If you have contributed a patch or made some other contribution to the project, please submit a patch to this file to add yourself.
- Steven Perron stevenperron@google.com
- Design and initial implementation of the compile- and run-time layers.
- Jakub Kuderski kubak@google.com
- Concurrency, precision, Vulkan Loader interaction, and logging fixes.
- CMake build system support, unit tests, CI, open-source release.
- Frame time layer log analysis. Event log analysis and timeline view plots.
- Benchmark start detection.
- Logging.
- Automatic intercepted layer function registration.
- Input buffers.
- Pipeline cache sideload layer.
- Brian Watling bwatling@google.com
- Frame time layer.
- Niels Möller nisse@google.com
- Memory usage layer.
- Milad Hakimi miladhakimi@google.com
- Runtime tests with
. - Chrome Event Tracing format support.
- Runtime tests with