A simple PHP library for working with date and time.
You can install the library using Composer. Run the following command:
composer require gokhankurtulus/chronos
Chronos uses DateTimeImmutable when working with instances.
You can set default timezone, format and current language for multi-language printing.
use Chronos\Chronos;
use Chronos\TimeUnitTranslator;
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
$allowedLanguages = ["en", "tr"];
$currentLanguage = "tr";
$defaultLanguage = "en";
//If you want to trigger 'date_default_timezone_set' function, set second parameter as true on the 'setDefaultTimeZone' method.
Chronos::setDefaultTimeZone($timezone, true);
// Set current language by default to pretty print.
TimeUnitTranslator::initialize($currentLanguage, $defaultLanguage, $allowedLanguages);
use Chronos\Chronos;
$timestamp = 946677600;
$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
Chronos::setDefaultTimeZone($timezone, true);
* Format parameter is optional. If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultFormat()
* Timezone parameter is optional.
* Indicates that date was created from this timezone.
* If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultTimeZone()
* Then tries to get from 'date_default_timezone_get()'
$createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);
* Timezone parameter is optional.
* Indicates that created date from timestamp will be converted to this timezone.
* If you don't give, tries to get from Chronos::getDefaultTimeZone()
* Then tries to get from 'date_default_timezone_get()'
$createFromTimestamp = Chronos::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $timezone);
/** Usage Examples */
$yesterday = Chronos::yesterday();
$now = Chronos::now();
$tomorrow = Chronos::tomorrow();
if (Chronos::isFormattable($time, $format) && Chronos::isValidTimeZone($timezone)) {
$createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);
if (Chronos::isTimestamp($timestamp) && Chronos::isValidTimeZone($timezone)) {
$createFromTimestamp = Chronos::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $timezone);
// output:
//object(Chronos\Chronos)#4 (1) {
// ["dateTimeImmutable":protected]=>
// object(DateTimeImmutable)#2 (3) {
// ["date"]=>
// string(26) "2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
// ["timezone_type"]=>
// int(3)
// ["timezone"]=>
// string(15) "Europe/Istanbul"
// }
$time = "2023-12-12 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
$createFromFormat = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone);
$manipulatedDate = $createFromFormat
// change timezone to actual date by timezone
$timezoneChanged = $manipulatedDate->toTimeZone('Europe/Berlin');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Output:
// string(19) "2025-01-12 23:01:01"
// string(19) "2025-01-13 01:01:01"
// string(19) "2023-12-12 00:00:00"
$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone1 = "Europe/Istanbul";
$timezone2 = "Europe/Berlin";
$first = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone1);
$second = Chronos::createFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone2);
var_dump($first->age()); // executed in: 2023, output: 23.
/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isPast($second)); // output: true
/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isFuture($second)); // output: false
/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->isSameDay($second)); // output: true
var_dump($first->isWeekday()); // output: false
var_dump($first->isWeekend()); // output: true
/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->dayDiff($second)); // output: int(0)
/** $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface */
var_dump($first->diff($second)); // output is similar to diffFromFormat method
var_dump($first->diffFromFormat($time, $format, $timezone2));
// same output for diff and diffFromFormat methods:
//object(DateInterval)#7 (10) {
// ["y"]=>
// int(0)
// ["m"]=>
// int(0)
// ["d"]=>
// int(0)
// ["h"]=>
// int(1)
// ["i"]=>
// int(0)
// ["s"]=>
// int(0)
// ["f"]=>
// float(0)
// ["invert"]=>
// int(0)
// ["days"]=>
// int(0)
// ["from_string"]=>
// bool(false)
Visit gokhankurtulus/multilanguage repository for more about the library.
// If you want to initialize TimeUnitTranslator,
// then you can give null to $lang parameter when you want to use translations
// default language is 'en'.
// If you don't set current language and give null it will try to get default language
/** @see https://github.com/gokhankurtulus/multilanguage for more usage examples */
use Chronos\TimeUnitTranslator;
// check src/Lang for supported languages
$allowedLanguages = ["en"]; // then you can set allowed languages whatever you want.
$currentLanguage = "en";
$defaultLanguage = "en";
if (!TimeUnitTranslator::isAllowedLanguage($currentLanguage)) {
die("Language: '$currentLanguage' is not allowed.");
if (!TimeUnitTranslator::isAllowedLanguage($defaultLanguage)) {
die("Language: '$defaultLanguage' is not allowed.");
TimeUnitTranslator::initialize($currentLanguage, $defaultLanguage, $allowedLanguages);
$time1 = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$time2 = "2006-06-05 03:02:01";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
$first = Chronos::createFromFormat($time1, $format, $timezone);
$second = Chronos::createFromFormat($time2, $format, $timezone);
* you can give a $language if its supported,
* if you want to use current language set null
* $depth can be 0-6 represents how many units do you want
* priority order: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
* $depth = 0 means first unit but also includes (now, today, yesterday, tomorrow)
* $targetDateTime can be Chronos|DateTimeInterface
* if you don't give it will be Chronos::now()
* */
var_dump($first->prettyDiff(null, 6, $second));
// output: string(54) "6 years 5 months 4 days 3 hours 2 minutes 1 second ago"
var_dump($first->prettyDiff(null, 2, $second));
// output: string(20) "6 years 5 months ago"
$time1 = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$time2 = "2000-01-01 00:01:59";
// If times are given like this then,
$first = Chronos::createFromFormat($time1, $format, $timezone);
$second = Chronos::createFromFormat($time2, $format, $timezone);
var_dump($first->prettyDiff("en", 0, $second));
// output: string(3) "now"
// executed in: 2023, output: string(12) "23 years ago"
var_dump($first->prettyDiff("tr", 0, $second));
// will throw LanguageException because given language is not set as allowed language
var_dump($first->date($format)); // if you don't pass $format default format is 'Y-m-d'
// output: string(19) "2000-01-01 00:00:00"
var_dump($first->time(false)); // $includeSeconds to false if you don't want seconds
// output: string(5) "00:00"
var_dump($first->prettyDatePrint(null, false)); // $includeYears to false if you don't want years
// output: string(10) "01 January"
// parameters are $lang, $includeYears, $includeSeconds
// output: string(24) "01 January 2000 00:00:00"
// output: string(8) "Saturday"
// output: string(7) "January"
// output: string(6) "Monday"
// output: string(7) "January"
var_dump($first->second()); // output: string(2) "00"
var_dump($first->minute()); // output: string(2) "00"
var_dump($first->hour()); // output: string(4) "00"
var_dump($first->day()); // output: string(2) "01"
var_dump($first->month()); // output: string(2) "01"
var_dump($first->year()); // output: string(4) "2000"
use Chronos\Chronos;
$time = "2000-01-01 00:00:00";
$format = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
$timezone = "Europe/Istanbul";
Chronos::isFormattable($time, $format);
$now = Chronos::now($timezone);
$now->getTime(); // returns DateTimeImmutable object
Chronos is open-source software released under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and use it in your projects.
Contributions to Chronos are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.