 默认根容器高度 : +prefs.drop.ring = 水滴和父环颜色 : +prefs.tooltheme = Scene Builder 主题 : +prefs.library.displayoption = 库中显示的默认视图 : +prefs.hierarchy.displayoption = 层次结构中显示的默认信息 : +prefs.revert = 恢复为内置默认值 +prefs.background = 背景图片 : +prefs.cssanalyzer.columns.order = CSS 分析器列顺序 : +prefs.cssanalyzer.columns.defaults.first = "默认值" 列 第一 +prefs.cssanalyzer.columns.defaults.last = "默认值" 列 最后 +prefs.recent.items = 最近项目 : +prefs.animate.accordion = Animate Accordion : +prefs.wildcard.import = 使用通配符导入 : +prefs.tic.paste.alternate.behavior = 文本输入的替代粘贴行为 : +prefs.tic.paste.alternate.behavior.tooltip = 仅限 MacOS: 启用粘贴到文本输入控件中的变通办法。\n在粘贴文本无法按预期工作时禁用。 +prefs.reset.default = 重置为内置默认值 +prefs.document.theme = 默认主题 : +prefs.document.gluonswatch = 默认 Gluon Swatch : +prefs.document.gluontheme = 默认 Gluon Theme : + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Template Dialog +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +template.label.name = 名称: +template.label.location = 位置: +template.button.choose = 选择... +template.details.title = 将创建以下文件: +template.title.new.project = 新建 {0} 项目 +template.location.does.not.exist = 位置 {0} 不存在 +template.name.already.exists = 目录 "{0}" 已存在 +template.cannot.create = "{0}" 无法创建 +template.cannot.save.file = 无法保存文件: {0} + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Library Menu within Library panel +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +library = 库 +library.exploring = 探索图书馆.. +library.panel.menu.manage.jar.fxml = JAR/FXML 管理器 +library.panel.menu.import.selection = 导入选择 +# Messages below are temporarily unused +#library.panel.menu.category.view = View Library Category +#library.panel.menu.category.create = Create Library Category +#library.panel.menu.category.remove = Remove Library Category +#library.panel.menu.item.move = Move Custom Item to +#library.panel.menu.item.rename = Rename Custom Item +#library.panel.menu.item.remove = Remove Custom Item +library.panel.menu.view.list = 以列表形式查看 +library.panel.menu.view.sections = 以部分形式查看 +library.panel.menu.custom = 自定义库文件夹 +library.panel.menu.custom.report = 显示 JAR 分析报告 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# About Window +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +about.title = 关于 JavaFX Scene Builder +about.build.information = 构建信息 +about.build.date = 日期: {0} +about.build.java.version = Java 版本: {0} +about.build.javafx.version = JavaFX 版本: {0} +about.copyright = Copyright \u00a9 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.\n\nThis software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.\n\nThe information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.\n\nIf this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:\n\nU.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are \"commercial computer software\" or \"commercial technical data\" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.\n\nThis software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications.\n\nOracle is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.\n\nThis software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services. +about.copyright.open = Copyright (c) 2016-{0}, Gluon.\nAll rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.\n\nThis file is available and licensed under the following license:\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n - Neither the name of Gluon nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# Hardware acceleration is a boolean: its value depends on the FX toolkit and pipeline in use. +about.fx.hardware.acceleration = 硬件加速 +about.fx.hardware.acceleration.enabled = ENABLED +about.fx.hardware.acceleration.disabled = DISABLED +about.fx.pipeline = Pipeline +about.fx.toolkit = 工具箱 +about.logging.title = 日志 +about.logging.body.first = 默认配置将日志记录输出存储在名为 {0} 的文件中(可能后跟尾部 ''.'' 和数字)。 +about.logging.body.second = 默认文件路径为 {0} +about.operating.system = 操作系统 +about.product.version = 产品版本 + +about.app.data.directory = 应用程序数据文件夹: +about.app.user.library = 用户资源库文件夹: +about.app.program.directory = 应用程序文件夹: + +about.java.library.paths = Java 库路径(s): +about.java.library.paths.invalids = 缺少或无效的 Java 库路径(s): + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Themes +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Document themes +title.theme.gluon_mobile_dark = Gluon Mobile Dark +title.theme.gluon_mobile_light = Gluon Mobile Light +title.theme.modena = Modena (FX8) +title.theme.modena_touch = Modena Touch (FX8) +title.theme.modena_high_contrast_black_on_white = Modena High Contrast - Black on White (FX8) +title.theme.modena_high_contrast_white_on_black = Modena High Contrast - White on Black (FX8) +title.theme.modena_high_contrast_yellow_on_black = Modena High Contrast - Yellow on Black (FX8) +title.theme.modena_touch_high_contrast_black_on_white = Modena Touch High Contrast - Black on White (FX8) +title.theme.modena_touch_high_contrast_white_on_black = Modena Touch High Contrast - White on Black (FX8) +title.theme.modena_touch_high_contrast_yellow_on_black = Modena Touch High Contrast - Yellow on Black (FX8) +title.theme.caspian = Caspian (FX2) +title.theme.caspian_embedded = Caspian Embedded (FX2) +title.theme.caspian_embedded_qvga = Caspian Embedded QVGA (FX2) +title.theme.caspian_high_contrast = Caspian High Contrast (FX2) +title.theme.caspian_embedded_high_contrast = Caspian Embedded High Contrast (FX2) +title.theme.caspian_embedded_qvga_high_contrast = Caspian Embedded QVGA High Contrast (FX2) +# Gluon Swatches +title.gluon.swatch.blue = Blue Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.cyan = Cyan Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.deep_orange = Deep Orange Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.deep_purple = Deep Purple Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.green = Green Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.indigo = Indigo Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.light_blue = Light Blue Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.pink = Pink Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.purple = Purple Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.red = Red Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.teal = Teal Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.light_green = Light Green Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.lime = Lime Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.yellow = Yellow Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.amber = Amber Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.orange = Orange Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.brown = Brown Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.grey = Grey Swatch +title.gluon.swatch.blue_grey = Blue Grey Swatch +# Gluon Themes +title.gluon.theme.light = 浅色主题 +title.gluon.theme.dark = 暗色主题 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Registration Window +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +registration.title = 在 Gluon 注册 +registration.info = 欢迎使用 JavaFX 场景生成器,这是快速构建 JavaFX 用户界面的最佳方式。我们很乐意与您保持联系,让您了解更新、新功能、技术提示等。如果您不想收到我们的来信,只需取消选中下面的复选框即可。 +registration.alert.invalid_email_address = 需要有效的电子邮件地址。 +registration.email_address = 电子邮件地址: +registration.opt_in = 保持最新状态 +registration.register = 注册 +registration.cancel = 取消 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Message bar +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +message.bar.file.dirty = 文件有未保存的更改 +message.bar.details = 单击以访问警告消息列表 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Message panel +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +message.panel.clear = 清楚 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Menu Bar +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +menubar.no.lib.item = 无库项目 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Alert +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +alert.title.open = 打开 +alert.title.copy = 复制 +alert.title.start = 启动 +alert.title.messagebox = 外部打开 + +alert.open.failure1.message = 无法打开 ''{0}'' +alert.open.failure1.details = 打开操作失败。