diff --git a/docs/pages/admin-guides.mdx b/docs/pages/admin-guides.mdx
index 4141a2e1bff9c..fc6592d7f0332 100644
--- a/docs/pages/admin-guides.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/admin-guides.mdx
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ Guides for enrolling servers, databases, and other infrastructure resources with
- [Protect Linux Servers with Teleport (section)](admin-guides/protect-resources/server-access.mdx): How to enroll Linux servers in your Teleport cluster to enable secure SSH access.
- [Teleport Agents (section)](admin-guides/protect-resources/agents.mdx): How to use Teleport Agents, which enable users to connect to resources in your infrastructure.
- [Teleport Auto-Discovery (section)](admin-guides/protect-resources/auto-discovery.mdx): Learn how to use the Teleport Discovery Service, which automatically enrolls resources by query APIs
+- [Teleport Desktop Access (section)](admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access.mdx): How to proctect Windows Desktops with Teleport
+- [Teleport Kubernetes Access (section)](admin-guides/protect-resources/kubernetes-access.mdx): Protect Kubernetes clusters with Teleport
## Self-Hosting Teleport
diff --git a/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources.mdx b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources.mdx
index 9e6c2af2b25c4..6c90e0c02594a 100644
--- a/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources.mdx
@@ -44,3 +44,26 @@ Learn how to use the Teleport Discovery Service, which automatically enrolls res
- [Automatically Enroll Kubernetes Clusters (section)](protect-resources/auto-discovery/kubernetes.mdx): Register Kubernetes clusters with your Teleport cluster by polling service discovery endpoints.
- [Enroll Kubernetes Services as Teleport Applications (section)](protect-resources/auto-discovery/kubernetes-applications.mdx): Teleport can automatically detect applications running in your Kubernetes clusters and register them with Teleport for secure access.
- [Server Auto-Discovery (section)](protect-resources/auto-discovery/servers.mdx): You can set up the Teleport Discovery Service to automatically enroll servers in your infrastructure.
+## Teleport Desktop Access
+How to proctect Windows Desktops with Teleport ([more info](protect-resources/desktop-access.mdx))
+- [Automatic User Creation](protect-resources/desktop-access/user-creation.mdx): Using Automatic User Creation with Teleport desktop access.
+- [Clipboard Sharing](protect-resources/desktop-access/clipboard.mdx): Using Clipboard Sharing with Teleport desktop access.
+- [Configure access for Active Directory manually](protect-resources/desktop-access/active-directory-manual.mdx): Explains how to manually connect Teleport to an Active Directory domain.
+- [Configure access for local Windows users](protect-resources/desktop-access/getting-started.mdx): Use Teleport to configure passwordless access for local Windows users.
+- [Directory Sharing](protect-resources/desktop-access/directory-sharing.mdx): Teleport desktop Directory Sharing lets you easily send files to a remote desktop.
+- [Manage Access to Windows Resources](protect-resources/desktop-access/introduction.mdx): Demonstrates how you can manage access to Windows desktops with Teleport.
+- [Session Recording and Playback](protect-resources/desktop-access/sessions.mdx): Recording and playing back Teleport desktop access sessions.
+- [Troubleshooting Desktop Access](protect-resources/desktop-access/troubleshooting.mdx): Common issues and resolutions for Teleport's desktop access
+## Teleport Kubernetes Access
+Protect Kubernetes clusters with Teleport ([more info](protect-resources/kubernetes-access.mdx))
+- [Access Kubernetes Clusters with Teleport](protect-resources/kubernetes-access/introduction.mdx): Learn how Teleport can protect your Kubernetes clusters with RBAC, audit logging, and more.
+- [Enroll a Kubernetes Cluster](protect-resources/kubernetes-access/getting-started.mdx): Demonstrates how to enroll a Kubernetes cluster as a resource protected by Teleport.
+- [Kubernetes Access Troubleshooting](protect-resources/kubernetes-access/troubleshooting.mdx): Troubleshooting common issues with Kubernetes access
+- [Registering Kubernetes Clusters with Teleport (section)](protect-resources/kubernetes-access/register-clusters.mdx): How to manually add a Kubernetes cluster to Teleport after creating it.
+- [Setting Up Teleport Access Controls for Kubernetes](protect-resources/kubernetes-access/manage-access.mdx): How to configure Teleport roles to access clusters, groups, users, and resources in Kubernetes.
diff --git a/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access.mdx b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access.mdx
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+++ b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: Teleport Desktop Access
+description: How to proctect Windows Desktops with Teleport
+- [Automatic User Creation](desktop-access/user-creation.mdx): Using Automatic User Creation with Teleport desktop access.
+- [Clipboard Sharing](desktop-access/clipboard.mdx): Using Clipboard Sharing with Teleport desktop access.
+- [Configure access for Active Directory manually](desktop-access/active-directory-manual.mdx): Explains how to manually connect Teleport to an Active Directory domain.
+- [Configure access for local Windows users](desktop-access/getting-started.mdx): Use Teleport to configure passwordless access for local Windows users.
+- [Directory Sharing](desktop-access/directory-sharing.mdx): Teleport desktop Directory Sharing lets you easily send files to a remote desktop.
+- [Manage Access to Windows Resources](desktop-access/introduction.mdx): Demonstrates how you can manage access to Windows desktops with Teleport.
+- [Session Recording and Playback](desktop-access/sessions.mdx): Recording and playing back Teleport desktop access sessions.
+- [Troubleshooting Desktop Access](desktop-access/troubleshooting.mdx): Common issues and resolutions for Teleport's desktop access
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access/active-directory-manual.mdx
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+title: Configure access for Active Directory manually
+description: Explains how to manually connect Teleport to an Active Directory domain.
+videoBanner: YvMqgcq0MTQ
+This guide demonstrates how to connect an Active Directory domain and how to log
+into a Windows desktop from the connected domain.
+You should note that Teleport requires the Kerberos authentication protocol to support
+certificate-based authentication for Active Directory. Because Azure Active Directory
+doesn't use Kerberos, you can't use the Teleport Windows Desktop Service for
+Azure Active Directory.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete the steps in this guide, verify your environment meets the following requirements:
+- Access to a running Teleport cluster, `tctl` admin tool, and `tsh` client tool
+ version >= (=teleport.version=).
+ You can verify the tools you have installed by running the following commands:
+ ```code
+ $ tctl version
+ # Teleport Enterprise v(=teleport.version=) go(=teleport.golang=)
+ $ tsh version
+ # Teleport v(=teleport.version=) go(=teleport.golang=)
+ ```
+ You can download these tools by following the appropriate [Installation
+ instructions](../installation.mdx#linux) for the Teleport
+ edition you use.
+- A Linux server to run the Teleport Windows Desktop Service.
+ You can use an existing server that runs the Teleport agent for other resources.
+- An Active Directory domain that is configured for LDAPS. Because Teleport requires an
+ encrypted LDAP connection, you should verify that your domain uses Active Directory
+ Certificate Services or a non-Microsoft certification authority (CA) to issue LDAPS
+ certificates.
+- Administrative access to a domain controller.
+- (!docs/pages/includes/tctl.mdx!)
