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Creating a RuleFit Model

A RuleFit model uses a tree ensemble to generate its rules. As such, a tree ensemble model must be provided to the rulefit function. This funciton returns a RuleFit object which can be used to mine rules and train rule ensembles.

mod <-[-1], titanic$Survived, distribution="bernoulli",
  interaction.depth=3, shrinkage=0.1, verbose = FALSE)

rf <- rulefit(mod, n.trees=100)


## RuleFit object with 1000 rules
## Rules generated from gbm model show below
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## A gradient boosted model with bernoulli loss function.
## 100 iterations were performed.
## There were 7 predictors of which 7 had non-zero influence.

the rulefit function wraps a gbm model in a class that manages rule construction and model fitting. The rules are generated immediately but the model is not fit until the train function is called.


## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [1] "Sex IN [\"male\"]"
## [[3]]
## [1] "Age < 6.50000 AND Sex IN [\"male\"]"
## [[4]]
## [1] "Age >= 6.50000 AND Sex IN [\"male\"]"
## [[5]]
## [1] "Age IS NULL AND Sex IN [\"male\"]"
## [[6]]
## [1] "Sex IN [\"female\"]"

For ease of programming every internal node is generated -- even the root node. That is why the first rule listed above is empty. Root nodes are not splits. This was a design decision and does not affect how the package is used in practice.


Training a RuleFit model is as easy as calling the train method. The train method uses the cv.glmnet function from the glmnet package and accepts all of the same arguments.

Common Arguments
Argument Purpose
x Dataset of predictors that should match what was used for training the ensemble.
y Target variable to train against.
family What is the distribution of the target? Binomial for 0/1 variables.
alpha Penatly mixing parameter. LASSO regression uses the default of 0.
nfolds How many k-folds to train the model with. Defaults to 5.
dfmax How many variables should the final model have?
parallel TRUE/FALSE to build kfold models in parallel. Requires a backend.
fit <- train(rf, titanic[-1], y = titanic$Survived, family="binomial")


Training the model on repeated, random samples with replacement can generate better parameter estimates. This is known as bagging.


## Loading required package: iterators

## Loading required package: snow

## Attaching package: 'snow'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, clusterSplit, makeCluster,
##     parApply, parCapply, parLapply, parRapply, parSapply,
##     splitIndices, stopCluster

cl <- makeCluster(3)

fit <- train(rf, titanic[-1], y = titanic$Survived, bag = 20, parallel = TRUE, 



Once a RuleFit model is trained. Predictions can be produced by calling the predict method. As with the train function, predict also takes arguments accepted by The most important of which is the lambda parameter, s. The default is to use s="lambda.min" which minimizes the out-of-fold error.

Both a score as well as a sparse matrix of rules can be predicted.

p_rf <- predict(fit, newx = titanic[-1], s="lambda.1se")


##              1
## [1,] -2.123572
## [2,]  2.527064
## [3,]  1.058210
## [4,]  3.266335
## [5,] -1.662469
## [6,] -1.842078

The out-of-fold predictions can also be extracted if the model was trained with keep=TRUE. Again, this is working with the cv.glmnet API. There is nothing magical going on here:

p_val <- fit$fit$fit.preval[,match(fit$fit$lambda.1se, fit$fit$lambda)]

Comparing RuleFit dev & val to GBM

p_gbm <- predict(mod, titanic[-1], n.trees = gbm.perf(mod, = F))

## Using OOB method...

roc_rf <- pROC::roc(titanic$Survived, -p_rf)
roc_val <- pROC::roc(titanic$Survived, -p_val)
roc_gbm <- pROC::roc(titanic$Survived, -p_gbm)

plot(roc_val, col="blue")
plot(roc_gbm, col="red")

Rule Summary

RuleFit also provides a summary method to inspect and measure the coverage of fitted rules.

fit_summary <- summary(fit, s="lambda.1se", dedup=TRUE)

##                                                           rule    support
## 1                    Pclass IN ["1","2"] AND Sex IN ["female"] 0.19079686
## 2                        SibSp < 2.50000 AND Sex IN ["female"] 0.32884400
## 3                      Pclass IN ["2","3"] AND Sex IN ["male"] 0.51066218
## 4                          Fare < 26.26875 AND Sex IN ["male"] 0.46576880
## 5 Fare >= 26.26875 AND Fare < 27.13540 AND Pclass IN ["1","2"] 0.02469136
## 6                         Fare >= 52.27710 AND Fare < 60.28750 0.03030303
##   coefficient node importance
## 1   2.1090142 1208  0.8286934
## 2   0.5712488   77  0.2683688
## 3  -0.4158792  452  0.2078923
## 4  -0.2736690   43  0.1365134
## 5   0.7941258  896  0.1232346
## 6   0.6012536  804  0.1030668

Variable Importance

Like other tree ensemble techniques, variable importance can be calculated. This is different than the rule importance. Variable importance corresponds to the input variables used to generate the rules.

imp <- importance(fit, titanic[-1], s="lambda.1se")