确保所选文件是有效的 FXML 文档。 +alert.open.failureN.message = 无法打开指定的文件 +alert.open.failureN.details = 打开操作失败。请确保这些文件是有效的 FXML 文档。 +alert.open.failureMofN.message = 无法打开 {0} 文件 +alert.open.failureMofN.details = 某些文件的打开操作失败。请确保这些文件是有效的 FXML 文档。 +alert.review.question.message = {0} 文档包含未保存的更改。您想在退出之前查看它们吗? +alert.review.question.details = 如果您不查看更改,则更改将丢失。 +alert.overwrite.message = 文件 ''{0}'' 已在外部修改。你想覆盖它吗? +alert.overwrite.details = 另一个应用程序修改了该文件。覆盖它将放弃此应用程序所做的更改。 +alert.save.question.title = Scene Builder +alert.save.question.message = 是否要保存在文件 ''{0}'' 中所做的更改? +alert.save.question.details = 如果您不保存更改,它们将丢失。 +alert.save.failure.message = 无法保存 ''{0}'' +alert.save.failure.details = 写入操作失败。检查文件系统和权限。 +alert.save.conflict.message = 文件 ''{0}'' 已打开 +alert.save.conflict.details = 先关闭它,然后重试。 +alert.start.failure.message = 无法启动 +alert.start.failure.details = 应用程序启动期间发生意外故障。请将此问题报告给支持人员。 +alert.messagebox.failure.message = 无法处理打开的请求 +alert.messagebox.failure.details = 打开操作期间发生意外故障。请向支持部门报告此故障。 +alert.revert.question.message = 是否要恢复到上次保存的 ''{0}'' 版本? +alert.revert.question.details = 您当前的更改将丢失。 +alert.reveal.failure.message = 无法显示 ''{0}'' +alert.reveal.failure.details = 显示操作失败。检查操作系统的日志。 +alert.copy.failure.message = 无法复制 ''{0}'' +alert.help.failure.message = 无法访问 ''{0}'' +alert.delete.fxid1of1.message = 此组件具有 fx:id,你真的要删除它吗? +alert.delete.fxid1ofN.message = 其中一个组件具有 fx:id,你真的要删除它们吗? +alert.delete.fxidNofN.message = 这些组件具有 fx:id,你真的要删除它们吗? +alert.delete.fxidKofN.message = 某些组件具有 fx:id,你真的要删除它们吗? +alert.delete.fxid.details = 具有 fx:id 的组件可能会从应用程序源代码中引用。如果删除它们,则必须更新源代码。 +alert.save.noextension.message = 你真的想保存没有 ''.fxml'' 扩展名的 ''{0}'' 吗? +alert.save.noextension.details = 建议添加 '.fxml' 扩展名:它允许场景生成器识别文件系统上可用的 FXML 文档。 +alert.save.noextension.details.overwrite = 注意:文件 ''{0}'' 已存在。替换它将覆盖其内容。 +alert.save.noextension.savewith = 使用 '.fxml' 保存 +alert.save.noextension.savewithout = 保存时不带 '.fxml' +alert.open.failure.charset.not.found = 无法设置给定的字符集。 +alert.open.failure.charset.not.found.details = 这可能是由于文档中的编码。 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Log Messages +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +log.info.save.confirmation = 保存为 ''{0}'' 的更改 +log.info.reload = 从 ''{0}'' 读取更改 +log.info.file.deleted= 文件 ''{0}'' 已删除 +log.user.exploration.0 = 探索用户库 (未找到 FXML 或 JAR 文件) +log.user.exploration.1 = 探索用户库 (加载 ''{0}'') +log.user.fxml.exploration.n = 探索用户库 (加载 {0} FXML 文件) +log.user.jar.exploration.n = 探索用户库 (加载 {0} JAR 文件) +log.user.fxml.jar.exploration.1.1 = 探索用户库 (加载 ''{0}'' 和 ''{1}'') +log.user.fxml.jar.exploration.n.1 = 探索用户库 (加载 {0} FXML 文件和 ''{1}'' ) +log.user.fxml.jar.exploration.1.n = 探索用户库 (加载 ''{0}'' 和 {1} JAR 文件) +log.user.fxml.jar.exploration.n.n = 探索用户库 (加载 {0} FXML 文件和 {1} JAR 文件) + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Preview Window +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +resource.filechooser.filter.msg = 属性文件 +# Used as menu item label when no style sheet has been added +scenestylesheet.none = 无 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Other +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +file.filter.label.audio = 音频文档 +file.filter.label.fxml = FXML 文档 +file.filter.label.image = 图像文档 +file.filter.label.media = 媒体文件 +file.filter.label.video = 视频文档 +error.file.open.title = 文件打开失败 +# {0} is a file path +error.file.open.message = 无法打开 {0} 文件 +error.filesystem.details = 请检查您的文件系统。 +error.file.reveal.title = 文件定位失败 +error.file.reveal.message = 找不到 {0} 文件 +# +log.start = JavaFX Scene Builder 已启动 +log.stop = JavaFX Scene Builder 已停止 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# CSS Panel +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +csspanel = CSS 分析器 +csspanel.copy.path = 复制可设置样式的路径 +csspanel.rules = 规则 +csspanel.show.default.values = 显示具有默认值的属性 +csspanel.hide.default.values = 隐藏具有默认值的属性 +csspanel.defaults.split = 拆分默认值 +csspanel.defaults.join = 联接默认值 +csspanel.table = 表格 +csspanel.text = 文本 +csspanel.view.as = 查看为 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# JAR Analysis