+## Option 1: Automated configuration
+For relatively simple Active Directory environments, you can use the `tctl` generated configuration script
+to bootstrap your Active Directory domain for use with Teleport. At a high level, the script does the following:
+1. Create a restrictive service account named `Teleport Service Account` with the SAM account name `svc-teleport` and create the necessary LDAP containers.
+1. Prevent the service account from performing interactive logins by creating and linking a Group Policy Object (GPO) named `Block teleport-svc Interactive Login`.
+1. Configure a GPO named `Teleport Access Policy` to allow Teleport connections, including:
+ - Importing the Teleport CA certificate.
+ - Configuring firewall rules.
+ - Allowing remote RDP connections.
+ - Enabling RemoteFX for improved remote desktop performance.
+1. Read the LDAP CA certificate (required for secure LDAPS connections).
+1. Generate a Teleport configuration file for the Windows Desktop Service.
+For more complex Active Directory environments, you may need to modify the generated script to meet your specific requirements.
+It may also be easier to comprehend what the script does by following the manual configuration steps below.
+To use the `tctl` generated configuration script, run the following command:
+# Generate the script and save it to a file named configure-ad.ps1.
+tctl desktop bootstrap > configure-ad.ps1
+After generating the script, transfer it to a Windows domain controller and run it in a PowerShell console.
+## Option 2: Manual configuration
+### Step 1/7. Create a restrictive service account
+Teleport requires a service account to connect to your Active Directory domain.
+You should create a dedicated service account with restrictive permissions
+for maximum security.
+To create the service account:
+1. Open PowerShell on a Windows domain computer.
+1. Create a service account with a randomly-generated password by copying and pasting
+ the following script into the PowerShell console:
+ ```powershell
+ $Name="Teleport Service Account"
+ $SamAccountName="svc-teleport"
+ # Generate a random password that meets the "Password must meet complexity
+ # requirements" security policy setting.
+ # Note: if the minimum complexity requirements have been changed from the
+ # Windows default, this part of the script may need to be modified.
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
+ do {
+ $Password=[System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(15,1)
+ } until ($Password -match '\d')
+ $SecureStringPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
+ New-ADUser `
+ -Name $Name `
+ -SamAccountName $SamAccountName `
+ -AccountPassword $SecureStringPassword `
+ -Enabled $true
+ ```
+ The password generated for the service account is discarded immediately.
+ Teleport doesn't need the password because it uses x509 certificates for LDAP
+ authentication. You can reset the password for the service account if you need
+ to perform password authentication.
+1. Set the minimum permissions that must granted to the service account by running the
+ following script in the PowerShell console:
+ ```powershell
+ # Save your domain's distinguished name to a variable.
+ $DomainDN=$((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
+ # Create the CDP/Teleport container.
+ # If the command fails with "New-ADObject : An attempt was made to add an object
+ # to the directory with a name that is already in use", it means the object
+ # already exists and you can move on to the next step.
+ New-ADObject -Name "Teleport" -Type "container" -Path "CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DomainDN"
+ # Allow Teleport to create LDAP containers in the CDP container.
+ dsacls "CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DomainDN" /I:T /G "$($SamAccountName):CC;container;"
+ # Allow Teleport to create and delete cRLDistributionPoint objects in the CDP/Teleport container.
+ dsacls "CN=Teleport,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DomainDN" /I:T /G "$($SamAccountName):CCDC;cRLDistributionPoint;"
+ # Allow Teleport to write the certificateRevocationList property in the CDP/Teleport container.
+ dsacls "CN=Teleport,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DomainDN " /I:T /G "$($SamAccountName):WP;certificateRevocationList;"
+ # Allow Teleport to read the cACertificate property in the NTAuthCertificates container.
+ dsacls "CN=NTAuthCertificates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$DomainDN" /I:T /G "$($SamAccountName):RP;cACertificate;"
+ ```
+1. Get the security identifier for the new service account.
+ For example, run the following command:
+ ```powershell
+ Get-AdUser -Identity $SamAccountName | Select SID
+ ```
+ The command returns the security identifier for the specified account:
+ ```powershell
+ ---
+ S-1-5-21-209875886-835680547-4265310078-1113
+ ```
+1. Copy the full security identifier—beginning with `S-`—returned.
+ You'll use this value for the `sid` field when you configure the `ldap` settings
+ in a later step.
+### Step 2/7. Prevent the service account from performing interactive logins
+The next steps modify group policy objects (GPOs). Changes to group policies
+can take time to propagate to all hosts. You can force changes to take effect
+immediately on your current host by opening PowerShell and running
+`gpupdate.exe /force`. However, the change might still take time to propagate to other
+hosts in the domain.
+The Teleport service account is only needed to authenticate over LDAP. The account
+doesn't need to log on to Windows computers like an ordinary user.
+You can prevent the service account from being used to log on by creating a new
+Group Policy Object (GPO) linked to your entire domain, and then denying interactive
+#### Create a GPO
+1. Open PowerShell and specify a name for the new group policy object with the `$GPOName` variable:
+ ```powershell
+ $GPOName="Block teleport-svc Interactive Login"
+ ```
+1. Create the new GPO by running the following command in the PowerShell console:
+ ```powershell
+ New-GPO -Name $GPOName | New-GPLink -Target $((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
+ ```
+#### Deny interactive login
+1. Open **Group Policy Management** and expand **`Forest > Domains > $YOUR_DOMAIN > Group Policy Objects`**
+ to locate the group policy object you just created.
+1. Select the group policy object, click **Action**, then select **Edit**.
+1. Expand **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment`**.
+1. Double-click **Deny log on locally**, then select **Define these policy settings**.
+1. Click **Add User or Group**, then click **Browse**.
+1. Type all or part of the service account name—for example, `svc-teleport`—then click **Check Names**.
+1. Verify the **Teleport Service Account** is selected, then click **OK** in all the dialogs.
+1. Repeat these steps for **Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services**.
+ For added security, you can disable username and password authentication completely.
+ If you disable username and password authentication, only the Teleport virtual smart
+ card can be used to access Windows computers in the domain.
+### Step 3/7. Configure a GPO to allow Teleport connections
+To enable access to Windows desktop sessions through Teleport, you must configure a
+group policy object that allows Windows computers to trust the Teleport certificate
+authority and accept certificate-based smart card authentication.
+You need to do the following to configure the group policy object:
+- Export a certificate signed by the Teleport certificate authority for an existing
+ Teleport cluster.
+- Create a new group policy object and import the signed Teleport certificate.
+- Publish the signed Teleport certificate to the Active Directory domain.
+- Publish the signed Teleport certificate to the NTAuth Store.
+- Enable smart card authentication.
+- Allow remote desktop connections.
+You must repeat these steps if you rotate the Teleport user certificate authority.
+#### Export the Teleport certificate
+To export the Teleport user CA certificate:
+1. Log on to a Windows domain controller where you can access **Group Policy Management**.
+1. Open PowerShell and download the Teleport user certificate authority by running the following
+ command and replacing `teleport.example.com` with the address of your Teleport cluster:
+ ```code
+ $ curl.exe -fo user-ca.cer https:///webapi/auth/export?type=windows
+ ```
+1. Take note of the path to the `user-ca.cer` file for use in a later step.
