From f5e4d2d90c10f737e661de9bf10d1ddf197931ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michal Budzyn Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:18:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Upgrade --- go.mod | 25 +- go.sum | 26 + .../ | 12 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/.golangci.toml | 27 - .../ | 31 - .../ | 6592 ----------------- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/ | 4 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/ | 178 - vendor/ | 15 - vendor/ | 520 -- .../ | 2 +- vendor/ | 157 - .../aws/accountid_endpoint_mode.go | 18 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/checksum.go | 33 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/config.go | 63 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/credentials.go | 3 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/endpoints.go | 26 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/middleware/metadata.go | 47 +- .../aws/middleware/middleware.go | 10 +- .../aws/middleware/recursion_detection.go | 94 + .../aws/middleware/request_id_retriever.go | 16 +- .../aws/middleware/user_agent.go | 139 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/protocol/query/array.go | 40 +- .../aws/protocol/query/object.go | 22 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/protocol/query/value.go | 11 + .../aws/protocol/xml/error_utils.go | 16 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/ratelimit/none.go | 20 + .../aws/ratelimit/token_rate_limit.go | 4 - .../aws/retry/attempt_metrics.go | 51 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/retry/middleware.go | 97 +- .../aws/retry/retryable_error.go | 42 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/retry/standard.go | 11 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/retryer.go | 2 +- .../aws/signer/internal/v4/headers.go | 10 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/signer/v4/middleware.go | 169 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/signer/v4/v4.go | 84 +- .../aws/transport/http/client.go | 36 +- .../http/response_error_middleware.go | 10 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/buildspec.yml | 12 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/ | 558 ++ .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/config.go | 47 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/env_config.go | 377 +- .../config/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/load_options.go | 206 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/provider.go | 154 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/resolve.go | 108 +- .../config/resolve_credentials.go | 120 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config/shared_config.go | 398 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials/ | 489 ++ .../credentials/ec2rolecreds/doc.go | 2 +- .../endpointcreds/internal/client/auth.go | 48 + .../endpointcreds/internal/client/client.go | 25 +- .../internal/client/endpoints.go | 20 + .../internal/client/middleware.go | 58 +- .../credentials/endpointcreds/provider.go | 59 +- .../credentials/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../credentials/processcreds/provider.go | 28 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials/ssocreds/doc.go | 24 +- .../credentials/ssocreds/sso_cached_token.go | 14 +- .../ssocreds/sso_credentials_provider.go | 1 + .../stscreds/assume_role_provider.go | 6 + .../stscreds/web_identity_provider.go | 19 + vendor/ | 58 - .../feature/ec2/imds/ | 262 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_client.go | 32 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetDynamicData.go | 1 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetIAMInfo.go | 1 + .../api_op_GetInstanceIdentityDocument.go | 1 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetMetadata.go | 1 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetRegion.go | 1 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetToken.go | 1 + .../feature/ec2/imds/api_op_GetUserData.go | 1 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds/auth.go | 48 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds/doc.go | 5 +- .../feature/ec2/imds/endpoints.go | 20 + .../feature/ec2/imds/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../ec2/imds/internal/config/resolvers.go | 16 + .../feature/ec2/imds/request_middleware.go | 30 +- .../feature/ec2/imds/token_provider.go | 82 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/auth/auth.go | 45 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/auth/scheme.go | 191 + .../auth/smithy/bearer_token_adapter.go | 43 + .../smithy/bearer_token_signer_adapter.go | 35 + .../auth/smithy/credentials_adapter.go | 46 + .../internal/auth/smithy/smithy.go | 2 + .../internal/auth/smithy/v4signer_adapter.go | 57 + .../internal/configsources/ | 249 + .../internal/configsources/endpoints.go | 57 + .../configsources/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/context/context.go | 52 + .../internal/endpoints/awsrulesfn/arn.go | 94 + .../internal/endpoints/awsrulesfn/doc.go | 3 + .../internal/endpoints/awsrulesfn/generate.go | 7 + .../internal/endpoints/awsrulesfn/host.go | 51 + .../endpoints/awsrulesfn/partition.go | 76 + .../endpoints/awsrulesfn/partitions.go | 403 + .../endpoints/awsrulesfn/partitions.json | 229 + .../internal/endpoints/endpoints.go | 201 + .../internal/endpoints/v2/ | 251 + .../endpoints/v2/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ | 123 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ast.go | 120 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/comma_token.go | 11 - .../internal/ini/comment_token.go | 35 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/dependency.go | 6 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/doc.go | 43 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/empty_token.go | 4 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/expression.go | 24 - .../internal/ini/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ini.go | 48 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ini_lexer.go | 157 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ini_parser.go | 349 - .../internal/ini/literal_tokens.go | 336 - .../internal/ini/newline_token.go | 30 - .../internal/ini/number_helper.go | 152 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/op_tokens.go | 39 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/parse.go | 109 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/parse_error.go | 19 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/parse_stack.go | 60 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/sections.go | 157 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/sep_tokens.go | 41 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/skipper.go | 45 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/statement.go | 35 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/strings.go | 89 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/token.go | 32 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/tokenize.go | 92 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/value.go | 93 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/value_util.go | 284 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/visitor.go | 269 - .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/walker.go | 25 - .../aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini/ws_token.go | 24 - .../internal/middleware/middleware.go | 42 + .../internal/shareddefaults/shared_config.go | 47 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/ | 39 - .../ | 78 - .../internal/accept-encoding/ | 160 + .../internal/accept-encoding/LICENSE.txt | 202 + .../accept-encoding/accept_encoding_gzip.go | 176 + .../service/internal/accept-encoding/doc.go | 22 + .../accept-encoding/go_module_metadata.go | 6 + .../internal/presigned-url/ | 259 + .../service/internal/presigned-url/context.go | 12 +- .../presigned-url/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/ | 386 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/api_client.go | 717 +- .../service/sso/api_op_GetRoleCredentials.go | 65 +- .../service/sso/api_op_ListAccountRoles.go | 79 +- .../service/sso/api_op_ListAccounts.go | 85 +- .../service/sso/api_op_Logout.go | 86 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/auth.go | 337 + .../service/sso/deserializers.go | 87 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/doc.go | 21 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/endpoints.go | 418 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/generated.json | 5 + .../service/sso/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../sso/internal/endpoints/endpoints.go | 146 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/options.go | 232 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/serializers.go | 69 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/types/errors.go | 36 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sso/types/types.go | 23 +- .../service/ssooidc/ | 387 + .../service/ssooidc/api_client.go | 717 +- .../service/ssooidc/api_op_CreateToken.go | 150 +- .../ssooidc/api_op_CreateTokenWithIAM.go | 271 + .../service/ssooidc/api_op_RegisterClient.go | 98 +- .../api_op_StartDeviceAuthorization.go | 73 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc/auth.go | 331 + .../service/ssooidc/deserializers.go | 535 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc/doc.go | 89 +- .../service/ssooidc/endpoints.go | 420 +- .../service/ssooidc/generated.json | 6 + .../service/ssooidc/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../ssooidc/internal/endpoints/endpoints.go | 146 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc/options.go | 232 + .../service/ssooidc/serializers.go | 230 +- .../service/ssooidc/types/errors.go | 182 +- .../service/ssooidc/validators.go | 42 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/ | 413 ++ .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/api_client.go | 775 +- .../service/sts/api_op_AssumeRole.go | 575 +- .../service/sts/api_op_AssumeRoleWithSAML.go | 456 +- .../sts/api_op_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.go | 484 +- .../service/sts/api_op_AssumeRoot.go | 220 + .../sts/api_op_DecodeAuthorizationMessage.go | 109 +- .../service/sts/api_op_GetAccessKeyInfo.go | 108 +- .../service/sts/api_op_GetCallerIdentity.go | 87 +- .../service/sts/api_op_GetFederationToken.go | 411 +- .../service/sts/api_op_GetSessionToken.go | 207 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/auth.go | 325 + .../service/sts/deserializers.go | 212 + .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/doc.go | 13 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/endpoints.go | 998 ++- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/generated.json | 7 + .../service/sts/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../sts/internal/endpoints/endpoints.go | 74 +- .../aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/options.go | 232 + .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/serializers.go | 188 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/types/errors.go | 107 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/types/types.go | 74 +- .../aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts/validators.go | 42 + vendor/ | 7 + vendor/ | 125 + .../ | 31 + vendor/ | 14 +- vendor/ | 85 +- vendor/ | 3 + .../ | 47 + .../ | 25 + .../aws/smithy-go/auth/scheme_id.go | 20 + .../aws/smithy-go/changelog-template.json | 9 + .../smithy-go/encoding/httpbinding/encode.go | 13 +- .../encoding/httpbinding/path_replace.go | 30 +- .../aws/smithy-go/endpoints/endpoint.go | 23 + .../aws/smithy-go/go_module_metadata.go | 2 +- .../aws/smithy-go/metrics/metrics.go | 136 + .../ | 67 + .../aws/smithy-go/middleware/context.go | 41 + vendor/ | 1 - .../private/requestcompression/gzip.go | 30 + .../middleware_capture_request_compression.go | 52 + .../requestcompression/request_compression.go | 103 + vendor/ | 69 + .../aws/smithy-go/tracing/context.go | 96 + .../ | 32 + .../aws/smithy-go/tracing/tracing.go | 95 + .../aws/smithy-go/transport/http/auth.go | 21 + .../smithy-go/transport/http/auth_schemes.go | 45 + .../aws/smithy-go/transport/http/client.go | 45 +- .../aws/smithy-go/transport/http/host.go | 2 +- .../aws/smithy-go/transport/http/metrics.go | 198 + .../http/middleware_close_response_body.go | 8 +- .../http/middleware_header_comment.go | 81 + .../smithy-go/transport/http/properties.go | 80 + .../aws/smithy-go/transport/http/request.go | 5 +- vendor/modules.txt | 64 +- 236 files changed, 20373 insertions(+), 12154 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ delete mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 0b7e270c..6ff5b688 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ go 1.23 require ( v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5 - 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-[linters-settings.cyclop] -skip-tests = false - -[linters-settings.errcheck] -check-blank = true - -[linters] -disable-all = true -enable = ["errcheck"] -fast = false - -[issues] -exclude-use-default = false - -# Refer config definitions at diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4b498a7a..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -language: go -sudo: true -dist: bionic - -branches: - only: - - main - -os: - - linux - - osx - # Travis doesn't work with windows and Go tip - #- windows - -go: - - tip - -matrix: - allow_failures: - - go: tip - -before_install: - - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "windows" ]; then choco install make; fi - - (cd /tmp/; go get - -env: - - EACHMODULE_CONCURRENCY=4 - -script: - - make ci-test-no-generate; - diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index fcf2947b..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6592 +0,0 @@ -# Release (2022-12-02) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: Fixes the URI for the evaluatecode endpoint to include the /v1 prefix (ie. "/v1/dataplane-evaluatecode"). -* ``: [v1.20.1](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon ECS -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: AWS Firewall Manager now supports Fortigate Cloud Native Firewall as a Service as a third-party policy type. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: The AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for configurable ID3 eMSG box attributes and the ability to signal them with InbandEventStream tags in DASH and CMAF outputs. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: Updates to Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) API and documentation. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Add language code for Finnish (fi-FI) -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: CreateEnvironmentAccountConnection RoleArn input is now optional -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/redshiftserverless/ - * **Feature**: Add Table Level Restore operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless. Add multi-port support for Amazon Redshift Serverless endpoints. Add Tagging support to Snapshots and Recovery Points in Amazon Redshift Serverless. -* ``: [v1.18.7](service/sns/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds the message payload-filtering feature to the SNS Subscribe, SetSubscriptionAttributes, and GetSubscriptionAttributes API actions - -# Release (2022-12-01) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/codecatalyst/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release adds operations that support customers using the AWS Toolkits and Amazon CodeCatalyst, a unified software development service that helps developers develop, deploy, and maintain applications in the cloud. For more information, see the documentation. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Comprehend now supports semi-structured documents (such as PDF files or image files) as inputs for custom analysis using the synchronous APIs (ClassifyDocument and DetectEntities). -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: GameLift introduces a new feature, GameLift Anywhere. GameLift Anywhere allows you to integrate your own compute resources with GameLift. You can also use GameLift Anywhere to iteratively test your game servers without uploading the build to GameLift for every iteration. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/pipes/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS introduces new Amazon EventBridge Pipes which allow you to connect sources (SQS, Kinesis, DDB, Kafka, MQ) to Targets (14+ EventBridge Targets) without any code, with filtering, batching, input transformation, and an optional Enrichment stage (Lambda, StepFunctions, ApiGateway, ApiDestinations) -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for the AWS Step Functions Map state in Distributed mode. The changes include a new MapRun resource and several new and modified APIs. - -# Release (2022-11-30) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for S3 cross account access points. IAM Access Analyzer will now produce public or cross account findings when it detects bucket delegation to external account access points. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for using Apache Spark in Amazon Athena. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: This release enables data providers to license direct access to data in their Amazon S3 buckets or AWS Lake Formation data lakes through AWS Data Exchange. Subscribers get read-only access to the data and can use it in downstream AWS services, like Amazon Athena, without creating or managing copies. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/docdbelastic/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Launched Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters. You can now use the SDK to create, list, update and delete Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Cluster resources -* ``: [v1.37.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for AWS Glue Data Quality, which helps you evaluate and monitor the quality of your data and includes the API for creating, deleting, or updating data quality rulesets, runs and evaluations. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Amazon S3 now supports cross-account access points. S3 bucket owners can now allow trusted AWS accounts to create access points associated with their bucket. -* ``: [v1.56.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Added Models as part of the Search API. Added Model shadow deployments in realtime inference, and shadow testing in managed inference. Added support for shared spaces, geospatial APIs, Model Cards, AutoMLJobStep in pipelines, Git repositories on user profiles and domains, Model sharing in Jumpstart. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/sagemakergeospatial/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release provides Amazon SageMaker geospatial APIs to build, train, deploy and visualize geospatial models. - -# Release (2022-11-29.2) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.74.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for AWS Verified Access and the Hpc6id Amazon EC2 compute optimized instance type, which features 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/firehose/ - * **Feature**: Allow support for the Serverless offering for Amazon OpenSearch Service as a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery destination. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: AWS KMS introduces the External Key Store (XKS), a new feature for customers who want to protect their data with encryption keys stored in an external key management system under their control. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/omics/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon Omics is a new, purpose-built service that can be used by healthcare and life science organizations to store, query, and analyze omics data. The insights from that data can be used to accelerate scientific discoveries and improve healthcare. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/opensearchserverless/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Publish SDK for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/securitylake/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from cloud, on-premises, and custom sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account. Security Lake makes it easier to analyze security data, so you can improve the protection of your workloads, applications, and data -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/simspaceweaver/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS SimSpace Weaver is a new service that helps customers build spatial simulations at new levels of scale - resulting in virtual worlds with millions of dynamic entities. See the AWS SimSpace Weaver developer guide for more details on how to get started. - -# Release (2022-11-29) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/arczonalshift/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Zonal Shift is a new service that makes it easy to shift traffic away from an Availability Zone in a Region. See the developer guide for more information: -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for a new recommendation preference that makes it possible for customers to optimize their EC2 recommendations by utilizing an external metrics ingestion service to provide metrics. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: With this release, you can use AWS Config to evaluate your resources for compliance with Config rules before they are created or updated. Using Config rules in proactive mode enables you to test and build compliant resource templates or check resource configurations at the time they are provisioned. -* ``: [v1.73.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Introduces ENA Express, which uses AWS SRD and dynamic routing to increase throughput and minimize latency, adds support for trust relationships between Reachability Analyzer and AWS Organizations to enable cross-account analysis, and adds support for Infrastructure Performance metric subscriptions. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for additional EKS add-ons metadata and filtering fields -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for 4GB/s / 160K PIOPS FSx for ONTAP file systems and 10GB/s / 350K PIOPS FSx for OpenZFS file systems (Single_AZ_2). For FSx for ONTAP, this also adds support for DP volumes, snapshot policy, copy tags to backups, and Multi-AZ route table updates. -* ``: [v1.36.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release allows the creation of Custom Visual Transforms (Dynamic Transforms) to be created via AWS Glue CLI/SDK. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Inspector to scan AWS Lambda. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Lambda SnapStart, which helps improve the startup performance of functions. Customers can now manage SnapStart based functions via CreateFunction and UpdateFunctionConfiguration APIs -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/licensemanagerusersubscriptions/ - * **Feature**: AWS now offers fully-compliant, Amazon-provided licenses for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) on Amazon EC2. These AMIs are now available on the Amazon EC2 console and on AWS Marketplace to launch instances on-demand without any long-term licensing commitments. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Added support for configuring Macie to continually sample objects from S3 buckets and inspect them for sensitive data. Results appear in statistics, findings, and other data that Macie provides. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new Describe APIs and updates Create and Update APIs to support the data model for Dashboards, Analyses, and Templates. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Added two new APIs to support Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Point failover controls: GetMultiRegionAccessPointRoutes and SubmitMultiRegionAccessPointRoutes. The failover control APIs are supported in the following Regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-2, and ap-northeast-1. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Adding StandardsManagedBy field to DescribeStandards API response - -# Release (2022-11-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: AWS Backup introduces support for legal hold and application stack backups. AWS Backup Audit Manager introduces support for cross-Region, cross-account reports. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Adds cross-account support to the GetMetricData API. Adds cross-account support to the ListMetrics API through the usage of the IncludeLinkedAccounts flag and the new OwningAccounts field. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: Updates to support CloudWatch Logs data protection and CloudWatch cross-account observability -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/drs/ - * **Feature**: Non breaking changes to existing APIs, and additional APIs added to support in-AWS failing back using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for ECS Service Connect, a new capability that simplifies writing and operating resilient distributed applications. This release updates the TaskDefinition, Cluster, Service mutation APIs with Service connect constructs and also adds a new ListServicesByNamespace API. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: This release adds elastic as a new ThroughputMode value for EFS file systems and adds AFTER_1_DAY as a value for TransitionToIARules. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Job scheduling enables the scheduled rollout of a Job with start and end times and a customizable end behavior when end time is reached. This is available for continuous and snapshot jobs. Added support for MQTT5 properties to AWS IoT TopicRule Republish Action. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotdataplane/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for MQTT5 properties to AWS IoT HTTP Publish API. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: This release includes a new feature for customers to calculate the position of their devices by adding three new APIs: UpdateResourcePosition, GetResourcePosition, and GetPositionEstimate. -* ``: [v1.36.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now supports preview of table information from HTML tables in the search results. The most relevant cells with their corresponding rows, columns are displayed as a preview in the search result. The most relevant table cell or cells are also highlighted in table preview. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Application and Wave management. We also now support custom post-launch actions. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/oam/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager is a new service that allows configuration of the CloudWatch cross-account observability feature. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/organizations/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces delegated administrator for AWS Organizations, a new feature to help you delegate the management of your Organizations policies, enabling you to govern your AWS organization in a decentralized way. You can now allow member accounts to manage Organizations policies. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: This release enables new Aurora and RDS feature called Blue/Green Deployments that makes updates to databases safer, simpler and faster. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for classifying and splitting lending documents by type, and extracting information by using the Analyze Lending APIs. This release also includes support for summarized information of the processed lending document package, in addition to per document results. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for 'inputType' for post-call and real-time (streaming) Call Analytics within Amazon Transcribe. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for real-time (streaming) and post-call Call Analytics within Amazon Transcribe. - -# Release (2022-11-23) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/grafana/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for configuring a Grafana workspace to connect to a datasource within a VPC as well as new APIs for configuring Grafana settings. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/rbin/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Rule Lock for Recycle Bin, which allows you to lock retention rules so that they can no longer be modified or deleted. - -# Release (2022-11-22) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for Amazon AppFlow to transfer the data to Amazon Redshift databases through Amazon Redshift Data API service. This feature will support the Redshift destination connector on both public and private accessible Amazon Redshift Clusters and Amazon Redshift Serverless. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: Support for Apache Flink 1.15 in Kinesis Data Analytics. - -# Release (2022-11-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Route 53 now supports the Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region (ap-south-2) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region. - -# Release (2022-11-18.2) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.1](service/ssmsap/ - * **Bug Fix**: Removes old model file for ssm sap and uses the new model file to regenerate client - -# Release (2022-11-18) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: AppFlow provides a new API called UpdateConnectorRegistration to update a custom connector that customers have previously registered. With this API, customers no longer need to unregister and then register a connector to make an update. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces a new feature for Audit Manager: Evidence finder. You can now use evidence finder to quickly query your evidence, and add the matching evidence results to an assessment report. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/chimesdkvoice/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon Chime Voice Connector, Voice Connector Group and PSTN Audio Service APIs are now available in the Amazon Chime SDK Voice namespace. See for more details. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: CloudFront API support for staging distributions and associated traffic management policies. -* ``: [v1.38.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Added AllowedAccessControlTags and TagRestrictedResource for Tag Based Access Control on Amazon Connect Webpage -* ``: [v1.17.6](service/dynamodb/ - * **Documentation**: Updated minor fixes for DynamoDB documentation. -* ``: [v1.13.25](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Documentation**: Updated minor fixes for DynamoDB documentation. -* ``: [v1.72.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for copying an Amazon Machine Image's tags when copying an AMI. -* ``: [v1.35.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: AWSGlue Crawler - Adding support for Table and Column level Comments with database level datatypes for JDBC based crawler. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/iotroborunner/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS IoT RoboRunner is a new service that makes it easy to build applications that help multi-vendor robots work together seamlessly. See the IoT RoboRunner developer guide for more details on getting started. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following: 1) Asset management for centralized assets governance 2) QuickSight Q now supports public embedding 3) New Termination protection flag to mitigate accidental deletes 4) Athena data sources now accept a custom IAM role 5) QuickSight supports connectivity to Databricks -* ``: [v1.55.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Added DisableProfiler flag as a new field in ProfilerConfig -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Feature**: This release 1. adds support for Principal Name Sharing with Service Catalog portfolio sharing. 2. Introduces repo sourced products which are created and managed with existing SC APIs. These products are synced to external repos and auto create new product versions based on changes in the repo. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for using Step Functions service integrations to invoke any cross-account AWS resource, even if that service doesn't support resource-based policies or cross-account calls. See -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Adds a NONE encryption algorithm type to AS2 connectors, providing support for skipping encryption of the AS2 message body when a HTTPS URL is also specified. - -# Release (2022-11-17) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: Adds a new value (WEB_COMPUTE) to the Platform enum that allows customers to create Amplify Apps with Server-Side Rendering support. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: AppFlow simplifies the preparation and cataloging of SaaS data into the AWS Glue Data Catalog where your data can be discovered and accessed by AWS analytics and ML services. AppFlow now also supports data field partitioning and file size optimization to improve query performance and reduce cost. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces the APPSYNC_JS runtime, and adds support for JavaScript in AppSync functions and AppSync pipeline resolvers. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on DMS Replication Instances -* ``: [v1.71.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new optional parameter "privateIpAddress" for the CreateNatGateway API. PrivateIPAddress will allow customers to select a custom Private IPv4 address instead of having it be auto-assigned. -* ``: [v1.18.25](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Documentation**: Provides new target group attributes to turn on/off cross zone load balancing and configure target group health for Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers. Provides improvements to health check configuration for Network Load Balancers. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/emrserverless/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for AWS Graviton2 based applications. You can now select CPU architecture when creating new applications or updating existing ones. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/ivschat/ - * **Feature**: Adds LoggingConfiguration APIs for IVS Chat - a feature that allows customers to store and record sent messages in a chat room to S3 buckets, CloudWatch logs, or Kinesis firehose. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Add Node 18 (nodejs18.x) support to AWS Lambda. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: This release provides support for creation and use of metric attributions in AWS Personalize -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Add two new neural voices - Ola (pl-PL) and Hala (ar-AE). -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/rum/ - * **Feature**: CloudWatch RUM now supports custom events. To use custom events, create an app monitor or update an app monitor with CustomEvent Status as ENABLED. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Added 34 new S3 Storage Lens metrics to support additional customer use cases. -* ``: [v1.16.7](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Added SourceLayerArn and SourceLayerHash field for security findings. Updated AwsLambdaFunction Resource detail -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for tagged resource associations, which allows you to associate a group of resources with a defined resource tag key and value to the application. -* ``: [v1.17.4](service/sts/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Security Token Service. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for specifying and extracting information from documents using the Signatures feature within Analyze Document API -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: The release introduces CreateStandbyWorkspaces, an API that allows you to create standby WorkSpaces associated with a primary WorkSpace in another Region. DescribeWorkspaces now includes related WorkSpaces properties. DescribeWorkspaceBundles and CreateWorkspaceBundle now return more bundle details. - -# Release (2022-11-16) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.1](service/batch/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates related to Batch on EKS -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/billingconductor/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new feature BillingEntity pricing rule. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: Added UnsupportedTarget HandlerErrorCode for use with CFN Resource Hooks -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/comprehendmedical/ - * **Feature**: This release supports new set of entities and traits. It also adds new category (BEHAVIORAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_SOCIAL). -* ``: [v1.37.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new MonitorContact API for initiating monitoring of ongoing Voice and Chat contacts. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for customer-provided placement groups for Kubernetes control plane instances when creating local EKS clusters on Outposts -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: for Redis now supports AWS Identity and Access Management authentication access to Redis clusters starting with redis-engine version 7.0 -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iottwinmaker/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following: 1) ExecuteQuery API allows users to query their AWS IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph 2) Pricing plan APIs allow users to configure and manage their pricing mode 3) Support for property groups and tabular property values in existing AWS IoT TwinMaker APIs. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/personalizeevents/ - * **Feature**: This release provides support for creation and use of metric attributions in AWS Personalize -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: Add support for sorting and filtering in ListServiceInstances -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for container databases (CDBs) to Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle. A CDB contains one PDB at creation. You can add more PDBs using Oracle SQL. You can also customize your database installation by setting the Oracle base, Oracle home, and the OS user name and group. -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for cross account access in CreateOpsItem, UpdateOpsItem and GetOpsItem. It introduces new APIs to setup resource policies for SSM resources: PutResourcePolicy, GetResourcePolicies and DeleteResourcePolicy. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Add support for PagerDuty integrations on ResponsePlan, IncidentRecord, and RelatedItem APIs -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Allow additional operations to throw ThrottlingException -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/xray/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new APIs - PutResourcePolicy, DeleteResourcePolicy, ListResourcePolicies for supporting resource based policies for AWS X-Ray. - -# Release (2022-11-15) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.36.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release updates the APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute, and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable enhanced contact monitoring using attribute type ENHANCED_CONTACT_MONITORING on the specified Amazon Connect instance. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Adds new parent target ARN paramater to CreateDeployment, GetDeployment, and ListDeployments APIs for the new subdeployments feature. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Route 53 now supports the Europe (Spain) Region (eu-south-2) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/ssmsap/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS Systems Manager for SAP provides simplified operations and management of SAP applications such as SAP HANA. With this release, SAP customers and partners can automate and simplify their SAP system administration tasks such as backup/restore of SAP HANA. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces ModifyCertificateBasedAuthProperties, a new API that allows control of certificate-based auth properties associated with a WorkSpaces directory. The DescribeWorkspaceDirectories API will now additionally return certificate-based auth properties in its responses. - -# Release (2022-11-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: This release enhances the SearchProfiles API by providing functionality to search for profiles using multiple keys and logical operators. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new parameter "Parameters" in the DataLakeSettings. -* ``: [v1.13.3](service/managedblockchain/ - * **Documentation**: Updating the API docs data type: NetworkEthereumAttributes, and the operations DeleteNode, and CreateNode to also include the supported Goerli network. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: Add support for CodeBuild Provisioning -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for restoring an RDS Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot to a Single-AZ deployment or a Multi-AZ DB instance deployment. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/workdocs/ - * **Feature**: Added 2 new document related operations, DeleteDocumentVersion and RestoreDocumentVersions. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/xray/ - * **Feature**: This release enhances GetServiceGraph API to support new type of edge to represent links between SQS and Lambda in event-driven applications. - -# Release (2022-11-11) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](config/ - * **Announcement**: When using the SSOTokenProvider, a previous implementation incorrectly compensated for invalid SSOTokenProvider configurations in the shared profile. This has been fixed via PR #1903 and tracked in issue #1846 - * **Feature**: Adds token refresh support (via SSOTokenProvider) when using the SSOCredentialProvider -* ``: [v1.13.0](credentials/ - * **Announcement**: When using the SSOTokenProvider, a previous implementation incorrectly compensated for invalid SSOTokenProvider configurations in the shared profile. This has been fixed via PR #1903 and tracked in issue #1846 - * **Feature**: Adds token refresh support (via SSOTokenProvider) when using the SSOCredentialProvider -* ``: [v1.34.1](service/glue/ - * **Documentation**: Added links related to enabling job bookmarks. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: This release add new api listRelatedResourcesForAuditFinding and new member type IssuerCertificates for Iot device device defender Audit. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: AWS License Manager now supports onboarded Management Accounts or Delegated Admins to view granted licenses aggregated from all accounts in the organization. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/marketplacecatalog/ - * **Feature**: Added three new APIs to support tagging and tag-based authorization: TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource. Added optional parameters to the StartChangeSet API to support tagging a resource while making a request to create it. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for ImageProperties feature to detect dominant colors and image brightness, sharpness, and contrast, inclusion and exclusion filters for labels and label categories, new fields to the API response, "aliases" and "categories" -* ``: [v1.23.8](service/securityhub/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Security Hub -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: RelatedItems now have an ID field which can be used for referencing them else where. Introducing event references in TimelineEvent API and increasing maximum length of "eventData" to 12K characters. - -# Release (2022-11-10) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.24.1](service/autoscaling/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds a new price capacity optimized allocation strategy for Spot Instances to help customers optimize provisioning of Spot Instances via EC2 Auto Scaling, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet. It allocates Spot Instances based on both spare capacity availability and Spot Instance price. -* ``: [v1.70.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new price capacity optimized allocation strategy for Spot Instances to help customers optimize provisioning of Spot Instances via EC2 Auto Scaling, EC2 Fleet, and Spot Fleet. It allocates Spot Instances based on both spare capacity availability and Spot Instance price. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for task scale-in protection with updateTaskProtection and getTaskProtection APIs. UpdateTaskProtection API can be used to protect a service managed task from being terminated by scale-in events and getTaskProtection API to get the scale-in protection status of a task. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers managed VPC endpoints to connect to your Amazon OpenSearch Service VPC-enabled domain in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This feature allows you to privately access OpenSearch Service domain without using public IPs or requiring traffic to traverse the Internet. -* ``: [v1.0.1](service/resourceexplorer2/ - * **Documentation**: Text only updates to some Resource Explorer descriptions. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/scheduler/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS introduces the new Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. EventBridge Scheduler is a serverless scheduler that allows you to create, run, and manage tasks from one central, managed service. - -# Release (2022-11-09) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.35.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new fields SignInUrl, UserArn, and UserId to GetFederationToken response payload. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/connectcases/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the ability to disable templates through the UpdateTemplate API. Disabling templates prevents customers from creating cases using the template. For more information see -* ``: [v1.69.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances, powered by AWS Trainium chips, are purpose built for high-performance deep learning training. u-24tb1.112xlarge and u-18tb1.112xlarge High Memory instances are purpose-built to run large in-memory databases. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/groundstation/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the preview of customer-provided ephemeris support for AWS Ground Station, allowing space vehicle owners to provide their own position and trajectory information for a satellite. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: This release adds "IncludeIframeOnlyStream" for Dash endpoints. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Feature**: This will release hi-IN and th-TH - -# Release (2022-11-08) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/acm/ - * **Feature**: Support added for requesting elliptic curve certificate key algorithm types P-256 (EC_prime256v1) and P-384 (EC_secp384r1). -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/billingconductor/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the Recurring Custom Line Item feature along with a new API ListCustomLineItemVersions. -* ``: [v1.68.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release enables sharing of EC2 Placement Groups across accounts and within AWS Organizations using Resource Access Manager -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: AWS Firewall Manager now supports importing existing AWS Network Firewall firewalls into Firewall Manager policies. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Amazon Lightsail to automate the delegation of domains registered through Amazon Route 53 to Lightsail DNS management and to automate record creation for DNS validation of Lightsail SSL/TLS certificates. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers managed VPC endpoints to connect to your Amazon OpenSearch Service VPC-enabled domain in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This feature allows you to privately access OpenSearch Service domain without using public IPs or requiring traffic to traverse the Internet. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Polly adds new voices: Elin (sv-SE), Ida (nb-NO), Laura (nl-NL) and Suvi (fi-FI). They are available as neural voices only. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/resourceexplorer2/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This is the initial SDK release for AWS Resource Explorer. AWS Resource Explorer lets your users search for and discover your AWS resources across the AWS Regions in your account. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Route 53 now supports the Europe (Zurich) Region (eu-central-2) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region. - -# Release (2022-11-07) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for using Query Result Reuse -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for two new attributes for attribute-based instance type selection - NetworkBandwidthGbps and AllowedInstanceTypes. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for configuring a delegated administrator to manage an AWS Organizations organization CloudTrail trails and event data stores, and AWS Key Management Service encryption of CloudTrail Lake event data stores. -* ``: [v1.67.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for two new attributes for attribute-based instance type selection - NetworkBandwidthGbps and AllowedInstanceTypes. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Added support for IPv6 and dual stack for Memcached and Redis clusters. Customers can now launch new Redis and Memcached clusters with IPv6 and dual stack networking support. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Lex now supports new APIs for viewing and editing Custom Vocabulary in bots. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: The AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for setting the SDR reference white point for HDR conversions and conversion of HDR10 to DolbyVision without mastering metadata. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for applying a CloudWatch alarm to multi account multi region Systems Manager Automation -* ``: [v1.23.1](service/wafv2/ - * **Documentation**: The geo match statement now adds labels for country and region. You can match requests at the region level by combining a geo match statement with label match statements. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for integrations with AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry to improve workload discovery and speed up your workload reviews. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release adds protocols attribute to workspaces properties data type. This enables customers to migrate workspaces from PC over IP (PCoIP) to WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) using create and modify workspaces public APIs. - -# Release (2022-11-04) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.1](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Documentation**: Doc-only update for bug fixes and support of export to buckets encrypted with SSE-KMS -* ``: [v1.66.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds API support for the recipient of an AMI account share to remove shared AMI launch permissions. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for Job templates. Job templates allow you to create and store templates to configure Spark applications parameters. This helps you ensure consistent settings across applications by reusing and enforcing configuration overrides in data pipelines. -* ``: [v1.0.37](service/internal/eventstreamtesting/ - * **Dependency Update**: update dependency to 0.1.0 - -# Release (2022-11-03) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/memorydb/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for r6gd instances for MemoryDB Redis with data tiering. In a cluster with data tiering enabled, when available memory capacity is exhausted, the least recently used data is automatically tiered to solid state drives for cost-effective capacity scaling with minimal performance impact. -* ``: [v1.54.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker now supports running training jobs on ml.trn1 instance types. - -# Release (2022-11-02) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the ListAssetModelProperties and ListAssetProperties APIs. You can list all properties that belong to a single asset model or asset using these two new APIs. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: S3 on Outposts launches support for Lifecycle configuration for Outposts buckets. With S3 Lifecycle configuration, you can mange objects so they are stored cost effectively. You can manage objects using size-based rules and specify how many noncurrent versions bucket will retain. -* ``: [v1.53.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This release updates Framework model regex for ModelPackage to support new Framework version xgboost, sklearn. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for tagging replication-set on creation. - -# Release (2022-11-01) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Relational Database Service - This release adds support for configuring Storage Throughput on RDS database instances. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: Add ocr results in AnalyzeIDResponse as blocks - -# Release (2022-10-31) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for private App Runner services. Services may now be configured to be made private and only accessible from a VPC. The changes include a new VpcIngressConnection resource and several new and modified APIs. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: SDK release to support tagging for destinations and log groups with TagResource. Also supports tag on create with PutDestination. -* ``: [v1.34.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Amazon connect now support a new API DismissUserContact to dismiss or remove terminated contacts in Agent CCP -* ``: [v1.65.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Elastic IP transfer is a new Amazon VPC feature that allows you to transfer your Elastic IP addresses from one AWS Account to another. -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the Amazon Location action to IoT Rules Engine. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/sesv2/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for interacting with the Virtual Deliverability Manager, allowing you to opt in/out of the feature and to retrieve recommendations and metric data. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces additional support for 30+ normalized fields such as vendor address and currency. It also includes OCR output in the response and accuracy improvements for the already supported fields in previous version - -# Release (2022-10-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: AWS App Runner adds .NET 6, Go 1, PHP 8.1 and Ruby 3.1 runtimes. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: This release includes CertificateBasedAuthProperties in CreateDirectoryConfig and UpdateDirectoryConfig. -* ``: [v1.16.20](service/cloud9/ - * **Documentation**: Update to the documentation section of the Cloud9 API Reference guide. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: This release adds more fields to improves visibility of AWS CloudFormation StackSets information in following APIs: ListStackInstances, DescribeStackInstance, ListStackSetOperationResults, ListStackSetOperations, DescribeStackSetOperation. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces support for SCTE-35 segmentation descriptor messages which can be sent within time signal messages. - -# Release (2022-10-27) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.64.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Feature supports the replacement of instance root volume using an updated AMI without requiring customers to stop their instance. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: Add support NetworkFirewall Managed Rule Group Override flag in GetViolationDetails API -* ``: [v1.34.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Added support for custom datatypes when using custom csv classifier. -* ``: [v1.26.13](service/redshift/ - * **Documentation**: This release clarifies use for the ElasticIp parameter of the CreateCluster and RestoreFromClusterSnapshot APIs. -* ``: [v1.52.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This change allows customers to provide a custom entrypoint script for the docker container to be run while executing training jobs, and provide custom arguments to the entrypoint script. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following: Challenge rule action, to silently verify client browsers; rule group rule action override to any valid rule action, not just Count; token sharing between protected applications for challenge/CAPTCHA token; targeted rules option for Bot Control managed rule group. - -# Release (2022-10-26) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.23](service/iam/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update that corrects instances of CLI not using an entity. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Tiered Storage. UpdateStorage allows you to control the Storage Mode for supported storage tiers. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Neptune Serverless instances. -* ``: [v1.51.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying Grid Search strategy for tuning jobs, which evaluates all hyperparameter combinations exhaustively based on the categorical hyperparameters provided. - -# Release (2022-10-25) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for six new resource types in IAM Access Analyzer to help you easily identify public and cross-account access to your AWS resources. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators. -* ``: [v1.19.3](service/location/ - * **Documentation**: Added new map styles with satellite imagery for map resources using HERE as a data provider. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: This release is a documentation update -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images. - -# Release (2022-10-24) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.12.19](feature/ec2/imds/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issue that prevented logging of the API request or responses when the respective log modes were enabled. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) now offers usage modes which are combination of features to address specific use cases. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: Added support for self-signed certificates when using object storage locations; added BytesCompressed to the TaskExecution response. -* ``: [v1.50.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Inference Recommender now supports a new API ListInferenceRecommendationJobSteps to return the details of all the benchmark we create for an inference recommendation job. - -# Release (2022-10-21) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.17.0 - * **Feature**: Adds `aws.IsCredentialsProvider` for inspecting `CredentialProvider` types when needing to determine if the underlying implementation type matches a target type. This resolves an issue where `CredentialsCache` could mask `AnonymousCredentials` providers, breaking downstream detection logic. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new "DeletionProtection" field to the UserPool in Cognito. Application admins can configure this value with either ACTIVE or INACTIVE value. Setting this field to ACTIVE will prevent a user pool from accidental deletion. -* ``: [v1.16.16](service/eventbridge/ - * **Bug Fix**: The SDK client has been updated to utilize the `aws.IsCredentialsProvider` function for determining if `aws.AnonymousCredentials` has been configured for the `CredentialProvider`. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: S3 on Outposts launches support for automatic bucket-style alias. You can use the automatic access point alias instead of an access point ARN for any object-level operation in an Outposts bucket. - * **Bug Fix**: The SDK client has been updated to utilize the `aws.IsCredentialsProvider` function for determining if `aws.AnonymousCredentials` has been configured for the `CredentialProvider`. -* ``: [v1.49.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: CreateInferenceRecommenderjob API now supports passing endpoint details directly, that will help customers to identify the max invocation and max latency they can achieve for their model and the associated endpoint along with getting recommendations on other instances. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: Add presign functionality for sts:AssumeRole operation - -# Release (2022-10-20) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: This release adds information about the resources DevOps Guru is analyzing. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/globalaccelerator/ - * **Feature**: Global Accelerator now supports AddEndpoints and RemoveEndpoints operations for standard endpoint groups. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/resiliencehub/ - * **Feature**: In this release, we are introducing support for regional optimization for AWS Resilience Hub applications. It also includes a few documentation updates to improve clarity. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/rum/ - * **Feature**: CloudWatch RUM now supports Extended CloudWatch Metrics with Additional Dimensions - -# Release (2022-10-19) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.6](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Chime Messaging SDK -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for exporting CloudTrail Lake query results to an Amazon S3 bucket. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds resourceType enums for AppConfig, AppSync, DataSync, EC2, EKS, Glue, GuardDuty, SageMaker, ServiceDiscovery, SES, Route53 types. -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds API support for managing phone numbers that can be used across multiple AWS regions through telephony traffic distribution. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/managedblockchain/ - * **Feature**: Adding new Accessor APIs for Amazon Managed Blockchain -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updates internal logic for constructing API endpoints. We have added rule-based endpoints and internal model parameters. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/supportapp/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API. You can use the API to register a Slack workspace for an AWS account that is part of an organization. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/workspacesweb/ - * **Feature**: WorkSpaces Web now supports user access logging for recording session start, stop, and URL navigation. - -# Release (2022-10-18) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.10](service/frauddetector/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation Updates for Amazon Fraud Detector -* ``: [v1.48.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This change allows customers to enable data capturing while running a batch transform job, and configure monitoring schedule to monitoring the captured data. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: Updated the ListNamespaces API to support the NAME and HTTP_NAME filters, and the BEGINS_WITH filter condition. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sesv2/ - * **Feature**: This release allows subscribers to enable Dedicated IPs (managed) to send email via a fully managed dedicated IP experience. It also adds identities' VerificationStatus in the response of GetEmailIdentity and ListEmailIdentities APIs, and ImportJobs counts in the response of ListImportJobs API. - -# Release (2022-10-17) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/greengrass/ - * **Feature**: This change allows customers to specify FunctionRuntimeOverride in FunctionDefinitionVersion. This configuration can be used if the runtime on the device is different from the AWS Lambda runtime specified for that function. -* ``: [v1.47.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for C7g, C6g, C6gd, C6gn, M6g, M6gd, R6g, and R6gn Graviton instance types in Amazon SageMaker Inference. - -# Release (2022-10-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: MediaConvert now supports specifying the minimum percentage of the HRD buffer available at the end of each encoded video segment. - -# Release (2022-10-13) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Feature**: We are releasing the ability for fields to be configured as arrays. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: With this update, you can choose which Salesforce API is used by Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to or from your Salesforce account. You can choose the Salesforce REST API or Bulk API 2.0. You can also choose for Amazon AppFlow to pick the API automatically. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for a secondary email and a mobile number for Amazon Connect instance users. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/directoryservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for describing and updating AWS Managed Microsoft AD set up. -* ``: [v1.18.24](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update to address tickets. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: Add UnprocessedDataSources to CreateDetectorResponse which specifies the data sources that couldn't be enabled during the CreateDetector request. In addition, update documentations. -* ``: [v1.18.20](service/iam/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the AWS Identity and Access Management API Reference. -* ``: [v1.0.1](service/iotfleetwise/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for AWS IoT FleetWise -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports forwarding SCTE-35 messages through the Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) API, and can read those SCTE-35 messages from an inactive source. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: This release adds SPEKE v2 support for MediaPackage VOD. Speke v2 is an upgrade to the existing SPEKE API to support multiple encryption keys, based on an encryption contract selected by the customer. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/panorama/ - * **Feature**: Pause and resume camera stream processing with SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstances. Reboot an appliance with CreateJobForDevices. More application state information in DescribeApplicationInstance response. -* ``: [v1.12.16](service/rdsdata/ - * **Documentation**: Doc update to reflect no support for schema parameter on BatchExecuteStatement API -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Support of AmazonLinux2022 by Patch Manager -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Update RelatedItem enum to support Tasks -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an option for customers to configure workflows that are triggered when files are only partially received from a client due to premature session disconnect. -* ``: [v1.15.1](service/translate/ - * **Documentation**: This release enables customers to specify multiple target languages in asynchronous batch translation requests. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Feature**: This release updates the GetRecommendations API to include a trigger event list for classifying and grouping recommendations. - -# Release (2022-10-07) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.15](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update to replace broken link. -* ``: [v1.18.20](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Documentation**: Gateway Load Balancer adds a new feature (target_failover) for customers to rebalance existing flows to a healthy target after marked unhealthy or deregistered. This allows graceful patching/upgrades of target appliances during maintenance windows, and helps reduce unhealthy target failover time. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds error status details for deployments and components that failed on a device and adds features to improve visibility into component installation. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Amazon QuickSight now supports SecretsManager Secret ARN in place of CredentialPair for DataSource creation and update. This release also has some minor documentation updates and removes CountryCode as a required parameter in GeoSpatialColumnGroup - -# Release (2022-10-06) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.6.15](service/resiliencehub/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation change for AWS Resilience Hub. Doc-only update to fix Documentation layout - -# Release (2022-10-05) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This SDK release adds support to sync glue jobs with source control provider. Additionally, a new parameter called SourceControlDetails will be added to Job model. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: StreamExceptionPolicy configures how AWS Network Firewall processes traffic when a network connection breaks midstream -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the Asset state information to the ListAssets response. The ListAssets request supports filtering on Asset state. - -# Release (2022-10-04) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated the CreateIntegrationAssociation API to support the CASES_DOMAIN IntegrationType. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/connectcases/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release adds APIs for Amazon Connect Cases. Cases allows your agents to quickly track and manage customer issues that require multiple interactions, follow-up tasks, and teams in your contact center. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.63.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Added EnableNetworkAddressUsageMetrics flag for ModifyVpcAttribute, DescribeVpcAttribute APIs. -* ``: [v1.18.23](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to address various Amazon ECS tickets. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: S3 Object Lambda adds support to allow customers to intercept HeadObject and ListObjects requests and introduce their own compute. These requests were previously proxied to S3. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for impersonation roles in Amazon WorkMail. - -# Release (2022-10-03) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: AWS IAM Access Analyzer policy validation introduces new checks for role trust policies. As customers author a policy, IAM Access Analyzer policy validation evaluates the policy for any issues to make it easier for customers to author secure policies. -* ``: [v1.62.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Adding an imdsSupport attribute to EC2 AMIs -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/snowball/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for V3_5C. This is a refreshed AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized device type with 28TB SSD, 104 vCPU and 416GB memory (customer usable). - -# Release (2022-09-30) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/codedeploy/ - * **Feature**: This release allows you to override the alarm configurations when creating a deployment. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: This release adds filter feature on AddNotificationChannel API, enable customer to configure the SNS notification messages by Severity or MessageTypes -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/dlm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for archival of single-volume snapshots created by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager policies -* ``: [v1.46.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: A new parameter called ExplainerConfig is added to CreateEndpointConfig API to enable SageMaker Clarify online explainability feature. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: A new parameter called EnableExplanations is added to InvokeEndpoint API to enable on-demand SageMaker Clarify online explainability requests. -* ``: [v1.13.6](service/ssooidc/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the IAM Identity Center OIDC CLI Reference. - -# Release (2022-09-29) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/acm/ - * **Feature**: This update returns additional certificate details such as certificate SANs and allows sorting in the ListCertificates API. -* ``: [v1.61.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: u-3tb1 instances are powered by Intel Xeon Platinum 8176M (Skylake) processors and are purpose-built to run large in-memory databases. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/emrserverless/ - * **Feature**: This release adds API support to debug Amazon EMR Serverless jobs in real-time with live application UIs -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Amazon File Cache. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/migrationhuborchestrator/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Introducing AWS MigrationHubOrchestrator. This is the first public release of AWS MigrationHubOrchestrator. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Added support for the new Cantonese voice - Hiujin. Hiujin is available as a Neural voice only. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an option to delete pipeline provisioning repositories using the UpdateAccountSettings API -* ``: [v1.45.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Training Managed Warm Pools let you retain provisioned infrastructure to reduce latency for repetitive training workloads. -* ``: [v1.16.2](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/translate/ - * **Feature**: This release enables customers to access control rights on Translate resources like Parallel Data and Custom Terminology using Tag Based Authorization. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release includes diagnostic log uploading feature. If it is enabled, the log files of WorkSpaces Windows client will be sent to Amazon WorkSpaces automatically for troubleshooting. You can use modifyClientProperty api to enable/disable this feature. - -# Release (2022-09-27) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: This release is to support retroactive Cost Categories. The new field will enable you to retroactively apply new and existing cost category rules to previous months. -* ``: [v1.35.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: My AWS Service (placeholder) - Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for DropBox. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: This release adds place IDs, which are unique identifiers of places, along with a new GetPlace operation, which can be used with place IDs to find a place again later. UnitNumber and UnitType are also added as new properties of places. - -# Release (2022-09-26) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.0](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Adds a String method to UnixTime, so that when structs with this field get logged it prints a human readable time. -* ``: [v1.10.0](feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Adds a String method to UnixTime, so that when structs with this field get logged it prints a human readable time. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/costandusagereportservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds two new support regions(me-central-1/eu-south-2) for OSG. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/iotfleetwise/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: General availability (GA) for AWS IoT Fleetwise. It adds AWS IoT Fleetwise to AWS SDK. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for applying a CloudWatch alarm to Systems Manager capabilities like Automation, Run Command, State Manager, and Maintenance Windows. - -# Release (2022-09-23) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: AWS App Runner adds a Node.js 16 runtime. -* ``: [v1.60.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Letting external AWS customers provide ImageId as a Launch Template override in FleetLaunchTemplateOverridesRequest -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces additional optional parameters promptAttemptsSpecification to PromptSpecification, which enables the users to configure interrupt setting and Audio, DTMF and Text input configuration for the initial and retry prompt played by the Bot -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) support for Lightsail instances. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Nimble Studio adds support for on-demand Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) G3 and G5 instances, allowing customers to utilize additional GPU instance types for their creative projects. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new SSM document types ConformancePackTemplate and CloudFormation -* ``: [v1.22.9](service/wafv2/ - * **Documentation**: Add the default specification for ResourceType in ListResourcesForWebACL. - -# Release (2022-09-22) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/backupgateway/ - * **Feature**: Changes include: new GetVirtualMachineApi to fetch a single user's VM, improving ListVirtualMachines to fetch filtered VMs as well as all VMs, and improving GetGatewayApi to now also return the gateway's MaintenanceStartTime. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/devicefarm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the support for VPC-ENI based connectivity for private devices on AWS Device Farm. -* ``: [v1.59.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Added support for S3 Event Notifications for Catalog Target Crawlers. -* ``: [v1.15.5](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the Identity Store CLI Reference. - -# Release (2022-09-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Comprehend now supports synchronous mode for targeted sentiment API operations. -* ``: [v1.22.2](service/route53/ - * **Bug Fix**: Updated GetChange to sanitize /change/ prefix of the changeId returned from the service. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: S3 on Outposts launches support for object versioning for Outposts buckets. With S3 Versioning, you can preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your buckets. You can recover from both unintended user actions and application failures. -* ``: [v1.44.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker now allows customization on Canvas Application settings, including enabling/disabling time-series forecasting and specifying an Amazon Forecast execution role at both the Domain and UserProfile levels. - -# Release (2022-09-20) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.16.16 - * **Documentation**: added clafirfication on the Credential object to show usage of loadDefaultConfig to load credentials -* ``: [v1.58.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for blocked paths to Amazon VPC Reachability Analyzer. - -# Release (2022-09-19) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: This release includes support for importing existing trails into CloudTrail Lake. -* ``: [v1.57.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds CapacityAllocations field to DescribeCapacityReservations -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: This change allows the customer to use the SRT Caller protocol as part of their flows -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Amazon RDS Proxy with SQL Server compatibility. - -# Release (2022-09-16) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/codestarnotifications/ - * **Feature**: This release adds tag based access control for the UntagResource API. -* ``: [v1.18.21](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: This release supports new task definition sizes. - -# Release (2022-09-15) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: Increased DynamoDB transaction limit from 25 to 100. -* ``: [v1.56.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This feature allows customers to create tags for vpc-endpoint-connections and vpc-endpoint-service-permissions. -* ``: [v1.43.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying Hyperband strategy for tuning jobs, which uses a multi-fidelity based tuning strategy to stop underperforming hyperparameter configurations early. - -# Release (2022-09-14) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.2.0](feature/rds/auth/ - * **Feature**: Updated `BuildAuthToken` to validate the provided endpoint contains a port. -* ``: [v1.0.13](internal/v4a/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issues where an error from an underlying SigV4 credential provider would not be surfaced from the SigV4a credential provider. Contribution by [sakthipriyan-aqfer]( -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Feature**: Amplify Studio UIBuilder is introducing forms functionality. Forms can be configured from Data Store models, JSON, or from scratch. These forms can then be generated in your project and used like any other React components. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/appconfig/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds CloudTrail getChannel and listChannels APIs to allow customer to view the ServiceLinkedChannel configurations. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/codestar/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/codestarnotifications/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/cognitoidentity/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/connectparticipant/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: Added isUnstructured in response for Customer Profiles Integration APIs - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: Documentation updates for AWS Data Exchange. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/drs/ - * **Feature**: Fixed the data type of lagDuration that is returned in Describe Source Server API -* ``: [v1.55.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. - * **Feature**: This release adds support to send VPC Flow Logs to kinesis-data-firehose as new destination type - * **Feature**: This update introduces API operations to manage and create local gateway route tables, CoIP pools, and VIF group associations. - * **Feature**: Two new features for local gateway route tables: support for static routes targeting Elastic Network Interfaces and direct VPC routing. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for local Amazon EKS clusters on Outposts - * **Feature**: Adds support for EKS Addons ResolveConflicts "preserve" flag. Also adds new update failed status for EKS Addons. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: EMR on EKS now allows running Spark SQL using the newly introduced Spark SQL Job Driver in the Start Job Run API -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/emrserverless/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/evidently/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. - * **Feature**: This release adds support for the client-side evaluation - powered by AWS AppConfig feature. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/fis/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.24.12](service/fsx/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for Amazon FSx. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.15.3](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the Identity Store CLI Reference. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new fields like fixAvailable, fixedInVersion and remediation to the finding model. The requirement to have vulnerablePackages in the finding model has also been removed. The documentation has been updated to reflect these changes. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotanalytics/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/iotsecuretunneling/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Allow specifying units in Asset Properties -* ``: [v1.34.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: This release enables our customer to choose the option of Sharepoint 2019 for the on-premise Sharepoint connector. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. - * **Feature**: Release dimension value filtering feature to allow customers to define dimension filters for including only a subset of their dataset to be used by LookoutMetrics. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/m2/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: This change exposes API settings which allow Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision to be used when running a channel using Elemental Media Live -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: Increases the maximum values of two RDS Performance Insights APIs. The maximum value of the Limit parameter of DimensionGroup is 25. The MaxResult maximum is now 25 for the following APIs: DescribeDimensionKeys, GetResourceMetrics, ListAvailableResourceDimensions, and ListAvailableResourceMetrics. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/pricing/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.26.9](service/redshift/ - * **Documentation**: This release updates documentation for AQUA features and other description updates. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Route 53 now supports the Middle East (UAE) Region (me-central-1) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/route53recoverycluster/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.42.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. - * **Feature**: SageMaker Hosting now allows customization on ML instance storage volume size, model data download timeout and inference container startup ping health check timeout for each ProductionVariant in CreateEndpointConfig API. - * **Feature**: This release adds HyperParameterTuningJob type in Search API. - * **Feature**: This release adds Mode to AutoMLJobConfig. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sagemakera2iruntime/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SNS introduces the Data Protection Policy APIs, which enable customers to attach a data protection policy to an SNS topic. This allows topic owners to enable the new message data protection feature to audit and block sensitive data that is exchanged through their topics. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Systems Manager State Manager Association tagging. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/timestreamwrite/ - * **Feature**: Fixed a bug in the API client generation which caused some operation parameters to be incorrectly generated as value types instead of pointer types. The service API always required these affected parameters to be nilable. This fixes the SDK client to match the expectations of the the service API. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces the ability to have multiple server host keys for any of your Transfer Family servers that use the SFTP protocol. - -# Release (2022-09-02.2) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.2](service/identitystore/ - * **Bug Fix**: Reverts a change to the identitystore module so that MaxResults members of ListGroupMemberShips, ListGroupMembershipsForMembers, ListGroups, and ListUsers are correctly generated as pointer types instead of value types - -# Release (2022-09-02) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new "AuthSessionValidity" field to the UserPoolClient in Cognito. Application admins can configure this value for their users' authentication duration, which is currently fixed at 3 minutes, up to 15 minutes. Setting this field will also apply to the SMS MFA authentication flow. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds search APIs for Routing Profiles and Queues, which can be used to search for those resources within a Connect Instance. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: Added support for AES_CTR encryption to CMAF origin endpoints -* ``: [v1.41.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This release enables administrators to attribute user activity and API calls from Studio notebooks, Data Wrangler and Canvas to specific users even when users share the same execution IAM role. ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig at Sagemaker domain level enables this feature. - -# Release (2022-09-01) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.11](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to fix formatting issues in CLI and SDK documentation. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/controltower/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release contains the first SDK for AWS Control Tower. It introduces a new set of APIs: EnableControl, DisableControl, GetControlOperation, and ListEnabledControls. -* ``: [v1.21.10](service/route53/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon Route 53. - -# Release (2022-08-31) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.2](service/cloudfront/ - * **Documentation**: Update API documentation for CloudFront origin access control (OAC) -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Feature**: Expand IdentityStore API to support Create, Read, Update, Delete and Get operations for User, Group and GroupMembership resources. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotthingsgraph/ - * **Feature**: This release deprecates all APIs of the ThingsGraph service -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: IVS Merge Fragmented Streams. This release adds support for recordingReconnectWindow field in IVS recordingConfigurations. For more information see -* ``: [v1.12.12](service/rdsdata/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for RDS Data API -* ``: [v1.40.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts Inference Recommender fields: Domain, Task, Framework, SamplePayloadUrl, SupportedContentTypes, SupportedInstanceTypes, directly in our CreateInferenceRecommendationsJob API through ContainerConfig - -# Release (2022-08-30) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Adds topologyFilter to ListInstalledComponentsRequest which allows filtration of components by ROOT or ALL (including root and dependency components). Adds lastStatusChangeTimestamp to ListInstalledComponents response to show the last time a component changed state on a device. -* ``: [v1.14.15](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the Identity Store CLI Reference. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new apis for providing labels. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: This release of the Amazon Macie API adds support for using allow lists to define specific text and text patterns to ignore when inspecting data sources for sensitive data. -* ``: [v1.11.19](service/sso/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the AWS IAM Identity Center Portal CLI Reference. -* ``: [v1.15.7](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for the AWS IAM Identity Center CLI Reference. - -# Release (2022-08-29) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.24.9](service/fsx/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/voiceid/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Connect Voice ID now detects voice spoofing. When a prospective fraudster tries to spoof caller audio using audio playback or synthesized speech, Voice ID will return a risk score and outcome to indicate the how likely it is that the voice is spoofed. - -# Release (2022-08-26) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: This release adds Ads AdTriggers and AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions to describe calls for CMAF endpoints on MediaPackage. -* ``: [v1.25.1](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Removes support for RDS Custom from DBInstanceClass in ModifyDBInstance - -# Release (2022-08-25) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.13](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for ELBv2. Gateway Load Balancer now supports Configurable Flow Stickiness, enabling you to configure the hashing used to maintain stickiness of flows to a specific target appliance. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for eight EC2 local zones as fleet locations; Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Kansas City (us-east-1-mci-1a), Los Angeles, and Phoenix. It also adds support for C5d, C6a, C6i, and R5d EC2 instance families. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: This release includes a new feature for the customers to enable the LoRa gateways to send out beacons for Class B devices and an option to select one or more gateways for Class C devices when sending the LoRaWAN downlink messages. -* ``: [v1.0.13](service/ivschat/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation change for IVS Chat API Reference. Doc-only update to add a paragraph on ARNs to the Welcome section. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/panorama/ - * **Feature**: Support sorting and filtering in ListDevices API, and add more fields to device listings and single device detail -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: Updated required request parameters on IAM Identity Center's OIDC CreateToken action. - -# Release (2022-08-24) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for CloudFront origin access control (OAC), making it possible to restrict public access to S3 bucket origins in all AWS Regions, those with SSE-KMS, and more. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: AWS Config now supports ConformancePackTemplate documents in SSM Docs for the deployment and update of conformance packs. -* ``: [v1.18.14](service/iam/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). -* ``: [v1.17.1](service/ivs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation Change for IVS API Reference - Doc-only update to type field description for CreateChannel and UpdateChannel actions and for Channel data type. Also added Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) paragraph to Welcome section. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Added a new optional property DashboardVisual under ExperienceConfiguration parameter of GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser and GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API operations. This supports embedding of specific visuals in QuickSight dashboards. -* ``: [v1.21.5](service/transfer/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Transfer Family - -# Release (2022-08-23) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: RDS for Oracle supports Oracle Data Guard switchover and read replica backups. -* ``: [v1.15.5](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) - -# Release (2022-08-22) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.5](service/docdb/ - * **Documentation**: Update document for volume clone -* ``: [v1.54.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: R6a instances are powered by 3rd generation AMD EPYC (Milan) processors delivering all-core turbo frequency of 3.6 GHz. C6id, M6id, and R6id instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor (Ice Lake) delivering all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: releasing What-If Analysis APIs and update ARN regex pattern to be more strict in accordance with security recommendation -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/forecastquery/ - * **Feature**: releasing What-If Analysis APIs -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Enable non-unique asset names under different hierarchies -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces a new feature to stop a running BotRecommendation Job for Automated Chatbot Designer. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsBackupBackupVault, AwsBackupBackupPlan and AwsBackupRecoveryPoint. Added FixAvailable, FixedInVersion and Remediation to Vulnerability. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/supportapp/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This is the initial SDK release for the AWS Support App in Slack. - -# Release (2022-08-19) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds SearchSecurityProfiles API which can be used to search for Security Profile resources within a Connect Instance. -* ``: [v1.0.12](service/ivschat/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation Change for IVS Chat API Reference - Doc-only update to change text/description for tags field. -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for a new authentication type - Personal Access Token (PAT) for confluence server. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: This release is to make GetDataQualityMetrics API publicly available. - -# Release (2022-08-18) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/chimesdkmediapipelines/ - * **Feature**: The Amazon Chime SDK now supports live streaming of real-time video from the Amazon Chime SDK sessions to streaming platforms such as Amazon IVS and Amazon Elemental MediaLive. We have also added support for concatenation to create a single media capture file. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Add support for managed Contributor Insights Rules -* ``: [v1.18.4](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Documentation**: This change is being made simply to fix the public documentation based on the models. We have included the PasswordChange and ResendCode events, along with the Pass, Fail and InProgress status. We have removed the Success and Failure status which are never returned by our APIs. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for importing data from S3 into a new DynamoDB table -* ``: [v1.53.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for VPN log options , a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to send IKE activity logs to CloudWatch Logs -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: Add TransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentId property to TransitGatewayPeering Model - -# Release (2022-08-17) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: AWS App Mesh release to support Multiple Listener and Access Log Format feature -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/connectcampaigns/ - * **Feature**: Updated exceptions for Amazon Connect Outbound Campaign api's. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: This release adds Zendesk connector (which allows you to specify Zendesk SAAS platform as data source), Proxy Support for Sharepoint and Confluence Server (which allows you to specify the proxy configuration if proxy is required to connect to your Sharepoint/Confluence Server as data source). -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new API support "AssumeDecoratedRoleWithSAML" and also release updates the corresponding documentation. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Added support for customization of Consumer Group ID for MSK and Kafka Event Source Mappings. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces support for enhanced conversation design with the ability to define custom conversation flows with conditional branching and new bot responses. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) for RDS Aurora database clusters. -* ``: [v1.15.18](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager. - -# Release (2022-08-16) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: This release adds APIs which support copying an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model and managing project policies across AWS account. -* ``: [v1.14.12](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Service Catalog - -# Release (2022-08-15) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: Adds Http 3 support to distributions -* ``: [v1.14.13](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) -* ``: [v1.11.17](service/sso/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces a new API PutFeedback that allows submitting feedback to Wisdom on content relevance. - -# Release (2022-08-14) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Add alternative mechanism for determning the users `$HOME` or `%USERPROFILE%` location when the environment variables are not present. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: This release adds log APIs that allow customers to manage logging for their Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspaces. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: The Amazon Chime SDK now supports channels with up to one million participants with elastic channels. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: Updates various list api MaxResults ranges -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/personalizeruntime/ - * **Feature**: This release provides support for promotions in AWS Personalize runtime. -* ``: [v1.23.6](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Adds support for RDS Custom to DBInstanceClass in ModifyDBInstance - -# Release (2022-08-11) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/backupstorage/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This is the first public release of AWS Backup Storage. We are exposing some previously-internal APIs for use by external services. These APIs are not meant to be used directly by customers. -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Add support for Python 3.9 AWS Glue Python Shell jobs -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/privatenetworks/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This is the initial SDK release for AWS Private 5G. AWS Private 5G is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale your own private mobile network at your on-premises location. - -# Release (2022-08-10) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for the following settings in the `~/.aws/credentials` file: `sso_account_id`, `sso_region`, `sso_role_name`, `sso_start_url`, and `ca_bundle`. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/dlm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for excluding specific data (non-boot) volumes from multi-volume snapshot sets created by snapshot lifecycle policies -* ``: [v1.52.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for excluding specific data (non-root) volumes from multi-volume snapshot sets created from instances. - -# Release (2022-08-09) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Various quota increases related to dimensions and custom metrics -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Location Service now allows circular geofences in BatchPutGeofence, PutGeofence, and GetGeofence APIs. -* ``: [v1.39.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying multiple alternate EC2 instance types to make tuning jobs more robust when the preferred instance type is not available due to insufficient capacity. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/sagemakera2iruntime/ - * **Feature**: Fix bug with parsing ISO-8601 CreationTime in Java SDK in DescribeHumanLoop - -# Release (2022-08-08) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.16.9 - * **Bug Fix**: aws/signer/v4: Fixes a panic in SDK's handling of endpoint URLs with ports by correcting how URL path is parsed from opaque URLs. Fixes [#1294]( -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Add an option to run non-urgent or non-time sensitive Glue Jobs on spare capacity -* ``: [v1.14.10](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: AWS IoT Wireless release support for sidewalk data reliability. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Advance Quiet Time in Journeys. Adds RefreshOnSegmentUpdate and WaitForQuietTime to JourneyResponse. -* ``: [v1.23.2](service/quicksight/ - * **Documentation**: A series of documentation updates to the QuickSight API reference. -* ``: [v1.11.14](service/sso/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) -* ``: [v1.15.2](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) -* ``: [v1.12.12](service/ssooidc/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to reflect service rename - AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) - -# Release (2022-08-04) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Tags on Amazon Chime SDK WebRTC sessions -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Add resourceType enums for Athena, GlobalAccelerator, Detective and EC2 types -* ``: [v1.21.3](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Database Migration Service (DMS). -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: The release is to support attach a provisioning template to CACert for JITP function, Customer now doesn't have to hardcode a roleArn and templateBody during register a CACert to enable JITP. - -# Release (2022-08-03) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Add a new exception type, ForbiddenException, that is returned when request is not allowed -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: You can now associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an Amazon Cognito user pool. - -# Release (2022-08-02) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/licensemanagerusersubscriptions/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release supports user based subscription for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional and Enterprise on EC2. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for incremental bulk ingestion for the Personalize CreateDatasetImportJob API. - -# Release (2022-08-01) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.23.1](service/configservice/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for PutConfigRule and PutOrganizationConfigRule -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces ModifySamlProperties, a new API that allows control of SAML properties associated with a WorkSpaces directory. The DescribeWorkspaceDirectories API will now additionally return SAML properties in its responses. - -# Release (2022-07-29) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.51.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. -* ``: [v1.24.4](service/fsx/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon FSx -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/shield/ - * **Feature**: AWS Shield Advanced now supports filtering for ListProtections and ListProtectionGroups. - -# Release (2022-07-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.50.1](service/ec2/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for VM Import/Export. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lookoutvision/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces support for image segmentation models and updates CPU accelerator options for models hosted on edge devices. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. - -# Release (2022-07-27) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an exceeded quota exception to several APIs. We added a ServiceQuotaExceededException for the following operations: CreateAssessment, CreateControl, CreateAssessmentFramework, and UpdateAssessmentStatus. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Chime VoiceConnector will now support ValidateE911Address which will allow customers to prevalidate their addresses included in their SIP invites for emergency calling -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds ListConformancePackComplianceScores API to support the new compliance score feature, which provides a percentage of the number of compliant rule-resource combinations in a conformance pack compared to the number of total possible rule-resource combinations in the conformance pack. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/globalaccelerator/ - * **Feature**: Global Accelerator now supports dual-stack accelerators, enabling support for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/marketplacecatalog/ - * **Feature**: The SDK for the StartChangeSet API will now automatically set and use an idempotency token in the ClientRequestToken request parameter if the customer does not provide it. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Polly adds new English and Hindi voice - Kajal. Kajal is available as Neural voice only. -* ``: [v1.27.5](service/ssm/ - * **Documentation**: Adding doc updates for OpsCenter support in Service Setting actions. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Added CreateWorkspaceImage API to create a new WorkSpace image from an existing WorkSpace. - -# Release (2022-07-26) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for a new API to evaluate mapping templates with mock data, allowing you to remotely unit test your AppSync resolvers and functions. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/detective/ - * **Feature**: Added the ability to get data source package information for the behavior graph. Graph administrators can now start (or stop) optional datasources on the behavior graph. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: Amazon GuardDuty introduces a new Malware Protection feature that triggers malware scan on selected EC2 instance resources, after the service detects a potentially malicious activity. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lookoutvision/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Lookout for Vision models. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for retrieving (revealing) sample occurrences of sensitive data that Amazon Macie detects and reports in findings. -* ``: [v1.23.1](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Adds support for using RDS Proxies with RDS for MariaDB databases. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models. -* ``: [v1.22.3](service/securityhub/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: AWS Transfer Family now supports Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), a network protocol used for the secure and reliable transfer of critical Business-to-Business (B2B) data over the public internet using HTTP/HTTPS as the transport mechanism. - -# Release (2022-07-25) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.23.6](service/autoscaling/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. - -# Release (2022-07-22) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/account/ - * **Feature**: This release enables customers to manage the primary contact information for their AWS accounts. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.50.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Added support for EC2 M1 Mac instances. For more information, please visit -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/iotdeviceadvisor/ - * **Feature**: Added new service feature (Early access only) - Long Duration Test, where customers can test the IoT device to observe how it behaves when the device is in operation for longer period. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: Link devices now support remote rebooting. Link devices now support maintenance windows. Maintenance windows allow a Link device to install software updates without stopping the MediaLive channel. The channel will experience a brief loss of input from the device while updates are installed. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the "ModifyActivityStream" API with support for audit policy state locking and unlocking. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Remove unsupported language codes for StartTranscriptionJob and update VocabularyFileUri for UpdateMedicalVocabulary - -# Release (2022-07-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: This feature allows customers to retrieve runtime statistics for completed queries -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for the suppression of Composite Alarm actions -* ``: [v1.21.1](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Database Migration Service (DMS). -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Enable copy-on-write restore type -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ec2instanceconnect/ - * **Feature**: This release includes a new exception type "EC2InstanceUnavailableException" for SendSSHPublicKey and SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey APIs. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: The release introduces Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model. The ATI model detects fraud relating to account takeover. This release also adds support for new variable types: ARE_CREDENTIALS_VALID and SESSION_ID and adds new structures to Model Version APIs. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Added asynchronous API to ingest bulk historical and current data into IoT SiteWise. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides Oauth2 support for SharePoint Online. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: Network Firewall now supports referencing dynamic IP sets from stateful rule groups, for IP sets stored in Amazon VPC prefix lists. -* ``: [v1.22.1](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Adds support for creating an RDS Proxy for an RDS for MariaDB database. - -# Release (2022-07-20) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.11](service/acmpca/ - * **Documentation**: AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (PCA) documentation updates -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: GA release the ability to enable/disable IoT Fleet Indexing for Device Defender and Named Shadow information, and search them through IoT Fleet Indexing APIs. This includes Named Shadow Selection as a part of the UpdateIndexingConfiguration API. - -# Release (2022-07-19) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: Added new APIs for log anomaly detection feature. -* ``: [v1.28.1](service/glue/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Glue Job Timeout and Autoscaling -* ``: [v1.38.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Fixed an issue with cross account QueryLineage -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sagemakeredge/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Increased the character limit of the login message from 850 to 2000 characters. - -# Release (2022-07-18) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/applicationdiscoveryservice/ - * **Feature**: Add AWS Agentless Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response -* ``: [v1.49.1](service/ec2/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Adding AutoMinorVersionUpgrade in the DescribeReplicationGroups API -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: Added support for the SM2 KeySpec in China Partition Regions -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: This release adds "IncludeIframeOnlyStream" for Dash endpoints and increases the number of supported video and audio encryption presets for Speke v2 -* ``: [v1.37.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Feature**: AWS SSO now supports attaching customer managed policies and a permissions boundary to your permission sets. This release adds new API operations to manage and view the customer managed policies and the permissions boundary for a given permission set. - -# Release (2022-07-15) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.3](service/datasync/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS DataSync regarding configuring Amazon FSx for ONTAP location security groups and SMB user permissions. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/drs/ - * **Feature**: Changed existing APIs to allow choosing a dynamic volume type for replicating volumes, to reduce costs for customers. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/evidently/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for the new segmentation feature. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: This SDK release provide customers ability to add sensitivity level for WAF SQLI Match Statements. - -# Release (2022-07-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: This release updates data types that contain either QueryExecutionId, NamedQueryId or ExpectedBucketOwner. Ids must be between 1 and 128 characters and contain only non-whitespace characters. ExpectedBucketOwner must be 12-digit string. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/codeartifact/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces Package Origin Controls, a mechanism used to counteract Dependency Confusion attacks. Adds two new APIs, PutPackageOriginConfiguration and DescribePackage, and updates the ListPackage, DescribePackageVersion and ListPackageVersion APIs in support of the feature. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Update ResourceType enum with values for Route53Resolver, Batch, DMS, Workspaces, Stepfunctions, SageMaker, ElasticLoadBalancingV2, MSK types -* ``: [v1.49.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds flow logs for Transit Gateway to allow customers to gain deeper visibility and insights into network traffic through their Transit Gateways. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for strict ordering in stateful rule groups in Network Firewall policies. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an additional worker type for Glue Streaming jobs. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Inspector V2 scan configurations through the get and update configuration APIs. Currently this allows configuring ECR automated re-scan duration to lifetime or 180 days or 30 days. -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: This release adds AccessControlConfigurations which allow you to redefine your document level access control without the need for content re-indexing. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Nimble Studio adds support for IAM-based access to AWS resources for Nimble Studio components and custom studio components. Studio Component scripts use these roles on Nimble Studio workstation to mount filesystems, access S3 buckets, or other configured resources in the Studio's AWS account -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the ShipmentInformation and AssetInformationList fields to the GetOrder API response. -* ``: [v1.36.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for G5, P4d, and C6i instance types in Amazon SageMaker Inference and increases the number of hyperparameters that can be searched from 20 to 30 in Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning - -# Release (2022-07-13) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/appconfig/ - * **Feature**: Adding Create, Get, Update, Delete, and List APIs for new two new resources: Extensions and ExtensionAssociations. - -# Release (2022-07-12) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release adds general availability API support for AWS Cloud WAN. - -# Release (2022-07-11) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.48.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Build, manage, and monitor a unified global network that connects resources running across your cloud and on-premises environments using the AWS Cloud WAN APIs. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new --snapshot-arn field for describe-cluster-snapshots, describe-node-configuration-options, restore-from-cluster-snapshot, authorize-snapshot-acsess, and revoke-snapshot-acsess APIs. It allows customers to give a Redshift snapshot ARN or a Redshift Serverless ARN as input. -* ``: [v1.2.2](service/redshiftserverless/ - * **Documentation**: Removed prerelease language for GA launch. - -# Release (2022-07-08) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for authentication using IAM user identity instead of passed IAM role, identified by excluding the IamRoleArn field in the StartRestoreJob API. This feature applies to only resource clients with a destructive restore nature (e.g. SAP HANA). - -# Release (2022-07-07) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for AppKeys and TenantIds in Amazon Chime SDK WebRTC sessions -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: New api to migrate event subscriptions to event bridge rules -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support to register a CA certificate without having to provide a verification certificate. This also allows multiple AWS accounts to register the same CA in the same region. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Adds 5 APIs: PutPositionConfiguration, GetPositionConfiguration, ListPositionConfigurations, UpdatePosition, GetPosition for the new Positioning Service feature which enables customers to configure solvers to calculate position of LoRaWAN devices, or specify position of LoRaWAN devices & gateways. -* ``: [v1.35.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Heterogeneous clusters: the ability to launch training jobs with multiple instance types. This enables running component of the training job on the instance type that is most suitable for it. e.g. doing data processing and augmentation on CPU instances and neural network training on GPU instances - -# Release (2022-07-06) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: My AWS Service (placeholder) - Add a new feature Account-level Targeting for StackSet operation -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces Group feature, which enables users to group cross-region canaries. - -# Release (2022-07-05) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.5](service/configservice/ - * **Documentation**: Updating documentation service limits -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces additional optional parameters "messageSelectionStrategy" to PromptSpecification, which enables the users to configure the bot to play messages in orderly manner. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: This release allows customers to programmatically create QuickSight accounts with Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. It also releases allowlisting domains for embedding QuickSight dashboards at runtime through the embedding APIs. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Adds waiters support for DBCluster. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/rolesanywhere/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: IAM Roles Anywhere allows your workloads such as servers, containers, and applications to obtain temporary AWS credentials and use the same IAM roles and policies that you have configured for your AWS workloads to access AWS resources. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for the SQS client to automatically validate message checksums for SendMessage, SendMessageBatch, and ReceiveMessage. A DisableMessageChecksumValidation parameter has been added to the Options struct for SQS package. Setting this to true will disable the checksum validation. This can be set when creating a client, or per operation call. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for tagging incident-record on creation by providing incident tags in the template within a response-plan. - -# Release (2022-07-01) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Added new features for AWS DMS version 3.4.7 that includes new endpoint settings for S3, OpenSearch, Postgres, SQLServer and Oracle. -* ``: [v1.21.5](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Adds support for additional retention periods to Performance Insights. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Add presign support for HeadBucket, DeleteObject, and DeleteBucket. Fixes [#1076]( - -# Release (2022-06-30) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: This feature introduces the API support for Athena's parameterized query and BatchGetPreparedStatement API. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the optional MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging parameter to the CreateDomain, UpdateDomain, and GetAutoMergingPreview APIs in Customer Profiles. This parameter is used as a threshold to influence the profile auto-merging step of the Identity Resolution process. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for the ExecutionRoleArn parameter in the AddJobFlowSteps and DescribeStep APIs. Customers can use ExecutionRoleArn to specify the IAM role used for each job they submit using the AddJobFlowSteps API. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release adds tag as an input of CreateDatabase -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for alfresco -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/mwaa/ - * **Feature**: Documentation updates for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/pricing/ - * **Feature**: Documentation update for GetProducts Response. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: Added support for UpdateGlobalSettings API. Added status filter to ListWorkloadShares and ListLensShares. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for managing user availability configurations in Amazon WorkMail. - -# Release (2022-06-29) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.16.6 - * **Bug Fix**: Fix aws/signer/v4 to not double sign Content-Length header. Fixes [#1728]( Thanks to @matelang for creating the issue and PR. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: Includes support for StreamingExperienceSettings in CreateStack and UpdateStack APIs -* ``: [v1.18.7](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds two attributes for ALB. One, helps to preserve the host header and the other helps to modify, preserve, or remove the X-Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces additional optional parameter "Throughput" to VolumeSpecification to enable user to configure throughput for gp3 ebs volumes. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for automatic renewal of MediaLive reservations at the end of each reservation term. Automatic renewal is optional. This release also adds support for labelling accessibility-focused audio and caption tracks in HLS outputs. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/redshiftserverless/ - * **Feature**: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. -* ``: [v1.34.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: This release adds: UpdateFeatureGroup, UpdateFeatureMetadata, DescribeFeatureMetadata APIs; FeatureMetadata type in Search API; LastModifiedTime, LastUpdateStatus, OnlineStoreTotalSizeBytes in DescribeFeatureGroup API. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/translate/ - * **Feature**: Added ListLanguages API which can be used to list the languages supported by Translate. - -# Release (2022-06-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: AWS DataSync now supports Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP locations. -* ``: [v1.47.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new spread placement group to EC2 Placement Groups: host level spread, which spread instances between physical hosts, available to Outpost customers only. CreatePlacementGroup and DescribePlacementGroups APIs were updated with a new parameter: SpreadLevel to support this feature. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: Release new API GetExternalDataViewAccessDetails -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Add 4 new neural voices - Pedro (es-US), Liam (fr-CA), Daniel (de-DE) and Arthur (en-GB). - -# Release (2022-06-24.2) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.7](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes bug with incorrect modeled timestamp format - -# Release (2022-06-23) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: This release adds visualizations to the scheduled inference results. Users will be able to see interference results, including diagnostic results from their running inference schedulers. -* ``: [v1.25.1](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Documentation**: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has released support for automatic DolbyVision metadata generation when converting HDR10 to DolbyVision. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: New and modified APIs for the Post-Migration Framework -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/migrationhubrefactorspaces/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the new API UpdateRoute that allows route to be updated to ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. In addition, CreateRoute API will now allow users to create route in ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Ground Truth now supports Virtual Private Cloud. Customers can launch labeling jobs and access to their private workforce in VPC mode. - -# Release (2022-06-22) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.8](service/apigateway/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/pricing/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces 1 update to the GetProducts API. The serviceCode attribute is now required when you use the GetProductsRequest. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Until today, the service supported only RSA host keys and user keys. Now with this launch, Transfer Family has expanded the support for ECDSA and ED25519 host keys and user keys, enabling customers to support a broader set of clients by choosing RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519 host and user keys. - -# Release (2022-06-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.46.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Private IP VPNs, a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to use private ip addresses as the tunnel outside ip address over Direct Connect as transport. -* ``: [v1.18.9](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Amazon ECS UpdateService now supports the following parameters: PlacementStrategies, PlacementConstraints and CapacityProviderStrategy. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for lens tagging, Adds support for multiple helpful-resource urls and multiple improvement-plan urls. - -# Release (2022-06-20) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/directoryservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for describing and updating AWS Managed Microsoft AD settings -* ``: [v1.17.7](service/kafka/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates to use Az Id during cluster creation. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the AssetLocation structure to the ListAssets response. AssetLocation includes the RackElevation for an Asset. - -# Release (2022-06-17) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release updates these APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable High volume outbound communications using attribute type HIGH_VOLUME_OUTBOUND on the specified Amazon Connect instance. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/connectcampaigns/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Added Amazon Connect high volume outbound communications SDK. -* ``: [v1.15.7](service/dynamodb/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for DynamoDB service -* ``: [v1.13.7](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for DynamoDB service - -# Release (2022-06-16) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/redshiftdata/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new --workgroup-name field to operations that connect to an endpoint. Customers can now execute queries against their serverless workgroups. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/redshiftserverless/ - * **Feature**: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. -* ``: [v1.15.11](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Added Threats field for security findings. Added new resource details for ECS Container, ECS Task, RDS SecurityGroup, Kinesis Stream, EC2 TransitGateway, EFS AccessPoint, CloudFormation Stack, CloudWatch Alarm, VPC Peering Connection and WAF Rules - -# Release (2022-06-15) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new set of APIs, GetPermissionGroup, DisassociateUserFromPermissionGroup, AssociateUserToPermissionGroup, ListPermissionGroupsByUser, ListUsersByPermissionGroup. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: Adds finding fields available from GuardDuty Console. Adds FreeTrial related operations. Deprecates the use of various APIs related to Master Accounts and Replace them with Administrator Accounts. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new API ListAttributeGroupsForApplication that returns associated attribute groups of an application. In addition, the UpdateApplication and UpdateAttributeGroup APIs will not allow users to update the 'Name' attribute. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Added new field "reason" to OperationNotSupportedException. Receiving this exception in the DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory API will now return a reason giving more context on the failure. - -# Release (2022-06-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/budgets/ - * **Feature**: Add a budgets ThrottlingException. Update the CostFilters value pattern. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Adding filters to Alert and adding new UpdateAlert API. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. - -# Release (2022-06-13) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds API operations AWS uses to install Outpost servers. - -# Release (2022-06-10) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.7](service/frauddetector/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon Fraud Detector (AWSHawksNest) - -# Release (2022-06-09) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for live transcription in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. - -# Release (2022-06-08) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: This release adds DMS Fleet Advisor APIs and exposes functionality for DMS Fleet Advisor. It adds functionality to create and modify fleet advisor instances, and to collect and analyze information about the local data infrastructure. -* ``: [v1.18.7](service/iam/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/m2/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: AWS Mainframe Modernization service is a managed mainframe service and set of tools for planning, migrating, modernizing, and running mainframe workloads on AWS -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Neptune to be configured as a global database, with a primary DB cluster in one region, and up to five secondary DB clusters in other regions. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: Adds new API GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM to return temporary credentials. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/redshiftserverless/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. - -# Release (2022-06-07) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces 2 updates to the Audit Manager API. The roleType and roleArn attributes are now required when you use the CreateAssessment or UpdateAssessment operation. We also added a throttling exception to the RegisterAccount API operation. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: Added two new APIs to support cost allocation tags operations: ListCostAllocationTags, UpdateCostAllocationTagsStatus. - -# Release (2022-06-06) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for searching channels by members via the SearchChannels API, removes required restrictions for Name and Mode in UpdateChannel API and enhances CreateChannel API by exposing member and moderator list as well as channel id as optional parameters. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new API, GetCurrentUserData, which returns real-time details about users' current activity. - -# Release (2022-06-02) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: Provide Account Level onboarding support through CFN/CLI -* ``: [v1.12.6](service/codeartifact/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for CodeArtifact -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following features: 1) New APIs to manage (create, list, update) task template resources, 2) Updates to startTaskContact API to support task templates, and 3) new TransferContact API to programmatically transfer in-progress tasks via a contact flow. -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for GitHub. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: Add new "Components" API to enable users to Create, Delete and Update AWS Proton components. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/voiceid/ - * **Feature**: Added a new attribute ServerSideEncryptionUpdateDetails to Domain and DomainSummary. - -# Release (2022-06-01) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/backupgateway/ - * **Feature**: Adds GetGateway and UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow API and adds hypervisor name to UpdateHypervisor API -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for centrally controlling each participant's ability to send and receive audio, video and screen share within a WebRTC session. Attendee capabilities can be specified when the attendee is created and updated during the session with the new BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExcept API. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: Added Format field to Import and Export APIs in Amazon Forecast. Added TimeSeriesSelector to Create Forecast API. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Add new APIs to support Route 53 IP Based Routing - -# Release (2022-05-31) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Cognito now supports IP Address propagation for all unauthenticated APIs (e.g. SignUp, ForgotPassword). -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/drs/ - * **Feature**: Changed existing APIs and added new APIs to accommodate using multiple AWS accounts with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following new optional field to the IoT SiteWise asset resource: assetDescription. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Adding backtest mode to detectors using the Cloudwatch data source. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Transcribe now supports automatic language identification for multi-lingual audio in batch mode. - -# Release (2022-05-27) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Adding the following features/changes: Parquet output that preserves typing from the source connector, Failed executions threshold before deactivation for scheduled flows, increasing max size of access and refresh token from 2048 to 4096 -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: AWS DataSync now supports TLS encryption in transit, file system policies and access points for EFS locations. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/emrserverless/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now allows configuration of Instance Metadata Service version and Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports G5 instance types. - -# Release (2022-05-26) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.45.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: C7g instances, powered by the latest generation AWS Graviton3 processors, provide the best price performance in Amazon EC2 for compute-intensive workloads. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/emrserverless/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: Introduced a new field in Auto Predictor as Time Alignment Boundary. It helps in aligning the timestamps generated during Forecast exports -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Lightsail now supports the ability to configure a Lightsail Container Service to pull images from Amazon ECR private repositories in your account. - -# Release (2022-05-25) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.6](service/apigateway/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway -* ``: [v1.12.3](service/apprunner/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation-only update added for CodeConfiguration. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: Add a new parameter statusReason to DescribeStackSetOperation output for additional details -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: This release adds root squash support to FSx for Lustre to restrict root level access from clients by mapping root users to a less-privileged user/group with limited permissions. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Adding AthenaSourceConfig for MetricSet APIs to support Athena as a data source. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Autopilot adds support for manually selecting features from the input dataset using the CreateAutoMLJob API. -* ``: [v1.15.9](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/voiceid/ - * **Feature**: VoiceID will now automatically expire Speakers if they haven't been accessed for Enrollment, Re-enrollment or Successful Auth for three years. The Speaker APIs now return a "LastAccessedAt" time for Speakers, and the EvaluateSession API returns "SPEAKER_EXPIRED" Auth Decision for EXPIRED Speakers. - -# Release (2022-05-24) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Cognito now supports requiring attribute verification (ex. email and phone number) before update. -* ``: [v1.44.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Stop Protection feature enables customers to protect their instances from accidental stop actions. -* ``: [v1.0.4](service/ivschat/ - * **Documentation**: Doc-only update. For MessageReviewHandler structure, added timeout period in the description of the fallbackResult field -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release adds Multi Account API support for a TGW Global Network, to enable and disable AWSServiceAccess with AwsOrganizations for Network Manager service and dependency CloudFormation StackSets service. - -# Release (2022-05-23) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Added support for encryption in transit for Memcached clusters. Customers can now launch Memcached cluster with encryption in transit enabled when using Memcached version 1.6.12 or later. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: New APIs for Monitor that help you understand how your predictors perform over time. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: Adding modelMetrics as part of DescribeRecommender API response for Personalize. - -# Release (2022-05-20) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.7](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Documentation**: Doc-only update to publish the new valid values for log retention -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Comprehend releases 14 new entity types for DetectPiiEntities and ContainsPiiEntities APIs. - -# Release (2022-05-19) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/gamesparks/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an optional DeploymentResult field in the responses of GetStageDeploymentIntegrationTests and ListStageDeploymentIntegrationTests APIs. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: In this release we added SnsFormat to SNSConfiguration to support human readable alert. - -# Release (2022-05-18) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: This release updates the existing Create and Update APIs for meshes and virtual nodes by adding a new IP preference field. This new IP preference field can be used to control the IP versions being used with the mesh and allows for IPv6 support within App Mesh. -* ``: [v1.18.3](service/batch/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Batch. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the new DeleteDeployment API operation that you can use to delete deployment resources. This release also adds support for discontinued AWS-provided components, so AWS can communicate when a component has any issues that you should consider before you deploy it. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ioteventsdata/ - * **Feature**: Introducing new API for deleting detectors: BatchDeleteDetector. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API UpdatePublicSharingSettings enables IAM admins to enable/disable account level setting for public access of dashboards. When enabled, owners/co-owners for dashboards can enable public access on their dashboards. These dashboards can only be accessed through share link or embedding. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: AWS Transfer Family now supports SetStat server configuration option, which provides the ability to ignore SetStat command issued by file transfer clients, enabling customers to upload files without any errors. - -# Release (2022-05-17) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.3.12](internal/ini/ - * **Bug Fix**: Removes the fuzz testing files from the module, as they are invalid and not used. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new optional parameter called codeGenNodeConfiguration to CRUD job APIs that allows users to manage visual jobs via APIs. The updated CreateJob and UpdateJob will create jobs that can be viewed in Glue Studio as a visual graph. GetJob can be used to get codeGenNodeConfiguration. -* ``: [v1.13.1](service/iotsecuretunneling/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes iotsecuretunneling and mobile API clients to use the correct name for signing requests, Fixes [#1686]( -* ``: [v1.17.2](service/kms/ - * **Documentation**: Add HMAC best practice tip, annual rotation of AWS managed keys. -* ``: [v1.11.5](service/mobile/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes iotsecuretunneling and mobile API clients to use the correct name for signing requests, Fixes [#1686]( - -# Release (2022-05-16) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/applicationdiscoveryservice/ - * **Feature**: Add Migration Evaluator Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: Introduced a new error (TooLongCSPInResponseHeadersPolicy) that is returned when the value of the Content-Security-Policy header in a response headers policy exceeds the maximum allowed length. -* ``: [v1.18.1](service/rekognition/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon Rekognition. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/resiliencehub/ - * **Feature**: In this release, we are introducing support for Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Route 53, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, AWS Backup in addition to the existing supported Services. This release also supports Terraform file input from S3 and scheduling daily assessments -* ``: [v1.14.2](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Documentation**: Updated the descriptions for the ListAcceptedPortfolioShares API description and the PortfolioShareType parameters. -* ``: [v1.16.5](service/sts/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Security Token Service. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/workspacesweb/ - * **Feature**: Amazon WorkSpaces Web now supports Administrator timeout control - -# Release (2022-05-13) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/grafana/ - * **Feature**: This release adds APIs for creating and deleting API keys in an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. - -# Release (2022-05-12) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.43.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces a target type Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint for mirrored traffic. Customers can now specify GatewayLoadBalancerEndpoint option during the creation of a traffic mirror target. -* ``: [v1.10.5](service/finspacedata/ - * **Documentation**: We've now deprecated CreateSnapshot permission for creating a data view, instead use CreateDataView permission. -* ``: [v1.25.1](service/iot/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for China region ListMetricValues for IoT -* ``: [v1.0.2](service/ivschat/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation-only updates for IVS Chat API Reference. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Jira. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Lambda releases NodeJs 16 managed runtime to be available in all commercial regions. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support to include inactive database bundles in the response of the GetRelationalDatabaseBundles request. -* ``: [v1.19.1](service/outposts/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Outposts. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Adding support for dynamic SSM Runbook parameter values. Updating validation pattern for engagements. Adding ConflictException to UpdateReplicationSet API contract. -* ``: [v1.18.6](service/transfer/ - * **Documentation**: AWS Transfer Family now accepts ECDSA keys for server host keys - -# Release (2022-05-11) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.42.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release updates AWS PrivateLink APIs to support IPv6 for PrivateLink Services and Endpoints of type 'Interface'. -* ``: [v1.15.7](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for Secrets Manager that fixes several customer-reported issues. - -# Release (2022-05-10) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.5](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Compute Optimizer -* ``: [v1.41.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Added support for using NitroTPM and UEFI Secure Boot on EC2 instances. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Adds BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_NVIDIA and BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64_NVIDIA AMI types to EKS managed nodegroups -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: This release updates the Amazon EMR ModifyInstanceGroups API to support "MERGE" type cluster reconfiguration. Also, added the ability to specify a particular Amazon Linux release for all nodes in a cluster launch request. -* ``: [v1.5.5](service/migrationhubrefactorspaces/ - * **Documentation**: AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces documentation only update to fix a formatting issue. - -# Release (2022-05-09) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.5](config/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes a bug in LoadDefaultConfig to correctly assign ConfigSources so all config resolvers have access to the config sources. This fixes the feature/ec2/imds client not having configuration applied via config.LoadOptions such as EC2IMDSClientEnableState. PR [#1682]( -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudcontrol/ - * **Feature**: SDK release for Cloud Control API to include paginators for Python SDK. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/evidently/ - * **Feature**: Add detail message inside GetExperimentResults API response to indicate experiment result availability -* ``: [v1.13.5](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Documentation**: Fixed an error in the DescribeEngagement example for AWS Incident Manager. - -# Release (2022-05-06) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.40.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Add new state values for IPAMs, IPAM Scopes, and IPAM Pools. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Location Service now includes a MaxResults parameter for ListGeofences requests. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: This release adds Dvb Dash 2014 as an available profile option for Dash Origin Endpoints. -* ``: [v1.21.1](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Various documentation improvements. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: Introduces new field 'LoadSampleData' in CreateCluster operation. Customers can now specify 'LoadSampleData' option during creation of a cluster, which results in loading of sample data in the cluster that is created. -* ``: [v1.21.1](service/securityhub/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Security Hub API reference - -# Release (2022-05-05) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: AWS DataSync now supports a new ObjectTags Task API option that can be used to control whether Object Tags are transferred. -* ``: [v1.39.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Amazon EC2 I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and feature up to 30 TB of local AWS Nitro SSD storage -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: AWS IoT Jobs now allows you to create up to 100,000 active continuous and snapshot jobs by using concurrency control. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: AWS Kendra now supports hierarchical facets for a query. For more information, see - -# Release (2022-05-04) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: Adds support to 2 new filters about job complete time for 3 list jobs APIs in AWS Backup -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotsecuretunneling/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces a new API RotateTunnelAccessToken that allow revoking the existing tokens and generate new tokens -* ``: [v1.20.1](service/lightsail/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Lightsail -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the TargetMaps parameter in SSM State Manager API. - -# Release (2022-05-03) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.38.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for allocating Dedicated Hosts on AWS Outposts. The AllocateHosts API now accepts an OutpostArn request parameter, and the DescribeHosts API now includes an OutpostArn response parameter. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/kinesisvideo/ - * **Feature**: Add support for multiple image feature related APIs for configuring image generation and notification of a video stream. Add "GET_IMAGES" to the list of supported API names for the GetDataEndpoint API. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/ - * **Feature**: Add support for GetImages API for retrieving images from a video stream -* ``: [v1.26.8](service/s3/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation only update for doc bug fixes for the S3 API docs. -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Autopilot adds new metrics for all candidate models generated by Autopilot experiments; RStudio on SageMaker now allows users to bring your own development environment in a custom image. - -# Release (2022-05-02) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/organizations/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the INVALID_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT as a fail reason and an error message. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new API called ListAssets to the Outposts SDK, which lists the hardware assets in an Outpost. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: CloudWatch Synthetics has introduced a new feature to provide customers with an option to delete the underlying resources that Synthetics canary creates when the user chooses to delete the canary. - -# Release (2022-04-29) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Feature**: Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now supports suppressing recommendations from being generated on specific files and directories. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK nows supports creation of Dolby Vision profile 8.1, the ability to generate black frames of video, and introduces audio-only DASH and CMAF support. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Feature - Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on RDS database instances. -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Update the StartChangeRequestExecution, adding TargetMaps to the Runbook parameter -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: You can now inspect all request headers and all cookies. You can now specify how to handle oversize body contents in your rules that inspect the body. - -# Release (2022-04-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.5](service/auditmanager/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds documentation updates for Audit Manager. We provided examples of how to use the Custom_ prefix for the keywordValue attribute. We also provided more details about the DeleteAssessmentReport operation. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: This release enables Braket Hybrid Jobs with Embedded Simulators to have multiple instances. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces an API for changing the current agent status of a user in Connect. -* ``: [v1.37.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support to query the public key and creation date of EC2 Key Pairs. Additionally, the format (pem or ppk) of a key pair can be specified when creating a new key pair. -* ``: [v1.13.5](service/guardduty/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation update for API description. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: AWS Network Firewall adds support for stateful threat signature AWS managed rule groups. - -# Release (2022-04-27) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.5](service/amplify/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation only update to support the Amplify GitHub App feature launch -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/chimesdkmediapipelines/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: For Amazon Chime SDK meetings, the Amazon Chime Media Pipelines SDK allows builders to capture audio, video, and content share streams. You can also capture meeting events, live transcripts, and data messages. The pipelines save the artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket that you designate. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: Increases the retention period maximum to 2557 days. Deprecates unused fields of the ListEventDataStores API response. Updates documentation. -* ``: [v1.1.5](service/internal/checksum/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes a bug that could cause the SigV4 payload hash to be incorrectly encoded, leading to signing errors. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Add list support for event configurations, allow to get and update event configurations by resource type, support LoRaWAN events; Make NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration as a resource, add List, Create, Delete API support; Add FCntStart attribute support for ABP WirelessDevice. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following new features: 1) Introduces an option for automatic schema creation 2) Now allows for Ingestion of data containing most common errors and allows automatic data cleaning 3) Introduces new API ListSensorStatistics that gives further information about the ingested data -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support to configure stream-processor resources for label detections on streaming-videos. UpateStreamProcessor API is also launched with this release, which could be used to update an existing stream-processor. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon SageMaker Autopilot adds support for custom validation dataset and validation ratio through the CreateAutoMLJob and DescribeAutoMLJob APIs. - -# Release (2022-04-26) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: CloudFront now supports the Server-Timing header in HTTP responses sent from CloudFront. You can use this header to view metrics that help you gain insights about the behavior and performance of CloudFront. To use this header, enable it in a response headers policy. -* ``: [v1.24.2](service/glue/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds documentation for the APIs to create, read, delete, list, and batch read of AWS Glue custom patterns, and for Lake Formation configuration settings in the AWS Glue crawler. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/ivschat/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Adds new APIs for IVS Chat, a feature for building interactive chat experiences alongside an IVS broadcast. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for Lightsail load balancer HTTP to HTTPS redirect and TLS policy configuration. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: AWS Network Firewall now enables customers to use a customer managed AWS KMS key for the encryption of their firewall resources. -* ``: [v1.14.5](service/pricing/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Price List API -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts customer KMS key ID for encryption of endpoints and compilation outputs created during inference recommendation. - -# Release (2022-04-25) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.16.3 - * **Dependency Update**: Update SDK's internal copy of to address issue with test failing due to timeing issues -* ``: [v1.12.0](credentials/ - * **Feature**: Adds Duration and Policy options that can be used when creating stscreds.WebIdentityRoleProvider credentials provider. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds SearchUsers API which can be used to search for users with a Connect Instance -* ``: [v1.14.4](service/gamelift/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon GameLift. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/mq/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the CRITICAL_ACTION_REQUIRED broker state and the ActionRequired API property. CRITICAL_ACTION_REQUIRED informs you when your broker is degraded. ActionRequired provides you with a code which you can use to find instructions in the Developer Guide on how to resolve the issue. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/rdsdata/ - * **Feature**: Support to receive SQL query results in the form of a simplified JSON string. This enables developers using the new JSON string format to more easily convert it to an object using popular JSON string parsing libraries. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Security Hub now lets you opt-out of auto-enabling the defaults standards (CIS and FSBP) in accounts that are auto-enabled with Security Hub via Security Hub's integration with AWS Organizations. - -# Release (2022-04-22) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Include additional exceptions types. -* ``: [v1.36.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for waiters that automatically poll for a deleted NAT Gateway until it reaches the deleted state. - -# Release (2022-04-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.5](service/elasticache/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for ElastiCache -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: This release adds APIs to create, read, delete, list, and batch read of Glue custom entity types -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: This release adds 3 new batch data query APIs : BatchGetAssetPropertyValue, BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/iottwinmaker/ - * **Feature**: General availability (GA) for AWS IoT TwinMaker. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Added DetectMetricSetConfig API for detecting configuration required for creating metric set from provided S3 data source. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: This release introduces tiered channels and adds support for live sources. Customers using a STANDARD channel can now create programs using live sources. -* ``: [v1.15.5](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for minimum of 5 character length virtual tape barcodes. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Feature**: This release updates the GetRecommendations API to include a trigger event list for classifying and grouping recommendations. - -# Release (2022-04-20) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds APIs to search, claim, release, list, update, and describe phone numbers. You can also use them to associate and disassociate contact flows to phone numbers. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Sensitive data findings in Amazon Macie now indicate how Macie found the sensitive data that produced a finding (originType). -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: Removed required annotation from input fields in Describe operations requests. Added quotaValue to ServiceQuotaExceededException -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Aurora Serverless v2 instances. - -# Release (2022-04-19) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: EC2 Auto Scaling now adds default instance warm-up times for all scaling activities, health check replacements, and other replacement events in the Auto Scaling instance lifecycle. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Quip. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for KMS keys and APIs that generate and verify HMAC codes -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: Adding StartRecommender and StopRecommender APIs for Personalize. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Polly adds new Austrian German voice - Hannah. Hannah is available as Neural voice only. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: Introduces new fields for LogDestinationType and LogExports on EnableLogging requests and Enable/Disable/DescribeLogging responses. Customers can now select CloudWatch Logs as a destination for their Audit Logs. -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Added offset support for specifying the number of days to wait after the date and time specified by a CRON expression when creating SSM association. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for specifying and extracting information from documents using the Queries feature within Analyze Document API -* ``: [v1.18.4](service/transfer/ - * **Documentation**: This release contains corrected HomeDirectoryMappings examples for several API functions: CreateAccess, UpdateAccess, CreateUser, and UpdateUser,. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/worklink/ - * **Feature**: Amazon WorkLink is no longer supported. This will be removed in a future version of the SDK. - -# Release (2022-04-15) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.9.0](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for specifying a custom time format when encoding and decoding DynamoDB AttributeValues. Use `EncoderOptions.EncodeTime` to specify a custom time encoding function, and use `DecoderOptions.DecodeTime` for specifying how to handle the corresponding AttributeValues using the format. Thank you [Pablo Lopez]( for this contribution. -* ``: [v1.9.0](feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for specifying a custom time format when encoding and decoding DynamoDB AttributeValues. Use `EncoderOptions.EncodeTime` to specify a custom time encoding function, and use `DecoderOptions.DecodeTime` for specifying how to handle the corresponding AttributeValues using the format. Thank you [Pablo Lopez]( for this contribution. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: This release adds subfields, ErrorMessage, Retryable, to the AthenaError response object in the GetQueryExecution API when a query fails. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support to describe the synchronization status of the account-level block public access feature for your Amazon Lightsail buckets. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Removes Amazon RDS on VMware with the deletion of APIs related to Custom Availability Zones and Media installation - -# Release (2022-04-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Enables users to pass custom token URL parameters for Oauth2 authentication during create connector profile -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: Includes updates for create and update fleet APIs to manage the session scripts locations for Elastic fleets. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: Enables configuration updates for compute environments with BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE and SPOT_CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED allocation strategies. -* ``: [v1.18.1](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Documentation**: Updates documentation for additional statistics in CloudWatch Metric Streams. -* ``: [v1.35.1](service/ec2/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Auto Scaling for Glue version 3.0 and later jobs to dynamically scale compute resources. This SDK change provides customers with the auto-scaled DPU usage - -# Release (2022-04-13) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for additional statistics in CloudWatch Metric Streams. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for deploying FSx for ONTAP file systems in a single Availability Zone. - -# Release (2022-04-12) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new APIs DeleteInsight to deletes the insight along with the associated anomalies, events and recommendations. -* ``: [v1.35.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: X2idn and X2iedn instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors with an all-core turbo frequency up to 3.5 GHzAmazon EC2. C6a instances are powered by 3rd generation AMD EPYC processors. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: Amazon EFS adds support for a ThrottlingException when using the CreateAccessPoint API if the account is nearing the AccessPoint limit(120). -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/iottwinmaker/ - * **Feature**: This release adds the following new features: 1) ListEntities API now supports search using ExternalId. 2) BatchPutPropertyValue and GetPropertyValueHistory API now allows users to represent time in sub-second level precisions. -* ``: [v1.15.4](service/kinesis/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issue that caused the unexported constructor function names for EventStream types to be swapped for the event reader and writer respectivly. -* ``: [v1.14.4](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issue that caused the unexported constructor function names for EventStream types to be swapped for the event reader and writer respectivly. -* ``: [v1.26.5](service/s3/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issue that caused the unexported constructor function names for EventStream types to be swapped for the event reader and writer respectivly. -* ``: [v1.6.4](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes an issue that caused the unexported constructor function names for EventStream types to be swapped for the event reader and writer respectivly. - -# Release (2022-04-11) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Feature**: In this release, we have added the ability to bind events to component level actions. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: This release adds tracing for App Runner services with X-Ray using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. New APIs: CreateObservabilityConfiguration, DescribeObservabilityConfiguration, ListObservabilityConfigurations, and DeleteObservabilityConfiguration. Updated APIs: CreateService and UpdateService. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Added API support that allows customers to create GPU-enabled WorkSpaces using EC2 G4dn instances. - -# Release (2022-04-08) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for the pass-through of WebVTT styling to WebVTT outputs, pass-through of KLV metadata to supported formats, and improved filter support for processing 444/RGB content. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: This release adds ScteMarkersSource as an available field for Dash Packaging Configurations. When set to MANIFEST, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the manifest. When set to SEGMENTS, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the segments. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: Add a new CurrentDefaultVersion field to ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupVersions API response; add a new VersioningSupported boolean to each ManagedRuleGroup returned from ListAvailableManagedRuleGroups API response. - -# Release (2022-04-07) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](internal/v4a/ - * **Release**: New internal v4a signing module location. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Added support to enable/disable performance insights when creating or modifying db instances -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: Adds new EventBridge Endpoint resources for disaster recovery, multi-region failover, and cross-region replication capabilities to help you build resilient event-driven applications. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: This release provides tagging support in AWS Personalize. -* ``: [v1.14.4](service/pi/ - * **Documentation**: Adds support for DocumentDB to the Performance Insights API. -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook Instances now supports G5 instance types - -# Release (2022-04-06) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Add resourceType enums for AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration and AWS::SageMaker::CodeRepository -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Box. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: This release adds new APIs for creating and managing Lambda Function URLs and adds a new FunctionUrlAuthType parameter to the AddPermission API. Customers can use Function URLs to create built-in HTTPS endpoints on their functions. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/panorama/ - * **Feature**: Added Brand field to device listings. - -# Release (2022-04-05) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: AWS DataSync now supports Amazon FSx for OpenZFS locations. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Provide customers more visibility into file system status by adding new "Misconfigured Unavailable" status for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. -* ``: [v1.21.4](service/s3control/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation-only update for doc bug fixes for the S3 Control API docs. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Added additional ASFF details for RdsSecurityGroup AutoScalingGroup, ElbLoadBalancer, CodeBuildProject and RedshiftCluster. - -# Release (2022-04-04) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: AWS IoT - AWS IoT Device Defender adds support to list metric datapoints collected for IoT devices through the ListMetricValues API -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: SDK release to support tagging for AWS Proton Repository resource -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Feature**: This release adds ProvisioningArtifictOutputKeys to DescribeProvisioningParameters to reference the outputs of a Provisioned Product and deprecates ProvisioningArtifactOutputs. -* ``: [v1.12.4](service/sms/ - * **Documentation**: Revised product update notice for SMS console deprecation. - -# Release (2022-04-01) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release updates these APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable multi-party conferencing using attribute type MULTI_PARTY_CONFERENCING on the specified Amazon Connect instance. - -# Release (2022-03-31) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.8.4](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Documentation**: Fixes documentation typos in Number type's helper methods -* ``: [v1.8.4](feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue/ - * **Documentation**: Fixes documentation typos in Number type's helper methods -* ``: [v1.18.3](service/auditmanager/ - * **Documentation**: This release adds documentation updates for Audit Manager. The updates provide data deletion guidance when a customer deregisters Audit Manager or deregisters a delegated administrator. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/cloudcontrol/ - * **Feature**: SDK release for Cloud Control API in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: This AWS Glue Databrew release adds feature to support ORC as an input format. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/grafana/ - * **Feature**: This release adds tagging support to the Managed Grafana service. New APIs: TagResource, UntagResource and ListTagsForResource. Updates: add optional field tags to support tagging while calling CreateWorkspace. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/pinpointsmsvoicev2/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Amazon Pinpoint now offers a version 2.0 suite of SMS and voice APIs, providing increased control over sending and configuration. This release is a new SDK for sending SMS and voice messages called PinpointSMSVoiceV2. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/route53recoverycluster/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new API "ListRoutingControls" to list routing control states using the highly reliable Route 53 ARC data plane endpoints. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Added APIs that allow you to customize the logo, login message, and help links in the WorkSpaces client login page. To learn more, visit - -# Release (2022-03-30) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.34.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This release simplifies the auto-recovery configuration process enabling customers to set the recovery behavior to disabled or default -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: AWS Firewall Manager now supports the configuration of third-party policies that can use either the centralized or distributed deployment models. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for modifying throughput capacity for FSx for ONTAP file systems. -* ``: [v1.23.3](service/iot/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for IoT that fixes customer-reported issues. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/iotdataplane/ - * **Feature**: Update the default AWS IoT Core Data Plane endpoint from VeriSign signed to ATS signed. If you have firewalls with strict egress rules, configure the rules to grant you access to data-ats.iot.[region] or data-ats.iot.[region] - -# Release (2022-03-29) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/organizations/ - * **Feature**: This release provides the new CloseAccount API that enables principals in the management account to close any member account within an organization. - -# Release (2022-03-28) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.3](service/acmpca/ - * **Documentation**: Updating service name entities -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for selecting a maintenance window. - -# Release (2022-03-25) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where shapes were marked as unboxed and were not serialized and sent over the wire, causing an API error from the service. - * This is a breaking change, and has been accepted due to the API operation not being usable due to the members modeled as unboxed (aka value) types. The update changes the members to boxed (aka pointer) types so that the zero value of the members can be handled correctly by the SDK and service. Your application will fail to compile with the updated module. To workaround this you'll need to update your application to use pointer types for the members impacted. -* ``: [v1.33.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: This is release adds support for Amazon VPC Reachability Analyzer to analyze path through a Transit Gateway. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: This Patch Manager release supports creating, updating, and deleting Patch Baselines for Rocky Linux OS. - -# Release (2022-03-24) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Added new APIs GetCustomRulePolicy and GetOrganizationCustomRulePolicy, and updated existing APIs PutConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule, DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatus, PutOrganizationConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule to support a new feature for building AWS Config rules with AWS CloudFormation Guard -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for increased ephemeral storage (/tmp) up to 10GB for Lambda functions. Customers can now provision up to 10 GB of ephemeral storage per function instance, a 20x increase over the previous limit of 512 MB. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: This release adds an additional parameter for subtitling with Amazon Transcribe batch jobs: outputStartIndex. - -# Release (2022-03-23) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.16.0 - * **Feature**: Update CredentialsCache to make use of two new optional CredentialsProvider interfaces to give the cache, per provider, behavior how the cache handles credentials that fail to refresh, and adjusting expires time. See [aws.CredentialsCache]( for more details. - * **Feature**: Update `ec2rolecreds` package's `Provider` to implememnt support for CredentialsCache new optional caching strategy interfaces, HandleFailRefreshCredentialsCacheStrategy and AdjustExpiresByCredentialsCacheStrategy. -* ``: [v1.11.0](credentials/ - * **Feature**: Update `ec2rolecreds` package's `Provider` to implememnt support for CredentialsCache new optional caching strategy interfaces, HandleFailRefreshCredentialsCacheStrategy and AdjustExpiresByCredentialsCacheStrategy. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: This release updates 1 API parameter, the SnsArn attribute. The character length and regex pattern for the SnsArn attribute have been updated, which enables you to deselect an SNS topic when using the UpdateSettings operation. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ebs/ - * **Feature**: Increased the maximum supported value for the Timeout parameter of the StartSnapshot API from 60 minutes to 4320 minutes. Changed the HTTP error code for ConflictException from 503 to 409. -* ``: [v1.20.2](service/elasticache/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for ElastiCache -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/gamesparks/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Released the preview of Amazon GameSparks, a fully managed AWS service that provides a multi-service backend for game developers. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: This release adds a new [--encrypted | --no-encrypted] field in restore-from-cluster-snapshot API. Customers can now restore an unencrypted snapshot to a cluster encrypted with AWS Managed Key or their own KMS key. -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Update AddTagsToResource, ListTagsForResource, and RemoveTagsFromResource APIs to reflect the support for tagging Automation resources. Includes other minor documentation updates. -* ``: [v1.18.1](service/transfer/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Transfer Family to describe how to remove an associated workflow from a server. - -# Release (2022-03-22) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: Added three new APIs to support tagging and resource-level authorization on Cost Explorer resources: TagResource, UntagResource, ListTagsForResource. Added optional parameters to CreateCostCategoryDefinition, CreateAnomalySubscription and CreateAnomalyMonitor APIs to support Tag On Create. -* ``: [v1.18.2](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation only update to address tickets -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: The release fixes the incorrect permissions called out in the documentation - DESCRIBE_TAG, ASSOCIATE_TAG, DELETE_TAG, ALTER_TAG. This trebuchet release fixes the corresponding SDK and documentation. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Location Service now includes a MaxResults parameter for GetDevicePositionHistory requests. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Polly adds new Catalan voice - Arlet. Arlet is available as Neural voice only. - -# Release (2022-03-21) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Add support for media replication to link multiple WebRTC media sessions together to reach larger and global audiences. Participants connected to a replica session can be granted access to join the primary session and can switch sessions with their existing WebRTC connection -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: This release includes a fix in the DescribeImageScanFindings paginated output. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for selecting a maintenance window. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: AWS QuickSight Service Features - Expand public API support for group management. -* ``: [v1.16.1](service/ram/ - * **Documentation**: Document improvements to the RAM API operations and parameter descriptions. - -# Release (2022-03-18) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Added 9 new APIs for AWS Glue Interactive Sessions: ListSessions, StopSession, CreateSession, GetSession, DeleteSession, RunStatement, GetStatement, ListStatements, CancelStatement - -# Release (2022-03-16) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA) now supports customizable certificate subject names and extensions. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: Adding the ability to customize Cognito verification messages for email and SMS in CreateBackendAuth and UpdateBackendAuth. Adding deprecation documentation for ForgotPassword in CreateBackendAuth and UpdateBackendAuth -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/billingconductor/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: This is the initial SDK release for AWS Billing Conductor. The AWS Billing Conductor is a customizable billing service, allowing you to customize your billing data to match your desired business structure. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/s3outposts/ - * **Feature**: S3 on Outposts is releasing a new API, ListSharedEndpoints, that lists all endpoints associated with S3 on Outpost, that has been shared by Resource Access Manager (RAM). -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Removed incorrect validation pattern for IncidentRecordSource.invokedBy - -# Release (2022-03-15) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Updated EmailConfigurationType and SmsConfigurationType to reflect that you can now choose Amazon SES and Amazon SNS resources in the same Region. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: This feature enables data providers to use the RevokeRevision operation to revoke subscriber access to a given revision. Subscribers are unable to interact with assets within a revoked revision. -* ``: [v1.32.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Adds the Cascade parameter to the DeleteIpam API. Customers can use this parameter to automatically delete their IPAM, including non-default scopes, pools, cidrs, and allocations. There mustn't be any pools provisioned in the default public scope to use this parameter. -* ``: [v1.18.1](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation only update to address tickets -* ``: [v1.0.2](service/keyspaces/ - * **Documentation**: Fixing formatting issues in CLI and SDK documentation -* ``: [v1.15.1](service/location/ - * **Documentation**: New HERE style "VectorHereExplore" and "VectorHereExploreTruck". -* ``: [v1.18.1](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Various documentation improvements -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Feature**: This release deprecates ROS, Ubuntu and Gazbeo from RoboMaker Simulation Service Software Suites in favor of user-supplied containers and Relaxed Software Suites. - -# Release (2022-03-14) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Add resourceType enums for AWS::ECR::PublicRepository and AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate -* ``: [v1.20.1](service/elasticache/ - * **Documentation**: Doc only update for ElastiCache -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Slack. For more information, see -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/timestreamquery/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Timestream Scheduled Queries now support Timestamp datatype in a multi-measure record. - -# Release (2022-03-11) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Chime VoiceConnector Logging APIs will now support MediaMetricLogs. Also CreateMeetingDialOut now returns AccessDeniedException. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: This release adds support for enabling Rich Messaging when starting a new chat session via the StartChatContact API. Rich Messaging enables the following formatting options: bold, italics, hyperlinks, bulleted lists, and numbered lists. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Adds PrincipalOrgID support to AddPermission API. Customers can use it to manage permissions to lambda functions at AWS Organizations level. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: This release adds address filters for listSites -* ``: [v1.15.1](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: Documentation updates for Secrets Manager. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Transcribe StartTranscription API now supports additional parameters for Language Identification feature: customVocabularies and customFilterVocabularies - -# Release (2022-03-10) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: This release makes slotTypeId an optional parameter in CreateSlot and UpdateSlot APIs in Amazon Lex V2 for model building. Customers can create and update slots without specifying a slot type id. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Documentation fix for API `StartMedicalTranscriptionJobRequest`, now showing min sample rate as 16khz -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Adding more descriptive error types for managed workflows - -# Release (2022-03-09) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Amazon Comprehend now supports extracting the sentiment associated with entities such as brands, products and services from text documents. - -# Release (2022-03-08.3) - -* No change notes available for this release. - -# Release (2022-03-08.2) - -* No change notes available for this release. - -# Release (2022-03-08) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.31.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/fis/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/internal/checksum/ - * **Feature**: Updates the SDK's checksum validation logic to require opt-in to output response payload validation. The SDK was always preforming output response payload checksum validation, not respecting the output validation model option. Fixes [#1606]( -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/kafkaconnect/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/keyspaces/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/macie/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/migrationhubrefactorspaces/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/mq/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/panorama/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/route53recoverycluster/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/sts/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/timestreamquery/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client model to latest release. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client model to latest release. - -# Release (2022-02-24.2) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2022-02-24) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Adds RetryMaxAttempts and RetryMod to API client Options. This allows the API clients' default Retryer to be configured from the shared configuration files or environment variables. Adding a new Retry mode of `Adaptive`. `Adaptive` retry mode is an experimental mode, adding client rate limiting when throttles reponses are received from an API. See [retry.AdaptiveMode]( for more details, and configuration options. -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Bug Fix**: Fixes the AWS Sigv4 signer to trim header value's whitespace when computing the canonical headers block of the string to sign. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.14.0 - * **Feature**: Add new AdaptiveMode retryer to aws/retry package. This new retryer uses dynamic token bucketing with client ratelimiting when throttle responses are received. - * **Feature**: Adds new interface aws.RetryerV2, replacing aws.Retryer and deprecating the GetInitialToken method in favor of GetAttemptToken so Context can be provided. The SDK will use aws.RetryerV2 internally. Wrapping aws.Retryers as aws.RetryerV2 automatically. -* ``: [v1.14.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for loading RetryMaxAttempts and RetryMod from the environment and shared configuration files. These parameters drive how the SDK's API client will initialize its default retryer, if custome retryer has not been specified. See [config]( module and [aws.Config]( for more information about and how to use these new options. - * **Feature**: Adds support for the `ca_bundle` parameter in shared config and credentials files. The usage of the file is the same as environment variable, `AWS_CA_BUNDLE`, but sourced from shared config. Fixes [#1589]( -* ``: [v1.9.0](credentials/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for `SourceIdentity` to `stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider` [#1588]( Fixes [#1575]( -* ``: [v1.7.0](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Fixes [#645](, [#411]( by adding support for (un)marshaling AttributeValue maps to Go maps key types of string, number, bool, and types implementing encoding.Text(un)Marshaler interface - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes [#1569]( inconsistent serialization of Go struct field names -* ``: [v1.4.0](feature/dynamodb/expression/ - * **Feature**: Add support for expression names with dots via new NameBuilder function NameNoDotSplit, related to [aws/aws-sdk-go#2570]( -* ``: [v1.7.0](feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Fixes [#645](, [#411]( by adding support for (un)marshaling AttributeValue maps to Go maps key types of string, number, bool, and types implementing encoding.Text(un)Marshaler interface - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes [#1569]( inconsistent serialization of Go struct field names -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/account/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/acm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/alexaforbusiness/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/apigateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/apigatewaymanagementapi/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/apigatewayv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/appconfig/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/appconfigdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/appintegrations/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/applicationautoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/applicationcostprofiler/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/applicationdiscoveryservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/autoscalingplans/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/backupgateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/budgets/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/chimesdkidentity/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/cloud9/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudcontrol/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/clouddirectory/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/cloudhsm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/cloudhsmv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/cloudsearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudsearchdomain/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/cloudwatchevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/codeartifact/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/codecommit/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/codedeploy/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/codeguruprofiler/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/codepipeline/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/codestar/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/codestarconnections/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/codestarnotifications/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/cognitoidentity/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cognitosync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/comprehendmedical/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/connectcontactlens/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/connectparticipant/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/costandusagereportservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/datapipeline/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/dax/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/detective/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/devicefarm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/directoryservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/dlm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/drs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ebs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.30.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ec2instanceconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ecrpublic/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/elasticbeanstalk/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/elasticinference/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/elasticloadbalancing/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/elastictranscoder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/evidently/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/finspace/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/firehose/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/fis/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/forecastquery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that resulted in the wrong service endpoints being constructed. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/glacier/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/globalaccelerator/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/grafana/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/greengrass/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/groundstation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/health/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/healthlake/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/honeycode/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/inspector/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/internal/checksum/ - * **Release**: New module for computing checksums -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/iot1clickdevicesservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iot1clickprojects/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iotanalytics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iotdataplane/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotdeviceadvisor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/ioteventsdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iotfleethub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iotjobsdataplane/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iotsecuretunneling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iotthingsgraph/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iottwinmaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kafkaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/kinesisanalytics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/kinesisvideo/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/kinesisvideoarchivedmedia/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/kinesisvideomedia/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/kinesisvideosignaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lexmodelbuildingservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/lexruntimeservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/lookoutvision/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/machinelearning/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/macie/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/managedblockchain/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/marketplacecatalog/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/marketplacecommerceanalytics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/marketplaceentitlementservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/marketplacemetering/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mediastore/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mediastoredata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/memorydb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/migrationhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/migrationhubconfig/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/migrationhubrefactorspaces/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/migrationhubstrategy/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/mobile/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mq/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/mturk/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mwaa/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/opsworks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/opsworkscm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/organizations/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/panorama/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/personalizeevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/personalizeruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/pinpointemail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/pinpointsmsvoice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/pricing/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/qldbsession/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/rbin/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/rdsdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/redshiftdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/resiliencehub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/resourcegroups/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/resourcegroupstaggingapi/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/route53domains/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/route53recoverycluster/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/route53recoverycontrolconfig/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/route53recoveryreadiness/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/route53resolver/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/rum/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/s3outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/sagemakera2iruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sagemakeredge/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/savingsplans/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/schemas/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/serverlessapplicationrepository/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/servicequotas/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ses/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sesv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/shield/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/signer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/sms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/snowball/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/snowdevicemanagement/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sso/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/support/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/swf/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/timestreamquery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/timestreamwrite/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/translate/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/voiceid/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/waf/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/wafregional/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/workdocs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/worklink/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/workmailmessageflow/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/workspacesweb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/xray/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2022-01-28) - -## General Highlights -* **Bug Fix**: Fixes the SDK's handling of `duration_sections` in the shared credentials file or specified in multiple shared config and shared credentials files under the same profile. [#1568]( Thanks to [Amir Szekely]( for help reproduce this bug. -* **Bug Fix**: Updates SDK API client deserialization to pre-allocate byte slice and string response payloads, [#1565]( Thanks to [Tyson Mote]( for submitting this PR. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.13.1](config/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixes LoadDefaultConfig handling of errors returned by passed in functional options. Previously errors returned from the LoadOptions passed into LoadDefaultConfig were incorrectly ignored. [#1562]( Thanks to [Pinglei Guo]( for submitting this PR. - * **Bug Fix**: Updates `config` module to use os.UserHomeDir instead of hard coded environment variable for OS. [#1563]( -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.1](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.1](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.1](service/ebs/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.29.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ec2instanceconnect/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/fis/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/greengrass/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/honeycode/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.1](service/route53recoveryreadiness/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. - -# Release (2022-01-14) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.13.0 - * **Bug Fix**: Updates the Retry middleware to release the retry token, on subsequent attempts. This fixes #1413, and is based on PR #1424 -* ``: [v1.6.0](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Adds new MarshalWithOptions and UnmarshalWithOptions helpers allowing Encoding and Decoding options to be specified when serializing AttributeValues. Addresses issue: -* ``: [v1.6.0](feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue/ - * **Feature**: Adds new MarshalWithOptions and UnmarshalWithOptions helpers allowing Encoding and Decoding options to be specified when serializing AttributeValues. Addresses issue: -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/autoscalingplans/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.28.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/fms/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/honeycode/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ioteventsdata/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/mwaa/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/sso/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API models -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: Updated API models - -# Release (2022-01-07) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.12.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Add load option for CredentialCache. Adds a new member to the LoadOptions struct, CredentialsCacheOptions. This member allows specifying a function that will be used to configure the CredentialsCache. The CredentialsCacheOptions will only be used if the configuration loader will wrap the underlying credential provider in the CredentialsCache. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/detective/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.27.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ecs/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/s3/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/s3control/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/s3outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-12-21) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: API Paginators now support specifying the initial starting token, and support stopping on empty string tokens. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/acm/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/apigateway/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/applicationautoscaling/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/cloudcontrol/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudwatchevents/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/codedeploy/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/comprehendmedical/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.26.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/elasticloadbalancing/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/glacier/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/groundstation/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/health/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/kinesisanalytics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/lookoutvision/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/marketplacemetering/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/resourcegroups/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/resourcegroupstaggingapi/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/route53domains/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/route53recoverycontrolconfig/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.3](service/savingsplans/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/sms/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/support/ - * **Documentation**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/swf/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service endpoints -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-12-03) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.1](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.9.3](service/amp/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/amplifyuibuilder/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.3](service/appmesh/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.10.2](service/braket/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.7.3](service/codeguruprofiler/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.1.1](service/evidently/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug that prevented the resolution of the correct endpoint for some API operations. -* ``: [v1.2.3](service/grafana/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.9.2](service/location/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug that prevented the resolution of the correct endpoint for some API operations. - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused some operations to not be signed using sigv4, resulting in authentication failures. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.3](service/nimble/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.7.2](service/proton/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.3](service/snowdevicemanagement/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. -* ``: [v1.2.3](service/wisdom/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that prevent auto-filling of an API's idempotency parameters when not explictly provided by the caller. - -# Release (2021-12-02) - -## General Highlights -* **Bug Fix**: Fixes a bug that prevented aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions from being used by the service client. ([#1514]( -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.11.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Add support for specifying `EndpointResolverWithOptions` on `LoadOptions`, and associated `WithEndpointResolverWithOptions`. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/backupgateway/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/cloudhsm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.25.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/evidently/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/iottwinmaker/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for the `StartConversation` API. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/rbin/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/redshiftdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/rum/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/shield/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/snowball/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/workspacesweb/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - -# Release (2021-11-30) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.24.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/evidently/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/inspector2/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.3.2](service/internal/endpoint-discovery/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed a race condition that caused concurrent calls relying on endpoint discovery to share the same `url.URL` reference in their operation's http.Request. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/iotdeviceadvisor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/migrationhubrefactorspaces/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/personalizeruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/rbin/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/rum/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/timestreamquery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/timestreamwrite/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/translate/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-11-19) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.11.1 - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug that prevented aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc from satisfying the aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions interface. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/apigateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/appconfig/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/appconfigdata/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/drs/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.23.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/kendra/ - * **Announcement**: Fix API modeling bug incorrectly generating `DocumentAttributeValue` type as a union instead of a structure. This update corrects this bug by correcting the `DocumentAttributeValue` type to be a `struct` instead of an `interface`. This change also removes the `DocumentAttributeValueMember` types. To migrate to this change your application using service/kendra will need to be updated to use struct members in `DocumentAttributeValue` instead of `DocumentAttributeValueMember` types. - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/migrationhubstrategy/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/qldbsession/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-11-12) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Service clients now support custom endpoints that have an initial URI path defined. -* **Feature**: Waiters now have a `WaitForOutput` method, which can be used to retrieve the output of the successful wait operation. Thank you to [Andrew Haines]( for contributing this feature. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/chimesdkmeetings/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.22.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/health/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/resiliencehub/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/resourcegroupstaggingapi/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/translate/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. - -# Release (2021-11-06) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: The SDK now supports configuration of FIPS and DualStack endpoints using environment variables, shared configuration, or programmatically. -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](aws/protocol/eventstream/ - * **Announcement**: Support has been added for AWS EventStream APIs for Kinesis, S3, and Transcribe Streaming. Support for the Lex Runtime V2 EventStream API will be added in a future release. - * **Release**: Protocol support has been added for AWS event stream. -* ``: [v2.0.0](internal/endpoints/v2/ - * **Release**: Endpoint Variant Model Support -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/chimesdkidentity/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/codecommit/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/connectcontactlens/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/connectparticipant/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ebs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.21.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/finspace/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/health/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/internal/eventstreamtesting/ - * **Release**: Protocol support has been added for AWS event stream. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for the SubscribeToShard API. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/networkmanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/route53resolver/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for the SelectObjectContent API. - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sso/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/support/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/transcribestreaming/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Support has been added for the StartStreamTranscription and StartMedicalStreamTranscription APIs. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/waf/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Feature**: Updated service to latest API model. - -# Release (2021-10-21) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.10.0 - * **Feature**: Adds dynamic signing middleware that switches to unsigned payload when TLS is enabled. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/applicationautoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudsearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudwatchevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/codedeploy/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.20.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/elasticloadbalancing/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/glacier/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/panorama/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updates S3 streaming operations - PutObject, UploadPart, WriteGetObjectResponse to use unsigned payload signing auth when TLS is enabled. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sfn/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/swf/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-10-11) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.6.0](feature/ec2/imds/ - * **Feature**: Respect passed in Context Deadline/Timeout. Updates the IMDS Client operations to not override the passed in Context's Deadline or Timeout options. If an Client operation is called with a Context with a Deadline or Timeout, the client will no longer override it with the client's default timeout. - * **Bug Fix**: Fix IMDS client's response handling and operation timeout race. Fixes #1253 -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/applicationautoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.19.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/firehose/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/grafana/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iotevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-09-30) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/account/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/appintegrations/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/cloudcontrol/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloudhsmv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/dataexchange/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sesv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/voiceid/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/wisdom/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/workmail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-09-24) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.2.4](feature/dynamodb/expression/ - * **Documentation**: Fixes typo in NameBuilder.NamesList example documentation to use the correct variable name. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/codecommit/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.18.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/iotevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/kafkaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-09-17) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.1](service/cloudformation/ - * **Documentation**: Updated API client documentation. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.17.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ecr/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/kafkaconnect/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/pinpoint/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API client and endpoints to latest revision. - -# Release (2021-09-10) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.4.1](credentials/ - * **Documentation**: Fixes the AssumeRoleProvider's documentation for using custom TokenProviders. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/chimesdkidentity/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kafka/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/opensearch/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/xray/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-09-02) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.8.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Add support for S3 Multi-Region Access Point ARNs. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/cloud9/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ebs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.16.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/firehose/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/internal/s3shared/ - * **Feature**: Add support for S3 Multi-Region Access Point ARNs. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iotjobsdataplane/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lexmodelbuildingservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/memorydb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/mwaa/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - * **Feature**: Add support for S3 Multi-Region Access Point ARNs. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/schemas/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-08-27) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.4.0](credentials/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for Tags and TransitiveTagKeys to stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider. Closes -* ``: [v1.2.0](feature/dynamodb/attributevalue/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fix unmarshaler's decoding of AttributeValueMemberN into a type that is a string alias. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/apigateway/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/apigatewaymanagementapi/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/applicationinsights/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/appstream/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/autoscalingplans/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/backup/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/chimesdkidentity/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudwatchevents/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/codeartifact/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/codecommit/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/codeguruprofiler/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/codestarnotifications/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cognitoidentity/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/comprehend/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/connectcontactlens/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/dax/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/directoryservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/dlm/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/dynamodbstreams/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.15.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ecrpublic/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/finspace/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/firehose/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/forecastquery/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/gamelift/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/groundstation/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/guardduty/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/health/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/healthlake/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iot1clickdevicesservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iotanalytics/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iotdataplane/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iotfleethub/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ivs/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/lookoutequipment/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/mediapackage/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/mq/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/networkfirewall/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/pinpointsmsvoice/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/qldbsession/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/resourcegroupstaggingapi/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Bug Fix**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/route53recoverycontrolconfig/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/route53resolver/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/s3outposts/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/servicecatalog/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/servicecatalogappregistry/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/signer/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/ssooidc/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/wafregional/ - * **Feature**: Updated API model to latest revision. - -# Release (2021-08-19) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/apigateway/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/apigatewayv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/applicationautoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloud9/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/clouddirectory/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/customerprofiles/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/directoryservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.14.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/memorydb/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/route53resolver/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/sagemakerruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-08-12) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.3.1](feature/cloudfront/sign/ - * **Bug Fix**: Update to not escape HTML when encoding the policy. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/athena/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/chimesdkidentity/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/chimesdkmessaging/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ebs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/nimble/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/snowdevicemanagement/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-08-04) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: adds error handling for defered close calls -* **Dependency Update**: Updated `` to latest version. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.8.0 - * **Bug Fix**: Corrected an issue where the retryer was not using the last attempt's ResultMetadata as the bases for the return result from the stack. ([#1345]( -* ``: [v1.2.0](feature/dynamodb/expression/ - * **Feature**: Add IsSet helper for ConditionBuilder and KeyConditionBuilder ([#1329]( -* ``: [v1.5.2](service/accessanalyzer/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.3.1](service/amp/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/appintegrations/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.2](service/appmesh/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/appsync/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/auditmanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/batch/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.2](service/braket/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.2](service/codeguruprofiler/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.13.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/emr/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/emrcontainers/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.2](service/groundstation/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/identitystore/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iotanalytics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/lexmodelbuildingservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.1](service/mgn/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that caused one or more API operations to fail when attempting to resolve the service endpoint. ([#1349]( -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/redshiftdata/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/robomaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/route53recoverycluster/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/route53recoverycontrolconfig/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/route53recoveryreadiness/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Add `HeadObject` presign support. ([#1346]( -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/s3outposts/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/secretsmanager/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/shield/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ssoadmin/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/synthetics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/textract/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. - -# Release (2021-07-15) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.5.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for EC2 IPv6-enabled Instance Metadata Service Endpoints. -* ``: [v1.3.0](feature/ec2/imds/ - * **Feature**: Support has been added for EC2 IPv6-enabled Instance Metadata Service Endpoints. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/acm/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloudsearch/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/databasemigrationservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/devopsguru/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/directconnect/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.12.