A form with undo-able actions. By unifying the entire application's observable state in a Global Store, you can revert the entire application's state using methods on the Global Store ###Examples
// in GlobalStore.js
class GlobalStore {
@observable substores = {};
constructor() {
// After this global store class is instatiated via the constructor function, map the substores to this object
this.substores = mapStores(subStores);
var {UiStore, UndoStore} = this.substores; // you can even deconstruct the state immidiately after instantiation,
reaction(() => this.snapshot, this.pushSnapshotAndSave); // and bind reactions to the global actions below
reaction(() => UndoStore.snapshots.length > 1, (bool) => UiStore.displayUndo = bool); // or bind reactions to and from the substores
when(() => UiStore.loggedIn, this.displayUser); // this, referring to the GlobalStore and the methods bound to it
... // all other actions
resetState() {
let {UndoStore, UiStore, ColorStore} = this.substores;
let lastSnapshot = UndoStore.snapshots.length > 1 && UndoStore.snapshots[1];
if (lastSnapshot) {
UiStore.autoSaveDrafts = false;
// here is where the entire application state is reset based on the last snapshot, see Snapshot.js
this.substores = resetSnapshot(lastSnapshot, this.substores);
UiStore.autoSaveDrafts = true;