vim do not count :: as part of a single word, maybe count -?
systemd-cat sway *
sway env & launcher script also for kitty
vscode settings.json
multiple swaylock instances running
lock keepass before screen lock
check lockman script - does it make sense?
kitty handle clipboard/selection ok
what suitable sysrq setting to use?
Why eDP-1 now instead of '<eDP-1>'
Periodically review for any nice config updates
.profile MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND in /etc/environment. Does this get removed/reset sometimes? - if so, can put it in .profile but check if wayland is present -
global gitignore template? - in ~/.config/git/ignore
interactive/reminder for machine specific config settings you probably want to set (e.g. git
Document manjaro i3 workaround - to modify xflock4 to not use blurlock - might need to replace it after manjaro updates
Add config and notes for time tracker - Hamster (not very regularly maintained?)
- reasonable, crashes kinda often but no problem, gtk in alpha
- Other options might be: - (more involved server setup, maybe better in the longer run) - Ktimetracker - KDE-based
Document python-lsp-server install (pyls now unmaintained python-lsp/python-lsp-server#27)
$ pipx install python-lsp-server[rope,pyflakes] $ pipx inject python-lsp-server pylsp-black pyls-isort pylsp-mypy pylsp-rope
File markdown highlighting bug:
`rounds[_id].details.minAnswers - rounds[_id].details.answers.length`
The underscore in
starts an italics section, even though it is in an inline "code section" disable live mode
use solc-select -
extra brightness i3 keystroke xrandr --output eDP1 --brightness 2
Check out, vim-pencil, supertab plugins?
specific dictionary for technical things? - only bother if it starts getting annoying - add to dotfiles?
easier movement between vim tabs? or easier movement between buffers?
Change to gopls langserver when v1.0 is released
Set Xresources font to pragmata if present - include a dotfiles xresources?
i3 font via xresources
Try alacritty terminal once alacritty/alacritty#2677 ligatures are supported
A that installs pipx and Homely
update vim plugins?
leave stub or included vim/bash sourced files, for system unique configurations?
ssh, gpg configs as much as is safe
- example configs
install common software - taskwarrior, texlive, but only if prompted
pipx installs: black, mypy, awscli? - probably want to prompt before larger software installs
does homely create lines in the file if the file doesn't exist
modify homely to allow custom revert for system calling
organize included dotfiles more neatly
install pipx if doesn't already exist
install dependencies in a virtualenv (only later if we want jinja etc)
homely can potentially use virtualenvs in the same way that pipsi does (to get the system python) sys.real_prefix
au apt location if not already configured
do i want homely be run as sudo or not?
poetry via pipsi?
pipsi updating pip, setuptools inside the venv
build latest vim from source or add jonathonf apt repo
split up into separate sections, functions/directories
rst vim plugins
troubleshoot why pyenv init takes so long in .bashrc
if using pyenv installer, can upgrade using
pyenv update
pyenv autocomplete?
move node version manager config to xdg_config_home
add ./stack/config.yaml base, and ~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml pycodestyle config in dotfiles
haskell ide_engine update without having to git pull
pip3 install neovim to base package
Documentation about what should be installed with pipx and how (e.g. pyls with relevant plugins injected)
- vim-plug to prefer pythonx over python or python3 (only occurs on vim < 8 without jobs, and not on autoload - on update etc, so not important)