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/elasticbeanstalk/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/elasticloadbalancing/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/fms/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/frauddetector/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/health/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/healthlake/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/lambda/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lexmodelbuildingservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.1](service/macie/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.1](service/macie2/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/mgn/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/mq/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.1](service/pricing/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ses/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/storagegateway/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: The ErrorCode method on generated service error types has been corrected to match the API model. - * **Documentation**: Updated service model to latest revision. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/wellarchitected/ - * **Feature**: Updated service model to latest version. - -# Release (2021-07-01) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.1.0](internal/ini/ - * **Feature**: Support for `:`, `=`, `[`, `]` being present in expression values. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/databrew/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.11.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/mediapackagevod/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-06-25) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.7.0 - * **Feature**: Adds configuration values for enabling endpoint discovery. - * **Bug Fix**: Keep Object-Lock headers a header when presigning Sigv4 signing requests -* ``: [v1.4.0](config/ - * **Feature**: Adds configuration setting for enabling endpoint discovery. -* ``: [v1.3.0](credentials/ - * **Bug Fix**: Fixed example usages of aws.CredentialsCache ([#1275]( -* ``: [v1.2.0](feature/cloudfront/sign/ - * **Feature**: Add UnmarshalJSON for AWSEpochTime to correctly unmarshal AWSEpochTime, ([#1298]( -* ``: [v1.0.0](internal/configsources/ - * **Release**: Release new modules -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/amp/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/amplify/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/amplifybackend/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/appflow/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/appmesh/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/chime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloud9/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudformation/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/cloudfront/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/cloudsearch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloudwatch/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/cloudwatchevents/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/codebuild/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/codegurureviewer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/cognitoidentity/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/dax/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/dynamodb/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for endpoint discovery. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/elasticbeanstalk/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/elasticloadbalancing/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/elasticloadbalancingv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/eventbridge/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/greengrass/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/greengrassv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/internal/endpoint-discovery/ - * **Release**: Release new modules - * **Feature**: Module supporting endpoint-discovery across all service clients. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/iotanalytics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/kms/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/lexruntimev2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/managedblockchain/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/mediatailor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/proton/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ram/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/rds/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/redshift/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/redshiftdata/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/ses/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/snowball/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/sqs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/sts/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/timestreamquery/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for endpoint discovery. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/timestreamwrite/ - * **Feature**: Adds support for endpoint discovery. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/waf/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/wafv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-06-11) - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.2](service/cloudtrail/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.3](service/cognitoidentityprovider/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/glue/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/medialive/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/pi/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/proton/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.3.1](service/qldb/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.2](service/rds/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.1](service/transfer/ - * **Documentation**: Updated to latest API model. - -# Release (2021-06-04) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/acmpca/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/braket/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.2](service/cloudfront/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/datasync/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/devicefarm/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/docdb/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/fsx/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.1](service/iam/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/internal/s3shared/ - * **Feature**: The handling of AccessPoint and Outpost ARNs have been updated. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iotevents/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/ioteventsdata/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/kendra/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.1](service/lightsail/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/location/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/mwaa/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/outposts/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/polly/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/qldb/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.3.2](service/resourcegroups/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.2](service/route53/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.2](service/route53resolver/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.10.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: The handling of AccessPoint and Outpost ARNs have been updated. - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: The handling of AccessPoint and Outpost ARNs have been updated. - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/servicediscovery/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/sns/ - * **Feature**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.4.2](service/sqs/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. -* ``: [v1.6.2](service/ssm/ - * **Documentation**: Updated service client to latest API model. - -# Release (2021-05-25) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/cloudwatchlogs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/commander/ - * **Feature**: Deprecated module. The API client was incorrectly named. Use AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager (ssmincidents) instead. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/costexplorer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/efs/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/forecast/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/opsworkscm/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.9.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/ssmincidents/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/transfer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/workspaces/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-05-20) - -## General Highlights -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.6.0 - * **Feature**: `internal/ini`: This package has been migrated to a separate module at ``. -* ``: [v1.3.0](config/ - * **Feature**: SSO credentials can now be defined alongside other credential providers within the same configuration profile. - * **Bug Fix**: Profile names were incorrectly normalized to lower-case, which could result in unexpected profile configurations. -* ``: [v1.0.0](internal/ini/ - * **Release**: The `` package is now a Go Module. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/applicationcostprofiler/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/apprunner/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/autoscaling/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/computeoptimizer/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/detective/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/elasticache/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/elasticsearchservice/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iam/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/imagebuilder/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iotdeviceadvisor/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iotsitewise/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/kinesisanalytics/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/lexmodelsv2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/licensemanager/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/lightsail/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/macie/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/macie2/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/mediaconnect/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/neptune/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/personalize/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/quicksight/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/rekognition/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.8.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/sagemaker/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/sagemakera2iruntime/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/securityhub/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/support/ - * **Feature**: API client updated -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/transcribe/ - * **Feature**: API client updated - -# Release (2021-05-14) - -## General Highlights -* **Feature**: Constant has been added to modules to enable runtime version inspection for reporting. -* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions - -## Module Highlights -* ``: v1.5.0 - * **Feature**: `AddSDKAgentKey` and `AddSDKAgentKeyValue` in `aws/middleware` package have been updated to direct metadata to `User-Agent` HTTP header. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/codeartifact/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/commander/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/configservice/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/connect/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/ec2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/ecs/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/eks/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/finspace/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/finspacedata/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.4.0](service/iot/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/iotwireless/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/kinesis/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.2.0](service/kinesisanalytics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/kinesisanalyticsv2/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.3.0](service/lakeformation/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.1.0](service/lookoutmetrics/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.5.0](service/mediaconvert/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/route53/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.7.0](service/s3/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/s3control/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.6.0](service/ssm/ - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. -* ``: [v1.0.0](service/ssmcontacts/ - * **Release**: New AWS service client module - * **Feature**: Updated to latest service API model. - -# Release 2021-05-06 - -## Breaking change -* `service/ec2` - v1.6.0 - * This release contains a breaking change to the Amazon EC2 API client. API number(int/int64/etc) and boolean members were changed from value, to pointer type. Your applications using the EC2 API client will fail to compile after upgrading for all members that were updated. To migrate to this module you'll need to update your application to use pointers for all number and boolean members in the API client module. The SDK provides helper utilities to convert between value and pointer types. For example the [aws.Bool]( function to get the address from a bool literal. Similar utilities are available for all other primitive types in the [aws]( package. - -## Service Client Highlights -* `service/acmpca` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/apigateway` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/auditmanager` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/chime` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/cloudformation` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/cloudfront` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/codegurureviewer` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/connect` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/customerprofiles` - v1.5.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/devopsguru` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/docdb` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/ec2` - v1.6.0 - * Bug Fix: Fix incorrectly modeled Amazon EC2 number and boolean members in structures. The Amazon EC2 API client has been updated with a breaking change to fix all structure number and boolean members to be pointer types instead of value types. Fixes [#1107](, [#1178](, and [#1190]( This breaking change is made within the major version of the client' module, because the client operations failed and were unusable with value type number and boolean members with the EC2 API. - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/ecs` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/eks` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/forecast` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/glue` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/health` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/iotsitewise` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/iotwireless` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/kafka` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/kinesisanalyticsv2` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/macie2` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/marketplacecatalog` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/mediaconvert` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/mediapackage` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/mediapackagevod` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/mturk` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/nimble` - v1.0.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/organizations` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/personalize` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/robomaker` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/route53` - v1.5.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/s3` - v1.6.0 - * Bug Fix: Fix PutObject and UploadPart unseekable stream documentation link to point to the correct location. - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/sagemaker` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/securityhub` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/servicediscovery` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/snowball` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/sns` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/ssm` - v1.5.0 - * Feature: API client updated -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Update smithy-go dependency to v1.4.0 -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `aws` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: Add support for FIPS global partition endpoints ([#1242]( - -# Release 2021-04-23 -## Service Client Highlights -* `service/cloudformation` - v1.3.2 - * Documentation: Service Documentation Updates -* `service/cognitoidentityprovider` - v1.2.3 - * Documentation: Service Documentation Updates -* `service/costexplorer` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/databasemigrationservice` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/detective` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/elasticache` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/forecast` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/groundstation` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/kendra` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/redshift` - v1.5.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/savingsplans` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -* `service/securityhub` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Service API Updates -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `feature/rds/auth` - v1.0.0 - * Feature: Add Support for Amazon RDS IAM Authentication - -# Release 2021-04-14 -## Service Client Highlights -* `service/codebuild` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/codestarconnections` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/comprehendmedical` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/configservice` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/ec2` - v1.5.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/fsx` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/lightsail` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/mediaconnect` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/rds` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/redshift` - v1.4.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/shield` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -* `service/sts` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: API client updated -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. - -# Release 2021-04-08 -## Service Client Highlights -* Feature: API model sync -* `service/lookoutequipment` - v1.0.0 - * v1 Release: new service client -* `service/mgn` - v1.0.0 - * v1 Release: new service client -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: smithy-go version bump -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. - -# Release 2021-04-01 -## Service Client Highlights -* Bug Fix: Fix URL Path and RawQuery of resolved endpoint being ignored by the API client's request serialization. - * Fixes [issue#1191]( -* Refactored internal endpoints model for accessors -* Feature: updated to latest models -* New services - * `service/location` - v1.0.0 - * `service/lookoutmetrics` - v1.0.0 -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: update smithy-go module -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. - -# Release 2021-03-18 -## Service Client Highlights -* Bug Fix: Updated presign URLs to no longer include the X-Amz-User-Agent header -* Feature: Update API model -* Add New supported API -* `service/internal/s3shared` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: Support for S3 Object Lambda -* `service/s3` - v1.3.0 - * Bug Fix: Adds documentation to the PutObject and UploadPart operations Body member how to upload unseekable objects to an Amazon S3 Bucket. - * Feature: S3 Object Lambda is a new S3 feature that enables users to apply their own custom code to process the output of a standard S3 GET request by automatically invoking a Lambda function with a GET request -* `service/s3control` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: S3 Object Lambda is a new S3 feature that enables users to apply their own custom code to process the output of a standard S3 GET request by automatically invoking a Lambda function with a GET request -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `aws` - v1.3.0 - * Feature: Add helper to V4 signer package to swap compute payload hash middleware with unsigned payload middleware -* `feature/s3/manager` - v1.1.0 - * Bug Fix: Add support for Amazon S3 Object Lambda feature. - * Feature: Updates for S3 Object Lambda feature - -# Release 2021-03-12 -## Service Client Highlights -* Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that could union shape types to be deserialized incorrectly -* Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where unboxed shapes that were marked as required were not serialized and sent over the wire, causing an API error from the service. -* Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with generated API Paginators' handling of nil input parameters causing a panic. -* Dependency Update: update smithy-go dependency -* `service/detective` - v1.1.2 - * Bug Fix: Fix deserialization of API response timestamp member. -* `service/docdb` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: Client now support presigned URL generation for CopyDBClusterSnapshot and CreateDBCluster operations by specifying the target SourceRegion -* `service/neptune` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: Client now support presigned URL generation for CopyDBClusterSnapshot and CreateDBCluster operations by specifying the target SourceRegion -* `service/s3` - v1.2.1 - * Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where ListObjectsV2 and ListParts paginators could loop infinitely - * Bug Fix: Fixed key encoding when addressing S3 Access Points -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `config` - v1.1.2 - * Bug Fix: Fixed a panic when using WithEC2IMDSRegion without a specified IMDS client - -# Release 2021-02-09 -## Service Client Highlights -* `service/s3` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: adds support for s3 vpc endpoint interface [#1113]( -* `service/s3control` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: adds support for s3 vpc endpoint interface [#1113]( -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `aws` - v1.2.0 - * Feature: support to add endpoint source on context. Adds getter/setter for the endpoint source [#1113]( -* `config` - v1.1.1 - * Bug Fix: Only Validate SSO profile configuration when attempting to use SSO credentials [#1103]( - * Bug Fix: Environment credentials were not taking precedence over AWS_PROFILE [#1103]( - -# Release 2021-01-29 -## Service Client Highlights -* Bug Fix: A serialization bug has been fixed that caused some service operations with empty inputs to not be serialized correctly ([#1071]( -* Bug Fix: Fixes a bug that could cause a waiter to fail when comparing types ([#1083]( -## Core SDK Highlights -* Feature: EndpointResolverFromURL helpers have been added for constructing a service EndpointResolver type ([#1066]( -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. -* `aws` - v1.1.0 - * Feature: Add support for specifying the EndpointSource on aws.Endpoint types ([#1070]( -* `config` - v1.1.0 - * Feature: Add Support for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) credential provider ([#1072]( -* `credentials` - v1.1.0 - * Feature: Add AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) credential provider ([#1072]( - -# Release 2021-01-19 - -We are excited to announce the [General Availability]( -(GA) release of the [AWS SDK for Go version 2 (v2)]( -This release follows the [Release candidate]( -of the AWS SDK for Go v2. Version 2 incorporates customer feedback from version 1 and takes advantage of modern Go language features. - -## Breaking Changes -* `aws`: Updated Config.Retryer member to be a func that returns aws.Retryer ([#1033]( - * Updates the SDK's references to Config.Retryer to be a function that returns aws.Retryer value. This ensures that custom retry options specified in the `aws.Config` are scoped to individual client instances. - * All API clients created with the config will call the `Config.Retryer` function to get an aws.Retryer. - * Removes duplicate `Retryer` interface from `retry` package. Single definition is `aws.Retryer` now. -* `aws/middleware`: Updates `AddAttemptClockSkewMiddleware` to use appropriate `AddRecordResponseTiming` naming ([#1031]( - * Removes `ResponseMetadata` struct type, and adds its members to middleware metadata directly, to improve discoverability. -* `config`: Updated the `WithRetryer` helper to take a function that returns an aws.Retryer ([#1033]( - * All API clients created with the config will call the `Config.Retryer` function to get an aws.Retryer. -* `API Clients`: Fix SDK's API client enum constant name generation to have expected casing ([#1020]( - * This updates of the generated enum const value names in API client's `types` package to have the expected casing. Prior to this, enum names were being generated with lowercase names instead of camel case. -* `API Clients`: Updates SDK's API client request middleware stack values to be scoped to individual operation call ([#1019]( - * The API client request middleware stack values were mistakenly allowed to escape to nested API operation calls. This broke the SDK's presigners. - * Stack values that should not escape are not scoped to the individual operation call. -* `Multiple API Clients`: Unexported the API client's `WithEndpointResolver` this type wasn't intended to be exported ([#1051]( - * Using the `aws.Config.EndpointResolver` member for setting custom endpoint resolver instead. - -## New Features -* `service/sts`: Add support for presigning GetCallerIdentity operation ([#1030]( - * Adds a PresignClient to the `sts` API client module. Use PresignGetCallerIdentity to obtain presigned URLs for the create presigned URLs for the GetCallerIdentity operation. - * Fixes [#1021]( -* `aws/retry`: Add package documentation for retry package ([#1033]( - * Adds documentation for the retry package - -## Bug Fixes -* `Multiple API Clients`: Fix SDK's generated serde for unmodeled operation input/output ([#1050]( - * Fixes [#1047]( by fixing the how the SDKs generated serialization and deserialization of API operations that did not have modeled input or output types. This caused the SDK to incorrectly attempt to deserialize response documents that were either empty, or contained unexpected data. -* `service/s3`: Fix Tagging parameter not serialized correctly for presigned PutObject requests ([#1017]( - * Fixes the Tagging parameter incorrectly being serialized to the URL's query string instead of being signed as a HTTP request header. - * When using PresignPutObject make sure to add all signed headers returned by the method to your down stream's HTTP client's request. These headers must be included in the request, or the request will fail with signature errors. - * Fixes [#1016]( -* `service/s3`: Fix Unmarshaling `GetObjectAcl` operation's Grantee type response ([#1034]( - * Updates the SDK's codegen for correctly deserializing XML attributes in tags with XML namespaces. - * Fixes [#1013]( -* `service/s3`: Fix Unmarshaling `GetBucketLocation` operation's response ([#1027]( - * Fixes [#908]( - -## Migrating from v2 preview SDK's v0.31.0 to v1.0.0 - -### aws.Config Retryer member - -If your application sets the `Config.Retryer` member the application will need -to be updated to set a function that returns an `aws.Retryer`. In addition, if -your application used the `config.WithRetryer` helper a function that returns -an `aws.Retryer` needs to be used. - -If your application used the `retry.Retryer` type, update to using the -`aws.Retryer` type instead. - -### API Client enum value names - -If your application used the enum values in the API Client's `types` package between v0.31.0 and the latest version of the client module you may need to update the naming of the enum value. The enum value name casing were updated to camel case instead lowercased. - -# Release 2020-12-23 - -We’re happy to announce the Release Candidate (RC) of the AWS SDK for Go v2. -This RC follows the developer preview release of the AWS SDK for Go v2. The SDK -has undergone a major rewrite from the v1 code base to incorporate your -feedback and to take advantage of modern Go language features. - -## Documentation -* Developer Guide: -* API Reference docs: -* Migration Guide: - -## Breaking Changes -* Dependency `` has been relocated to `` - * The `smithy-go` repository was moved from the `awslabs` GitHub organization to `aws`. - * `xml`, `httpbinding`, and `json` package relocated under `encoding` package. -* The module `ec2imds` moved to `feature/ec2/imds` path ([#984]( - * Moves the `ec2imds` feature module to be in common location as other SDK features. -* `aws/signer/v4`: Refactor AWS Sigv4 Signer and options types to allow function options ([#955]( - * Fixes [#917](, [#960](, [#958]( -* `aws`: CredentialCache type updated to require constructor function ([#946]( - * Fixes [#940]( -* `credentials`: ExpiryWindow and Jitter moved from credential provider to `CredentialCache` ([#946]( - * Moves ExpiryWindow and Jitter options to common option of the `CredentialCache` instead of duplicated across providers. - * Fixes [#940]( -* `config`: Ensure shared credentials file has precedence over shared config file ([#990]( - * The shared config file was incorrectly overriding the shared credentials file when merging values. -* `config`: Add `context.Context` to `LoadDefaultConfig` ([#951]( - * Updates `config#LoadDefaultConfig` function to take `context.Context` as well as functional options for the `config#LoadOptions` type. - * Fixes [#926](, [#819]( -* `aws`: Rename `NoOpRetryer` to `NopRetryer` to have consistent naming with rest of SDK ([#987]( - * Fixes [#878]( -* `service/s3control`: Change `S3InitiateRestoreObjectOperation.ExpirationInDays` from value to pointer type ([#988]( -* `aws`: `ReaderSeekerCloser` and `WriteAtBuffer` have been relocated to `feature/s3/manager`. - -## New Features -* *Waiters*: Add Waiter utilities for API clients ([aws/smithy-go#237]( - * Your application can now use Waiter utilities to wait for AWS resources. -* `feature/dynamodb/attributevalue`: Add Amazon DynamoDB Attribute value marshaler utility ([#948]( - * Adds a utility for marshaling Go types too and from Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValues. - * Also includes utility for converting from Amazon DynamoDB Streams AttributeValues to Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValues. -* `feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue`: Add Amazon DynamoDB Streams Attribute value marshaler utility ([#948]( - * Adds a utility for marshaling Go types too and from Amazon DynamoDB Streams AttributeValues. - * Also includes utility for converting from Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValues to Amazon DynamoDB Streams AttributeValues. -* `feature/dynamodb/expression`: Add Amazon DynamoDB expression utility ([#981]( - * Adds the expression utility to the SDK for easily building Amazon DynamoDB operation expressions in code. - -## Bug Fixes -* `service/s3`: Fix Presigner to configure client correctly for Amazon S3 ([#969]( -* service/s3: Fix deserialization of CompleteMultipartUpload ([#965]( - * Fixes [#927]( -* `codegen`: Fix API client union serialization ([#979]( - * Fixes [#978]( - -## Service Client Highlights -* API Clients have been bumped to version `v0.31.0` -* Regenerate API Clients from updated API models adding waiter utilities, and union parameters. -* `codegen`: - * Add documentation to union API parameters describing valid member types, and usage example ([aws/smithy-go#239]( - * Normalize Metadata header map keys to be lower case ([aws/smithy-go#241](, ([#982]( - * Fixes [#376]( Amazon S3 Metadata parameters keys are always returned as lower case. - * Fix API client deserialization of XML based responses ([aws/smithy-go#245](, ([#992]( - * Fixes [#910]( -* `service/s3`, `service/s3control`: - * Add support for reading `s3_use_arn_region` from shared config file ([#991]( - * Add Utility for getting RequestID and HostID of response ([#983]( - - -## Other changes -* Updates branch `HEAD` points from `master` to `main`. - * This should not impact your application, but if you have pull requests or forks of the SDK you may need to update the upstream branch your fork is based off of. - -## Migrating from v2 preview SDK's v0.30.0 to v0.31.0 release candidate - -### smithy-go module relocation - -If your application uses `smithy-go` utilities for request pipeline your application will need to be updated to refer to the new import path of ``. If you application did *not* use `smithy-go` utilities directly, your application will update automatically. - -### EC2 IMDS module relocation - -If your application used the `ec2imds` module, it has been relocated to `feature/ec2/imds`. Your application will need to update to the new import path, ``. - -### CredentialsCache Constructor and ExpiryWindow Options - -The `aws#CredentialsCache` type was updated, and a new constructor function, `NewCredentialsCache` was added. This function needs to be used to initialize the `CredentialCache`. The constructor also has function options to specify additional configuration, e.g. ExpiryWindow and Jitter. - -If your application was specifying the `ExpiryWindow` with the `credentials/stscreds#AssumeRoleOptions`, `credentials/stscreds#WebIdentityRoleOptions`, `credentials/processcreds#Options`, or `credentials/ec2rolecrds#Options` types the `ExpiryWindow` option will need to specified on the `CredentialsCache` constructor instead. - -### AWS Sigv4 Signer Refactor - -The `aws/signer/v4` package's `Signer.SignHTTP` and `Signer.PresignHTTP` methods were updated to take functional options. If your application provided a custom implementation for API client's `HTTPSignerV4` or `HTTPPresignerV4` interfaces, that implementation will need to be updated for the new function signature. - -### Configuration Loading - -The `config#LoadDefaultConfig` function has been updated to require a `context.Context` as the first parameter, with additional optional function options as variadic additional arguments. Your application will need to update its usage of `LoadDefaultConfig` to pass in `context.Context` as the first parameter. If your application used the `With...` helpers those should continue to work without issue. - -The v2 SDK corrects its behavior to be inline with the AWS CLI and other AWS SDKs. Refer to for more information how to use the shared config and credentials files. - - -# Release 2020-11-30 - -## Breaking Change -* `codegen`: Add support for slice and maps generated with value members instead of pointer ([#887]( - * This update allow the SDK's code generation to be aware of API shapes and members that are not nullable, and can be rendered as value types by the code generation instead of pointer types. - * Several API client parameter types will change from pointer members to value members for slice, map, number and bool member types. - * See Migration notes for migrating to v0.30.0 with this change. -* `aws/transport/http`: Move aws.BuildableHTTPClient to HTTP transport package ([#898]( - * Moves the `BuildableHTTPClient` from the SDK's `aws` package to the `aws/transport/http` package as `BuildableClient` to with other HTTP specific utilities. -* `feature/cloudfront/sign`: Add CloudFront sign feature as module ([#884]( - * Moves `service/cloudfront/sign` package out of the `cloudfront` module, and into its own module as ``. - -## New Features -* `config`: Add a WithRetryer provider helper to the config loader ([#897]( - * Adds a `WithRetryer` configuration provider to the config loader as a convenience helper to set the `Retryer` on the `aws.Config` when its being loaded. -* `config`: Default to TLS 1.2 for HTTPS requests ([#892]( - * Updates the SDK's default HTTP client to use TLS 1.2 as the minimum TLS version for all HTTPS requests by default. - -## Bug Fixes -* `config`: Fix AWS_CA_BUNDLE usage while loading default config ([#912]( - * Fixes the `LoadDefaultConfig`'s configuration provider order to correctly load a custom HTTP client prior to configuring the client for `AWS_CA_BUNDLE` environment variable. -* `service/s3`: Fix signature mismatch error for s3 ([#913]( - * Fixes ([#883]( -* `service/s3control`: - * Fix HostPrefix addition behavior for s3control ([#882]( - * Fixes ([#863]( - * Fix s3control error deserializer ([#875]( - * Fixes ([#864]( - -## Service Client Highlights -* Pagination support has been added to supported APIs. See [Using Operation Paginators]( in the Developer Guide. ([#885]( -* Logging support has been added to service clients. See [Logging]( in the Developer Guide. ([#872]( -* `service`: Add support for pre-signed URL clients for S3, RDS, EC2 service ([#888]( - * `service/s3`: operations `PutObject` and `GetObject` are now supported with s3 pre-signed url client. - * `service/ec2`: operation `CopySnapshot` is now supported with ec2 pre-signed url client. - * `service/rds`: operations `CopyDBSnapshot`, `CreateDBInstanceReadReplica`, `CopyDBClusterSnapshot`, `CreateDBCluster` are now supported with rds pre-signed url client. -* `service/s3`: Add support for S3 access point and S3 on outposts access point ARNs ([#870]( -* `service/s3control`: Adds support for S3 on outposts access point and S3 on outposts bucket ARNs ([#870]( - -## Migrating from v2 preview SDK's v0.29.0 to v0.30.0 - -### aws.BuildableHTTPClient move -The `aws`'s `BuildableHTTPClient` HTTP client implementation was moved to `aws/transport/http` as `BuildableClient`. If your application used the `aws.BuildableHTTPClient` type, update it to use the `BuildableClient` in the `aws/transport/http` package. - -### Slice and Map API member types -This release includes several code generation updates for API client's slice map members. Using API modeling metadata the Slice and map members are now generated as value types instead of pointer types. For your application this means that for these types, the SDK no longer will have pointer member types, and have value member types. - -To migrate to this change you'll need to remove the pointer handling for slice and map members, and instead use value type handling of the member values. - -### Boolean and Number API member types -Similar to the slice and map API member types being generated as value, the SDK's code generation now has metadata where the SDK can generate boolean and number members as value type instead of pointer types. - -To migrate to this change you'll need to remove the pointer handling for numbers and boolean member types, and instead use value handling. - -# Release 2020-10-30 - -## New Features -* Adds HostnameImmutable flag on aws.Endpoint to direct SDK if the associated endpoint is modifiable.([#848]( - -## Bug Fixes -* Fix SDK handling of xml based services - xml namespaces ([#858]( - * Fixes ([#850]( - -## Service Client Highlights -* API Clients have been bumped to version `v0.29.0` - * Regenerate API Clients from update API models. -* Improve client doc generation. - -## Core SDK Highlights -* Dependency Update: Updated SDK dependencies to their latest versions. - -## Migrating from v2 preview SDK's v0.28.0 to v0.29.0 -* API Clients ResolverOptions type renamed to EndpointResolverOptions - -# Release 2020-10-26 - -## New Features -* `service/s3`: Add support for Accelerate, and Dualstack ([#836]( -* `service/s3control`: Add support for Dualstack ([#836]( - -## Service Client Highlights -* API Clients have been bumped to version `v0.28.0` - * Regenerate API Clients from update API models. -* `service/s3`: Add support for Accelerate, and Dualstack ([#836]( -* `service/s3control`: Add support for Dualstack ([#836]( -* `service/route53`: Fix sanitizeURL customization to handle leading slash(`/`) [#846]( - * Fixes [#843]( -* `service/route53`: Fix codegen to correctly look for operations that need sanitize url ([#851]( - -## Core SDK Highlights -* `aws/protocol/restjson`: Fix unexpected JSON error response deserialization ([#837]( - * Fixes [#832]( -* `example/service/s3/listobjects`: Add example for Amazon S3 ListObjectsV2 ([#838]( - -# Release 2020-10-16 - -## New Features -* `feature/s3/manager`: - * Initial `v0.1.0` release - * Add the Amazon S3 Upload and Download transfer manager ([#802]( - -## Service Client Highlights -* Clients have been bumped to version `v0.27.0` -* `service/machinelearning`: Add customization for setting client endpoint with PredictEndpoint value if set ([#782]( -* `service/s3`: Fix empty response body deserialization in case of error response ([#801]( - * Fixes xml deserialization util to correctly handle empty response body in case of an error response. -* `service/s3`: Add customization to auto fill Content-Md5 request header for Amazon S3 operations ([#812]( -* `service/s3`: Add fallback to using HTTP status code for error code ([#818]( - * Adds falling back to using the HTTP status code to create a API Error code when not error code is received from the service, such as HeadObject. -* `service/route53`: Add support for deserialzing `InvalidChangeBatch` API error ([#792]( -* `codegen`: Remove API client `Options` getter methods ([#788]( -* `codegen`: Regenerate API Client modeled endpoints ([#791]( -* `codegen`: Sort API Client struct member paramaters by required and alphabetical ([#787]( -* `codegen`: Add package docs to API client modules ([#821]( -* `codegen`: Rename `smithy-go`'s `smithy.OperationError` to `smithy.OperationInvokeError`. - -## Core SDK Highlights -* `config`: - * Bumped to `v0.2.0` - * Refactor Config Module, Add Config Package Documentation and Examples, Improve Overall SDK Readme ([#822]( -* `credentials`: - * Bumped to `v0.1.2` - * Strip Monotonic Clock Readings when Comparing Credential Expiry Time ([#789]( -* `ec2imds`: - * Bumped to `v0.1.2` - * Fix refreshing API token if expired ([#789]( - -## Migrating from v0.26.0 to v0.27.0 - -#### Configuration - -The `config` module's exported types were trimmed down to add clarity and reduce confusion. Additional changes to the `config` module' helpers. - -* Refactored `WithCredentialsProvider`, `WithHTTPClient`, and `WithEndpointResolver` to functions instead of structs. -* Removed `MFATokenFuncProvider`, use `AssumeRoleCredentialOptionsProvider` for setting options for `stscreds.AssumeRoleOptions`. -* Renamed `WithWebIdentityCredentialProviderOptions` to `WithWebIdentityRoleCredentialOptions` -* Renamed `AssumeRoleCredentialProviderOptions` to `AssumeRoleCredentialOptionsProvider` -* Renamed `EndpointResolverFuncProvider` to `EndpointResolverProvider` - -#### API Client -* API Client `Options` type getter methods have been removed. Use the struct members instead. -* The error returned by API Client operations was renamed from `smithy.OperationError` to `smithy.OperationInvokeError`. - -# Release 2020-09-30 - -## Service Client Highlights -* Service clients have been bumped to `v0.26.0` simplify the documentation experience when using []( -* `service/s3`: Disable automatic decompression of getting Amazon S3 objects with the `Content-Encoding: gzip` metadata header. ([#748]( - * This changes the SDK's default behavior with regard to making S3 API calls. The client will no longer automatically set the `Accept-Encoding` HTTP request header, nor will it automatically decompress the gzipped response when the `Content-Encoding: gzip` response header was received. - * If you'd like the client to sent the `Accept-Encoding: gzip` request header, you can add this header to the API operation method call with the [SetHeaderValue]( middleware helper. -* `service/cloudfront/sign`: Fix cloudfront example usage of SignWithPolicy ([#673]( - * Fixes [#671]( documentation typo by correcting the usage of `SignWithPolicy`. - -## Core SDK Highlights -* SDK core module released at `v0.26.0` -* `config` module released at `v0.1.1` -* `credentials` module released at `v0.1.1` -* `ec2imds` module released at `v0.1.1` - - -# Release 2020-09-28 -## Announcements -We’re happy to share the updated clients for the v0.25.0 preview version of the AWS SDK for Go V2. - -The updated clients leverage new developments and advancements within AWS and the Go software ecosystem at large since -our original preview announcement. Using the new clients will be a bit different than before. The key differences are: -simplified API operation invocation, performance improvements, support for error wrapping, and a new middleware architecture. -So below we have a guided walkthrough to help try it out and share your feedback in order to better influence the features -you’d like to see in the GA version. - -See [Announcement Blog Post]( for more details. - -## Service Client Highlights -* Initial service clients released at version `v0.1.0` -## Core SDK Highlights -* SDK core module released at `v0.25.0` -* `config` module released at `v0.1.0` -* `credentials` module released at `v0.1.0` -* `ec2imds` module released at `v0.1.0` - -## Migrating from v2 preview SDK's v0.24.0 to v0.25.0 - -#### Design changes - -The v2 preview SDK `v0.25.0` release represents a significant stepping stone bringing the v2 SDK closer to its target design and usability. This release includes significant breaking changes to the v2 preview SDK. The updates in the `v0.25.0` release focus on refactoring and modularization of the SDK’s API clients to use the new [client design](, updated request pipeline (aka [middleware](, refactored [credential providers](, and [configuration loading]( packages. - -We've also bumped the minimum supported Go version with this release. Starting with v0.25.0 the SDK requires a minimum version of Go `v1.15`. - -As a part of the refactoring done to v2 preview SDK some components have not been included in this update. The following is a non exhaustive list of features that are not available. - -* API Paginators - [#439]( -* API Waiters - [#442]( -* Presign URL - [#794]( -* Amazon S3 Upload and Download manager - [#802]( -* Amazon DynamoDB's AttributeValue marshaler, and Expression package - [#790]( -* Debug Logging - [#594]( - -We expect additional breaking changes to the v2 preview SDK in the coming releases. We expect these changes to focus on organizational, naming, and hardening the SDK's design for future feature capabilities after it is released for general availability. - - -#### Relocated Packages - -In this release packages within the SDK were relocated, and in some cases those packages were converted to Go modules. The following is a list of packages have were relocated. - -* `` => `` module -* `` => `` module - -The `` module contains refactored credentials providers. - -* `` => `` -* `` => `` -* `` => `` -* `` => `` - - -#### Modularization - -New modules were added to the v2 preview SDK to allow the components to be versioned independently from each other. This allows your application to depend on specific versions of an API client module, and take discrete updates from the SDK core and other API client modules as desired. - -* []( -* []( -* Module for each API client, e.g. []( - - -#### API Clients - -The following is a list of the major changes to the API client modules - -* Removed paginators: we plan to add these back once they are implemented to integrate with the SDK's new API client design. -* Removed waiters: we need to further investigate how the V2 SDK should expose waiters, and how their behavior should be modeled. -* API Clients are now Go modules. When migrating to the v2 preview SDK `v0.25.0`, you'll need to add the API client's module to your application's go.mod file. -* API parameter nested types have been moved to a `types` package within the API client's module, e.g. `` These types were moved to improve documentation and discovery of the API client, operation, and input/output types. For example Amazon S3's ListObject's operation [ListObjectOutput.Contents]( input parameter is a slice of [types.Object]( -* The client operation method has been renamed, removing the `Request` suffix. The method now invokes the operation instead of constructing a request, which needed to be invoked separately. The operation methods were also expanded to include functional options for providing operation specific configuration, such as modifying the request pipeline. - -```go -result, err := client.Scan(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.ScanInput{ - TableName: aws.String("exampleTable"), -}, func(o *Options) { - // Limit operation calls to only 1 attempt. - o.Retryer = retry.AddWithMaxAttempts(o.Retryer, 1) -}) -``` - - -#### Configuration - -In addition to the `` package being made a module at ``, the `LoadDefaultAWSConfig` function was renamed to `LoadDefaultConfig`. - -The `` package has been removed. Its components have been migrated to the `` package, and `` module. - - -#### Error Handling - -The `` package was removed as a part of the SDK error handling refactor. The SDK now uses typed errors built around [Go v1.13]('s [errors.As]( and [errors.Unwrap]( features. All SDK error types that wrap other errors implement the `Unwrap` method. Generic v2 preview SDK errors created with `fmt.Errorf` use `%w` to wrap the underlying error. - -The SDK API clients now include generated public error types for errors modeled for an API. The SDK will automatically deserialize the error response from the API into the appropriate error type. Your application should use `errors.As` to check if the returned error matches one it is interested in. Your application can also use the generic interface [smithy.APIError]( to test if the API client's operation method returned an API error, but not check against a specific error. - -API client errors returned to the caller will use error wrapping to layer the error values. This allows underlying error types to be specific to their use case, and the SDK's more generic error types to wrap the underlying error. - -For example, if an [Amazon DynamoDB]( [Scan]( operation call cannot find the `TableName` requested, the error returned will contain [dynamodb.ResourceNotFoundException]( The SDK will return this error value wrapped in a couple layers, with each layer adding additional contextual information such as [ResponseError]( for AWS HTTP response error metadata , and [smithy.OperationError]( for API operation call metadata. - -```go -result, err := client.Scan(context.TODO(), params) -if err != nil { - // To get a specific API error - var notFoundErr *types.ResourceNotFoundException - if errors.As(err, ¬FoundErr) { - log.Printf("scan failed because the table was not found, %v", - notFoundErr.ErrorMessage()) - } - - // To get any API error - var apiErr smithy.APIError - if errors.As(err, &apiErr) { - log.Printf("scan failed because of an API error, Code: %v, Message: %v", - apiErr.ErrorCode(), apiErr.ErrorMessage()) - } - - // To get the AWS response metadata, such as RequestID - var respErr *awshttp.ResponseError // Using import alias "awshttp" for package - if errors.As(err, &respErr) { - log.Printf("scan failed with HTTP status code %v, Request ID %v and error %v", - respErr.HTTPStatusCode(), respErr.ServiceRequestID(), respErr) - } - - return err -} -``` - -Logging an error value will include information from each wrapped error. For example, the following is a mock error logged for a Scan operation call that failed because the table was not found. - -> 2020/10/15 16:03:37 operation error DynamoDB: Scan, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: ABCREQUESTID123, ResourceNotFoundException: Requested resource not found - - -#### Endpoints - -The `` has been removed from the SDK, along with all exported endpoint definitions and iteration behavior. Each generated API client now includes its own endpoint definition internally to the module. - -API clients can optionally be configured with a generic [aws.EndpointResolver]( via the [aws.Config.EndpointResolver]( If the API client is not configured with a custom endpoint resolver it will defer to the endpoint resolver the client module was generated with. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3b644668..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -## Code of Conduct -This project has adopted the [Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct]( -For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact with any additional questions or comments. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index c2fc3b8f..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -# Contributing to the AWS SDK for Go - -Thank you for your interest in contributing to the AWS SDK for Go! -We work hard to provide a high-quality and useful SDK, and we greatly value -feedback and contributions from our community. Whether it's a bug report, -new feature, correction, or additional documentation, we welcome your issues -and pull requests. Please read through this document before submitting any -[issues] or [pull requests][pr] to ensure we have all the necessary information to -effectively respond to your bug report or contribution. - -Jump To: - -* [Bug Reports](#bug-reports) -* [Feature Requests](#feature-requests) -* [Code Contributions](#code-contributions) - - -## How to contribute - -*Before you send us a pull request, please be sure that:* - -1. You're working from the latest source on the master branch. -2. You check existing open, and recently closed, pull requests to be sure - that someone else hasn't already addressed the problem. -3. You create an issue before working on a contribution that will take a - significant amount of your time. - -*Creating a Pull Request* - -1. Fork the repository. -2. In your fork, make your change in a branch that's based on this repo's master branch. -3. Commit the change to your fork, using a clear and descriptive commit message. -4. Create a pull request, answering any questions in the pull request form. - -For contributions that will take a significant amount of time, open a new -issue to pitch your idea before you get started. Explain the problem and -describe the content you want to see added to the documentation. Let us know -if you'll write it yourself or if you'd like us to help. We'll discuss your -proposal with you and let you know whether we're likely to accept it. - -## Bug Reports - -You can file bug reports against the SDK on the [GitHub issues][issues] page. - -If you are filing a report for a bug or regression in the SDK, it's extremely -helpful to provide as much information as possible when opening the original -issue. This helps us reproduce and investigate the possible bug without having -to wait for this extra information to be provided. Please read the following -guidelines prior to filing a bug report. - -1. Search through existing [issues][] to ensure that your specific issue has - not yet been reported. If it is a common issue, it is likely there is - already a bug report for your problem. - -2. Ensure that you have tested the latest version of the SDK. Although you - may have an issue against an older version of the SDK, we cannot provide - bug fixes for old versions. It's also possible that the bug may have been - fixed in the latest release. - -3. Provide as much information about your environment, SDK version, and - relevant dependencies as possible. For example, let us know what version - of Go you are using, which and version of the operating system, and the - the environment your code is running in. e.g Container. - -4. Provide a minimal test case that reproduces your issue or any error - information you related to your problem. We can provide feedback much - more quickly if we know what operations you are calling in the SDK. If - you cannot provide a full test case, provide as much code as you can - to help us diagnose the problem. Any relevant information should be provided - as well, like whether this is a persistent issue, or if it only occurs - some of the time. - -## Feature Requests - -Open an [issue][issues] with the following: - -* A short, descriptive title. Ideally, other community members should be able - to get a good idea of the feature just from reading the title. -* A detailed description of the the proposed feature. - * Why it should be added to the SDK. - * If possible, example code to illustrate how it should work. -* Use Markdown to make the request easier to read; -* If you intend to implement this feature, indicate that you'd like to the issue to be assigned to you. - -## Code Contributions - -We are always happy to receive code and documentation contributions to the SDK. -Please be aware of the following notes prior to opening a pull request: - -1. The SDK is released under the [Apache license][license]. Any code you submit - will be released under that license. For substantial contributions, we may - ask you to sign a [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][cla]. - -2. If you would like to implement support for a significant feature that is not - yet available in the SDK, please talk to us beforehand to avoid any - duplication of effort. - -3. Wherever possible, pull requests should contain tests as appropriate. - Bugfixes should contain tests that exercise the corrected behavior (i.e., the - test should fail without the bugfix and pass with it), and new features - should be accompanied by tests exercising the feature. - -4. Pull requests that contain failing tests will not be merged until the test - failures are addressed. Pull requests that cause a significant drop in the - SDK's test coverage percentage are unlikely to be merged until tests have - been added. - -5. The JSON files under the SDK's `models` folder are sourced from outside the SDK. - Such as `models/apis/ec2/2016-11-15/api.json`. We will not accept pull requests - directly on these models. If you discover an issue with the models please - create a [GitHub issue][issues] describing the issue. - -### Testing - -To run the tests locally, running the `make unit` command will `go get` the -SDK's testing dependencies, and run vet, link and unit tests for the SDK. - -``` -make unit -``` - -Standard go testing functionality is supported as well. To test SDK code that -is tagged with `codegen` you'll need to set the build tag in the go test -command. The `make unit` command will do this automatically. - -``` -go test -tags codegen ./private/... -``` - -See the `Makefile` for additional testing tags that can be used in testing. - -To test on multiple platform the SDK includes several DockerFiles under the -`awstesting/sandbox` folder, and associated make recipes to to execute -unit testing within environments configured for specific Go versions. - -``` -make sandbox-test-go18 -``` - -To run all sandbox environments use the following make recipe - -``` -# Optionally update the Go tip that will be used during the batch testing -make update-aws-golang-tip - -# Run all SDK tests for supported Go versions in sandboxes -make sandbox-test -``` - -In addition the sandbox environment include make recipes for interactive modes -so you can run command within the Docker container and context of the SDK. - -``` -make sandbox-go18 -``` - -### Changelog Documents - -You can see all release changes in the `` file at the root of the -repository. The release notes added to this file will contain service client -updates, and major SDK changes. When submitting a pull request please include an entry in `` under the appropriate changelog type so your changelog entry is included on the following release. - -#### Changelog Types - -* `SDK Features` - For major additive features, internal changes that have -outward impact, or updates to the SDK foundations. This will result in a minor -version change. -* `SDK Enhancements` - For minor additive features or incremental sized changes. -This will result in a patch version change. -* `SDK Bugs` - For minor changes that resolve an issue. This will result in a -patch version change. - -[issues]: -[pr]: -[license]: -[cla]: -[releasenotes]: - diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8490c7d6..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -Open Discussions ---- -The following issues are currently open for community feedback. -All discourse must adhere to the [Code of Conduct] policy. - -* [Refactoring API Client Paginators]( -* [Refactoring API Client Waiters]( -* [Refactoring API Client Enums and Types to Discrete Packages]( -* [SDK Modularization]( - -Past Discussions ---- -The issues listed here are for documentation purposes, and is used to capture issues and their associated discussions. - -[Code of Conduct]: diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4bc9dfaf..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,520 +0,0 @@ -# Lint rules to ignore -LINTIGNORESINGLEFIGHT='internal/sync/singleflight/singleflight.go:.+error should be the last type' -LINT_IGNORE_S3MANAGER_INPUT='feature/s3/manager/upload.go:.+struct field SSEKMSKeyId should be SSEKMSKeyID' - -UNIT_TEST_TAGS= -BUILD_TAGS=-tags "example,codegen,integration,ec2env,perftest" - -SMITHY_GO_SRC ?= $(shell pwd)/../smithy-go - -SDK_MIN_GO_VERSION ?= 1.15 - -EACHMODULE_FAILFAST ?= true -EACHMODULE_FAILFAST_FLAG=-fail-fast=${EACHMODULE_FAILFAST} - -EACHMODULE_CONCURRENCY ?= 1 -EACHMODULE_CONCURRENCY_FLAG=-c ${EACHMODULE_CONCURRENCY} - -EACHMODULE_SKIP ?= -EACHMODULE_SKIP_FLAG=-skip="${EACHMODULE_SKIP}" - -EACHMODULE_FLAGS=${EACHMODULE_CONCURRENCY_FLAG} ${EACHMODULE_FAILFAST_FLAG} ${EACHMODULE_SKIP_FLAG} - -# SDK's Core and client packages that are compatible with Go 1.9+. -SDK_CORE_PKGS=./aws/... ./internal/... -SDK_CLIENT_PKGS=./service/... -SDK_COMPA_PKGS=${SDK_CORE_PKGS} ${SDK_CLIENT_PKGS} - -# SDK additional packages that are used for development of the SDK. -SDK_EXAMPLES_PKGS= -SDK_ALL_PKGS=${SDK_COMPA_PKGS} ${SDK_EXAMPLES_PKGS} - -RUN_NONE=-run NONE -RUN_INTEG=-run '^TestInteg_' - -CODEGEN_RESOURCES_PATH=$(shell pwd)/codegen/smithy-aws-go-codegen/src/main/resources/software/amazon/smithy/aws/go/codegen -CODEGEN_API_MODELS_PATH=$(shell pwd)/codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models -ENDPOINTS_JSON=${CODEGEN_RESOURCES_PATH}/endpoints.json -ENDPOINT_PREFIX_JSON=${CODEGEN_RESOURCES_PATH}/endpoint-prefix.json - -LICENSE_FILE=$(shell pwd)/LICENSE.txt - -SMITHY_GO_VERSION ?= -PRE_RELEASE_VERSION ?= -RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE ?= -RELEASE_CHGLOG_DESC_FILE ?= - -REPOTOOLS_VERSION ?= latest -REPOTOOLS_MODULE = -REPOTOOLS_CMD_ANNOTATE_STABLE_GEN = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/annotatestablegen@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_MAKE_RELATIVE = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/makerelative@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_CALCULATE_RELEASE = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/calculaterelease@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_REQUIRES = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/updaterequires@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_MODULE_METADATA = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/updatemodulemeta@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_GENERATE_CHANGELOG = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/generatechangelog@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_CHANGELOG = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/changelog@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_TAG_RELEASE = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/tagrelease@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} -REPOTOOLS_CMD_EDIT_MODULE_DEPENDENCY = ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/editmoduledependency@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} - -REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_VERBOSE ?= false -REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_VERBOSE_FLAG=-v=${REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_VERBOSE} - -REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_ADDITIONAL_ARGS ?= - -ifneq ($(PRE_RELEASE_VERSION),) - REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_ADDITIONAL_ARGS += -preview=${PRE_RELEASE_VERSION} -endif - -.PHONY: all -all: generate unit - -################### -# Code Generation # -################### -.PHONY: generate smithy-generate smithy-build smithy-build-% smithy-clean smithy-go-publish-local format \ -gen-config-asserts gen-repo-mod-replace gen-mod-replace-smithy gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-% gen-aws-ptrs tidy-modules-% \ -add-module-license-files sync-models sync-endpoints-model sync-endpoints.json clone-v1-models gen-internal-codegen \ -sync-api-models copy-attributevalue-feature min-go-version-% update-requires smithy-annotate-stable \ -update-module-metadata download-modules-% - -generate: smithy-generate update-requires gen-repo-mod-replace update-module-metadata smithy-annotate-stable \ -gen-config-asserts gen-internal-codegen copy-attributevalue-feature gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-. min-go-version-. \ -tidy-modules-. add-module-license-files gen-aws-ptrs format - -smithy-generate: - cd codegen && ./gradlew clean build -Plog-tests && ./gradlew clean - -smithy-build: - cd codegen && ./gradlew clean build -Plog-tests - -smithy-build-%: - @# smithy-build- command that uses the pattern to define build filter that - @# the smithy API model service id starts with. Strips off the - @# "smithy-build-". - @# - @# e.g. smithy-build-com.amazonaws.rds - @# e.g. smithy-build-com.amazonaws.rds#AmazonRDSv19 - cd codegen && \ - SMITHY_GO_BUILD_API="$(subst smithy-build-,,$@)" ./gradlew clean build -Plog-tests - -smithy-annotate-stable: - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_ANNOTATE_STABLE_GEN} - -smithy-clean: - cd codegen && ./gradlew clean - -smithy-go-publish-local: - rm -rf /tmp/smithy-go-local - git clone /tmp/smithy-go-local - make -C /tmp/smithy-go-local smithy-clean smithy-publish-local - -format: - gofmt -w -s . - -gen-config-asserts: - @echo "Generating SDK config package implementor assertions" - cd config \ - && go mod tidy \ - && go generate - -gen-internal-codegen: - @echo "Generating internal/codegen" - cd internal/codegen \ - && go mod tidy \ - && go generate - -gen-repo-mod-replace: - @echo "Generating go.mod replace for repo modules" - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_MAKE_RELATIVE} - -gen-mod-replace-smithy-%: - @# gen-mod-replace-smithy- command that uses the pattern to define build filter that - @# for modules to add replace to. Strips off the "gen-mod-replace-smithy-". - @# - @# SMITHY_GO_SRC environment variable is the path to add replace to - @# - @# e.g. gen-mod-replace-smithy-service_ssooidc - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst gen-mod-replace-smithy-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod edit -replace${SMITHY_GO_SRC}" - -gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-%: - @# gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy- command that uses the pattern to define build filter that - @# for modules to add replace to. Strips off the "gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-". - @# - @# e.g. gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-service_ssooidc - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst gen-mod-dropreplace-smithy-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod edit -dropreplace" - -gen-aws-ptrs: - cd aws && go generate - -tidy-modules-%: - @# tidy command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "tidy-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. tidy-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst tidy-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod tidy" - -download-modules-%: - @# download command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "download-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. download-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst download-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod download all" - -add-module-license-files: - cd internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule && \ - go run . -skip-root \ - "cp $(LICENSE_FILE) ." - -sync-models: sync-endpoints-model sync-api-models - -sync-endpoints-model: sync-endpoints.json - -sync-endpoints.json: - [[ ! -z "${ENDPOINTS_MODEL}" ]] && cp ${ENDPOINTS_MODEL} ${ENDPOINTS_JSON} || echo "ENDPOINTS_MODEL not set, must not be empty" - -clone-v1-models: - rm -rf /tmp/aws-sdk-go-model-sync - git clone --depth 1 /tmp/aws-sdk-go-model-sync - -sync-api-models: - cd internal/repotools/cmd/syncAPIModels && \ - go run . \ - -m ${API_MODELS} \ - -o ${CODEGEN_API_MODELS_PATH} - -copy-attributevalue-feature: - cd ./feature/dynamodbstreams/attributevalue && \ - find . -name "*.go" | grep -v "doc.go" | xargs -I % rm % && \ - find ../../dynamodb/attributevalue -name "*.go" | grep -v "doc.go" | xargs -I % cp % . && \ - ls *.go | grep -v "convert.go" | grep -v "doc.go" | \ - xargs -I % sed -i.bk -E '|feature)/\1/dynamodbstreams:g' % && \ - ls *.go | grep -v "convert.go" | grep -v "doc.go" | \ - xargs -I % sed -i.bk 's:DynamoDB:DynamoDBStreams:g' % && \ - ls *.go | grep -v "doc.go" | \ - xargs -I % sed -i.bk 's:dynamodb\.:dynamodbstreams.:g' % && \ - sed -i.bk 's:streams\.:ddbtypes.:g' "convert.go" && \ - sed -i.bk 's:ddb\.:streams.:g' "convert.go" && \ - sed -i.bk 's:ddbtypes\.:ddb.:g' "convert.go" &&\ - sed -i.bk 's:Streams::g' "convert.go" && \ - rm -rf ./*.bk && \ - go mod tidy && \ - gofmt -w -s . && \ - go test . - -min-go-version-%: - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst min-go-version-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod edit -go=${SDK_MIN_GO_VERSION}" - -update-requires: - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_REQUIRES} - -update-module-metadata: - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_MODULE_METADATA} - -################ -# Unit Testing # -################ -.PHONY: unit unit-race unit-test unit-race-test unit-race-modules-% unit-modules-% build build-modules-% \ -go-build-modules-% test test-race-modules-% test-modules-% cachedep cachedep-modules-% api-diff-modules-% - -unit: lint unit-modules-. -unit-race: lint unit-race-modules-. - -unit-test: test-modules-. -unit-race-test: test-race-modules-. - -unit-race-modules-%: - @# unit command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "unit-race-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. unit-race-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst unit-race-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go vet ${BUILD_TAGS} --all ./..." \ - "go test ${BUILD_TAGS} ${RUN_NONE} ./..." \ - "go test -timeout=1m ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} -race -cpu=4 ./..." - - -unit-modules-%: - @# unit command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "unit-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. unit-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst unit-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go vet ${BUILD_TAGS} --all ./..." \ - "go test ${BUILD_TAGS} ${RUN_NONE} ./..." \ - "go test -timeout=1m ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} ./..." - -build: build-modules-. - -build-modules-%: - @# build command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "build-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. build-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst build-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go test ${BUILD_TAGS} ${RUN_NONE} ./..." - -go-build-modules-%: - @# build command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "build-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# Validates that all modules in the repo have buildable Go files. - @# - @# e.g. go-build-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst go-build-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go build ${BUILD_TAGS} ./..." - -test: test-modules-. - -test-race-modules-%: - @# Test command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "test-race-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. test-race-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst test-race-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go test -timeout=1m ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} -race -cpu=4 ./..." - -test-modules-%: - @# Test command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "test-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. test-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst test-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go test -timeout=1m ${UNIT_TEST_TAGS} ./..." - -cachedep: cachedep-modules-. - -cachedep-modules-%: - @# build command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module caching will start from. Strips off the "cachedep-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. cachedep-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst cachedep-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go mod download" - -api-diff-modules-%: - @# Command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "api-diff-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# Requires to be available in the GOPATH. - @# - @# e.g. api-diff-modules-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst api-diff-modules-,,$@)) \ - -fail-fast=true \ - -c 1 \ - -skip="internal/repotools" \ - "$$(go env GOPATH)/bin/gorelease" - -############## -# CI Testing # -############## -.PHONY: ci-test ci-test-no-generate ci-test-generate-validate - -ci-test: generate unit-race ci-test-generate-validate -ci-test-no-generate: unit-race - -ci-test-generate-validate: - @echo "CI test validate no generated code changes" - git update-index --assume-unchanged go.mod go.sum - git add . -A - gitstatus=`git diff --cached --ignore-space-change`; \ - echo "$$gitstatus"; \ - if [ "$$gitstatus" != "" ] && [ "$$gitstatus" != "skipping validation" ]; then echo "$$gitstatus"; exit 1; fi - git update-index --no-assume-unchanged go.mod go.sum - -ci-lint: ci-lint-. - -ci-lint-%: - @# Run golangci-lint command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module check will start from. Strips off the "ci-lint-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. ci-lint-internal_protocoltest - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst ci-lint-,,$@)) \ - -fail-fast=false \ - -c 1 \ - -skip="internal/repotools" \ - "golangci-lint run" - -ci-lint-install: - @# Installs golangci-lint at GoPATH. - @# This should be used to run golangci-lint locally. - @# - go install - -####################### -# Integration Testing # -####################### -.PHONY: integration integ-modules-% cleanup-integ-buckets - -integration: integ-modules-service - -integ-modules-%: - @# integration command that uses the pattern to define the root path that - @# the module testing will start from. Strips off the "integ-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. test-modules-service_dynamodb - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst integ-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go test -timeout=10m -tags "integration" -v ${RUN_INTEG} -count 1 ./..." - -cleanup-integ-buckets: - @echo "Cleaning up SDK integration resources" - go run -tags "integration" ./internal/awstesting/cmd/bucket_cleanup/main.go "aws-sdk-go-integration" - -############## -# Benchmarks # -############## -.PHONY: bench bench-modules-% - -bench: bench-modules-. - -bench-modules-%: - @# benchmark command that uses the pattern to define the root path that - @# the module testing will start from. Strips off the "bench-modules-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# e.g. bench-modules-service_dynamodb - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst bench-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go test -timeout=10m -bench . --benchmem ${BUILD_TAGS} ${RUN_NONE} ./..." - - -##################### -# Release Process # -##################### -.PHONY: preview-release pre-release-validation release - -ls-changes: - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_CHANGELOG} ls - -preview-release: - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_CALCULATE_RELEASE} ${REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_VERBOSE_FLAG} ${REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_ADDITIONAL_ARGS} - -pre-release-validation: - @if [[ -z "${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE}" ]]; then \ - echo "RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE is required to specify the file to write the release manifest" && false; \ - fi - @if [[ -z "${RELEASE_CHGLOG_DESC_FILE}" ]]; then \ - echo "RELEASE_CHGLOG_DESC_FILE is required to specify the file to write the release notes" && false; \ - fi - -release: pre-release-validation - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_CALCULATE_RELEASE} -o ${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE} ${REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_VERBOSE_FLAG} ${REPOTOOLS_CALCULATE_RELEASE_ADDITIONAL_ARGS} - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_REQUIRES} -release ${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE} - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_UPDATE_MODULE_METADATA} -release ${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE} - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_GENERATE_CHANGELOG} -release ${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE} -o ${RELEASE_CHGLOG_DESC_FILE} - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_CHANGELOG} rm -all - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_TAG_RELEASE} -release ${RELEASE_MANIFEST_FILE} - -############## -# Repo Tools # -############## -.PHONY: install-repotools - -install-repotools: - go install ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/changelog@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} - -set-smithy-go-version: - @if [[ -z "${SMITHY_GO_VERSION}" ]]; then \ - echo "SMITHY_GO_VERSION is required to update SDK's smithy-go module dependency version" && false; \ - fi - go run ${REPOTOOLS_CMD_EDIT_MODULE_DEPENDENCY} -s "" -v "${SMITHY_GO_VERSION}" - -################## -# Linting/Verify # -################## -.PHONY: verify lint vet vet-modules-% sdkv1check - -verify: lint vet sdkv1check - -lint: - @echo "go lint SDK and vendor packages" - @lint=`golint ./...`; \ - dolint=`echo "$$lint" | grep -E -v \ - -e ${LINT_IGNORE_S3MANAGER_INPUT} \ - -e ${LINTIGNORESINGLEFIGHT}`; \ - echo "$$dolint"; \ - if [ "$$dolint" != "" ]; then exit 1; fi - -vet: vet-modules-. - -vet-modules-%: - cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst vet-modules-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go vet ${BUILD_TAGS} --all ./..." - -sdkv1check: - @echo "Checking for usage of AWS SDK for Go v1" - @sdkv1usage=`go list -test -f '''{{ if not .Standard }}{{ range $$_, $$name := .Imports }} * {{ $$.ImportPath }} -> {{ $$name }}{{ print "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ range $$_, $$name := .TestImports }} *: {{ $$.ImportPath }} -> {{ $$name }}{{ print "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end}}''' ./... | sort -u | grep '''/aws-sdk-go/'''`; \ - echo "$$sdkv1usage"; \ - if [ "$$sdkv1usage" != "" ]; then exit 1; fi - -list-deps: list-deps-. - -list-deps-%: - @# command that uses the pattern to define the root path that the - @# module testing will start from. Strips off the "list-deps-" and - @# replaces all "_" with "/". - @# - @# Trim output to only include stdout for list of dependencies only. - @# make list-deps 2>&- - @# - @# e.g. list-deps-internal_protocoltest - @cd ./internal/repotools/cmd/eachmodule \ - && go run . -p $(subst _,/,$(subst list-deps-,,$@)) ${EACHMODULE_FLAGS} \ - "go list -m all | grep -v ''" | sort -u - -################### -# Sandbox Testing # -################### -.PHONY: sandbox-tests sandbox-build-% sandbox-run-% sandbox-test-% update-aws-golang-tip - -sandbox-tests: sandbox-test-go1.15 sandbox-test-go1.16 sandbox-test-go1.17 sandbox-test-gotip - -sandbox-build-%: - @# sandbox-build-go1.17 - @# sandbox-build-gotip - docker build \ - -f ./internal/awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.$(subst sandbox-build-,,$@) \ - -t "aws-sdk-go-$(subst sandbox-build-,,$@)" . -sandbox-run-%: sandbox-build-% - @# sandbox-run-go1.17 - @# sandbox-run-gotip - docker run -i -t "aws-sdk-go-$(subst sandbox-run-,,$@)" bash -sandbox-test-%: sandbox-build-% - @# sandbox-test-go1.17 - @# sandbox-test-gotip - docker run -t "aws-sdk-go-$(subst sandbox-test-,,$@)" - -update-aws-golang-tip: - docker build --no-cache=true -f ./internal/awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.golang-tip -t "aws-golang:tip" . diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5f14d116..899129ec 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ AWS SDK for Go -Copyright 2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. +Copyright 2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014-2015 Stripe, Inc. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index da74d0e3..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -# AWS SDK for Go v2 - -[![Go Build status](]([![Codegen Build status](]( [![SDK Documentation](]( [![Migration Guide](]( [![API Reference](]( [![Apache V2 License](]( - - -`aws-sdk-go-v2` is the v2 AWS SDK for the Go programming language. - -The v2 SDK requires a minimum version of `Go 1.15`. - -Check out the [release notes]( for information about the latest bug -fixes, updates, and features added to the SDK. - -Jump To: -* [Getting Started](#getting-started) -* [Getting Help](#getting-help) -* [Contributing](#feedback-and-contributing) -* [More Resources](#resources) - -## Maintenance and support for SDK major versions - -For information about maintenance and support for SDK major versions and their underlying dependencies, see the -following in the AWS SDKs and Tools Shared Configuration and Credentials Reference Guide: - -* [AWS SDKs and Tools Maintenance Policy]( -* [AWS SDKs and Tools Version Support Matrix]( - -## Getting started -To get started working with the SDK setup your project for Go modules, and retrieve the SDK dependencies with `go get`. -This example shows how you can use the v2 SDK to make an API request using the SDK's [Amazon DynamoDB] client. - -###### Initialize Project -```sh -$ mkdir ~/helloaws -$ cd ~/helloaws -$ go mod init helloaws -``` -###### Add SDK Dependencies -```sh -$ go get -$ go get -$ go get -``` - -###### Write Code -In your preferred editor add the following content to `main.go` - -```go -package main - -import ( - "context" - "fmt" - "log" - - "" - "" - "" -) - -func main() { - // Using the SDK's default configuration, loading additional config - // and credentials values from the environment variables, shared - // credentials, and shared configuration files - cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), config.WithRegion("us-west-2")) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("unable to load SDK config, %v", err) - } - - // Using the Config value, create the DynamoDB client - svc := dynamodb.NewFromConfig(cfg) - - // Build the request with its input parameters - resp, err := svc.ListTables(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.ListTablesInput{ - Limit: aws.Int32(5), - }) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("failed to list tables, %v", err) - } - - fmt.Println("Tables:") - for _, tableName := range resp.TableNames { - fmt.Println(tableName) - } -} -``` - -###### Compile and Execute -```sh -$ go run . -Table: -tableOne -tableTwo -``` - -## Getting Help - -Please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues -for tracking bugs and feature requests. - -* Ask a question on [StackOverflow]( and tag it with the [`aws-sdk-go`]( tag. -* Open a support ticket with [AWS Support]( -* If you think you may have found a bug, please open an [issue]( - -This SDK implements AWS service APIs. For general issues regarding the AWS services and their limitations, you may also take a look at the [Amazon Web Services Discussion Forums]( - -### Opening Issues - -If you encounter a bug with the AWS SDK for Go we would like to hear about it. -Search the [existing issues][Issues] and see -if others are also experiencing the same issue before opening a new issue. Please -include the version of AWS SDK for Go, Go language, and OS you’re using. Please -also include reproduction case when appropriate. - -The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help -and questions with using AWS SDK for Go please make use of the resources listed -in the [Getting Help](#getting-help) section. -Keeping the list of open issues lean will help us respond in a timely manner. - -## Feedback and contributing - -The v2 SDK will use GitHub [Issues] to track feature requests and issues with the SDK. In addition, we'll use GitHub [Projects] to track large tasks spanning multiple pull requests, such as refactoring the SDK's internal request lifecycle. You can provide feedback to us in several ways. - -**GitHub issues**. To provide feedback or report bugs, file GitHub [Issues] on the SDK. This is the preferred mechanism to give feedback so that other users can engage in the conversation, +1 issues, etc. Issues you open will be evaluated, and included in our roadmap for the GA launch. - -**Contributing**. You can open pull requests for fixes or additions to the AWS SDK for Go 2.0. All pull requests must be submitted under the Apache 2.0 license and will be reviewed by an SDK team member before being merged in. Accompanying unit tests, where possible, are appreciated. - -## Resources - -[SDK Developer Guide]( - Use this document to learn how to get started and -use the AWS SDK for Go V2. - -[SDK Migration Guide]( - Use this document to learn how to migrate to V2 from the AWS SDK for Go. - -[SDK API Reference Documentation]( - Use this -document to look up all API operation input and output parameters for AWS -services supported by the SDK. The API reference also includes documentation of -the SDK, and examples how to using the SDK, service client API operations, and -API operation require parameters. - -[Service Documentation]( - Use this -documentation to learn how to interface with AWS services. These guides are -great for getting started with a service, or when looking for more -information about a service. While this document is not required for coding, -services may supply helpful samples to look out for. - -[Forum]( - Ask questions, get help, and give feedback - -[Issues] - Report issues, submit pull requests, and get involved - (see [Apache 2.0 License][license]) - -[Dep]: -[Issues]: -[Projects]: -[CHANGELOG]: -[Amazon DynamoDB]: -[design]: -[license]: diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6504a218 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +package aws + +// AccountIDEndpointMode controls how a resolved AWS account ID is handled for endpoint routing. +type AccountIDEndpointMode string + +const ( + // AccountIDEndpointModeUnset indicates the AWS account ID will not be used for endpoint routing + AccountIDEndpointModeUnset AccountIDEndpointMode = "" + + // AccountIDEndpointModePreferred indicates the AWS account ID will be used for endpoint routing if present + AccountIDEndpointModePreferred = "preferred" + + // AccountIDEndpointModeRequired indicates an error will be returned if the AWS account ID is not resolved from identity + AccountIDEndpointModeRequired = "required" + + // AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled indicates the AWS account ID will be ignored during endpoint routing + AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled = "disabled" +) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4152caad --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package aws + +// RequestChecksumCalculation controls request checksum calculation workflow +type RequestChecksumCalculation int + +const ( + // RequestChecksumCalculationUnset is the unset value for RequestChecksumCalculation + RequestChecksumCalculationUnset RequestChecksumCalculation = iota + + // RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported indicates request checksum will be calculated + // if the operation supports input checksums + RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported + + // RequestChecksumCalculationWhenRequired indicates request checksum will be calculated + // if required by the operation or if user elects to set a checksum algorithm in request + RequestChecksumCalculationWhenRequired +) + +// ResponseChecksumValidation controls response checksum validation workflow +type ResponseChecksumValidation int + +const ( + // ResponseChecksumValidationUnset is the unset value for ResponseChecksumValidation + ResponseChecksumValidationUnset ResponseChecksumValidation = iota + + // ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported indicates response checksum will be validated + // if the operation supports output checksums + ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported + + // ResponseChecksumValidationWhenRequired indicates response checksum will only + // be validated if the operation requires output checksum validation + ResponseChecksumValidationWhenRequired +) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 20153586..a015cc5b 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ type Config struct { // // See the `aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions` documentation for additional // usage information. + // + // Deprecated: with the release of endpoint resolution v2 in API clients, + // EndpointResolver and EndpointResolverWithOptions are deprecated. + // Providing a value for this field will likely prevent you from using + // newer endpoint-related service features. See API client options + // EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint. EndpointResolverWithOptions EndpointResolverWithOptions // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client @@ -132,6 +138,60 @@ type Config struct { // `config.LoadDefaultConfig`. You should not populate this structure // programmatically, or rely on the values here within your applications. RuntimeEnvironment RuntimeEnvironment + + // AppId is an optional application specific identifier that can be set. + // When set it will be appended to the User-Agent header of every request + // in the form of App/{AppId}. This variable is sourced from environment + // variable AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID or the shared config profile attribute sdk_ua_app_id. + // See for + // more information on environment variables and shared config settings. + AppID string + + // BaseEndpoint is an intermediary transfer location to a service specific + // BaseEndpoint on a service's Options. + BaseEndpoint *string + + // DisableRequestCompression toggles if an operation request could be + // compressed or not. Will be set to false by default. This variable is sourced from + // environment variable AWS_DISABLE_REQUEST_COMPRESSION or the shared config profile attribute + // disable_request_compression + DisableRequestCompression bool + + // RequestMinCompressSizeBytes sets the inclusive min bytes of a request body that could be + // compressed. Will be set to 10240 by default and must be within 0 and 10485760 bytes inclusively. + // This variable is sourced from environment variable AWS_REQUEST_MIN_COMPRESSION_SIZE_BYTES or + // the shared config profile attribute request_min_compression_size_bytes + RequestMinCompressSizeBytes int64 + + // Controls how a resolved AWS account ID is handled for endpoint routing. + AccountIDEndpointMode AccountIDEndpointMode + + // RequestChecksumCalculation determines when request checksum calculation is performed. + // + // There are two possible values for this setting: + // + // 1. RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported (default): The checksum is always calculated + // if the operation supports it, regardless of whether the user sets an algorithm in the request. + // + // 2. RequestChecksumCalculationWhenRequired: The checksum is only calculated if the user + // explicitly sets a checksum algorithm in the request. + // + // This setting is sourced from the environment variable AWS_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_CALCULATION + // or the shared config profile attribute "request_checksum_calculation". + RequestChecksumCalculation RequestChecksumCalculation + + // ResponseChecksumValidation determines when response checksum validation is performed + // + // There are two possible values for this setting: + // + // 1. ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported (default): The checksum is always validated + // if the operation supports it, regardless of whether the user sets the validation mode to ENABLED in request. + // + // 2. ResponseChecksumValidationWhenRequired: The checksum is only validated if the user + // explicitly sets the validation mode to ENABLED in the request + // This variable is sourced from environment variable AWS_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION or + // the shared config profile attribute "response_checksum_validation". + ResponseChecksumValidation ResponseChecksumValidation } // NewConfig returns a new Config pointer that can be chained with builder @@ -140,8 +200,7 @@ func NewConfig() *Config { return &Config{} } -// Copy will return a shallow copy of the Config object. If any additional -// configurations are provided they will be merged into the new config returned. +// Copy will return a shallow copy of the Config object. func (c Config) Copy() Config { cp := c return cp diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 714d4ad8..98ba7705 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ type Credentials struct { // The time the credentials will expire at. Should be ignored if CanExpire // is false. Expires time.Time + + // The ID of the account for the credentials. + AccountID string } // Expired returns if the credentials have expired. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index aa10a9b4..99edbf3e 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ func GetUseFIPSEndpoint(options ...interface{}) (value FIPSEndpointState, found // The SDK will automatically resolve these endpoints per API client using an // internal endpoint resolvers. If you'd like to provide custom endpoint // resolving behavior you can implement the EndpointResolver interface. +// +// Deprecated: This structure was used with the global [EndpointResolver] +// interface, which has been deprecated in favor of service-specific endpoint +// resolution. See the deprecation docs on that interface for more information. type Endpoint struct { // The base URL endpoint the SDK API clients will use to make API calls to. // The SDK will suffix URI path and query elements to this endpoint. @@ -124,6 +128,8 @@ type Endpoint struct { } // EndpointSource is the endpoint source type. +// +// Deprecated: The global [Endpoint] structure is deprecated. type EndpointSource int const ( @@ -161,19 +167,25 @@ func (e *EndpointNotFoundError) Unwrap() error { // API clients will fallback to attempting to resolve the endpoint using its // internal default endpoint resolver. // -// Deprecated: See EndpointResolverWithOptions +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. The API +// for endpoint resolution is now unique to each service and is set via the +// EndpointResolverV2 field on service client options. Setting a value for +// EndpointResolver on aws.Config or service client options will prevent you +// from using any endpoint-related service features released after the +// introduction of EndpointResolverV2. You may also encounter broken or +// unexpected behavior when using the old global interface with services that +// use many endpoint-related customizations such as S3. type EndpointResolver interface { ResolveEndpoint(service, region string) (Endpoint, error) } // EndpointResolverFunc wraps a function to satisfy the EndpointResolver interface. // -// Deprecated: See EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. See +// deprecation docs on [EndpointResolver]. type EndpointResolverFunc func(service, region string) (Endpoint, error) // ResolveEndpoint calls the wrapped function and returns the results. -// -// Deprecated: See EndpointResolverWithOptions.ResolveEndpoint func (e EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(service, region string) (Endpoint, error) { return e(service, region) } @@ -184,11 +196,17 @@ func (e EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(service, region string) (Endpoint, // available. If the EndpointResolverWithOptions returns an EndpointNotFoundError error, // API clients will fallback to attempting to resolve the endpoint using its // internal default endpoint resolver. +// +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. See +// deprecation docs on [EndpointResolver]. type EndpointResolverWithOptions interface { ResolveEndpoint(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (Endpoint, error) } // EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc wraps a function to satisfy the EndpointResolverWithOptions interface. +// +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. See +// deprecation docs on [EndpointResolver]. type EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (Endpoint, error) // ResolveEndpoint calls the wrapped function and returns the results. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6d936cd5..63642a9d 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package aws // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.17.2" +const goModuleVersion = "1.36.1" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e6e87ac7..d66f0960 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package middleware import ( "context" + "" "" @@ -42,12 +43,13 @@ func (s RegisterServiceMetadata) HandleInitialize( // service metadata keys for storing and lookup of runtime stack information. type ( - serviceIDKey struct{} - signingNameKey struct{} - signingRegionKey struct{} - regionKey struct{} - operationNameKey struct{} - partitionIDKey struct{} + serviceIDKey struct{} + signingNameKey struct{} + signingRegionKey struct{} + regionKey struct{} + operationNameKey struct{} + partitionIDKey struct{} + requiresLegacyEndpointsKey struct{} ) // GetServiceID retrieves the service id from the context. @@ -63,6 +65,9 @@ func GetServiceID(ctx context.Context) (v string) { // // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. +// +// Deprecated: This value is unstable. The resolved signing name is available +// in the signer properties object passed to the signer. func GetSigningName(ctx context.Context) (v string) { v, _ = middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, signingNameKey{}).(string) return v @@ -72,6 +77,9 @@ func GetSigningName(ctx context.Context) (v string) { // // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. +// +// Deprecated: This value is unstable. The resolved signing region is available +// in the signer properties object passed to the signer. func GetSigningRegion(ctx context.Context) (v string) { v, _ = middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, signingRegionKey{}).(string) return v @@ -104,10 +112,32 @@ func GetPartitionID(ctx context.Context) string { return v } -// SetSigningName set or modifies the signing name on the context. +// GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints the flag used to indicate if legacy endpoint +// customizations need to be executed. +// +// Scoped to stack values. Use +// to clear all stack values. +func GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx context.Context) bool { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, requiresLegacyEndpointsKey{}).(bool) + return v +} + +// SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints set or modifies the flag indicated that +// legacy endpoint customizations are needed. +// +// Scoped to stack values. Use +// to clear all stack values. +func SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx context.Context, value bool) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, requiresLegacyEndpointsKey{}, value) +} + +// SetSigningName set or modifies the sigv4 or sigv4a signing name on the context. // // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. +// +// Deprecated: This value is unstable. Use WithSigV4SigningName client option +// funcs instead. func SetSigningName(ctx context.Context, value string) context.Context { return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, signingNameKey{}, value) } @@ -116,6 +146,9 @@ func SetSigningName(ctx context.Context, value string) context.Context { // // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. +// +// Deprecated: This value is unstable. Use WithSigV4SigningRegion client option +// funcs instead. func SetSigningRegion(ctx context.Context, value string) context.Context { return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, signingRegionKey{}, value) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 9bd0dfb1..6d5f0079 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ func AddRecordResponseTiming(stack *middleware.Stack) error { // raw response within the response metadata. type rawResponseKey struct{} -// addRawResponse middleware adds raw response on to the metadata -type addRawResponse struct{} +// AddRawResponse middleware adds raw response on to the metadata +type AddRawResponse struct{} // ID the identifier for the ClientRequestID -func (m *addRawResponse) ID() string { +func (m *AddRawResponse) ID() string { return "AddRawResponseToMetadata" } // HandleDeserialize adds raw response on the middleware metadata -func (m addRawResponse) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( +func (m AddRawResponse) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (m addRawResponse) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.Des // AddRawResponseToMetadata adds middleware to the middleware stack that // store raw response on to the metadata. func AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return stack.Deserialize.Add(&addRawResponse{}, middleware.Before) + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&AddRawResponse{}, middleware.Before) } // GetRawResponse returns raw response set on metadata diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f6aaf23 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package middleware + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "" + smithyhttp "" + "os" +) + +const envAwsLambdaFunctionName = "AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME" +const envAmznTraceID = "_X_AMZN_TRACE_ID" +const amznTraceIDHeader = "X-Amzn-Trace-Id" + +// AddRecursionDetection adds recursionDetection to the middleware stack +func AddRecursionDetection(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&RecursionDetection{}, middleware.After) +} + +// RecursionDetection detects Lambda environment and sets its X-Ray trace ID to request header if absent +// to avoid recursion invocation in Lambda +type RecursionDetection struct{} + +// ID returns the middleware identifier +func (m *RecursionDetection) ID() string { + return "RecursionDetection" +} + +// HandleBuild detects Lambda environment and adds its trace ID to request header if absent +func (m *RecursionDetection) HandleBuild( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +) ( + out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown request type %T", req) + } + + _, hasLambdaEnv := os.LookupEnv(envAwsLambdaFunctionName) + xAmznTraceID, hasTraceID := os.LookupEnv(envAmznTraceID) + value := req.Header.Get(amznTraceIDHeader) + // only set the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header when it is not set initially, the + // current environment is Lambda and the _X_AMZN_TRACE_ID env variable exists + if value != "" || !hasLambdaEnv || !hasTraceID { + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) + } + + req.Header.Set(amznTraceIDHeader, percentEncode(xAmznTraceID)) + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +func percentEncode(s string) string { + upperhex := "0123456789ABCDEF" + hexCount := 0 + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + c := s[i] + if shouldEncode(c) { + hexCount++ + } + } + + if hexCount == 0 { + return s + } + + required := len(s) + 2*hexCount + t := make([]byte, required) + j := 0 + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if c := s[i]; shouldEncode(c) { + t[j] = '%' + t[j+1] = upperhex[c>>4] + t[j+2] = upperhex[c&15] + j += 3 + } else { + t[j] = c + j++ + } + } + return string(t) +} + +func shouldEncode(c byte) bool { + if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' { + return false + } + switch c { + case '-', '=', ';', ':', '+', '&', '[', ']', '{', '}', '"', '\'', ',': + return false + default: + return true + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 7ce48c61..128b60a7 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "context" "" + "" smithyhttp "" ) @@ -11,18 +12,22 @@ import ( func AddRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { // add error wrapper middleware before operation deserializers so that it can wrap the error response // returned by operation deserializers - return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&requestIDRetriever{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.Before) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&RequestIDRetriever{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.Before) } -type requestIDRetriever struct { +// RequestIDRetriever middleware captures the AWS service request ID from the +// raw response. +type RequestIDRetriever struct { } // ID returns the middleware identifier -func (m *requestIDRetriever) ID() string { +func (m *RequestIDRetriever) ID() string { return "RequestIDRetriever" } -func (m *requestIDRetriever) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( +// HandleDeserialize pulls the AWS request ID from the response, storing it in +// operation metadata. +func (m *RequestIDRetriever) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) @@ -41,6 +46,9 @@ func (m *requestIDRetriever) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middlewar if v := resp.Header.Get(h); len(v) != 0 { // set reqID on metadata for successful responses. SetRequestIDMetadata(&metadata, v) + + span, _ := tracing.GetSpan(ctx) + span.SetProperty("aws.request_id", v) break } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 285b2bba..95b6268f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime" + "sort" "strings" "" @@ -30,8 +31,12 @@ const ( FrameworkMetadata AdditionalMetadata ApplicationIdentifier + FeatureMetadata2 ) +// Hardcoded value to specify which version of the user agent we're using +const uaMetadata = "ua/2.1" + func (k SDKAgentKeyType) string() string { switch k { case APIMetadata: @@ -50,6 +55,8 @@ func (k SDKAgentKeyType) string() string { return "lib" case ApplicationIdentifier: return "app" + case FeatureMetadata2: + return "m" case AdditionalMetadata: fallthrough default: @@ -59,12 +66,58 @@ func (k SDKAgentKeyType) string() string { const execEnvVar = `AWS_EXECUTION_ENV` -// requestUserAgent is a build middleware that set the User-Agent for the request. -type requestUserAgent struct { +var validChars = map[rune]bool{ + '!': true, '#': true, '$': true, '%': true, '&': true, '\'': true, '*': true, '+': true, + '-': true, '.': true, '^': true, '_': true, '`': true, '|': true, '~': true, +} + +// UserAgentFeature enumerates tracked SDK features. +type UserAgentFeature string + +// Enumerates UserAgentFeature. +const ( + UserAgentFeatureResourceModel UserAgentFeature = "A" // n/a (we don't generate separate resource types) + + UserAgentFeatureWaiter = "B" + UserAgentFeaturePaginator = "C" + + UserAgentFeatureRetryModeLegacy = "D" // n/a (equivalent to standard) + UserAgentFeatureRetryModeStandard = "E" + UserAgentFeatureRetryModeAdaptive = "F" + + UserAgentFeatureS3Transfer = "G" + UserAgentFeatureS3CryptoV1N = "H" // n/a (crypto client is external) + UserAgentFeatureS3CryptoV2 = "I" // n/a + UserAgentFeatureS3ExpressBucket = "J" + UserAgentFeatureS3AccessGrants = "K" // not yet implemented + + UserAgentFeatureGZIPRequestCompression = "L" + + UserAgentFeatureProtocolRPCV2CBOR = "M" + + UserAgentFeatureAccountIDEndpoint = "O" // DO NOT IMPLEMENT: rules output is not currently defined. SDKs should not parse endpoints for feature information. + UserAgentFeatureAccountIDModePreferred = "P" + UserAgentFeatureAccountIDModeDisabled = "Q" + UserAgentFeatureAccountIDModeRequired = "R" + + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumCRC32 = "U" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumCRC32C = "V" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumCRC64 = "W" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumSHA1 = "X" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumSHA256 = "Y" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumWhenSupported = "Z" + UserAgentFeatureRequestChecksumWhenRequired = "a" + UserAgentFeatureResponseChecksumWhenSupported = "b" + UserAgentFeatureResponseChecksumWhenRequired = "c" +) + +// RequestUserAgent is a build middleware that set the User-Agent for the request. +type RequestUserAgent struct { sdkAgent, userAgent *smithyhttp.UserAgentBuilder + features map[UserAgentFeature]struct{} } -// newRequestUserAgent returns a new requestUserAgent which will set the User-Agent and X-Amz-User-Agent for the +// NewRequestUserAgent returns a new requestUserAgent which will set the User-Agent and X-Amz-User-Agent for the // request. // // User-Agent example: @@ -74,14 +127,16 @@ type requestUserAgent struct { // X-Amz-User-Agent example: // // aws-sdk-go-v2/1.2.3 md/GOOS/linux md/GOARCH/amd64 lang/go/1.15 -func newRequestUserAgent() *requestUserAgent { +func NewRequestUserAgent() *RequestUserAgent { userAgent, sdkAgent := smithyhttp.NewUserAgentBuilder(), smithyhttp.NewUserAgentBuilder() addProductName(userAgent) + addUserAgentMetadata(userAgent) addProductName(sdkAgent) - r := &requestUserAgent{ + r := &RequestUserAgent{ sdkAgent: sdkAgent, userAgent: userAgent, + features: map[UserAgentFeature]struct{}{}, } addSDKMetadata(r) @@ -89,7 +144,7 @@ func newRequestUserAgent() *requestUserAgent { return r } -func addSDKMetadata(r *requestUserAgent) { +func addSDKMetadata(r *RequestUserAgent) { r.AddSDKAgentKey(OperatingSystemMetadata, getNormalizedOSName()) r.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(LanguageMetadata, "go", languageVersion) r.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(AdditionalMetadata, "GOOS", runtime.GOOS) @@ -103,6 +158,10 @@ func addProductName(builder *smithyhttp.UserAgentBuilder) { builder.AddKeyValue(aws.SDKName, aws.SDKVersion) } +func addUserAgentMetadata(builder *smithyhttp.UserAgentBuilder) { + builder.AddKey(uaMetadata) +} + // AddUserAgentKey retrieves a requestUserAgent from the provided stack, or initializes one. func AddUserAgentKey(key string) func(*middleware.Stack) error { return func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { @@ -157,18 +216,18 @@ func AddRequestUserAgentMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { return err } -func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*requestUserAgent, error) { - id := (*requestUserAgent)(nil).ID() +func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*RequestUserAgent, error) { + id := (*RequestUserAgent)(nil).ID() bm, ok := stack.Build.Get(id) if !ok { - bm = newRequestUserAgent() + bm = NewRequestUserAgent() err := stack.Build.Add(bm, middleware.After) if err != nil { return nil, err } } - requestUserAgent, ok := bm.(*requestUserAgent) + requestUserAgent, ok := bm.(*RequestUserAgent) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T for %s middleware did not match expected type", bm, id) } @@ -177,34 +236,40 @@ func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*requestUserAgent, error } // AddUserAgentKey adds the component identified by name to the User-Agent string. -func (u *requestUserAgent) AddUserAgentKey(key string) { - u.userAgent.AddKey(key) +func (u *RequestUserAgent) AddUserAgentKey(key string) { + u.userAgent.AddKey(strings.Map(rules, key)) } // AddUserAgentKeyValue adds the key identified by the given name and value to the User-Agent string. -func (u *requestUserAgent) AddUserAgentKeyValue(key, value string) { - u.userAgent.AddKeyValue(key, value) +func (u *RequestUserAgent) AddUserAgentKeyValue(key, value string) { + u.userAgent.AddKeyValue(strings.Map(rules, key), strings.Map(rules, value)) } -// AddUserAgentKey adds the component identified by name to the User-Agent string. -func (u *requestUserAgent) AddSDKAgentKey(keyType SDKAgentKeyType, key string) { +// AddUserAgentFeature adds the feature ID to the tracking list to be emitted +// in the final User-Agent string. +func (u *RequestUserAgent) AddUserAgentFeature(feature UserAgentFeature) { + u.features[feature] = struct{}{} +} + +// AddSDKAgentKey adds the component identified by name to the User-Agent string. +func (u *RequestUserAgent) AddSDKAgentKey(keyType SDKAgentKeyType, key string) { // TODO: should target sdkAgent - u.userAgent.AddKey(keyType.string() + "/" + key) + u.userAgent.AddKey(keyType.string() + "/" + strings.Map(rules, key)) } -// AddUserAgentKeyValue adds the key identified by the given name and value to the User-Agent string. -func (u *requestUserAgent) AddSDKAgentKeyValue(keyType SDKAgentKeyType, key, value string) { +// AddSDKAgentKeyValue adds the key identified by the given name and value to the User-Agent string. +func (u *RequestUserAgent) AddSDKAgentKeyValue(keyType SDKAgentKeyType, key, value string) { // TODO: should target sdkAgent - u.userAgent.AddKeyValue(keyType.string()+"/"+key, value) + u.userAgent.AddKeyValue(keyType.string(), strings.Map(rules, key)+"#"+strings.Map(rules, value)) } // ID the name of the middleware. -func (u *requestUserAgent) ID() string { +func (u *RequestUserAgent) ID() string { return "UserAgent" } // HandleBuild adds or appends the constructed user agent to the request. -func (u *requestUserAgent) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler) ( +func (u *RequestUserAgent) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler) ( out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { switch req := in.Request.