Report dialog +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# The parameter is a time stamp +jar.analysis.report.timestamp = {0} 分析完成 +jar.analysis.report.title = JAR 分析报告 +jar.analysis.exception = 例外: +jar.analysis.not.node = 不是节点: + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Welcome Dialog +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +welcome.title = Gluon Scene Builder +welcome.recent.items.header = 最近项目 +welcome.recent.items.loading = 加载最近的项目... +welcome.recent.items.no.recent.items = 没有最近的项目 +welcome.open.project.label = 打开项目 +welcome.loading.label = 正在加载组件... +# -- Template (this keys are replicated from SceneBuilderKit.properties) +template.new.project.label = 从模板新建项目 +template.title.header.desktop = 桌面 +template.title.header.phone = 移动 + + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Download latest version dialog +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +download.scene.builder.title = 下载 Scene Builder +download.scene.builder.header.label = 您的 Scene Builder 版本不是最新版本。 +download.scene.builder.current.version.label = 目前版本: +download.scene.builder.last.version.number.label = 最新版本: +download.scene.builder.remind.later.label = 稍后提醒 +download.scene.builder.ignore.label = 忽略 +download.scene.builder.download.label = 下载 +download.scene.builder.learn.mode.label = 了解更多信息 + +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Check for updates +# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +check_for_updates.alert.error.message = 无法通过服务器检查最新版本。 +check_for_updates.alert.error.title = Scene Builder +check_for_updates.alert.up_to_date.message = 您已经安装了最新版本的 Scene Builder。 +check_for_updates.alert.up_to_date.title = Scene Builder +check_for_updates.alert.headertext = 更新检查 diff --git a/kit/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/kit/i18n/SceneBuilderKit_zh_CN.properties b/kit/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/kit/i18n/SceneBuilderKit_zh_CN.properties index c4df18a52..65e3ae0e2 100644 --- a/kit/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/kit/i18n/SceneBuilderKit_zh_CN.properties +++ b/kit/src/main/resources/com/oracle/javafx/scenebuilder/kit/i18n/SceneBuilderKit_zh_CN.properties @@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ log.info.explore.jar.results = 探索 JAR {0} 的结果 log.info.explore.folder.results = 探索文件夹 {0} 的结果 log.info.explore.no.results = 未找到自定义控件 log.warning.inline.edit.internationalized.strings = 无法内联编辑国际化字符串 -log.warning.color.creation.error.hexadecimal = 无法为十六进制值 “{0}” 创建颜色 -log.warning.image.location.does.not.exist = 图像 “{0}” 不存在 -log.warning.invalid.fxid = Id “{0}” 不是有效的 Java 标识符 -log.warning.no.injectable.fxid = 在 FXML 控制器类中找不到 id “{0}” 的可注入字段 -log.warning.duplicate.fxid = Id 为 “{0}” 的元素已注入 FXML 控制器 -log.warning.layout.failed = 布局失败 (“{0}”) +log.warning.color.creation.error.hexadecimal = 无法为十六进制值 ''{0}'' 创建颜色 +log.warning.image.location.does.not.exist = 图像 ''{0}'' 不存在 +log.warning.invalid.fxid = Id ''{0}'' 不是有效的 Java 标识符 +log.warning.no.injectable.fxid = 在 FXML 控制器类中找不到 id ''{0}'' 的可注入字段 +log.warning.duplicate.fxid = Id 为 ''{0}'' 的元素已注入 FXML 控制器 +log.warning.layout.failed = 布局失败 (''{0}'') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Library Panel @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ hierarchy.column.header.classname = 类名 hierarchy.column.header.info = 信息 hierarchy.displayoption.info = 信息 hierarchy.displayoption.fxid = fx:id -hierarchy.displayoption.nodeid = 节点 Id +hierarchy.displayoption.nodeid = 节点 ID hierarchy.unresolved.class = 未解析的类 hierarchy.unresolved.location = 未解析的位置 hierarchy.unresolved.resource = 未解析的资源 @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ inspector.rectangle2D.not.defined = 未定义 inspector.select.css.filter = 样式表文件 inspector.select.css.title = 添加样式表 inspector.select.image = 图像文件 -inspector.style.parsingerror = CSS 解析内联样式时出错:“{0}” -inspector.style.valuetypeerror = CSS 值类型错误:“{0}” +inspector.style.parsingerror = CSS 解析内联样式时出错:''{0}'' +inspector.style.valuetypeerror = CSS 值类型错误:''{0}'' inspector.stylesheet.alreadyexist = 已添加样式表 {0} inspector.stylesheet.cannotopen = 无法打开 {0} inspector.stylesheet.cannotreveal = 无法显示 {0} @@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ import.error.title = 导入失败 import.error.message = 无法完成导入 import.error.details = 请检查您尝试导入的内容,然后重试。 # File -> Import -> FXML / Media -import.from.file = 从 “{0}” 导入 -import.from.file.failed = 无法导入 “{0}” -import.from.file.failed.target = 无法在 “{1}” 下导入 “{0}” +import.from.file = 从 ''{0}'' 导入 +import.from.file.failed = 无法导入 ''{0}'' +import.from.file.failed.target = 无法在 ''{1}'' 下导入 ''{0}'' # File -> Include -> FXML -include.file = 包括 “{0}” -include.file.failed = 未能包括 “{0}” -include.file.failed.target = 未能在 “{1}” 下包括 “{0}” +include.file = 包括 ''{0}'' +include.file.failed = 未能包括 ''{0}'' +include.file.failed.target = 未能在 ''{1}'' 下包括 ''{0}'' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Library Dialog @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ menu.title.duplicate = 重复 menu.title.delete = 删除 menu.title.select.parent = 选择父项 # Modify menu items -menu.title.fit = Fit to Parent +menu.title.fit = 适合父母 menu.title.use.computed.sizes = 使用计算大小 menu.title.grid = GridPane menu.title.edit.included.default = 编辑包含的文件 @@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ menu.title.grid.decrease.row.span = 减小行跨度 menu.title.grid.increase.column.span = 增加列跨度 menu.title.grid.decrease.column.span = 减小列跨度 # Arrange menu items -menu.title.front = Bring to Front -menu.title.back = Send to Back -menu.title.forward = Bring Forward -menu.title.backward = Send Backward -menu.title.wrap = Wrap in -menu.title.unwrap = Unwrap +menu.title.front = 带到前面 +menu.title.back = 发送回 +menu.title.forward = 向前推进 +menu.title.backward = 向后发送 +menu.title.wrap = 包裹 +menu.title.unwrap = 解开 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preview Window @@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ log.user.repository.updated = {0} 已更新 csspanel.col.api.defaults = API 默认值 csspanel.col.defaults = 默认值 csspanel.col.inline = 内联样式 -csspanel.col.inspector = Inspector -csspanel.col.properties = Properties +csspanel.col.inspector = 检查器 +csspanel.col.properties = 属性 csspanel.col.stylesheets = 样式表 csspanel.col.theme.defaults = FX 主题默认值 csspanel.hide.default.values = 隐藏具有默认值的属性 @@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ csspanel.fxtheme.origin = FX 主题样式表 csspanel.copy = 复制 csspanel.inherited = 继承 csspanel.no.matching.rule = 无匹配规则 -csspanel.node.property = property -csspanel.reveal.inspector = 在 Inspector 中显示... +csspanel.node.property = 属性 +csspanel.reveal.inspector = 在检查器中显示... csspanel.reveal.finder = 在 Finder 中显示 {0} csspanel.reveal.explorer = 在资源管理器中显示 {0} csspanel.open.stylesheet = 打开 {0} @@ -483,8 +483,8 @@ job.increase.row.span = 增加行跨度 job.set.size = 使用预定义大小 {0} x {1} job.set.toggle.group = 设置切换组 job.toggle.fx.root = 切换 fx:root -job.set.fxid = 设置 fx:id 到 “{0}” -job.remove.fxid = 移除 fx:id “{0}” +job.set.fxid = 设置 fx:id 到 ''{0}'' +job.remove.fxid = 移除 fx:id ''{0}'' ################ Alert when Gluon Mobile theme is not set alert.theme.gluon.mobile.title = Scene Builder @@ -500,15 +500,15 @@ alert.importing.gluon.contenttext = 不会导入这些控件,因为此版本 alert.importing.gluon.ok.button = 确定 ################ Scene Builder theme -prefs.tool.theme.default = Default Theme -prefs.tool.theme.dark = Dark Theme +prefs.tool.theme.default = 默认主题 +prefs.tool.theme.dark = 暗色主题 ################ Skeleton window -skeleton.add.comments = Comments +skeleton.add.comments = 注释 skeleton.empty = 不能从空文档构造任何骨架 skeleton.format.full = 完全 # Parameter is a fxml file name -skeleton.window.title = 示例 “{0}” 控制器类的骨架 +skeleton.window.title = 示例 ''{0}'' 控制器类的骨架 ################ Alert for saving Skeletons to file alert.skeleton.title = 控制器骨架 @@ -578,5 +578,5 @@ title.gluon.swatch.brown = Brown Swatch title.gluon.swatch.grey = Grey Swatch title.gluon.swatch.blue_grey = Blue Grey Swatch # Gluon Themes -title.gluon.theme.light = Light Theme -title.gluon.theme.dark = Dark Theme +title.gluon.theme.light = 浅色主题 +title.gluon.theme.dark = 暗色主题