+#### Create the GPO for the Teleport certificate
+To configure the group policy object:
+1. Create a new group policy object with the name `Teleport Access Policy` by running the following
+ command:
+ ```powershell
+ $GPOName="Teleport Access Policy"
+ New-GPO -Name $GPOName | New-GPLink -Target $((Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName)
+ ```
+ This command applies the GPO to the entire Active Director domain.
+ If you only want to protect a subset of computers in the domain, you can apply the GPO to
+ a specific organizational unit (OU) that only includes those computers.
+ If you use AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Delegated Domain Administrator
+ accounts are not granted permissions to apply GPOs at the domain level. Instead, you
+ should apply this GPO to the automatically-created OU with the NetBIOS domain name
+ containing `Computers` and `Users` nested one level inside the domain root.
+1. Open **Group Policy Management** and expand Forest, Domains, your domain, and
+ Group Policy Objects to locate the GPO you just created.
+1. Select the new GPO—for example, `Teleport Access Policy`, right-click, then select **Edit**.
+1. In the group policy editor, expand
+ **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies`**.
+1. Right-click **Trusted Root Certification Authorities**, then click **Import**.
+1. Use the wizard to select and import the Teleport certificate.
+1. To ensure your GPO update takes effect immediately on this host,
+ open PowerShell and run the following command (optional):
+ ```powershell
+ gpupdate.exe /force
+ ```
+#### Publish the Teleport CA to the Active Directory domain
+To publish the Teleport certificate in the Active Directory domain:
+1. Log on to a Windows computer that is joined to the Active Directory domain with
+ an account that's a member of the **Domain Administrators** or **AWS Delegated
+ Domain Administrators** group.
+1. Open PowerShell and run the following command using the path to the `user-ca.cer`
+ file you exported from Teleport:
+ ```powershell
+ certutil -dspublish -f RootCA
+ ```
+ This command enables the domain controllers to trust the Teleport CA so that
+ certificate-based smart card authentication through Teleport can succeed.
+#### Publish the Teleport CA to the NTAuth Store
+For authentication with Teleport-issued certificates to succeed, the
+Teleport CA also must be published to the enterprise NTAuth store.
+Teleport periodically publishes its CA after it is able to authenticate, but
+this step must be performed manually the first time for Teleport to have LDAP
+To publish the Teleport CA to LDAP:
+1. Open PowerShell and run the following command using the path to the `user-ca.cer`
+ file:
+ ```powershell
+ certutil -dspublish -f NTAuthCA
+ ```
+1. Force the retrieval of the CA from LDAP by running the following command:
+ ```powershell
+ certutil -pulse
+ ```
+ This step isn't strictly required. However, it allows you to proceed to the
+ next steps without waiting for the certificate to propagate.
+#### Enable smart card authentication
+Teleport performs certificate-based authentication by emulating a smart card.
+To add smart card authentication to your group policy object:
+1. Verify that you have the `Teleport Access Policy` group policy object open in the
+ group policy editor.
+1. Expand **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services`**.
+1. Double-click **Smart Card** and select **Define this policy setting**.
+1. Select **Automatic**, then click **OK**.
+1. To ensure your GPO update takes effect immediately on this host,
+ open PowerShell and run the following command (optional):
+ ```powershell
+ gpupdate.exe /force
+ ```
+#### Allow remote desktop connections
+Next you need to configure policies that allow remote connections to domain computers.
+1. Verify that you have the `Teleport Access Policy` group policy object open in the
+ group policy editor.
+1. Expand **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections`**.
+1. Right-click **Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services**,
+ select **Edit**, select **Enabled**, then click **OK**.
+1. Under Remote Desktop Session Host, select **Security**.
+1. Right-click **Require user authentication for remote connections by using
+ Network Level Authentication**, select **Edit**, select **Disabled**, then click **OK**.
+1. Right-click **Always prompt for password upon connection**, select **Edit**,
+ select **Disabled**, then click **OK**.
+ The Teleport certificate-based smart card authentication generates a random smart card
+ PIN for each desktop session and provides the PIN to the desktop when establishing the RDP
+ connection.
+ Because the PIN is never provided to the Teleport user, the **Always prompt for password
+ upon connection** policy must be **disabled** for authentication to succeed.
+1. Expand Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings to select
+ **Windows Firewall with Advanced Security**.
+1. Right-click **Inbound Rules**, select **New Rule**.
+ - Under Predefined, select **Remote Desktop**, then click **Next**.
+ - Select **User Mode (TCP-in)**, then click **Next**.
+ - Select **Allow the connection**, then click **Finish**.
+1. To ensure your GPO update takes effect immediately on this host,
+ open PowerShell and run the following command (optional):
+ ```powershell
+ gpupdate.exe /force
+ ```
+#### Enable RemoteFX
+To finish configuring the `Teleport Access Policy` group policy object, you must
+enable RemoteFX. RemoteFX is a compression technology that significantly improves
+the performance of remote desktop connections.
+1. Verify that you have the `Teleport Access Policy` group policy object open in the
+ group policy editor.
+1. Expand **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment > RemoteFX for Windows Server 2008 R2`**
+1. Right-click **Configure RemoteFX**, select **Edit**, select **Enabled**, then click **OK**.
+1. Now left-click **Remote Session Environment**
+ (**`Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment`** in the left pane)
+ and from the items in the right pane, right-click **Enable RemoteFX encoding for RemoteFX clients designed for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1**, select **Edit**, select **Enabled**, then click **OK**.
+1. Again left-click **Remote Session Environment** in the left pane, and from the items in the right pane, right-click **Limit maximum color depth**, select **Edit**, select **Enabled**, then click **OK**.
+1. Open PowerShell and run the following command to update your Teleport
+ group policy object:
+ ```powershell
+ gpupdate.exe /force
+ ```
+### Step 4/7. Configure a certificate for RDP connections
+The Teleport RDP client requires secure cryptographic algorithms to make
+TLS connections. However, Windows Server 2012 R2 doesn't support these algorithms
+by default.
+You can configure Windows Server 2012 R2 to support the
+required algorithms by doing the following:
+- Create a new certificate template that uses elliptic curve cryptography.
+- Update the Teleport group policy object to use the new certificate template
+ when issuing certificates for remote desktop connections.
+If your hosts support the required algorithms, you can skip this step
+and go to [Export your LDAP CA certificate](#step-57-export-your-ldap-ca-certificate).
+#### Create a certificate template
+To create a certificate template that uses elliptic curve P-384 and SHA384 as the
+signature algorithm:
+1. Click Start, Control Panel, and Administrative Tools to select **Certificate Authority**.
+1. Open your CA computer, right-click **Certificate Templates**, then select **Manage**.
+1. Select the *Computer* template, right-click, then select **Duplicate Template**.
+1. Select the **Compatibility** tab:
+ - Change **Certification Authority** to **Windows Server 2012 R2**, then click **OK**.
+ - Change **Certificate recipient** to **Windows Server 2012 R2**, then click **OK**.
+1. Select the **General** tab:
+ - Change **Template display name** to **RemoteDesktopAccess**.
+ - Verify that **Template name** is also **RemoteDesktopAccess**.