(type) { @@ -219,12 +284,15 @@ func (u *requestUserAgent) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildI return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) } -func (u *requestUserAgent) addHTTPUserAgent(request *smithyhttp.Request) { +func (u *RequestUserAgent) addHTTPUserAgent(request *smithyhttp.Request) { const userAgent = "User-Agent" + if len(u.features) > 0 { + updateHTTPHeader(request, userAgent, buildFeatureMetrics(u.features)) + } updateHTTPHeader(request, userAgent, u.userAgent.Build()) } -func (u *requestUserAgent) addHTTPSDKAgent(request *smithyhttp.Request) { +func (u *RequestUserAgent) addHTTPSDKAgent(request *smithyhttp.Request) { const sdkAgent = "X-Amz-User-Agent" updateHTTPHeader(request, sdkAgent, u.sdkAgent.Build()) } @@ -241,3 +309,26 @@ func updateHTTPHeader(request *smithyhttp.Request, header string, value string) } request.Header[header] = append(request.Header[header][:0], current) } + +func rules(r rune) rune { + switch { + case r >= '0' && r <= '9': + return r + case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z' || r >= 'a' && r <= 'z': + return r + case validChars[r]: + return r + default: + return '-' + } +} + +func buildFeatureMetrics(features map[UserAgentFeature]struct{}) string { + fs := make([]string, 0, len(features)) + for f := range features { + fs = append(fs, string(f)) + } + + sort.Strings(fs) + return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", FeatureMetadata2.string(), strings.Join(fs, ",")) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 9d7d3a0c..6669a3dd 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ package query import ( - "fmt" "net/url" + "strconv" ) // Array represents the encoding of Query lists and sets. A Query array is a @@ -21,41 +21,41 @@ type Array struct { // keys for each element in the list. For example, an entry might have the // key "ParentStructure.ListName.member.MemberName.1". // - // While this is currently represented as a string that gets added to, it - // could also be represented as a stack that only gets condensed into a - // string when a finalized key is created. This could potentially reduce - // allocations. + // When the array is not flat the prefix will contain the memberName otherwise the memberName is ignored prefix string - // Whether the list is flat or not. A list that is not flat will produce the - // following entry to the url.Values for a given entry: - // ListName.MemberName.1=value - // A list that is flat will produce the following: - // ListName.1=value - flat bool - // The location name of the member. In most cases this should be "member". - memberName string // Elements are stored in values, so we keep track of the list size here. size int32 + // Empty lists are encoded as "=", if we add a value later we will + // remove this encoding + emptyValue Value } func newArray(values url.Values, prefix string, flat bool, memberName string) *Array { + emptyValue := newValue(values, prefix, flat) + emptyValue.String("") + + if !flat { + // This uses string concatenation in place of fmt.Sprintf as fmt.Sprintf has a much higher resource overhead + prefix = prefix + keySeparator + memberName + } + return &Array{ values: values, prefix: prefix, - flat: flat, - memberName: memberName, + emptyValue: emptyValue, } } // Value adds a new element to the Query Array. Returns a Value type used to // encode the array element. func (a *Array) Value() Value { + if a.size == 0 { + delete(a.values, a.emptyValue.key) + } + // Query lists start a 1, so adjust the size first a.size++ - prefix := a.prefix - if !a.flat { - prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", prefix, a.memberName) - } // Lists can't have flat members - return newValue(a.values, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", prefix, a.size), false) + // This uses string concatenation in place of fmt.Sprintf as fmt.Sprintf has a much higher resource overhead + return newValue(a.values, a.prefix+keySeparator+strconv.FormatInt(int64(a.size), 10), false) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6a99d4ea..305a8ace 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ package query -import ( - "fmt" - "net/url" -) +import "net/url" // Object represents the encoding of Query structures and unions. A Query // object is a representation of a mapping of string keys to arbitrary @@ -41,6 +38,12 @@ func (o *Object) Key(name string) Value { return o.key(name, false) } +// KeyWithValues adds the given named key to the Query object. +// Returns a Value encoder that should be used to encode a Query list of values. +func (o *Object) KeyWithValues(name string) Value { + return o.keyWithValues(name, false) +} + // FlatKey adds the given named key to the Query object. // Returns a Value encoder that should be used to encode a Query value type. The // value will be flattened if it is a map or array. @@ -50,7 +53,16 @@ func (o *Object) FlatKey(name string) Value { func (o *Object) key(name string, flatValue bool) Value { if o.prefix != "" { - return newValue(o.values, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", o.prefix, name), flatValue) + // This uses string concatenation in place of fmt.Sprintf as fmt.Sprintf has a much higher resource overhead + return newValue(o.values, o.prefix+keySeparator+name, flatValue) } return newValue(o.values, name, flatValue) } + +func (o *Object) keyWithValues(name string, flatValue bool) Value { + if o.prefix != "" { + // This uses string concatenation in place of fmt.Sprintf as fmt.Sprintf has a much higher resource overhead + return newAppendValue(o.values, o.prefix+keySeparator+name, flatValue) + } + return newAppendValue(o.values, name, flatValue) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 302525ab..8063c592 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import ( "" ) +const keySeparator = "." + // Value represents a Query Value type. type Value struct { // The query values to add the value to. @@ -27,6 +29,15 @@ func newValue(values url.Values, key string, flat bool) Value { } } +func newAppendValue(values url.Values, key string, flat bool) Value { + return Value{ + values: values, + key: key, + flat: flat, + queryValue: httpbinding.NewQueryValue(values, key, true), + } +} + func newBaseValue(values url.Values) Value { return Value{ values: values, diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c228f7d8..6975ce65 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -21,26 +21,18 @@ func GetErrorResponseComponents(r io.Reader, noErrorWrapping bool) (ErrorCompone if err := xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&errResponse); err != nil && err != io.EOF { return ErrorComponents{}, fmt.Errorf("error while deserializing xml error response: %w", err) } - return ErrorComponents{ - Code: errResponse.Code, - Message: errResponse.Message, - RequestID: errResponse.RequestID, - }, nil + return ErrorComponents(errResponse), nil } var errResponse wrappedErrorResponse if err := xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&errResponse); err != nil && err != io.EOF { return ErrorComponents{}, fmt.Errorf("error while deserializing xml error response: %w", err) } - return ErrorComponents{ - Code: errResponse.Code, - Message: errResponse.Message, - RequestID: errResponse.RequestID, - }, nil + return ErrorComponents(errResponse), nil } // noWrappedErrorResponse represents the error response body with -// no internal ... +// wrapped within Error type wrappedErrorResponse struct { Code string `xml:"Error>Code"` Message string `xml:"Error>Message"` diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c783641 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package ratelimit + +import "context" + +// None implements a no-op rate limiter which effectively disables client-side +// rate limiting (also known as "retry quotas"). +// +// GetToken does nothing and always returns a nil error. The returned +// token-release function does nothing, and always returns a nil error. +// +// AddTokens does nothing and always returns a nil error. +var None = &none{} + +type none struct{} + +func (*none) GetToken(ctx context.Context, cost uint) (func() error, error) { + return func() error { return nil }, nil +} + +func (*none) AddTokens(v uint) error { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 12a3f0c4..d89090ad 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ func NewTokenRateLimit(tokens uint) *TokenRateLimit { } } -func isTimeoutError(error) bool { - return false -} - type canceledError struct { Err error } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfa5bf7d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +package retry + +import ( + "context" + + "" + "" +) + +type attemptMetrics struct { + Attempts metrics.Int64Counter + Errors metrics.Int64Counter + + AttemptDuration metrics.Float64Histogram +} + +func newAttemptMetrics(meter metrics.Meter) (*attemptMetrics, error) { + m := &attemptMetrics{} + var err error + + m.Attempts, err = meter.Int64Counter("", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "{attempt}" + o.Description = "The number of attempts for an individual operation" + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + m.Errors, err = meter.Int64Counter("", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "{error}" + o.Description = "The number of errors for an operation" + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + m.AttemptDuration, err = meter.Float64Histogram("", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "The time it takes to connect to the service, send the request, and get back HTTP status code and headers (including time queued waiting to be sent)" + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return m, nil +} + +func withOperationMetadata(ctx context.Context) metrics.RecordMetricOption { + return func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", middleware.GetServiceID(ctx)) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", middleware.GetOperationName(ctx)) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3326289a..52d59b04 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -2,17 +2,22 @@ package retry import ( "context" + "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" + internalcontext "" + "" + "" awsmiddle "" "" "" - "" + "" smithymiddle "" + "" "" ) @@ -35,10 +40,17 @@ type Attempt struct { // attempts are reached. LogAttempts bool + // A Meter instance for recording retry-related metrics. + OperationMeter metrics.Meter + retryer aws.RetryerV2 requestCloner RequestCloner } +// define the threshold at which we will consider certain kind of errors to be probably +// caused by clock skew +const skewThreshold = 4 * time.Minute + // NewAttemptMiddleware returns a new Attempt retry middleware. func NewAttemptMiddleware(retryer aws.Retryer, requestCloner RequestCloner, optFns ...func(*Attempt)) *Attempt { m := &Attempt{ @@ -48,6 +60,10 @@ func NewAttemptMiddleware(retryer aws.Retryer, requestCloner RequestCloner, optF for _, fn := range optFns { fn(m) } + if m.OperationMeter == nil { + m.OperationMeter = metrics.NopMeterProvider{}.Meter("") + } + return m } @@ -73,6 +89,11 @@ func (r *Attempt) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in smithymiddle.FinalizeIn maxAttempts := r.retryer.MaxAttempts() releaseRetryToken := nopRelease + retryMetrics, err := newAttemptMetrics(r.OperationMeter) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, err + } + for { attemptNum++ attemptInput := in @@ -86,8 +107,29 @@ func (r *Attempt) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in smithymiddle.FinalizeIn AttemptClockSkew: attemptClockSkew, }) + // Setting clock skew to be used on other context (like signing) + ctx = internalcontext.SetAttemptSkewContext(ctx, attemptClockSkew) + var attemptResult AttemptResult + + attemptCtx, span := tracing.StartSpan(attemptCtx, "Attempt", func(o *tracing.SpanOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("operation.attempt", attemptNum) + }) + retryMetrics.Attempts.Add(ctx, 1, withOperationMetadata(ctx)) + + start := sdk.NowTime() out, attemptResult, releaseRetryToken, err = r.handleAttempt(attemptCtx, attemptInput, releaseRetryToken, next) + elapsed := sdk.NowTime().Sub(start) + + retryMetrics.AttemptDuration.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, withOperationMetadata(ctx)) + if err != nil { + retryMetrics.Errors.Add(ctx, 1, withOperationMetadata(ctx), func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("exception.type", errorType(err)) + }) + } + + span.End() + attemptClockSkew, _ = awsmiddle.GetAttemptSkew(attemptResult.ResponseMetadata) // AttemptResult Retried states that the attempt was not successful, and @@ -185,6 +227,8 @@ func (r *Attempt) handleAttempt( return out, attemptResult, nopRelease, err } + err = wrapAsClockSkew(ctx, err) + //------------------------------ // Is Retryable and Should Retry //------------------------------ @@ -240,6 +284,37 @@ func (r *Attempt) handleAttempt( return out, attemptResult, releaseRetryToken, err } +// errors that, if detected when we know there's a clock skew, +// can be retried and have a high chance of success +var possibleSkewCodes = map[string]struct{}{ + "InvalidSignatureException": {}, + "SignatureDoesNotMatch": {}, + "AuthFailure": {}, +} + +var definiteSkewCodes = map[string]struct{}{ + "RequestExpired": {}, + "RequestInTheFuture": {}, + "RequestTimeTooSkewed": {}, +} + +// wrapAsClockSkew checks if this error could be related to a clock skew +// error and if so, wrap the error. +func wrapAsClockSkew(ctx context.Context, err error) error { + var v interface{ ErrorCode() string } + if !errors.As(err, &v) { + return err + } + if _, ok := definiteSkewCodes[v.ErrorCode()]; ok { + return &retryableClockSkewError{Err: err} + } + _, isPossibleSkewCode := possibleSkewCodes[v.ErrorCode()] + if skew := internalcontext.GetAttemptSkewContext(ctx); skew > skewThreshold && isPossibleSkewCode { + return &retryableClockSkewError{Err: err} + } + return err +} + // MetricsHeader attaches SDK request metric header for retries to the transport type MetricsHeader struct{} @@ -292,7 +367,7 @@ type retryMetadataKey struct{} // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. func getRetryMetadata(ctx context.Context) (metadata retryMetadata, ok bool) { - metadata, ok = middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, retryMetadataKey{}).(retryMetadata) + metadata, ok = smithymiddle.GetStackValue(ctx, retryMetadataKey{}).(retryMetadata) return metadata, ok } @@ -301,7 +376,7 @@ func getRetryMetadata(ctx context.Context) (metadata retryMetadata, ok bool) { // Scoped to stack values. Use // to clear all stack values. func setRetryMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata retryMetadata) context.Context { - return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, retryMetadataKey{}, metadata) + return smithymiddle.WithStackValue(ctx, retryMetadataKey{}, metadata) } // AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions is the set of options that can be passed to @@ -321,11 +396,23 @@ func AddRetryMiddlewares(stack *smithymiddle.Stack, options AddRetryMiddlewaresO middleware.LogAttempts = options.LogRetryAttempts }) - if err := stack.Finalize.Add(attempt, smithymiddle.After); err != nil { + // index retry to before signing, if signing exists + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(attempt, "Signing", smithymiddle.Before); err != nil { return err } - if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&MetricsHeader{}, smithymiddle.After); err != nil { + + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&MetricsHeader{}, attempt.ID(), smithymiddle.After); err != nil { return err } return nil } + +// Determines the value of exception.type for metrics purposes. We prefer an +// API-specific error code, otherwise it's just the Go type for the value. +func errorType(err error) string { + var terr smithy.APIError + if errors.As(err, &terr) { + return terr.ErrorCode() + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%T", err) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c695e6fe..1b485f99 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package retry import ( "errors" + "fmt" "net" "net/url" "strings" @@ -95,12 +96,33 @@ func (r RetryableConnectionError) IsErrorRetryable(err error) aws.Ternary { var timeoutErr interface{ Timeout() bool } var urlErr *url.Error var netOpErr *net.OpError + var dnsError *net.DNSError + + if errors.As(err, &dnsError) { + // NXDOMAIN errors should not be retried + if dnsError.IsNotFound { + return aws.BoolTernary(false) + } + + // if !dnsError.Temporary(), error may or may not be temporary, + // (i.e. !Temporary() =/=> !retryable) so we should fall through to + // remaining checks + if dnsError.Temporary() { + return aws.BoolTernary(true) + } + } switch { case errors.As(err, &conErr) && conErr.ConnectionError(): retryable = true + case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection"): + fallthrough case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection reset"): + // The errors "connection reset" and "use of closed network connection" + // are effectively the same. It appears to be the difference between + // sync and async read of TCP RST in the stdlib's net.Conn read loop. + // see #2737 retryable = true case errors.As(err, &urlErr): @@ -184,3 +206,23 @@ func (r RetryableErrorCode) IsErrorRetryable(err error) aws.Ternary { return aws.TrueTernary } + +// retryableClockSkewError marks errors that can be caused by clock skew +// (difference between server time and client time). +// This is returned when there's certain confidence that adjusting the client time +// could allow a retry to succeed +type retryableClockSkewError struct{ Err error } + +func (e *retryableClockSkewError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("Probable clock skew error: %v", e.Err) +} + +// Unwrap returns the wrapped error. +func (e *retryableClockSkewError) Unwrap() error { + return e.Err +} + +// RetryableError allows the retryer to retry this request +func (e *retryableClockSkewError) RetryableError() bool { + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 25abffc8..d5ea9322 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -123,6 +123,17 @@ type StandardOptions struct { // Provides the rate limiting strategy for rate limiting attempt retries // across all attempts the retryer is being used with. + // + // A RateLimiter operates as a token bucket with a set capacity, where + // attempt failures events consume tokens. A retry attempt that attempts to + // consume more tokens than what's available results in operation failure. + // The default implementation is parameterized as follows: + // - a capacity of 500 (DefaultRetryRateTokens) + // - a retry caused by a timeout costs 10 tokens (DefaultRetryCost) + // - a retry caused by other errors costs 5 tokens (DefaultRetryTimeoutCost) + // - an operation that succeeds on the 1st attempt adds 1 token (DefaultNoRetryIncrement) + // + // You can disable rate limiting by setting this field to ratelimit.None. RateLimiter RateLimiter // The cost to deduct from the RateLimiter's token bucket per retry. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6777e21e..b0ba4cb2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type Retryer interface { MaxAttempts() int // RetryDelay returns the delay that should be used before retrying the - // attempt. Will return error if the if the delay could not be determined. + // attempt. Will return error if the delay could not be determined. RetryDelay(attempt int, opErr error) (time.Duration, error) // GetRetryToken attempts to deduct the retry cost from the retry token pool. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 85a1d8f0..d99b32ce 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ package v4 var IgnoredHeaders = Rules{ ExcludeList{ MapRule{ - "Authorization": struct{}{}, - "User-Agent": struct{}{}, - "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": struct{}{}, + "Authorization": struct{}{}, + "User-Agent": struct{}{}, + "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": struct{}{}, + "Expect": struct{}{}, + "Transfer-Encoding": struct{}{}, }, }, } @@ -44,9 +46,9 @@ var RequiredSignedHeaders = Rules{ "X-Amz-Grant-Write-Acp": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Metadata-Directive": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Mfa": struct{}{}, - "X-Amz-Request-Payer": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Aws-Kms-Key-Id": struct{}{}, + "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Context": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key": struct{}{}, "X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5": struct{}{}, diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 749bda69..8a46220a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ import ( "" awsmiddleware "" v4Internal "" + internalauth "" "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" ) @@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ func (e *SigningError) Unwrap() error { // S3 PutObject API allows unsigned payload signing auth usage when TLS is enabled, and uses this middleware to // dynamically switch between unsigned and signed payload based on TLS state for request. func UseDynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - _, err := stack.Build.Swap(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, &dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware{}) + _, err := stack.Finalize.Swap(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, &dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware{}) return err } @@ -70,27 +72,25 @@ func (m *dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware) ID() string { return computePayloadHashMiddlewareID } -// HandleBuild sets a resolver that directs to the payload sha256 compute handler. -func (m *dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware) HandleBuild( - ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +// HandleFinalize delegates SHA256 computation according to whether the request +// is TLS-enabled. +func (m *dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, ) ( - out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) } - // if TLS is enabled, use unsigned payload when supported if req.IsHTTPS() { - return (&unsignedPayload{}).HandleBuild(ctx, in, next) + return (&UnsignedPayload{}).HandleFinalize(ctx, in, next) } - - // else fall back to signed payload - return (&computePayloadSHA256{}).HandleBuild(ctx, in, next) + return (&ComputePayloadSHA256{}).HandleFinalize(ctx, in, next) } -// unsignedPayload sets the SigV4 request payload hash to unsigned. +// UnsignedPayload sets the SigV4 request payload hash to unsigned. // // Will not set the Unsigned Payload magic SHA value, if a SHA has already been // stored in the context. (e.g. application pre-computed SHA256 before making @@ -98,39 +98,32 @@ func (m *dynamicPayloadSigningMiddleware) HandleBuild( // // This middleware does not check the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header, if that // header is serialized a middleware must translate it into the context. -type unsignedPayload struct{} +type UnsignedPayload struct{} // AddUnsignedPayloadMiddleware adds unsignedPayload to the operation // middleware stack func AddUnsignedPayloadMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return stack.Build.Add(&unsignedPayload{}, middleware.After) + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&UnsignedPayload{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) } // ID returns the unsignedPayload identifier -func (m *unsignedPayload) ID() string { +func (m *UnsignedPayload) ID() string { return computePayloadHashMiddlewareID } -// HandleBuild sets the payload hash to be an unsigned payload -func (m *unsignedPayload) HandleBuild( - ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +// HandleFinalize sets the payload hash magic value to the unsigned sentinel. +func (m *UnsignedPayload) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, ) ( - out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { - // This should not compute the content SHA256 if the value is already - // known. (e.g. application pre-computed SHA256 before making API call). - // Does not have any tight coupling to the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header, if - // that header is provided a middleware must translate it into the context. - contentSHA := GetPayloadHash(ctx) - if len(contentSHA) == 0 { - contentSHA = v4Internal.UnsignedPayload + if GetPayloadHash(ctx) == "" { + ctx = SetPayloadHash(ctx, v4Internal.UnsignedPayload) } - - ctx = SetPayloadHash(ctx, contentSHA) - return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) } -// computePayloadSHA256 computes SHA256 payload hash to sign. +// ComputePayloadSHA256 computes SHA256 payload hash to sign. // // Will not set the Unsigned Payload magic SHA value, if a SHA has already been // stored in the context. (e.g. application pre-computed SHA256 before making @@ -138,32 +131,40 @@ func (m *unsignedPayload) HandleBuild( // // This middleware does not check the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header, if that // header is serialized a middleware must translate it into the context. -type computePayloadSHA256 struct{} +type ComputePayloadSHA256 struct{} // AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware adds computePayloadSHA256 to the // operation middleware stack func AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return stack.Build.Add(&computePayloadSHA256{}, middleware.After) + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&ComputePayloadSHA256{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) } // RemoveComputePayloadSHA256Middleware removes computePayloadSHA256 from the // operation middleware stack func RemoveComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - _, err := stack.Build.Remove(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID) + _, err := stack.Finalize.Remove(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID) return err } // ID is the middleware name -func (m *computePayloadSHA256) ID() string { +func (m *ComputePayloadSHA256) ID() string { return computePayloadHashMiddlewareID } -// HandleBuild compute the payload hash for the request payload -func (m *computePayloadSHA256) HandleBuild( - ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +// HandleFinalize computes the payload hash for the request, storing it to the +// context. This is a no-op if a caller has previously set that value. +func (m *ComputePayloadSHA256) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, ) ( - out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + if GetPayloadHash(ctx) != "" { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) + } + + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ComputePayloadSHA256") + defer span.End() + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &HashComputationError{ @@ -171,14 +172,6 @@ func (m *computePayloadSHA256) HandleBuild( } } - // This should not compute the content SHA256 if the value is already - // known. (e.g. application pre-computed SHA256 before making API call) - // Does not have any tight coupling to the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header, if - // that header is provided a middleware must translate it into the context. - if contentSHA := GetPayloadHash(ctx); len(contentSHA) != 0 { - return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) - } - hash := sha256.New() if stream := req.GetStream(); stream != nil { _, err = io.Copy(hash, stream) @@ -197,7 +190,8 @@ func (m *computePayloadSHA256) HandleBuild( ctx = SetPayloadHash(ctx, hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))) - return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) } // SwapComputePayloadSHA256ForUnsignedPayloadMiddleware replaces the @@ -206,38 +200,38 @@ func (m *computePayloadSHA256) HandleBuild( // Use this to disable computing the Payload SHA256 checksum and instead use // UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD for the SHA256 value. func SwapComputePayloadSHA256ForUnsignedPayloadMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - _, err := stack.Build.Swap(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, &unsignedPayload{}) + _, err := stack.Finalize.Swap(computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, &UnsignedPayload{}) return err } -// contentSHA256Header sets the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header value to +// ContentSHA256Header sets the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header value to // the Payload hash stored in the context. -type contentSHA256Header struct{} +type ContentSHA256Header struct{} // AddContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware adds ContentSHA256Header to the // operation middleware stack func AddContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return stack.Build.Insert(&contentSHA256Header{}, computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, middleware.After) + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&ContentSHA256Header{}, computePayloadHashMiddlewareID, middleware.After) } // RemoveContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware removes contentSHA256Header middleware // from the operation middleware stack func RemoveContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - _, err := stack.Build.Remove((*contentSHA256Header)(nil).ID()) + _, err := stack.Finalize.Remove((*ContentSHA256Header)(nil).ID()) return err } // ID returns the ContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware identifier -func (m *contentSHA256Header) ID() string { +func (m *ContentSHA256Header) ID() string { return "SigV4ContentSHA256Header" } -// HandleBuild sets the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header value to the Payload hash +// HandleFinalize sets the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header value to the Payload hash // stored in the context. -func (m *contentSHA256Header) HandleBuild( - ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +func (m *ContentSHA256Header) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, ) ( - out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { @@ -245,25 +239,35 @@ func (m *contentSHA256Header) HandleBuild( } req.Header.Set(v4Internal.ContentSHAKey, GetPayloadHash(ctx)) - - return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) } -// SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions is the configuration options for the SignHTTPRequestMiddleware middleware. +// SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions is the configuration options for +// [SignHTTPRequestMiddleware]. +// +// Deprecated: [SignHTTPRequestMiddleware] is deprecated. type SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions struct { CredentialsProvider aws.CredentialsProvider Signer HTTPSigner LogSigning bool } -// SignHTTPRequestMiddleware is a `FinalizeMiddleware` implementation for SigV4 HTTP Signing +// SignHTTPRequestMiddleware is a `FinalizeMiddleware` implementation for SigV4 +// HTTP Signing. +// +// Deprecated: AWS service clients no longer use this middleware. Signing as an +// SDK operation is now performed through an internal per-service middleware +// which opaquely selects and uses the signer from the resolved auth scheme. type SignHTTPRequestMiddleware struct { credentialsProvider aws.CredentialsProvider signer HTTPSigner logSigning bool } -// NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware constructs a SignHTTPRequestMiddleware using the given Signer for signing requests +// NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware constructs a [SignHTTPRequestMiddleware] using +// the given [Signer] for signing requests. +// +// Deprecated: SignHTTPRequestMiddleware is deprecated. func NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(options SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions) *SignHTTPRequestMiddleware { return &SignHTTPRequestMiddleware{ credentialsProvider: options.CredentialsProvider, @@ -272,12 +276,17 @@ func NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(options SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions) *Sig } } -// ID is the SignHTTPRequestMiddleware identifier +// ID is the SignHTTPRequestMiddleware identifier. +// +// Deprecated: SignHTTPRequestMiddleware is deprecated. func (s *SignHTTPRequestMiddleware) ID() string { return "Signing" } -// HandleFinalize will take the provided input and sign the request using the SigV4 authentication scheme +// HandleFinalize will take the provided input and sign the request using the +// SigV4 authentication scheme. +// +// Deprecated: SignHTTPRequestMiddleware is deprecated. func (s *SignHTTPRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { @@ -301,11 +310,23 @@ func (s *SignHTTPRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middl return out, metadata, &SigningError{Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve credentials: %w", err)} } - err = s.signer.SignHTTP(ctx, credentials, req.Request, payloadHash, signingName, signingRegion, sdk.NowTime(), + signerOptions := []func(o *SignerOptions){ func(o *SignerOptions) { o.Logger = middleware.GetLogger(ctx) o.LogSigning = s.logSigning + }, + } + + // existing DisableURIPathEscaping is equivalent in purpose + // to authentication scheme property DisableDoubleEncoding + disableDoubleEncoding, overridden := internalauth.GetDisableDoubleEncoding(ctx) + if overridden { + signerOptions = append(signerOptions, func(o *SignerOptions) { + o.DisableURIPathEscaping = disableDoubleEncoding }) + } + + err = s.signer.SignHTTP(ctx, credentials, req.Request, payloadHash, signingName, signingRegion, sdk.NowTime(), signerOptions...) if err != nil { return out, metadata, &SigningError{Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to sign http request, %w", err)} } @@ -315,21 +336,24 @@ func (s *SignHTTPRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middl return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) } -type streamingEventsPayload struct{} +// StreamingEventsPayload signs input event stream messages. +type StreamingEventsPayload struct{} // AddStreamingEventsPayload adds the streamingEventsPayload middleware to the stack. func AddStreamingEventsPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return stack.Build.Add(&streamingEventsPayload{}, middleware.After) + return stack.Finalize.Add(&StreamingEventsPayload{}, middleware.Before) } -func (s *streamingEventsPayload) ID() string { +// ID identifies the middleware. +func (s *StreamingEventsPayload) ID() string { return computePayloadHashMiddlewareID } -func (s *streamingEventsPayload) HandleBuild( - ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +// HandleFinalize marks the input stream to be signed with SigV4. +func (s *StreamingEventsPayload) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, ) ( - out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { contentSHA := GetPayloadHash(ctx) if len(contentSHA) == 0 { @@ -338,7 +362,7 @@ func (s *streamingEventsPayload) HandleBuild( ctx = SetPayloadHash(ctx, contentSHA) - return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) } // GetSignedRequestSignature attempts to extract the signature of the request. @@ -348,8 +372,9 @@ func GetSignedRequestSignature(r *http.Request) ([]byte, error) { const authHeaderSignatureElem = "Signature=" if auth := r.Header.Get(authorizationHeader); len(auth) != 0 { - ps := strings.Split(auth, ", ") + ps := strings.Split(auth, ",") for _, p := range ps { + p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if idx := strings.Index(p, authHeaderSignatureElem); idx >= 0 { sig := p[len(authHeaderSignatureElem):] if len(sig) == 0 { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index afd069c1..7ed91d5b 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,48 +1,41 @@ -// Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer +// Package v4 implements the AWS signature version 4 algorithm (commonly known +// as SigV4). // -// Provides request signing for request that need to be signed with -// AWS V4 Signatures. +// For more information about SigV4, see [Signing AWS API requests] in the IAM +// user guide. // -// # Standalone Signer +// While this implementation CAN work in an external context, it is developed +// primarily for SDK use and you may encounter fringe behaviors around header +// canonicalization. // -// Generally using the signer outside of the SDK should not require any additional +// # Pre-escaping a request URI // -// The signer does this by taking advantage of the URL.EscapedPath method. If your request URI requires +// AWS v4 signature validation requires that the canonical string's URI path +// component must be the escaped form of the HTTP request's path. +// +// The Go HTTP client will perform escaping automatically on the HTTP request. +// This may cause signature validation errors because the request differs from +// the URI path or query from which the signature was generated. // -// additional escaping you many need to use the URL.Opaque to define what the raw URI should be sent -// to the service as. +// Because of this, we recommend that you explicitly escape the request when +// using this signer outside of the SDK to prevent possible signature mismatch. +// This can be done by setting URL.Opaque on the request. The signer will +// prefer that value, falling back to the return of URL.EscapedPath if unset. // -// The signer will first check the URL.Opaque field, and use its value if set. -// The signer does require the URL.Opaque field to be set in the form of: +// When setting URL.Opaque you must do so in the form of: // // "///" // // // e.g. // "//" // -// The leading "//" and hostname are required or the URL.Opaque escaping will -// not work correctly. +// The leading "//" and hostname are required or the escaping will not work +// correctly. // -// If URL.Opaque is not set the signer will fallback to the URL.EscapedPath() -// method and using the returned value. -// -// AWS v4 signature validation requires that the canonical string's URI path -// element must be the URI escaped form of the HTTP request's path. -// +// The TestStandaloneSign unit test provides a complete example of using the +// signer outside of the SDK and pre-escaping the URI path. // -// The Go HTTP client will perform escaping automatically on the request. Some -// of these escaping may cause signature validation errors because the HTTP -// request differs from the URI path or query that the signature was generated. -// -// -// Because of this, it is recommended that when using the signer outside of the -// SDK that explicitly escaping the request prior to being signed is preferable, -// and will help prevent signature validation errors. This can be done by setting -// the URL.Opaque or URL.RawPath. The SDK will use URL.Opaque first and then -// call URL.EscapedPath() if Opaque is not set. -// -// Test `TestStandaloneSign` provides a complete example of using the signer -// outside of the SDK and pre-escaping the URI path. +// [Signing AWS API requests]: package v4 import ( @@ -68,6 +61,9 @@ import ( const ( signingAlgorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" authorizationHeader = "Authorization" + + // Version of signing v4 + Version = "SigV4" ) // HTTPSigner is an interface to a SigV4 signer that can sign HTTP requests @@ -103,6 +99,11 @@ type SignerOptions struct { // This will enable logging of the canonical request, the string to sign, and for presigning the subsequent // presigned URL. LogSigning bool + + // Disables setting the session token on the request as part of signing + // through X-Amz-Security-Token. This is needed for variations of v4 that + // present the token elsewhere. + DisableSessionToken bool } // Signer applies AWS v4 signing to given request. Use this to sign requests @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ type httpSigner struct { DisableHeaderHoisting bool DisableURIPathEscaping bool + DisableSessionToken bool } func (s *httpSigner) Build() (signedRequest, error) { @@ -284,6 +286,7 @@ func (s Signer) SignHTTP(ctx context.Context, credentials aws.Credentials, r *ht Time: v4Internal.NewSigningTime(signingTime.UTC()), DisableHeaderHoisting: options.DisableHeaderHoisting, DisableURIPathEscaping: options.DisableURIPathEscaping, + DisableSessionToken: options.DisableSessionToken, KeyDerivator: s.keyDerivator, } @@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ func (s Signer) SignHTTP(ctx context.Context, credentials aws.Credentials, r *ht // // expires := 20 * time.Minute // query := req.URL.Query() -// query.Set("X-Amz-Expires", strconv.FormatInt(int64(expires/time.Second), 10) +// query.Set("X-Amz-Expires", strconv.FormatInt(int64(expires/time.Second), 10)) // req.URL.RawQuery = query.Encode() // // This method does not modify the provided request. @@ -360,6 +363,7 @@ func (s *Signer) PresignHTTP( IsPreSign: true, DisableHeaderHoisting: options.DisableHeaderHoisting, DisableURIPathEscaping: options.DisableURIPathEscaping, + DisableSessionToken: options.DisableSessionToken, KeyDerivator: s.keyDerivator, } @@ -390,7 +394,18 @@ func (s *httpSigner) buildCredentialScope() string { func buildQuery(r v4Internal.Rule, header http.Header) (url.Values, http.Header) { query := url.Values{} unsignedHeaders := http.Header{} + + // A list of headers to be converted to lower case to mitigate a limitation from S3 + lowerCaseHeaders := map[string]string{ + "X-Amz-Expected-Bucket-Owner": "x-amz-expected-bucket-owner", // see #2508 + "X-Amz-Request-Payer": "x-amz-request-payer", // see #2764 + } + for k, h := range header { + if newKey, ok := lowerCaseHeaders[k]; ok { + k = newKey + } + if r.IsValid(k) { query[k] = h } else { @@ -502,7 +517,8 @@ func (s *httpSigner) setRequiredSigningFields(headers http.Header, query url.Val if s.IsPreSign { query.Set(v4Internal.AmzAlgorithmKey, signingAlgorithm) - if sessionToken := s.Credentials.SessionToken; len(sessionToken) > 0 { + sessionToken := s.Credentials.SessionToken + if !s.DisableSessionToken && len(sessionToken) > 0 { query.Set("X-Amz-Security-Token", sessionToken) } @@ -512,7 +528,7 @@ func (s *httpSigner) setRequiredSigningFields(headers http.Header, query url.Val headers[v4Internal.AmzDateKey] = append(headers[v4Internal.AmzDateKey][:0], amzDate) - if len(s.Credentials.SessionToken) > 0 { + if !s.DisableSessionToken && len(s.Credentials.SessionToken) > 0 { headers[v4Internal.AmzSecurityTokenKey] = append(headers[v4Internal.AmzSecurityTokenKey][:0], s.Credentials.SessionToken) } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 26d90719..8d7c35a9 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,13 +1,16 @@ package http import ( + "context" "crypto/tls" - "" "net" "net/http" "reflect" "sync" "time" + + "" + "" ) // Defaults for the HTTPTransportBuilder. @@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ func defaultHTTPTransport() *http.Transport { tr := &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, - DialContext: dialer.DialContext, + DialContext: traceDialContext(dialer.DialContext), TLSHandshakeTimeout: DefaultHTTPTransportTLSHandleshakeTimeout, MaxIdleConns: DefaultHTTPTransportMaxIdleConns, MaxIdleConnsPerHost: DefaultHTTPTransportMaxIdleConnsPerHost, @@ -194,6 +197,35 @@ func defaultHTTPTransport() *http.Transport { return tr } +type dialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) + +func traceDialContext(dc dialContext) dialContext { + return func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { + span, _ := tracing.GetSpan(ctx) + span.SetProperty("", addr) + + conn, err := dc(ctx, network, addr) + if err != nil { + return conn, err + } + + raddr := conn.RemoteAddr() + if raddr == nil { + return conn, err + } + + host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(raddr.String()) + if err != nil { // don't blow up just because we couldn't parse + span.SetProperty("net.peer.addr", raddr.String()) + } else { + span.SetProperty("", host) + span.SetProperty("net.peer.port", port) + } + + return conn, err + } +} + // shallowCopyStruct creates a shallow copy of the passed in source struct, and // returns that copy of the same struct type. func shallowCopyStruct(src interface{}) interface{} { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 8fd14cec..a1ad20fe 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,18 +12,20 @@ import ( func AddResponseErrorMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { // add error wrapper middleware before request id retriever middleware so that it can wrap the error response // returned by operation deserializers - return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&responseErrorWrapper{}, "RequestIDRetriever", middleware.Before) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&ResponseErrorWrapper{}, "RequestIDRetriever", middleware.Before) } -type responseErrorWrapper struct { +// ResponseErrorWrapper wraps operation errors with ResponseError. +type ResponseErrorWrapper struct { } // ID returns the middleware identifier -func (m *responseErrorWrapper) ID() string { +func (m *ResponseErrorWrapper) ID() string { return "ResponseErrorWrapper" } -func (m *responseErrorWrapper) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( +// HandleDeserialize wraps the stack error with smithyhttp.ResponseError. +func (m *ResponseErrorWrapper) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index b11df508..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -version: 0.2 - -phases: - build: - commands: - - echo Build started on `date` - - export GOPATH=/go - - export SDK_CODEBUILD_ROOT=`pwd` - - make ci-test-no-generate - post_build: - commands: - - echo Build completed on `date` diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e02d957c..e28d9176 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,561 @@ +# v1.29.6 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.5 (2025-02-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.4 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.3 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.2 (2025-01-24) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix env config naming and usage of deprecated ioutil +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.29.1 (2025-01-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.0 (2025-01-15) + +* **Feature**: S3 client behavior is updated to always calculate a checksum by default for operations that support it (such as PutObject or UploadPart), or require it (such as DeleteObjects). The checksum algorithm used by default now becomes CRC32. Checksum behavior can be configured using `when_supported` and `when_required` options - in code using RequestChecksumCalculation, in shared config using request_checksum_calculation, or as env variable using AWS_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_CALCULATION. The S3 client attempts to validate response checksums for all S3 API operations that support checksums. However, if the SDK has not implemented the specified checksum algorithm then this validation is skipped. Checksum validation behavior can be configured using `when_supported` and `when_required` options - in code using ResponseChecksumValidation, in shared config using response_checksum_validation, or as env variable using AWS_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.11 (2025-01-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.10 (2025-01-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.9 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.8 (2025-01-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.7 (2024-12-19) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix improper use of printf-style functions. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.6 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.5 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.4 (2024-11-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.3 (2024-11-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.2 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.1 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.0 (2024-10-16) + +* **Feature**: Adds the LoadOptions hook `WithBaseEndpoint` for setting global endpoint override in-code. + +# v1.27.43 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.42 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.41 (2024-10-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.40 (2024-10-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.39 (2024-09-27) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.38 (2024-09-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.37 (2024-09-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.36 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.35 (2024-09-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.34 (2024-09-16) + +* **Bug Fix**: Read `AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI` env variable if set when reading a profile with `credential_source`. Also ensure `AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI` is always read before it + +# v1.27.33 (2024-09-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.32 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.31 (2024-08-26) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.30 (2024-08-23) + +* **Bug Fix**: Don't fail credentials unit tests if credentials are found on a file + +# v1.27.29 (2024-08-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.28 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.27 (2024-07-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.26 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.25 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.24 (2024-07-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.23 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.22 (2024-06-26) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.21 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.20 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.19 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.18 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.17 (2024-06-03) + +* **Documentation**: Add deprecation docs to global endpoint resolution interfaces. These APIs were previously deprecated with the introduction of service-specific endpoint resolution (EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint on service client options). +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.16 (2024-05-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.15 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.14 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.13 (2024-05-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.12 (2024-05-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.11 (2024-04-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.10 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.9 (2024-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.8 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.7 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.6 (2024-03-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.5 (2024-03-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.4 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.3 (2024-02-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.2 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.1 (2024-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.6 (2024-01-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove invalid escaping of shared config values. All values in the shared config file will now be interpreted literally, save for fully-quoted strings which are unwrapped for legacy reasons. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.5 (2024-01-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.4 (2024-01-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.3 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.2 (2023-12-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.1 (2023-12-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct loading of [services *] sections into shared config. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.0 (2023-12-07) + +* **Feature**: Support modeled request compression. The only algorithm supported at this time is `gzip`. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.12 (2023-12-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.11 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.10 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.9 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.8 (2023-11-28.3) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct resolution of S3Express auth disable toggle. + +# v1.25.7 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.6 (2023-11-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.5 (2023-11-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.4 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.3 (2023-11-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.2 (2023-11-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.1 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.0 (2023-11-14) + +* **Feature**: Add support for dynamic auth token from file and EKS container host in absolute/relative URIs in the HTTP credential provider. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.0 (2023-11-13) + +* **Feature**: Replace the legacy config parser with a modern, less-strict implementation. Parsing failures within a section will now simply ignore the invalid line rather than silently drop the entire section. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.0 (2023-11-09.2) + +* **Feature**: BREAKFIX: In order to support subproperty parsing, invalid property definitions must not be ignored +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.3 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.2 (2023-11-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.1 (2023-11-06) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.22.0 (2023-11-02) + +* **Feature**: Add env and shared config settings for disabling IMDSv1 fallback. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.1 (2023-10-24) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.19.0 (2023-10-16) + +* **Feature**: Modify logic of retrieving user agent appID from env config + +# v1.18.45 (2023-10-12) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fail to load config if an explicitly provided profile doesn't exist. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.44 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.43 (2023-10-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.42 (2023-09-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where merging `max_attempts` or `duration_seconds` fields across shared config files with invalid values would silently default them to 0. +* **Bug Fix**: Move type assertion of config values out of the parsing stage, which resolves an issue where the contents of a profile would silently be dropped with certain numeric formats. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.41 (2023-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.40 (2023-09-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.39 (2023-09-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.38 (2023-08-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.37 (2023-08-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.18.36 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.35 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.34 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.33 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.32 (2023-08-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.31 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.30 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.29 (2023-07-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.28 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.27 (2023-06-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.26 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.25 (2023-05-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.24 (2023-05-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.23 (2023-05-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.22 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.21 (2023-04-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.20 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.19 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.18 (2023-03-16) + +* **Bug Fix**: Allow RoleARN to be set as functional option on STS WebIdentityRoleOptions. Fixes aws/aws-sdk-go-v2#2015. + +# v1.18.17 (2023-03-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.16 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.15 (2023-02-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.14 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.13 (2023-02-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.12 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.11 (2023-02-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.10 (2023-01-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.9 (2023-01-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.8 (2023-01-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.7 (2022-12-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.6 (2022-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.5 (2022-12-15) + +* **Bug Fix**: Unify logic between shared config and in finding home directory +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.18.4 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5940f8e7..09d9b631 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -2,18 +2,11 @@ package config import ( "context" + "os" "" ) -// defaultLoaders are a slice of functions that will read external configuration -// sources for configuration values. These values are read by the AWSConfigResolvers -// using interfaces to extract specific information from the external configuration. -var defaultLoaders = []loader{ - loadEnvConfig, - loadSharedConfigIgnoreNotExist, -} - // defaultAWSConfigResolvers are a slice of functions that will resolve external // configuration values into AWS configuration values. // @@ -76,6 +69,26 @@ var defaultAWSConfigResolvers = []awsConfigResolver{ // Sets the resolved bearer authentication token API clients will use for // httpBearerAuth authentication scheme. resolveBearerAuthToken, + + // Sets the sdk app ID if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveAppID, + + resolveBaseEndpoint, + + // Sets the DisableRequestCompression if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveDisableRequestCompression, + + // Sets the RequestMinCompressSizeBytes if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveRequestMinCompressSizeBytes, + + // Sets the AccountIDEndpointMode if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveAccountIDEndpointMode, + + // Sets the RequestChecksumCalculation if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveRequestChecksumCalculation, + + // Sets the ResponseChecksumValidation if present in env var or shared config profile + resolveResponseChecksumValidation, } // A Config represents a generic configuration value or set of values. This type @@ -167,7 +180,7 @@ func (cs configs) ResolveConfig(f func(configs []interface{}) error) error { // or the custom data will be ignored by the resolvers and config loaders. // // cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig( context.TODO(), -// WithSharedConfigProfile("test-profile"), +// config.WithSharedConfigProfile("test-profile"), // ) // if err != nil { // panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed loading config, %v", err)) @@ -187,7 +200,7 @@ func LoadDefaultConfig(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*LoadOptions) error) // assign Load Options to configs var cfgCpy = configs{options} - cfgCpy, err = cfgCpy.AppendFromLoaders(ctx, defaultLoaders) + cfgCpy, err = cfgCpy.AppendFromLoaders(ctx, resolveConfigLoaders(&options)) if err != nil { return aws.Config{}, err } @@ -199,3 +212,17 @@ func LoadDefaultConfig(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*LoadOptions) error) return cfg, nil } + +func resolveConfigLoaders(options *LoadOptions) []loader { + loaders := make([]loader, 2) + loaders[0] = loadEnvConfig + + // specification of a profile should cause a load failure if it doesn't exist + if os.Getenv(awsProfileEnv) != "" || options.SharedConfigProfile != "" { + loaders[1] = loadSharedConfig + } else { + loaders[1] = loadSharedConfigIgnoreNotExist + } + + return loaders +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 18c8e012..9db507e3 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import ( "context" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "strconv" "strings" "" "" + smithyrequestcompression "" ) // CredentialsSourceName provides a name of the provider when config is @@ -20,73 +20,89 @@ const CredentialsSourceName = "EnvConfigCredentials" // Environment variables that will be read for configuration values. const ( - awsAccessKeyIDEnvVar = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" - awsAccessKeyEnvVar = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" + awsAccessKeyIDEnv = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" + awsAccessKeyEnv = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY" - awsSecretAccessKeyEnvVar = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" - awsSecretKeyEnvVar = "AWS_SECRET_KEY" + awsSecretAccessKeyEnv = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" + awsSecretKeyEnv = "AWS_SECRET_KEY" - awsSessionTokenEnvVar = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" + awsSessionTokenEnv = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" - awsContainerCredentialsEndpointEnvVar = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI" - awsContainerCredentialsRelativePathEnvVar = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI" - awsContainerPProviderAuthorizationEnvVar = "AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN" + awsContainerCredentialsFullURIEnv = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI" + awsContainerCredentialsRelativeURIEnv = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI" + awsContainerAuthorizationTokenEnv = "AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN" - awsRegionEnvVar = "AWS_REGION" - awsDefaultRegionEnvVar = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" + awsRegionEnv = "AWS_REGION" + awsDefaultRegionEnv = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" - awsProfileEnvVar = "AWS_PROFILE" - awsDefaultProfileEnvVar = "AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE" + awsProfileEnv = "AWS_PROFILE" + awsDefaultProfileEnv = "AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE" - awsSharedCredentialsFileEnvVar = "AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE" + awsSharedCredentialsFileEnv = "AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE" - awsConfigFileEnvVar = "AWS_CONFIG_FILE" + awsConfigFileEnv = "AWS_CONFIG_FILE" - awsCustomCABundleEnvVar = "AWS_CA_BUNDLE" + awsCABundleEnv = "AWS_CA_BUNDLE" - awsWebIdentityTokenFilePathEnvVar = "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE" + awsWebIdentityTokenFileEnv = "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE" - awsRoleARNEnvVar = "AWS_ROLE_ARN" - awsRoleSessionNameEnvVar = "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME" + awsRoleARNEnv = "AWS_ROLE_ARN" + awsRoleSessionNameEnv = "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME" - awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnvVar = "AWS_ENABLE_ENDPOINT_DISCOVERY" + awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnv = "AWS_ENABLE_ENDPOINT_DISCOVERY" - awsS3UseARNRegionEnvVar = "AWS_S3_USE_ARN_REGION" + awsS3UseARNRegionEnv = "AWS_S3_USE_ARN_REGION" - awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE" + awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnv = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE" - awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT" + awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnv = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT" - awsEc2MetadataDisabled = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED" + awsEc2MetadataDisabledEnv = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED" + awsEc2MetadataV1DisabledEnv = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_V1_DISABLED" - awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointEnvVar = "AWS_S3_DISABLE_MULTIREGION_ACCESS_POINTS" + awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointsEnv = "AWS_S3_DISABLE_MULTIREGION_ACCESS_POINTS" - awsUseDualStackEndpoint = "AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT" + awsUseDualStackEndpointEnv = "AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT" - awsUseFIPSEndpoint = "AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT" + awsUseFIPSEndpointEnv = "AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT" - awsDefaultMode = "AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE" + awsDefaultsModeEnv = "AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE" - awsRetryMaxAttempts = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS" - awsRetryMode = "AWS_RETRY_MODE" + awsMaxAttemptsEnv = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS" + awsRetryModeEnv = "AWS_RETRY_MODE" + awsSdkUaAppIDEnv = "AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID" + + awsIgnoreConfiguredEndpointURLEnv = "AWS_IGNORE_CONFIGURED_ENDPOINT_URLS" + awsEndpointURLEnv = "AWS_ENDPOINT_URL" + + awsDisableRequestCompressionEnv = "AWS_DISABLE_REQUEST_COMPRESSION" + awsRequestMinCompressionSizeBytesEnv = "AWS_REQUEST_MIN_COMPRESSION_SIZE_BYTES" + + awsS3DisableExpressSessionAuthEnv = "AWS_S3_DISABLE_EXPRESS_SESSION_AUTH" + + awsAccountIDEnv = "AWS_ACCOUNT_ID" + awsAccountIDEndpointModeEnv = "AWS_ACCOUNT_ID_ENDPOINT_MODE" + + awsRequestChecksumCalculation = "AWS_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_CALCULATION" + awsResponseChecksumValidation = "AWS_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION" ) var ( credAccessEnvKeys = []string{ - awsAccessKeyIDEnvVar, - awsAccessKeyEnvVar, + awsAccessKeyIDEnv, + awsAccessKeyEnv, } credSecretEnvKeys = []string{ - awsSecretAccessKeyEnvVar, - awsSecretKeyEnvVar, + awsSecretAccessKeyEnv, + awsSecretKeyEnv, } regionEnvKeys = []string{ - awsRegionEnvVar, - awsDefaultRegionEnvVar, + awsRegionEnv, + awsDefaultRegionEnv, } profileEnvKeys = []string{ - awsProfileEnvVar, - awsDefaultProfileEnvVar, + awsProfileEnv, + awsDefaultProfileEnv, } ) @@ -205,6 +221,11 @@ type EnvConfig struct { // AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED=true EC2IMDSClientEnableState imds.ClientEnableState + // Specifies if EC2 IMDSv1 fallback is disabled. + // + // AWS_EC2_METADATA_V1_DISABLED=true + EC2IMDSv1Disabled *bool + // Specifies the EC2 Instance Metadata Service default endpoint selection mode (IPv4 or IPv6) // // AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE=IPv6 @@ -248,6 +269,41 @@ type EnvConfig struct { // // aws_retry_mode=standard RetryMode aws.RetryMode + + // aws sdk app ID that can be added to user agent header string + AppID string + + // Flag used to disable configured endpoints. + IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints *bool + + // Value to contain configured endpoints to be propagated to + // corresponding endpoint resolution field. + BaseEndpoint string + + // determine if request compression is allowed, default to false + // retrieved from env var AWS_DISABLE_REQUEST_COMPRESSION + DisableRequestCompression *bool + + // inclusive threshold request body size to trigger compression, + // default to 10240 and must be within 0 and 10485760 bytes inclusive + // retrieved from env var AWS_REQUEST_MIN_COMPRESSION_SIZE_BYTES + RequestMinCompressSizeBytes *int64 + + // Whether S3Express auth is disabled. + // + // This will NOT prevent requests from being made to S3Express buckets, it + // will only bypass the modified endpoint routing and signing behaviors + // associated with the feature. + S3DisableExpressAuth *bool + + // Indicates whether account ID will be required/ignored in endpoint2.0 routing + AccountIDEndpointMode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode + + // Indicates whether request checksum should be calculated + RequestChecksumCalculation aws.RequestChecksumCalculation + + // Indicates whether response checksum should be validated + ResponseChecksumValidation aws.ResponseChecksumValidation } // loadEnvConfig reads configuration values from the OS's environment variables. @@ -267,61 +323,95 @@ func NewEnvConfig() (EnvConfig, error) { setStringFromEnvVal(&creds.AccessKeyID, credAccessEnvKeys) setStringFromEnvVal(&creds.SecretAccessKey, credSecretEnvKeys) if creds.HasKeys() { - creds.SessionToken = os.Getenv(awsSessionTokenEnvVar) + creds.AccountID = os.Getenv(awsAccountIDEnv) + creds.SessionToken = os.Getenv(awsSessionTokenEnv) cfg.Credentials = creds } - cfg.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsEndpointEnvVar) - cfg.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsRelativePathEnvVar) - cfg.ContainerAuthorizationToken = os.Getenv(awsContainerPProviderAuthorizationEnvVar) + cfg.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsFullURIEnv) + cfg.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsRelativeURIEnv) + cfg.ContainerAuthorizationToken = os.Getenv(awsContainerAuthorizationTokenEnv) setStringFromEnvVal(&cfg.Region, regionEnvKeys) setStringFromEnvVal(&cfg.SharedConfigProfile, profileEnvKeys) - cfg.SharedCredentialsFile = os.Getenv(awsSharedCredentialsFileEnvVar) - cfg.SharedConfigFile = os.Getenv(awsConfigFileEnvVar) + cfg.SharedCredentialsFile = os.Getenv(awsSharedCredentialsFileEnv) + cfg.SharedConfigFile = os.Getenv(awsConfigFileEnv) - cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv(awsCustomCABundleEnvVar) + cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv(awsCABundleEnv) - cfg.WebIdentityTokenFilePath = os.Getenv(awsWebIdentityTokenFilePathEnvVar) + cfg.WebIdentityTokenFilePath = os.Getenv(awsWebIdentityTokenFileEnv) - cfg.RoleARN = os.Getenv(awsRoleARNEnvVar) - cfg.RoleSessionName = os.Getenv(awsRoleSessionNameEnvVar) + cfg.RoleARN = os.Getenv(awsRoleARNEnv) + cfg.RoleSessionName = os.Getenv(awsRoleSessionNameEnv) - if err := setEndpointDiscoveryTypeFromEnvVal(&cfg.EnableEndpointDiscovery, []string{awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnvVar}); err != nil { + cfg.AppID = os.Getenv(awsSdkUaAppIDEnv) + + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.DisableRequestCompression, []string{awsDisableRequestCompressionEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + if err := setInt64PtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes, []string{awsRequestMinCompressionSizeBytesEnv}, smithyrequestcompression.MaxRequestMinCompressSizeBytes); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + + if err := setEndpointDiscoveryTypeFromEnvVal(&cfg.EnableEndpointDiscovery, []string{awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3UseARNRegion, []string{awsS3UseARNRegionEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3UseARNRegion, []string{awsS3UseARNRegionEnvVar}); err != nil { + setEC2IMDSClientEnableState(&cfg.EC2IMDSClientEnableState, []string{awsEc2MetadataDisabledEnv}) + if err := setEC2IMDSEndpointMode(&cfg.EC2IMDSEndpointMode, []string{awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + cfg.EC2IMDSEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnv) + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.EC2IMDSv1Disabled, []string{awsEc2MetadataV1DisabledEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - setEC2IMDSClientEnableState(&cfg.EC2IMDSClientEnableState, []string{awsEc2MetadataDisabled}) - if err := setEC2IMDSEndpointMode(&cfg.EC2IMDSEndpointMode, []string{awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnvVar}); err != nil { + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, []string{awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointsEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - cfg.EC2IMDSEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnvVar) - if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, []string{awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointEnvVar}); err != nil { + if err := setUseDualStackEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseDualStackEndpoint, []string{awsUseDualStackEndpointEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setUseDualStackEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseDualStackEndpoint, []string{awsUseDualStackEndpoint}); err != nil { + if err := setUseFIPSEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseFIPSEndpoint, []string{awsUseFIPSEndpointEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setUseFIPSEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseFIPSEndpoint, []string{awsUseFIPSEndpoint}); err != nil { + if err := setDefaultsModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.DefaultsMode, []string{awsDefaultsModeEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setDefaultsModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.DefaultsMode, []string{awsDefaultMode}); err != nil { + if err := setIntFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMaxAttempts, []string{awsMaxAttemptsEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + if err := setRetryModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMode, []string{awsRetryModeEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setIntFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMaxAttempts, []string{awsRetryMaxAttempts}); err != nil { + setStringFromEnvVal(&cfg.BaseEndpoint, []string{awsEndpointURLEnv}) + + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints, []string{awsIgnoreConfiguredEndpointURLEnv}); err != nil { return cfg, err } - if err := setRetryModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMode, []string{awsRetryMode}); err != nil { + + if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3DisableExpressAuth, []string{awsS3DisableExpressSessionAuthEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + + if err := setAIDEndPointModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.AccountIDEndpointMode, []string{awsAccountIDEndpointModeEnv}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + + if err := setRequestChecksumCalculationFromEnvVal(&cfg.RequestChecksumCalculation, []string{awsRequestChecksumCalculation}); err != nil { + return cfg, err + } + if err := setResponseChecksumValidationFromEnvVal(&cfg.ResponseChecksumValidation, []string{awsResponseChecksumValidation}); err != nil { return cfg, err } @@ -335,6 +425,36 @@ func (c EnvConfig) getDefaultsMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.DefaultsMode, bool, return c.DefaultsMode, true, nil } +func (c EnvConfig) getAppID(context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return c.AppID, len(c.AppID) > 0, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getDisableRequestCompression(context.Context) (bool, bool, error) { + if c.DisableRequestCompression == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + return *c.DisableRequestCompression, true, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(context.Context) (int64, bool, error) { + if c.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes == nil { + return 0, false, nil + } + return *c.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes, true, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getAccountIDEndpointMode(context.Context) (aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, bool, error) { + return c.AccountIDEndpointMode, len(c.AccountIDEndpointMode) > 0, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getRequestChecksumCalculation(context.Context) (aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, bool, error) { + return c.RequestChecksumCalculation, c.RequestChecksumCalculation > 0, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getResponseChecksumValidation(context.Context) (aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, bool, error) { + return c.ResponseChecksumValidation, c.ResponseChecksumValidation > 0, nil +} + // GetRetryMaxAttempts returns the value of AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS if was specified, // and not 0. func (c EnvConfig) GetRetryMaxAttempts(ctx context.Context) (int, bool, error) { @@ -409,6 +529,67 @@ func setEC2IMDSEndpointMode(mode *imds.EndpointModeState, keys []string) error { return nil } +func setAIDEndPointModeFromEnvVal(m *aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, keys []string) error { + for _, k := range keys { + value := os.Getenv(k) + if len(value) == 0 { + continue + } + + switch value { + case "preferred": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModePreferred + case "required": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModeRequired + case "disabled": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, must be preferred/required/disabled", k, value) + } + break + } + return nil +} + +func setRequestChecksumCalculationFromEnvVal(m *aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, keys []string) error { + for _, k := range keys { + value := os.Getenv(k) + if len(value) == 0 { + continue + } + + switch strings.ToLower(value) { + case checksumWhenSupported: + *m = aws.RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported + case checksumWhenRequired: + *m = aws.RequestChecksumCalculationWhenRequired + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, must be when_supported/when_required", k, value) + } + } + return nil +} + +func setResponseChecksumValidationFromEnvVal(m *aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, keys []string) error { + for _, k := range keys { + value := os.Getenv(k) + if len(value) == 0 { + continue + } + + switch strings.ToLower(value) { + case checksumWhenSupported: + *m = aws.ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported + case checksumWhenRequired: + *m = aws.ResponseChecksumValidationWhenRequired + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, must be when_supported/when_required", k, value) + } + + } + return nil +} + // GetRegion returns the AWS Region if set in the environment. Returns an empty // string if not set. func (c EnvConfig) getRegion(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) { @@ -465,13 +646,41 @@ func (c EnvConfig) getCustomCABundle(context.Context) (io.Reader, bool, error) { return nil, false, nil } - b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.CustomCABundle) + b, err := os.ReadFile(c.CustomCABundle) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } return bytes.NewReader(b), true, nil } +// GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints is used in knowing when to disable configured +// endpoints feature. +func (c EnvConfig) GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(context.Context) (bool, bool, error) { + if c.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + + return *c.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints, true, nil +} + +func (c EnvConfig) getBaseEndpoint(context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return c.BaseEndpoint, len(c.BaseEndpoint) > 0, nil +} + +// GetServiceBaseEndpoint is used to retrieve a normalized SDK ID for use +// with configured endpoints. +func (c EnvConfig) GetServiceBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, sdkID string) (string, bool, error) { + if endpt := os.Getenv(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", awsEndpointURLEnv, normalizeEnv(sdkID))); endpt != "" { + return endpt, true, nil + } + return "", false, nil +} + +func normalizeEnv(sdkID string) string { + upper := strings.ToUpper(sdkID) + return strings.ReplaceAll(upper, " ", "_") +} + // GetS3UseARNRegion returns whether to allow ARNs to direct the region // the S3 client's requests are sent to. func (c EnvConfig) GetS3UseARNRegion(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err error) { @@ -482,9 +691,9 @@ func (c EnvConfig) GetS3UseARNRegion(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err e return *c.S3UseARNRegion, true, nil } -// GetS3DisableMultRegionAccessPoints returns whether to disable multi-region access point +// GetS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints returns whether to disable multi-region access point // support for the S3 client. -func (c EnvConfig) GetS3DisableMultRegionAccessPoints(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err error) { +func (c EnvConfig) GetS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err error) { if c.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints == nil { return false, false, nil } @@ -563,6 +772,30 @@ func setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(dst **bool, keys []string) error { return nil } +func setInt64PtrFromEnvVal(dst **int64, keys []string, max int64) error { + for _, k := range keys { + value := os.Getenv(k) + if len(value) == 0 { + continue + } + + v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for env var, %s=%s, need int64", k, value) + } else if v < 0 || v > max { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid range for env var min request compression size bytes %q, must be within 0 and 10485760 inclusively", v) + } + if *dst == nil { + *dst = new(int64) + } + + **dst = v + break + } + + return nil +} + func setEndpointDiscoveryTypeFromEnvVal(dst *aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState, keys []string) error { for _, k := range keys { value := os.Getenv(k) @@ -663,3 +896,23 @@ func (c EnvConfig) GetEC2IMDSEndpoint() (string, bool, error) { return c.EC2IMDSEndpoint, true, nil } + +// GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled implements an EC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled option +// resolver interface. +func (c EnvConfig) GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled() (bool, bool) { + if c.EC2IMDSv1Disabled == nil { + return false, false + } + + return *c.EC2IMDSv1Disabled, true +} + +// GetS3DisableExpressAuth returns the configured value for +// [EnvConfig.S3DisableExpressAuth]. +func (c EnvConfig) GetS3DisableExpressAuth() (value, ok bool) { + if c.S3DisableExpressAuth == nil { + return false, false + } + + return *c.S3DisableExpressAuth, true +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 44b6e16d..d30e01dc 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package config // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.18.4" +const goModuleVersion = "1.29.6" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 625147e9..0810ecf1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ type LoadOptions struct { // the region, the client's requests are sent to. S3UseARNRegion *bool + // S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints specifies if the S3 service should disable + // the S3 Multi-Region access points feature. + S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints *bool + // EnableEndpointDiscovery specifies if endpoint discovery is enable for // the client. EnableEndpointDiscovery aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState @@ -199,6 +203,31 @@ type LoadOptions struct { // Specifies the SDK configuration mode for defaults. DefaultsModeOptions DefaultsModeOptions + + // The sdk app ID retrieved from env var or shared config to be added to request user agent header + AppID string + + // Specifies whether an operation request could be compressed + DisableRequestCompression *bool + + // The inclusive min bytes of a request body that could be compressed + RequestMinCompressSizeBytes *int64 + + // Whether S3 Express auth is disabled. + S3DisableExpressAuth *bool + + // Whether account id should be built into endpoint resolution + AccountIDEndpointMode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode + + // Specify if request checksum should be calculated + RequestChecksumCalculation aws.RequestChecksumCalculation + + // Specifies if response checksum should be validated + ResponseChecksumValidation aws.ResponseChecksumValidation + + // Service endpoint override. This value is not necessarily final and is + // passed to the service's EndpointResolverV2 for further delegation. + BaseEndpoint string } func (o LoadOptions) getDefaultsMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.DefaultsMode, bool, error) { @@ -241,6 +270,52 @@ func (o LoadOptions) getRegion(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) { return o.Region, true, nil } +// getAppID returns AppID from config's LoadOptions +func (o LoadOptions) getAppID(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return o.AppID, len(o.AppID) > 0, nil +} + +// getDisableRequestCompression returns DisableRequestCompression from config's LoadOptions +func (o LoadOptions) getDisableRequestCompression(ctx context.Context) (bool, bool, error) { + if o.DisableRequestCompression == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + return *o.DisableRequestCompression, true, nil +} + +// getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes returns RequestMinCompressSizeBytes from config's LoadOptions +func (o LoadOptions) getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx context.Context) (int64, bool, error) { + if o.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes == nil { + return 0, false, nil + } + return *o.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes, true, nil +} + +func (o LoadOptions) getAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, bool, error) { + return o.AccountIDEndpointMode, len(o.AccountIDEndpointMode) > 0, nil +} + +func (o LoadOptions) getRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx context.Context) (aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, bool, error) { + return o.RequestChecksumCalculation, o.RequestChecksumCalculation > 0, nil +} + +func (o LoadOptions) getResponseChecksumValidation(ctx context.Context) (aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, bool, error) { + return o.ResponseChecksumValidation, o.ResponseChecksumValidation > 0, nil +} + +func (o LoadOptions) getBaseEndpoint(context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return o.BaseEndpoint, o.BaseEndpoint != "", nil +} + +// GetServiceBaseEndpoint satisfies (internal/configsources).ServiceBaseEndpointProvider. +// +// The sdkID value is unused because LoadOptions only supports setting a GLOBAL +// endpoint override. In-code, per-service endpoint overrides are performed via +// functional options in service client space. +func (o LoadOptions) GetServiceBaseEndpoint(context.Context, string) (string, bool, error) { + return o.BaseEndpoint, o.BaseEndpoint != "", nil +} + // WithRegion is a helper function to construct functional options // that sets Region on config's LoadOptions. Setting the region to // an empty string, will result in the region value being ignored. @@ -253,6 +328,70 @@ func WithRegion(v string) LoadOptionsFunc { } } +// WithAppID is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets AppID on config's LoadOptions. +func WithAppID(ID string) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + o.AppID = ID + return nil + } +} + +// WithDisableRequestCompression is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets DisableRequestCompression on config's LoadOptions. +func WithDisableRequestCompression(DisableRequestCompression *bool) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + if DisableRequestCompression == nil { + return nil + } + o.DisableRequestCompression = DisableRequestCompression + return nil + } +} + +// WithRequestMinCompressSizeBytes is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets RequestMinCompressSizeBytes on config's LoadOptions. +func WithRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(RequestMinCompressSizeBytes *int64) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + if RequestMinCompressSizeBytes == nil { + return nil + } + o.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes = RequestMinCompressSizeBytes + return nil + } +} + +// WithAccountIDEndpointMode is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets AccountIDEndpointMode on config's LoadOptions +func WithAccountIDEndpointMode(m aws.AccountIDEndpointMode) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + if m != "" { + o.AccountIDEndpointMode = m + } + return nil + } +} + +// WithRequestChecksumCalculation is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets RequestChecksumCalculation on config's LoadOptions +func WithRequestChecksumCalculation(c aws.RequestChecksumCalculation) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + if c > 0 { + o.RequestChecksumCalculation = c + } + return nil + } +} + +// WithResponseChecksumValidation is a helper function to construct functional options +// that sets ResponseChecksumValidation on config's LoadOptions +func WithResponseChecksumValidation(v aws.ResponseChecksumValidation) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + o.ResponseChecksumValidation = v + return nil + } +} + // getDefaultRegion returns DefaultRegion from config's LoadOptions func (o LoadOptions) getDefaultRegion(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) { if len(o.DefaultRegion) == 0 { @@ -754,7 +893,14 @@ func (o LoadOptions) getEndpointResolver(ctx context.Context) (aws.EndpointResol // the EndpointResolver value is ignored. If multiple WithEndpointResolver calls // are made, the last call overrides the previous call values. // -// Deprecated: See WithEndpointResolverWithOptions +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. The API +// for endpoint resolution is now unique to each service and is set via the +// EndpointResolverV2 field on service client options. Use of +// WithEndpointResolver or WithEndpointResolverWithOptions will prevent you +// from using any endpoint-related service features released after the +// introduction of EndpointResolverV2. You may also encounter broken or +// unexpected behavior when using the old global interface with services that +// use many endpoint-related customizations such as S3. func WithEndpointResolver(v aws.EndpointResolver) LoadOptionsFunc { return func(o *LoadOptions) error { o.EndpointResolver = v @@ -774,6 +920,9 @@ func (o LoadOptions) getEndpointResolverWithOptions(ctx context.Context) (aws.En // that sets the EndpointResolverWithOptions on LoadOptions. If the EndpointResolverWithOptions is set to nil, // the EndpointResolver value is ignored. If multiple WithEndpointResolver calls // are made, the last call overrides the previous call values. +// +// Deprecated: The global endpoint resolution interface is deprecated. See +// deprecation docs on [WithEndpointResolver]. func WithEndpointResolverWithOptions(v aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions) LoadOptionsFunc { return func(o *LoadOptions) error { o.EndpointResolverWithOptions = v @@ -859,6 +1008,26 @@ func WithS3UseARNRegion(v bool) LoadOptionsFunc { } } +// GetS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints returns whether to disable +// the S3 multi-region access points feature. +func (o LoadOptions) GetS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints(ctx context.Context) (v bool, found bool, err error) { + if o.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + return *o.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, true, nil +} + +// WithS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints is a helper function to construct functional options +// that can be used to set S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints on LoadOptions. +// If multiple WithS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints calls are made, the last call overrides +// the previous call values. +func WithS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints(v bool) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + o.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints = &v + return nil + } +} + // GetEnableEndpointDiscovery returns if the EnableEndpointDiscovery flag is set. func (o LoadOptions) GetEnableEndpointDiscovery(ctx context.Context) (value aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState, ok bool, err error) { if o.EnableEndpointDiscovery == aws.EndpointDiscoveryUnset { @@ -1003,3 +1172,38 @@ func WithDefaultsMode(mode aws.DefaultsMode, optFns ...func(options *DefaultsMod return nil } } + +// GetS3DisableExpressAuth returns the configured value for +// [EnvConfig.S3DisableExpressAuth]. +func (o LoadOptions) GetS3DisableExpressAuth() (value, ok bool) { + if o.S3DisableExpressAuth == nil { + return false, false + } + + return *o.S3DisableExpressAuth, true +} + +// WithS3DisableExpressAuth sets [LoadOptions.S3DisableExpressAuth] +// to the value provided. +func WithS3DisableExpressAuth(v bool) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + o.S3DisableExpressAuth = &v + return nil + } +} + +// WithBaseEndpoint is a helper function to construct functional options that +// sets BaseEndpoint on config's LoadOptions. Empty values have no effect, and +// subsequent calls to this API override previous ones. +// +// This is an in-code setting, therefore, any value set using this hook takes +// precedence over and will override ALL environment and shared config +// directives that set endpoint URLs. Functional options on service clients +// have higher specificity, and functional options that modify the value of +// BaseEndpoint on a client will take precedence over this setting. +func WithBaseEndpoint(v string) LoadOptionsFunc { + return func(o *LoadOptions) error { + o.BaseEndpoint = v + return nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6f1ab8cd..a8ff40d8 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -122,6 +122,160 @@ func getRegion(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value string, found bool, return } +// IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider is needed to search for all providers +// that provide a flag to disable configured endpoints. +type IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider interface { + GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx context.Context) (bool, bool, error) +} + +// GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints is used in knowing when to disable configured +// endpoints feature. +func GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx context.Context, configs []interface{}) (value bool, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +type baseEndpointProvider interface { + getBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) +} + +func getBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value string, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(baseEndpointProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getBaseEndpoint(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +type servicesObjectProvider interface { + getServicesObject(ctx context.Context) (map[string]map[string]string, bool, error) +} + +func getServicesObject(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value map[string]map[string]string, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(servicesObjectProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getServicesObject(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// appIDProvider provides access to the sdk app ID value +type appIDProvider interface { + getAppID(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) +} + +func getAppID(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value string, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(appIDProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getAppID(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// disableRequestCompressionProvider provides access to the DisableRequestCompression +type disableRequestCompressionProvider interface { + getDisableRequestCompression(context.Context) (bool, bool, error) +} + +func getDisableRequestCompression(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value bool, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(disableRequestCompressionProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getDisableRequestCompression(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// requestMinCompressSizeBytesProvider provides access to the MinCompressSizeBytes +type requestMinCompressSizeBytesProvider interface { + getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(context.Context) (int64, bool, error) +} + +func getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value int64, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(requestMinCompressSizeBytesProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// accountIDEndpointModeProvider provides access to the AccountIDEndpointMode +type accountIDEndpointModeProvider interface { + getAccountIDEndpointMode(context.Context) (aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, bool, error) +} + +func getAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(accountIDEndpointModeProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// requestChecksumCalculationProvider provides access to the RequestChecksumCalculation +type requestChecksumCalculationProvider interface { + getRequestChecksumCalculation(context.Context) (aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, bool, error) +} + +func getRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(requestChecksumCalculationProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// responseChecksumValidationProvider provides access to the ResponseChecksumValidation +type responseChecksumValidationProvider interface { + getResponseChecksumValidation(context.Context) (aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, bool, error) +} + +func getResponseChecksumValidation(ctx context.Context, configs configs) (value aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(responseChecksumValidationProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.getResponseChecksumValidation(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + // ec2IMDSRegionProvider provides access to the ec2 imds region // configuration value type ec2IMDSRegionProvider interface { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4428ba49..a68bd099 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ func resolveDefaultAWSConfig(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, cfgs configs) } *cfg = aws.Config{ - Credentials: aws.AnonymousCredentials{}, Logger: logging.NewStandardLogger(os.Stderr), ConfigSources: sources, } @@ -106,6 +105,113 @@ func resolveRegion(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error return nil } +func resolveBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + var downcastCfgSources []interface{} + for _, cs := range configs { + downcastCfgSources = append(downcastCfgSources, interface{}(cs)) + } + + if val, found, err := GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx, downcastCfgSources); found && val && err == nil { + cfg.BaseEndpoint = nil + return nil + } + + v, found, err := getBaseEndpoint(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !found { + return nil + } + cfg.BaseEndpoint = aws.String(v) + return nil +} + +// resolveAppID extracts the sdk app ID from the configs slice's SharedConfig or env var +func resolveAppID(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + ID, _, err := getAppID(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + cfg.AppID = ID + return nil +} + +// resolveDisableRequestCompression extracts the DisableRequestCompression from the configs slice's +// SharedConfig or EnvConfig +func resolveDisableRequestCompression(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + disable, _, err := getDisableRequestCompression(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + cfg.DisableRequestCompression = disable + return nil +} + +// resolveRequestMinCompressSizeBytes extracts the RequestMinCompressSizeBytes from the configs slice's +// SharedConfig or EnvConfig +func resolveRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + minBytes, found, err := getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + // must set a default min size 10240 if not configured + if !found { + minBytes = 10240 + } + cfg.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes = minBytes + return nil +} + +// resolveAccountIDEndpointMode extracts the AccountIDEndpointMode from the configs slice's +// SharedConfig or EnvConfig +func resolveAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + m, found, err := getAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !found { + m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModePreferred + } + + cfg.AccountIDEndpointMode = m + return nil +} + +// resolveRequestChecksumCalculation extracts the RequestChecksumCalculation from the configs slice's +// SharedConfig or EnvConfig +func resolveRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + c, found, err := getRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !found { + c = aws.RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported + } + cfg.RequestChecksumCalculation = c + return nil +} + +// resolveResponseValidation extracts the ResponseChecksumValidation from the configs slice's +// SharedConfig or EnvConfig +func resolveResponseChecksumValidation(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { + c, found, err := getResponseChecksumValidation(ctx, configs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !found { + c = aws.ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported + } + cfg.ResponseChecksumValidation = c + return nil +} + // resolveDefaultRegion extracts the first instance of a default region and sets `aws.Config.Region` to the default // region if region had not been resolved from other sources. func resolveDefaultRegion(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, configs configs) error { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 1bb6addf..7ae252e2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ package config import ( "context" "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "net" "net/url" + "os" "time" "" @@ -21,11 +24,33 @@ import ( const ( // valid credential source values - credSourceEc2Metadata = "Ec2InstanceMetadata" - credSourceEnvironment = "Environment" - credSourceECSContainer = "EcsContainer" + credSourceEc2Metadata = "Ec2InstanceMetadata" + credSourceEnvironment = "Environment" + credSourceECSContainer = "EcsContainer" + httpProviderAuthFileEnvVar = "AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE" ) +// direct representation of the IPv4 address for the ECS container +// "" +var ecsContainerIPv4 net.IP = []byte{ + 169, 254, 170, 2, +} + +// direct representation of the IPv4 address for the EKS container +// "" +var eksContainerIPv4 net.IP = []byte{ + 169, 254, 170, 23, +} + +// direct representation of the IPv6 address for the EKS container +// "fd00:ec2::23" +var eksContainerIPv6 net.IP = []byte{ + 0xFD, 0, 0xE, 0xC2, + 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0x23, +} + var ( ecsContainerEndpoint = "" // not constant to allow for swapping during unit-testing ) @@ -137,12 +162,12 @@ func resolveCredsFromProfile(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, envConfig *En // Get credentials from CredentialProcess err = processCredentials(ctx, cfg, sharedConfig, configs) - case len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint) != 0: - err = resolveLocalHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint, envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) - case len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath) != 0: err = resolveHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, ecsContainerURI(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath), envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) + case len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint) != 0: + err = resolveLocalHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint, envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) + default: err = resolveEC2RoleCredentials(ctx, cfg, configs) } @@ -222,6 +247,36 @@ func processCredentials(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, sharedConfig *Shar return nil } +// isAllowedHost allows host to be loopback or known ECS/EKS container IPs +// +// host can either be an IP address OR an unresolved hostname - resolution will +// be automatically performed in the latter case +func isAllowedHost(host string) (bool, error) { + if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil { + return isIPAllowed(ip), nil + } + + addrs, err := lookupHostFn(host) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + for _, addr := range addrs { + if ip := net.ParseIP(addr); ip == nil || !isIPAllowed(ip) { + return false, nil + } + } + + return true, nil +} + +func isIPAllowed(ip net.IP) bool { + return ip.IsLoopback() || + ip.Equal(ecsContainerIPv4) || + ip.Equal(eksContainerIPv4) || + ip.Equal(eksContainerIPv6) +} + func resolveLocalHTTPCredProvider(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, endpointURL, authToken string, configs configs) error { var resolveErr error @@ -232,10 +287,12 @@ func resolveLocalHTTPCredProvider(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, endpoint host := parsed.Hostname() if len(host) == 0 { resolveErr = fmt.Errorf("unable to parse host from local HTTP cred provider URL") - } else if isLoopback, loopbackErr := isLoopbackHost(host); loopbackErr != nil { - resolveErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve host %q, %v", host, loopbackErr) - } else if !isLoopback { - resolveErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint host, %q, only loopback hosts are allowed", host) + } else if parsed.Scheme == "http" { + if isAllowedHost, allowHostErr := isAllowedHost(host); allowHostErr != nil { + resolveErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve host %q, %v", host, allowHostErr) + } else if !isAllowedHost { + resolveErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint host, %q, only loopback/ecs/eks hosts are allowed", host) + } } } @@ -252,6 +309,16 @@ func resolveHTTPCredProvider(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, url, authToke if len(authToken) != 0 { options.AuthorizationToken = authToken } + if authFilePath := os.Getenv(httpProviderAuthFileEnvVar); authFilePath != "" { + options.AuthorizationTokenProvider = endpointcreds.TokenProviderFunc(func() (string, error) { + var contents []byte + var err error + if contents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(authFilePath); err != nil { + return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to read authorization token from %v: %v", authFilePath, err) + } + return string(contents), nil + }) + } options.APIOptions = cfg.APIOptions if cfg.Retryer != nil { options.Retryer = cfg.Retryer() @@ -288,10 +355,13 @@ func resolveCredsFromSource(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, envConfig *Env cfg.Credentials = credentials.StaticCredentialsProvider{Value: envConfig.Credentials} case credSourceECSContainer: - if len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("EcsContainer was specified as the credential_source, but 'AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI' was not set") + if len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath) != 0 { + return resolveHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, ecsContainerURI(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath), envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) + } + if len(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint) != 0 { + return resolveLocalHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, envConfig.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint, envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) } - return resolveHTTPCredProvider(ctx, cfg, ecsContainerURI(envConfig.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath), envConfig.ContainerAuthorizationToken, configs) + return fmt.Errorf("EcsContainer was specified as the credential_source, but neither 'AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI' or AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI' was set") default: return fmt.Errorf("credential_source values must be EcsContainer, Ec2InstanceMetadata, or Environment") @@ -384,10 +454,6 @@ func assumeWebIdentity(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, filepath string, ro return fmt.Errorf("token file path is not set") } - if len(roleARN) == 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("role ARN is not set") - } - optFns := []func(*stscreds.WebIdentityRoleOptions){ func(options *stscreds.WebIdentityRoleOptions) { options.RoleSessionName = sessionName @@ -398,11 +464,29 @@ func assumeWebIdentity(ctx context.Context, cfg *aws.Config, filepath string, ro if err != nil { return err } + if found { optFns = append(optFns, optFn) } - provider := stscreds.NewWebIdentityRoleProvider(sts.NewFromConfig(*cfg), roleARN, stscreds.IdentityTokenFile(filepath), optFns...) + opts := stscreds.WebIdentityRoleOptions{ + RoleARN: roleARN, + } + + for _, fn := range optFns { + fn(&opts) + } + + if len(opts.RoleARN) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("role ARN is not set") + } + + client := opts.Client + if client == nil { + client = sts.NewFromConfig(*cfg) + } + + provider := stscreds.NewWebIdentityRoleProvider(client, roleARN, stscreds.IdentityTokenFile(filepath), optFns...) cfg.Credentials = provider diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c23ca9a2..00b071fe 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import ( "io" "io/ioutil" "os" - "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" @@ -16,7 +15,9 @@ import ( "" "" "" + "" "" + smithyrequestcompression "" ) const ( @@ -28,6 +29,10 @@ const ( // the shared config file, not the credentials file. ssoSectionPrefix = `sso-session ` + // Prefix for services section. It is referenced in profile via the services + // parameter to configure clients for service-specific parameters. + servicesPrefix = `services ` + // string equivalent for boolean endpointDiscoveryDisabled = `false` endpointDiscoveryEnabled = `true` @@ -75,6 +80,8 @@ const ( ec2MetadataServiceEndpointKey = "ec2_metadata_service_endpoint" + ec2MetadataV1DisabledKey = "ec2_metadata_v1_disabled" + // Use DualStack Endpoint Resolution useDualStackEndpoint = "use_dualstack_endpoint" @@ -95,6 +102,27 @@ const ( retryModeKey = "retry_mode" caBundleKey = "ca_bundle" + + sdkAppID = "sdk_ua_app_id" + + ignoreConfiguredEndpoints = "ignore_configured_endpoint_urls" + + endpointURL = "endpoint_url" + + servicesSectionKey = "services" + + disableRequestCompression = "disable_request_compression" + requestMinCompressionSizeBytes = "request_min_compression_size_bytes" + + s3DisableExpressSessionAuthKey = "s3_disable_express_session_auth" + + accountIDKey = "aws_account_id" + accountIDEndpointMode = "account_id_endpoint_mode" + + requestChecksumCalculationKey = "request_checksum_calculation" + responseChecksumValidationKey = "response_checksum_validation" + checksumWhenSupported = "when_supported" + checksumWhenRequired = "when_required" ) // defaultSharedConfigProfile allows for swapping the default profile for testing @@ -108,7 +136,7 @@ var defaultSharedConfigProfile = DefaultSharedConfigProfile // - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/credentials // - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials func DefaultSharedCredentialsFilename() string { - return filepath.Join(userHomeDir(), ".aws", "credentials") + return filepath.Join(shareddefaults.UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "credentials") } // DefaultSharedConfigFilename returns the SDK's default file path for @@ -119,7 +147,7 @@ func DefaultSharedCredentialsFilename() string { // - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/config // - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config func DefaultSharedConfigFilename() string { - return filepath.Join(userHomeDir(), ".aws", "config") + return filepath.Join(shareddefaults.UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "config") } // DefaultSharedConfigFiles is a slice of the default shared config files that @@ -148,6 +176,24 @@ func (s *SSOSession) setFromIniSection(section ini.Section) { updateString(&s.SSOStartURL, section, ssoStartURLKey) } +// Services contains values configured in the services section +// of the AWS configuration file. +type Services struct { + // Services section values + // {"serviceId": {"key": "value"}} + // e.g. {"s3": {"endpoint_url": ""}} + ServiceValues map[string]map[string]string +} + +func (s *Services) setFromIniSection(section ini.Section) { + if s.ServiceValues == nil { + s.ServiceValues = make(map[string]map[string]string) + } + for _, service := range section.List() { + s.ServiceValues[service] = section.Map(service) + } +} + // SharedConfig represents the configuration fields of the SDK config files. type SharedConfig struct { Profile string @@ -218,6 +264,12 @@ type SharedConfig struct { // ec2_metadata_service_endpoint=http://fd00:ec2::254 EC2IMDSEndpoint string + // Specifies that IMDS clients should not fallback to IMDSv1 if token + // requests fail. + // + // ec2_metadata_v1_disabled=true + EC2IMDSv1Disabled *bool + // Specifies if the S3 service should disable support for Multi-Region // access-points // @@ -267,6 +319,44 @@ type SharedConfig struct { // // ca_bundle=$HOME/my_custom_ca_bundle CustomCABundle string + + // aws sdk app ID that can be added to user agent header string + AppID string + + // Flag used to disable configured endpoints. + IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints *bool + + // Value to contain configured endpoints to be propagated to + // corresponding endpoint resolution field. + BaseEndpoint string + + // Services section config. + ServicesSectionName string + Services Services + + // determine if request compression is allowed, default to false + // retrieved from config file's profile field disable_request_compression + DisableRequestCompression *bool + + // inclusive threshold request body size to trigger compression, + // default to 10240 and must be within 0 and 10485760 bytes inclusive + // retrieved from config file's profile field request_min_compression_size_bytes + RequestMinCompressSizeBytes *int64 + + // Whether S3Express auth is disabled. + // + // This will NOT prevent requests from being made to S3Express buckets, it + // will only bypass the modified endpoint routing and signing behaviors + // associated with the feature. + S3DisableExpressAuth *bool + + AccountIDEndpointMode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode + + // RequestChecksumCalculation indicates if the request checksum should be calculated + RequestChecksumCalculation aws.RequestChecksumCalculation + + // ResponseChecksumValidation indicates if the response checksum should be validated + ResponseChecksumValidation aws.ResponseChecksumValidation } func (c SharedConfig) getDefaultsMode(ctx context.Context) (value aws.DefaultsMode, ok bool, err error) { @@ -356,6 +446,16 @@ func (c SharedConfig) GetEC2IMDSEndpoint() (string, bool, error) { return c.EC2IMDSEndpoint, true, nil } +// GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled implements an EC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled option +// resolver interface. +func (c SharedConfig) GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled() (bool, bool) { + if c.EC2IMDSv1Disabled == nil { + return false, false + } + + return *c.EC2IMDSv1Disabled, true +} + // GetUseDualStackEndpoint returns whether the service's dual-stack endpoint should be // used for requests. func (c SharedConfig) GetUseDualStackEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (value aws.DualStackEndpointState, found bool, err error) { @@ -376,6 +476,16 @@ func (c SharedConfig) GetUseFIPSEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (value aws.FIPSEnd return c.UseFIPSEndpoint, true, nil } +// GetS3DisableExpressAuth returns the configured value for +// [SharedConfig.S3DisableExpressAuth]. +func (c SharedConfig) GetS3DisableExpressAuth() (value, ok bool) { + if c.S3DisableExpressAuth == nil { + return false, false + } + + return *c.S3DisableExpressAuth, true +} + // GetCustomCABundle returns the custom CA bundle's PEM bytes if the file was func (c SharedConfig) getCustomCABundle(context.Context) (io.Reader, bool, error) { if len(c.CustomCABundle) == 0 { @@ -389,6 +499,45 @@ func (c SharedConfig) getCustomCABundle(context.Context) (io.Reader, bool, error return bytes.NewReader(b), true, nil } +// getAppID returns the sdk app ID if set in shared config profile +func (c SharedConfig) getAppID(context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return c.AppID, len(c.AppID) > 0, nil +} + +// GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints is used in knowing when to disable configured +// endpoints feature. +func (c SharedConfig) GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(context.Context) (bool, bool, error) { + if c.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + + return *c.