Our team is multi-national with contributors on 6 continents!
- Josiah Seaman, Kew Gardens London
- Simon Heumos, QBiC
- Erik Garrison, University of California Santa Clara
- Thomas Townsley, University of Lipscomb
- Andrea Guarracino, University Of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
- Bonface Munyoki
- Dmytro Trybushni, Karlsruhe Institute Of Technology, Germany
- Mark Seaman, University of Northern Colorado
- Njagi Mwaniki, IDEAL fellow at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, Pwani University
- Jörg Hagmann, Computomics GmbH
- Stacie Seaman
- Toshiyuki Yokoyama, University of Tokyo
- Torsten Pook, University Göttingen
- Christian Kubica, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen
- Jerven Bolleman, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva
- Artem Tarasov
- Hannah Sewell, InPart Inc.
- Eloi Durant
- Kaytie Innamorati
- Michael Crusoe
- Peter Amstutz
- Robert Fornof
- Travis Clark
- Jack Tierney
- Jacob Windsor