+1. Select the **Cryptography** tab:
+ - Change **Provider Category** to **Key Storage Provider**.
+ - Change **Algorithm name** to **ECDH_P384**.
+ - Change **Request hash** to **SHA384**.
+1. Select the **Extensions** tab:
+ - Select **Application Polices**, then click **Edit**.
+ - Remove all entries from the list.
+1. Select the **Security** tab:
+ - Select **Domain Computers** and give the group **Read** and **Enroll** permissions.
+1. Click **OK** to create the Template.
+1. Go back to the Certificate Authority console, right-click **Certificate Templates**.
+1. Click **New**, select **Certificate Template to Issue**, then select **RemoteDesktopAccess**.
+1. Click **OK**.
+#### Update GPO to use a new certificate template
+To update the Teleport group policy object to use the new certificate template:
+1. Open the `Teleport Access Policy` group policy object in the group policy editor.
+1. Expand **`Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Security`**.
+1. Right-click **Server authentication certificate template**, select **Edit**, select
+ **Enabled**, then set the Certificate Template Name to **RemoteDesktopAccess**.
+1. Expand Computer Configuration, Policies, and Windows Settings to select
+ **Public Key Policies**.
+1. Double-click **Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment**, then select
+ **Enabled** in the Configuration Model.
+1. Open PowerShell and run the following command to update your Teleport
+ group policy object:
+ ```powershell
+ gpupdate.exe /force
+ ```
+### Step 5/7. Export your LDAP CA certificate
+Teleport connects to your domain controller using LDAPS. This means that you must
+let Teleport know that the certificate sent by your domain controller during the
+initial connection is trusted. If your domain controller's certificate is
+trusted by the system repository on the system running Teleport, you can skip
+this step.
+If you are unable to acquire the LDAP CA certificate, you can skip
+TLS verification by setting `insecure_skip_verify: true`. However, you shouldn't
+skip TLS verification in production environments.
+To export a CA certificate:
+{/* Adapted from https://www.ibm.com/docs/it/rds/5.2.1?topic=security-exporting-certificate-from-active-directory-server */}
+1. Click Start, Control Panel, and Administrative Tools to select **Certificate Authority**.
+1. Select your CA computer, right-click, then select **Properties**.
+1. One the General tab, click **View Certificate**.
+1. Select **Details**, then click **Copy to File**.
+1. Click *Next* in the Certificate Export Wizard, and ensure that **DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)**
+ is selected.
+1. Select a name and location for the certificate and click through the wizard.
+1. Transfer the exported file to the system where you're running Teleport. You
+can either add this certificate to your system's trusted repository or provide
+the file path to the `der_ca_file` configuration variable.
+### Step 6/7. Configure Teleport
+To configure Teleport to protect access to Windows desktops:
+1. Install Teleport on the Linux host that will run the Teleport Windows Desktop Service:
+ (!docs/pages/includes/install-linux.mdx!)
+1. Sign in to your Teleport cluster from your administrative workstation.
+1. Generate an invitation token for the cluster with the following command:
+ ```code
+ $ tctl tokens add --type=windowsdesktop
+ ```
+1. Copy the invitation token to a file on the Linux host that will run the Windows Desktop
+ Service.
+1. Add the configuration for the Windows Desktop Service to the `/etc/teleport.yaml`
+ on the Linux host.
+ The `/etc/teleport.yaml` should include configuration settings similar to the following:
+ ```yaml
+ version: v3
+ teleport:
+ auth_token:
+ proxy_server: # replace with your proxy address
+ windows_desktop_service:
+ enabled: yes
+ ldap:
+ # Port must be included for the addr.
+ # LDAPS port is 636 by default (example.com:636)
+ domain: "$LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME"
+ username: "$LDAP_USERNAME"
+ sid: "$LDAP_USER_SID"
+ # Path to the certificate you exported.
+ der_ca_file:
+ discovery:
+ base_dn: "*"
+ auth_service:
+ enabled: no
+ proxy_service:
+ enabled: no
+ ssh_service:
+ enabled: no
+ ```
+ For a detailed description of the configuration fields, see
+ [Desktop Configuration Reference](./reference/configuration.mdx).
+1. (!docs/pages/includes/start-teleport.mdx service="the Teleport Desktop Service"!)
+### Step 7/7. Log in using Teleport
+Teleport users must have appropriate permissions to access remote Windows desktops.
+For example, you can create a role that gives its users access to all Windows
+desktop labels and the local "Administrator" user.
+To create a role for accessing Windows desktops:
+1. Create a file called `windows-desktop-admins.yaml` with the following content:
+ ```yaml
+ kind: role
+ version: v5
+ metadata:
+ name: windows-desktop-admins
+ spec:
+ allow:
+ windows_desktop_labels:
+ "*": "*"
+ windows_desktop_logins: ["jsmith"]
+ ```
+ Note that user names shared between domain and local users create login conflicts.
+1. Create the role:
+ ```code
+ $ tctl create -f windows-desktop-admins.yaml
+ ```
+1. (!docs/pages/includes/add-role-to-user.mdx role="windows-desktop-admins"!)
+ Now that you have a Linux host running the Windows Desktop Service and
+ a role that allows Teleport users to connect to Windows computers, you can
+ use the Teleport user assigned the `windows-desktop-admins` role
+ to connect to Windows desktops from the Teleport Web UI.
+To connect to a Windows desktop:
+1. Sign in to the Teleport cluster using an account that's assigned the
+ `windows-desktop-admins` role.
+1. Select **Resources**.
+1. Click **Type**, then select **Desktops**.
+1. Click **Connect** for the Windows computer you want to access, then select the
+ login to use for the connection.
+ ![Connect to a Windows desktop from the Teleport Web UI](../../img/desktop-access/passwordless-desktop.png)
+ Teleport opens a remote desktop connection and starts recording the desktop session. When you're
+ finished working with the Windows desktop, click the **More items** menu, then click **Disconnect**.
+ ![Disconnect from a Windows desktop ](../../img/desktop-access/desktop-disconnect.png)
+ To view the recording, select **Management** in the Teleport Web UI, then click **Session Recordings**
+ in the Activity section.
+## Security hardening
+By default, the Default Domain Policy grants the **Add workstations to domain
+user** right to all authenticated users. As a security best practice, Teleport
+recommends that you only grant this right to administrators or other privileged groups.
+To change the default domain policy:
+1. Open **Group Policy Management** and expand Forest, Domains, your domain, and
+ Group Policy Objects.
+1. Right-click **Default Domain Controller Policy**, then select **Edit**.
+1. In the group policy editor, expand Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows
+ Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, and User Rights Assignment to select
+ **Add workstations to domain**.
+1. Double-click the **Add workstations to domain** policy and ensure that the
+ **Authenticated Users** group is not present.
+## Multiple domains
+Each `windows_desktop_service` is designed to support connecting to hosts in a
+single Active Directory domain. If you have multiple independent domains, you
+can deploy multiple Teleport agents to service them.
+If you have multiple domains with a trust relationship between them, you can
+configure Teleport to perform PKI operations against one domain, while generating
+certificates for users in another domain.
+In order for this to work, the hosts that you want to connect to and the AD
+users that you want to connect as must reside in the same domain.
