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Instead of using the more common consensus algorithms or a single one, GRAMA uses a hybrid approach that increases initialization time, lowers hardware requirements, and saves on the required space needed to run a node. Even full archiving nodes such as delegates still only require minimal time to download.

Proof of work requires miners to calculate hashes in order to obtain a hash that meets a threshold to be considered valid. This threshold is changed in order to control the output of blocks and thus coins into the supply. The ecosystem of GRAMA does not require a controlled emission as all tokens are generated initially allowing for speed to become the primary focus next to security. Blocks can be generated as fast as they can be validated without the worry about inflating the price. There is no need for special expensive hardware as validation is doubled by ownership verification and bonds staked by elected delegates. Obvious inspiration comes from Bitcoin.

Proof of stake, most commonly, requires wallets or nodes to be connected to the network at all times increasing the demand for electricity lowering ROI. Many staking protocols are prone to manipulation by taking advantage of time and holdings. GRAMA only requires that delegates be online and active freeing users from running servers or worrying about losing their internet connection. Manipulation is avoided by the use of bonds that delegates post for each block they create that becomes forfeit if the block is voted invalid by other delegates, this removes the need for complex calculations and relying upon the accuracy of previously validated data. Calculations in GRAMA are simple and very specific to avoid tolerance levels being used to gain an advantage. Inspiration was mainly taken from Peercoin, PIVX, and more recently Tezos.

GRAMA does have an investment layer similar to masternodes in many aspects except unlike masternodes, delegates actually serve a real purpose beyond being money grabs or a form of ICO. Delegates must be vetted by the GRAMA Foundation and meet performance requirements in order to keep their active status and be elected to win rewards. Delegate performance is constantly monitored by the foundation to ensure proper operation of the network.

Instead of a specific governance protocol, a democratic approach is preferred where accounts vote for a delegate that will have a positive impact on the platform. Delegate elections are based on the popular vote of accounts at a specific time in each term. Voting can be done at any time allowing for the quick movement away from unfavorable or underperforming delegates. Experience has shown that current proposal based systems lack participation and the risk required to entice good behavior.

Most blockchain systems like Monero and Bitcoin aim at trying to keep some form of or absolute anonymity for its users while GRAMA takes a hybrid approach of public exposure and privacy. Corporations or types of partners to the platform must have their information public, just like any other store or service provider, while regular users can enjoy the privacy of staying anonymous without losing the ability to receive safety-related notifications about their purchased products. This does not prevent partners of the platform from utilizing a private chain and keeping their data completely anonymous.

Most common blockchain structures resemble that of a linked list or other linearly structured data systems. GRAMA uses a block lattice-type structure that allows for accounts to be their own sidechains that are secured with proof of ownership. As mentioned, this limits the potential impact of a compromised account to only that account but also optimizes storage space to maintain, at minimum, the head of the account or last transaction; taking space from possible terabytes of data to megabytes. If one is familiar with the technology, it is possible to run GRAMA v2 on an ESP32 microcontroller. The lattice-type structure is compromised of send transactions initiated from an account with those sends being validated by delegates in blocks. Inspiration was taken from Nano in regards to the block-lattice structure and focus on speed.

For clarification, there are two concepts of a “blockchain” in GRAMA, the central validation blockchain using a delegated proof of stake and the individual account sidechains that are backed by proof of ownership. Delegates provide another layer of validation by verifying the accuracy of transactions created by accounts and voting upon the grouping by other delegates. Accounts prove ownership of the chain and the new data associated with it using cryptographic signatures. Slight inspiration from Hyperledger and other permission-ed blockchains.

The decision to avoid the UTXO model in favor of sequencing was chosen for GRAMA in order to keep the node requirements lean while still providing the ability to perform batch transactions. Only the account can increase its sequence on its sidechain. This design decision was inspired by Stellar.