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints, true, nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getBaseEndpoint(context.Context) (string, bool, error) { + return c.BaseEndpoint, len(c.BaseEndpoint) > 0, nil +} + +// GetServiceBaseEndpoint is used to retrieve a normalized SDK ID for use +// with configured endpoints. +func (c SharedConfig) GetServiceBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, sdkID string) (string, bool, error) { + if service, ok := c.Services.ServiceValues[normalizeShared(sdkID)]; ok { + if endpt, ok := service[endpointURL]; ok { + return endpt, true, nil + } + } + return "", false, nil +} + +func normalizeShared(sdkID string) string { + lower := strings.ToLower(sdkID) + return strings.ReplaceAll(lower, " ", "_") +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getServicesObject(context.Context) (map[string]map[string]string, bool, error) { + return c.Services.ServiceValues, c.Services.ServiceValues != nil, nil +} + // loadSharedConfigIgnoreNotExist is an alias for loadSharedConfig with the // addition of ignoring when none of the files exist or when the profile // is not found in any of the files. @@ -538,6 +687,7 @@ func LoadSharedConfigProfile(ctx context.Context, profile string, optFns ...func cfg := SharedConfig{} profiles := map[string]struct{}{} + if err = cfg.setFromIniSections(profiles, profile, configSections, option.Logger); err != nil { return SharedConfig{}, err } @@ -566,6 +716,7 @@ func processConfigSections(ctx context.Context, sections *ini.Sections, logger l skipSections[newName] = struct{}{} case strings.HasPrefix(section, ssoSectionPrefix): + case strings.HasPrefix(section, servicesPrefix): case strings.EqualFold(section, "default"): default: // drop this section, as invalid profile name @@ -725,11 +876,14 @@ func mergeSections(dst *ini.Sections, src ini.Sections) error { s3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointsKey, ec2MetadataServiceEndpointModeKey, ec2MetadataServiceEndpointKey, + ec2MetadataV1DisabledKey, useDualStackEndpoint, useFIPSEndpointKey, defaultsModeKey, retryModeKey, caBundleKey, + roleDurationSecondsKey, + retryMaxAttemptsKey, ssoSessionNameKey, ssoAccountIDKey, @@ -743,16 +897,6 @@ func mergeSections(dst *ini.Sections, src ini.Sections) error { } } - intKeys := []string{ - roleDurationSecondsKey, - retryMaxAttemptsKey, - } - for i := range intKeys { - if err := mergeIntKey(&srcSection, &dstSection, sectionName, intKeys[i]); err != nil { - return err - } - } - // set srcSection on dst srcSection *dst = dst.SetSection(sectionName, dstSection) } @@ -779,26 +923,6 @@ func mergeStringKey(srcSection *ini.Section, dstSection *ini.Section, sectionNam return nil } -func mergeIntKey(srcSection *ini.Section, dstSection *ini.Section, sectionName, key string) error { - if srcSection.Has(key) { - srcValue := srcSection.Int(key) - v, err := ini.NewIntValue(srcValue) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("error merging %s, %w", key, err) - } - - if dstSection.Has(key) { - dstSection.Logs = append(dstSection.Logs, newMergeKeyLogMessage(sectionName, key, - dstSection.SourceFile[key], srcSection.SourceFile[key])) - - } - - dstSection.UpdateValue(key, v) - dstSection.UpdateSourceFile(key, srcSection.SourceFile[key]) - } - return nil -} - func newMergeKeyLogMessage(sectionName, key, dstSourceFile, srcSourceFile string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("For profile: %v, overriding %v value, defined in %v "+ "with a %v value found in a duplicate profile defined at file %v. \n", @@ -902,6 +1026,14 @@ func (c *SharedConfig) setFromIniSections(profiles map[string]struct{}, profile c.SSOSession = &ssoSession } + if len(c.ServicesSectionName) > 0 { + if section, ok := sections.GetSection(servicesPrefix + c.ServicesSectionName); ok { + var svcs Services + svcs.setFromIniSection(section) + c.Services = svcs + } + } + return nil } @@ -952,9 +1084,16 @@ func (c *SharedConfig) setFromIniSection(profile string, section ini.Section) er updateString(&c.SSOAccountID, section, ssoAccountIDKey) updateString(&c.SSORoleName, section, ssoRoleNameKey) + // we're retaining a behavioral quirk with this field that existed before + // the removal of literal parsing for #2276: + // - if the key is missing, the config field will not be set + // - if the key is set to a non-numeric, the config field will be set to 0 if section.Has(roleDurationSecondsKey) { - d := time.Duration(section.Int(roleDurationSecondsKey)) * time.Second - c.RoleDurationSeconds = &d + if v, ok := section.Int(roleDurationSecondsKey); ok { + c.RoleDurationSeconds = aws.Duration(time.Duration(v) * time.Second) + } else { + c.RoleDurationSeconds = aws.Duration(time.Duration(0)) + } } updateString(&c.CredentialProcess, section, credentialProcessKey) @@ -963,11 +1102,13 @@ func (c *SharedConfig) setFromIniSection(profile string, section ini.Section) er updateEndpointDiscoveryType(&c.EnableEndpointDiscovery, section, enableEndpointDiscoveryKey) updateBoolPtr(&c.S3UseARNRegion, section, s3UseARNRegionKey) updateBoolPtr(&c.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, section, s3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointsKey) + updateBoolPtr(&c.S3DisableExpressAuth, section, s3DisableExpressSessionAuthKey) if err := updateEC2MetadataServiceEndpointMode(&c.EC2IMDSEndpointMode, section, ec2MetadataServiceEndpointModeKey); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %v", ec2MetadataServiceEndpointModeKey, err) } updateString(&c.EC2IMDSEndpoint, section, ec2MetadataServiceEndpointKey) + updateBoolPtr(&c.EC2IMDSv1Disabled, section, ec2MetadataV1DisabledKey) updateUseDualStackEndpoint(&c.UseDualStackEndpoint, section, useDualStackEndpoint) updateUseFIPSEndpoint(&c.UseFIPSEndpoint, section, useFIPSEndpointKey) @@ -985,21 +1126,167 @@ func (c *SharedConfig) setFromIniSection(profile string, section ini.Section) er updateString(&c.CustomCABundle, section, caBundleKey) + // user agent app ID added to request User-Agent header + updateString(&c.AppID, section, sdkAppID) + + updateBoolPtr(&c.IgnoreConfiguredEndpoints, section, ignoreConfiguredEndpoints) + + updateString(&c.BaseEndpoint, section, endpointURL) + + if err := updateDisableRequestCompression(&c.DisableRequestCompression, section, disableRequestCompression); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %w", disableRequestCompression, err) + } + if err := updateRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(&c.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes, section, requestMinCompressionSizeBytes); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %w", requestMinCompressionSizeBytes, err) + } + + if err := updateAIDEndpointMode(&c.AccountIDEndpointMode, section, accountIDEndpointMode); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %w", accountIDEndpointMode, err) + } + + if err := updateRequestChecksumCalculation(&c.RequestChecksumCalculation, section, requestChecksumCalculationKey); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %w", requestChecksumCalculationKey, err) + } + if err := updateResponseChecksumValidation(&c.ResponseChecksumValidation, section, responseChecksumValidationKey); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to load %s from shared config, %w", responseChecksumValidationKey, err) + } + // Shared Credentials creds := aws.Credentials{ AccessKeyID: section.String(accessKeyIDKey), SecretAccessKey: section.String(secretAccessKey), SessionToken: section.String(sessionTokenKey), Source: fmt.Sprintf("SharedConfigCredentials: %s", section.SourceFile[accessKeyIDKey]), + AccountID: section.String(accountIDKey), } if creds.HasKeys() { c.Credentials = creds } + updateString(&c.ServicesSectionName, section, servicesSectionKey) + + return nil +} + +func updateRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(bytes **int64, sec ini.Section, key string) error { + if !sec.Has(key) { + return nil + } + + v, ok := sec.Int(key) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for min request compression size bytes %s, need int64", sec.String(key)) + } + if v < 0 || v > smithyrequestcompression.MaxRequestMinCompressSizeBytes { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid range for min request compression size bytes %d, must be within 0 and 10485760 inclusively", v) + } + *bytes = new(int64) + **bytes = v + return nil +} + +func updateDisableRequestCompression(disable **bool, sec ini.Section, key string) error { + if !sec.Has(key) { + return nil + } + + v := sec.String(key) + switch { + case v == "true": + *disable = new(bool) + **disable = true + case v == "false": + *disable = new(bool) + **disable = false + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for shared config profile field, %s=%s, need true or false", key, v) + } return nil } +func updateAIDEndpointMode(m *aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, sec ini.Section, key string) error { + if !sec.Has(key) { + return nil + } + + v := sec.String(key) + switch v { + case "preferred": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModePreferred + case "required": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModeRequired + case "disabled": + *m = aws.AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for shared config profile field, %s=%s, must be preferred/required/disabled", key, v) + } + + return nil +} + +func updateRequestChecksumCalculation(m *aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, sec ini.Section, key string) error { + if !sec.Has(key) { + return nil + } + + v := sec.String(key) + switch strings.ToLower(v) { + case checksumWhenSupported: + *m = aws.RequestChecksumCalculationWhenSupported + case checksumWhenRequired: + *m = aws.RequestChecksumCalculationWhenRequired + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for shared config profile field, %s=%s, must be when_supported/when_required", key, v) + } + + return nil +} + +func updateResponseChecksumValidation(m *aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, sec ini.Section, key string) error { + if !sec.Has(key) { + return nil + } + + v := sec.String(key) + switch strings.ToLower(v) { + case checksumWhenSupported: + *m = aws.ResponseChecksumValidationWhenSupported + case checksumWhenRequired: + *m = aws.ResponseChecksumValidationWhenRequired + default: + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for shared config profile field, %s=%s, must be when_supported/when_required", key, v) + } + + return nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getRequestMinCompressSizeBytes(ctx context.Context) (int64, bool, error) { + if c.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes == nil { + return 0, false, nil + } + return *c.RequestMinCompressSizeBytes, true, nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getDisableRequestCompression(ctx context.Context) (bool, bool, error) { + if c.DisableRequestCompression == nil { + return false, false, nil + } + return *c.DisableRequestCompression, true, nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getAccountIDEndpointMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.AccountIDEndpointMode, bool, error) { + return c.AccountIDEndpointMode, len(c.AccountIDEndpointMode) > 0, nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getRequestChecksumCalculation(ctx context.Context) (aws.RequestChecksumCalculation, bool, error) { + return c.RequestChecksumCalculation, c.RequestChecksumCalculation > 0, nil +} + +func (c SharedConfig) getResponseChecksumValidation(ctx context.Context) (aws.ResponseChecksumValidation, bool, error) { + return c.ResponseChecksumValidation, c.ResponseChecksumValidation > 0, nil +} + func updateDefaultsMode(mode *aws.DefaultsMode, section ini.Section, key string) error { if !section.Has(key) { return nil @@ -1268,22 +1555,6 @@ func (e CredentialRequiresARNError) Error() string { ) } -func userHomeDir() string { - // Ignore errors since we only care about Windows and *nix. - home, _ := os.UserHomeDir() - - if len(home) > 0 { - return home - } - - currUser, _ := user.Current() - if currUser != nil { - home = currUser.HomeDir - } - - return home -} - func oneOrNone(bs ...bool) bool { var count int @@ -1317,12 +1588,13 @@ func updateInt(dst *int, section ini.Section, key string) error { if !section.Has(key) { return nil } - if vt, _ := section.ValueType(key); vt != ini.IntegerType { - return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %s=%s, expect integer", - key, section.String(key)) + v, ok := section.Int(key) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %s=%s, expect integer", key, section.String(key)) } - *dst = int(section.Int(key)) + + *dst = int(v) return nil } @@ -1332,7 +1604,10 @@ func updateBool(dst *bool, section ini.Section, key string) { if !section.Has(key) { return } - *dst = section.Bool(key) + + // retains pre-#2276 behavior where non-bool value would resolve to false + v, _ := section.Bool(key) + *dst = v } // updateBoolPtr will only update the dst with the value in the section key, @@ -1341,8 +1616,11 @@ func updateBoolPtr(dst **bool, section ini.Section, key string) { if !section.Has(key) { return } + + // retains pre-#2276 behavior where non-bool value would resolve to false + v, _ := section.Bool(key) *dst = new(bool) - **dst = section.Bool(key) + **dst = v } // updateEndpointDiscoveryType will only update the dst with the value in the section, if @@ -1374,7 +1652,8 @@ func updateUseDualStackEndpoint(dst *aws.DualStackEndpointState, section ini.Sec return } - if section.Bool(key) { + // retains pre-#2276 behavior where non-bool value would resolve to false + if v, _ := section.Bool(key); v { *dst = aws.DualStackEndpointStateEnabled } else { *dst = aws.DualStackEndpointStateDisabled @@ -1390,7 +1669,8 @@ func updateUseFIPSEndpoint(dst *aws.FIPSEndpointState, section ini.Section, key return } - if section.Bool(key) { + // retains pre-#2276 behavior where non-bool value would resolve to false + if v, _ := section.Bool(key); v { *dst = aws.FIPSEndpointStateEnabled } else { *dst = aws.FIPSEndpointStateDisabled diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 613d8149..4ea068d6 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,492 @@ +# v1.17.59 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.58 (2025-02-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.57 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.56 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.55 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.17.54 (2025-01-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.53 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.52 (2025-01-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.51 (2025-01-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.50 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.49 (2025-01-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.48 (2024-12-19) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix improper use of printf-style functions. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.47 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.46 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.45 (2024-11-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.44 (2024-11-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.43 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.42 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.41 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.40 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.39 (2024-10-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.38 (2024-10-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.37 (2024-09-27) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.36 (2024-09-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.35 (2024-09-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.34 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.33 (2024-09-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.32 (2024-09-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.31 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.30 (2024-08-26) + +* **Bug Fix**: Save SSO cached token expiry in UTC to ensure cross-SDK compatibility. + +# v1.17.29 (2024-08-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.28 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.27 (2024-07-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.26 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.25 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.24 (2024-07-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.23 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.22 (2024-06-26) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.21 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.20 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.19 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.18 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.17 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.16 (2024-05-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.15 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.14 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.13 (2024-05-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.12 (2024-05-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.11 (2024-04-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.10 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.9 (2024-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.8 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.7 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.6 (2024-03-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.5 (2024-03-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.4 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.3 (2024-02-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.2 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.1 (2024-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.16 (2024-01-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.15 (2024-01-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.14 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.13 (2023-12-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.12 (2023-12-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.11 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.10 (2023-12-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.9 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.8 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.7 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.6 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.5 (2023-11-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.4 (2023-11-21) + +* **Bug Fix**: Don't expect error responses to have a JSON payload in the endpointcreds provider. + +# v1.16.3 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.2 (2023-11-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.1 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.0 (2023-11-14) + +* **Feature**: Add support for dynamic auth token from file and EKS container host in absolute/relative URIs in the HTTP credential provider. + +# v1.15.2 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.1 (2023-11-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.43 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.42 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.41 (2023-10-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.40 (2023-09-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.39 (2023-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.38 (2023-09-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.37 (2023-09-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.36 (2023-08-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.35 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.34 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.33 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.32 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.31 (2023-08-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.30 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.29 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.28 (2023-07-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.27 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.26 (2023-06-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.25 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.24 (2023-05-09) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.13.23 (2023-05-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.22 (2023-05-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.21 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.20 (2023-04-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.19 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.18 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.17 (2023-03-14) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.16 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.15 (2023-02-22) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.14 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.13 (2023-02-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.12 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.11 (2023-02-01) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.13.10 (2023-01-25) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.9 (2023-01-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.8 (2023-01-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.7 (2022-12-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.6 (2022-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.5 (2022-12-15) + +* **Bug Fix**: Unify logic between shared config and in finding home directory +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.13.4 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 72214bf4..6ed71b42 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ // # Loading credentials with the SDK's AWS Config // // The EC2 Instance role credentials provider will automatically be the resolved -// credential provider int he credential chain if no other credential provider is +// credential provider in the credential chain if no other credential provider is // resolved first. // // To explicitly instruct the SDK's credentials resolving to use the EC2 Instance diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3f5dadc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +package client + +import ( + "context" + "" +) + +type getIdentityMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*getIdentityMiddleware) ID() string { + return "GetIdentity" +} + +func (m *getIdentityMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type signRequestMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*signRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return "Signing" +} + +func (m *signRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware struct { + operation string + options Options +} + +func (*resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveAuthScheme" +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 60b8298f..dc291c97 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -62,7 +62,16 @@ func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { } if options.Retryer == nil { - options.Retryer = retry.NewStandard() + // Amazon-owned implementations of this endpoint are known to sometimes + // return plaintext responses (i.e. no Code) like normal, add a few + // additional status codes + options.Retryer = retry.NewStandard(func(o *retry.StandardOptions) { + o.Retryables = append(o.Retryables, retry.RetryableHTTPStatusCode{ + Codes: map[int]struct{}{ + http.StatusTooManyRequests: {}, + }, + }) + }) } for _, fn := range optFns { @@ -92,6 +101,7 @@ func (c *Client) GetCredentials(ctx context.Context, params *GetCredentialsInput stack.Serialize.Add(&serializeOpGetCredential{}, smithymiddleware.After) stack.Build.Add(&buildEndpoint{Endpoint: options.Endpoint}, smithymiddleware.After) stack.Deserialize.Add(&deserializeOpGetCredential{}, smithymiddleware.After) + addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetCredentials") retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{Retryer: options.Retryer}) middleware.AddSDKAgentKey(middleware.FeatureMetadata, ServiceID) smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack) @@ -118,13 +128,15 @@ type GetCredentialsOutput struct { AccessKeyID string SecretAccessKey string Token string + AccountID string } // EndpointError is an error returned from the endpoint service type EndpointError struct { - Code string `json:"code"` - Message string `json:"message"` - Fault smithy.ErrorFault `json:"-"` + Code string `json:"code"` + Message string `json:"message"` + Fault smithy.ErrorFault `json:"-"` + statusCode int `json:"-"` } // Error is the error mesage string @@ -146,3 +158,8 @@ func (e *EndpointError) ErrorMessage() string { func (e *EndpointError) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return e.Fault } + +// HTTPStatusCode implements retry.HTTPStatusCode. +func (e *EndpointError) HTTPStatusCode() int { + return e.statusCode +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..748ee672 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package client + +import ( + "context" + "" +) + +type resolveEndpointV2Middleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*resolveEndpointV2Middleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveEndpointV2" +} + +func (m *resolveEndpointV2Middleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 40747a53..f2820d20 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" + "io" "net/url" "" @@ -104,17 +105,60 @@ func (d *deserializeOpGetCredential) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in s } func deserializeError(response *smithyhttp.Response) error { - var errShape *EndpointError - err := json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&errShape) + // we could be talking to anything, json isn't guaranteed + // see + if response.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "application/json" { + return deserializeJSONError(response) + } + + msg, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body) if err != nil { - return &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode error message, %w", err)} + return &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("read response, %w", err), + } + } + + return &EndpointError{ + // no sensible value for Code + Message: string(msg), + Fault: stof(response.StatusCode), + statusCode: response.StatusCode, } +} - if response.StatusCode >= 500 { - errShape.Fault = smithy.FaultServer - } else { - errShape.Fault = smithy.FaultClient +func deserializeJSONError(response *smithyhttp.Response) error { + var errShape *EndpointError + if err := json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&errShape); err != nil { + return &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode error message, %w", err), + } } + errShape.Fault = stof(response.StatusCode) + errShape.statusCode = response.StatusCode return errShape } + +// maps HTTP status code to smithy ErrorFault +func stof(code int) smithy.ErrorFault { + if code >= 500 { + return smithy.FaultServer + } + return smithy.FaultClient +} + +func addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack *smithymiddleware.Stack, options Options, operation string) error { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware{operation: operation, options: options}, smithymiddleware.Before); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveAuthScheme: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&getIdentityMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveAuthScheme", smithymiddleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add GetIdentity: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&resolveEndpointV2Middleware{options: options}, "GetIdentity", smithymiddleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveEndpointV2: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&signRequestMiddleware{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", smithymiddleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add Signing: %w", err) + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index adc7fc6b..2386153a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" + "strings" "" "" @@ -81,7 +82,37 @@ type Options struct { // Optional authorization token value if set will be used as the value of // the Authorization header of the endpoint credential request. + // + // When constructed from environment, the provider will use the value of + // AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN environment variable as the token + // + // Will be overridden if AuthorizationTokenProvider is configured AuthorizationToken string + + // Optional auth provider func to dynamically load the auth token from a file + // everytime a credential is retrieved + // + // When constructed from environment, the provider will read and use the content + // of the file pointed to by AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE environment variable + // as the auth token everytime credentials are retrieved + // + // Will override AuthorizationToken if configured + AuthorizationTokenProvider AuthTokenProvider +} + +// AuthTokenProvider defines an interface to dynamically load a value to be passed +// for the Authorization header of a credentials request. +type AuthTokenProvider interface { + GetToken() (string, error) +} + +// TokenProviderFunc is a func type implementing AuthTokenProvider interface +// and enables customizing token provider behavior +type TokenProviderFunc func() (string, error) + +// GetToken func retrieves auth token according to TokenProviderFunc implementation +func (p TokenProviderFunc) GetToken() (string, error) { + return p() } // New returns a credentials Provider for retrieving AWS credentials @@ -121,6 +152,7 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) { SecretAccessKey: resp.SecretAccessKey, SessionToken: resp.Token, Source: ProviderName, + AccountID: resp.AccountID, } if resp.Expiration != nil { @@ -132,5 +164,30 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) { } func (p *Provider) getCredentials(ctx context.Context) (*client.GetCredentialsOutput, error) { - return p.client.GetCredentials(ctx, &client.GetCredentialsInput{AuthorizationToken: p.options.AuthorizationToken}) + authToken, err := p.resolveAuthToken() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolve auth token: %v", err) + } + + return p.client.GetCredentials(ctx, &client.GetCredentialsInput{ + AuthorizationToken: authToken, + }) +} + +func (p *Provider) resolveAuthToken() (string, error) { + authToken := p.options.AuthorizationToken + + var err error + if p.options.AuthorizationTokenProvider != nil { + authToken, err = p.options.AuthorizationTokenProvider.GetToken() + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + } + + if strings.ContainsAny(authToken, "\r\n") { + return "", fmt.Errorf("authorization token contains invalid newline sequence") + } + + return authToken, nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 9866ca36..280ad9ac 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package credentials // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.13.4" +const goModuleVersion = "1.17.59" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3921da34..911fcc32 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -149,12 +149,27 @@ func NewProviderCommand(builder NewCommandBuilder, options ...func(*Options)) *P return p } -type credentialProcessResponse struct { - Version int - AccessKeyID string `json:"AccessKeyId"` +// A CredentialProcessResponse is the AWS credentials format that must be +// returned when executing an external credential_process. +type CredentialProcessResponse struct { + // As of this writing, the Version key must be set to 1. This might + // increment over time as the structure evolves. + Version int + + // The access key ID that identifies the temporary security credentials. + AccessKeyID string `json:"AccessKeyId"` + + // The secret access key that can be used to sign requests. SecretAccessKey string - SessionToken string - Expiration *time.Time + + // The token that users must pass to the service API to use the temporary credentials. + SessionToken string + + // The date on which the current credentials expire. + Expiration *time.Time + + // The ID of the account for credentials + AccountID string `json:"AccountId"` } // Retrieve executes the credential process command and returns the @@ -166,7 +181,7 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) { } // Serialize and validate response - resp := &credentialProcessResponse{} + resp := &CredentialProcessResponse{} if err = json.Unmarshal(out, resp); err != nil { return aws.Credentials{Source: ProviderName}, &ProviderError{ Err: fmt.Errorf("parse failed of process output: %s, error: %w", out, err), @@ -196,6 +211,7 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) { AccessKeyID: resp.AccessKeyID, SecretAccessKey: resp.SecretAccessKey, SessionToken: resp.SessionToken, + AccountID: resp.AccountID, } // Handle expiration diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 43e5676d..ece1e65f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ // # Loading AWS SSO credentials with the AWS shared configuration file // // You can use configure AWS SSO credentials from the AWS shared configuration file by -// providing the specifying the required keys in the profile: +// specifying the required keys in the profile and referencing an sso-session: // +// sso_session // sso_account_id -// sso_region // sso_role_name -// sso_start_url // // For example, the following defines a profile "devsso" and specifies the AWS // SSO parameters that defines the target account, role, sign-on portal, and @@ -24,11 +23,15 @@ // provided, or an error will be returned. // // [profile devsso] -// sso_start_url = +// sso_session = dev-session // sso_role_name = SSOReadOnlyRole -// sso_region = us-east-1 // sso_account_id = 123456789012 // +// [sso-session dev-session] +// sso_start_url = +// sso_region = us-east-1 +// sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access +// // Using the config module, you can load the AWS SDK shared configuration, and // specify that this profile be used to retrieve credentials. For example: // @@ -43,10 +46,17 @@ // and provide the necessary information to load and retrieve temporary // credentials using an access token from ~/.aws/sso/cache. // -// client := sso.NewFromConfig(cfg) +// ssoClient := sso.NewFromConfig(cfg) +// ssoOidcClient := ssooidc.NewFromConfig(cfg) +// tokenPath, err := ssocreds.StandardCachedTokenFilepath("dev-session") +// if err != nil { +// return err +// } // // var provider aws.CredentialsProvider -// provider = ssocreds.New(client, "123456789012", "SSOReadOnlyRole", "us-east-1", "") +// provider = ssocreds.New(ssoClient, "123456789012", "SSOReadOnlyRole", "", func(options *ssocreds.Options) { +// options.SSOTokenProvider = ssocreds.NewSSOTokenProvider(ssoOidcClient, tokenPath) +// }) // // // Wrap the provider with aws.CredentialsCache to cache the credentials until their expire time // provider = aws.NewCredentialsCache(provider) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 40743f0d..46ae2f92 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ import ( "time" "" + "" ) -var osUserHomeDur = os.UserHomeDir +var osUserHomeDur = shareddefaults.UserHomeDir // StandardCachedTokenFilepath returns the filepath for the cached SSO token file, or // error if unable get derive the path. Key that will be used to compute a SHA1 @@ -25,13 +26,12 @@ var osUserHomeDur = os.UserHomeDir // // ~/.aws/sso/cache/.json func StandardCachedTokenFilepath(key string) (string, error) { - homeDir, err := osUserHomeDur() - if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to get USER's home directory for cached token, %w", err) + homeDir := osUserHomeDur() + if len(homeDir) == 0 { + return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to get USER's home directory for cached token") } - hash := sha1.New() - if _, err = hash.Write([]byte(key)); err != nil { + if _, err := hash.Write([]byte(key)); err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to compute cached token filepath key SHA1 hash, %w", err) } @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func (r *rfc3339) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error) { } func (r *rfc3339) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - value := time.Time(*r).Format(time.RFC3339) + value := time.Time(*r).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) // Use JSON unmarshal to unescape the quoted value making use of JSON's // quoting rules. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index b3cf7853..8c230be8 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) { CanExpire: true, Expires: time.Unix(0, output.RoleCredentials.Expiration*int64(time.Millisecond)).UTC(), Source: ProviderName, + AccountID: p.options.AccountID, }, nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 289707b6..4c7f7993 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -308,6 +308,11 @@ func (p *AssumeRoleProvider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, err return aws.Credentials{Source: ProviderName}, err } + var accountID string + if resp.AssumedRoleUser != nil { + accountID = getAccountID(resp.AssumedRoleUser) + } + return aws.Credentials{ AccessKeyID: *resp.Credentials.AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey: *resp.Credentials.SecretAccessKey, @@ -316,5 +321,6 @@ func (p *AssumeRoleProvider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, err CanExpire: true, Expires: *resp.Credentials.Expiration, + AccountID: accountID, }, nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index ddaf6df6..b4b71970 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "strconv" + "strings" "time" "" @@ -135,6 +136,11 @@ func (p *WebIdentityRoleProvider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials return aws.Credentials{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve credentials, %w", err) } + var accountID string + if resp.AssumedRoleUser != nil { + accountID = getAccountID(resp.AssumedRoleUser) + } + // InvalidIdentityToken error is a temporary error that can occur // when assuming an Role with a JWT web identity token. @@ -145,6 +151,19 @@ func (p *WebIdentityRoleProvider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials Source: WebIdentityProviderName, CanExpire: true, Expires: *resp.Credentials.Expiration, + AccountID: accountID, } return value, nil } + +// extract accountID from arn with format "arn:partition:service:region:account-id:[resource-section]" +func getAccountID(u *types.AssumedRoleUser) string { + if u.Arn == nil { + return "" + } + parts := strings.Split(*u.Arn, ":") + if len(parts) < 5 { + return "" + } + return parts[4] +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 944feac5..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -// Package sdk is the official AWS SDK v2 for the Go programming language. -// -// aws-sdk-go-v2 is the the v2 of the AWS SDK for the Go programming language. -// -// # Getting started -// -// The best way to get started working with the SDK is to use `go get` to add the -// SDK and desired service clients to your Go dependencies explicitly. -// -// go get -// go get -// go get -// -// # Hello AWS -// -// This example shows how you can use the v2 SDK to make an API request using the -// SDK's Amazon DynamoDB client. -// -// package main -// -// import ( -// "context" -// "fmt" -// "log" -// -// "" -// "" -// "" -// ) -// -// func main() { -// // Using the SDK's default configuration, loading additional config -// // and credentials values from the environment variables, shared -// // credentials, and shared configuration files -// cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), -// config.WithRegion("us-west-2"), -// ) -// if err != nil { -// log.Fatalf("unable to load SDK config, %v", err) -// } -// -// // Using the Config value, create the DynamoDB client -// svc := dynamodb.NewFromConfig(cfg) -// -// // Build the request with its input parameters -// resp, err := svc.ListTables(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.ListTablesInput{ -// Limit: aws.Int32(5), -// }) -// if err != nil { -// log.Fatalf("failed to list tables, %v", err) -// } -// -// fmt.Println("Tables:") -// for _, tableName := range resp.TableNames { -// fmt.Println(tableName) -// } -// } -package sdk diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index f0ab4cd7..d3bdd7b1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,265 @@ +# v1.16.28 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.27 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.26 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.25 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.16.24 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.23 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.22 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.21 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.20 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.19 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.18 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.17 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.16 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.15 (2024-10-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.14 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.13 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.12 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.11 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.10 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.9 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.8 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.7 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.6 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.5 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.4 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.3 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.2 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.1 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.0 (2024-03-21) + +* **Feature**: Add config switch `DisableDefaultTimeout` that allows you to disable the default operation timeout (5 seconds) for IMDS calls. + +# v1.15.4 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.3 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.2 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.1 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.11 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.10 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.9 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.8 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.7 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.6 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.5 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.4 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.3 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.2 (2023-11-02) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.14.1 (2023-11-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.13 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.12 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.11 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.10 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.9 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.8 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.7 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.6 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.5 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.4 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.3 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.2 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.1 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.0 (2023-03-14) + +* **Feature**: Add flag to disable IMDSv1 fallback + +# v1.12.24 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.23 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.22 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.21 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.12.20 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index f97730bd..3f4a10e2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { resolveClientEnableState(cfg, &opts) resolveEndpointConfig(cfg, &opts) resolveEndpointModeConfig(cfg, &opts) + resolveEnableFallback(cfg, &opts) return New(opts, optFns...) } @@ -174,6 +175,20 @@ type Options struct { // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. Logger logging.Logger + // Configure IMDSv1 fallback behavior. By default, the client will attempt + // to fall back to IMDSv1 as needed for backwards compatibility. When set to [aws.FalseTernary] + // the client will return any errors encountered from attempting to fetch a token + // instead of silently using the insecure data flow of IMDSv1. + // + // See [configuring IMDS] for more information. + // + // [configuring IMDS]: + EnableFallback aws.Ternary + + // By default, all IMDS client operations enforce a 5-second timeout. You + // can disable that behavior with this setting. + DisableDefaultTimeout bool + // provides the caching of API tokens used for operation calls. If unset, // the API token will not be retrieved for the operation. tokenProvider *tokenProvider @@ -318,3 +333,20 @@ func resolveEndpointConfig(cfg aws.Config, options *Options) error { options.Endpoint = value return nil } + +func resolveEnableFallback(cfg aws.Config, options *Options) { + if options.EnableFallback != aws.UnknownTernary { + return + } + + disabled, ok := internalconfig.ResolveV1FallbackDisabled(cfg.ConfigSources) + if !ok { + return + } + + if disabled { + options.EnableFallback = aws.FalseTernary + } else { + options.EnableFallback = aws.TrueTernary + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 9e3bdb0e..af58b6bb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ type GetDynamicDataOutput struct { func addGetDynamicDataMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetDynamicData", buildGetDynamicDataPath, buildGetDynamicDataOutput) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 24845dcc..5111cc90 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ type GetIAMInfoOutput struct { func addGetIAMInfoMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetIAMInfo", buildGetIAMInfoPath, buildGetIAMInfoOutput, ) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a87758ed..dc8c09ed 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ type GetInstanceIdentityDocumentOutput struct { func addGetInstanceIdentityDocumentMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetInstanceIdentityDocument", buildGetInstanceIdentityDocumentPath, buildGetInstanceIdentityDocumentOutput, ) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index cb0ce4c0..869bfc9f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ type GetMetadataOutput struct { func addGetMetadataMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetMetadata", buildGetMetadataPath, buildGetMetadataOutput) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 7b9b4891..8c0572bb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type GetRegionOutput struct { func addGetRegionMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetRegion", buildGetInstanceIdentityDocumentPath, buildGetRegionOutput, ) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 841f802c..1f9ee97a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ func addGetTokenMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { err := addRequestMiddleware(stack, options, "PUT", + "GetToken", buildGetTokenPath, buildGetTokenOutput) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 88aa61e9..89036972 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type GetUserDataOutput struct { func addGetUserDataMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { return addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack, options, + "GetUserData", buildGetUserDataPath, buildGetUserDataOutput) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad283cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +package imds + +import ( + "context" + "" +) + +type getIdentityMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*getIdentityMiddleware) ID() string { + return "GetIdentity" +} + +func (m *getIdentityMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type signRequestMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*signRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return "Signing" +} + +func (m *signRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware struct { + operation string + options Options +} + +func (*resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveAuthScheme" +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index bacdb5d2..d5765c36 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ // // All Client operation calls have a default timeout. If the operation is not // completed before this timeout expires, the operation will be canceled. This -// timeout can be overridden by providing Context with a timeout or deadline -// with calling the client's operations. +// timeout can be overridden through the following: +// - Set the options flag DisableDefaultTimeout +// - Provide a Context with a timeout or deadline with calling the client's operations. // // See the EC2 IMDS user guide for more information on using the API. // diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7540da3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package imds + +import ( + "context" + "" +) + +type resolveEndpointV2Middleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*resolveEndpointV2Middleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveEndpointV2" +} + +func (m *resolveEndpointV2Middleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4da2bd2c..a6d7e4d0 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package imds // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.12.20" +const goModuleVersion = "1.16.28" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index d72fcb56..ce774558 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ type EndpointResolver interface { GetEC2IMDSEndpoint() (string, bool, error) } +type v1FallbackDisabledResolver interface { + GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled() (bool, bool) +} + // ResolveClientEnableState resolves the ClientEnableState from a list of configuration sources. func ResolveClientEnableState(sources []interface{}) (value ClientEnableState, found bool, err error) { for _, source := range sources { @@ -96,3 +100,15 @@ func ResolveEndpointConfig(sources []interface{}) (value string, found bool, err } return value, found, err } + +// ResolveV1FallbackDisabled ... +func ResolveV1FallbackDisabled(sources []interface{}) (bool, bool) { + for _, source := range sources { + if resolver, ok := source.(v1FallbackDisabledResolver); ok { + if v, found := resolver.GetEC2IMDSV1FallbackDisabled(); found { + return v, true + } + } + } + return false, false +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c8abd649..90cf4aeb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ import ( func addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, + operation string, getPath func(interface{}) (string, error), getOutput func(*smithyhttp.Response) (interface{}, error), ) (err error) { - err = addRequestMiddleware(stack, options, "GET", getPath, getOutput) + err = addRequestMiddleware(stack, options, "GET", operation, getPath, getOutput) if err != nil { return err } @@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ func addAPIRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, func addRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, method string, + operation string, getPath func(interface{}) (string, error), getOutput func(*smithyhttp.Response) (interface{}, error), ) (err error) { @@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ func addRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, // Operation timeout err = stack.Initialize.Add(&operationTimeout{ + Disabled: options.DisableDefaultTimeout, DefaultTimeout: defaultOperationTimeout, }, middleware.Before) if err != nil { @@ -101,6 +104,10 @@ func addRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, operation); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %w", err) + } + // Retry support return retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{ Retryer: options.Retryer, @@ -254,6 +261,7 @@ const ( // Otherwise the timeout cleanup will race the resource being consumed // upstream. type operationTimeout struct { + Disabled bool DefaultTimeout time.Duration } @@ -264,6 +272,10 @@ func (m *operationTimeout) HandleInitialize( ) ( output middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + if m.Disabled { + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, input) + } + if _, ok := ctx.Deadline(); !ok && m.DefaultTimeout != 0 { var cancelFn func() ctx, cancelFn = context.WithTimeout(ctx, m.DefaultTimeout) @@ -283,3 +295,19 @@ func appendURIPath(base, add string) string { } return reqPath } + +func addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, operation string) error { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware{operation: operation, options: options}, middleware.Before); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveAuthScheme: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&getIdentityMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add GetIdentity: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&resolveEndpointV2Middleware{options: options}, "GetIdentity", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveEndpointV2: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&signRequestMiddleware{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add Signing: %w", err) + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 275fade4..5703c6e1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" + "" + "" + "" "net/http" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" - smithy "" "" smithyhttp "" ) @@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) HandleFinalize( ) ( out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { - if !t.enabled() { + if t.fallbackEnabled() && !t.enabled() { // short-circuits to insecure data flow if token provider is disabled. return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, input) } @@ -115,23 +117,15 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) HandleDeserialize( } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized { // unauthorized - err = &retryableError{Err: err} t.enable() + err = &retryableError{Err: err, isRetryable: true} } return out, metadata, err } -type retryableError struct { - Err error -} - -func (*retryableError) RetryableError() bool { return true } - -func (e *retryableError) Error() string { return e.Err.Error() } - func (t *tokenProvider) getToken(ctx context.Context) (tok *apiToken, err error) { - if !t.enabled() { + if t.fallbackEnabled() && !t.enabled() { return nil, &bypassTokenRetrievalError{ Err: fmt.Errorf("cannot get API token, provider disabled"), } @@ -147,7 +141,7 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) getToken(ctx context.Context) (tok *apiToken, err error) tok, err = t.updateToken(ctx) if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get API token, %w", err) + return nil, err } return tok, nil @@ -167,17 +161,19 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) updateToken(ctx context.Context) (*apiToken, error) { TokenTTL: t.tokenTTL, }) if err != nil { - // change the disabled flag on token provider to true, when error is request timeout error. var statusErr interface{ HTTPStatusCode() int } if errors.As(err, &statusErr) { switch statusErr.HTTPStatusCode() { - - // Disable get token if failed because of 403, 404, or 405 + // Disable future get token if failed because of 403, 404, or 405 case http.StatusForbidden, http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed: - t.disable() + if t.fallbackEnabled() { + logger := middleware.GetLogger(ctx) + logger.Logf(logging.Warn, "falling back to IMDSv1: %v", err) + t.disable() + } // 400 errors are terminal, and need to be upstreamed case http.StatusBadRequest: @@ -192,8 +188,17 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) updateToken(ctx context.Context) (*apiToken, error) { atomic.StoreUint32(&t.disabled, 1) } - // Token couldn't be retrieved, but bypass this, and allow the - // request to continue. + if !t.fallbackEnabled() { + // NOTE: getToken() is an implementation detail of some outer operation + // (e.g. GetMetadata). It has its own retries that have already been exhausted. + // Mark the underlying error as a terminal error. + err = &retryableError{Err: err, isRetryable: false} + return nil, err + } + + // Token couldn't be retrieved, fallback to IMDSv1 insecure flow for this request + // and allow the request to proceed. Future requests _may_ re-attempt fetching a + // token if not disabled. return nil, &bypassTokenRetrievalError{Err: err} } @@ -206,21 +211,21 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) updateToken(ctx context.Context) (*apiToken, error) { return tok, nil } -type bypassTokenRetrievalError struct { - Err error -} - -func (e *bypassTokenRetrievalError) Error() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("bypass token retrieval, %v", e.Err) -} - -func (e *bypassTokenRetrievalError) Unwrap() error { return e.Err } - // enabled returns if the token provider is current enabled or not. func (t *tokenProvider) enabled() bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&t.disabled) == 0 } +// fallbackEnabled returns false if EnableFallback is [aws.FalseTernary], true otherwise +func (t *tokenProvider) fallbackEnabled() bool { + switch t.client.options.EnableFallback { + case aws.FalseTernary: + return false + default: + return true + } +} + // disable disables the token provider and it will no longer attempt to inject // the token, nor request updates. func (t *tokenProvider) disable() { @@ -235,3 +240,22 @@ func (t *tokenProvider) enable() { t.tokenMux.Unlock() atomic.StoreUint32(&t.disabled, 0) } + +type bypassTokenRetrievalError struct { + Err error +} + +func (e *bypassTokenRetrievalError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("bypass token retrieval, %v", e.Err) +} + +func (e *bypassTokenRetrievalError) Unwrap() error { return e.Err } + +type retryableError struct { + Err error + isRetryable bool +} + +func (e *retryableError) RetryableError() bool { return e.isRetryable } + +func (e *retryableError) Error() string { return e.Err.Error() } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b81db54 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package auth + +import ( + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +// HTTPAuthScheme is the SDK's internal implementation of smithyhttp.AuthScheme +// for pre-existing implementations where the signer was added to client +// config. SDK clients will key off of this type and ensure per-operation +// updates to those signers persist on the scheme itself. +type HTTPAuthScheme struct { + schemeID string + signer smithyhttp.Signer +} + +var _ smithyhttp.AuthScheme = (*HTTPAuthScheme)(nil) + +// NewHTTPAuthScheme returns an auth scheme instance with the given config. +func NewHTTPAuthScheme(schemeID string, signer smithyhttp.Signer) *HTTPAuthScheme { + return &HTTPAuthScheme{ + schemeID: schemeID, + signer: signer, + } +} + +// SchemeID identifies the auth scheme. +func (s *HTTPAuthScheme) SchemeID() string { + return s.schemeID +} + +// IdentityResolver gets the identity resolver for the auth scheme. +func (s *HTTPAuthScheme) IdentityResolver(o auth.IdentityResolverOptions) auth.IdentityResolver { + return o.GetIdentityResolver(s.schemeID) +} + +// Signer gets the signer for the auth scheme. +func (s *HTTPAuthScheme) Signer() smithyhttp.Signer { + return s.signer +} + +// WithSigner returns a new instance of the auth scheme with the updated signer. +func (s *HTTPAuthScheme) WithSigner(signer smithyhttp.Signer) *HTTPAuthScheme { + return NewHTTPAuthScheme(s.schemeID, signer) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbc2ec06 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +package auth + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + smithy "" + "" +) + +// SigV4 is a constant representing +// Authentication Scheme Signature Version 4 +const SigV4 = "sigv4" + +// SigV4A is a constant representing +// Authentication Scheme Signature Version 4A +const SigV4A = "sigv4a" + +// SigV4S3Express identifies the S3 S3Express auth scheme. +const SigV4S3Express = "sigv4-s3express" + +// None is a constant representing the +// None Authentication Scheme +const None = "none" + +// SupportedSchemes is a data structure +// that indicates the list of supported AWS +// authentication schemes +var SupportedSchemes = map[string]bool{ + SigV4: true, + SigV4A: true, + SigV4S3Express: true, + None: true, +} + +// AuthenticationScheme is a representation of +// AWS authentication schemes +type AuthenticationScheme interface { + isAuthenticationScheme() +} + +// AuthenticationSchemeV4 is a AWS SigV4 representation +type AuthenticationSchemeV4 struct { + Name string + SigningName *string + SigningRegion *string + DisableDoubleEncoding *bool +} + +func (a *AuthenticationSchemeV4) isAuthenticationScheme() {} + +// AuthenticationSchemeV4A is a AWS SigV4A representation +type AuthenticationSchemeV4A struct { + Name string + SigningName *string + SigningRegionSet []string + DisableDoubleEncoding *bool +} + +func (a *AuthenticationSchemeV4A) isAuthenticationScheme() {} + +// AuthenticationSchemeNone is a representation for the none auth scheme +type AuthenticationSchemeNone struct{} + +func (a *AuthenticationSchemeNone) isAuthenticationScheme() {} + +// NoAuthenticationSchemesFoundError is used in signaling +// that no authentication schemes have been specified. +type NoAuthenticationSchemesFoundError struct{} + +func (e *NoAuthenticationSchemesFoundError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprint("No authentication schemes specified.") +} + +// UnSupportedAuthenticationSchemeSpecifiedError is used in +// signaling that only unsupported authentication schemes +// were specified. +type UnSupportedAuthenticationSchemeSpecifiedError struct { + UnsupportedSchemes []string +} + +func (e *UnSupportedAuthenticationSchemeSpecifiedError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprint("Unsupported authentication scheme specified.") +} + +// GetAuthenticationSchemes extracts the relevant authentication scheme data +// into a custom strongly typed Go data structure. +func GetAuthenticationSchemes(p *smithy.Properties) ([]AuthenticationScheme, error) { + var result []AuthenticationScheme + if !p.Has("authSchemes") { + return nil, &NoAuthenticationSchemesFoundError{} + } + + authSchemes, _ := p.Get("authSchemes").([]interface{}) + + var unsupportedSchemes []string + for _, scheme := range authSchemes { + authScheme, _ := scheme.(map[string]interface{}) + + version := authScheme["name"].(string) + switch version { + case SigV4, SigV4S3Express: + v4Scheme := AuthenticationSchemeV4{ + Name: version, + SigningName: getSigningName(authScheme), + SigningRegion: getSigningRegion(authScheme), + DisableDoubleEncoding: getDisableDoubleEncoding(authScheme), + } + result = append(result, AuthenticationScheme(&v4Scheme)) + case SigV4A: + v4aScheme := AuthenticationSchemeV4A{ + Name: SigV4A, + SigningName: getSigningName(authScheme), + SigningRegionSet: getSigningRegionSet(authScheme), + DisableDoubleEncoding: getDisableDoubleEncoding(authScheme), + } + result = append(result, AuthenticationScheme(&v4aScheme)) + case None: + noneScheme := AuthenticationSchemeNone{} + result = append(result, AuthenticationScheme(&noneScheme)) + default: + unsupportedSchemes = append(unsupportedSchemes, authScheme["name"].(string)) + continue + } + } + + if len(result) == 0 { + return nil, &UnSupportedAuthenticationSchemeSpecifiedError{ + UnsupportedSchemes: unsupportedSchemes, + } + } + + return result, nil +} + +type disableDoubleEncoding struct{} + +// SetDisableDoubleEncoding sets or modifies the disable double encoding option +// on the context. +// +// Scoped to stack values. Use +// to clear all stack values. +func SetDisableDoubleEncoding(ctx context.Context, value bool) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, disableDoubleEncoding{}, value) +} + +// GetDisableDoubleEncoding retrieves the disable double encoding option +// from the context. +// +// Scoped to stack values. Use +// to clear all stack values. +func GetDisableDoubleEncoding(ctx context.Context) (value bool, ok bool) { + value, ok = middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, disableDoubleEncoding{}).(bool) + return value, ok +} + +func getSigningName(authScheme map[string]interface{}) *string { + signingName, ok := authScheme["signingName"].(string) + if !ok || signingName == "" { + return nil + } + return &signingName +} + +func getSigningRegionSet(authScheme map[string]interface{}) []string { + untypedSigningRegionSet, ok := authScheme["signingRegionSet"].([]interface{}) + if !ok { + return nil + } + signingRegionSet := []string{} + for _, item := range untypedSigningRegionSet { + signingRegionSet = append(signingRegionSet, item.(string)) + } + return signingRegionSet +} + +func getSigningRegion(authScheme map[string]interface{}) *string { + signingRegion, ok := authScheme["signingRegion"].(string) + if !ok || signingRegion == "" { + return nil + } + return &signingRegion +} + +func getDisableDoubleEncoding(authScheme map[string]interface{}) *bool { + disableDoubleEncoding, ok := authScheme["disableDoubleEncoding"].(bool) + if !ok { + return nil + } + return &disableDoubleEncoding +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f059b5d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package smithy + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "time" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +// BearerTokenAdapter adapts smithy bearer.Token to smithy auth.Identity. +type BearerTokenAdapter struct { + Token bearer.Token +} + +var _ auth.Identity = (*BearerTokenAdapter)(nil) + +// Expiration returns the time of expiration for the token. +func (v *BearerTokenAdapter) Expiration() time.Time { + return v.Token.Expires +} + +// BearerTokenProviderAdapter adapts smithy bearer.TokenProvider to smithy +// auth.IdentityResolver. +type BearerTokenProviderAdapter struct { + Provider bearer.TokenProvider +} + +var _ (auth.IdentityResolver) = (*BearerTokenProviderAdapter)(nil) + +// GetIdentity retrieves a bearer token using the underlying provider. +func (v *BearerTokenProviderAdapter) GetIdentity(ctx context.Context, _ smithy.Properties) ( + auth.Identity, error, +) { + token, err := v.Provider.RetrieveBearerToken(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("get token: %w", err) + } + + return &BearerTokenAdapter{Token: token}, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8828152 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package smithy + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +// BearerTokenSignerAdapter adapts smithy bearer.Signer to smithy http +// auth.Signer. +type BearerTokenSignerAdapter struct { + Signer bearer.Signer +} + +var _ (smithyhttp.Signer) = (*BearerTokenSignerAdapter)(nil) + +// SignRequest signs the request with the provided bearer token. +func (v *BearerTokenSignerAdapter) SignRequest(ctx context.Context, r *smithyhttp.Request, identity auth.Identity, _ smithy.Properties) error { + ca, ok := identity.(*BearerTokenAdapter) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected identity type: %T", identity) + } + + signed, err := v.Signer.SignWithBearerToken(ctx, ca.Token, r) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("sign request: %w", err) + } + + *r = *signed.(*smithyhttp.Request) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f926c4aa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package smithy + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "time" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +// CredentialsAdapter adapts aws.Credentials to auth.Identity. +type CredentialsAdapter struct { + Credentials aws.Credentials +} + +var _ auth.Identity = (*CredentialsAdapter)(nil) + +// Expiration returns the time of expiration for the credentials. +func (v *CredentialsAdapter) Expiration() time.Time { + return v.Credentials.Expires +} + +// CredentialsProviderAdapter adapts aws.CredentialsProvider to auth.IdentityResolver. +type CredentialsProviderAdapter struct { + Provider aws.CredentialsProvider +} + +var _ (auth.IdentityResolver) = (*CredentialsProviderAdapter)(nil) + +// GetIdentity retrieves AWS credentials using the underlying provider. +func (v *CredentialsProviderAdapter) GetIdentity(ctx context.Context, _ smithy.Properties) ( + auth.Identity, error, +) { + if v.Provider == nil { + return &CredentialsAdapter{Credentials: aws.Credentials{}}, nil + } + + creds, err := v.Provider.Retrieve(ctx) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("get credentials: %w", err) + } + + return &CredentialsAdapter{Credentials: creds}, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42b45867 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +// Package smithy adapts concrete AWS auth and signing types to the generic smithy versions. +package smithy diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24db8e14 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +package smithy + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + v4 "" + internalcontext "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +// V4SignerAdapter adapts v4.HTTPSigner to smithy http.Signer. +type V4SignerAdapter struct { + Signer v4.HTTPSigner + Logger logging.Logger + LogSigning bool +} + +var _ (smithyhttp.Signer) = (*V4SignerAdapter)(nil) + +// SignRequest signs the request with the provided identity. +func (v *V4SignerAdapter) SignRequest(ctx context.Context, r *smithyhttp.Request, identity auth.Identity, props smithy.Properties) error { + ca, ok := identity.(*CredentialsAdapter) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected identity type: %T", identity) + } + + name, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4SigningName(&props) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("sigv4 signing name is required") + } + + region, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4SigningRegion(&props) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("sigv4 signing region is required") + } + + hash := v4.GetPayloadHash(ctx) + signingTime := sdk.NowTime() + skew := internalcontext.GetAttemptSkewContext(ctx) + signingTime = signingTime.Add(skew) + err := v.Signer.SignHTTP(ctx, ca.Credentials, r.Request, hash, name, region, signingTime, func(o *v4.SignerOptions) { + o.DisableURIPathEscaping, _ = smithyhttp.GetDisableDoubleEncoding(&props) + + o.Logger = v.Logger + o.LogSigning = v.LogSigning + }) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("sign http: %w", err) + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 41d589b3..9c48f2ec 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,252 @@ +# v1.3.32 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.31 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.30 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.29 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.3.28 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.27 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.26 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.25 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.24 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.23 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.22 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.21 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.20 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.19 (2024-10-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.18 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.17 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.16 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.15 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.14 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.13 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.12 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.11 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.10 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.9 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.8 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.7 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.6 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.5 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.4 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.3 (2024-03-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.2 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.1 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.10 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.9 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.8 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.7 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.6 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.5 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.4 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.3 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.2 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.1 (2023-11-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.2.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.43 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.42 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.41 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.40 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.39 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.38 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.37 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.36 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.35 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.34 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.33 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.32 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.31 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.30 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.29 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.28 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.1.27 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.1.26 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7835f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +package configsources + +import ( + "context" +) + +// ServiceBaseEndpointProvider is needed to search for all providers +// that provide a configured service endpoint +type ServiceBaseEndpointProvider interface { + GetServiceBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, sdkID string) (string, bool, error) +} + +// IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider is needed to search for all providers +// that provide a flag to disable configured endpoints. +// +// Currently duplicated from because +// service packages cannot import +// due to result import cycle error. +type IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider interface { + GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx context.Context) (bool, bool, error) +} + +// GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints is used in knowing when to disable configured +// endpoints feature. +// +// Currently duplicated from because +// service packages cannot import +// due to result import cycle error. +func GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx context.Context, configs []interface{}) (value bool, found bool, err error) { + for _, cfg := range configs { + if p, ok := cfg.(IgnoreConfiguredEndpointsProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} + +// ResolveServiceBaseEndpoint is used to retrieve service endpoints from configured sources +// while allowing for configured endpoints to be disabled +func ResolveServiceBaseEndpoint(ctx context.Context, sdkID string, configs []interface{}) (value string, found bool, err error) { + if val, found, _ := GetIgnoreConfiguredEndpoints(ctx, configs); found && val { + return "", false, nil + } + + for _, cs := range configs { + if p, ok := cs.(ServiceBaseEndpointProvider); ok { + value, found, err = p.GetServiceBaseEndpoint(context.Background(), sdkID) + if err != nil || found { + break + } + } + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 58b3ba7a..7554df9a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package configsources // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.1.26" +const goModuleVersion = "1.3.32" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0c283d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package context + +import ( + "context" + "time" + + "" +) + +type s3BackendKey struct{} +type checksumInputAlgorithmKey struct{} +type clockSkew struct{} + +const ( + // S3BackendS3Express identifies the S3Express backend + S3BackendS3Express = "S3Express" +) + +// SetS3Backend stores the resolved endpoint backend within the request +// context, which is required for a variety of custom S3 behaviors. +func SetS3Backend(ctx context.Context, typ string) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, s3BackendKey{}, typ) +} + +// GetS3Backend retrieves the stored endpoint backend within the context. +func GetS3Backend(ctx context.Context) string { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, s3BackendKey{}).(string) + return v +} + +// SetChecksumInputAlgorithm sets the request checksum algorithm on the +// context. +func SetChecksumInputAlgorithm(ctx context.Context, value string) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, checksumInputAlgorithmKey{}, value) +} + +// GetChecksumInputAlgorithm returns the checksum algorithm from the context. +func GetChecksumInputAlgorithm(ctx context.Context) string { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, checksumInputAlgorithmKey{}).(string) + return v +} + +// SetAttemptSkewContext sets the clock skew value on the context +func SetAttemptSkewContext(ctx context.Context, v time.Duration) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, clockSkew{}, v) +} + +// GetAttemptSkewContext gets the clock skew value from the context +func GetAttemptSkewContext(ctx context.Context) time.Duration { + x, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, clockSkew{}).(time.Duration) + return x +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6223dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package awsrulesfn + +import ( + "strings" +) + +// ARN provides AWS ARN components broken out into a data structure. +type ARN struct { + Partition string + Service string + Region string + AccountId string + ResourceId OptionalStringSlice +} + +const ( + arnDelimiters = ":" + resourceDelimiters = "/:" + arnSections = 6 + arnPrefix = "arn:" + + // zero-indexed + sectionPartition = 1 + sectionService = 2 + sectionRegion = 3 + sectionAccountID = 4 + sectionResource = 5 +) + +// ParseARN returns an [ARN] value parsed from the input string provided. If +// the ARN cannot be parsed nil will be returned, and error added to +// [ErrorCollector]. +func ParseARN(input string) *ARN { + if !strings.HasPrefix(input, arnPrefix) { + return nil + } + + sections := strings.SplitN(input, arnDelimiters, arnSections) + if numSections := len(sections); numSections != arnSections { + return nil + } + + if sections[sectionPartition] == "" { + return nil + } + if sections[sectionService] == "" { + return nil + } + if sections[sectionResource] == "" { + return nil + } + + return &ARN{ + Partition: sections[sectionPartition], + Service: sections[sectionService], + Region: sections[sectionRegion], + AccountId: sections[sectionAccountID], + ResourceId: splitResource(sections[sectionResource]), + } +} + +// splitResource splits the resource components by the ARN resource delimiters. +func splitResource(v string) []string { + var parts []string + var offset int + + for offset <= len(v) { + idx := strings.IndexAny(v[offset:], "/:") + if idx < 0 { + parts = append(parts, v[offset:]) + break + } + parts = append(parts, v[offset:idx+offset]) + offset += idx + 1 + } + + return parts +} + +// OptionalStringSlice provides a helper to safely get the index of a string +// slice that may be out of bounds. Returns pointer to string if index is +// valid. Otherwise returns nil. +type OptionalStringSlice []string + +// Get returns a string pointer of the string at index i if the index is valid. +// Otherwise returns nil. +func (s OptionalStringSlice) Get(i int) *string { + if i < 0 || i >= len(s) { + return nil + } + + v := s[i] + return &v +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5a36585 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +// Package awsrulesfn provides AWS focused endpoint rule functions for +// evaluating endpoint resolution rules. +package awsrulesfn diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df72da97 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +//go:build codegen +// +build codegen + +package awsrulesfn + +//go:generate go run -tags codegen ./internal/partition/codegen.go -model partitions.json -output partitions.go +//go:generate gofmt -w -s . diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..637e5fc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +package awsrulesfn + +import ( + "net" + "strings" + + smithyhttp "" +) + +// IsVirtualHostableS3Bucket returns if the input is a DNS compatible bucket +// name and can be used with Amazon S3 virtual hosted style addressing. Similar +// to [rulesfn.IsValidHostLabel] with the added restriction that the length of label +// must be [3:63] characters long, all lowercase, and not formatted as an IP +// address. +func IsVirtualHostableS3Bucket(input string, allowSubDomains bool) bool { + // input should not be formatted as an IP address + // NOTE: this will technically trip up on IPv6 hosts with zone IDs, but + // validation further down will catch that anyway (it's guaranteed to have + // unfriendly characters % and : if that's the case) + if net.ParseIP(input) != nil { + return false + } + + var labels []string + if allowSubDomains { + labels = strings.Split(input, ".") + } else { + labels = []string{input} + } + + for _, label := range labels { + // validate special length constraints + if l := len(label); l < 3 || l > 63 { + return false + } + + // Validate no capital letters + for _, r := range label { + if r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z' { + return false + } + } + + // Validate valid host label + if !smithyhttp.ValidHostLabel(label) { + return false + } + } + + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91414afe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +package awsrulesfn + +import "regexp" + +// Partition provides the metadata describing an AWS partition. +type Partition struct { + ID string `json:"id"` + Regions map[string]RegionOverrides `json:"regions"` + RegionRegex string `json:"regionRegex"` + DefaultConfig PartitionConfig `json:"outputs"` +} + +// PartitionConfig provides the endpoint metadata for an AWS region or partition. +type PartitionConfig struct { + Name string `json:"name"` + DnsSuffix string `json:"dnsSuffix"` + DualStackDnsSuffix string `json:"dualStackDnsSuffix"` + SupportsFIPS bool `json:"supportsFIPS"` + SupportsDualStack bool `json:"supportsDualStack"` + ImplicitGlobalRegion string `json:"implicitGlobalRegion"` +} + +type RegionOverrides struct { + Name *string `json:"name"` + DnsSuffix *string `json:"dnsSuffix"` + DualStackDnsSuffix *string `json:"dualStackDnsSuffix"` + SupportsFIPS *bool `json:"supportsFIPS"` + SupportsDualStack *bool `json:"supportsDualStack"` +} + +const defaultPartition = "aws" + +func getPartition(partitions []Partition, region string) *PartitionConfig { + for _, partition := range partitions { + if v, ok := partition.Regions[region]; ok { + p := mergeOverrides(partition.DefaultConfig, v) + return &p + } + } + + for _, partition := range partitions { + regionRegex := regexp.MustCompile(partition.RegionRegex) + if regionRegex.MatchString(region) { + v := partition.DefaultConfig + return &v + } + } + + for _, partition := range partitions { + if partition.ID == defaultPartition { + v := partition.DefaultConfig + return &v + } + } + + return nil +} + +func mergeOverrides(into PartitionConfig, from RegionOverrides) PartitionConfig { + if from.Name != nil { + into.Name = *from.Name + } + if from.DnsSuffix != nil { + into.DnsSuffix = *from.DnsSuffix + } + if from.DualStackDnsSuffix != nil { + into.DualStackDnsSuffix = *from.DualStackDnsSuffix + } + if from.SupportsFIPS != nil { + into.SupportsFIPS = *from.SupportsFIPS + } + if from.SupportsDualStack != nil { + into.SupportsDualStack = *from.SupportsDualStack + } + return into +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f077999 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +// Code generated by endpoint/awsrulesfn/internal/partition. DO NOT EDIT. + +package awsrulesfn + +// GetPartition returns an AWS [Partition] for the region provided. If the +// partition cannot be determined nil will be returned. +func GetPartition(region string) *PartitionConfig { + return getPartition(partitions, region) +} + +var partitions = []Partition{ + { + ID: "aws", + RegionRegex: "^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af|il)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: true, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "us-east-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "af-south-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-northeast-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-northeast-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-northeast-3": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-south-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-south-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-southeast-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-southeast-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-southeast-3": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ap-southeast-4": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "aws-global": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ca-central-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "ca-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-central-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-central-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-north-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-south-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-south-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-west-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "eu-west-3": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "il-central-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "me-central-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "me-south-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "sa-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-east-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-west-2": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-cn", + RegionRegex: "^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-cn", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: true, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "cn-northwest-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "aws-cn-global": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "cn-north-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "cn-northwest-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-us-gov", + RegionRegex: "^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-us-gov", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: true, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "us-gov-west-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "aws-us-gov-global": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-gov-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-gov-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso", + RegionRegex: "^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-iso", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: false, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "us-iso-east-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "aws-iso-global": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-iso-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-iso-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-b", + RegionRegex: "^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-iso-b", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: false, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "us-isob-east-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "aws-iso-b-global": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + "us-isob-east-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-e", + RegionRegex: "^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-iso-e", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: false, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "eu-isoe-west-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{ + "eu-isoe-west-1": { + Name: nil, + DnsSuffix: nil, + DualStackDnsSuffix: nil, + SupportsFIPS: nil, + SupportsDualStack: nil, + }, + }, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-f", + RegionRegex: "^us\\-isof\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + DefaultConfig: PartitionConfig{ + Name: "aws-iso-f", + DnsSuffix: "", + DualStackDnsSuffix: "", + SupportsFIPS: true, + SupportsDualStack: false, + ImplicitGlobalRegion: "us-isof-south-1", + }, + Regions: map[string]RegionOverrides{}, + }, +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43f6449b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +{ + "partitions" : [ { + "id" : "aws", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "us-east-1", + "name" : "aws", + "supportsDualStack" : true, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af|il|mx)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "af-south-1" : { + "description" : "Africa (Cape Town)" + }, + "ap-east-1" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)" + }, + "ap-northeast-1" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)" + }, + "ap-northeast-2" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Seoul)" + }, + "ap-northeast-3" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Osaka)" + }, + "ap-south-1" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)" + }, + "ap-south-2" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)" + }, + "ap-southeast-1" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Singapore)" + }, + "ap-southeast-2" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Sydney)" + }, + "ap-southeast-3" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Jakarta)" + }, + "ap-southeast-4" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Melbourne)" + }, + "ap-southeast-5" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Malaysia)" + }, + "ap-southeast-7" : { + "description" : "Asia Pacific (Thailand)" + }, + "aws-global" : { + "description" : "AWS Standard global region" + }, + "ca-central-1" : { + "description" : "Canada (Central)" + }, + "ca-west-1" : { + "description" : "Canada West (Calgary)" + }, + "eu-central-1" : { + "description" : "Europe (Frankfurt)" + }, + "eu-central-2" : { + "description" : "Europe (Zurich)" + }, + "eu-north-1" : { + "description" : "Europe (Stockholm)" + }, + "eu-south-1" : { + "description" : "Europe (Milan)" + }, + "eu-south-2" : { + "description" : "Europe (Spain)" + }, + "eu-west-1" : { + "description" : "Europe (Ireland)" + }, + "eu-west-2" : { + "description" : "Europe (London)" + }, + "eu-west-3" : { + "description" : "Europe (Paris)" + }, + "il-central-1" : { + "description" : "Israel (Tel Aviv)" + }, + "me-central-1" : { + "description" : "Middle East (UAE)" + }, + "me-south-1" : { + "description" : "Middle East (Bahrain)" + }, + "mx-central-1" : { + "description" : "Mexico (Central)" + }, + "sa-east-1" : { + "description" : "South America (Sao Paulo)" + }, + "us-east-1" : { + "description" : "US East (N. Virginia)" + }, + "us-east-2" : { + "description" : "US East (Ohio)" + }, + "us-west-1" : { + "description" : "US West (N. California)" + }, + "us-west-2" : { + "description" : "US West (Oregon)" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-cn", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "cn-northwest-1", + "name" : "aws-cn", + "supportsDualStack" : true, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "aws-cn-global" : { + "description" : "AWS China global region" + }, + "cn-north-1" : { + "description" : "China (Beijing)" + }, + "cn-northwest-1" : { + "description" : "China (Ningxia)" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-us-gov", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "us-gov-west-1", + "name" : "aws-us-gov", + "supportsDualStack" : true, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "aws-us-gov-global" : { + "description" : "AWS GovCloud (US) global region" + }, + "us-gov-east-1" : { + "description" : "AWS GovCloud (US-East)" + }, + "us-gov-west-1" : { + "description" : "AWS GovCloud (US-West)" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-iso", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "us-iso-east-1", + "name" : "aws-iso", + "supportsDualStack" : false, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "aws-iso-global" : { + "description" : "AWS ISO (US) global region" + }, + "us-iso-east-1" : { + "description" : "US ISO East" + }, + "us-iso-west-1" : { + "description" : "US ISO WEST" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-iso-b", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "us-isob-east-1", + "name" : "aws-iso-b", + "supportsDualStack" : false, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "aws-iso-b-global" : { + "description" : "AWS ISOB (US) global region" + }, + "us-isob-east-1" : { + "description" : "US ISOB East (Ohio)" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-iso-e", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "eu-isoe-west-1", + "name" : "aws-iso-e", + "supportsDualStack" : false, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { + "eu-isoe-west-1" : { + "description" : "EU ISOE West" + } + } + }, { + "id" : "aws-iso-f", + "outputs" : { + "dnsSuffix" : "", + "dualStackDnsSuffix" : "", + "implicitGlobalRegion" : "us-isof-south-1", + "name" : "aws-iso-f", + "supportsDualStack" : false, + "supportsFIPS" : true + }, + "regionRegex" : "^us\\-isof\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$", + "regions" : { } + } ], + "version" : "1.1" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67950ca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +package endpoints + +import ( + "fmt" + "regexp" + "strings" + + "" +) + +const ( + defaultProtocol = "https" + defaultSigner = "v4" +) + +var ( + protocolPriority = []string{"https", "http"} + signerPriority = []string{"v4"} +) + +// Options provide configuration needed to direct how endpoints are resolved. +type Options struct { + // Disable usage of HTTPS (TLS / SSL) + DisableHTTPS bool +} + +// Partitions is a slice of partition +type Partitions []Partition + +// ResolveEndpoint resolves a service endpoint for the given region and options. +func (ps Partitions) ResolveEndpoint(region string, opts Options) (aws.Endpoint, error) { + if len(ps) == 0 { + return aws.Endpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("no partitions found") + } + + for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ { + if !ps[i].canResolveEndpoint(region) { + continue + } + + return ps[i].ResolveEndpoint(region, opts) + } + + // fallback to first partition format to use when resolving the endpoint. + return ps[0].ResolveEndpoint(region, opts) +} + +// Partition is an AWS partition description for a service and its' region endpoints. +type Partition struct { + ID string + RegionRegex *regexp.Regexp + PartitionEndpoint string + IsRegionalized bool + Defaults Endpoint + Endpoints Endpoints +} + +func (p Partition) canResolveEndpoint(region string) bool { + _, ok := p.Endpoints[region] + return ok || p.RegionRegex.MatchString(region) +} + +// ResolveEndpoint resolves and service endpoint for the given region and options. +func (p Partition) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options Options) (resolved aws.Endpoint, err error) { + if len(region) == 0 && len(p.PartitionEndpoint) != 0 { + region = p.PartitionEndpoint + } + + e, _ := p.endpointForRegion(region) + + return e.resolve(p.ID, region, p.Defaults, options), nil +} + +func (p Partition) endpointForRegion(region string) (Endpoint, bool) { + if e, ok := p.Endpoints[region]; ok { + return e, true + } + + if !p.IsRegionalized { + return p.Endpoints[p.PartitionEndpoint], region == p.PartitionEndpoint + } + + // Unable to find any matching endpoint, return + // blank that will be used for generic endpoint creation. + return Endpoint{}, false +} + +// Endpoints is a map of service config regions to endpoints +type Endpoints map[string]Endpoint + +// CredentialScope is the credential scope of a region and service +type CredentialScope struct { + Region string + Service string +} + +// Endpoint is a service endpoint description +type Endpoint struct { + // True if the endpoint cannot be resolved for this partition/region/service + Unresolveable aws.Ternary + + Hostname string + Protocols []string + + CredentialScope CredentialScope + + SignatureVersions []string `json:"signatureVersions"` +} + +func (e Endpoint) resolve(partition, region string, def Endpoint, options Options) aws.Endpoint { + var merged Endpoint + merged.mergeIn(def) + merged.mergeIn(e) + e = merged + + var u string + if e.Unresolveable != aws.TrueTernary { + // Only attempt to resolve the endpoint if it can be resolved. + hostname := strings.Replace(e.Hostname, "{region}", region, 1) + + scheme := getEndpointScheme(e.Protocols, options.DisableHTTPS) + u = scheme + "://" + hostname + } + + signingRegion := e.CredentialScope.Region + if len(signingRegion) == 0 { + signingRegion = region + } + signingName := e.CredentialScope.Service + + return aws.Endpoint{ + URL: u, + PartitionID: partition, + SigningRegion: signingRegion, + SigningName: signingName, + SigningMethod: getByPriority(e.SignatureVersions, signerPriority, defaultSigner), + } +} + +func (e *Endpoint) mergeIn(other Endpoint) { + if other.Unresolveable != aws.UnknownTernary { + e.Unresolveable = other.Unresolveable + } + if len(other.Hostname) > 0 { + e.Hostname = other.Hostname + } + if len(other.Protocols) > 0 { + e.Protocols = other.Protocols + } + if len(other.CredentialScope.Region) > 0 { + e.CredentialScope.Region = other.CredentialScope.Region + } + if len(other.CredentialScope.Service) > 0 { + e.CredentialScope.Service = other.CredentialScope.Service + } + if len(other.SignatureVersions) > 0 { + e.SignatureVersions = other.SignatureVersions + } +} + +func getEndpointScheme(protocols []string, disableHTTPS bool) string { + if disableHTTPS { + return "http" + } + + return getByPriority(protocols, protocolPriority, defaultProtocol) +} + +func getByPriority(s []string, p []string, def string) string { + if len(s) == 0 { + return def + } + + for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ { + for j := 0; j < len(s); j++ { + if s[j] == p[i] { + return s[j] + } + } + } + + return s[0] +} + +// MapFIPSRegion extracts the intrinsic AWS region from one that may have an +// embedded FIPS microformat. +func MapFIPSRegion(region string) string { + const fipsInfix = "-fips-" + const fipsPrefix = "fips-" + const fipsSuffix = "-fips" + + if strings.Contains(region, fipsInfix) || + strings.Contains(region, fipsPrefix) || + strings.Contains(region, fipsSuffix) { + region = strings.ReplaceAll(region, fipsInfix, "-") + region = strings.ReplaceAll(region, fipsPrefix, "") + region = strings.ReplaceAll(region, fipsSuffix, "") + } + + return region +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 678f6634..103e5416 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,254 @@ +# v2.6.32 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.31 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.30 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.29 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v2.6.28 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.27 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.26 (2024-12-19) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix improper use of printf-style functions. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.25 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.24 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.23 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.22 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.21 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.20 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.19 (2024-10-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.18 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.17 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.16 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.15 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.14 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.13 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.12 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.11 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.10 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.9 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.8 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.7 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.6 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.5 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.4 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.3 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.2 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.1 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.6.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.10 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.9 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.8 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.7 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.6 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.5 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.4 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.3 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.2 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.1 (2023-11-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.5.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.37 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.36 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.35 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.34 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.33 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.32 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.31 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.30 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.29 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.28 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.27 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.26 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.25 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.24 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.23 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.22 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v2.4.21 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v2.4.20 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index ec010e0a..64106ff7 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package endpoints // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "2.4.20" +const goModuleVersion = "2.6.32" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index fc5b9781..1d23b9be 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,126 @@ +# v1.8.2 (2025-01-24) + +* **Bug Fix**: Refactor filepath.Walk to filepath.WalkDir + +# v1.8.1 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. + +# v1.8.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. + +# v1.7.3 (2024-01-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove invalid escaping of shared config values. All values in the shared config file will now be interpreted literally, save for fully-quoted strings which are unwrapped for legacy reasons. + +# v1.7.2 (2023-12-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct loading of [services *] sections into shared config. + +# v1.7.1 (2023-11-16) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix recognition of trailing comments in shared config properties. # or ; separators that aren't preceded by whitespace at the end of a property value should be considered part of it. + +# v1.7.0 (2023-11-13) + +* **Feature**: Replace the legacy config parser with a modern, less-strict implementation. Parsing failures within a section will now simply ignore the invalid line rather than silently drop the entire section. + +# v1.6.0 (2023-11-09.2) + +* **Feature**: BREAKFIX: In order to support subproperty parsing, invalid property definitions must not be ignored + +# v1.5.2 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.5.1 (2023-11-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix subproperty performance regression + +# v1.5.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.4.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.45 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.44 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.43 (2023-09-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where merging `max_attempts` or `duration_seconds` fields across shared config files with invalid values would silently default them to 0. +* **Bug Fix**: Move type assertion of config values out of the parsing stage, which resolves an issue where the contents of a profile would silently be dropped with certain numeric formats. + +# v1.3.42 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.41 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.40 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.39 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.38 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.37 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.36 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.35 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.34 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.33 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.32 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.31 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.30 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.29 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.3.28 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.3.27 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index e83a9988..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// ASTKind represents different states in the parse table -// and the type of AST that is being constructed -type ASTKind int - -// ASTKind* is used in the parse table to transition between -// the different states -const ( - ASTKindNone = ASTKind(iota) - ASTKindStart - ASTKindExpr - ASTKindEqualExpr - ASTKindStatement - ASTKindSkipStatement - ASTKindExprStatement - ASTKindSectionStatement - ASTKindNestedSectionStatement - ASTKindCompletedNestedSectionStatement - ASTKindCommentStatement - ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement -) - -func (k ASTKind) String() string { - switch k { - case ASTKindNone: - return "none" - case ASTKindStart: - return "start" - case ASTKindExpr: - return "expr" - case ASTKindStatement: - return "stmt" - case ASTKindSectionStatement: - return "section_stmt" - case ASTKindExprStatement: - return "expr_stmt" - case ASTKindCommentStatement: - return "comment" - case ASTKindNestedSectionStatement: - return "nested_section_stmt" - case ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement: - return "completed_stmt" - case ASTKindSkipStatement: - return "skip" - default: - return "" - } -} - -// AST interface allows us to determine what kind of node we -// are on and casting may not need to be necessary. -// -// The root is always the first node in Children -type AST struct { - Kind ASTKind - Root Token - RootToken bool - Children []AST -} - -func newAST(kind ASTKind, root AST, children ...AST) AST { - return AST{ - Kind: kind, - Children: append([]AST{root}, children...), - } -} - -func newASTWithRootToken(kind ASTKind, root Token, children ...AST) AST { - return AST{ - Kind: kind, - Root: root, - RootToken: true, - Children: children, - } -} - -// AppendChild will append to the list of children an AST has. -func (a *AST) AppendChild(child AST) { - a.Children = append(a.Children, child) -} - -// GetRoot will return the root AST which can be the first entry -// in the children list or a token. -func (a *AST) GetRoot() AST { - if a.RootToken { - return *a - } - - if len(a.Children) == 0 { - return AST{} - } - - return a.Children[0] -} - -// GetChildren will return the current AST's list of children -func (a *AST) GetChildren() []AST { - if len(a.Children) == 0 { - return []AST{} - } - - if a.RootToken { - return a.Children - } - - return a.Children[1:] -} - -// SetChildren will set and override all children of the AST. -func (a *AST) SetChildren(children []AST) { - if a.RootToken { - a.Children = children - } else { - a.Children = append(a.Children[:1], children...) - } -} - -// Start is used to indicate the starting state of the parse table. -var Start = newAST(ASTKindStart, AST{}) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0895d53c..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -var commaRunes = []rune(",") - -func isComma(b rune) bool { - return b == ',' -} - -func newCommaToken() Token { - return newToken(TokenComma, commaRunes, NoneType) -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0b76999b..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// isComment will return whether or not the next byte(s) is a -// comment. -func isComment(b []rune) bool { - if len(b) == 0 { - return false - } - - switch b[0] { - case ';': - return true - case '#': - return true - } - - return false -} - -// newCommentToken will create a comment token and -// return how many bytes were read. -func newCommentToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - i := 0 - for ; i < len(b); i++ { - if b[i] == '\n' { - break - } - - if len(b)-i > 2 && b[i] == '\r' && b[i+1] == '\n' { - break - } - } - - return newToken(TokenComment, b[:i], NoneType), i, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index f5ebe52e..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - // internal/ini module was carved out of this module - _ "" -) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index fdd5321b..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -// Package ini is an LL(1) parser for configuration files. -// -// Example: -// sections, err := ini.OpenFile("/path/to/file") -// if err != nil { -// panic(err) -// } -// -// profile := "foo" -// section, ok := sections.GetSection(profile) -// if !ok { -// fmt.Printf("section %q could not be found", profile) -// } -// -// Below is the BNF that describes this parser -// -// Grammar: -// stmt -> section | stmt' -// stmt' -> epsilon | expr -// expr -> value (stmt)* | equal_expr (stmt)* -// equal_expr -> value ( ':' | '=' ) equal_expr' -// equal_expr' -> number | string | quoted_string -// quoted_string -> " quoted_string' -// quoted_string' -> string quoted_string_end -// quoted_string_end -> " -// -// section -> [ section' -// section' -> section_value section_close -// section_value -> number | string_subset | boolean | quoted_string_subset -// quoted_string_subset -> " quoted_string_subset' -// quoted_string_subset' -> string_subset quoted_string_end -// quoted_string_subset -> " -// section_close -> ] -// -// value -> number | string_subset | boolean -// string -> ? UTF-8 Code-Points except '\n' (U+000A) and '\r\n' (U+000D U+000A) ? -// string_subset -> ? Code-points excepted by grammar except ':' (U+003A), '=' (U+003D), '[' (U+005B), and ']' (U+005D) ? -// -// SkipState will skip (NL WS)+ -// -// comment -> # comment' | ; comment' -// comment' -> epsilon | value -package ini diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 04345a54..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// emptyToken is used to satisfy the Token interface -var emptyToken = newToken(TokenNone, []rune{}, NoneType) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 91ba2a59..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// newExpression will return an expression AST. -// Expr represents an expression -// -// grammar: -// expr -> string | number -func newExpression(tok Token) AST { - return newASTWithRootToken(ASTKindExpr, tok) -} - -func newEqualExpr(left AST, tok Token) AST { - return newASTWithRootToken(ASTKindEqualExpr, tok, left) -} - -// EqualExprKey will return a LHS value in the equal expr -func EqualExprKey(ast AST) string { - children := ast.GetChildren() - if len(children) == 0 || ast.Kind != ASTKindEqualExpr { - return "" - } - - return string(children[0].Root.Raw()) -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e4c947fe..355ed39e 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package ini // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.3.27" +const goModuleVersion = "1.8.2" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index f7406231..cefcce91 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,13 +1,26 @@ +// Package ini implements parsing of the AWS shared config file. +// +// Example: +// sections, err := ini.OpenFile("/path/to/file") +// if err != nil { +// panic(err) +// } +// +// profile := "foo" +// section, ok := sections.GetSection(profile) +// if !ok { +// fmt.Printf("section %q could not be found", profile) +// } package ini import ( "fmt" "io" "os" + "strings" ) -// OpenFile takes a path to a given file, and will open and parse -// that file. +// OpenFile parses shared config from the given file path. func OpenFile(path string) (sections Sections, err error) { f, oerr := os.Open(path) if oerr != nil { @@ -26,33 +39,18 @@ func OpenFile(path string) (sections Sections, err error) { return Parse(f, path) } -// Parse will parse the given file using the shared config -// visitor. -func Parse(f io.Reader, path string) (Sections, error) { - tree, err := ParseAST(f) +// Parse parses shared config from the given reader. +func Parse(r io.Reader, path string) (Sections, error) { + contents, err := io.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { - return Sections{}, err + return Sections{}, fmt.Errorf("read all: %v", err) } - v := NewDefaultVisitor(path) - if err = Walk(tree, v); err != nil { - return Sections{}, err - } - - return v.Sections, nil -} - -// ParseBytes will parse the given bytes and return the parsed sections. -func ParseBytes(b []byte) (Sections, error) { - tree, err := ParseASTBytes(b) + lines := strings.Split(string(contents), "\n") + tokens, err := tokenize(lines) if err != nil { - return Sections{}, err - } - - v := NewDefaultVisitor("") - if err = Walk(tree, v); err != nil { - return Sections{}, err + return Sections{}, fmt.Errorf("tokenize: %v", err) } - return v.Sections, nil + return parse(tokens, path), nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index abf1fb03..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "bytes" - "io" - "io/ioutil" -) - -// TokenType represents the various different tokens types -type TokenType int - -func (t TokenType) String() string { - switch t { - case TokenNone: - return "none" - case TokenLit: - return "literal" - case TokenSep: - return "sep" - case TokenOp: - return "op" - case TokenWS: - return "ws" - case TokenNL: - return "newline" - case TokenComment: - return "comment" - case TokenComma: - return "comma" - default: - return "" - } -} - -// TokenType enums -const ( - TokenNone = TokenType(iota) - TokenLit - TokenSep - TokenComma - TokenOp - TokenWS - TokenNL - TokenComment -) - -type iniLexer struct{} - -// Tokenize will return a list of tokens during lexical analysis of the -// io.Reader. -func (l *iniLexer) Tokenize(r io.Reader) ([]Token, error) { - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) - if err != nil { - return nil, &UnableToReadFile{Err: err} - } - - return l.tokenize(b) -} - -func (l *iniLexer) tokenize(b []byte) ([]Token, error) { - runes := bytes.Runes(b) - var err error - n := 0 - tokenAmount := countTokens(runes) - tokens := make([]Token, tokenAmount) - count := 0 - - for len(runes) > 0 && count < tokenAmount { - switch { - case isWhitespace(runes[0]): - tokens[count], n, err = newWSToken(runes) - case isComma(runes[0]): - tokens[count], n = newCommaToken(), 1 - case isComment(runes): - tokens[count], n, err = newCommentToken(runes) - case isNewline(runes): - tokens[count], n, err = newNewlineToken(runes) - case isSep(runes): - tokens[count], n, err = newSepToken(runes) - case isOp(runes): - tokens[count], n, err = newOpToken(runes) - default: - tokens[count], n, err = newLitToken(runes) - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - count++ - - runes = runes[n:] - } - - return tokens[:count], nil -} - -func countTokens(runes []rune) int { - count, n := 0, 0 - var err error - - for len(runes) > 0 { - switch { - case isWhitespace(runes[0]): - _, n, err = newWSToken(runes) - case isComma(runes[0]): - _, n = newCommaToken(), 1 - case isComment(runes): - _, n, err = newCommentToken(runes) - case isNewline(runes): - _, n, err = newNewlineToken(runes) - case isSep(runes): - _, n, err = newSepToken(runes) - case isOp(runes): - _, n, err = newOpToken(runes) - default: - _, n, err = newLitToken(runes) - } - - if err != nil { - return 0 - } - - count++ - runes = runes[n:] - } - - return count + 1 -} - -// Token indicates a metadata about a given value. -type Token struct { - t TokenType - ValueType ValueType - base int - raw []rune -} - -var emptyValue = Value{} - -func newToken(t TokenType, raw []rune, v ValueType) Token { - return Token{ - t: t, - raw: raw, - ValueType: v, - } -} - -// Raw return the raw runes that were consumed -func (tok Token) Raw() []rune { - return tok.raw -} - -// Type returns the token type -func (tok Token) Type() TokenType { - return tok.t -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 12fc7d5a..