+For example, suppose you have a root domain at `example.com` and a child domain
+for developers at `dev.example.com`. If your PKI is configured at the root, but
+you want to allow users in the child domain to connect to hosts in the child
+domain, you would do the following:
+1. Import Teleport's CA certificate as a trusted root certificate in the root
+ domain's group policy and add the certificate to the NTAuth store as
+ described in the
+ [section above](#publish-the-teleport-ca-to-the-ntauth-store).
+1. Configure Teleport to perform PKI against the root domain, while
+ issuing certificates for users and hosts in the child domain:
+ ```yaml
+ windows_desktop_service:
+ enabled: yes
+ # configure LDAP settings to point at the child domain
+ ldap:
+ addr: dev.example.com:636
+ username: 'DEV\svc-teleport'
+ # optional: configure discovery for the child domain
+ discovery:
+ base_dn: CN=Computers,DC=dev,DC=example,DC=com
+ # perform PKI against the root domain
+ pki_domain: root.example.com
+ ```
+With this configuration, Teleport will generate certificates for users in
+`dev.example.com`, but it will publish its CA and CRLs to `example.com`.
+## Next steps
+If you encounter any issues, see [Troubleshooting](./troubleshooting.mdx) for common problems and
+For information about configuring Windows-specific role permissions, see
+[Role-Based Access Control for Desktops](./rbac.mdx).
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--- a/docs/pages/desktop-access/reference/sessions.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/desktop-access/sessions.mdx
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Recorded sessions can be viewed in the *Session Recordings* page under the
*Activity* section in the *Management* area. Desktop recordings show a
desktop icon in the first column to distinguish them from SSH recordings.
-![Desktop Session Recording](../../../img/desktop-access/session-recording@2x.png)
+![Desktop Session Recording](../../../../img/desktop-access/session-recording@2x.png)
Click the play button to open the player in a new tab. To export desktop session
recordings to video for playback outside of Teleport, use the
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--- a/docs/pages/kubernetes-access.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/admin-guides/protect-resources/kubernetes-access.mdx
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ description: Protect Kubernetes clusters with Teleport
- [Access Kubernetes Clusters with Teleport](kubernetes-access/introduction.mdx): Learn how Teleport can protect your Kubernetes clusters with RBAC, audit logging, and more.
- [Enroll a Kubernetes Cluster](kubernetes-access/getting-started.mdx): Demonstrates how to enroll a Kubernetes cluster as a resource protected by Teleport.
-- [Kubernetes Access FAQ](kubernetes-access/faq.mdx): Frequently asked questions about Teleport Kubernetes Access
- [Kubernetes Access Troubleshooting](kubernetes-access/troubleshooting.mdx): Troubleshooting common issues with Kubernetes access
- [Setting Up Teleport Access Controls for Kubernetes](kubernetes-access/manage-access.mdx): How to configure Teleport roles to access clusters, groups, users, and resources in Kubernetes.
-- [Teleport Kubernetes Access Controls](kubernetes-access/controls.mdx): How the Teleport Kubernetes Service applies RBAC to manage access to Kubernetes
## Registering Kubernetes Clusters with Teleport
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-title: Teleport Desktop Access
-description: How to proctect Windows Desktops with Teleport
-- [Configure access for Active Directory manually](desktop-access/active-directory.mdx): Explains how to manually connect Teleport to an Active Directory domain.
-- [Configure access for local Windows users](desktop-access/getting-started.mdx): Use Teleport to configure passwordless access for local Windows users.
-- [Directory Sharing](desktop-access/directory-sharing.mdx): Teleport desktop Directory Sharing lets you easily send files to a remote desktop.
-- [Manage Access to Windows Resources](desktop-access/introduction.mdx): Demonstrates how you can manage access to Windows desktops with Teleport.
-- [Role-Based Access Control for Desktops](desktop-access/rbac.mdx): Role-based access control (RBAC) for desktops protected by Teleport.
-- [Troubleshooting Desktop Access](desktop-access/troubleshooting.mdx): Common issues and resolutions for Teleport's desktop access
-## Desktop Access Reference
-Comprehensive guides to configuring and auditing desktop access. ([more info](desktop-access/reference.mdx))
-- [Automatic User Creation](desktop-access/reference/user-creation.mdx): Using Automatic User Creation with Teleport desktop access.
-- [Clipboard Sharing](desktop-access/reference/clipboard.mdx): Using Clipboard Sharing with Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access Audit Events Reference](desktop-access/reference/audit.mdx): Audit events reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access CLI Reference](desktop-access/reference/cli.mdx): CLI reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access Configuration Reference](desktop-access/reference/configuration.mdx): Configuration reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Session Recording and Playback](desktop-access/reference/sessions.mdx): Recording and playing back Teleport desktop access sessions.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-title: Desktop Access Reference
-description: Comprehensive guides to configuring and auditing desktop access.
-layout: tocless-doc
-- [Automatic User Creation](reference/user-creation.mdx): Using Automatic User Creation with Teleport desktop access.
-- [Clipboard Sharing](reference/clipboard.mdx): Using Clipboard Sharing with Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access Audit Events Reference](reference/audit.mdx): Audit events reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access CLI Reference](reference/cli.mdx): CLI reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Desktop Access Configuration Reference](reference/configuration.mdx): Configuration reference for Teleport desktop access.
-- [Session Recording and Playback](reference/sessions.mdx): Recording and playing back Teleport desktop access sessions.
diff --git a/docs/pages/reference.mdx b/docs/pages/reference.mdx
index 09b2afed55c95..5bfa87df09f5d 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference.mdx
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ description: Comprehensive guides to commands, configuration options, and other
Contains guides to frequently asked questions for various Teleport features and use cases. ([more info](reference/faq.mdx))
+- [Kubernetes Access FAQ](reference/faq/kubernetes-access.mdx): Frequently asked questions about Teleport Kubernetes Access
- [Teleport Enterprise Cloud FAQ](reference/faq/cloud-hosting.mdx): Teleport cloud frequently asked questions.
- [Teleport FAQ](reference/faq/faq.mdx): Frequently Asked Questions About Using Teleport
@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ References for concepts and tools available for operating Teleport. ([more info]
Available options for configuring access to Teleport privileges and infrastructure resources. ([more info](reference/rbac.mdx))
- [Access Controls for Servers](reference/rbac/server-rbac.mdx): Role-based access control (RBAC) for Teleport server access.
+- [Role-Based Access Control for Desktops](reference/rbac/desktop-access.mdx): Role-based access control (RBAC) for desktops protected by Teleport.
+- [Teleport Kubernetes Access Controls](reference/rbac/controls.mdx): How the Teleport Kubernetes Service applies RBAC to manage access to Kubernetes
## Teleport Architecture Guides
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ Guides to the inner workings of components within a Teleport cluster. ([more inf
Comprehensive lists of commands, arguments, and flags for Teleport CLI tools. ([more info](reference/cli.mdx))
- [CLI Reference Introduction](reference/cli/overview.mdx): Detailed guide and reference documentation for Teleport's command line interface (CLI) tools.
+- [Desktop Access CLI Reference](reference/cli/desktop-access.mdx): CLI reference for Teleport desktop access.
