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a dynamic response , routing , error & query package for expressjs and mongoose - buildreq


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What is Build Response,Routing,Error & Query?

It is currently a Mongoose & Express dependent module. It can be used in a different ways like building out dynamic routes, query filter in conjuction with your schema, Error handler & Standard response. It is most useful when used as a middleware with your expressjs api.




//or send mongoose in if your having loading issues


  query: {
  //configs go here




build.response(res, {
    method: 'json',
    query: req.queryParameters,
    hostname: req.get('host') + req.path,
    route: req.route,
    data: 'no data'


res.response(res, {
    count: results.count,
    method: 'json',
    query: req.queryParameters,
    hostname: req.get('host') + req.baseUrl,
    route: req.route,
    data: results.get,
    type: Campaign


var blogSchema = mongoose.Schema({
  created: {
    type: Date,
Blog = mongoose.model('Blog', blogSchema)
//var route = build.routing(app)
    mongoose: mongoose

// Routes that will be created for you
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog - GET,POST | GETALL - CREATE 
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog/id/:blogId - PUT,DELETE,GET | UPDATE DELETE VIEWONE
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog/aggregate - GET | USE AGGREGATION FRAMEWORK
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog/fields/ - GET | GETS ALL FIELDS IN SCHEMA
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog/options/ - GET | GETS ALL OPTIONS IN SCHEMA
// http://localhost:3000/api/v1/blog/_indexes/ - GET | GETS ALL INDEXES IN SCHEMA

//You Can Inject mongoose in your routing if need be
//You can also wait for the connection to openbefore injecting it
var mongoose = require('mongoose')


// OR you can  build it on your end by setting the config to not build
var build = require('buildreq')(
    routing: {
        schema: true,
        url: '/api/v1/',
        build: false

_.forEach(build.routing(app, mongoose), function (m) {


  routing: {
  //configs go here


var build = require('../buildreq')
build.config({configs: 'here'}-->)

R - Response Builder

The next common way to use this module is to have it build your api response so that you have a consistent format. This response is dynamic enough right off the bat to do logic based on actions you wish to give your frontend. Great thing is if you don’t like some of the fields you can delete them in the configs.

Key Description Default Value
method uses the GET method by default get
data uses empty object by default {}
user uses empty object by default {}
count uses zero by default 0
hostname uses empty string by default ''
query uses empty object by default {}
type uses empty string by default ''
actions.prev turns on action.prev by default true turns on by default true
actions.reload turns on action.reload by default true
middleware allows you to place middle ware on the routes auth: [],noauth: [],all: [],admin:[]
delete deletes response objects []

R - Routing Builder

It is a optional routing builder . what it does is it creates CRUD routes and interacts with the database based off of the shcema from mongoose. More to come on it later.

Key Description Default Value
schema uses mongoose schema by default - N/A taken out for now []
url change the default url that the routing is built with '/api/v1/'
build change the default to false to manually mount the routing 'true'
middleware change the default to false to manually mount the routing { auth: [], noauth: [], all: [] }
remove remove mongoose models by name if you dont want them routed ex `['Users'] []
deepPopulateOptions Mongoose populate options {whitelist: [],populate: {},rewrite: {}}
deepPopulateOptions.whitelist Mongoose populate options []
deepPopulateOptions.populate Mongoose populate options {}
deepPopulateOptions.rewrite Mongoose populate options {}

E - Error

The error is still being worked on to make better but currently it is a base level error handler

Q - Query Builder

The most common used way is as a dynamic query builder as express middleware. It watches on the “req.query “ to see how you users interacting with it. Once it captures the data it will then check it again all of you defined mongoose schemas. By doing that it allows the builder to know what to allow and what not to all. This will give you a dynamic api query handler with out having to code anything at all . All you need to do is to tell express to use the module as middleware “app.use(buildReq.query);”

Key Description Default Value
strict uses strict to make it follow strict to mongoose false
sort uses created field by default '-created'
filter uses empty object by default otherwise it finds dynamically based of schema {}
limit uses empty string by default 20
select uses empty string by default ''
populateId uses empty string by default ''
populateItems uses empty string by default ''
limitToPopulateId uses empty string by default ''
limitToPopulateItems uses empty string by default ''
deepPopulate uses empty string by default ''
lean uses empty string by default ''
skip uses empty string by default 0
where uses empty string by default ''
gt: uses where for GreaterThan false
gte: uses where for GreaterThanEqual false
lte: uses where for LessThanEqual false
lt: uses where for LessThan false
in: uses where for IN array false
ne: uses where for NE Not Equal false
nin: uses where for NIN not in array false
regex: uses where with options for regex false
options: uses where regex required false
size: uses where for SIZE of array false
all: uses where for ALL false
find: uses where for FIND false
equals: uses where for EQUALS false
aggregate: uses Aggregation Framework with object you send false
errorMessage uses string by default when user passes bad value Unknown Value
delete uses empty array by default []
mongoose uses boolean to use mongoose to to have custom true
schema uses empty [] if you dont use a custom schema []
Key Example urls
gt & lt http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=created&gt=2015-11-17&lt=2015-12-30
equals http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=email&
in http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=emails&
ne http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=email&
nin http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=emails&
regex & options http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=email&regex=\/com\/&options=%3Coptions%3E
size http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=emails&size=2
all http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=email&
find http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?where=email&find=shawn@
aggregate http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns/task/aggregated?aggregate[$unwind]=$donations&aggregate[$group][_id]=$_id&aggregate[$group][balance][$sum]=$donations.amount


-more docs -debug


Looking for anyone that could have a use for this module in his or her daily life to help contribute .


Take a look at my examples

npm install buildreq
cd ex/
node app.js

Created by Green Pioneer

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a dynamic response , routing , error & query package for expressjs and mongoose - buildreq







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