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" -) - -// ParseState represents the current state of the parser. -type ParseState uint - -// State enums for the parse table -const ( - InvalidState ParseState = iota - // stmt -> value stmt' - StatementState - // stmt' -> MarkComplete | op stmt - StatementPrimeState - // value -> number | string | boolean | quoted_string - ValueState - // section -> [ section' - OpenScopeState - // section' -> value section_close - SectionState - // section_close -> ] - CloseScopeState - // SkipState will skip (NL WS)+ - SkipState - // SkipTokenState will skip any token and push the previous - // state onto the stack. - SkipTokenState - // comment -> # comment' | ; comment' - // comment' -> MarkComplete | value - CommentState - // MarkComplete state will complete statements and move that - // to the completed AST list - MarkCompleteState - // TerminalState signifies that the tokens have been fully parsed - TerminalState -) - -// parseTable is a state machine to dictate the grammar above. -var parseTable = map[ASTKind]map[TokenType]ParseState{ - ASTKindStart: { - TokenLit: StatementState, - TokenSep: OpenScopeState, - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: TerminalState, - }, - ASTKindCommentStatement: { - TokenLit: StatementState, - TokenSep: OpenScopeState, - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: MarkCompleteState, - }, - ASTKindExpr: { - TokenOp: StatementPrimeState, - TokenLit: ValueState, - TokenSep: OpenScopeState, - TokenWS: ValueState, - TokenNL: SkipState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: MarkCompleteState, - }, - ASTKindEqualExpr: { - TokenLit: ValueState, - TokenSep: ValueState, - TokenOp: ValueState, - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipState, - }, - ASTKindStatement: { - TokenLit: SectionState, - TokenSep: CloseScopeState, - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: MarkCompleteState, - }, - ASTKindExprStatement: { - TokenLit: ValueState, - TokenSep: ValueState, - TokenOp: ValueState, - TokenWS: ValueState, - TokenNL: MarkCompleteState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: TerminalState, - TokenComma: SkipState, - }, - ASTKindSectionStatement: { - TokenLit: SectionState, - TokenOp: SectionState, - TokenSep: CloseScopeState, - TokenWS: SectionState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - }, - ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement: { - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - TokenLit: StatementState, - TokenSep: OpenScopeState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: MarkCompleteState, - }, - ASTKindSkipStatement: { - TokenLit: StatementState, - TokenSep: OpenScopeState, - TokenWS: SkipTokenState, - TokenNL: SkipTokenState, - TokenComment: CommentState, - TokenNone: TerminalState, - }, -} - -// ParseAST will parse input from an io.Reader using -// an LL(1) parser. -func ParseAST(r io.Reader) ([]AST, error) { - lexer := iniLexer{} - tokens, err := lexer.Tokenize(r) - if err != nil { - return []AST{}, err - } - - return parse(tokens) -} - -// ParseASTBytes will parse input from a byte slice using -// an LL(1) parser. -func ParseASTBytes(b []byte) ([]AST, error) { - lexer := iniLexer{} - tokens, err := lexer.tokenize(b) - if err != nil { - return []AST{}, err - } - - return parse(tokens) -} - -func parse(tokens []Token) ([]AST, error) { - start := Start - stack := newParseStack(3, len(tokens)) - - stack.Push(start) - s := newSkipper() - -loop: - for stack.Len() > 0 { - k := stack.Pop() - - var tok Token - if len(tokens) == 0 { - // this occurs when all the tokens have been processed - // but reduction of what's left on the stack needs to - // occur. - tok = emptyToken - } else { - tok = tokens[0] - } - - step := parseTable[k.Kind][tok.Type()] - if s.ShouldSkip(tok) { - // being in a skip state with no tokens will break out of - // the parse loop since there is nothing left to process. - if len(tokens) == 0 { - break loop - } - // if should skip is true, we skip the tokens until should skip is set to false. - step = SkipTokenState - } - - switch step { - case TerminalState: - // Finished parsing. Push what should be the last - // statement to the stack. If there is anything left - // on the stack, an error in parsing has occurred. - if k.Kind != ASTKindStart { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - } - break loop - case SkipTokenState: - // When skipping a token, the previous state was popped off the stack. - // To maintain the correct state, the previous state will be pushed - // onto the stack. - stack.Push(k) - case StatementState: - if k.Kind != ASTKindStart { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - } - expr := newExpression(tok) - stack.Push(expr) - case StatementPrimeState: - if tok.Type() != TokenOp { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - continue - } - - if k.Kind != ASTKindExpr { - return nil, NewParseError( - fmt.Sprintf("invalid expression: expected Expr type, but found %T type", k), - ) - } - - k = trimSpaces(k) - expr := newEqualExpr(k, tok) - stack.Push(expr) - case ValueState: - // ValueState requires the previous state to either be an equal expression - // or an expression statement. - switch k.Kind { - case ASTKindEqualExpr: - // assigning a value to some key - k.AppendChild(newExpression(tok)) - stack.Push(newExprStatement(k)) - case ASTKindExpr: - k.Root.raw = append(k.Root.raw, tok.Raw()...) - stack.Push(k) - case ASTKindExprStatement: - root := k.GetRoot() - children := root.GetChildren() - if len(children) == 0 { - return nil, NewParseError( - fmt.Sprintf("invalid expression: AST contains no children %s", k.Kind), - ) - } - - rhs := children[len(children)-1] - - if rhs.Root.ValueType != QuotedStringType { - rhs.Root.ValueType = StringType - rhs.Root.raw = append(rhs.Root.raw, tok.Raw()...) - - } - - children[len(children)-1] = rhs - root.SetChildren(children) - - stack.Push(k) - } - case OpenScopeState: - if !runeCompare(tok.Raw(), openBrace) { - return nil, NewParseError("expected '['") - } - // If OpenScopeState is not at the start, we must mark the previous ast as complete - // - // for example: if previous ast was a skip statement; - // we should mark it as complete before we create a new statement - if k.Kind != ASTKindStart { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - } - - stmt := newStatement() - stack.Push(stmt) - case CloseScopeState: - if !runeCompare(tok.Raw(), closeBrace) { - return nil, NewParseError("expected ']'") - } - - k = trimSpaces(k) - stack.Push(newCompletedSectionStatement(k)) - case SectionState: - var stmt AST - - switch k.Kind { - case ASTKindStatement: - // If there are multiple literals inside of a scope declaration, - // then the current token's raw value will be appended to the Name. - // - // This handles cases like [ profile default ] - // - // k will represent a SectionStatement with the children representing - // the label of the section - stmt = newSectionStatement(tok) - case ASTKindSectionStatement: - k.Root.raw = append(k.Root.raw, tok.Raw()...) - stmt = k - default: - return nil, NewParseError( - fmt.Sprintf("invalid statement: expected statement: %v", k.Kind), - ) - } - - stack.Push(stmt) - case MarkCompleteState: - if k.Kind != ASTKindStart { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - } - - if stack.Len() == 0 { - stack.Push(start) - } - case SkipState: - stack.Push(newSkipStatement(k)) - s.Skip() - case CommentState: - if k.Kind == ASTKindStart { - stack.Push(k) - } else { - stack.MarkComplete(k) - } - - stmt := newCommentStatement(tok) - stack.Push(stmt) - default: - return nil, NewParseError( - fmt.Sprintf("invalid state with ASTKind %v and TokenType %v", - k.Kind, tok.Type())) - } - - if len(tokens) > 0 { - tokens = tokens[1:] - } - } - - // this occurs when a statement has not been completed - if > 1 { - return nil, NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("incomplete ini expression")) - } - - // returns a sublist which exludes the start symbol - return stack.List(), nil -} - -// trimSpaces will trim spaces on the left and right hand side of -// the literal. -func trimSpaces(k AST) AST { - // trim left hand side of spaces - for i := 0; i < len(k.Root.raw); i++ { - if !isWhitespace(k.Root.raw[i]) { - break - } - - k.Root.raw = k.Root.raw[1:] - i-- - } - - // trim right hand side of spaces - for i := len(k.Root.raw) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - if !isWhitespace(k.Root.raw[i]) { - break - } - - k.Root.raw = k.Root.raw[:len(k.Root.raw)-1] - } - - return k -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index eca42d1b..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode" -) - -var ( - runesTrue = []rune("true") - runesFalse = []rune("false") -) - -var literalValues = [][]rune{ - runesTrue, - runesFalse, -} - -func isBoolValue(b []rune) bool { - for _, lv := range literalValues { - if isCaselessLitValue(lv, b) { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -func isLitValue(want, have []rune) bool { - if len(have) < len(want) { - return false - } - - for i := 0; i < len(want); i++ { - if want[i] != have[i] { - return false - } - } - - return true -} - -// isCaselessLitValue is a caseless value comparison, assumes want is already lower-cased for efficiency. -func isCaselessLitValue(want, have []rune) bool { - if len(have) < len(want) { - return false - } - - for i := 0; i < len(want); i++ { - if want[i] != unicode.ToLower(have[i]) { - return false - } - } - - return true -} - -// isNumberValue will return whether not the leading characters in -// a byte slice is a number. A number is delimited by whitespace or -// the newline token. -// -// A number is defined to be in a binary, octal, decimal (int | float), hex format, -// or in scientific notation. -func isNumberValue(b []rune) bool { - negativeIndex := 0 - helper := numberHelper{} - needDigit := false - - for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { - negativeIndex++ - - switch b[i] { - case '-': - if helper.IsNegative() || negativeIndex != 1 { - return false - } - helper.Determine(b[i]) - needDigit = true - continue - case 'e', 'E': - if err := helper.Determine(b[i]); err != nil { - return false - } - negativeIndex = 0 - needDigit = true - continue - case 'b': - if helper.numberFormat == hex { - break - } - fallthrough - case 'o', 'x': - needDigit = true - if i == 0 { - return false - } - - fallthrough - case '.': - if err := helper.Determine(b[i]); err != nil { - return false - } - needDigit = true - continue - } - - if i > 0 && (isNewline(b[i:]) || isWhitespace(b[i])) { - return !needDigit - } - - if !helper.CorrectByte(b[i]) { - return false - } - needDigit = false - } - - return !needDigit -} - -func isValid(b []rune) (bool, int, error) { - if len(b) == 0 { - // TODO: should probably return an error - return false, 0, nil - } - - return isValidRune(b[0]), 1, nil -} - -func isValidRune(r rune) bool { - return r != ':' && r != '=' && r != '[' && r != ']' && r != ' ' && r != '\n' -} - -// ValueType is an enum that will signify what type -// the Value is -type ValueType int - -func (v ValueType) String() string { - switch v { - case NoneType: - return "NONE" - case DecimalType: - return "FLOAT" - case IntegerType: - return "INT" - case StringType: - return "STRING" - case BoolType: - return "BOOL" - } - - return "" -} - -// ValueType enums -const ( - NoneType = ValueType(iota) - DecimalType - IntegerType - StringType - QuotedStringType - BoolType -) - -// Value is a union container -type Value struct { - Type ValueType - raw []rune - - integer int64 - decimal float64 - boolean bool - str string -} - -func newValue(t ValueType, base int, raw []rune) (Value, error) { - v := Value{ - Type: t, - raw: raw, - } - var err error - - switch t { - case DecimalType: - v.decimal, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(raw), 64) - case IntegerType: - if base != 10 { - raw = raw[2:] - } - - v.integer, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(raw), base, 64) - case StringType: - v.str = string(raw) - case QuotedStringType: - v.str = string(raw[1 : len(raw)-1]) - case BoolType: - v.boolean = isCaselessLitValue(runesTrue, v.raw) - } - - // issue 2253 - // - // if the value trying to be parsed is too large, then we will use - // the 'StringType' and raw value instead. - if nerr, ok := err.(*strconv.NumError); ok && nerr.Err == strconv.ErrRange { - v.Type = StringType - v.str = string(raw) - err = nil - } - - return v, err -} - -// NewStringValue returns a Value type generated using a string input. -func NewStringValue(str string) (Value, error) { - return newValue(StringType, 10, []rune(str)) -} - -// NewIntValue returns a Value type generated using an int64 input. -func NewIntValue(i int64) (Value, error) { - v := strconv.FormatInt(i, 10) - return newValue(IntegerType, 10, []rune(v)) -} - -func (v Value) String() string { - switch v.Type { - case DecimalType: - return fmt.Sprintf("decimal: %f", v.decimal) - case IntegerType: - return fmt.Sprintf("integer: %d", v.integer) - case StringType: - return fmt.Sprintf("string: %s", string(v.raw)) - case QuotedStringType: - return fmt.Sprintf("quoted string: %s", string(v.raw)) - case BoolType: - return fmt.Sprintf("bool: %t", v.boolean) - default: - return "union not set" - } -} - -func newLitToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - n := 0 - var err error - - token := Token{} - if b[0] == '"' { - n, err = getStringValue(b) - if err != nil { - return token, n, err - } - - token = newToken(TokenLit, b[:n], QuotedStringType) - } else if isNumberValue(b) { - var base int - base, n, err = getNumericalValue(b) - if err != nil { - return token, 0, err - } - - value := b[:n] - vType := IntegerType - if contains(value, '.') || hasExponent(value) { - vType = DecimalType - } - token = newToken(TokenLit, value, vType) - token.base = base - } else if isBoolValue(b) { - n, err = getBoolValue(b) - - token = newToken(TokenLit, b[:n], BoolType) - } else { - n, err = getValue(b) - token = newToken(TokenLit, b[:n], StringType) - } - - return token, n, err -} - -// IntValue returns an integer value -func (v Value) IntValue() int64 { - return v.integer -} - -// FloatValue returns a float value -func (v Value) FloatValue() float64 { - return v.decimal -} - -// BoolValue returns a bool value -func (v Value) BoolValue() bool { - return v.boolean -} - -func isTrimmable(r rune) bool { - switch r { - case '\n', ' ': - return true - } - return false -} - -// StringValue returns the string value -func (v Value) StringValue() string { - switch v.Type { - case StringType: - return strings.TrimFunc(string(v.raw), isTrimmable) - case QuotedStringType: - // preserve all characters in the quotes - return string(removeEscapedCharacters(v.raw[1 : len(v.raw)-1])) - default: - return strings.TrimFunc(string(v.raw), isTrimmable) - } -} - -func contains(runes []rune, c rune) bool { - for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ { - if runes[i] == c { - return true - } - } - - return false -} - -func runeCompare(v1 []rune, v2 []rune) bool { - if len(v1) != len(v2) { - return false - } - - for i := 0; i < len(v1); i++ { - if v1[i] != v2[i] { - return false - } - } - - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index e52ac399..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -func isNewline(b []rune) bool { - if len(b) == 0 { - return false - } - - if b[0] == '\n' { - return true - } - - if len(b) < 2 { - return false - } - - return b[0] == '\r' && b[1] == '\n' -} - -func newNewlineToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - i := 1 - if b[0] == '\r' && isNewline(b[1:]) { - i++ - } - - if !isNewline([]rune(b[:i])) { - return emptyToken, 0, NewParseError("invalid new line token") - } - - return newToken(TokenNL, b[:i], NoneType), i, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index a45c0bc5..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" - "strconv" -) - -const ( - none = numberFormat(iota) - binary - octal - decimal - hex - exponent -) - -type numberFormat int - -// numberHelper is used to dictate what format a number is in -// and what to do for negative values. Since -1e-4 is a valid -// number, we cannot just simply check for duplicate negatives. -type numberHelper struct { - numberFormat numberFormat - - negative bool - negativeExponent bool -} - -func (b numberHelper) Exists() bool { - return b.numberFormat != none -} - -func (b numberHelper) IsNegative() bool { - return b.negative || b.negativeExponent -} - -func (b *numberHelper) Determine(c rune) error { - if b.Exists() { - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("multiple number formats: 0%v", string(c))) - } - - switch c { - case 'b': - b.numberFormat = binary - case 'o': - b.numberFormat = octal - case 'x': - b.numberFormat = hex - case 'e', 'E': - b.numberFormat = exponent - case '-': - if b.numberFormat != exponent { - b.negative = true - } else { - b.negativeExponent = true - } - case '.': - b.numberFormat = decimal - default: - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid number character: %v", string(c))) - } - - return nil -} - -func (b numberHelper) CorrectByte(c rune) bool { - switch { - case b.numberFormat == binary: - if !isBinaryByte(c) { - return false - } - case b.numberFormat == octal: - if !isOctalByte(c) { - return false - } - case b.numberFormat == hex: - if !isHexByte(c) { - return false - } - case b.numberFormat == decimal: - if !isDigit(c) { - return false - } - case b.numberFormat == exponent: - if !isDigit(c) { - return false - } - case b.negativeExponent: - if !isDigit(c) { - return false - } - case b.negative: - if !isDigit(c) { - return false - } - default: - if !isDigit(c) { - return false - } - } - - return true -} - -func (b numberHelper) Base() int { - switch b.numberFormat { - case binary: - return 2 - case octal: - return 8 - case hex: - return 16 - default: - return 10 - } -} - -func (b numberHelper) String() string { - buf := bytes.Buffer{} - i := 0 - - switch b.numberFormat { - case binary: - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": binary format\n") - case octal: - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": octal format\n") - case hex: - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": hex format\n") - case exponent: - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": exponent format\n") - default: - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": integer format\n") - } - - if b.negative { - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": negative format\n") - } - - if b.negativeExponent { - i++ - buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(i) + ": negative exponent format\n") - } - - return buf.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8a84c7cb..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" -) - -var ( - equalOp = []rune("=") - equalColonOp = []rune(":") -) - -func isOp(b []rune) bool { - if len(b) == 0 { - return false - } - - switch b[0] { - case '=': - return true - case ':': - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -func newOpToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - tok := Token{} - - switch b[0] { - case '=': - tok = newToken(TokenOp, equalOp, NoneType) - case ':': - tok = newToken(TokenOp, equalColonOp, NoneType) - default: - return tok, 0, NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected op type, %v", b[0])) - } - return tok, 1, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2422d904 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +package ini + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +func parse(tokens []lineToken, path string) Sections { + parser := &parser{ + path: path, + sections: NewSections(), + } + parser.parse(tokens) + return parser.sections +} + +type parser struct { + csection, ckey string // current state + path string // source file path + sections Sections // parse result +} + +func (p *parser) parse(tokens []lineToken) { + for _, otok := range tokens { + switch tok := otok.(type) { + case *lineTokenProfile: + p.handleProfile(tok) + case *lineTokenProperty: + p.handleProperty(tok) + case *lineTokenSubProperty: + p.handleSubProperty(tok) + case *lineTokenContinuation: + p.handleContinuation(tok) + } + } +} + +func (p *parser) handleProfile(tok *lineTokenProfile) { + name := tok.Name + if tok.Type != "" { + name = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", tok.Type, tok.Name) + } + p.ckey = "" + p.csection = name + if _, ok := p.sections.container[name]; !ok { + p.sections.container[name] = NewSection(name) + } +} + +func (p *parser) handleProperty(tok *lineTokenProperty) { + if p.csection == "" { + return // LEGACY: don't error on "global" properties + } + + p.ckey = tok.Key + if _, ok := p.sections.container[p.csection].values[tok.Key]; ok { + section := p.sections.container[p.csection] + section.Logs = append(p.sections.container[p.csection].Logs, + fmt.Sprintf( + "For profile: %v, overriding %v value, with a %v value found in a duplicate profile defined later in the same file %v. \n", + p.csection, tok.Key, tok.Key, p.path, + ), + ) + p.sections.container[p.csection] = section + } + + p.sections.container[p.csection].values[tok.Key] = Value{ + str: tok.Value, + } + p.sections.container[p.csection].SourceFile[tok.Key] = p.path +} + +func (p *parser) handleSubProperty(tok *lineTokenSubProperty) { + if p.csection == "" { + return // LEGACY: don't error on "global" properties + } + + if p.ckey == "" || p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey].str != "" { + // This is an "orphaned" subproperty, either because it's at + // the beginning of a section or because the last property's + // value isn't empty. Either way we're lenient here and + // "promote" this to a normal property. + p.handleProperty(&lineTokenProperty{ + Key: tok.Key, + Value: strings.TrimSpace(trimPropertyComment(tok.Value)), + }) + return + } + + if p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey].mp == nil { + p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey] = Value{ + mp: map[string]string{}, + } + } + p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey].mp[tok.Key] = tok.Value +} + +func (p *parser) handleContinuation(tok *lineTokenContinuation) { + if p.ckey == "" { + return + } + + value, _ := p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey] + if value.str != "" && == nil { + value.str = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", value.str, tok.Value) + } + + p.sections.container[p.csection].values[p.ckey] = value +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 30ae0b8f..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// ParseError is an error which is returned during any part of -// the parsing process. -type ParseError struct { - msg string -} - -// NewParseError will return a new ParseError where message -// is the description of the error. -func NewParseError(message string) *ParseError { - return &ParseError{ - msg: message, - } -} - -func (err *ParseError) Error() string { - return err.msg -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7f01cf7c..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "bytes" - "fmt" -) - -// ParseStack is a stack that contains a container, the stack portion, -// and the list which is the list of ASTs that have been successfully -// parsed. -type ParseStack struct { - top int - container []AST - list []AST - index int -} - -func newParseStack(sizeContainer, sizeList int) ParseStack { - return ParseStack{ - container: make([]AST, sizeContainer), - list: make([]AST, sizeList), - } -} - -// Pop will return and truncate the last container element. -func (s *ParseStack) Pop() AST { - - return s.container[] -} - -// Push will add the new AST to the container -func (s *ParseStack) Push(ast AST) { - s.container[] = ast - -} - -// MarkComplete will append the AST to the list of completed statements -func (s *ParseStack) MarkComplete(ast AST) { - s.list[s.index] = ast - s.index++ -} - -// List will return the completed statements -func (s ParseStack) List() []AST { - return s.list[:s.index] -} - -// Len will return the length of the container -func (s *ParseStack) Len() int { - return -} - -func (s ParseStack) String() string { - buf := bytes.Buffer{} - for i, node := range s.list { - buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d: %v\n", i+1, node)) - } - - return buf.String() -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd89848e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +package ini + +import ( + "sort" +) + +// Sections is a map of Section structures that represent +// a configuration. +type Sections struct { + container map[string]Section +} + +// NewSections returns empty ini Sections +func NewSections() Sections { + return Sections{ + container: make(map[string]Section, 0), + } +} + +// GetSection will return section p. If section p does not exist, +// false will be returned in the second parameter. +func (t Sections) GetSection(p string) (Section, bool) { + v, ok := t.container[p] + return v, ok +} + +// HasSection denotes if Sections consist of a section with +// provided name. +func (t Sections) HasSection(p string) bool { + _, ok := t.container[p] + return ok +} + +// SetSection sets a section value for provided section name. +func (t Sections) SetSection(p string, v Section) Sections { + t.container[p] = v + return t +} + +// DeleteSection deletes a section entry/value for provided section name./ +func (t Sections) DeleteSection(p string) { + delete(t.container, p) +} + +// values represents a map of union values. +type values map[string]Value + +// List will return a list of all sections that were successfully +// parsed. +func (t Sections) List() []string { + keys := make([]string, len(t.container)) + i := 0 + for k := range t.container { + keys[i] = k + i++ + } + + sort.Strings(keys) + return keys +} + +// Section contains a name and values. This represent +// a sectioned entry in a configuration file. +type Section struct { + // Name is the Section profile name + Name string + + // values are the values within parsed profile + values values + + // Errors is the list of errors + Errors []error + + // Logs is the list of logs + Logs []string + + // SourceFile is the INI Source file from where this section + // was retrieved. They key is the property, value is the + // source file the property was retrieved from. + SourceFile map[string]string +} + +// NewSection returns an initialize section for the name +func NewSection(name string) Section { + return Section{ + Name: name, + values: values{}, + SourceFile: map[string]string{}, + } +} + +// List will return a list of all +// services in values +func (t Section) List() []string { + keys := make([]string, len(t.values)) + i := 0 + for k := range t.values { + keys[i] = k + i++ + } + + sort.Strings(keys) + return keys +} + +// UpdateSourceFile updates source file for a property to provided filepath. +func (t Section) UpdateSourceFile(property string, filepath string) { + t.SourceFile[property] = filepath +} + +// UpdateValue updates value for a provided key with provided value +func (t Section) UpdateValue(k string, v Value) error { + t.values[k] = v + return nil +} + +// Has will return whether or not an entry exists in a given section +func (t Section) Has(k string) bool { + _, ok := t.values[k] + return ok +} + +// ValueType will returned what type the union is set to. If +// k was not found, the NoneType will be returned. +func (t Section) ValueType(k string) (ValueType, bool) { + v, ok := t.values[k] + return v.Type, ok +} + +// Bool returns a bool value at k +func (t Section) Bool(k string) (bool, bool) { + return t.values[k].BoolValue() +} + +// Int returns an integer value at k +func (t Section) Int(k string) (int64, bool) { + return t.values[k].IntValue() +} + +// Map returns a map value at k +func (t Section) Map(k string) map[string]string { + return t.values[k].MapValue() +} + +// Float64 returns a float value at k +func (t Section) Float64(k string) (float64, bool) { + return t.values[k].FloatValue() +} + +// String returns the string value at k +func (t Section) String(k string) string { + _, ok := t.values[k] + if !ok { + return "" + } + return t.values[k].StringValue() +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index f82095ba..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" -) - -var ( - emptyRunes = []rune{} -) - -func isSep(b []rune) bool { - if len(b) == 0 { - return false - } - - switch b[0] { - case '[', ']': - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -var ( - openBrace = []rune("[") - closeBrace = []rune("]") -) - -func newSepToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - tok := Token{} - - switch b[0] { - case '[': - tok = newToken(TokenSep, openBrace, NoneType) - case ']': - tok = newToken(TokenSep, closeBrace, NoneType) - default: - return tok, 0, NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected sep type, %v", b[0])) - } - return tok, 1, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 07e90876..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// skipper is used to skip certain blocks of an ini file. -// Currently skipper is used to skip nested blocks of ini -// files. See example below -// -// [ foo ] -// nested = ; this section will be skipped -// a=b -// c=d -// bar=baz ; this will be included -type skipper struct { - shouldSkip bool - TokenSet bool - prevTok Token -} - -func newSkipper() skipper { - return skipper{ - prevTok: emptyToken, - } -} - -func (s *skipper) ShouldSkip(tok Token) bool { - // should skip state will be modified only if previous token was new line (NL); - // and the current token is not WhiteSpace (WS). - if s.shouldSkip && - s.prevTok.Type() == TokenNL && - tok.Type() != TokenWS { - s.Continue() - return false - } - - s.prevTok = tok - return s.shouldSkip -} - -func (s *skipper) Skip() { - s.shouldSkip = true -} - -func (s *skipper) Continue() { - s.shouldSkip = false - s.prevTok = emptyToken -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index ba0af01b..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// Statement is an empty AST mostly used for transitioning states. -func newStatement() AST { - return newAST(ASTKindStatement, AST{}) -} - -// SectionStatement represents a section AST -func newSectionStatement(tok Token) AST { - return newASTWithRootToken(ASTKindSectionStatement, tok) -} - -// ExprStatement represents a completed expression AST -func newExprStatement(ast AST) AST { - return newAST(ASTKindExprStatement, ast) -} - -// CommentStatement represents a comment in the ini defintion. -// -// grammar: -// comment -> #comment' | ;comment' -// comment' -> epsilon | value -func newCommentStatement(tok Token) AST { - return newAST(ASTKindCommentStatement, newExpression(tok)) -} - -// CompletedSectionStatement represents a completed section -func newCompletedSectionStatement(ast AST) AST { - return newAST(ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement, ast) -} - -// SkipStatement is used to skip whole statements -func newSkipStatement(ast AST) AST { - return newAST(ASTKindSkipStatement, ast) -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed77d083 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +package ini + +import ( + "strings" +) + +func trimProfileComment(s string) string { + r, _, _ := strings.Cut(s, "#") + r, _, _ = strings.Cut(r, ";") + return r +} + +func trimPropertyComment(s string) string { + r, _, _ := strings.Cut(s, " #") + r, _, _ = strings.Cut(r, " ;") + r, _, _ = strings.Cut(r, "\t#") + r, _, _ = strings.Cut(r, "\t;") + return r +} + +// assumes no surrounding comment +func splitProperty(s string) (string, string, bool) { + equalsi := strings.Index(s, "=") + coloni := strings.Index(s, ":") // LEGACY: also supported for property assignment + sep := "=" + if equalsi == -1 || coloni != -1 && coloni < equalsi { + sep = ":" + } + + k, v, ok := strings.Cut(s, sep) + if !ok { + return "", "", false + } + return strings.TrimSpace(k), strings.TrimSpace(v), true +} + +// assumes no surrounding comment, whitespace, or profile brackets +func splitProfile(s string) (string, string) { + var first int + for i, r := range s { + if isLineSpace(r) { + if first == 0 { + first = i + } + } else { + if first != 0 { + return s[:first], s[i:] + } + } + } + if first == 0 { + return "", s // type component is effectively blank + } + return "", "" +} + +func isLineSpace(r rune) bool { + return r == ' ' || r == '\t' +} + +func unquote(s string) string { + if isSingleQuoted(s) || isDoubleQuoted(s) { + return s[1 : len(s)-1] + } + return s +} + +// applies various legacy conversions to property values: +// - remote wrapping single/doublequotes +func legacyStrconv(s string) string { + s = unquote(s) + return s +} + +func isSingleQuoted(s string) bool { + return hasAffixes(s, "'", "'") +} + +func isDoubleQuoted(s string) bool { + return hasAffixes(s, `"`, `"`) +} + +func isBracketed(s string) bool { + return hasAffixes(s, "[", "]") +} + +func hasAffixes(s, left, right string) bool { + return strings.HasPrefix(s, left) && strings.HasSuffix(s, right) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e9a0374 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package ini + +type lineToken interface { + isLineToken() +} + +type lineTokenProfile struct { + Type string + Name string +} + +func (*lineTokenProfile) isLineToken() {} + +type lineTokenProperty struct { + Key string + Value string +} + +func (*lineTokenProperty) isLineToken() {} + +type lineTokenContinuation struct { + Value string +} + +func (*lineTokenContinuation) isLineToken() {} + +type lineTokenSubProperty struct { + Key string + Value string +} + +func (*lineTokenSubProperty) isLineToken() {} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89a77368 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +package ini + +import ( + "strings" +) + +func tokenize(lines []string) ([]lineToken, error) { + tokens := make([]lineToken, 0, len(lines)) + for _, line := range lines { + if len(strings.TrimSpace(line)) == 0 || isLineComment(line) { + continue + } + + if tok := asProfile(line); tok != nil { + tokens = append(tokens, tok) + } else if tok := asProperty(line); tok != nil { + tokens = append(tokens, tok) + } else if tok := asSubProperty(line); tok != nil { + tokens = append(tokens, tok) + } else if tok := asContinuation(line); tok != nil { + tokens = append(tokens, tok) + } // unrecognized tokens are effectively ignored + } + return tokens, nil +} + +func isLineComment(line string) bool { + trimmed := strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t") + return strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "#") || strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, ";") +} + +func asProfile(line string) *lineTokenProfile { // " [ type name ] ; comment" + trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(trimProfileComment(line)) // "[ type name ]" + if !isBracketed(trimmed) { + return nil + } + trimmed = trimmed[1 : len(trimmed)-1] // " type name " (or just " name ") + trimmed = strings.TrimSpace(trimmed) // "type name" / "name" + typ, name := splitProfile(trimmed) + return &lineTokenProfile{ + Type: typ, + Name: name, + } +} + +func asProperty(line string) *lineTokenProperty { + if isLineSpace(rune(line[0])) { + return nil + } + + trimmed := trimPropertyComment(line) + trimmed = strings.TrimRight(trimmed, " \t") + k, v, ok := splitProperty(trimmed) + if !ok { + return nil + } + + return &lineTokenProperty{ + Key: strings.ToLower(k), // LEGACY: normalize key case + Value: legacyStrconv(v), // LEGACY: see func docs + } +} + +func asSubProperty(line string) *lineTokenSubProperty { + if !isLineSpace(rune(line[0])) { + return nil + } + + // comments on sub-properties are included in the value + trimmed := strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t") + k, v, ok := splitProperty(trimmed) + if !ok { + return nil + } + + return &lineTokenSubProperty{ // same LEGACY constraints as in normal property + Key: strings.ToLower(k), + Value: legacyStrconv(v), + } +} + +func asContinuation(line string) *lineTokenContinuation { + if !isLineSpace(rune(line[0])) { + return nil + } + + // includes comments like sub-properties + trimmed := strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t") + return &lineTokenContinuation{ + Value: trimmed, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3706b3c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +package ini + +import ( + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +// ValueType is an enum that will signify what type +// the Value is +type ValueType int + +func (v ValueType) String() string { + switch v { + case NoneType: + return "NONE" + case StringType: + return "STRING" + } + + return "" +} + +// ValueType enums +const ( + NoneType = ValueType(iota) + StringType + QuotedStringType +) + +// Value is a union container +type Value struct { + Type ValueType + + str string + mp map[string]string +} + +// NewStringValue returns a Value type generated using a string input. +func NewStringValue(str string) (Value, error) { + return Value{str: str}, nil +} + +func (v Value) String() string { + switch v.Type { + case StringType: + return fmt.Sprintf("string: %s", string(v.str)) + case QuotedStringType: + return fmt.Sprintf("quoted string: %s", string(v.str)) + default: + return "union not set" + } +} + +// MapValue returns a map value for sub properties +func (v Value) MapValue() map[string]string { + return +} + +// IntValue returns an integer value +func (v Value) IntValue() (int64, bool) { + i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(v.str), 0, 64) + if err != nil { + return 0, false + } + return i, true +} + +// FloatValue returns a float value +func (v Value) FloatValue() (float64, bool) { + f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v.str), 64) + if err != nil { + return 0, false + } + return f, true +} + +// BoolValue returns a bool value +func (v Value) BoolValue() (bool, bool) { + // we don't use ParseBool as it recognizes more than what we've + // historically supported + if strings.EqualFold(v.str, "true") { + return true, true + } else if strings.EqualFold(v.str, "false") { + return false, true + } + return false, false +} + +// StringValue returns the string value +func (v Value) StringValue() string { + return v.str +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index b5480fde..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" -) - -// getStringValue will return a quoted string and the amount -// of bytes read -// -// an error will be returned if the string is not properly formatted -func getStringValue(b []rune) (int, error) { - if b[0] != '"' { - return 0, NewParseError("strings must start with '\"'") - } - - endQuote := false - i := 1 - - for ; i < len(b) && !endQuote; i++ { - if escaped := isEscaped(b[:i], b[i]); b[i] == '"' && !escaped { - endQuote = true - break - } else if escaped { - /*c, err := getEscapedByte(b[i]) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - - b[i-1] = c - b = append(b[:i], b[i+1:]...) - i--*/ - - continue - } - } - - if !endQuote { - return 0, NewParseError("missing '\"' in string value") - } - - return i + 1, nil -} - -// getBoolValue will return a boolean and the amount -// of bytes read -// -// an error will be returned if the boolean is not of a correct -// value -func getBoolValue(b []rune) (int, error) { - if len(b) < 4 { - return 0, NewParseError("invalid boolean value") - } - - n := 0 - for _, lv := range literalValues { - if len(lv) > len(b) { - continue - } - - if isCaselessLitValue(lv, b) { - n = len(lv) - } - } - - if n == 0 { - return 0, NewParseError("invalid boolean value") - } - - return n, nil -} - -// getNumericalValue will return a numerical string, the amount -// of bytes read, and the base of the number -// -// an error will be returned if the number is not of a correct -// value -func getNumericalValue(b []rune) (int, int, error) { - if !isDigit(b[0]) { - return 0, 0, NewParseError("invalid digit value") - } - - i := 0 - helper := numberHelper{} - -loop: - for negativeIndex := 0; i < len(b); i++ { - negativeIndex++ - - if !isDigit(b[i]) { - switch b[i] { - case '-': - if helper.IsNegative() || negativeIndex != 1 { - return 0, 0, NewParseError("parse error '-'") - } - - n := getNegativeNumber(b[i:]) - i += (n - 1) - helper.Determine(b[i]) - continue - case '.': - if err := helper.Determine(b[i]); err != nil { - return 0, 0, err - } - case 'e', 'E': - if err := helper.Determine(b[i]); err != nil { - return 0, 0, err - } - - negativeIndex = 0 - case 'b': - if helper.numberFormat == hex { - break - } - fallthrough - case 'o', 'x': - if i == 0 && b[i] != '0' { - return 0, 0, NewParseError("incorrect base format, expected leading '0'") - } - - if i != 1 { - return 0, 0, NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("incorrect base format found %s at %d index", string(b[i]), i)) - } - - if err := helper.Determine(b[i]); err != nil { - return 0, 0, err - } - default: - if isWhitespace(b[i]) { - break loop - } - - if isNewline(b[i:]) { - break loop - } - - if !(helper.numberFormat == hex && isHexByte(b[i])) { - if i+2 < len(b) && !isNewline(b[i:i+2]) { - return 0, 0, NewParseError("invalid numerical character") - } else if !isNewline([]rune{b[i]}) { - return 0, 0, NewParseError("invalid numerical character") - } - - break loop - } - } - } - } - - return helper.Base(), i, nil -} - -// isDigit will return whether or not something is an integer -func isDigit(b rune) bool { - return b >= '0' && b <= '9' -} - -func hasExponent(v []rune) bool { - return contains(v, 'e') || contains(v, 'E') -} - -func isBinaryByte(b rune) bool { - switch b { - case '0', '1': - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -func isOctalByte(b rune) bool { - switch b { - case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -func isHexByte(b rune) bool { - if isDigit(b) { - return true - } - return (b >= 'A' && b <= 'F') || - (b >= 'a' && b <= 'f') -} - -func getValue(b []rune) (int, error) { - i := 0 - - for i < len(b) { - if isNewline(b[i:]) { - break - } - - if isOp(b[i:]) { - break - } - - valid, n, err := isValid(b[i:]) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - - if !valid { - break - } - - i += n - } - - return i, nil -} - -// getNegativeNumber will return a negative number from a -// byte slice. This will iterate through all characters until -// a non-digit has been found. -func getNegativeNumber(b []rune) int { - if b[0] != '-' { - return 0 - } - - i := 1 - for ; i < len(b); i++ { - if !isDigit(b[i]) { - return i - } - } - - return i -} - -// isEscaped will return whether or not the character is an escaped -// character. -func isEscaped(value []rune, b rune) bool { - if len(value) == 0 { - return false - } - - switch b { - case '\'': // single quote - case '"': // quote - case 'n': // newline - case 't': // tab - case '\\': // backslash - default: - return false - } - - return value[len(value)-1] == '\\' -} - -func getEscapedByte(b rune) (rune, error) { - switch b { - case '\'': // single quote - return '\'', nil - case '"': // quote - return '"', nil - case 'n': // newline - return '\n', nil - case 't': // table - return '\t', nil - case '\\': // backslash - return '\\', nil - default: - return b, NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid escaped character %c", b)) - } -} - -func removeEscapedCharacters(b []rune) []rune { - for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { - if isEscaped(b[:i], b[i]) { - c, err := getEscapedByte(b[i]) - if err != nil { - return b - } - - b[i-1] = c - b = append(b[:i], b[i+1:]...) - i-- - } - } - - return b -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index a07a6373..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - "strings" -) - -// Visitor is an interface used by walkers that will -// traverse an array of ASTs. -type Visitor interface { - VisitExpr(AST) error - VisitStatement(AST) error -} - -// DefaultVisitor is used to visit statements and expressions -// and ensure that they are both of the correct format. -// In addition, upon visiting this will build sections and populate -// the Sections field which can be used to retrieve profile -// configuration. -type DefaultVisitor struct { - - // scope is the profile which is being visited - scope string - - // path is the file path which the visitor is visiting - path string - - // Sections defines list of the profile section - Sections Sections -} - -// NewDefaultVisitor returns a DefaultVisitor. It takes in a filepath -// which points to the file it is visiting. -func NewDefaultVisitor(filepath string) *DefaultVisitor { - return &DefaultVisitor{ - Sections: Sections{ - container: map[string]Section{}, - }, - path: filepath, - } -} - -// VisitExpr visits expressions... -func (v *DefaultVisitor) VisitExpr(expr AST) error { - t := v.Sections.container[v.scope] - if t.values == nil { - t.values = values{} - } - if t.SourceFile == nil { - t.SourceFile = make(map[string]string, 0) - } - - switch expr.Kind { - case ASTKindExprStatement: - opExpr := expr.GetRoot() - switch opExpr.Kind { - case ASTKindEqualExpr: - children := opExpr.GetChildren() - if len(children) <= 1 { - return NewParseError("unexpected token type") - } - - rhs := children[1] - - // The right-hand value side the equality expression is allowed to contain '[', ']', ':', '=' in the values. - // If the token is not either a literal or one of the token types that identifies those four additional - // tokens then error. - if !(rhs.Root.Type() == TokenLit || rhs.Root.Type() == TokenOp || rhs.Root.Type() == TokenSep) { - return NewParseError("unexpected token type") - } - - key := EqualExprKey(opExpr) - val, err := newValue(rhs.Root.ValueType, rhs.Root.base, rhs.Root.Raw()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // lower case key to standardize - k := strings.ToLower(key) - - // identify if the section already had this key, append log on section - if t.Has(k) { - t.Logs = append(t.Logs, - fmt.Sprintf("For profile: %v, overriding %v value, "+ - "with a %v value found in a duplicate profile defined later in the same file %v. \n", - t.Name, k, k, v.path)) - } - - // assign the value - t.values[k] = val - // update the source file path for region - t.SourceFile[k] = v.path - default: - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported expression %v", expr)) - } - default: - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported expression %v", expr)) - } - - v.Sections.container[v.scope] = t - return nil -} - -// VisitStatement visits statements... -func (v *DefaultVisitor) VisitStatement(stmt AST) error { - switch stmt.Kind { - case ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement: - child := stmt.GetRoot() - if child.Kind != ASTKindSectionStatement { - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported child statement: %T", child)) - } - - name := string(child.Root.Raw()) - - // trim start and end space - name = strings.TrimSpace(name) - - // if has prefix "profile " + [ws+] + "profile-name", - // we standardize by removing the [ws+] between prefix and profile-name. - if strings.HasPrefix(name, "profile ") { - names := strings.SplitN(name, " ", 2) - name = names[0] + " " + strings.TrimLeft(names[1], " ") - } - - // attach profile name on section - if !v.Sections.HasSection(name) { - v.Sections.container[name] = NewSection(name) - } - v.scope = name - default: - return NewParseError(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported statement: %s", stmt.Kind)) - } - - return nil -} - -// Sections is a map of Section structures that represent -// a configuration. -type Sections struct { - container map[string]Section -} - -// NewSections returns empty ini Sections -func NewSections() Sections { - return Sections{ - container: make(map[string]Section, 0), - } -} - -// GetSection will return section p. If section p does not exist, -// false will be returned in the second parameter. -func (t Sections) GetSection(p string) (Section, bool) { - v, ok := t.container[p] - return v, ok -} - -// HasSection denotes if Sections consist of a section with -// provided name. -func (t Sections) HasSection(p string) bool { - _, ok := t.container[p] - return ok -} - -// SetSection sets a section value for provided section name. -func (t Sections) SetSection(p string, v Section) Sections { - t.container[p] = v - return t -} - -// DeleteSection deletes a section entry/value for provided section name./ -func (t Sections) DeleteSection(p string) { - delete(t.container, p) -} - -// values represents a map of union values. -type values map[string]Value - -// List will return a list of all sections that were successfully -// parsed. -func (t Sections) List() []string { - keys := make([]string, len(t.container)) - i := 0 - for k := range t.container { - keys[i] = k - i++ - } - - sort.Strings(keys) - return keys -} - -// Section contains a name and values. This represent -// a sectioned entry in a configuration file. -type Section struct { - // Name is the Section profile name - Name string - - // values are the values within parsed profile - values values - - // Errors is the list of errors - Errors []error - - // Logs is the list of logs - Logs []string - - // SourceFile is the INI Source file from where this section - // was retrieved. They key is the property, value is the - // source file the property was retrieved from. - SourceFile map[string]string -} - -// NewSection returns an initialize section for the name -func NewSection(name string) Section { - return Section{ - Name: name, - values: values{}, - SourceFile: map[string]string{}, - } -} - -// UpdateSourceFile updates source file for a property to provided filepath. -func (t Section) UpdateSourceFile(property string, filepath string) { - t.SourceFile[property] = filepath -} - -// UpdateValue updates value for a provided key with provided value -func (t Section) UpdateValue(k string, v Value) error { - t.values[k] = v - return nil -} - -// Has will return whether or not an entry exists in a given section -func (t Section) Has(k string) bool { - _, ok := t.values[k] - return ok -} - -// ValueType will returned what type the union is set to. If -// k was not found, the NoneType will be returned. -func (t Section) ValueType(k string) (ValueType, bool) { - v, ok := t.values[k] - return v.Type, ok -} - -// Bool returns a bool value at k -func (t Section) Bool(k string) bool { - return t.values[k].BoolValue() -} - -// Int returns an integer value at k -func (t Section) Int(k string) int64 { - return t.values[k].IntValue() -} - -// Float64 returns a float value at k -func (t Section) Float64(k string) float64 { - return t.values[k].FloatValue() -} - -// String returns the string value at k -func (t Section) String(k string) string { - _, ok := t.values[k] - if !ok { - return "" - } - return t.values[k].StringValue() -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 99915f7f..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -// Walk will traverse the AST using the v, the Visitor. -func Walk(tree []AST, v Visitor) error { - for _, node := range tree { - switch node.Kind { - case ASTKindExpr, - ASTKindExprStatement: - - if err := v.VisitExpr(node); err != nil { - return err - } - case ASTKindStatement, - ASTKindCompletedSectionStatement, - ASTKindNestedSectionStatement, - ASTKindCompletedNestedSectionStatement: - - if err := v.VisitStatement(node); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7ffb4ae0..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -package ini - -import ( - "unicode" -) - -// isWhitespace will return whether or not the character is -// a whitespace character. -// -// Whitespace is defined as a space or tab. -func isWhitespace(c rune) bool { - return unicode.IsSpace(c) && c != '\n' && c != '\r' -} - -func newWSToken(b []rune) (Token, int, error) { - i := 0 - for ; i < len(b); i++ { - if !isWhitespace(b[i]) { - break - } - } - - return newToken(TokenWS, b[:i], NoneType), i, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e24a3f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package middleware + +import ( + "context" + "sync/atomic" + "time" + + internalcontext "" + "" +) + +// AddTimeOffsetMiddleware sets a value representing clock skew on the request context. +// This can be read by other operations (such as signing) to correct the date value they send +// on the request +type AddTimeOffsetMiddleware struct { + Offset *atomic.Int64 +} + +// ID the identifier for AddTimeOffsetMiddleware +func (m *AddTimeOffsetMiddleware) ID() string { return "AddTimeOffsetMiddleware" } + +// HandleBuild sets a value for attemptSkew on the request context if one is set on the client. +func (m AddTimeOffsetMiddleware) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler) ( + out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if m.Offset != nil { + offset := time.Duration(m.Offset.Load()) + ctx = internalcontext.SetAttemptSkewContext(ctx, offset) + } + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +// HandleDeserialize gets the clock skew context from the context, and if set, sets it on the pointer +// held by AddTimeOffsetMiddleware +func (m *AddTimeOffsetMiddleware) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( + out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if v := internalcontext.GetAttemptSkewContext(ctx); v != 0 { + m.Offset.Store(v.Nanoseconds()) + } + return next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c96b717e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +package shareddefaults + +import ( + "os" + "os/user" + "path/filepath" +) + +// SharedCredentialsFilename returns the SDK's default file path +// for the shared credentials file. +// +// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform. +// +// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/credentials +// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials +func SharedCredentialsFilename() string { + return filepath.Join(UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "credentials") +} + +// SharedConfigFilename returns the SDK's default file path for +// the shared config file. +// +// Builds the shared config file path based on the OS's platform. +// +// - Linux/Unix: $HOME/.aws/config +// - Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config +func SharedConfigFilename() string { + return filepath.Join(UserHomeDir(), ".aws", "config") +} + +// UserHomeDir returns the home directory for the user the process is +// running under. +func UserHomeDir() string { + // Ignore errors since we only care about Windows and *nix. + home, _ := os.UserHomeDir() + + if len(home) > 0 { + return home + } + + currUser, _ := user.Current() + if currUser != nil { + home = currUser.HomeDir + } + + return home +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index 81a83612..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -PROJECT_DIR="" -SDK_SOURCE_DIR=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd) - -usage() { - echo "Usage: $0 [-s SDK_SOURCE_DIR] [-d PROJECT_DIR]" 1>&2 - exit 1 -} - -while getopts "hs:d:" options; do - case "${options}" in - s) - SDK_SOURCE_DIR=${OPTARG} - if [ "$SDK_SOURCE_DIR" == "" ]; then - echo "path to SDK source directory is required" || exit - usage - fi - ;; - d) - PROJECT_DIR=${OPTARG} - ;; - h) - usage - ;; - *) - usage - ;; - esac -done - -if [ "$PROJECT_DIR" != "" ]; then - cd "$PROJECT_DIR" || exit -fi - -go mod graph | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d '@' -f 1 | sort | uniq | grep "" | while read x; do - repPath=${x/\/aws\/aws-sdk-go-v2/${SDK_SOURCE_DIR}} - echo -replace $x=$repPath -done | xargs go mod edit diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ deleted file mode 100644 index b6d07cdd..00000000 --- a/vendor/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ - -[dependencies] - "" = "v1.44.28" - "" = "v1.13.5" - "" = "v0.5.8" - "" = "v0.4.0" - "" = "v0.1.0" - -[modules] - - [modules."."] - metadata_package = "aws" - - [modules.codegen] - no_tag = true - - [modules."example/service/dynamodb/createTable"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."example/service/dynamodb/scanItems"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."example/service/s3/listObjects"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."example/service/s3/usingPrivateLink"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."feature/ec2/imds/internal/configtesting"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/codegen"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/configsources/configtesting"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/awsrestjson"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/ec2query"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/jsonrpc"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/jsonrpc10"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/query"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/restxml"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/protocoltest/restxmlwithnamespace"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/repotools"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."internal/repotools/changes"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."service/internal/benchmark"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."service/internal/integrationtest"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."service/kinesis/internal/testing"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."service/s3/internal/configtesting"] - no_tag = true - - [modules."service/transcribestreaming/internal/testing"] - no_tag = true diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef78753a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +# v1.12.2 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.12.1 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. + +# v1.12.0 (2024-10-04) + +* **Feature**: Add support for HTTP client metrics. + +# v1.11.5 (2024-09-20) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.11.4 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. + +# v1.11.3 (2024-06-28) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.11.2 (2024-03-29) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.11.1 (2024-02-21) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.11.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. + +# v1.10.4 (2023-12-07) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.10.3 (2023-11-30) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.10.2 (2023-11-29) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.10.1 (2023-11-15) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.10.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( + +# v1.9.15 (2023-10-06) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.14 (2023-08-18) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.13 (2023-08-07) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.12 (2023-07-31) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.11 (2022-12-02) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.10 (2022-10-24) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.9 (2022-09-14) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.8 (2022-09-02) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.7 (2022-08-31) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.6 (2022-08-29) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.5 (2022-08-11) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.4 (2022-08-09) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.3 (2022-06-29) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.2 (2022-06-07) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.1 (2022-03-24) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.9.0 (2022-03-08) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.8.0 (2022-02-24) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.7.0 (2022-01-14) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.6.0 (2022-01-07) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.5.0 (2021-11-06) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.4.0 (2021-10-21) + +* **Feature**: Updated to latest version + +# v1.3.0 (2021-08-27) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.2.2 (2021-08-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated `` to latest version. + +# v1.2.1 (2021-07-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.2.0 (2021-06-25) + +* **Feature**: Updated `` to latest version + +# v1.1.0 (2021-05-14) + +* **Feature**: Constant has been added to modules to enable runtime version inspection for reporting. + diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6456956 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f451fc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +package acceptencoding + +import ( + "compress/gzip" + "context" + "fmt" + "io" + + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +const acceptEncodingHeaderKey = "Accept-Encoding" +const contentEncodingHeaderKey = "Content-Encoding" + +// AddAcceptEncodingGzipOptions provides the options for the +// AddAcceptEncodingGzip middleware setup. +type AddAcceptEncodingGzipOptions struct { + Enable bool +} + +// AddAcceptEncodingGzip explicitly adds handling for accept-encoding GZIP +// middleware to the operation stack. This allows checksums to be correctly +// computed without disabling GZIP support. +func AddAcceptEncodingGzip(stack *middleware.Stack, options AddAcceptEncodingGzipOptions) error { + if options.Enable { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&EnableGzip{}, middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := stack.Deserialize.Insert(&DecompressGzip{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil + } + + return stack.Finalize.Add(&DisableGzip{}, middleware.Before) +} + +// DisableGzip provides the middleware that will +// disable the underlying http client automatically enabling for gzip +// decompress content-encoding support. +type DisableGzip struct{} + +// ID returns the id for the middleware. +func (*DisableGzip) ID() string { + return "DisableAcceptEncodingGzip" +} + +// HandleFinalize implements the FinalizeMiddleware interface. +func (*DisableGzip) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, input middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, +) ( + output middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := input.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return output, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown request type %T", input.Request), + } + } + + // Explicitly enable gzip support, this will prevent the http client from + // auto extracting the zipped content. + req.Header.Set(acceptEncodingHeaderKey, "identity") + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, input) +} + +// EnableGzip provides a middleware to enable support for +// gzip responses, with manual decompression. This prevents the underlying HTTP +// client from performing the gzip decompression automatically. +type EnableGzip struct{} + +// ID returns the id for the middleware. +func (*EnableGzip) ID() string { + return "AcceptEncodingGzip" +} + +// HandleFinalize implements the FinalizeMiddleware interface. +func (*EnableGzip) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, input middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, +) ( + output middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := input.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return output, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown request type %T", input.Request), + } + } + + // Explicitly enable gzip support, this will prevent the http client from + // auto extracting the zipped content. + req.Header.Set(acceptEncodingHeaderKey, "gzip") + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, input) +} + +// DecompressGzip provides the middleware for decompressing a gzip +// response from the service. +type DecompressGzip struct{} + +// ID returns the id for the middleware. +func (*DecompressGzip) ID() string { + return "DecompressGzip" +} + +// HandleDeserialize implements the DeserializeMiddlware interface. +func (*DecompressGzip) HandleDeserialize( + ctx context.Context, input middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler, +) ( + output middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + output, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, input) + if err != nil { + return output, metadata, err + } + + resp, ok := output.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) + if !ok { + return output, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown response type %T", output.RawResponse), + } + } + if v := resp.Header.Get(contentEncodingHeaderKey); v != "gzip" { + return output, metadata, err + } + + // Clear content length since it will no longer be valid once the response + // body is decompressed. + resp.Header.Del("Content-Length") + resp.ContentLength = -1 + + resp.Body = wrapGzipReader(resp.Body) + + return output, metadata, err +} + +type gzipReader struct { + reader io.ReadCloser + gzip *gzip.Reader +} + +func wrapGzipReader(reader io.ReadCloser) *gzipReader { + return &gzipReader{ + reader: reader, + } +} + +// Read wraps the gzip reader around the underlying io.Reader to extract the +// response bytes on the fly. +func (g *gzipReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + if g.gzip == nil { + g.gzip, err = gzip.NewReader(g.reader) + if err != nil { + g.gzip = nil // ensure uninitialized gzip value isn't used in close. + return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to decompress gzip response, %w", err) + } + } + + return g.gzip.Read(b) +} + +func (g *gzipReader) Close() error { + if g.gzip == nil { + return nil + } + + if err := g.gzip.Close(); err != nil { + g.reader.Close() + return fmt.Errorf("failed to decompress gzip response, %w", err) + } + + return g.reader.Close() +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7056d9bf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* +Package acceptencoding provides customizations associated with Accept Encoding Header. + +# Accept encoding gzip + +The Go HTTP client automatically supports accept-encoding and content-encoding +gzip by default. This default behavior is not desired by the SDK, and prevents +validating the response body's checksum. To prevent this the SDK must manually +control usage of content-encoding gzip. + +To control content-encoding, the SDK must always set the `Accept-Encoding` +header to a value. This prevents the HTTP client from using gzip automatically. +When gzip is enabled on the API client, the SDK's customization will control +decompressing the gzip data in order to not break the checksum validation. When +gzip is disabled, the API client will disable gzip, preventing the HTTP +client's default behavior. + +An `EnableAcceptEncodingGzip` option may or may not be present depending on the client using +the below middleware. The option if present can be used to enable auto decompressing +gzip by the SDK. +*/ +package acceptencoding diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cbf79b40 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +// Code generated by internal/repotools/cmd/updatemodulemeta DO NOT EDIT. + +package acceptencoding + +// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module +const goModuleVersion = "1.12.2" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a2dfc457..3d98e3c1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,262 @@ +# v1.12.13 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.12 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.11 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.10 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.12.9 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.8 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.7 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.6 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.5 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.4 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.3 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.2 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.1 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.0 (2024-10-04) + +* **Feature**: Add support for HTTP client metrics. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.20 (2024-09-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.19 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.18 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.17 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.16 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.15 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.14 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.13 (2024-06-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.12 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.11 (2024-06-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.10 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.9 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.8 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.7 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.6 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.5 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.4 (2024-03-05) + +* **Bug Fix**: Restore typo'd API `AddAsIsInternalPresigingMiddleware` as an alias for backwards compatibility. + +# v1.11.3 (2024-03-04) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct a typo in internal AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware API. + +# v1.11.2 (2024-02-23) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.1 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.11.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.10 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.9 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.8 (2023-12-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.7 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.6 (2023-11-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.5 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.4 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.3 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.2 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.1 (2023-11-01) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.10.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.37 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.36 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.35 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.34 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.33 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.32 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.31 (2023-07-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.30 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.29 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.28 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.27 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.26 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.25 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.24 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.23 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.22 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.9.21 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.9.20 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index cc919701..5d5286f9 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -27,13 +27,21 @@ func GetIsPresigning(ctx context.Context) bool { type isPresigningKey struct{} -// AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware adds a middleware to the head of the stack that +// AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware adds a middleware to the head of the stack that // will update the stack's context to be flagged as being invoked for the // purpose of presigning. -func AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { +func AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { return stack.Initialize.Add(asIsPresigningMiddleware{}, middleware.Before) } +// AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware is an alias for backwards compatibility. +// +// Deprecated: This API was released with a typo. Use +// [AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware] instead. +func AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware(stack) +} + type asIsPresigningMiddleware struct{} func (asIsPresigningMiddleware) ID() string { return "AsIsPresigningMiddleware" } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3b99e9c4..99ccc6c3 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package presignedurl // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.9.20" +const goModuleVersion = "1.12.13" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 49b4e31d..ea71c3b0 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,389 @@ +# v1.24.15 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.14 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.13 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.12 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.24.11 (2025-01-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix bug where credentials weren't refreshed during retry loop. + +# v1.24.10 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.9 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.8 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.7 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.6 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.5 (2024-11-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Adds case-insensitive handling of error message fields in service responses + +# v1.24.4 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.3 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.2 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.1 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.0 (2024-10-04) + +* **Feature**: Add support for HTTP client metrics. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.4 (2024-10-03) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.23.3 (2024-09-27) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.23.2 (2024-09-25) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.23.1 (2024-09-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.23.0 (2024-09-20) + +* **Feature**: Add tracing and metrics support to service clients. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.8 (2024-09-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: **BREAKFIX**: Only generate AccountIDEndpointMode config for services that use it. This is a compiler break, but removes no actual functionality, as no services currently use the account ID in endpoint resolution. + +# v1.22.7 (2024-09-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.22.6 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.5 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.4 (2024-07-18) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.22.3 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.2 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.1 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.0 (2024-06-26) + +* **Feature**: Support list-of-string endpoint parameter. + +# v1.21.1 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.0 (2024-06-18) + +* **Feature**: Track usage of various AWS SDK features in user-agent string. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.12 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.11 (2024-06-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Add clock skew correction on all service clients +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.10 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.9 (2024-05-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.20.8 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.7 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.6 (2024-05-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: GoDoc improvement + +# v1.20.5 (2024-04-05) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.20.4 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.3 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.2 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.1 (2024-02-23) + +* **Bug Fix**: Move all common, SDK-side middleware stack ops into the service client module to prevent cross-module compatibility issues in the future. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.0 (2024-02-22) + +* **Feature**: Add middleware stack snapshot tests. + +# v1.19.2 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.1 (2024-02-20) + +* **Bug Fix**: When sourcing values for a service's `EndpointParameters`, the lack of a configured region (i.e. `options.Region == ""`) will now translate to a `nil` value for `EndpointParameters.Region` instead of a pointer to the empty string `""`. This will result in a much more explicit error when calling an operation instead of an obscure hostname lookup failure. + +# v1.19.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.7 (2024-01-18) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.18.6 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.5 (2023-12-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: Reinstate presence of default Retryer in functional options, but still respect max attempts set therein. + +# v1.18.4 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.3 (2023-12-06) + +* **Bug Fix**: Restore pre-refactor auth behavior where all operations could technically be performed anonymously. + +# v1.18.2 (2023-12-01) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct wrapping of errors in authentication workflow. +* **Bug Fix**: Correctly recognize cache-wrapped instances of AnonymousCredentials at client construction. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.1 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.0 (2023-11-29) + +* **Feature**: Expose Options() accessor on service clients. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.5 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.4 (2023-11-28) + +* **Bug Fix**: Respect setting RetryMaxAttempts in functional options at client construction. + +# v1.17.3 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.2 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.1 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.16.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.2 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.1 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.0 (2023-10-02) + +* **Feature**: Fix FIPS Endpoints in aws-us-gov. + +# v1.14.1 (2023-09-22) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.14.0 (2023-09-18) + +* **Announcement**: [BREAKFIX] Change in MaxResults datatype from value to pointer type in cognito-sync service. +* **Feature**: Adds several endpoint ruleset changes across all models: smaller rulesets, removed non-unique regional endpoints, fixes FIPS and DualStack endpoints, and make region not required in SDK::Endpoint. Additional breakfix to cognito-sync field. + +# v1.13.6 (2023-08-31) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.13.5 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.4 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.3 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.2 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.13.1 (2023-08-01) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.13.0 (2023-07-31) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for smithy-modeled endpoint resolution. A new rules-based endpoint resolution will be added to the SDK which will supercede and deprecate existing endpoint resolution. Specifically, EndpointResolver will be deprecated while BaseEndpoint and EndpointResolverV2 will take its place. For more information, please see the Endpoints section in our Developer Guide. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.14 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.13 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.12 (2023-06-15) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.12.11 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.10 (2023-05-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.12.9 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.8 (2023-04-10) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.12.7 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.6 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.5 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.4 (2023-02-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Prevent nil pointer dereference when retrieving error codes. + +# v1.12.3 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.2 (2023-02-15) + +* **Announcement**: When receiving an error response in restJson-based services, an incorrect error type may have been returned based on the content of the response. This has been fixed via PR #2012 tracked in issue #1910. +* **Bug Fix**: Correct error type parsing for restJson services. + +# v1.12.1 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.12.0 (2023-01-05) + +* **Feature**: Add `ErrorCodeOverride` field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401). + +# v1.11.28 (2022-12-20) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.11.27 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.11.26 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 7bb06984..0b244f14 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,169 +4,241 @@ package sso import ( "context" + "errors" + "fmt" "" "" awsmiddleware "" "" "" awshttp "" + internalauth "" + internalauthsmithy "" internalConfig "" + internalmiddleware "" smithy "" + smithyauth "" smithydocument "" "" + "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" "net" "net/http" + "sync/atomic" "time" ) const ServiceID = "SSO" const ServiceAPIVersion = "2019-06-10" -// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS Single Sign-On. -type Client struct { - options Options +type operationMetrics struct { + Duration metrics.Float64Histogram + SerializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveIdentityDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveEndpointDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + SignRequestDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + DeserializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram } -// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide -// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, -// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. -func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { - options = options.Copy() +func (m *operationMetrics) histogramFor(name string) metrics.Float64Histogram { + switch name { + case "": + return m.Duration + case "": + return m.SerializeDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveIdentityDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveEndpointDuration + case "": + return m.SignRequestDuration + case "": + return m.DeserializeDuration + default: + panic("unrecognized operation metric") + } +} - resolveDefaultLogger(&options) +func timeOperationMetric[T any]( + ctx context.Context, metric string, fn func() (T, error), + opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption, +) (T, error) { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) + start := time.Now() + v, err := fn() + end := time.Now() - resolveRetryer(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) + return v, err +} - resolveHTTPClient(&options) +func startMetricTimer(ctx context.Context, metric string, opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption) func() { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) + var ended bool + start := time.Now() + return func() { + if ended { + return + } + ended = true - resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(&options) + end := time.Now() - for _, fn := range optFns { - fn(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) } +} - client := &Client{ - options: options, +func withOperationMetadata(ctx context.Context) metrics.RecordMetricOption { + return func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", middleware.GetServiceID(ctx)) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", middleware.GetOperationName(ctx)) } +} - return client +type operationMetricsKey struct{} + +func withOperationMetrics(parent context.Context, mp metrics.MeterProvider) (context.Context, error) { + meter := mp.Meter("") + om := &operationMetrics{} + + var err error + + om.Duration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "Overall call duration (including retries and time to send or receive request and response body)") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SerializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to serialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveIdentityDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time taken to acquire an identity (AWS credentials, bearer token, etc) from an Identity Provider") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveEndpointDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to resolve an endpoint (endpoint resolver, not DNS) for the request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SignRequestDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to sign a request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.DeserializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to deserialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return context.WithValue(parent, operationMetricsKey{}, om), nil } -type Options struct { - // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all - // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to - // modify this list for per operation behavior. - APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error +func operationMetricTimer(m metrics.Meter, name, desc string) (metrics.Float64Histogram, error) { + return m.Float64Histogram(name, func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = desc + }) +} - // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. - ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode +func getOperationMetrics(ctx context.Context) *operationMetrics { + return ctx.Value(operationMetricsKey{}).(*operationMetrics) +} - // The credentials object to use when signing requests. - Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider +func operationTracer(p tracing.TracerProvider) tracing.Tracer { + return p.Tracer("") +} - // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the - // clients initial default settings. - DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode +// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS Single Sign-On. +type Client struct { + options Options - // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. - EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + // Difference between the time reported by the server and the client + timeOffset *atomic.Int64 +} - // The service endpoint resolver. - EndpointResolver EndpointResolver +// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide +// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, +// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. +func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { + options = options.Copy() - // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer - HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + resolveDefaultLogger(&options) - // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. - Logger logging.Logger + setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) - // The region to send requests to. (Required) - Region string + resolveRetryer(&options) - // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call - // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and - // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify - // per operation call's retry max attempts. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. If specified in an operation call's functional - // options with a value that is different than the constructed client's Options, - // the Client's Retryer will be wrapped to use the operation's specific - // RetryMaxAttempts value. - RetryMaxAttempts int + resolveHTTPClient(&options) - // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if - // Retryer option is not also specified. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - RetryMode aws.RetryMode + resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) - // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable - // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of - // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode - // option. - Retryer aws.Retryer + resolveEndpointResolverV2(&options) - // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set - // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig. You - // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here - // within your applications. - RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + resolveTracerProvider(&options) - // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the - // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved - // value was at that point in time. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + resolveMeterProvider(&options) - // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP - // implementation if nil. - HTTPClient HTTPClient -} + resolveAuthSchemeResolver(&options) -// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions -// option. -func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + for _, fn := range optFns { + fn(&options) } -} -// WithEndpointResolver returns a functional option for setting the Client's -// EndpointResolver option. -func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.EndpointResolver = v + finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(&options) + + ignoreAnonymousAuth(&options) + + wrapWithAnonymousAuth(&options) + + resolveAuthSchemes(&options) + + client := &Client{ + options: options, } -} -type HTTPClient interface { - Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) -} + initializeTimeOffsetResolver(client) -// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. -func (o Options) Copy() Options { - to := o - to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) - copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + return client +} - return to +// Options returns a copy of the client configuration. +// +// Callers SHOULD NOT perform mutations on any inner structures within client +// config. Config overrides should instead be made on a per-operation basis through +// functional options. +func (c *Client) Options() Options { + return c.options.Copy() } -func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error) (result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error) { + +func (c *Client) invokeOperation( + ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error, +) ( + result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { ctx = middleware.ClearStackValues(ctx) + ctx = middleware.WithServiceID(ctx, ServiceID) + ctx = middleware.WithOperationName(ctx, opID) + stack := middleware.NewStack(opID, smithyhttp.NewStackRequest) options := c.options.Copy() + for _, fn := range optFns { fn(&options) } - finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(&options, *c) + finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(&options, *c) finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(&options) @@ -182,20 +254,142 @@ func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interf } } - handler := middleware.DecorateHandler(smithyhttp.NewClientHandler(options.HTTPClient), stack) - result, metadata, err = handler.Handle(ctx, params) + ctx, err = withOperationMetrics(ctx, options.MeterProvider) if err != nil { + return nil, metadata, err + } + + tracer := operationTracer(options.TracerProvider) + spanName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ServiceID, opID) + + ctx = tracing.WithOperationTracer(ctx, tracer) + + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, spanName, func(o *tracing.SpanOptions) { + o.Kind = tracing.SpanKindClient + o.Properties.Set("rpc.system", "aws-api") + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", opID) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", ServiceID) + }) + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + + handler := smithyhttp.NewClientHandlerWithOptions(options.HTTPClient, func(o *smithyhttp.ClientHandler) { + o.Meter = options.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + decorated := middleware.DecorateHandler(handler, stack) + result, metadata, err = decorated.Handle(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + span.SetProperty("exception.type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)) + span.SetProperty("exception.message", err.Error()) + + var aerr smithy.APIError + if errors.As(err, &aerr) { + span.SetProperty("api.error_code", aerr.ErrorCode()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_message", aerr.ErrorMessage()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_fault", aerr.ErrorFault().String()) + } + err = &smithy.OperationError{ ServiceID: ServiceID, OperationName: opID, Err: err, } } + + span.SetProperty("error", err != nil) + if err == nil { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusOK) + } else { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusError) + } + return result, metadata, err } +type operationInputKey struct{} + +func setOperationInput(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}, input) +} + +func getOperationInput(ctx context.Context) interface{} { + return middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}) +} + +type setOperationInputMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setOperationInputMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setOperationInput" +} + +func (m *setOperationInputMiddleware) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + ctx = setOperationInput(ctx, in.Parameters) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +func addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, operation string) error { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware{operation: operation, options: options}, middleware.Before); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveAuthScheme: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&getIdentityMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add GetIdentity: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&resolveEndpointV2Middleware{options: options}, "GetIdentity", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveEndpointV2: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&signRequestMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add Signing: %w", err) + } + return nil +} +func resolveAuthSchemeResolver(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemeResolver == nil { + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &defaultAuthSchemeResolver{} + } +} + +func resolveAuthSchemes(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemes == nil { + options.AuthSchemes = []smithyhttp.AuthScheme{ + internalauth.NewHTTPAuthScheme("aws.auth#sigv4", &internalauthsmithy.V4SignerAdapter{ + Signer: options.HTTPSignerV4, + Logger: options.Logger, + LogSigning: options.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), + }), + } + } +} + type noSmithyDocumentSerde = smithydocument.NoSerde +type legacyEndpointContextSetter struct { + LegacyResolver EndpointResolver +} + +func (*legacyEndpointContextSetter) ID() string { + return "legacyEndpointContextSetter" +} + +func (m *legacyEndpointContextSetter) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if m.LegacyResolver != nil { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, true) + } + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) + +} +func addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&legacyEndpointContextSetter{ + LegacyResolver: o.EndpointResolver, + }, middleware.Before) +} + func resolveDefaultLogger(o *Options) { if o.Logger != nil { return @@ -233,6 +427,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { APIOptions: cfg.APIOptions, Logger: cfg.Logger, ClientLogMode: cfg.ClientLogMode, + AppID: cfg.AppID, } resolveAWSRetryerProvider(cfg, &opts) resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg, &opts) @@ -240,6 +435,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg, &opts) resolveUseDualStackEndpoint(cfg, &opts) resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg, &opts) + resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg, &opts) return New(opts, optFns...) } @@ -331,7 +527,15 @@ func resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { o.RetryMaxAttempts = cfg.RetryMaxAttempts } -func finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(o *Options, client Client) { +func finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options) { + if o.RetryMaxAttempts == 0 { + return + } + + o.Retryer = retry.AddWithMaxAttempts(o.Retryer, o.RetryMaxAttempts) +} + +func finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options, client Client) { if v := o.RetryMaxAttempts; v == 0 || v == client.options.RetryMaxAttempts { return } @@ -343,20 +547,39 @@ func resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { if cfg.EndpointResolver == nil && cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions == nil { return } - o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions, NewDefaultEndpointResolver()) + o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions) } -func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "sso", goModuleVersion)(stack) +func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "sso", goModuleVersion) + if len(options.AppID) > 0 { + ua.AddSDKAgentKey(awsmiddleware.ApplicationIdentifier, options.AppID) + } + + return nil } -func addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mw := v4.NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{ - CredentialsProvider: o.Credentials, - Signer: o.HTTPSignerV4, - LogSigning: o.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), - }) - return stack.Finalize.Add(mw, middleware.After) +func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent, error) { + id := (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent)(nil).ID() + mw, ok := stack.Build.Get(id) + if !ok { + mw = awsmiddleware.NewRequestUserAgent() + if err := stack.Build.Add(mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + ua, ok := mw.(*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T for %s middleware did not match expected type", mw, id) + } + + return ua, nil } type HTTPSignerV4 interface { @@ -377,12 +600,97 @@ func newDefaultV4Signer(o Options) *v4.Signer { }) } -func addRetryMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mo := retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{ - Retryer: o.Retryer, - LogRetryAttempts: o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries(), +func addClientRequestID(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.ClientRequestID{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addComputeContentLength(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&smithyhttp.ComputeContentLength{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addRawResponseToMetadata(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.AddRawResponse{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addRecordResponseTiming(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecordResponseTiming{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanRetryLoop(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&spanRetryLoop{options: options}, "Retry", middleware.Before) +} + +type spanRetryLoop struct { + options Options +} + +func (*spanRetryLoop) ID() string { + return "spanRetryLoop" +} + +func (m *spanRetryLoop) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, +) ( + middleware.FinalizeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + tracer := operationTracer(m.options.TracerProvider) + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, "RetryLoop") + defer span.End() + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} +func addStreamingEventsPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Add(&v4.StreamingEventsPayload{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addUnsignedPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.UnsignedPayload{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addComputePayloadSHA256(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ComputePayloadSHA256{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addContentSHA256Header(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ContentSHA256Header{}, (*v4.ComputePayloadSHA256)(nil).ID(), middleware.After) +} + +func addIsWaiterUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureWaiter) + return nil + }) +} + +func addIsPaginatorUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeaturePaginator) + return nil + }) +} + +func addRetry(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + attempt := retry.NewAttemptMiddleware(o.Retryer, smithyhttp.RequestCloner, func(m *retry.Attempt) { + m.LogAttempts = o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries() + m.OperationMeter = o.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(attempt, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err } - return retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, mo) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&retry.MetricsHeader{}, attempt.ID(), middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil } // resolves dual-stack endpoint configuration @@ -415,12 +723,68 @@ func resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) error { return nil } +func resolveAccountID(identity smithyauth.Identity, mode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode) *string { + if mode == aws.AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled { + return nil + } + + if ca, ok := identity.(*internalauthsmithy.CredentialsAdapter); ok && ca.Credentials.AccountID != "" { + return aws.String(ca.Credentials.AccountID) + } + + return nil +} + +func addTimeOffsetBuild(stack *middleware.Stack, c *Client) error { + mw := internalmiddleware.AddTimeOffsetMiddleware{Offset: c.timeOffset} + if err := stack.Build.Add(&mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&mw, "RecordResponseTiming", middleware.Before) +} +func initializeTimeOffsetResolver(c *Client) { + c.timeOffset = new(atomic.Int64) +} + +func addUserAgentRetryMode(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch options.Retryer.(type) { + case *retry.Standard: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeStandard) + case *retry.AdaptiveMode: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeAdaptive) + } + return nil +} + +func resolveTracerProvider(options *Options) { + if options.TracerProvider == nil { + options.TracerProvider = &tracing.NopTracerProvider{} + } +} + +func resolveMeterProvider(options *Options) { + if options.MeterProvider == nil { + options.MeterProvider = metrics.NopMeterProvider{} + } +} + +func addRecursionDetection(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecursionDetection{}, middleware.After) +} + func addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awsmiddleware.RequestIDRetriever{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.Before) + } func addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awshttp.AddResponseErrorMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awshttp.ResponseErrorWrapper{}, "RequestIDRetriever", middleware.Before) + } func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { @@ -431,3 +795,118 @@ func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { LogResponseWithBody: o.ClientLogMode.IsResponseWithBody(), }, middleware.After) } + +type disableHTTPSMiddleware struct { + DisableHTTPS bool +} + +func (*disableHTTPSMiddleware) ID() string { + return "disableHTTPS" +} + +func (m *disableHTTPSMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.DisableHTTPS && !smithyhttp.GetHostnameImmutable(ctx) { + req.URL.Scheme = "http" + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&disableHTTPSMiddleware{ + DisableHTTPS: o.EndpointOptions.DisableHTTPS, + }, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +type spanInitializeStart struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeStart) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeStart" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeStart) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "Initialize") + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanInitializeEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeEnd) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeEnd" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeEnd) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestStart struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestStart) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestStart" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestStart) HandleSerialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.SerializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "BuildRequest") + + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestEnd) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestEnd" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestEnd) HandleBuild( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +) ( + middleware.BuildOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +func addSpanInitializeStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanInitializeEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeEnd{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Serialize.Add(&spanBuildRequestStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&spanBuildRequestEnd{}, middleware.After) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 1c2b7499..a6560202 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ package sso import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Returns the STS short-term credentials for a given role name that is assigned to -// the user. +// Returns the STS short-term credentials for a given role name that is assigned +// to the user. func (c *Client) GetRoleCredentials(ctx context.Context, params *GetRoleCredentialsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetRoleCredentialsOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &GetRoleCredentialsInput{} @@ -29,10 +30,10 @@ func (c *Client) GetRoleCredentials(ctx context.Context, params *GetRoleCredenti type GetRoleCredentialsInput struct { - // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see - // CreateToken - // ( - // in the IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see [CreateToken] in the + // IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // + // [CreateToken]: // // This member is required. AccessToken *string @@ -62,6 +63,9 @@ type GetRoleCredentialsOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationGetRoleCredentialsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpGetRoleCredentials{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -70,28 +74,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetRoleCredentialsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetRoleCredentials"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -100,12 +114,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetRoleCredentialsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpGetRoleCredentialsValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetRoleCredentials(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -115,6 +141,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetRoleCredentialsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4fffc77a..315526ef 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ func (c *Client) ListAccountRoles(ctx context.Context, params *ListAccountRolesI type ListAccountRolesInput struct { - // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see - // CreateToken - // ( - // in the IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see [CreateToken] in the + // IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // + // [CreateToken]: // // This member is required. AccessToken *string @@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ type ListAccountRolesOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountRolesMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccountRoles{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -76,28 +79,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountRolesMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "ListAccountRoles"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -106,12 +119,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountRolesMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpListAccountRolesValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opListAccountRoles(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -121,17 +146,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountRolesMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } -// ListAccountRolesAPIClient is a client that implements the ListAccountRoles -// operation. -type ListAccountRolesAPIClient interface { - ListAccountRoles(context.Context, *ListAccountRolesInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListAccountRolesOutput, error) -} - -var _ ListAccountRolesAPIClient = (*Client)(nil) - // ListAccountRolesPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListAccountRoles type ListAccountRolesPaginatorOptions struct { // The number of items that clients can request per page. @@ -195,6 +227,9 @@ func (p *ListAccountRolesPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func } params.MaxResults = limit + optFns = append([]func(*Options){ + addIsPaginatorUserAgent, + }, optFns...) result, err := p.client.ListAccountRoles(ctx, ¶ms, optFns...) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -214,6 +249,14 @@ func (p *ListAccountRolesPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func return result, nil } +// ListAccountRolesAPIClient is a client that implements the ListAccountRoles +// operation. +type ListAccountRolesAPIClient interface { + ListAccountRoles(context.Context, *ListAccountRolesInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListAccountRolesOutput, error) +} + +var _ ListAccountRolesAPIClient = (*Client)(nil) + func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opListAccountRoles(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata { return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e717a426..d867b78a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import ( ) // Lists all AWS accounts assigned to the user. These AWS accounts are assigned by -// the administrator of the account. For more information, see Assign User Access -// ( -// in the IAM Identity Center User Guide. This operation returns a paginated -// response. +// the administrator of the account. For more information, see [Assign User Access]in the IAM Identity +// Center User Guide. This operation returns a paginated response. +// +// [Assign User Access]: func (c *Client) ListAccounts(ctx context.Context, params *ListAccountsInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*ListAccountsOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &ListAccountsInput{} @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func (c *Client) ListAccounts(ctx context.Context, params *ListAccountsInput, op type ListAccountsInput struct { - // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see - // CreateToken - // ( - // in the IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see [CreateToken] in the + // IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // + // [CreateToken]: // // This member is required. AccessToken *string @@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ type ListAccountsOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccounts{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -75,28 +78,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, op if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "ListAccounts"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -105,12 +118,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, op if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpListAccountsValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opListAccounts(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -120,16 +145,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationListAccountsMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, op if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } -// ListAccountsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListAccounts operation. -type ListAccountsAPIClient interface { - ListAccounts(context.Context, *ListAccountsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListAccountsOutput, error) -} - -var _ ListAccountsAPIClient = (*Client)(nil) - // ListAccountsPaginatorOptions is the paginator options for ListAccounts type ListAccountsPaginatorOptions struct { // This is the number of items clients can request per page. @@ -193,6 +226,9 @@ func (p *ListAccountsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Op } params.MaxResults = limit + optFns = append([]func(*Options){ + addIsPaginatorUserAgent, + }, optFns...) result, err := p.client.ListAccounts(ctx, ¶ms, optFns...) if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -212,6 +248,13 @@ func (p *ListAccountsPaginator) NextPage(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*Op return result, nil } +// ListAccountsAPIClient is a client that implements the ListAccounts operation. +type ListAccountsAPIClient interface { + ListAccounts(context.Context, *ListAccountsInput, ...func(*Options)) (*ListAccountsOutput, error) +} + +var _ ListAccountsAPIClient = (*Client)(nil) + func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opListAccounts(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata { return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 8b9b4474..434b4308 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package sso import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" smithyhttp "" @@ -11,17 +12,20 @@ import ( // Removes the locally stored SSO tokens from the client-side cache and sends an // API call to the IAM Identity Center service to invalidate the corresponding -// server-side IAM Identity Center sign in session. If a user uses IAM Identity -// Center to access the AWS CLI, the user’s IAM Identity Center sign in session is -// used to obtain an IAM session, as specified in the corresponding IAM Identity -// Center permission set. More specifically, IAM Identity Center assumes an IAM -// role in the target account on behalf of the user, and the corresponding -// temporary AWS credentials are returned to the client. After user logout, any -// existing IAM role sessions that were created by using IAM Identity Center -// permission sets continue based on the duration configured in the permission set. -// For more information, see User authentications -// ( in -// the IAM Identity Center User Guide. +// server-side IAM Identity Center sign in session. +// +// If a user uses IAM Identity Center to access the AWS CLI, the user’s IAM +// Identity Center sign in session is used to obtain an IAM session, as specified +// in the corresponding IAM Identity Center permission set. More specifically, IAM +// Identity Center assumes an IAM role in the target account on behalf of the user, +// and the corresponding temporary AWS credentials are returned to the client. +// +// After user logout, any existing IAM role sessions that were created by using +// IAM Identity Center permission sets continue based on the duration configured in +// the permission set. For more information, see [User authentications]in the IAM Identity Center User +// Guide. +// +// [User authentications]: func (c *Client) Logout(ctx context.Context, params *LogoutInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*LogoutOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &LogoutInput{} @@ -39,10 +43,10 @@ func (c *Client) Logout(ctx context.Context, params *LogoutInput, optFns ...func type LogoutInput struct { - // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see - // CreateToken - // ( - // in the IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // The token issued by the CreateToken API call. For more information, see [CreateToken] in the + // IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference Guide. + // + // [CreateToken]: // // This member is required. AccessToken *string @@ -58,6 +62,9 @@ type LogoutOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationLogoutMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpLogout{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -66,28 +73,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationLogoutMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "Logout"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -96,12 +113,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationLogoutMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpLogoutValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opLogout(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -111,6 +140,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationLogoutMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..366963b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package sso + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + awsmiddleware "" + smithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +func bindAuthParamsRegion(_ interface{}, params *AuthResolverParameters, _ interface{}, options Options) { + params.Region = options.Region +} + +type setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setLegacyContextSigningOptions" +} + +func (m *setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + schemeID := rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID() + + if sn := awsmiddleware.GetSigningName(ctx); sn != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } + } + + if sr := awsmiddleware.GetSigningRegion(ctx); sr != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sr) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningRegions(&rscheme.SignerProperties, []string{sr}) + } + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware{}, "Signing", middleware.Before) +} + +type withAnonymous struct { + resolver AuthSchemeResolver +} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*withAnonymous)(nil) + +func (v *withAnonymous) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + opts, err := v.resolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + opts = append(opts, &smithyauth.Option{ + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous, + }) + return opts, nil +} + +func wrapWithAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if _, ok := options.AuthSchemeResolver.(*defaultAuthSchemeResolver); !ok { + return + } + + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &withAnonymous{ + resolver: options.AuthSchemeResolver, + } +} + +// AuthResolverParameters contains the set of inputs necessary for auth scheme +// resolution. +type AuthResolverParameters struct { + // The name of the operation being invoked. + Operation string + + // The region in which the operation is being invoked. + Region string +} + +func bindAuthResolverParams(ctx context.Context, operation string, input interface{}, options Options) *AuthResolverParameters { + params := &AuthResolverParameters{ + Operation: operation, + } + + bindAuthParamsRegion(ctx, params, input, options) + + return params +} + +// AuthSchemeResolver returns a set of possible authentication options for an +// operation. +type AuthSchemeResolver interface { + ResolveAuthSchemes(context.Context, *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) +} + +type defaultAuthSchemeResolver struct{} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver)(nil) + +func (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + if overrides, ok := operationAuthOptions[params.Operation]; ok { + return overrides(params), nil + } + return serviceAuthOptions(params), nil +} + +var operationAuthOptions = map[string]func(*AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option{ + "GetRoleCredentials": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "ListAccountRoles": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "ListAccounts": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "Logout": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, +} + +func serviceAuthOptions(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDSigV4, + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var props smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&props, "awsssoportal") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&props, params.Region) + return props + }(), + }, + } +} + +type resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware struct { + operation string + options Options +} + +func (*resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveAuthScheme" +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveAuthScheme") + defer span.End() + + params := bindAuthResolverParams(ctx, m.operation, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + options, err := m.options.AuthSchemeResolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("resolve auth scheme: %w", err) + } + + scheme, ok := m.selectScheme(options) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("could not select an auth scheme") + } + + ctx = setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx, scheme) + + span.SetProperty("auth.scheme_id", scheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) selectScheme(options []*smithyauth.Option) (*resolvedAuthScheme, bool) { + for _, option := range options { + if option.SchemeID == smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(smithyhttp.NewAnonymousScheme(), option), true + } + + for _, scheme := range m.options.AuthSchemes { + if scheme.SchemeID() != option.SchemeID { + continue + } + + if scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) != nil { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme, option), true + } + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +type resolvedAuthSchemeKey struct{} + +type resolvedAuthScheme struct { + Scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme + IdentityProperties smithy.Properties + SignerProperties smithy.Properties +} + +func newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme, option *smithyauth.Option) *resolvedAuthScheme { + return &resolvedAuthScheme{ + Scheme: scheme, + IdentityProperties: option.IdentityProperties, + SignerProperties: option.SignerProperties, + } +} + +func setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context, scheme *resolvedAuthScheme) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}, scheme) +} + +func getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context) *resolvedAuthScheme { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}).(*resolvedAuthScheme) + return v +} + +type getIdentityMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*getIdentityMiddleware) ID() string { + return "GetIdentity" +} + +func (m *getIdentityMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + innerCtx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "GetIdentity") + defer span.End() + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(innerCtx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + resolver := rscheme.Scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) + if resolver == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity resolver") + } + + identity, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyauth.Identity, error) { + return resolver.GetIdentity(innerCtx, rscheme.IdentityProperties) + }, + func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("get identity: %w", err) + } + + ctx = setIdentity(ctx, identity) + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type identityKey struct{} + +func setIdentity(ctx context.Context, identity smithyauth.Identity) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}, identity) +} + +func getIdentity(ctx context.Context) smithyauth.Identity { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}).(smithyauth.Identity) + return v +} + +type signRequestMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*signRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return "Signing" +} + +func (m *signRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "SignRequest") + defer span.End() + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unexpected transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + identity := getIdentity(ctx) + if identity == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity") + } + + signer := rscheme.Scheme.Signer() + if signer == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no signer") + } + + _, err = timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", func() (any, error) { + return nil, signer.SignRequest(ctx, req, identity, rscheme.SignerProperties) + }, func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("sign request: %w", err) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6a1851da..ec23c36f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -13,12 +13,23 @@ import ( smithyio "" "" "" + smithytime "" + "" smithyhttp "" "io" "io/ioutil" "strings" + "time" ) +func deserializeS3Expires(v string) (*time.Time, error) { + t, err := smithytime.ParseHTTPDate(v) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil + } + return &t, nil +} + type awsRestjson1_deserializeOpGetRoleCredentials struct { } @@ -34,6 +45,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpGetRoleCredentials) HandleDeserialize(ctx con return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -73,6 +88,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpGetRoleCredentials) HandleDeserialize(ctx con } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -86,9 +102,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorGetRoleCredentials(response *smithyhttp.Resp errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -97,7 +113,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorGetRoleCredentials(response *smithyhttp.Resp body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -109,8 +125,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorGetRoleCredentials(response *smithyhttp.Resp } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -190,6 +206,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpListAccountRoles) HandleDeserialize(ctx conte return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -229,6 +249,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpListAccountRoles) HandleDeserialize(ctx conte } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -242,9 +263,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccountRoles(response *smithyhttp.Respon errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -253,7 +274,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccountRoles(response *smithyhttp.Respon body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -265,8 +286,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccountRoles(response *smithyhttp.Respon } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -355,6 +376,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpListAccounts) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.C return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -394,6 +419,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpListAccounts) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.C } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -407,9 +433,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccounts(response *smithyhttp.Response, errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -418,7 +444,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccounts(response *smithyhttp.Response, body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -430,8 +456,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorListAccounts(response *smithyhttp.Response, } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -520,6 +546,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpLogout) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -537,6 +567,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpLogout) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -550,9 +581,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorLogout(response *smithyhttp.Response, metada errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -561,7 +592,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorLogout(response *smithyhttp.Response, metada body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -573,8 +604,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorLogout(response *smithyhttp.Response, metada } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -858,7 +889,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRequestException(v **types.InvalidRe for key, value := range shape { switch key { - case "message": + case "message", "Message": if value != nil { jtv, ok := value.(string) if !ok { @@ -898,7 +929,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentResourceNotFoundException(v **types.Resourc for key, value := range shape { switch key { - case "message": + case "message", "Message": if value != nil { jtv, ok := value.(string) if !ok { @@ -1092,7 +1123,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentTooManyRequestsException(v **types.TooManyR for key, value := range shape { switch key { - case "message": + case "message", "Message": if value != nil { jtv, ok := value.(string) if !ok { @@ -1132,7 +1163,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentUnauthorizedException(v **types.Unauthorize for key, value := range shape { switch key { - case "message": + case "message", "Message": if value != nil { jtv, ok := value.(string) if !ok { diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index f981b154..7f6e429f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -6,17 +6,22 @@ // AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) Portal is a web // service that makes it easy for you to assign user access to IAM Identity Center // resources such as the AWS access portal. Users can get AWS account applications -// and roles assigned to them and get federated into the application. Although AWS -// Single Sign-On was renamed, the sso and identitystore API namespaces will -// continue to retain their original name for backward compatibility purposes. For -// more information, see IAM Identity Center rename -// ( +// and roles assigned to them and get federated into the application. +// +// Although AWS Single Sign-On was renamed, the sso and identitystore API +// namespaces will continue to retain their original name for backward +// compatibility purposes. For more information, see [IAM Identity Center rename]. +// // This reference guide describes the IAM Identity Center Portal operations that // you can call programatically and includes detailed information on data types and -// errors. AWS provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various +// errors. +// +// AWS provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various // programming languages and platforms, such as Java, Ruby, .Net, iOS, or Android. // The SDKs provide a convenient way to create programmatic access to IAM Identity // Center and other AWS services. For more information about the AWS SDKs, -// including how to download and install them, see Tools for Amazon Web Services -// ( +// including how to download and install them, see [Tools for Amazon Web Services]. +// +// [Tools for Amazon Web Services]: +// [IAM Identity Center rename]: package sso diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 43c06f11..53c6bc75 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -8,10 +8,19 @@ import ( "fmt" "" awsmiddleware "" + internalConfig "" + "" + "" internalendpoints "" + smithyauth "" + smithyendpoints "" "" + "" + "" smithyhttp "" + "net/http" "net/url" + "os" "strings" ) @@ -39,13 +48,6 @@ func (fn EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointRe return fn(region, options) } -func resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(o *Options) { - if o.EndpointResolver != nil { - return - } - o.EndpointResolver = NewDefaultEndpointResolver() -} - // EndpointResolverFromURL returns an EndpointResolver configured using the // provided endpoint url. By default, the resolved endpoint resolver uses the // client region as signing region, and the endpoint source is set to @@ -79,6 +81,10 @@ func (*ResolveEndpoint) ID() string { func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + if !awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) @@ -94,6 +100,11 @@ func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.Ser var endpoint aws.Endpoint endpoint, err = m.Resolver.ResolveEndpoint(awsmiddleware.GetRegion(ctx), eo) if err != nil { + nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}) + if errors.As(err, &nf) { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, false) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) } @@ -129,27 +140,10 @@ func removeResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { type wrappedEndpointResolver struct { awsResolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions - resolver EndpointResolver } func (w *wrappedEndpointResolver) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (endpoint aws.Endpoint, err error) { - if w.awsResolver == nil { - goto fallback - } - endpoint, err = w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) - if err == nil { - return endpoint, nil - } - - if nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}); !errors.As(err, &nf) { - return endpoint, err - } - -fallback: - if w.resolver == nil { - return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("default endpoint resolver provided was nil") - } - return w.resolver.ResolveEndpoint(region, options) + return w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) } type awsEndpointResolverAdaptor func(service, region string) (aws.Endpoint, error) @@ -160,12 +154,13 @@ func (a awsEndpointResolverAdaptor) ResolveEndpoint(service, region string, opti var _ aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions = awsEndpointResolverAdaptor(nil) -// withEndpointResolver returns an EndpointResolver that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. -// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the resolver will use the the provided -// fallbackResolver for resolution. +// withEndpointResolver returns an aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. +// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the v1 resolver middleware will swallow the error, +// and set an appropriate context flag such that fallback will occur when EndpointResolverV2 is invoked +// via its middleware. // -// fallbackResolver must not be nil -func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions, fallbackResolver EndpointResolver) EndpointResolver { +// If another error (besides aws.EndpointNotFoundError) is returned, then that error will be propagated. +func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions) EndpointResolver { var resolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions if awsResolverWithOptions != nil { @@ -176,7 +171,6 @@ func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptio return &wrappedEndpointResolver{ awsResolver: resolver, - resolver: fallbackResolver, } } @@ -198,3 +192,365 @@ func finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(options *Options) { } } + +func resolveEndpointResolverV2(options *Options) { + if options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + options.EndpointResolverV2 = NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() + } +} + +func resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { + if cfg.BaseEndpoint != nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = cfg.BaseEndpoint + } + + _, g := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL") + _, s := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_SSO") + + if g && !s { + return + } + + value, found, err := internalConfig.ResolveServiceBaseEndpoint(context.Background(), "SSO", cfg.ConfigSources) + if found && err == nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = &value + } +} + +func bindRegion(region string) *string { + if region == "" { + return nil + } + return aws.String(endpoints.MapFIPSRegion(region)) +} + +// EndpointParameters provides the parameters that influence how endpoints are +// resolved. +type EndpointParameters struct { + // The AWS region used to dispatch the request. + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // AWS::Region + Region *string + + // When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not + // support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. + // + // Defaults to + // false if no value is provided. + // + // AWS::UseDualStack + UseDualStack *bool + + // When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the + // configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the + // request will return an error. + // + // Defaults to false if no value is + // provided. + // + // AWS::UseFIPS + UseFIPS *bool + + // Override the endpoint used to send this request + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // SDK::Endpoint + Endpoint *string +} + +// ValidateRequired validates required parameters are set. +func (p EndpointParameters) ValidateRequired() error { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseDualStack is required") + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseFIPS is required") + } + + return nil +} + +// WithDefaults returns a shallow copy of EndpointParameterswith default values +// applied to members where applicable. +func (p EndpointParameters) WithDefaults() EndpointParameters { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + p.UseDualStack = ptr.Bool(false) + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + p.UseFIPS = ptr.Bool(false) + } + return p +} + +type stringSlice []string + +func (s stringSlice) Get(i int) *string { + if i < 0 || i >= len(s) { + return nil + } + + v := s[i] + return &v +} + +// EndpointResolverV2 provides the interface for resolving service endpoints. +type EndpointResolverV2 interface { + // ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, + // returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. + ResolveEndpoint(ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters) ( + smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error, + ) +} + +// resolver provides the implementation for resolving endpoints. +type resolver struct{} + +func NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() EndpointResolverV2 { + return &resolver{} +} + +// ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, +// returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. +func (r *resolver) ResolveEndpoint( + ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters, +) ( + endpoint smithyendpoints.Endpoint, err error, +) { + params = params.WithDefaults() + if err = params.ValidateRequired(); err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint parameters are not valid, %w", err) + } + _UseDualStack := *params.UseDualStack + _UseFIPS := *params.UseFIPS + + if exprVal := params.Endpoint; exprVal != nil { + _Endpoint := *exprVal + _ = _Endpoint + if _UseFIPS == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + uriString := _Endpoint + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + if exprVal := params.Region; exprVal != nil { + _Region := *exprVal + _ = _Region + if exprVal := awsrulesfn.GetPartition(_Region); exprVal != nil { + _PartitionResult := *exprVal + _ = _PartitionResult + if _UseFIPS == true { + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://portal.sso-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both") + } + } + if _UseFIPS == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS { + if "aws-us-gov" == _PartitionResult.Name { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://portal.sso.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString("") + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://portal.sso-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://portal.sso.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack") + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://portal.sso.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Endpoint resolution failed. Invalid operation or environment input.") + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region") +} + +type endpointParamsBinder interface { + bindEndpointParams(*EndpointParameters) +} + +func bindEndpointParams(ctx context.Context, input interface{}, options Options) *EndpointParameters { + params := &EndpointParameters{} + + params.Region = bindRegion(options.Region) + params.UseDualStack = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseDualStackEndpoint == aws.DualStackEndpointStateEnabled) + params.UseFIPS = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseFIPSEndpoint == aws.FIPSEndpointStateEnabled) + params.Endpoint = options.BaseEndpoint + + if b, ok := input.(endpointParamsBinder); ok { + b.bindEndpointParams(params) + } + + return params +} + +type resolveEndpointV2Middleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*resolveEndpointV2Middleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveEndpointV2" +} + +func (m *resolveEndpointV2Middleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveEndpoint") + defer span.End() + + if awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) + } + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("expected endpoint resolver to not be nil") + } + + params := bindEndpointParams(ctx, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + endpt, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error) { + return m.options.EndpointResolverV2.ResolveEndpoint(ctx, *params) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) + } + + span.SetProperty("", endpt.URI.String()) + + if endpt.URI.RawPath == "" && req.URL.RawPath != "" { + endpt.URI.RawPath = endpt.URI.Path + } + req.URL.Scheme = endpt.URI.Scheme + req.URL.Host = endpt.URI.Host + req.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.Path, req.URL.Path) + req.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.RawPath, req.URL.RawPath) + for k := range endpt.Headers { + req.Header.Set(k, endpt.Headers.Get(k)) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + opts, _ := smithyauth.GetAuthOptions(&endpt.Properties) + for _, o := range opts { + rscheme.SignerProperties.SetAll(&o.SignerProperties) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5be0e34c..936253d7 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,14 +12,19 @@ "api_op_ListAccountRoles.go", "api_op_ListAccounts.go", "api_op_Logout.go", + "auth.go", "deserializers.go", "doc.go", "endpoints.go", + "endpoints_config_test.go", + "endpoints_test.go", "generated.json", "internal/endpoints/endpoints.go", "internal/endpoints/endpoints_test.go", + "options.go", "protocol_test.go", "serializers.go", + "snapshot_test.go", "types/errors.go", "types/types.go", "validators.go" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index cbfe45ee..697a8a84 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package sso // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.11.26" +const goModuleVersion = "1.24.15" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index aeac293e..081867b3 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ var partitionRegexp = struct { AwsCn *regexp.Regexp AwsIso *regexp.Regexp AwsIsoB *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoE *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoF *regexp.Regexp AwsUsGov *regexp.Regexp }{ - Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af|il|mx)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsCn: regexp.MustCompile("^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIso: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIsoB: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoE: regexp.MustCompile("^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoF: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isof\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsUsGov: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), } @@ -135,6 +139,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.Aws, IsRegionalized: true, Endpoints: endpoints.Endpoints{ + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ap-east-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -175,6 +187,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ap-south-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -191,6 +211,22 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-4", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-4", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -199,6 +235,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ca-central-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ca-west-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ca-west-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -207,6 +251,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-central-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -223,6 +275,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-south-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -247,6 +307,22 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-west-3", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "il-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "il-central-1", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -279,6 +355,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "us-east-2", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -323,6 +407,24 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ }, RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsCn, IsRegionalized: true, + Endpoints: endpoints.Endpoints{ + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }, + }, + }, }, { ID: "aws-iso", @@ -366,6 +468,48 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoB, IsRegionalized: true, }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-e", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "portal.sso-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "portal.sso.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoE, + IsRegionalized: true, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-f", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "portal.sso-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "portal.sso.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoF, + IsRegionalized: true, + }, { ID: "aws-us-gov", Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa744f15 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package sso + +import ( + "context" + "" + awsmiddleware "" + internalauthsmithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" + "net/http" +) + +type HTTPClient interface { + Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) +} + +type Options struct { + // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all + // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to + // modify this list for per operation behavior. + APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error + + // The optional application specific identifier appended to the User-Agent header. + AppID string + + // This endpoint will be given as input to an EndpointResolverV2. It is used for + // providing a custom base endpoint that is subject to modifications by the + // processing EndpointResolverV2. + BaseEndpoint *string + + // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. + ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode + + // The credentials object to use when signing requests. + Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider + + // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the + // clients initial default settings. + DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. + EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + + // The service endpoint resolver. + // + // Deprecated: Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a + // value for this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related + // service features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and + // BaseEndpoint. + // + // To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set + // the client option BaseEndpoint instead. + EndpointResolver EndpointResolver + + // Resolves the endpoint used for a particular service operation. This should be + // used over the deprecated EndpointResolver. + EndpointResolverV2 EndpointResolverV2 + + // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer + HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + + // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. + Logger logging.Logger + + // The client meter provider. + MeterProvider metrics.MeterProvider + + // The region to send requests to. (Required) + Region string + + // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call + // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and + // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify + // per operation call's retry max attempts. + // + // If specified in an operation call's functional options with a value that is + // different than the constructed client's Options, the Client's Retryer will be + // wrapped to use the operation's specific RetryMaxAttempts value. + RetryMaxAttempts int + + // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if + // Retryer option is not also specified. + // + // When creating a new API Clients this member will only be used if the Retryer + // Options member is nil. This value will be ignored if Retryer is not nil. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + RetryMode aws.RetryMode + + // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable + // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of + // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode + // option. + Retryer aws.Retryer + + // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set + // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig . You + // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here + // within your applications. + RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + + // The client tracer provider. + TracerProvider tracing.TracerProvider + + // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the + // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved + // value was at that point in time. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP + // implementation if nil. + HTTPClient HTTPClient + + // The auth scheme resolver which determines how to authenticate for each + // operation. + AuthSchemeResolver AuthSchemeResolver + + // The list of auth schemes supported by the client. + AuthSchemes []smithyhttp.AuthScheme +} + +// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. +func (o Options) Copy() Options { + to := o + to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) + copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + + return to +} + +func (o Options) GetIdentityResolver(schemeID string) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + return getSigV4IdentityResolver(o) + } + if schemeID == "smithy.api#noAuth" { + return &smithyauth.AnonymousIdentityResolver{} + } + return nil +} + +// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions +// option. +func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + } +} + +// Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a value for +// this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related service +// features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint. +// +// To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set +// the client option BaseEndpoint instead. +func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolver = v + } +} + +// WithEndpointResolverV2 returns a functional option for setting the Client's +// EndpointResolverV2 option. +func WithEndpointResolverV2(v EndpointResolverV2) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolverV2 = v + } +} + +func getSigV4IdentityResolver(o Options) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if o.Credentials != nil { + return &internalauthsmithy.CredentialsProviderAdapter{Provider: o.Credentials} + } + return nil +} + +// WithSigV4SigningName applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing name for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing name from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningName(name string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, name), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningName", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +// WithSigV4SigningRegion applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing region for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing region from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningRegion(region string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningRegion(ctx, region), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningRegion", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +func ignoreAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if aws.IsCredentialsProvider(options.Credentials, (*aws.AnonymousCredentials)(nil)) { + options.Credentials = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 29e32081..a7a5b57d 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ( smithy "" "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" ) @@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpGetRoleCredentials) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpGetRoleCredentials) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -36,7 +41,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpGetRoleCredentials) HandleSerialize(ctx context request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "GET" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -50,6 +62,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpGetRoleCredentials) HandleSerialize(ctx context } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsGetRoleCredentialsInput(v *GetRoleCredentialsInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -57,7 +71,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsGetRoleCredentialsInput(v *GetRoleCrede return fmt.Errorf("unsupported serialization of nil %T", v) } - if v.AccessToken != nil && len(*v.AccessToken) > 0 { + if v.AccessToken != nil { locationName := "X-Amz-Sso_bearer_token" encoder.SetHeader(locationName).String(*v.AccessToken) } @@ -83,6 +97,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccountRoles) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccountRoles) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -98,7 +116,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccountRoles) HandleSerialize(ctx context.C request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "GET" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -112,6 +137,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccountRoles) HandleSerialize(ctx context.C } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsListAccountRolesInput(v *ListAccountRolesInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -119,7 +146,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsListAccountRolesInput(v *ListAccountRol return fmt.Errorf("unsupported serialization of nil %T", v) } - if v.AccessToken != nil && len(*v.AccessToken) > 0 { + if v.AccessToken != nil { locationName := "X-Amz-Sso_bearer_token" encoder.SetHeader(locationName).String(*v.AccessToken) } @@ -149,6 +176,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccounts) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccounts) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -164,7 +195,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccounts) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Conte request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "GET" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -178,6 +216,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpListAccounts) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Conte } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsListAccountsInput(v *ListAccountsInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -185,7 +225,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsListAccountsInput(v *ListAccountsInput, return fmt.Errorf("unsupported serialization of nil %T", v) } - if v.AccessToken != nil && len(*v.AccessToken) > 0 { + if v.AccessToken != nil { locationName := "X-Amz-Sso_bearer_token" encoder.SetHeader(locationName).String(*v.AccessToken) } @@ -211,6 +251,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpLogout) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpLogout) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -226,7 +270,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpLogout) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "POST" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -240,6 +291,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpLogout) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsLogoutInput(v *LogoutInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -247,7 +300,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsLogoutInput(v *LogoutInput, encoder *ht return fmt.Errorf("unsupported serialization of nil %T", v) } - if v.AccessToken != nil && len(*v.AccessToken) > 0 { + if v.AccessToken != nil { locationName := "X-Amz-Sso_bearer_token" encoder.SetHeader(locationName).String(*v.AccessToken) } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 1401d585..e97a126e 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import ( type InvalidRequestException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -24,13 +26,20 @@ func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidRequestException" } +func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidRequestException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The specified resource doesn't exist. type ResourceNotFoundException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -43,7 +52,12 @@ func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorCode() string { return "ResourceNotFoundException" } +func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "ResourceNotFoundException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the request is being made too frequently and is more than what @@ -51,6 +65,8 @@ func (e *ResourceNotFoundException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smit type TooManyRequestsException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -63,7 +79,12 @@ func (e *TooManyRequestsException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *TooManyRequestsException) ErrorCode() string { return "TooManyRequestsException" } +func (e *TooManyRequestsException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "TooManyRequestsException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *TooManyRequestsException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the request is not authorized. This can happen due to an invalid @@ -71,6 +92,8 @@ func (e *TooManyRequestsException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smith type UnauthorizedException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -83,5 +106,10 @@ func (e *UnauthorizedException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *UnauthorizedException) ErrorCode() string { return "UnauthorizedException" } +func (e *UnauthorizedException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "UnauthorizedException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *UnauthorizedException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 051056b7..07ac468e 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -25,25 +25,24 @@ type AccountInfo struct { type RoleCredentials struct { // The identifier used for the temporary security credentials. For more - // information, see Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS - // Resources - // ( - // in the AWS IAM User Guide. + // information, see [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources]in the AWS IAM User Guide. + // + // [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources]: AccessKeyId *string // The date on which temporary security credentials expire. Expiration int64 - // The key that is used to sign the request. For more information, see Using - // Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources - // ( - // in the AWS IAM User Guide. + // The key that is used to sign the request. For more information, see [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources] in the AWS + // IAM User Guide. + // + // [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources]: SecretAccessKey *string - // The token used for temporary credentials. For more information, see Using - // Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources - // ( - // in the AWS IAM User Guide. + // The token used for temporary credentials. For more information, see [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources] in the AWS + // IAM User Guide. + // + // [Using Temporary Security Credentials to Request Access to AWS Resources]: SessionToken *string noSmithyDocumentSerde diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index b3b01917..cd1774eb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,390 @@ +# v1.28.14 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.13 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.12 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.11 (2025-01-24) + +* **Documentation**: Fixed typos in the descriptions. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.28.10 (2025-01-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix bug where credentials weren't refreshed during retry loop. + +# v1.28.9 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.8 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.7 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.6 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.5 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.4 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.3 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.2 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.1 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.0 (2024-10-04) + +* **Feature**: Add support for HTTP client metrics. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.4 (2024-10-03) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.27.3 (2024-09-27) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.27.2 (2024-09-25) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.27.1 (2024-09-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.27.0 (2024-09-20) + +* **Feature**: Add tracing and metrics support to service clients. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.8 (2024-09-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: **BREAKFIX**: Only generate AccountIDEndpointMode config for services that use it. This is a compiler break, but removes no actual functionality, as no services currently use the account ID in endpoint resolution. + +# v1.26.7 (2024-09-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.26.6 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.5 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.4 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.3 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.2 (2024-07-03) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.26.1 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.0 (2024-06-26) + +* **Feature**: Support list-of-string endpoint parameter. + +# v1.25.1 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.0 (2024-06-18) + +* **Feature**: Track usage of various AWS SDK features in user-agent string. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.6 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.5 (2024-06-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Add clock skew correction on all service clients +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.4 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.3 (2024-05-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.24.2 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.1 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.0 (2024-05-10) + +* **Feature**: Updated request parameters for PKCE support. + +# v1.23.5 (2024-05-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: GoDoc improvement + +# v1.23.4 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.3 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.2 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.1 (2024-02-23) + +* **Bug Fix**: Move all common, SDK-side middleware stack ops into the service client module to prevent cross-module compatibility issues in the future. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.0 (2024-02-22) + +* **Feature**: Add middleware stack snapshot tests. + +# v1.22.2 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.22.1 (2024-02-20) + +* **Bug Fix**: When sourcing values for a service's `EndpointParameters`, the lack of a configured region (i.e. `options.Region == ""`) will now translate to a `nil` value for `EndpointParameters.Region` instead of a pointer to the empty string `""`. This will result in a much more explicit error when calling an operation instead of an obscure hostname lookup failure. + +# v1.22.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.7 (2024-01-16) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.21.6 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.5 (2023-12-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: Reinstate presence of default Retryer in functional options, but still respect max attempts set therein. + +# v1.21.4 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.3 (2023-12-06) + +* **Bug Fix**: Restore pre-refactor auth behavior where all operations could technically be performed anonymously. + +# v1.21.2 (2023-12-01) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct wrapping of errors in authentication workflow. +* **Bug Fix**: Correctly recognize cache-wrapped instances of AnonymousCredentials at client construction. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.1 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.0 (2023-11-29) + +* **Feature**: Expose Options() accessor on service clients. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.3 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.2 (2023-11-28) + +* **Bug Fix**: Respect setting RetryMaxAttempts in functional options at client construction. + +# v1.20.1 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.0 (2023-11-17) + +* **Feature**: Adding support for `sso-oauth:CreateTokenWithIAM`. + +# v1.19.2 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.1 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.3 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.2 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.17.1 (2023-09-22) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.17.0 (2023-09-20) + +* **Feature**: Update FIPS endpoints in aws-us-gov. + +# v1.16.0 (2023-09-18) + +* **Announcement**: [BREAKFIX] Change in MaxResults datatype from value to pointer type in cognito-sync service. +* **Feature**: Adds several endpoint ruleset changes across all models: smaller rulesets, removed non-unique regional endpoints, fixes FIPS and DualStack endpoints, and make region not required in SDK::Endpoint. Additional breakfix to cognito-sync field. + +# v1.15.6 (2023-09-05) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.15.5 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.4 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.3 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.2 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.15.1 (2023-08-01) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.15.0 (2023-07-31) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for smithy-modeled endpoint resolution. A new rules-based endpoint resolution will be added to the SDK which will supercede and deprecate existing endpoint resolution. Specifically, EndpointResolver will be deprecated while BaseEndpoint and EndpointResolverV2 will take its place. For more information, please see the Endpoints section in our Developer Guide. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.14 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.13 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.12 (2023-06-15) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.14.11 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.10 (2023-05-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.14.9 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.8 (2023-04-10) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.14.7 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.6 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.5 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.4 (2023-02-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Prevent nil pointer dereference when retrieving error codes. + +# v1.14.3 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.2 (2023-02-15) + +* **Announcement**: When receiving an error response in restJson-based services, an incorrect error type may have been returned based on the content of the response. This has been fixed via PR #2012 tracked in issue #1910. +* **Bug Fix**: Correct error type parsing for restJson services. + +# v1.14.1 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.14.0 (2023-01-05) + +* **Feature**: Add `ErrorCodeOverride` field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401). + +# v1.13.11 (2022-12-19) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.13.10 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.13.9 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5e0a85a2..9b7f4acc 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,169 +4,241 @@ package ssooidc import ( "context" + "errors" + "fmt" "" "" awsmiddleware "" "" "" awshttp "" + internalauth "" + internalauthsmithy "" internalConfig "" + internalmiddleware "" smithy "" + smithyauth "" smithydocument "" "" + "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" "net" "net/http" + "sync/atomic" "time" ) const ServiceID = "SSO OIDC" const ServiceAPIVersion = "2019-06-10" -// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS SSO OIDC. -type Client struct { - options Options +type operationMetrics struct { + Duration metrics.Float64Histogram + SerializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveIdentityDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveEndpointDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + SignRequestDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + DeserializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram } -// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide -// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, -// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. -func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { - options = options.Copy() +func (m *operationMetrics) histogramFor(name string) metrics.Float64Histogram { + switch name { + case "": + return m.Duration + case "": + return m.SerializeDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveIdentityDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveEndpointDuration + case "": + return m.SignRequestDuration + case "": + return m.DeserializeDuration + default: + panic("unrecognized operation metric") + } +} - resolveDefaultLogger(&options) +func timeOperationMetric[T any]( + ctx context.Context, metric string, fn func() (T, error), + opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption, +) (T, error) { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) + start := time.Now() + v, err := fn() + end := time.Now() - resolveRetryer(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) + return v, err +} - resolveHTTPClient(&options) +func startMetricTimer(ctx context.Context, metric string, opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption) func() { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) + var ended bool + start := time.Now() + return func() { + if ended { + return + } + ended = true - resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(&options) + end := time.Now() - for _, fn := range optFns { - fn(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) } +} - client := &Client{ - options: options, +func withOperationMetadata(ctx context.Context) metrics.RecordMetricOption { + return func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", middleware.GetServiceID(ctx)) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", middleware.GetOperationName(ctx)) } +} - return client +type operationMetricsKey struct{} + +func withOperationMetrics(parent context.Context, mp metrics.MeterProvider) (context.Context, error) { + meter := mp.Meter("") + om := &operationMetrics{} + + var err error + + om.Duration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "Overall call duration (including retries and time to send or receive request and response body)") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SerializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to serialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveIdentityDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time taken to acquire an identity (AWS credentials, bearer token, etc) from an Identity Provider") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveEndpointDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to resolve an endpoint (endpoint resolver, not DNS) for the request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SignRequestDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to sign a request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.DeserializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to deserialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return context.WithValue(parent, operationMetricsKey{}, om), nil } -type Options struct { - // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all - // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to - // modify this list for per operation behavior. - APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error +func operationMetricTimer(m metrics.Meter, name, desc string) (metrics.Float64Histogram, error) { + return m.Float64Histogram(name, func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = desc + }) +} - // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. - ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode +func getOperationMetrics(ctx context.Context) *operationMetrics { + return ctx.Value(operationMetricsKey{}).(*operationMetrics) +} - // The credentials object to use when signing requests. - Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider +func operationTracer(p tracing.TracerProvider) tracing.Tracer { + return p.Tracer("") +} - // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the - // clients initial default settings. - DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode +// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS SSO OIDC. +type Client struct { + options Options - // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. - EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + // Difference between the time reported by the server and the client + timeOffset *atomic.Int64 +} - // The service endpoint resolver. - EndpointResolver EndpointResolver +// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide +// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, +// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. +func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { + options = options.Copy() - // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer - HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + resolveDefaultLogger(&options) - // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. - Logger logging.Logger + setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) - // The region to send requests to. (Required) - Region string + resolveRetryer(&options) - // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call - // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and - // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify - // per operation call's retry max attempts. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. If specified in an operation call's functional - // options with a value that is different than the constructed client's Options, - // the Client's Retryer will be wrapped to use the operation's specific - // RetryMaxAttempts value. - RetryMaxAttempts int + resolveHTTPClient(&options) - // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if - // Retryer option is not also specified. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - RetryMode aws.RetryMode + resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) - // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable - // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of - // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode - // option. - Retryer aws.Retryer + resolveEndpointResolverV2(&options) - // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set - // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig. You - // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here - // within your applications. - RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + resolveTracerProvider(&options) - // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the - // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved - // value was at that point in time. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + resolveMeterProvider(&options) - // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP - // implementation if nil. - HTTPClient HTTPClient -} + resolveAuthSchemeResolver(&options) -// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions -// option. -func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + for _, fn := range optFns { + fn(&options) } -} -// WithEndpointResolver returns a functional option for setting the Client's -// EndpointResolver option. -func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.EndpointResolver = v + finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(&options) + + ignoreAnonymousAuth(&options) + + wrapWithAnonymousAuth(&options) + + resolveAuthSchemes(&options) + + client := &Client{ + options: options, } -} -type HTTPClient interface { - Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) -} + initializeTimeOffsetResolver(client) -// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. -func (o Options) Copy() Options { - to := o - to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) - copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + return client +} - return to +// Options returns a copy of the client configuration. +// +// Callers SHOULD NOT perform mutations on any inner structures within client +// config. Config overrides should instead be made on a per-operation basis through +// functional options. +func (c *Client) Options() Options { + return c.options.Copy() } -func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error) (result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error) { + +func (c *Client) invokeOperation( + ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error, +) ( + result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { ctx = middleware.ClearStackValues(ctx) + ctx = middleware.WithServiceID(ctx, ServiceID) + ctx = middleware.WithOperationName(ctx, opID) + stack := middleware.NewStack(opID, smithyhttp.NewStackRequest) options := c.options.Copy() + for _, fn := range optFns { fn(&options) } - finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(&options, *c) + finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(&options, *c) finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(&options) @@ -182,20 +254,142 @@ func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interf } } - handler := middleware.DecorateHandler(smithyhttp.NewClientHandler(options.HTTPClient), stack) - result, metadata, err = handler.Handle(ctx, params) + ctx, err = withOperationMetrics(ctx, options.MeterProvider) if err != nil { + return nil, metadata, err + } + + tracer := operationTracer(options.TracerProvider) + spanName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ServiceID, opID) + + ctx = tracing.WithOperationTracer(ctx, tracer) + + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, spanName, func(o *tracing.SpanOptions) { + o.Kind = tracing.SpanKindClient + o.Properties.Set("rpc.system", "aws-api") + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", opID) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", ServiceID) + }) + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + + handler := smithyhttp.NewClientHandlerWithOptions(options.HTTPClient, func(o *smithyhttp.ClientHandler) { + o.Meter = options.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + decorated := middleware.DecorateHandler(handler, stack) + result, metadata, err = decorated.Handle(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + span.SetProperty("exception.type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)) + span.SetProperty("exception.message", err.Error()) + + var aerr smithy.APIError + if errors.As(err, &aerr) { + span.SetProperty("api.error_code", aerr.ErrorCode()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_message", aerr.ErrorMessage()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_fault", aerr.ErrorFault().String()) + } + err = &smithy.OperationError{ ServiceID: ServiceID, OperationName: opID, Err: err, } } + + span.SetProperty("error", err != nil) + if err == nil { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusOK) + } else { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusError) + } + return result, metadata, err } +type operationInputKey struct{} + +func setOperationInput(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}, input) +} + +func getOperationInput(ctx context.Context) interface{} { + return middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}) +} + +type setOperationInputMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setOperationInputMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setOperationInput" +} + +func (m *setOperationInputMiddleware) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + ctx = setOperationInput(ctx, in.Parameters) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +func addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, operation string) error { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware{operation: operation, options: options}, middleware.Before); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveAuthScheme: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&getIdentityMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add GetIdentity: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&resolveEndpointV2Middleware{options: options}, "GetIdentity", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveEndpointV2: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&signRequestMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add Signing: %w", err) + } + return nil +} +func resolveAuthSchemeResolver(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemeResolver == nil { + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &defaultAuthSchemeResolver{} + } +} + +func resolveAuthSchemes(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemes == nil { + options.AuthSchemes = []smithyhttp.AuthScheme{ + internalauth.NewHTTPAuthScheme("aws.auth#sigv4", &internalauthsmithy.V4SignerAdapter{ + Signer: options.HTTPSignerV4, + Logger: options.Logger, + LogSigning: options.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), + }), + } + } +} + type noSmithyDocumentSerde = smithydocument.NoSerde +type legacyEndpointContextSetter struct { + LegacyResolver EndpointResolver +} + +func (*legacyEndpointContextSetter) ID() string { + return "legacyEndpointContextSetter" +} + +func (m *legacyEndpointContextSetter) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if m.LegacyResolver != nil { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, true) + } + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) + +} +func addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&legacyEndpointContextSetter{ + LegacyResolver: o.EndpointResolver, + }, middleware.Before) +} + func resolveDefaultLogger(o *Options) { if o.Logger != nil { return @@ -233,6 +427,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { APIOptions: cfg.APIOptions, Logger: cfg.Logger, ClientLogMode: cfg.ClientLogMode, + AppID: cfg.AppID, } resolveAWSRetryerProvider(cfg, &opts) resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg, &opts) @@ -240,6 +435,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg, &opts) resolveUseDualStackEndpoint(cfg, &opts) resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg, &opts) + resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg, &opts) return New(opts, optFns...) } @@ -331,7 +527,15 @@ func resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { o.RetryMaxAttempts = cfg.RetryMaxAttempts } -func finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(o *Options, client Client) { +func finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options) { + if o.RetryMaxAttempts == 0 { + return + } + + o.Retryer = retry.AddWithMaxAttempts(o.Retryer, o.RetryMaxAttempts) +} + +func finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options, client Client) { if v := o.RetryMaxAttempts; v == 0 || v == client.options.RetryMaxAttempts { return } @@ -343,20 +547,39 @@ func resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { if cfg.EndpointResolver == nil && cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions == nil { return } - o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions, NewDefaultEndpointResolver()) + o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions) } -func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "ssooidc", goModuleVersion)(stack) +func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "ssooidc", goModuleVersion) + if len(options.AppID) > 0 { + ua.AddSDKAgentKey(awsmiddleware.ApplicationIdentifier, options.AppID) + } + + return nil } -func addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mw := v4.NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{ - CredentialsProvider: o.Credentials, - Signer: o.HTTPSignerV4, - LogSigning: o.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), - }) - return stack.Finalize.Add(mw, middleware.After) +func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent, error) { + id := (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent)(nil).ID() + mw, ok := stack.Build.Get(id) + if !ok { + mw = awsmiddleware.NewRequestUserAgent() + if err := stack.Build.Add(mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + ua, ok := mw.(*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T for %s middleware did not match expected type", mw, id) + } + + return ua, nil } type HTTPSignerV4 interface { @@ -377,12 +600,97 @@ func newDefaultV4Signer(o Options) *v4.Signer { }) } -func addRetryMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mo := retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{ - Retryer: o.Retryer, - LogRetryAttempts: o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries(), +func addClientRequestID(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.ClientRequestID{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addComputeContentLength(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&smithyhttp.ComputeContentLength{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addRawResponseToMetadata(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.AddRawResponse{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addRecordResponseTiming(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecordResponseTiming{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanRetryLoop(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&spanRetryLoop{options: options}, "Retry", middleware.Before) +} + +type spanRetryLoop struct { + options Options +} + +func (*spanRetryLoop) ID() string { + return "spanRetryLoop" +} + +func (m *spanRetryLoop) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, +) ( + middleware.FinalizeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + tracer := operationTracer(m.options.TracerProvider) + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, "RetryLoop") + defer span.End() + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} +func addStreamingEventsPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Add(&v4.StreamingEventsPayload{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addUnsignedPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.UnsignedPayload{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addComputePayloadSHA256(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ComputePayloadSHA256{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addContentSHA256Header(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ContentSHA256Header{}, (*v4.ComputePayloadSHA256)(nil).ID(), middleware.After) +} + +func addIsWaiterUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureWaiter) + return nil + }) +} + +func addIsPaginatorUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeaturePaginator) + return nil + }) +} + +func addRetry(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + attempt := retry.NewAttemptMiddleware(o.Retryer, smithyhttp.RequestCloner, func(m *retry.Attempt) { + m.LogAttempts = o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries() + m.OperationMeter = o.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(attempt, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err } - return retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, mo) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&retry.MetricsHeader{}, attempt.ID(), middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil } // resolves dual-stack endpoint configuration @@ -415,12 +723,68 @@ func resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) error { return nil } +func resolveAccountID(identity smithyauth.Identity, mode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode) *string { + if mode == aws.AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled { + return nil + } + + if ca, ok := identity.(*internalauthsmithy.CredentialsAdapter); ok && ca.Credentials.AccountID != "" { + return aws.String(ca.Credentials.AccountID) + } + + return nil +} + +func addTimeOffsetBuild(stack *middleware.Stack, c *Client) error { + mw := internalmiddleware.AddTimeOffsetMiddleware{Offset: c.timeOffset} + if err := stack.Build.Add(&mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&mw, "RecordResponseTiming", middleware.Before) +} +func initializeTimeOffsetResolver(c *Client) { + c.timeOffset = new(atomic.Int64) +} + +func addUserAgentRetryMode(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch options.Retryer.(type) { + case *retry.Standard: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeStandard) + case *retry.AdaptiveMode: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeAdaptive) + } + return nil +} + +func resolveTracerProvider(options *Options) { + if options.TracerProvider == nil { + options.TracerProvider = &tracing.NopTracerProvider{} + } +} + +func resolveMeterProvider(options *Options) { + if options.MeterProvider == nil { + options.MeterProvider = metrics.NopMeterProvider{} + } +} + +func addRecursionDetection(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecursionDetection{}, middleware.After) +} + func addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awsmiddleware.RequestIDRetriever{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.Before) + } func addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awshttp.AddResponseErrorMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awshttp.ResponseErrorWrapper{}, "RequestIDRetriever", middleware.Before) + } func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { @@ -431,3 +795,118 @@ func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { LogResponseWithBody: o.ClientLogMode.IsResponseWithBody(), }, middleware.After) } + +type disableHTTPSMiddleware struct { + DisableHTTPS bool +} + +func (*disableHTTPSMiddleware) ID() string { + return "disableHTTPS" +} + +func (m *disableHTTPSMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.DisableHTTPS && !smithyhttp.GetHostnameImmutable(ctx) { + req.URL.Scheme = "http" + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&disableHTTPSMiddleware{ + DisableHTTPS: o.EndpointOptions.DisableHTTPS, + }, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +type spanInitializeStart struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeStart) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeStart" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeStart) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "Initialize") + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanInitializeEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeEnd) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeEnd" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeEnd) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestStart struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestStart) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestStart" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestStart) HandleSerialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.SerializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "BuildRequest") + + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestEnd) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestEnd" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestEnd) HandleBuild( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +) ( + middleware.BuildOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +func addSpanInitializeStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanInitializeEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeEnd{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Serialize.Add(&spanBuildRequestStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&spanBuildRequestEnd{}, middleware.After) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index cde97b4f..2ab35244 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,14 +4,16 @@ package ssooidc import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Creates and returns an access token for the authorized client. The access token -// issued will be used to fetch short-term credentials for the assigned roles in -// the AWS account. +// Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients that are +// authenticated using client secrets. The access token can be used to fetch +// short-lived credentials for the assigned AWS accounts or to access application +// APIs using bearer authentication. func (c *Client) CreateToken(ctx context.Context, params *CreateTokenInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateTokenOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &CreateTokenInput{} @@ -29,50 +31,64 @@ func (c *Client) CreateToken(ctx context.Context, params *CreateTokenInput, optF type CreateTokenInput struct { - // The unique identifier string for each client. This value should come from the - // persisted result of the RegisterClient API. + // The unique identifier string for the client or application. This value comes + // from the result of the RegisterClientAPI. // // This member is required. ClientId *string // A secret string generated for the client. This value should come from the - // persisted result of the RegisterClient API. + // persisted result of the RegisterClientAPI. // // This member is required. ClientSecret *string - // Supports grant types for the authorization code, refresh token, and device code - // request. For device code requests, specify the following value: - // urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code For information about how to - // obtain the device code, see the StartDeviceAuthorization topic. + // Supports the following OAuth grant types: Authorization Code, Device Code, and + // Refresh Token. Specify one of the following values, depending on the grant type + // that you want: + // + // * Authorization Code - authorization_code + // + // * Device Code - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code + // + // * Refresh Token - refresh_token // // This member is required. GrantType *string - // The authorization code received from the authorization service. This parameter - // is required to perform an authorization grant request to get access to a token. + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. The + // short-lived code is used to identify this authorization request. Code *string - // Used only when calling this API for the device code grant type. This short-term - // code is used to identify this authentication attempt. This should come from an - // in-memory reference to the result of the StartDeviceAuthorization API. + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. This + // value is generated by the client and presented to validate the original code + // challenge value the client passed at authorization time. + CodeVerifier *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Device Code grant type. This + // short-lived code is used to identify this authorization request. This comes from + // the result of the StartDeviceAuthorizationAPI. DeviceCode *string - // The location of the application that will receive the authorization code. Users - // authorize the service to send the request to this location. + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. This + // value specifies the location of the client or application that has registered to + // receive the authorization code. RedirectUri *string - // Currently, refreshToken is not yet implemented and is not supported. For more - // information about the features and limitations of the current IAM Identity - // Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in the IAM - // Identity Center OIDC API Reference - // ( - // The token used to obtain an access token in the event that the access token is - // invalid or expired. + // Used only when calling this API for the Refresh Token grant type. This token is + // used to refresh short-lived tokens, such as the access token, that might expire. + // + // For more information about the features and limitations of the current IAM + // Identity Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in + // the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]. + // + // [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]: RefreshToken *string - // The list of scopes that is defined by the client. Upon authorization, this list - // is used to restrict permissions when granting an access token. + // The list of scopes for which authorization is requested. The access token that + // is issued is limited to the scopes that are granted. If this value is not + // specified, IAM Identity Center authorizes all scopes that are configured for the + // client during the call to RegisterClient. Scope []string noSmithyDocumentSerde @@ -80,31 +96,35 @@ type CreateTokenInput struct { type CreateTokenOutput struct { - // An opaque token to access IAM Identity Center resources assigned to a user. + // A bearer token to access Amazon Web Services accounts and applications assigned + // to a user. AccessToken *string // Indicates the time in seconds when an access token will expire. ExpiresIn int32 - // Currently, idToken is not yet implemented and is not supported. For more - // information about the features and limitations of the current IAM Identity - // Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in the IAM - // Identity Center OIDC API Reference - // ( - // The identifier of the user that associated with the access token, if present. + // The idToken is not implemented or supported. For more information about the + // features and limitations of the current IAM Identity Center OIDC implementation, + // see Considerations for Using this Guide in the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]. + // + // A JSON Web Token (JWT) that identifies who is associated with the issued access + // token. + // + // [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]: IdToken *string - // Currently, refreshToken is not yet implemented and is not supported. For more - // information about the features and limitations of the current IAM Identity - // Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in the IAM - // Identity Center OIDC API Reference - // ( // A token that, if present, can be used to refresh a previously issued access // token that might have expired. + // + // For more information about the features and limitations of the current IAM + // Identity Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in + // the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]. + // + // [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]: RefreshToken *string // Used to notify the client that the returned token is an access token. The - // supported type is BearerToken. + // supported token type is Bearer . TokenType *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -114,6 +134,9 @@ type CreateTokenOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationCreateTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateToken{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -122,28 +145,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationCreateTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opt if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "CreateToken"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -152,12 +185,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationCreateTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opt if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpCreateTokenValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opCreateToken(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -167,6 +212,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationCreateTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opt if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5253ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package ssooidc + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + awsmiddleware "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +// Creates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients and applications that +// are authenticated using IAM entities. The access token can be used to fetch +// short-lived credentials for the assigned Amazon Web Services accounts or to +// access application APIs using bearer authentication. +func (c *Client) CreateTokenWithIAM(ctx context.Context, params *CreateTokenWithIAMInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateTokenWithIAMOutput, error) { + if params == nil { + params = &CreateTokenWithIAMInput{} + } + + result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "CreateTokenWithIAM", params, optFns, c.addOperationCreateTokenWithIAMMiddlewares) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + out := result.(*CreateTokenWithIAMOutput) + out.ResultMetadata = metadata + return out, nil +} + +type CreateTokenWithIAMInput struct { + + // The unique identifier string for the client or application. This value is an + // application ARN that has OAuth grants configured. + // + // This member is required. + ClientId *string + + // Supports the following OAuth grant types: Authorization Code, Refresh Token, + // JWT Bearer, and Token Exchange. Specify one of the following values, depending + // on the grant type that you want: + // + // * Authorization Code - authorization_code + // + // * Refresh Token - refresh_token + // + // * JWT Bearer - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer + // + // * Token Exchange - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange + // + // This member is required. + GrantType *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the JWT Bearer grant type. This value + // specifies the JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by a trusted token issuer. To + // authorize a trusted token issuer, configure the JWT Bearer GrantOptions for the + // application. + Assertion *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. This + // short-lived code is used to identify this authorization request. The code is + // obtained through a redirect from IAM Identity Center to a redirect URI persisted + // in the Authorization Code GrantOptions for the application. + Code *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. This + // value is generated by the client and presented to validate the original code + // challenge value the client passed at authorization time. + CodeVerifier *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Authorization Code grant type. This + // value specifies the location of the client or application that has registered to + // receive the authorization code. + RedirectUri *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Refresh Token grant type. This token is + // used to refresh short-lived tokens, such as the access token, that might expire. + // + // For more information about the features and limitations of the current IAM + // Identity Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in + // the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]. + // + // [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]: + RefreshToken *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Token Exchange grant type. This value + // specifies the type of token that the requester can receive. The following values + // are supported: + // + // * Access Token - urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token + // + // * Refresh Token - urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token + RequestedTokenType *string + + // The list of scopes for which authorization is requested. The access token that + // is issued is limited to the scopes that are granted. If the value is not + // specified, IAM Identity Center authorizes all scopes configured for the + // application, including the following default scopes: openid , aws , + // sts:identity_context . + Scope []string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Token Exchange grant type. This value + // specifies the subject of the exchange. The value of the subject token must be an + // access token issued by IAM Identity Center to a different client or application. + // The access token must have authorized scopes that indicate the requested + // application as a target audience. + SubjectToken *string + + // Used only when calling this API for the Token Exchange grant type. This value + // specifies the type of token that is passed as the subject of the exchange. The + // following value is supported: + // + // * Access Token - urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token + SubjectTokenType *string + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +type CreateTokenWithIAMOutput struct { + + // A bearer token to access Amazon Web Services accounts and applications assigned + // to a user. + AccessToken *string + + // Indicates the time in seconds when an access token will expire. + ExpiresIn int32 + + // A JSON Web Token (JWT) that identifies the user associated with the issued + // access token. + IdToken *string + + // Indicates the type of tokens that are issued by IAM Identity Center. The + // following values are supported: + // + // * Access Token - urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token + // + // * Refresh Token - urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token + IssuedTokenType *string + + // A token that, if present, can be used to refresh a previously issued access + // token that might have expired. + // + // For more information about the features and limitations of the current IAM + // Identity Center OIDC implementation, see Considerations for Using this Guide in + // the [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]. + // + // [IAM Identity Center OIDC API Reference]: + RefreshToken *string + + // The list of scopes for which authorization is granted. The access token that is + // issued is limited to the scopes that are granted. + Scope []string + + // Used to notify the requester that the returned token is an access token. The + // supported token type is Bearer . + TokenType *string + + // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. + ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +func (c *Client) addOperationCreateTokenWithIAMMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM{}, middleware.After) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM{}, middleware.After) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "CreateTokenWithIAM"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addOpCreateTokenWithIAMValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opCreateTokenWithIAM(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opCreateTokenWithIAM(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata { + return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ + Region: region, + ServiceID: ServiceID, + OperationName: "CreateTokenWithIAM", + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3ed8cc35..2022270d 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ package ssooidc import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Registers a client with IAM Identity Center. This allows clients to initiate -// device authorization. The output should be persisted for reuse through many -// authentication requests. +// Registers a public client with IAM Identity Center. This allows clients to +// perform authorization using the authorization code grant with Proof Key for Code +// Exchange (PKCE) or the device code grant. func (c *Client) RegisterClient(ctx context.Context, params *RegisterClientInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*RegisterClientOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &RegisterClientInput{} @@ -40,8 +41,35 @@ type RegisterClientInput struct { // This member is required. ClientType *string - // The list of scopes that are defined by the client. Upon authorization, this list - // is used to restrict permissions when granting an access token. + // This IAM Identity Center application ARN is used to define + // administrator-managed configuration for public client access to resources. At + // authorization, the scopes, grants, and redirect URI available to this client + // will be restricted by this application resource. + EntitledApplicationArn *string + + // The list of OAuth 2.0 grant types that are defined by the client. This list is + // used to restrict the token granting flows available to the client. Supports the + // following OAuth 2.0 grant types: Authorization Code, Device Code, and Refresh + // Token. + // + // * Authorization Code - authorization_code + // + // * Device Code - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code + // + // * Refresh Token - refresh_token + GrantTypes []string + + // The IAM Identity Center Issuer URL associated with an instance of IAM Identity + // Center. This value is needed for user access to resources through the client. + IssuerUrl *string + + // The list of redirect URI that are defined by the client. At completion of + // authorization, this list is used to restrict what locations the user agent can + // be redirected back to. + RedirectUris []string + + // The list of scopes that are defined by the client. Upon authorization, this + // list is used to restrict permissions when granting an access token. Scopes []string noSmithyDocumentSerde @@ -49,7 +77,7 @@ type RegisterClientInput struct { type RegisterClientOutput struct { - // The endpoint where the client can request authorization. + // An endpoint that the client can use to request authorization. AuthorizationEndpoint *string // The unique identifier string for each client. This client uses this identifier @@ -59,14 +87,14 @@ type RegisterClientOutput struct { // Indicates the time at which the clientId and clientSecret were issued. ClientIdIssuedAt int64 - // A secret string generated for the client. The client will use this string to get - // authenticated by the service in subsequent calls. + // A secret string generated for the client. The client will use this string to + // get authenticated by the service in subsequent calls. ClientSecret *string // Indicates the time at which the clientId and clientSecret will become invalid. ClientSecretExpiresAt int64 - // The endpoint where the client can get an access token. + // An endpoint that the client can use to create tokens. TokenEndpoint *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -76,6 +104,9 @@ type RegisterClientOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationRegisterClientMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -84,28 +115,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationRegisterClientMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "RegisterClient"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -114,12 +155,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationRegisterClientMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpRegisterClientValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opRegisterClient(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -129,6 +182,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationRegisterClientMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 013ccbc9..203ca5e6 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package ssooidc import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" smithyhttp "" @@ -28,24 +29,24 @@ func (c *Client) StartDeviceAuthorization(ctx context.Context, params *StartDevi type StartDeviceAuthorizationInput struct { - // The unique identifier string for the client that is registered with IAM Identity - // Center. This value should come from the persisted result of the RegisterClient - // API operation. + // The unique identifier string for the client that is registered with IAM + // Identity Center. This value should come from the persisted result of the RegisterClientAPI + // operation. // // This member is required. ClientId *string // A secret string that is generated for the client. This value should come from - // the persisted result of the RegisterClient API operation. + // the persisted result of the RegisterClientAPI operation. // // This member is required. ClientSecret *string - // The URL for the AWS access portal. For more information, see Using the AWS - // access portal - // ( + // The URL for the Amazon Web Services access portal. For more information, see [Using the Amazon Web Services access portal] // in the IAM Identity Center User Guide. // + // [Using the Amazon Web Services access portal]: + // // This member is required. StartUrl *string @@ -73,9 +74,9 @@ type StartDeviceAuthorizationOutput struct { // device. VerificationUri *string - // An alternate URL that the client can use to automatically launch a browser. This - // process skips the manual step in which the user visits the verification page and - // enters their code. + // An alternate URL that the client can use to automatically launch a browser. + // This process skips the manual step in which the user visits the verification + // page and enters their code. VerificationUriComplete *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -85,6 +86,9 @@ type StartDeviceAuthorizationOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationStartDeviceAuthorizationMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestjson1_serializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -93,28 +97,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationStartDeviceAuthorizationMiddlewares(stack *middlewa if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "StartDeviceAuthorization"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -123,12 +137,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationStartDeviceAuthorizationMiddlewares(stack *middlewa if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpStartDeviceAuthorizationValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opStartDeviceAuthorization(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -138,6 +164,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationStartDeviceAuthorizationMiddlewares(stack *middlewa if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4b87f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package ssooidc + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + awsmiddleware "" + smithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +func bindAuthParamsRegion(_ interface{}, params *AuthResolverParameters, _ interface{}, options Options) { + params.Region = options.Region +} + +type setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setLegacyContextSigningOptions" +} + +func (m *setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + schemeID := rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID() + + if sn := awsmiddleware.GetSigningName(ctx); sn != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } + } + + if sr := awsmiddleware.GetSigningRegion(ctx); sr != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sr) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningRegions(&rscheme.SignerProperties, []string{sr}) + } + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware{}, "Signing", middleware.Before) +} + +type withAnonymous struct { + resolver AuthSchemeResolver +} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*withAnonymous)(nil) + +func (v *withAnonymous) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + opts, err := v.resolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + opts = append(opts, &smithyauth.Option{ + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous, + }) + return opts, nil +} + +func wrapWithAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if _, ok := options.AuthSchemeResolver.(*defaultAuthSchemeResolver); !ok { + return + } + + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &withAnonymous{ + resolver: options.AuthSchemeResolver, + } +} + +// AuthResolverParameters contains the set of inputs necessary for auth scheme +// resolution. +type AuthResolverParameters struct { + // The name of the operation being invoked. + Operation string + + // The region in which the operation is being invoked. + Region string +} + +func bindAuthResolverParams(ctx context.Context, operation string, input interface{}, options Options) *AuthResolverParameters { + params := &AuthResolverParameters{ + Operation: operation, + } + + bindAuthParamsRegion(ctx, params, input, options) + + return params +} + +// AuthSchemeResolver returns a set of possible authentication options for an +// operation. +type AuthSchemeResolver interface { + ResolveAuthSchemes(context.Context, *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) +} + +type defaultAuthSchemeResolver struct{} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver)(nil) + +func (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + if overrides, ok := operationAuthOptions[params.Operation]; ok { + return overrides(params), nil + } + return serviceAuthOptions(params), nil +} + +var operationAuthOptions = map[string]func(*AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option{ + "CreateToken": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "RegisterClient": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "StartDeviceAuthorization": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, +} + +func serviceAuthOptions(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDSigV4, + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var props smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&props, "sso-oauth") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&props, params.Region) + return props + }(), + }, + } +} + +type resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware struct { + operation string + options Options +} + +func (*resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveAuthScheme" +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveAuthScheme") + defer span.End() + + params := bindAuthResolverParams(ctx, m.operation, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + options, err := m.options.AuthSchemeResolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("resolve auth scheme: %w", err) + } + + scheme, ok := m.selectScheme(options) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("could not select an auth scheme") + } + + ctx = setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx, scheme) + + span.SetProperty("auth.scheme_id", scheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) selectScheme(options []*smithyauth.Option) (*resolvedAuthScheme, bool) { + for _, option := range options { + if option.SchemeID == smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(smithyhttp.NewAnonymousScheme(), option), true + } + + for _, scheme := range m.options.AuthSchemes { + if scheme.SchemeID() != option.SchemeID { + continue + } + + if scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) != nil { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme, option), true + } + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +type resolvedAuthSchemeKey struct{} + +type resolvedAuthScheme struct { + Scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme + IdentityProperties smithy.Properties + SignerProperties smithy.Properties +} + +func newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme, option *smithyauth.Option) *resolvedAuthScheme { + return &resolvedAuthScheme{ + Scheme: scheme, + IdentityProperties: option.IdentityProperties, + SignerProperties: option.SignerProperties, + } +} + +func setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context, scheme *resolvedAuthScheme) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}, scheme) +} + +func getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context) *resolvedAuthScheme { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}).(*resolvedAuthScheme) + return v +} + +type getIdentityMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*getIdentityMiddleware) ID() string { + return "GetIdentity" +} + +func (m *getIdentityMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + innerCtx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "GetIdentity") + defer span.End() + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(innerCtx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + resolver := rscheme.Scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) + if resolver == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity resolver") + } + + identity, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyauth.Identity, error) { + return resolver.GetIdentity(innerCtx, rscheme.IdentityProperties) + }, + func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("get identity: %w", err) + } + + ctx = setIdentity(ctx, identity) + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type identityKey struct{} + +func setIdentity(ctx context.Context, identity smithyauth.Identity) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}, identity) +} + +func getIdentity(ctx context.Context) smithyauth.Identity { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}).(smithyauth.Identity) + return v +} + +type signRequestMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*signRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return "Signing" +} + +func (m *signRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "SignRequest") + defer span.End() + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unexpected transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + identity := getIdentity(ctx) + if identity == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity") + } + + signer := rscheme.Scheme.Signer() + if signer == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no signer") + } + + _, err = timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", func() (any, error) { + return nil, signer.SignRequest(ctx, req, identity, rscheme.SignerProperties) + }, func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("sign request: %w", err) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e9939aff..ae9f145e 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -13,11 +13,22 @@ import ( smithyio "" "" "" + smithytime "" + "" smithyhttp "" "io" "strings" + "time" ) +func deserializeS3Expires(v string) (*time.Time, error) { + t, err := smithytime.ParseHTTPDate(v) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil + } + return &t, nil +} + type awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateToken struct { } @@ -33,6 +44,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateToken) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Co return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -72,6 +87,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateToken) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Co } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -85,9 +101,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorCreateToken(response *smithyhttp.Response, m errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -96,7 +112,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorCreateToken(response *smithyhttp.Response, m body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -108,8 +124,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorCreateToken(response *smithyhttp.Response, m } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -239,6 +255,249 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpDocumentCreateTokenOutput(v **CreateTokenOutput, return nil } +type awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM struct { +} + +func (*awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM) ID() string { + return "OperationDeserializer" +} + +func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( + out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, err + } + + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} + } + + if response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode >= 300 { + return out, metadata, awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorCreateTokenWithIAM(response, &metadata) + } + output := &CreateTokenWithIAMOutput{} + out.Result = output + + var buff [1024]byte + ringBuffer := smithyio.NewRingBuffer(buff[:]) + + body := io.TeeReader(response.Body, ringBuffer) + + decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) + decoder.UseNumber() + var shape interface{} + if err := decoder.Decode(&shape); err != nil && err != io.EOF { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return out, metadata, err + } + + err = awsRestjson1_deserializeOpDocumentCreateTokenWithIAMOutput(&output, shape) + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body with invalid JSON, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + } + + span.End() + return out, metadata, err +} + +func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorCreateTokenWithIAM(response *smithyhttp.Response, metadata *middleware.Metadata) error { + var errorBuffer bytes.Buffer + if _, err := io.Copy(&errorBuffer, response.Body); err != nil { + return &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to copy error response body, %w", err)} + } + errorBody := bytes.NewReader(errorBuffer.Bytes()) + + errorCode := "UnknownError" + errorMessage := errorCode + + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) + } + + var buff [1024]byte + ringBuffer := smithyio.NewRingBuffer(buff[:]) + + body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) + decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) + decoder.UseNumber() + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return err + } + + errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) + } + if len(message) != 0 { + errorMessage = message + } + + switch { + case strings.EqualFold("AccessDeniedException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorAccessDeniedException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("AuthorizationPendingException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorAuthorizationPendingException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("ExpiredTokenException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorExpiredTokenException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InternalServerException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInternalServerException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidClientException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidClientException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidGrantException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidGrantException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidRequestException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidRequestRegionException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestRegionException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidScopeException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidScopeException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("SlowDownException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorSlowDownException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("UnauthorizedClientException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorUnauthorizedClientException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("UnsupportedGrantTypeException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorUnsupportedGrantTypeException(response, errorBody) + + default: + genericError := &smithy.GenericAPIError{ + Code: errorCode, + Message: errorMessage, + } + return genericError + + } +} + +func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpDocumentCreateTokenWithIAMOutput(v **CreateTokenWithIAMOutput, value interface{}) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) + } + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + shape, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected JSON type %v", value) + } + + var sv *CreateTokenWithIAMOutput + if *v == nil { + sv = &CreateTokenWithIAMOutput{} + } else { + sv = *v + } + + for key, value := range shape { + switch key { + case "accessToken": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected AccessToken to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.AccessToken = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "expiresIn": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(json.Number) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected ExpirationInSeconds to be json.Number, got %T instead", value) + } + i64, err := jtv.Int64() + if err != nil { + return err + } + sv.ExpiresIn = int32(i64) + } + + case "idToken": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected IdToken to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.IdToken = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "issuedTokenType": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected TokenTypeURI to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.IssuedTokenType = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "refreshToken": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected RefreshToken to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.RefreshToken = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "scope": + if err := awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentScopes(&sv.Scope, value); err != nil { + return err + } + + case "tokenType": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected TokenType to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.TokenType = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + default: + _, _ = key, value + + } + } + *v = sv + return nil +} + type awsRestjson1_deserializeOpRegisterClient struct { } @@ -254,6 +513,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpRegisterClient) HandleDeserialize(ctx context return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -293,6 +556,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpRegisterClient) HandleDeserialize(ctx context } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -306,9 +570,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorRegisterClient(response *smithyhttp.Response errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -317,7 +581,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorRegisterClient(response *smithyhttp.Response body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -329,8 +593,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorRegisterClient(response *smithyhttp.Response } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -343,12 +607,18 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorRegisterClient(response *smithyhttp.Response case strings.EqualFold("InvalidClientMetadataException", errorCode): return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidClientMetadataException(response, errorBody) + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidRedirectUriException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRedirectUriException(response, errorBody) + case strings.EqualFold("InvalidRequestException", errorCode): return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestException(response, errorBody) case strings.EqualFold("InvalidScopeException", errorCode): return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidScopeException(response, errorBody) + case strings.EqualFold("UnsupportedGrantTypeException", errorCode): + return awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorUnsupportedGrantTypeException(response, errorBody) + default: genericError := &smithy.GenericAPIError{ Code: errorCode, @@ -467,6 +737,10 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) HandleDeserialize(c return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -506,6 +780,7 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_deserializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) HandleDeserialize(c } } + span.End() return out, metadata, err } @@ -519,9 +794,9 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorStartDeviceAuthorization(response *smithyhtt errorCode := "UnknownError" errorMessage := errorCode - code := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + headerCode := response.Header.Get("X-Amzn-ErrorType") + if len(headerCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(headerCode) } var buff [1024]byte @@ -530,7 +805,7 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorStartDeviceAuthorization(response *smithyhtt body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) decoder.UseNumber() - code, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) + jsonCode, message, err := restjson.GetErrorInfo(decoder) if err != nil { var snapshot bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) @@ -542,8 +817,8 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeOpErrorStartDeviceAuthorization(response *smithyhtt } errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) - if len(code) != 0 { - errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(code) + if len(headerCode) == 0 && len(jsonCode) != 0 { + errorCode = restjson.SanitizeErrorCode(jsonCode) } if len(message) != 0 { errorMessage = message @@ -920,6 +1195,42 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidGrantException(response *smithyhttp.Res return output } +func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRedirectUriException(response *smithyhttp.Response, errorBody *bytes.Reader) error { + output := &types.InvalidRedirectUriException{} + var buff [1024]byte + ringBuffer := smithyio.NewRingBuffer(buff[:]) + + body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) + decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) + decoder.UseNumber() + var shape interface{} + if err := decoder.Decode(&shape); err != nil && err != io.EOF { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return err + } + + err := awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRedirectUriException(&output, shape) + + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return err + } + + errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) + + return output +} + func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestException(response *smithyhttp.Response, errorBody *bytes.Reader) error { output := &types.InvalidRequestException{} var buff [1024]byte @@ -956,6 +1267,42 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestException(response *smithyhttp.R return output } +func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidRequestRegionException(response *smithyhttp.Response, errorBody *bytes.Reader) error { + output := &types.InvalidRequestRegionException{} + var buff [1024]byte + ringBuffer := smithyio.NewRingBuffer(buff[:]) + + body := io.TeeReader(errorBody, ringBuffer) + decoder := json.NewDecoder(body) + decoder.UseNumber() + var shape interface{} + if err := decoder.Decode(&shape); err != nil && err != io.EOF { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return err + } + + err := awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRequestRegionException(&output, shape) + + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return err + } + + errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) + + return output +} + func awsRestjson1_deserializeErrorInvalidScopeException(response *smithyhttp.Response, errorBody *bytes.Reader) error { output := &types.InvalidScopeException{} var buff [1024]byte @@ -1443,6 +1790,55 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidGrantException(v **types.InvalidGran return nil } +func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRedirectUriException(v **types.InvalidRedirectUriException, value interface{}) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) + } + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + shape, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected JSON type %v", value) + } + + var sv *types.InvalidRedirectUriException + if *v == nil { + sv = &types.InvalidRedirectUriException{} + } else { + sv = *v + } + + for key, value := range shape { + switch key { + case "error": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected Error to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Error_ = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "error_description": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected ErrorDescription to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Error_description = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + default: + _, _ = key, value + + } + } + *v = sv + return nil +} + func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRequestException(v **types.InvalidRequestException, value interface{}) error { if v == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) @@ -1492,6 +1888,73 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRequestException(v **types.InvalidRe return nil } +func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidRequestRegionException(v **types.InvalidRequestRegionException, value interface{}) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) + } + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + shape, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected JSON type %v", value) + } + + var sv *types.InvalidRequestRegionException + if *v == nil { + sv = &types.InvalidRequestRegionException{} + } else { + sv = *v + } + + for key, value := range shape { + switch key { + case "endpoint": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected Location to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Endpoint = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "error": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected Error to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Error_ = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "error_description": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected ErrorDescription to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Error_description = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + case "region": + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected Region to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + sv.Region = ptr.String(jtv) + } + + default: + _, _ = key, value + + } + } + *v = sv + return nil +} + func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidScopeException(v **types.InvalidScopeException, value interface{}) error { if v == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) @@ -1541,6 +2004,42 @@ func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentInvalidScopeException(v **types.InvalidScop return nil } +func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentScopes(v *[]string, value interface{}) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) + } + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + shape, ok := value.