- [tbot CLI reference](reference/cli/tbot.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the tbot CLI tool.
- [tctl CLI reference](reference/cli/tctl.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the tctl CLI tool.
- [teleport CLI Reference](reference/cli/teleport.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the teleport CLI tool.
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ Comprehensive lists of commands, arguments, and flags for Teleport CLI tools. ([
Comprehensive guides to configuring Teleport. ([more info](reference/config-references.mdx))
+- [Desktop Access Configuration Reference](reference/config-references/database-access-config.mdx): Configuration reference for Teleport desktop access.
- [Helm Chart Reference (section)](reference/config-references/helm-reference.mdx): Comprehensive lists of configuration values in Teleport's Helm charts
- [Predicate Language](reference/config-references/predicate-language.mdx): How to use Teleport's predicate language to define filter conditions.
- [Teleport Configuration Reference](reference/config-references/config.mdx): The detailed guide and reference documentation for configuring Teleport for SSH and Kubernetes access.
@@ -71,9 +76,9 @@ Comprehensive guides to configuring Teleport. ([more info](reference/config-refe
How to obtain information about activity in your Teleport cluster. ([more info](reference/monitoring.mdx))
-- [Audit Events and Records](reference/monitoring/audit.mdx): Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
- [Distributed Tracing Configuration Reference](reference/monitoring/configuration.mdx): Configuration reference for Distributed Tracing.
- [Distributed Tracing](reference/monitoring/tracing.mdx): How to enable tracing within Teleport.
- [Health Monitoring](reference/monitoring/monitoring.mdx): Monitoring health and readiness.
- [Metrics](reference/monitoring/metrics.mdx): How to enable and consume metrics
- [Profiling](reference/monitoring/profiles.mdx): Collecting pprof profiles.
+- [Teleport Audit Event References (section)](reference/monitoring/audit.mdx): Reference guides to audit events that you can export and track in Teleport.
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index 8fbebebcceb21..4839854a4974a 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/cli.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/cli.mdx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ description: Comprehensive lists of commands, arguments, and flags for Teleport
- [CLI Reference Introduction](cli/overview.mdx): Detailed guide and reference documentation for Teleport's command line interface (CLI) tools.
+- [Desktop Access CLI Reference](cli/desktop-access.mdx): CLI reference for Teleport desktop access.
- [tbot CLI reference](cli/tbot.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the tbot CLI tool.
- [tctl CLI reference](cli/tctl.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the tctl CLI tool.
- [teleport CLI Reference](cli/teleport.mdx): Comprehensive reference of subcommands, flags, and arguments for the teleport CLI tool.
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index fbee02639d660..9d552d34e094c 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/config-references.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/config-references.mdx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ description: Comprehensive guides to configuring Teleport.
+- [Desktop Access Configuration Reference](config-references/database-access-config.mdx): Configuration reference for Teleport desktop access.
- [Predicate Language](config-references/predicate-language.mdx): How to use Teleport's predicate language to define filter conditions.
- [Teleport Configuration Reference](config-references/config.mdx): The detailed guide and reference documentation for configuring Teleport for SSH and Kubernetes access.
- [Teleport Resource Reference](config-references/resources.mdx): Reference documentation for Teleport resources
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index 5329523b3b715..b823f0150e789 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/faq.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/faq.mdx
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ description: Contains guides to frequently asked questions for various Teleport
+- [Kubernetes Access FAQ](faq/kubernetes-access.mdx): Frequently asked questions about Teleport Kubernetes Access
- [Teleport Enterprise Cloud FAQ](faq/cloud-hosting.mdx): Teleport cloud frequently asked questions.
- [Teleport FAQ](faq/faq.mdx): Frequently Asked Questions About Using Teleport
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index 2af6110da6786..2584229eb70db 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/monitoring.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/monitoring.mdx
@@ -5,9 +5,15 @@ description: How to obtain information about activity in your Teleport cluster.
-- [Audit Events and Records](monitoring/audit.mdx): Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
- [Distributed Tracing Configuration Reference](monitoring/configuration.mdx): Configuration reference for Distributed Tracing.
- [Distributed Tracing](monitoring/tracing.mdx): How to enable tracing within Teleport.
- [Health Monitoring](monitoring/monitoring.mdx): Monitoring health and readiness.
- [Metrics](monitoring/metrics.mdx): How to enable and consume metrics
- [Profiling](monitoring/profiles.mdx): Collecting pprof profiles.
+## Teleport Audit Event References
+Reference guides to audit events that you can export and track in Teleport. ([more info](monitoring/audit.mdx))
+- [Audit Events and Records](monitoring/audit/audit.mdx): Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
+- [Desktop Access Audit Events Reference](monitoring/audit/desktop-events.mdx): Audit events reference for Teleport desktop access.
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index ff45f06ef67a5..85e774c784cc6 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/monitoring/audit.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/monitoring/audit.mdx
@@ -1,234 +1,9 @@
-title: Audit Events and Records
-description: Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
+title: Teleport Audit Event References
+description: Reference guides to audit events that you can export and track in Teleport.
-Teleport logs cluster activity by emitting various events into its audit log.
-There are two components of the audit log:
-- **Cluster Events:** Teleport logs events like successful user logins along
- with metadata like remote IP address, time, and the session ID.
-- **Recorded Sessions:** Every SSH, desktop, or Kubernetes shell session is recorded and
- can be replayed later. By default, the recording is done by Teleport Nodes,
- but can be configured to be done by the proxy.
-- **Cluster Events:** Teleport logs events like successful user logins along
- with metadata like remote IP address, time, and the session ID.
-- **Recorded Sessions:** Every SSH, desktop, or Kubernetes shell session is recorded and
- can be replayed later. Teleport Cloud manages the storage of session
- recording data.
-You can use
-[Enhanced Session Recording with BPF](../server-access/guides/bpf-session-recording.mdx)
-to get even more comprehensive audit logs with advanced security.
-## Events
-Teleport supports multiple storage backends for storing audit events. The `dir`
-backend uses the local filesystem of an Auth Service host. When this backend is
-used, events are written to the filesystem in JSON format. The `dir` backend rotates
-the event file approximately once every 24 hours, but never deletes captured events.
-For High Availability configurations, users can refer to our
-[Athena](./backends.mdx#athena), [DynamoDB](./backends.mdx#dynamodb) or
-[Firestore](./backends.mdx#firestore) chapters for information on how to
-configure the SSH events and recorded sessions to be stored on network storage.
-When these backends are in use, audit events will eventually expire and be
-removed from the log. The default retention period is 1 year, but this can be
-overridden using the `retention_period` configuration parameter.
-It is even possible to store audit logs in multiple places at the same time. For
-more information on how to configure the audit log, refer to the `storage`
-section of the example configuration file in the
-[Teleport Configuration Reference](./config.mdx).
-Let's examine the Teleport audit log using the `dir` backend. The event log is
-stored in Teleport's data dir under the `log` directory. This is usually
-`/var/lib/teleport/log`. Each day is represented as a file:
-$ ls -l /var/lib/teleport/log/
-# total 104
-# -rw-r----- 1 root root 31638 Jan 22 20:00 2017-01-23.00:00:00.log
-# -rw-r----- 1 root root 91256 Jan 31 21:00 2017-02-01.00:00:00.log
-# -rw-r----- 1 root root 15815 Feb 32 22:54 2017-02-03.00:00:00.log
-Teleport Enterprise Cloud manages the storage of audit logs for you. You can
-access your audit logs via the Teleport Web UI by clicking:
-**Activity** > **Audit Log**
-Audit logs use JSON format. They are human readable but can also be
-programmatically parsed. Each line represents an event and has the following
- // Event type. See below for the list of all possible event types.
- "event": "session.start",
- // A unique ID for the event log. Useful for deduplication.
- "uid": "59cf8d1b-7b36-4894-8e90-9d9713b6b9ef",
- // Teleport user name
- "user": "ekontsevoy",
- // OS login
- "login": "root",
- // Server namespace. This field is reserved for future use.
- "namespace": "default",
- // Unique server ID
- "server_id": "f84f7386-5e22-45ff-8f7d-b8079742e63f",
- // Server Labels
- "server_labels": {
- "datacenter": "us-east-1",
- "label-b": "x"
- }
- // Session ID. Can be used to replay the session.
- "sid": "8d3895b6-e9dd-11e6-94de-40167e68e931",
- // Address of the SSH node
- "addr.local": "10.5.l.15:3022",
- // Address of the connecting client (user)
- "addr.remote": "",
- // Terminal size
- "size": "80:25",
- // Timestamp
- "time": "2017-02-03T06:54:05Z"
-## Event types
-Below are some possible types of audit events.
-This list is not comprehensive. We recommend exporting audit events to a
-platform that automatically parses event payloads so you can group and filter
-them by their `event` key and discover trends. To set up audit event exporting,
-read [Exporting Teleport Audit Events](../management/export-audit-events.mdx).
-| Event Type | Description |
-| - | - |
-| auth | Authentication attempt. Adds the following fields: `{"success": "false", "error": "access denied"}` |
-| session.start | Started an interactive shell session. |
-| session.end | An interactive shell session has ended. |
-| session.join | A new user has joined the existing interactive shell session. |
-| session.leave | A user has left the session. |
-| session.disk | A list of files opened during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
-| session.network | A list of network connections made during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
-| session.command | A list of commands ran during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
-| session.recording.access | A session recording has been accessed. |
-| exec | Remote command has been executed via SSH, like `tsh ssh root@node ls /`. The following fields will be logged: `{"command": "ls /", "exitCode": 0, "exitError": ""}` |
-| scp | Remote file copy has been executed. The following fields will be logged: `{"path": "/path/to/file.txt", "len": 32344, "action": "read" }` |
-| resize | Terminal has been resized. |
-| user.login | A user logged into web UI or via tsh. The following fields will be logged: `{"user": "alice@example.com", "method": "local"}` . |
-| app.session.start | A user accessed an application |
-| app.session.chunk | A record of activity during an app session |
-| join_token.create | A new join token has been created. Adds the following fields: `{"roles": ["Node", "Db"], "join_method": "token"}` |
-## Recorded sessions
-In addition to logging start and end events, Teleport can also record the entire session.
-For SSH or Kubernetes sessions this captures the entire stream of bytes from the PTY.
-For desktop sessions the recording includes the contents of the screen.
-Teleport can store the recorded sessions in an [AWS S3 bucket](./backends.mdx#s3)
-or in a local filesystem (including NFS).
-The recorded sessions are stored as raw bytes in the `sessions` directory under
-`log`. Each session is a protobuf-encoded stream of binary data.
-You can replay recorded sessions using the [`tsh play`](./cli/tsh.mdx#tsh-play)
-command or the Web UI.
-For example, replay a session via CLI:
-$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931
-Print the session events in JSON to stdout:
-$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931 --format=json
-Teleport Enterprise Cloud automatically stores recorded sessions.
-You can replay recorded sessions using the [`tsh play`](./cli/tsh.mdx#tsh-play)
-command or the Web UI.
-For example, replay a session via CLI:
-$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931
-Print the session events in JSON to stdout:
-$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931 --format=json
-### Modes
-Available only for SSH sessions and when Teleport is configured with
-`auth_service.session_recording: node`.
-Modes define how Teleport deals with recording failures, such as a full disk
-error. They are configured per-service at the role level, where the strictest
-value takes precedence. The available modes are:
-|Mode|After a recording failure|
-|Best effort (`best_effort`)|Disables recording without terminating the session.|
-|Strict (`strict`)|Immediately terminates the session.|
-If the user role doesn’t specify a recording mode, `best_effort` will be used. Here
-is an example of a role configured to use strict mode for SSH sessions:
-kind: role
-version: v5
- name: ssh-strict
- options:
- record_session:
- ssh: strict
+- [Audit Events and Records](audit/audit.mdx): Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
+- [Desktop Access Audit Events Reference](audit/desktop-events.mdx): Audit events reference for Teleport desktop access.
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+title: Audit Events and Records
+description: Reference of Teleport Audit Events and Session Records
+Teleport logs cluster activity by emitting various events into its audit log.
+There are two components of the audit log:
+- **Cluster Events:** Teleport logs events like successful user logins along
+ with metadata like remote IP address, time, and the session ID.
+- **Recorded Sessions:** Every SSH, desktop, or Kubernetes shell session is recorded and
+ can be replayed later. By default, the recording is done by Teleport Nodes,
+ but can be configured to be done by the proxy.
+- **Cluster Events:** Teleport logs events like successful user logins along
+ with metadata like remote IP address, time, and the session ID.
+- **Recorded Sessions:** Every SSH, desktop, or Kubernetes shell session is recorded and
+ can be replayed later. Teleport Cloud manages the storage of session
+ recording data.
+You can use
+[Enhanced Session Recording with BPF](../server-access/guides/bpf-session-recording.mdx)
+to get even more comprehensive audit logs with advanced security.
+## Events
+Teleport supports multiple storage backends for storing audit events. The `dir`
+backend uses the local filesystem of an Auth Service host. When this backend is
+used, events are written to the filesystem in JSON format. The `dir` backend rotates
+the event file approximately once every 24 hours, but never deletes captured events.
+For High Availability configurations, users can refer to our
+[Athena](./backends.mdx#athena), [DynamoDB](./backends.mdx#dynamodb) or
+[Firestore](./backends.mdx#firestore) chapters for information on how to
+configure the SSH events and recorded sessions to be stored on network storage.
+When these backends are in use, audit events will eventually expire and be
+removed from the log. The default retention period is 1 year, but this can be
+overridden using the `retention_period` configuration parameter.
+It is even possible to store audit logs in multiple places at the same time. For
+more information on how to configure the audit log, refer to the `storage`
+section of the example configuration file in the
+[Teleport Configuration Reference](./config.mdx).
+Let's examine the Teleport audit log using the `dir` backend. The event log is
+stored in Teleport's data dir under the `log` directory. This is usually
+`/var/lib/teleport/log`. Each day is represented as a file:
+$ ls -l /var/lib/teleport/log/
+# total 104
+# -rw-r----- 1 root root 31638 Jan 22 20:00 2017-01-23.00:00:00.log
+# -rw-r----- 1 root root 91256 Jan 31 21:00 2017-02-01.00:00:00.log
+# -rw-r----- 1 root root 15815 Feb 32 22:54 2017-02-03.00:00:00.log
+Teleport Enterprise Cloud manages the storage of audit logs for you. You can
+access your audit logs via the Teleport Web UI by clicking:
+**Activity** > **Audit Log**
+Audit logs use JSON format. They are human readable but can also be
+programmatically parsed. Each line represents an event and has the following
+ // Event type. See below for the list of all possible event types.
+ "event": "session.start",
+ // A unique ID for the event log. Useful for deduplication.
+ "uid": "59cf8d1b-7b36-4894-8e90-9d9713b6b9ef",
+ // Teleport user name
+ "user": "ekontsevoy",
+ // OS login
+ "login": "root",
+ // Server namespace. This field is reserved for future use.
+ "namespace": "default",
+ // Unique server ID
+ "server_id": "f84f7386-5e22-45ff-8f7d-b8079742e63f",
+ // Server Labels
+ "server_labels": {
+ "datacenter": "us-east-1",
+ "label-b": "x"
+ }
+ // Session ID. Can be used to replay the session.
+ "sid": "8d3895b6-e9dd-11e6-94de-40167e68e931",
+ // Address of the SSH node
+ "addr.local": "10.5.l.15:3022",
+ // Address of the connecting client (user)
+ "addr.remote": "",
+ // Terminal size
+ "size": "80:25",
+ // Timestamp
+ "time": "2017-02-03T06:54:05Z"
+## Event types
+Below are some possible types of audit events.
+This list is not comprehensive. We recommend exporting audit events to a
+platform that automatically parses event payloads so you can group and filter
+them by their `event` key and discover trends. To set up audit event exporting,
+read [Exporting Teleport Audit Events](../management/export-audit-events.mdx).
+| Event Type | Description |
+| - | - |
+| auth | Authentication attempt. Adds the following fields: `{"success": "false", "error": "access denied"}` |
+| session.start | Started an interactive shell session. |
+| session.end | An interactive shell session has ended. |
+| session.join | A new user has joined the existing interactive shell session. |
+| session.leave | A user has left the session. |
+| session.disk | A list of files opened during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
+| session.network | A list of network connections made during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
+| session.command | A list of commands ran during the session. *Requires Enhanced Session Recording*. |
+| session.recording.access | A session recording has been accessed. |
+| exec | Remote command has been executed via SSH, like `tsh ssh root@node ls /`. The following fields will be logged: `{"command": "ls /", "exitCode": 0, "exitError": ""}` |
+| scp | Remote file copy has been executed. The following fields will be logged: `{"path": "/path/to/file.txt", "len": 32344, "action": "read" }` |
+| resize | Terminal has been resized. |
+| user.login | A user logged into web UI or via tsh. The following fields will be logged: `{"user": "alice@example.com", "method": "local"}` . |
+| app.session.start | A user accessed an application |
+| app.session.chunk | A record of activity during an app session |
+| join_token.create | A new join token has been created. Adds the following fields: `{"roles": ["Node", "Db"], "join_method": "token"}` |
+## Recorded sessions
+In addition to logging start and end events, Teleport can also record the entire session.
+For SSH or Kubernetes sessions this captures the entire stream of bytes from the PTY.
+For desktop sessions the recording includes the contents of the screen.
+Teleport can store the recorded sessions in an [AWS S3 bucket](./backends.mdx#s3)
+or in a local filesystem (including NFS).
+The recorded sessions are stored as raw bytes in the `sessions` directory under
+`log`. Each session is a protobuf-encoded stream of binary data.
+You can replay recorded sessions using the [`tsh play`](./cli/tsh.mdx#tsh-play)
+command or the Web UI.
+For example, replay a session via CLI:
+$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931
+Print the session events in JSON to stdout:
+$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931 --format=json
+Teleport Enterprise Cloud automatically stores recorded sessions.
+You can replay recorded sessions using the [`tsh play`](./cli/tsh.mdx#tsh-play)
+command or the Web UI.
+For example, replay a session via CLI:
+$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931
+Print the session events in JSON to stdout:
+$ tsh play 4c146ec8-eab6-11e6-b1b3-40167e68e931 --format=json
+### Modes
+Available only for SSH sessions and when Teleport is configured with
+`auth_service.session_recording: node`.
+Modes define how Teleport deals with recording failures, such as a full disk
+error. They are configured per-service at the role level, where the strictest
+value takes precedence. The available modes are:
+|Mode|After a recording failure|
+|Best effort (`best_effort`)|Disables recording without terminating the session.|
+|Strict (`strict`)|Immediately terminates the session.|
+If the user role doesn’t specify a recording mode, `best_effort` will be used. Here
+is an example of a role configured to use strict mode for SSH sessions:
+kind: role
+version: v5
+ name: ssh-strict
+ options:
+ record_session:
+ ssh: strict
diff --git a/docs/pages/desktop-access/reference/audit.mdx b/docs/pages/reference/monitoring/audit/desktop-events.mdx
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/pages/desktop-access/reference/audit.mdx
rename to docs/pages/reference/monitoring/audit/desktop-events.mdx
diff --git a/docs/pages/reference/rbac.mdx b/docs/pages/reference/rbac.mdx
index 471300b42865e..4eb98953919b7 100644
--- a/docs/pages/reference/rbac.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/rbac.mdx
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ description: Available options for configuring access to Teleport privileges and
- [Access Controls for Servers](rbac/server-rbac.mdx): Role-based access control (RBAC) for Teleport server access.
+- [Role-Based Access Control for Desktops](rbac/desktop-access.mdx): Role-based access control (RBAC) for desktops protected by Teleport.
+- [Teleport Kubernetes Access Controls](rbac/controls.mdx): How the Teleport Kubernetes Service applies RBAC to manage access to Kubernetes
diff --git a/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/controls.mdx b/docs/pages/reference/rbac/controls.mdx
similarity index 99%
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--- a/docs/pages/kubernetes-access/controls.mdx
+++ b/docs/pages/reference/rbac/controls.mdx
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ headers](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/
to send requests to the API server with one Kubernetes user and zero or more
Kubernetes groups.
The `kubernetes_users` and `kubernetes_groups` fields indicate which users and
groups to allow a user to assume when they send requests to a Kubernetes API
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/pages/reference/rbac/desktop-access.mdx
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index 8b6232cdf6713..c0fce57d436fa 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "teleport-ui",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
- "all-topics": "node docs/gen-topic-pages/index.js --in docs/pages/admin-guides,docs/pages/database-access,docs/pages/access-controls,docs/pages/desktop-access,docs/pages/kubernetes-access,docs/pages/connect-your-client,docs/pages/machine-id,docs/pages/reference,docs/pages/application-access",
+ "all-topics": "node docs/gen-topic-pages/index.js --in docs/pages/admin-guides,docs/pages/database-access,docs/pages/access-controls,docs/pages/connect-your-client,docs/pages/machine-id,docs/pages/reference,docs/pages/application-access",
"build-ui": "yarn build-ui-oss && yarn build-ui-e",
"build-ui-oss": "yarn workspace @gravitational/teleport build",
"build-ui-e": "yarn workspace @gravitational/teleport.e build",