([]interface{}) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected JSON type %v", value) + } + + var cv []string + if *v == nil { + cv = []string{} + } else { + cv = *v + } + + for _, value := range shape { + var col string + if value != nil { + jtv, ok := value.(string) + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("expected Scope to be of type string, got %T instead", value) + } + col = jtv + } + cv = append(cv, col) + + } + *v = cv + return nil +} + func awsRestjson1_deserializeDocumentSlowDownException(v **types.SlowDownException, value interface{}) error { if v == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a025f732..f3510b18 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,46 +1,49 @@ // Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. -// Package ssooidc provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS -// SSO OIDC. -// -// AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) OpenID Connect (OIDC) -// is a web service that enables a client (such as AWS CLI or a native application) -// to register with IAM Identity Center. The service also enables the client to -// fetch the user’s access token upon successful authentication and authorization -// with IAM Identity Center. Although AWS Single Sign-On was renamed, the sso and -// identitystore API namespaces will continue to retain their original name for -// backward compatibility purposes. For more information, see IAM Identity Center -// rename -// ( -// Considerations for Using This Guide Before you begin using this guide, we -// recommend that you first review the following important information about how -// the IAM Identity Center OIDC service works. -// -// * The IAM Identity Center OIDC -// service currently implements only the portions of the OAuth 2.0 Device -// Authorization Grant standard ( -// ( that are necessary to enable single -// sign-on authentication with the AWS CLI. Support for other OIDC flows frequently -// needed for native applications, such as Authorization Code Flow (+ PKCE), will -// be addressed in future releases. -// -// * The service emits only OIDC access tokens, -// such that obtaining a new token (For example, token refresh) requires explicit -// user re-authentication. -// -// * The access tokens provided by this service grant -// access to all AWS account entitlements assigned to an IAM Identity Center user, -// not just a particular application. -// -// * The documentation in this guide does not -// describe the mechanism to convert the access token into AWS Auth (“sigv4”) -// credentials for use with IAM-protected AWS service endpoints. For more -// information, see GetRoleCredentials -// ( -// in the IAM Identity Center Portal API Reference Guide. -// -// For general information -// about IAM Identity Center, see What is IAM Identity Center? -// ( in the -// IAM Identity Center User Guide. +// Package ssooidc provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for +// AWS SSO OIDC. +// +// IAM Identity Center OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a web service that enables a +// client (such as CLI or a native application) to register with IAM Identity +// Center. The service also enables the client to fetch the user’s access token +// upon successful authentication and authorization with IAM Identity Center. +// +// # API namespaces +// +// IAM Identity Center uses the sso and identitystore API namespaces. IAM Identity +// Center OpenID Connect uses the sso-oidc namespace. +// +// # Considerations for using this guide +// +// Before you begin using this guide, we recommend that you first review the +// following important information about how the IAM Identity Center OIDC service +// works. +// +// - The IAM Identity Center OIDC service currently implements only the portions +// of the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant standard ([] ) that are necessary to +// enable single sign-on authentication with the CLI. +// +// - With older versions of the CLI, the service only emits OIDC access tokens, +// so to obtain a new token, users must explicitly re-authenticate. To access the +// OIDC flow that supports token refresh and doesn’t require re-authentication, +// update to the latest CLI version (1.27.10 for CLI V1 and 2.9.0 for CLI V2) with +// support for OIDC token refresh and configurable IAM Identity Center session +// durations. For more information, see [Configure Amazon Web Services access portal session duration]. +// +// - The access tokens provided by this service grant access to all Amazon Web +// Services account entitlements assigned to an IAM Identity Center user, not just +// a particular application. +// +// - The documentation in this guide does not describe the mechanism to convert +// the access token into Amazon Web Services Auth (“sigv4”) credentials for use +// with IAM-protected Amazon Web Services service endpoints. For more information, +// see [GetRoleCredentials]in the IAM Identity Center Portal API Reference Guide. +// +// For general information about IAM Identity Center, see [What is IAM Identity Center?] in the IAM Identity +// Center User Guide. +// +// [Configure Amazon Web Services access portal session duration]: +// [GetRoleCredentials]: +// []: +// [What is IAM Identity Center?]: package ssooidc diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 35cd21f1..6feea0c9 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -8,10 +8,19 @@ import ( "fmt" "" awsmiddleware "" + internalConfig "" + "" + "" internalendpoints "" + smithyauth "" + smithyendpoints "" "" + "" + "" smithyhttp "" + "net/http" "net/url" + "os" "strings" ) @@ -39,13 +48,6 @@ func (fn EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointRe return fn(region, options) } -func resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(o *Options) { - if o.EndpointResolver != nil { - return - } - o.EndpointResolver = NewDefaultEndpointResolver() -} - // EndpointResolverFromURL returns an EndpointResolver configured using the // provided endpoint url. By default, the resolved endpoint resolver uses the // client region as signing region, and the endpoint source is set to @@ -79,6 +81,10 @@ func (*ResolveEndpoint) ID() string { func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + if !awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) @@ -94,6 +100,11 @@ func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.Ser var endpoint aws.Endpoint endpoint, err = m.Resolver.ResolveEndpoint(awsmiddleware.GetRegion(ctx), eo) if err != nil { + nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}) + if errors.As(err, &nf) { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, false) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) } @@ -105,7 +116,7 @@ func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.Ser if len(awsmiddleware.GetSigningName(ctx)) == 0 { signingName := endpoint.SigningName if len(signingName) == 0 { - signingName = "awsssooidc" + signingName = "sso-oauth" } ctx = awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, signingName) } @@ -129,27 +140,10 @@ func removeResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { type wrappedEndpointResolver struct { awsResolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions - resolver EndpointResolver } func (w *wrappedEndpointResolver) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (endpoint aws.Endpoint, err error) { - if w.awsResolver == nil { - goto fallback - } - endpoint, err = w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) - if err == nil { - return endpoint, nil - } - - if nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}); !errors.As(err, &nf) { - return endpoint, err - } - -fallback: - if w.resolver == nil { - return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("default endpoint resolver provided was nil") - } - return w.resolver.ResolveEndpoint(region, options) + return w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) } type awsEndpointResolverAdaptor func(service, region string) (aws.Endpoint, error) @@ -160,12 +154,13 @@ func (a awsEndpointResolverAdaptor) ResolveEndpoint(service, region string, opti var _ aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions = awsEndpointResolverAdaptor(nil) -// withEndpointResolver returns an EndpointResolver that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. -// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the resolver will use the the provided -// fallbackResolver for resolution. +// withEndpointResolver returns an aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. +// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the v1 resolver middleware will swallow the error, +// and set an appropriate context flag such that fallback will occur when EndpointResolverV2 is invoked +// via its middleware. // -// fallbackResolver must not be nil -func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions, fallbackResolver EndpointResolver) EndpointResolver { +// If another error (besides aws.EndpointNotFoundError) is returned, then that error will be propagated. +func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions) EndpointResolver { var resolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions if awsResolverWithOptions != nil { @@ -176,7 +171,6 @@ func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptio return &wrappedEndpointResolver{ awsResolver: resolver, - resolver: fallbackResolver, } } @@ -198,3 +192,365 @@ func finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(options *Options) { } } + +func resolveEndpointResolverV2(options *Options) { + if options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + options.EndpointResolverV2 = NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() + } +} + +func resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { + if cfg.BaseEndpoint != nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = cfg.BaseEndpoint + } + + _, g := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL") + _, s := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_SSO_OIDC") + + if g && !s { + return + } + + value, found, err := internalConfig.ResolveServiceBaseEndpoint(context.Background(), "SSO OIDC", cfg.ConfigSources) + if found && err == nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = &value + } +} + +func bindRegion(region string) *string { + if region == "" { + return nil + } + return aws.String(endpoints.MapFIPSRegion(region)) +} + +// EndpointParameters provides the parameters that influence how endpoints are +// resolved. +type EndpointParameters struct { + // The AWS region used to dispatch the request. + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // AWS::Region + Region *string + + // When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not + // support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. + // + // Defaults to + // false if no value is provided. + // + // AWS::UseDualStack + UseDualStack *bool + + // When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the + // configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the + // request will return an error. + // + // Defaults to false if no value is + // provided. + // + // AWS::UseFIPS + UseFIPS *bool + + // Override the endpoint used to send this request + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // SDK::Endpoint + Endpoint *string +} + +// ValidateRequired validates required parameters are set. +func (p EndpointParameters) ValidateRequired() error { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseDualStack is required") + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseFIPS is required") + } + + return nil +} + +// WithDefaults returns a shallow copy of EndpointParameterswith default values +// applied to members where applicable. +func (p EndpointParameters) WithDefaults() EndpointParameters { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + p.UseDualStack = ptr.Bool(false) + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + p.UseFIPS = ptr.Bool(false) + } + return p +} + +type stringSlice []string + +func (s stringSlice) Get(i int) *string { + if i < 0 || i >= len(s) { + return nil + } + + v := s[i] + return &v +} + +// EndpointResolverV2 provides the interface for resolving service endpoints. +type EndpointResolverV2 interface { + // ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, + // returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. + ResolveEndpoint(ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters) ( + smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error, + ) +} + +// resolver provides the implementation for resolving endpoints. +type resolver struct{} + +func NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() EndpointResolverV2 { + return &resolver{} +} + +// ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, +// returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. +func (r *resolver) ResolveEndpoint( + ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters, +) ( + endpoint smithyendpoints.Endpoint, err error, +) { + params = params.WithDefaults() + if err = params.ValidateRequired(); err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint parameters are not valid, %w", err) + } + _UseDualStack := *params.UseDualStack + _UseFIPS := *params.UseFIPS + + if exprVal := params.Endpoint; exprVal != nil { + _Endpoint := *exprVal + _ = _Endpoint + if _UseFIPS == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + uriString := _Endpoint + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + if exprVal := params.Region; exprVal != nil { + _Region := *exprVal + _ = _Region + if exprVal := awsrulesfn.GetPartition(_Region); exprVal != nil { + _PartitionResult := *exprVal + _ = _PartitionResult + if _UseFIPS == true { + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://oidc-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both") + } + } + if _UseFIPS == true { + if _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS == true { + if _PartitionResult.Name == "aws-us-gov" { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://oidc.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString("") + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://oidc-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://oidc.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack") + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://oidc.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Endpoint resolution failed. Invalid operation or environment input.") + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region") +} + +type endpointParamsBinder interface { + bindEndpointParams(*EndpointParameters) +} + +func bindEndpointParams(ctx context.Context, input interface{}, options Options) *EndpointParameters { + params := &EndpointParameters{} + + params.Region = bindRegion(options.Region) + params.UseDualStack = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseDualStackEndpoint == aws.DualStackEndpointStateEnabled) + params.UseFIPS = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseFIPSEndpoint == aws.FIPSEndpointStateEnabled) + params.Endpoint = options.BaseEndpoint + + if b, ok := input.(endpointParamsBinder); ok { + b.bindEndpointParams(params) + } + + return params +} + +type resolveEndpointV2Middleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*resolveEndpointV2Middleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveEndpointV2" +} + +func (m *resolveEndpointV2Middleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveEndpoint") + defer span.End() + + if awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) + } + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("expected endpoint resolver to not be nil") + } + + params := bindEndpointParams(ctx, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + endpt, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error) { + return m.options.EndpointResolverV2.ResolveEndpoint(ctx, *params) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) + } + + span.SetProperty("", endpt.URI.String()) + + if endpt.URI.RawPath == "" && req.URL.RawPath != "" { + endpt.URI.RawPath = endpt.URI.Path + } + req.URL.Scheme = endpt.URI.Scheme + req.URL.Host = endpt.URI.Host + req.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.Path, req.URL.Path) + req.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.RawPath, req.URL.RawPath) + for k := range endpt.Headers { + req.Header.Set(k, endpt.Headers.Get(k)) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + opts, _ := smithyauth.GetAuthOptions(&endpt.Properties) + for _, o := range opts { + rscheme.SignerProperties.SetAll(&o.SignerProperties) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4afe3223..b2a52633 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -9,16 +9,22 @@ "api_client.go", "api_client_test.go", "api_op_CreateToken.go", + "api_op_CreateTokenWithIAM.go", "api_op_RegisterClient.go", "api_op_StartDeviceAuthorization.go", + "auth.go", "deserializers.go", "doc.go", "endpoints.go", + "endpoints_config_test.go", + "endpoints_test.go", "generated.json", "internal/endpoints/endpoints.go", "internal/endpoints/endpoints_test.go", + "options.go", "protocol_test.go", "serializers.go", + "snapshot_test.go", "types/errors.go", "types/types.go", "validators.go" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a5a50c97..3094b12a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package ssooidc // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.13.9" +const goModuleVersion = "1.28.14" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 090c04b3..b4c61eba 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ var partitionRegexp = struct { AwsCn *regexp.Regexp AwsIso *regexp.Regexp AwsIsoB *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoE *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoF *regexp.Regexp AwsUsGov *regexp.Regexp }{ - Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af|il|mx)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsCn: regexp.MustCompile("^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIso: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIsoB: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoE: regexp.MustCompile("^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoF: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isof\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsUsGov: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), } @@ -135,6 +139,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.Aws, IsRegionalized: true, Endpoints: endpoints.Endpoints{ + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "af-south-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ap-east-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -175,6 +187,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ap-south-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-south-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -191,6 +211,22 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ap-southeast-2", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-3", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-4", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ap-southeast-4", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -199,6 +235,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "ca-central-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ca-west-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "ca-west-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -207,6 +251,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-central-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "eu-central-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-north-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -223,6 +275,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-south-1", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "eu-south-2", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -247,6 +307,22 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "eu-west-3", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "il-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "il-central-1", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "me-central-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -279,6 +355,14 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ Region: "us-east-2", }, }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "us-west-1", + }, + }, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "us-west-2", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -323,6 +407,24 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ }, RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsCn, IsRegionalized: true, + Endpoints: endpoints.Endpoints{ + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "cn-north-1", + }, + }, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{ + Hostname: "", + CredentialScope: endpoints.CredentialScope{ + Region: "cn-northwest-1", + }, + }, + }, }, { ID: "aws-iso", @@ -366,6 +468,48 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoB, IsRegionalized: true, }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-e", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "oidc-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "oidc.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoE, + IsRegionalized: true, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-f", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "oidc-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "oidc.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoF, + IsRegionalized: true, + }, { ID: "aws-us-gov", Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55dd80d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package ssooidc + +import ( + "context" + "" + awsmiddleware "" + internalauthsmithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" + "net/http" +) + +type HTTPClient interface { + Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) +} + +type Options struct { + // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all + // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to + // modify this list for per operation behavior. + APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error + + // The optional application specific identifier appended to the User-Agent header. + AppID string + + // This endpoint will be given as input to an EndpointResolverV2. It is used for + // providing a custom base endpoint that is subject to modifications by the + // processing EndpointResolverV2. + BaseEndpoint *string + + // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. + ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode + + // The credentials object to use when signing requests. + Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider + + // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the + // clients initial default settings. + DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. + EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + + // The service endpoint resolver. + // + // Deprecated: Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a + // value for this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related + // service features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and + // BaseEndpoint. + // + // To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set + // the client option BaseEndpoint instead. + EndpointResolver EndpointResolver + + // Resolves the endpoint used for a particular service operation. This should be + // used over the deprecated EndpointResolver. + EndpointResolverV2 EndpointResolverV2 + + // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer + HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + + // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. + Logger logging.Logger + + // The client meter provider. + MeterProvider metrics.MeterProvider + + // The region to send requests to. (Required) + Region string + + // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call + // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and + // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify + // per operation call's retry max attempts. + // + // If specified in an operation call's functional options with a value that is + // different than the constructed client's Options, the Client's Retryer will be + // wrapped to use the operation's specific RetryMaxAttempts value. + RetryMaxAttempts int + + // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if + // Retryer option is not also specified. + // + // When creating a new API Clients this member will only be used if the Retryer + // Options member is nil. This value will be ignored if Retryer is not nil. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + RetryMode aws.RetryMode + + // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable + // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of + // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode + // option. + Retryer aws.Retryer + + // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set + // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig . You + // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here + // within your applications. + RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + + // The client tracer provider. + TracerProvider tracing.TracerProvider + + // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the + // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved + // value was at that point in time. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP + // implementation if nil. + HTTPClient HTTPClient + + // The auth scheme resolver which determines how to authenticate for each + // operation. + AuthSchemeResolver AuthSchemeResolver + + // The list of auth schemes supported by the client. + AuthSchemes []smithyhttp.AuthScheme +} + +// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. +func (o Options) Copy() Options { + to := o + to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) + copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + + return to +} + +func (o Options) GetIdentityResolver(schemeID string) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + return getSigV4IdentityResolver(o) + } + if schemeID == "smithy.api#noAuth" { + return &smithyauth.AnonymousIdentityResolver{} + } + return nil +} + +// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions +// option. +func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + } +} + +// Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a value for +// this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related service +// features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint. +// +// To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set +// the client option BaseEndpoint instead. +func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolver = v + } +} + +// WithEndpointResolverV2 returns a functional option for setting the Client's +// EndpointResolverV2 option. +func WithEndpointResolverV2(v EndpointResolverV2) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolverV2 = v + } +} + +func getSigV4IdentityResolver(o Options) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if o.Credentials != nil { + return &internalauthsmithy.CredentialsProviderAdapter{Provider: o.Credentials} + } + return nil +} + +// WithSigV4SigningName applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing name for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing name from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningName(name string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, name), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningName", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +// WithSigV4SigningRegion applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing region for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing region from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningRegion(region string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningRegion(ctx, region), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningRegion", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +func ignoreAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if aws.IsCredentialsProvider(options.Credentials, (*aws.AnonymousCredentials)(nil)) { + options.Credentials = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a8cfd7b4..1ad103d1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "" smithyjson "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" ) @@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateToken) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -38,7 +43,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Contex request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "POST" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -59,6 +71,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Contex } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsCreateTokenInput(v *CreateTokenInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -88,6 +102,11 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentCreateTokenInput(v *CreateTokenInput, value ok.String(*v.Code) } + if v.CodeVerifier != nil { + ok := object.Key("codeVerifier") + ok.String(*v.CodeVerifier) + } + if v.DeviceCode != nil { ok := object.Key("deviceCode") ok.String(*v.DeviceCode) @@ -118,6 +137,139 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentCreateTokenInput(v *CreateTokenInput, value return nil } +type awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM struct { +} + +func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM) ID() string { + return "OperationSerializer" +} + +func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpCreateTokenWithIAM) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} + } + + input, ok := in.Parameters.(*CreateTokenWithIAMInput) + _ = input + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown input parameters type %T", in.Parameters)} + } + + opPath, opQuery := httpbinding.SplitURI("/token?aws_iam=t") + request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) + request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) + request.Method = "POST" + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + restEncoder.SetHeader("Content-Type").String("application/json") + + jsonEncoder := smithyjson.NewEncoder() + if err := awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentCreateTokenWithIAMInput(input, jsonEncoder.Value); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + if request, err = request.SetStream(bytes.NewReader(jsonEncoder.Bytes())); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + if request.Request, err = restEncoder.Encode(request.Request); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + in.Request = request + + endTimer() + span.End() + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} +func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsCreateTokenWithIAMInput(v *CreateTokenWithIAMInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unsupported serialization of nil %T", v) + } + + return nil +} + +func awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentCreateTokenWithIAMInput(v *CreateTokenWithIAMInput, value smithyjson.Value) error { + object := value.Object() + defer object.Close() + + if v.Assertion != nil { + ok := object.Key("assertion") + ok.String(*v.Assertion) + } + + if v.ClientId != nil { + ok := object.Key("clientId") + ok.String(*v.ClientId) + } + + if v.Code != nil { + ok := object.Key("code") + ok.String(*v.Code) + } + + if v.CodeVerifier != nil { + ok := object.Key("codeVerifier") + ok.String(*v.CodeVerifier) + } + + if v.GrantType != nil { + ok := object.Key("grantType") + ok.String(*v.GrantType) + } + + if v.RedirectUri != nil { + ok := object.Key("redirectUri") + ok.String(*v.RedirectUri) + } + + if v.RefreshToken != nil { + ok := object.Key("refreshToken") + ok.String(*v.RefreshToken) + } + + if v.RequestedTokenType != nil { + ok := object.Key("requestedTokenType") + ok.String(*v.RequestedTokenType) + } + + if v.Scope != nil { + ok := object.Key("scope") + if err := awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentScopes(v.Scope, ok); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if v.SubjectToken != nil { + ok := object.Key("subjectToken") + ok.String(*v.SubjectToken) + } + + if v.SubjectTokenType != nil { + ok := object.Key("subjectTokenType") + ok.String(*v.SubjectTokenType) + } + + return nil +} + type awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient struct { } @@ -128,6 +280,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -143,7 +299,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Con request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "POST" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -164,6 +327,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpRegisterClient) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Con } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsRegisterClientInput(v *RegisterClientInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -188,6 +353,30 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentRegisterClientInput(v *RegisterClientInput, ok.String(*v.ClientType) } + if v.EntitledApplicationArn != nil { + ok := object.Key("entitledApplicationArn") + ok.String(*v.EntitledApplicationArn) + } + + if v.GrantTypes != nil { + ok := object.Key("grantTypes") + if err := awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentGrantTypes(v.GrantTypes, ok); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if v.IssuerUrl != nil { + ok := object.Key("issuerUrl") + ok.String(*v.IssuerUrl) + } + + if v.RedirectUris != nil { + ok := object.Key("redirectUris") + if err := awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentRedirectUris(v.RedirectUris, ok); err != nil { + return err + } + } + if v.Scopes != nil { ok := object.Key("scopes") if err := awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentScopes(v.Scopes, ok); err != nil { @@ -208,6 +397,10 @@ func (*awsRestjson1_serializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) ID() string { func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -223,7 +416,14 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) HandleSerialize(ctx c request.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.Path, opPath) request.URL.RawQuery = smithyhttp.JoinRawQuery(request.URL.RawQuery, opQuery) request.Method = "POST" - restEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + var restEncoder *httpbinding.Encoder + if request.URL.RawPath == "" { + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } else { + request.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(request.URL.RawPath, opPath) + restEncoder, err = httpbinding.NewEncoderWithRawPath(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawPath, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + } + if err != nil { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} } @@ -244,6 +444,8 @@ func (m *awsRestjson1_serializeOpStartDeviceAuthorization) HandleSerialize(ctx c } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsRestjson1_serializeOpHttpBindingsStartDeviceAuthorizationInput(v *StartDeviceAuthorizationInput, encoder *httpbinding.Encoder) error { @@ -276,6 +478,28 @@ func awsRestjson1_serializeOpDocumentStartDeviceAuthorizationInput(v *StartDevic return nil } +func awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentGrantTypes(v []string, value smithyjson.Value) error { + array := value.Array() + defer array.Close() + + for i := range v { + av := array.Value() + av.String(v[i]) + } + return nil +} + +func awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentRedirectUris(v []string, value smithyjson.Value) error { + array := value.Array() + defer array.Close() + + for i := range v { + av := array.Value() + av.String(v[i]) + } + return nil +} + func awsRestjson1_serializeDocumentScopes(v []string, value smithyjson.Value) error { array := value.Array() defer array.Close() diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index beef5aaa..2cfe7b48 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import ( type AccessDeniedException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -26,14 +28,21 @@ func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorCode() string { return "AccessDeniedException" } +func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "AccessDeniedException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *AccessDeniedException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } -// Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session token -// is pending. +// Indicates that a request to authorize a client with an access user session +// token is pending. type AuthorizationPendingException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -49,7 +58,12 @@ func (e *AuthorizationPendingException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *AuthorizationPendingException) ErrorCode() string { return "AuthorizationPendingException" } +func (e *AuthorizationPendingException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "AuthorizationPendingException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *AuthorizationPendingException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the token issued by the service is expired and is no longer @@ -57,6 +71,8 @@ func (e *AuthorizationPendingException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return type ExpiredTokenException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -72,7 +88,12 @@ func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorCode() string { return "ExpiredTokenException" } +func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "ExpiredTokenException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that an error from the service occurred while trying to process a @@ -80,6 +101,8 @@ func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.F type InternalServerException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -95,15 +118,22 @@ func (e *InternalServerException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InternalServerException) ErrorCode() string { return "InternalServerException" } +func (e *InternalServerException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InternalServerException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InternalServerException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultServer } // Indicates that the clientId or clientSecret in the request is invalid. For // example, this can occur when a client sends an incorrect clientId or an expired -// clientSecret. +// clientSecret . type InvalidClientException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -119,14 +149,21 @@ func (e *InvalidClientException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidClientException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidClientException" } +func (e *InvalidClientException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidClientException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidClientException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } -// Indicates that the client information sent in the request during registration is -// invalid. +// Indicates that the client information sent in the request during registration +// is invalid. type InvalidClientMetadataException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -142,14 +179,21 @@ func (e *InvalidClientMetadataException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidClientMetadataException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidClientMetadataException" } +func (e *InvalidClientMetadataException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidClientMetadataException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidClientMetadataException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that a request contains an invalid grant. This can occur if a client -// makes a CreateToken request with an invalid grant type. +// makes a CreateTokenrequest with an invalid grant type. type InvalidGrantException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -165,14 +209,51 @@ func (e *InvalidGrantException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidGrantException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidGrantException" } +func (e *InvalidGrantException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidGrantException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidGrantException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } +// Indicates that one or more redirect URI in the request is not supported for +// this operation. +type InvalidRedirectUriException struct { + Message *string + + ErrorCodeOverride *string + + Error_ *string + Error_description *string + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +func (e *InvalidRedirectUriException) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.ErrorCode(), e.ErrorMessage()) +} +func (e *InvalidRedirectUriException) ErrorMessage() string { + if e.Message == nil { + return "" + } + return *e.Message +} +func (e *InvalidRedirectUriException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidRedirectUriException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} +func (e *InvalidRedirectUriException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } + // Indicates that something is wrong with the input to the request. For example, a // required parameter might be missing or out of range. type InvalidRequestException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -188,13 +269,52 @@ func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidRequestException" } +func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidRequestException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidRequestException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } +// Indicates that a token provided as input to the request was issued by and is +// only usable by calling IAM Identity Center endpoints in another region. +type InvalidRequestRegionException struct { + Message *string + + ErrorCodeOverride *string + + Error_ *string + Error_description *string + Endpoint *string + Region *string + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +func (e *InvalidRequestRegionException) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.ErrorCode(), e.ErrorMessage()) +} +func (e *InvalidRequestRegionException) ErrorMessage() string { + if e.Message == nil { + return "" + } + return *e.Message +} +func (e *InvalidRequestRegionException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidRequestRegionException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} +func (e *InvalidRequestRegionException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } + // Indicates that the scope provided in the request is invalid. type InvalidScopeException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -210,7 +330,12 @@ func (e *InvalidScopeException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidScopeException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidScopeException" } +func (e *InvalidScopeException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidScopeException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidScopeException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the client is making the request too frequently and is more than @@ -218,6 +343,8 @@ func (e *InvalidScopeException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.F type SlowDownException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -233,7 +360,12 @@ func (e *SlowDownException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *SlowDownException) ErrorCode() string { return "SlowDownException" } +func (e *SlowDownException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "SlowDownException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *SlowDownException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the client is not currently authorized to make the request. This @@ -241,6 +373,8 @@ func (e *SlowDownException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.Fault type UnauthorizedClientException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -256,13 +390,20 @@ func (e *UnauthorizedClientException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *UnauthorizedClientException) ErrorCode() string { return "UnauthorizedClientException" } +func (e *UnauthorizedClientException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "UnauthorizedClientException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *UnauthorizedClientException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // Indicates that the grant type in the request is not supported by the service. type UnsupportedGrantTypeException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + Error_ *string Error_description *string @@ -278,5 +419,10 @@ func (e *UnsupportedGrantTypeException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *UnsupportedGrantTypeException) ErrorCode() string { return "UnsupportedGrantTypeException" } +func (e *UnsupportedGrantTypeException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "UnsupportedGrantTypeException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *UnsupportedGrantTypeException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5a309484..9c17e4c8 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -29,6 +29,26 @@ func (m *validateOpCreateToken) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middlew return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) } +type validateOpCreateTokenWithIAM struct { +} + +func (*validateOpCreateTokenWithIAM) ID() string { + return "OperationInputValidation" +} + +func (m *validateOpCreateTokenWithIAM) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + input, ok := in.Parameters.(*CreateTokenWithIAMInput) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown input parameters type %T", in.Parameters) + } + if err := validateOpCreateTokenWithIAMInput(input); err != nil { + return out, metadata, err + } + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + type validateOpRegisterClient struct { } @@ -73,6 +93,10 @@ func addOpCreateTokenValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpCreateToken{}, middleware.After) } +func addOpCreateTokenWithIAMValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpCreateTokenWithIAM{}, middleware.After) +} + func addOpRegisterClientValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpRegisterClient{}, middleware.After) } @@ -102,6 +126,24 @@ func validateOpCreateTokenInput(v *CreateTokenInput) error { } } +func validateOpCreateTokenWithIAMInput(v *CreateTokenWithIAMInput) error { + if v == nil { + return nil + } + invalidParams := smithy.InvalidParamsError{Context: "CreateTokenWithIAMInput"} + if v.ClientId == nil { + invalidParams.Add(smithy.NewErrParamRequired("ClientId")) + } + if v.GrantType == nil { + invalidParams.Add(smithy.NewErrParamRequired("GrantType")) + } + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } else { + return nil + } +} + func validateOpRegisterClientInput(v *RegisterClientInput) error { if v == nil { return nil diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 10601691..9f4f5307 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,416 @@ +# v1.33.14 (2025-02-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.13 (2025-02-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.33.12 (2025-01-31) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.11 (2025-01-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.10 (2025-01-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade to smithy-go v1.22.2. + +# v1.33.9 (2025-01-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: Fix bug where credentials weren't refreshed during retry loop. + +# v1.33.8 (2025-01-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.7 (2025-01-14) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.33.6 (2025-01-10) + +* **Documentation**: Fixed typos in the descriptions. + +# v1.33.5 (2025-01-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.4 (2025-01-08) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.33.3 (2024-12-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.2 (2024-12-02) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.1 (2024-11-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Update to smithy-go v1.22.1. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.33.0 (2024-11-14) + +* **Feature**: This release introduces the new API 'AssumeRoot', which returns short-term credentials that you can use to perform privileged tasks. + +# v1.32.4 (2024-11-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.32.3 (2024-10-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.32.2 (2024-10-08) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.32.1 (2024-10-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.32.0 (2024-10-04) + +* **Feature**: Add support for HTTP client metrics. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.31.4 (2024-10-03) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.31.3 (2024-09-27) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.31.2 (2024-09-25) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.31.1 (2024-09-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.31.0 (2024-09-20) + +* **Feature**: Add tracing and metrics support to service clients. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.8 (2024-09-17) + +* **Bug Fix**: **BREAKFIX**: Only generate AccountIDEndpointMode config for services that use it. This is a compiler break, but removes no actual functionality, as no services currently use the account ID in endpoint resolution. + +# v1.30.7 (2024-09-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.30.6 (2024-09-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.5 (2024-08-22) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.30.4 (2024-08-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.3 (2024-07-10.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.2 (2024-07-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.1 (2024-06-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.30.0 (2024-06-26) + +* **Feature**: Support list-of-string endpoint parameter. + +# v1.29.1 (2024-06-19) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.29.0 (2024-06-18) + +* **Feature**: Track usage of various AWS SDK features in user-agent string. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.13 (2024-06-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.12 (2024-06-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Add clock skew correction on all service clients +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.11 (2024-06-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.10 (2024-05-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.28.9 (2024-05-16) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.8 (2024-05-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.7 (2024-05-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: GoDoc improvement + +# v1.28.6 (2024-03-29) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.5 (2024-03-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.4 (2024-03-07) + +* **Bug Fix**: Remove dependency on go-cmp. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.3 (2024-03-05) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.2 (2024-03-04) + +* **Bug Fix**: Update internal/presigned-url dependency for corrected API name. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.1 (2024-02-23) + +* **Bug Fix**: Move all common, SDK-side middleware stack ops into the service client module to prevent cross-module compatibility issues in the future. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.28.0 (2024-02-22) + +* **Feature**: Add middleware stack snapshot tests. + +# v1.27.2 (2024-02-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.27.1 (2024-02-20) + +* **Bug Fix**: When sourcing values for a service's `EndpointParameters`, the lack of a configured region (i.e. `options.Region == ""`) will now translate to a `nil` value for `EndpointParameters.Region` instead of a pointer to the empty string `""`. This will result in a much more explicit error when calling an operation instead of an obscure hostname lookup failure. + +# v1.27.0 (2024-02-13) + +* **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.7 (2024-01-04) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.6 (2023-12-20) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.26.5 (2023-12-08) + +* **Bug Fix**: Reinstate presence of default Retryer in functional options, but still respect max attempts set therein. + +# v1.26.4 (2023-12-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.3 (2023-12-06) + +* **Bug Fix**: Restore pre-refactor auth behavior where all operations could technically be performed anonymously. +* **Bug Fix**: STS `AssumeRoleWithSAML` and `AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity` would incorrectly attempt to use SigV4 authentication. + +# v1.26.2 (2023-12-01) + +* **Bug Fix**: Correct wrapping of errors in authentication workflow. +* **Bug Fix**: Correctly recognize cache-wrapped instances of AnonymousCredentials at client construction. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.1 (2023-11-30) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.26.0 (2023-11-29) + +* **Feature**: Expose Options() accessor on service clients. +* **Documentation**: Documentation updates for AWS Security Token Service. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.6 (2023-11-28.2) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.5 (2023-11-28) + +* **Bug Fix**: Respect setting RetryMaxAttempts in functional options at client construction. + +# v1.25.4 (2023-11-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.3 (2023-11-17) + +* **Documentation**: API updates for the AWS Security Token Service + +# v1.25.2 (2023-11-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.1 (2023-11-09) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.25.0 (2023-11-01) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for configured endpoints via environment variables and the AWS shared configuration file. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.24.0 (2023-10-31) + +* **Feature**: **BREAKING CHANGE**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19 per the revised [go version support policy]( +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.2 (2023-10-12) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.1 (2023-10-06) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.23.0 (2023-10-02) + +* **Feature**: STS API updates for assumeRole + +# v1.22.0 (2023-09-18) + +* **Announcement**: [BREAKFIX] Change in MaxResults datatype from value to pointer type in cognito-sync service. +* **Feature**: Adds several endpoint ruleset changes across all models: smaller rulesets, removed non-unique regional endpoints, fixes FIPS and DualStack endpoints, and make region not required in SDK::Endpoint. Additional breakfix to cognito-sync field. + +# v1.21.5 (2023-08-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.4 (2023-08-18) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.3 (2023-08-17) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.2 (2023-08-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.21.1 (2023-08-01) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.21.0 (2023-07-31) + +* **Feature**: Adds support for smithy-modeled endpoint resolution. A new rules-based endpoint resolution will be added to the SDK which will supercede and deprecate existing endpoint resolution. Specifically, EndpointResolver will be deprecated while BaseEndpoint and EndpointResolverV2 will take its place. For more information, please see the Endpoints section in our Developer Guide. +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.1 (2023-07-28) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.20.0 (2023-07-25) + +* **Feature**: API updates for the AWS Security Token Service + +# v1.19.3 (2023-07-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.2 (2023-06-15) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.19.1 (2023-06-13) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.19.0 (2023-05-08) + +* **Feature**: Documentation updates for AWS Security Token Service. + +# v1.18.11 (2023-05-04) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.18.10 (2023-04-24) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.9 (2023-04-10) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.18.8 (2023-04-07) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.7 (2023-03-21) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.6 (2023-03-10) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.5 (2023-02-22) + +* **Bug Fix**: Prevent nil pointer dereference when retrieving error codes. + +# v1.18.4 (2023-02-20) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +# v1.18.3 (2023-02-03) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions +* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade smithy to 1.27.2 and correct empty query list serialization. + +# v1.18.2 (2023-01-25) + +* **Documentation**: Doc only change to update wording in a key topic + +# v1.18.1 (2023-01-23) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# v1.18.0 (2023-01-05) + +* **Feature**: Add `ErrorCodeOverride` field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401). + +# v1.17.7 (2022-12-15) + +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + # v1.17.6 (2022-12-02) * **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3041fc46..25787325 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "errors" + "fmt" "" "" awsmiddleware "" @@ -11,165 +13,236 @@ import ( "" "" awshttp "" + internalauth "" + internalauthsmithy "" internalConfig "" + internalmiddleware "" + acceptencodingcust "" presignedurlcust "" smithy "" + smithyauth "" smithydocument "" "" + "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" "net" "net/http" + "sync/atomic" "time" ) const ServiceID = "STS" const ServiceAPIVersion = "2011-06-15" -// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS Security Token -// Service. -type Client struct { - options Options +type operationMetrics struct { + Duration metrics.Float64Histogram + SerializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveIdentityDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + ResolveEndpointDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + SignRequestDuration metrics.Float64Histogram + DeserializeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram } -// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide -// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, -// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. -func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { - options = options.Copy() +func (m *operationMetrics) histogramFor(name string) metrics.Float64Histogram { + switch name { + case "": + return m.Duration + case "": + return m.SerializeDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveIdentityDuration + case "": + return m.ResolveEndpointDuration + case "": + return m.SignRequestDuration + case "": + return m.DeserializeDuration + default: + panic("unrecognized operation metric") + } +} - resolveDefaultLogger(&options) +func timeOperationMetric[T any]( + ctx context.Context, metric string, fn func() (T, error), + opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption, +) (T, error) { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) + start := time.Now() + v, err := fn() + end := time.Now() - resolveRetryer(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) + return v, err +} - resolveHTTPClient(&options) +func startMetricTimer(ctx context.Context, metric string, opts ...metrics.RecordMetricOption) func() { + instr := getOperationMetrics(ctx).histogramFor(metric) + opts = append([]metrics.RecordMetricOption{withOperationMetadata(ctx)}, opts...) - resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) + var ended bool + start := time.Now() + return func() { + if ended { + return + } + ended = true - resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(&options) + end := time.Now() - for _, fn := range optFns { - fn(&options) + elapsed := end.Sub(start) + instr.Record(ctx, float64(elapsed)/1e9, opts...) } +} - client := &Client{ - options: options, +func withOperationMetadata(ctx context.Context) metrics.RecordMetricOption { + return func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", middleware.GetServiceID(ctx)) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", middleware.GetOperationName(ctx)) } +} - return client +type operationMetricsKey struct{} + +func withOperationMetrics(parent context.Context, mp metrics.MeterProvider) (context.Context, error) { + meter := mp.Meter("") + om := &operationMetrics{} + + var err error + + om.Duration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "Overall call duration (including retries and time to send or receive request and response body)") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SerializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to serialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveIdentityDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time taken to acquire an identity (AWS credentials, bearer token, etc) from an Identity Provider") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.ResolveEndpointDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to resolve an endpoint (endpoint resolver, not DNS) for the request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.SignRequestDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to sign a request") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + om.DeserializeDuration, err = operationMetricTimer(meter, "", + "The time it takes to deserialize a message body") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return context.WithValue(parent, operationMetricsKey{}, om), nil } -type Options struct { - // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all - // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to - // modify this list for per operation behavior. - APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error +func operationMetricTimer(m metrics.Meter, name, desc string) (metrics.Float64Histogram, error) { + return m.Float64Histogram(name, func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = desc + }) +} - // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. - ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode +func getOperationMetrics(ctx context.Context) *operationMetrics { + return ctx.Value(operationMetricsKey{}).(*operationMetrics) +} - // The credentials object to use when signing requests. - Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider +func operationTracer(p tracing.TracerProvider) tracing.Tracer { + return p.Tracer("") +} - // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the - // clients initial default settings. - DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode +// Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS Security Token +// Service. +type Client struct { + options Options - // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. - EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + // Difference between the time reported by the server and the client + timeOffset *atomic.Int64 +} - // The service endpoint resolver. - EndpointResolver EndpointResolver +// New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide +// additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client, +// such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior. +func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { + options = options.Copy() - // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer - HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + resolveDefaultLogger(&options) - // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. - Logger logging.Logger + setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options) - // The region to send requests to. (Required) - Region string + resolveRetryer(&options) - // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call - // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and - // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify - // per operation call's retry max attempts. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. If specified in an operation call's functional - // options with a value that is different than the constructed client's Options, - // the Client's Retryer will be wrapped to use the operation's specific - // RetryMaxAttempts value. - RetryMaxAttempts int + resolveHTTPClient(&options) - // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if - // Retryer option is not also specified. When creating a new API Clients this - // member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will - // be ignored if Retryer is not nil. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - RetryMode aws.RetryMode + resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options) - // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable - // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of - // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode - // option. - Retryer aws.Retryer + resolveEndpointResolverV2(&options) - // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set - // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig. You - // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here - // within your applications. - RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + resolveTracerProvider(&options) - // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the - // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved - // value was at that point in time. Currently does not support per operation call - // overrides, may in the future. - resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + resolveMeterProvider(&options) - // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP - // implementation if nil. - HTTPClient HTTPClient -} + resolveAuthSchemeResolver(&options) -// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions -// option. -func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + for _, fn := range optFns { + fn(&options) } -} -// WithEndpointResolver returns a functional option for setting the Client's -// EndpointResolver option. -func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { - return func(o *Options) { - o.EndpointResolver = v + finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(&options) + + ignoreAnonymousAuth(&options) + + wrapWithAnonymousAuth(&options) + + resolveAuthSchemes(&options) + + client := &Client{ + options: options, } -} -type HTTPClient interface { - Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) -} + initializeTimeOffsetResolver(client) -// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. -func (o Options) Copy() Options { - to := o - to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) - copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + return client +} - return to +// Options returns a copy of the client configuration. +// +// Callers SHOULD NOT perform mutations on any inner structures within client +// config. Config overrides should instead be made on a per-operation basis through +// functional options. +func (c *Client) Options() Options { + return c.options.Copy() } -func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error) (result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error) { + +func (c *Client) invokeOperation( + ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error, +) ( + result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { ctx = middleware.ClearStackValues(ctx) + ctx = middleware.WithServiceID(ctx, ServiceID) + ctx = middleware.WithOperationName(ctx, opID) + stack := middleware.NewStack(opID, smithyhttp.NewStackRequest) options := c.options.Copy() + for _, fn := range optFns { fn(&options) } - finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(&options, *c) + finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(&options, *c) finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(&options) @@ -185,20 +258,142 @@ func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interf } } - handler := middleware.DecorateHandler(smithyhttp.NewClientHandler(options.HTTPClient), stack) - result, metadata, err = handler.Handle(ctx, params) + ctx, err = withOperationMetrics(ctx, options.MeterProvider) + if err != nil { + return nil, metadata, err + } + + tracer := operationTracer(options.TracerProvider) + spanName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ServiceID, opID) + + ctx = tracing.WithOperationTracer(ctx, tracer) + + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, spanName, func(o *tracing.SpanOptions) { + o.Kind = tracing.SpanKindClient + o.Properties.Set("rpc.system", "aws-api") + o.Properties.Set("rpc.method", opID) + o.Properties.Set("rpc.service", ServiceID) + }) + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + + handler := smithyhttp.NewClientHandlerWithOptions(options.HTTPClient, func(o *smithyhttp.ClientHandler) { + o.Meter = options.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + decorated := middleware.DecorateHandler(handler, stack) + result, metadata, err = decorated.Handle(ctx, params) if err != nil { + span.SetProperty("exception.type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", err)) + span.SetProperty("exception.message", err.Error()) + + var aerr smithy.APIError + if errors.As(err, &aerr) { + span.SetProperty("api.error_code", aerr.ErrorCode()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_message", aerr.ErrorMessage()) + span.SetProperty("api.error_fault", aerr.ErrorFault().String()) + } + err = &smithy.OperationError{ ServiceID: ServiceID, OperationName: opID, Err: err, } } + + span.SetProperty("error", err != nil) + if err == nil { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusOK) + } else { + span.SetStatus(tracing.SpanStatusError) + } + return result, metadata, err } +type operationInputKey struct{} + +func setOperationInput(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}, input) +} + +func getOperationInput(ctx context.Context) interface{} { + return middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, operationInputKey{}) +} + +type setOperationInputMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setOperationInputMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setOperationInput" +} + +func (m *setOperationInputMiddleware) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + ctx = setOperationInput(ctx, in.Parameters) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +func addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options, operation string) error { + if err := stack.Finalize.Add(&resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware{operation: operation, options: options}, middleware.Before); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveAuthScheme: %w", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&getIdentityMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add GetIdentity: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&resolveEndpointV2Middleware{options: options}, "GetIdentity", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add ResolveEndpointV2: %v", err) + } + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&signRequestMiddleware{options: options}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add Signing: %w", err) + } + return nil +} +func resolveAuthSchemeResolver(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemeResolver == nil { + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &defaultAuthSchemeResolver{} + } +} + +func resolveAuthSchemes(options *Options) { + if options.AuthSchemes == nil { + options.AuthSchemes = []smithyhttp.AuthScheme{ + internalauth.NewHTTPAuthScheme("aws.auth#sigv4", &internalauthsmithy.V4SignerAdapter{ + Signer: options.HTTPSignerV4, + Logger: options.Logger, + LogSigning: options.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), + }), + } + } +} + type noSmithyDocumentSerde = smithydocument.NoSerde +type legacyEndpointContextSetter struct { + LegacyResolver EndpointResolver +} + +func (*legacyEndpointContextSetter) ID() string { + return "legacyEndpointContextSetter" +} + +func (m *legacyEndpointContextSetter) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if m.LegacyResolver != nil { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, true) + } + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) + +} +func addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&legacyEndpointContextSetter{ + LegacyResolver: o.EndpointResolver, + }, middleware.Before) +} + func resolveDefaultLogger(o *Options) { if o.Logger != nil { return @@ -236,6 +431,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { APIOptions: cfg.APIOptions, Logger: cfg.Logger, ClientLogMode: cfg.ClientLogMode, + AppID: cfg.AppID, } resolveAWSRetryerProvider(cfg, &opts) resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg, &opts) @@ -243,6 +439,7 @@ func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client { resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg, &opts) resolveUseDualStackEndpoint(cfg, &opts) resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg, &opts) + resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg, &opts) return New(opts, optFns...) } @@ -334,7 +531,15 @@ func resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { o.RetryMaxAttempts = cfg.RetryMaxAttempts } -func finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(o *Options, client Client) { +func finalizeRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options) { + if o.RetryMaxAttempts == 0 { + return + } + + o.Retryer = retry.AddWithMaxAttempts(o.Retryer, o.RetryMaxAttempts) +} + +func finalizeOperationRetryMaxAttempts(o *Options, client Client) { if v := o.RetryMaxAttempts; v == 0 || v == client.options.RetryMaxAttempts { return } @@ -346,20 +551,39 @@ func resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { if cfg.EndpointResolver == nil && cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions == nil { return } - o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions, NewDefaultEndpointResolver()) + o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions) } -func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "sts", goModuleVersion)(stack) +func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "sts", goModuleVersion) + if len(options.AppID) > 0 { + ua.AddSDKAgentKey(awsmiddleware.ApplicationIdentifier, options.AppID) + } + + return nil } -func addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mw := v4.NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{ - CredentialsProvider: o.Credentials, - Signer: o.HTTPSignerV4, - LogSigning: o.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), - }) - return stack.Finalize.Add(mw, middleware.After) +func getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent, error) { + id := (*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent)(nil).ID() + mw, ok := stack.Build.Get(id) + if !ok { + mw = awsmiddleware.NewRequestUserAgent() + if err := stack.Build.Add(mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + ua, ok := mw.(*awsmiddleware.RequestUserAgent) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T for %s middleware did not match expected type", mw, id) + } + + return ua, nil } type HTTPSignerV4 interface { @@ -380,12 +604,97 @@ func newDefaultV4Signer(o Options) *v4.Signer { }) } -func addRetryMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { - mo := retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{ - Retryer: o.Retryer, - LogRetryAttempts: o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries(), +func addClientRequestID(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.ClientRequestID{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addComputeContentLength(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&smithyhttp.ComputeContentLength{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addRawResponseToMetadata(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.AddRawResponse{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addRecordResponseTiming(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecordResponseTiming{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanRetryLoop(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&spanRetryLoop{options: options}, "Retry", middleware.Before) +} + +type spanRetryLoop struct { + options Options +} + +func (*spanRetryLoop) ID() string { + return "spanRetryLoop" +} + +func (m *spanRetryLoop) HandleFinalize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler, +) ( + middleware.FinalizeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + tracer := operationTracer(m.options.TracerProvider) + ctx, span := tracer.StartSpan(ctx, "RetryLoop") + defer span.End() + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} +func addStreamingEventsPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Add(&v4.StreamingEventsPayload{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addUnsignedPayload(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.UnsignedPayload{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addComputePayloadSHA256(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ComputePayloadSHA256{}, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +func addContentSHA256Header(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&v4.ContentSHA256Header{}, (*v4.ComputePayloadSHA256)(nil).ID(), middleware.After) +} + +func addIsWaiterUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureWaiter) + return nil + }) +} + +func addIsPaginatorUserAgent(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeaturePaginator) + return nil + }) +} + +func addRetry(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + attempt := retry.NewAttemptMiddleware(o.Retryer, smithyhttp.RequestCloner, func(m *retry.Attempt) { + m.LogAttempts = o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries() + m.OperationMeter = o.MeterProvider.Meter("") + }) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(attempt, "ResolveAuthScheme", middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err } - return retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, mo) + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&retry.MetricsHeader{}, attempt.ID(), middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil } // resolves dual-stack endpoint configuration @@ -418,12 +727,68 @@ func resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) error { return nil } +func resolveAccountID(identity smithyauth.Identity, mode aws.AccountIDEndpointMode) *string { + if mode == aws.AccountIDEndpointModeDisabled { + return nil + } + + if ca, ok := identity.(*internalauthsmithy.CredentialsAdapter); ok && ca.Credentials.AccountID != "" { + return aws.String(ca.Credentials.AccountID) + } + + return nil +} + +func addTimeOffsetBuild(stack *middleware.Stack, c *Client) error { + mw := internalmiddleware.AddTimeOffsetMiddleware{Offset: c.timeOffset} + if err := stack.Build.Add(&mw, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&mw, "RecordResponseTiming", middleware.Before) +} +func initializeTimeOffsetResolver(c *Client) { + c.timeOffset = new(atomic.Int64) +} + +func addUserAgentRetryMode(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error { + ua, err := getOrAddRequestUserAgent(stack) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch options.Retryer.(type) { + case *retry.Standard: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeStandard) + case *retry.AdaptiveMode: + ua.AddUserAgentFeature(awsmiddleware.UserAgentFeatureRetryModeAdaptive) + } + return nil +} + +func resolveTracerProvider(options *Options) { + if options.TracerProvider == nil { + options.TracerProvider = &tracing.NopTracerProvider{} + } +} + +func resolveMeterProvider(options *Options) { + if options.MeterProvider == nil { + options.MeterProvider = metrics.NopMeterProvider{} + } +} + +func addRecursionDetection(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&awsmiddleware.RecursionDetection{}, middleware.After) +} + func addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awsmiddleware.AddRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awsmiddleware.RequestIDRetriever{}, "OperationDeserializer", middleware.Before) + } func addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { - return awshttp.AddResponseErrorMiddleware(stack) + return stack.Deserialize.Insert(&awshttp.ResponseErrorWrapper{}, "RequestIDRetriever", middleware.Before) + } // HTTPPresignerV4 represents presigner interface used by presign url client @@ -496,20 +861,67 @@ func withNopHTTPClientAPIOption(o *Options) { o.HTTPClient = smithyhttp.NopClient{} } +type presignContextPolyfillMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*presignContextPolyfillMiddleware) ID() string { + return "presignContextPolyfill" +} + +func (m *presignContextPolyfillMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + schemeID := rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID() + + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" || schemeID == "com.amazonaws.s3#sigv4express" { + if sn, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4SigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties); ok { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, sn) + } + if sr, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4SigningRegion(&rscheme.SignerProperties); ok { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetSigningRegion(ctx, sr) + } + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + if sn, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4ASigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties); ok { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, sn) + } + if sr, ok := smithyhttp.GetSigV4ASigningRegions(&rscheme.SignerProperties); ok { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetSigningRegion(ctx, sr[0]) + } + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + type presignConverter PresignOptions func (c presignConverter) convertToPresignMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { - stack.Finalize.Clear() + if _, ok := stack.Finalize.Get((*acceptencodingcust.DisableGzip)(nil).ID()); ok { + stack.Finalize.Remove((*acceptencodingcust.DisableGzip)(nil).ID()) + } + if _, ok := stack.Finalize.Get((*retry.Attempt)(nil).ID()); ok { + stack.Finalize.Remove((*retry.Attempt)(nil).ID()) + } + if _, ok := stack.Finalize.Get((*retry.MetricsHeader)(nil).ID()); ok { + stack.Finalize.Remove((*retry.MetricsHeader)(nil).ID()) + } stack.Deserialize.Clear() stack.Build.Remove((*awsmiddleware.ClientRequestID)(nil).ID()) stack.Build.Remove("UserAgent") + if err := stack.Finalize.Insert(&presignContextPolyfillMiddleware{}, "Signing", middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err + } + pmw := v4.NewPresignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.PresignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{ CredentialsProvider: options.Credentials, Presigner: c.Presigner, LogSigning: options.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(), }) - err = stack.Finalize.Add(pmw, middleware.After) - if err != nil { + if _, err := stack.Finalize.Swap("Signing", pmw); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddNoPayloadDefaultContentTypeRemover(stack); err != nil { @@ -520,7 +932,7 @@ func (c presignConverter) convertToPresignMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, op if err != nil { return err } - err = presignedurlcust.AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware(stack) + err = presignedurlcust.AddAsIsPresigningMiddleware(stack) if err != nil { return err } @@ -535,3 +947,118 @@ func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { LogResponseWithBody: o.ClientLogMode.IsResponseWithBody(), }, middleware.After) } + +type disableHTTPSMiddleware struct { + DisableHTTPS bool +} + +func (*disableHTTPSMiddleware) ID() string { + return "disableHTTPS" +} + +func (m *disableHTTPSMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.DisableHTTPS && !smithyhttp.GetHostnameImmutable(ctx) { + req.URL.Scheme = "http" + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&disableHTTPSMiddleware{ + DisableHTTPS: o.EndpointOptions.DisableHTTPS, + }, "ResolveEndpointV2", middleware.After) +} + +type spanInitializeStart struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeStart) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeStart" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeStart) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "Initialize") + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanInitializeEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanInitializeEnd) ID() string { + return "spanInitializeEnd" +} + +func (m *spanInitializeEnd) HandleInitialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.InitializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestStart struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestStart) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestStart" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestStart) HandleSerialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler, +) ( + middleware.SerializeOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, _ = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "BuildRequest") + + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +type spanBuildRequestEnd struct { +} + +func (*spanBuildRequestEnd) ID() string { + return "spanBuildRequestEnd" +} + +func (m *spanBuildRequestEnd) HandleBuild( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler, +) ( + middleware.BuildOutput, middleware.Metadata, error, +) { + ctx, span := tracing.PopSpan(ctx) + span.End() + + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +func addSpanInitializeStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanInitializeEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&spanInitializeEnd{}, middleware.After) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Serialize.Add(&spanBuildRequestStart{}, middleware.Before) +} + +func addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Build.Add(&spanBuildRequestEnd{}, middleware.After) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index f4f4f46f..d0563277 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" "" @@ -12,87 +13,101 @@ import ( ) // Returns a set of temporary security credentials that you can use to access -// Amazon Web Services resources that you might not normally have access to. These -// temporary credentials consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a -// security token. Typically, you use AssumeRole within your account or for -// cross-account access. For a comparison of AssumeRole with other API operations -// that produce temporary credentials, see Requesting Temporary Security -// Credentials -// ( -// and Comparing the Amazon Web Services STS API operations -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Permissions The temporary security credentials created by -// AssumeRole can be used to make API calls to any Amazon Web Services service with -// the following exception: You cannot call the Amazon Web Services STS -// GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. (Optional) You can pass -// inline or managed session policies -// ( -// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon -// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you -// use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. -// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The -// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's -// identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary -// credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in -// the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more -// permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is -// being assumed. For more information, see Session Policies -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. When you create a role, you create two policies: A role -// trust policy that specifies who can assume the role and a permissions policy -// that specifies what can be done with the role. You specify the trusted principal -// who is allowed to assume the role in the role trust policy. To assume a role -// from a different account, your Amazon Web Services account must be trusted by -// the role. The trust relationship is defined in the role's trust policy when the -// role is created. That trust policy states which accounts are allowed to delegate -// that access to users in the account. A user who wants to access a role in a -// different account must also have permissions that are delegated from the user -// account administrator. The administrator must attach a policy that allows the -// user to call AssumeRole for the ARN of the role in the other account. To allow a -// user to assume a role in the same account, you can do either of the +// Amazon Web Services resources. These temporary credentials consist of an access +// key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. Typically, you use AssumeRole +// within your account or for cross-account access. For a comparison of AssumeRole +// with other API operations that produce temporary credentials, see [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]and [Compare STS credentials] in the +// IAM User Guide. +// +// # Permissions +// +// The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRole can be used to make +// API calls to any Amazon Web Services service with the following exception: You +// cannot call the Amazon Web Services STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken +// API operations. +// +// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies to this operation. +// You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. +// You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use +// as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline and +// managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies to this +// operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions +// are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session +// policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web +// Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You +// cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the +// identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, +// see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// When you create a role, you create two policies: a role trust policy that +// specifies who can assume the role, and a permissions policy that specifies what +// can be done with the role. You specify the trusted principal that is allowed to +// assume the role in the role trust policy. +// +// To assume a role from a different account, your Amazon Web Services account +// must be trusted by the role. The trust relationship is defined in the role's +// trust policy when the role is created. That trust policy states which accounts +// are allowed to delegate that access to users in the account. +// +// A user who wants to access a role in a different account must also have +// permissions that are delegated from the account administrator. The administrator +// must attach a policy that allows the user to call AssumeRole for the ARN of the +// role in the other account. +// +// To allow a user to assume a role in the same account, you can do either of the // following: // -// * Attach a policy to the user that allows the user to call -// AssumeRole (as long as the role's trust policy trusts the account). +// - Attach a policy to the user that allows the user to call AssumeRole (as long +// as the role's trust policy trusts the account). +// +// - Add the user as a principal directly in the role's trust policy. +// +// You can do either because the role’s trust policy acts as an IAM resource-based +// policy. When a resource-based policy grants access to a principal in the same +// account, no additional identity-based policy is required. For more information +// about trust policies and resource-based policies, see [IAM Policies]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// # Tags +// +// (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your session. These tags are +// called session tags. For more information about session tags, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM +// User Guide. // -// * Add the -// user as a principal directly in the role's trust policy. +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session tags. +// The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you to pass only +// specific session tags. For more information, see [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]in the IAM User Guide. // -// You can do either -// because the role’s trust policy acts as an IAM resource-based policy. When a -// resource-based policy grants access to a principal in the same account, no -// additional identity-based policy is required. For more information about trust -// policies and resource-based policies, see IAM Policies -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. Tags (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your -// session. These tags are called session tags. For more information about session -// tags, see Passing Session Tags in STS -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to -// pass session tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to -// allow you to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see -// Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive -// tags persist during role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with -// Session Tags -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Using MFA with AssumeRole (Optional) You can include -// multi-factor authentication (MFA) information when you call AssumeRole. This is -// useful for cross-account scenarios to ensure that the user that assumes the role -// has been authenticated with an Amazon Web Services MFA device. In that scenario, -// the trust policy of the role being assumed includes a condition that tests for -// MFA authentication. If the caller does not include valid MFA information, the -// request to assume the role is denied. The condition in a trust policy that tests -// for MFA authentication might look like the following example. "Condition": -// {"Bool": {"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": true}} For more information, see -// Configuring MFA-Protected API Access -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide guide. To use MFA with AssumeRole, you pass values for the -// SerialNumber and TokenCode parameters. The SerialNumber value identifies the -// user's hardware or virtual MFA device. The TokenCode is the time-based one-time -// password (TOTP) that the MFA device produces. +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during role +// chaining. For more information, see [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// # Using MFA with AssumeRole +// +// (Optional) You can include multi-factor authentication (MFA) information when +// you call AssumeRole . This is useful for cross-account scenarios to ensure that +// the user that assumes the role has been authenticated with an Amazon Web +// Services MFA device. In that scenario, the trust policy of the role being +// assumed includes a condition that tests for MFA authentication. If the caller +// does not include valid MFA information, the request to assume the role is +// denied. The condition in a trust policy that tests for MFA authentication might +// look like the following example. +// +// "Condition": {"Bool": {"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": true}} +// +// For more information, see [Configuring MFA-Protected API Access] in the IAM User Guide guide. +// +// To use MFA with AssumeRole , you pass values for the SerialNumber and TokenCode +// parameters. The SerialNumber value identifies the user's hardware or virtual +// MFA device. The TokenCode is the time-based one-time password (TOTP) that the +// MFA device produces. +// +// [Configuring MFA-Protected API Access]: +// [Session Policies]: +// [Passing Session Tags in STS]: +// [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]: +// [IAM Policies]: +// [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]: +// [Compare STS credentials]: +// [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]: func (c *Client) AssumeRole(ctx context.Context, params *AssumeRoleInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AssumeRoleOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &AssumeRoleInput{} @@ -115,17 +130,27 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // This member is required. RoleArn *string - // An identifier for the assumed role session. Use the role session name to - // uniquely identify a session when the same role is assumed by different - // principals or for different reasons. In cross-account scenarios, the role - // session name is visible to, and can be logged by the account that owns the role. - // The role session name is also used in the ARN of the assumed role principal. - // This means that subsequent cross-account API requests that use the temporary - // security credentials will expose the role session name to the external account - // in their CloudTrail logs. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string - // of characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with - // no spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@- + // An identifier for the assumed role session. + // + // Use the role session name to uniquely identify a session when the same role is + // assumed by different principals or for different reasons. In cross-account + // scenarios, the role session name is visible to, and can be logged by the account + // that owns the role. The role session name is also used in the ARN of the assumed + // role principal. This means that subsequent cross-account API requests that use + // the temporary security credentials will expose the role session name to the + // external account in their CloudTrail logs. + // + // For security purposes, administrators can view this field in [CloudTrail logs] to help identify + // who performed an action in Amazon Web Services. Your administrator might require + // that you specify your user name as the session name when you assume the role. + // For more information, see [sts:RoleSessionName]sts:RoleSessionName . + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [CloudTrail logs]: + // [sts:RoleSessionName]: // // This member is required. RoleSessionName *string @@ -136,25 +161,27 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // hours. If you specify a value higher than this setting or the administrator // setting (whichever is lower), the operation fails. For example, if you specify a // session duration of 12 hours, but your administrator set the maximum session - // duration to 6 hours, your operation fails. Role chaining limits your Amazon Web - // Services CLI or Amazon Web Services API role session to a maximum of one hour. - // When you use the AssumeRole API operation to assume a role, you can specify the - // duration of your role session with the DurationSeconds parameter. You can - // specify a parameter value of up to 43200 seconds (12 hours), depending on the - // maximum session duration setting for your role. However, if you assume a role - // using role chaining and provide a DurationSeconds parameter value greater than - // one hour, the operation fails. To learn how to view the maximum value for your - // role, see View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. The - // DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console session - // that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to the - // federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration + // duration to 6 hours, your operation fails. + // + // Role chaining limits your Amazon Web Services CLI or Amazon Web Services API + // role session to a maximum of one hour. When you use the AssumeRole API + // operation to assume a role, you can specify the duration of your role session + // with the DurationSeconds parameter. You can specify a parameter value of up to + // 43200 seconds (12 hours), depending on the maximum session duration setting for + // your role. However, if you assume a role using role chaining and provide a + // DurationSeconds parameter value greater than one hour, the operation fails. To + // learn how to view the maximum value for your role, see [Update the maximum session duration for a role]. + // + // By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. + // + // The DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console + // session that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to + // the federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration // parameter that specifies the maximum length of the console session. For more - // information, see Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the - // Amazon Web Services Management Console - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // information, see [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Update the maximum session duration for a role]: + // [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]: DurationSeconds *int32 // A unique identifier that might be required when you assume a role in another @@ -165,157 +192,196 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct { // the administrator of the trusting account might send an external ID to the // administrator of the trusted account. That way, only someone with the ID can // assume the role, rather than everyone in the account. For more information about - // the external ID, see How to Use an External ID When Granting Access to Your - // Amazon Web Services Resources to a Third Party - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of - // characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no - // spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@:/- + // the external ID, see [How to Use an External ID When Granting Access to Your Amazon Web Services Resources to a Third Party]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@:/- + // + // [How to Use an External ID When Granting Access to Your Amazon Web Services Resources to a Third Party]: ExternalId *string // An IAM policy in JSON format that you want to use as an inline session policy. + // // This parameter is optional. Passing policies to this operation returns new // temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions are the intersection // of the role's identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the // role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to // access resources in the account that owns the role. You cannot use session // policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the identity-based - // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see Session - // Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed - // session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can - // be any ASCII character from the space character to the end of the valid - // character list (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), - // linefeed (\u000A), and carriage return (\u000D) characters. An Amazon Web - // Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy - // ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. - // Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other - // requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM + // User Guide. + // + // The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies can't + // exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII character + // from the space character to the end of the valid character list (\u0020 through + // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage + // return (\u000D) characters. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // For more information about role session permissions, see [Session policies]. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Session policies]: Policy *string // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to // use as managed session policies. The policies must exist in the same account as - // the role. This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy - // ARNs. However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see - // Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces - // ( in - // the Amazon Web Services General Reference. An Amazon Web Services conversion - // compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session - // tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can - // fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The - // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies - // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Passing policies to this - // operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions - // are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session - // policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web - // Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You - // cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the - // identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, - // see Session Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // the role. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. + // However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]in the + // Amazon Web Services General Reference. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The + // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's + // identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary + // credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in + // the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more + // permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is + // being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]: PolicyArns []types.PolicyDescriptorType - // The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the user who - // is making the AssumeRole call. Specify this value if the trust policy of the - // role being assumed includes a condition that requires MFA authentication. The - // value is either the serial number for a hardware device (such as GAHT12345678) - // or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a virtual device (such as - // arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/user). The regex used to validate this parameter - // is a string of characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric - // characters with no spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the - // following characters: =,.@- + // A list of previously acquired trusted context assertions in the format of a + // JSON array. The trusted context assertion is signed and encrypted by Amazon Web + // Services STS. + // + // The following is an example of a ProvidedContext value that includes a single + // trusted context assertion and the ARN of the context provider from which the + // trusted context assertion was generated. + // + // [{"ProviderArn":"arn:aws:iam::aws:contextProvider/IdentityCenter","ContextAssertion":"trusted-context-assertion"}] + ProvidedContexts []types.ProvidedContext + + // The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the user + // who is making the AssumeRole call. Specify this value if the trust policy of + // the role being assumed includes a condition that requires MFA authentication. + // The value is either the serial number for a hardware device (such as + // GAHT12345678 ) or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a virtual device (such as + // arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/user ). + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- SerialNumber *string // The source identity specified by the principal that is calling the AssumeRole - // operation. You can require users to specify a source identity when they assume a - // role. You do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust - // policy. You can use source identity information in CloudTrail logs to determine - // who took actions with a role. You can use the aws:SourceIdentity condition key - // to further control access to Amazon Web Services resources based on the value of - // source identity. For more information about using source identity, see Monitor - // and control actions taken with assumed roles - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of - // characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no - // spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@-. You cannot use a value that begins with the text aws:. This prefix is - // reserved for Amazon Web Services internal use. + // operation. The source identity value persists across [chained role]sessions. + // + // You can require users to specify a source identity when they assume a role. You + // do this by using the [sts:SourceIdentity]sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust policy. + // You can use source identity information in CloudTrail logs to determine who took + // actions with a role. You can use the aws:SourceIdentity condition key to + // further control access to Amazon Web Services resources based on the value of + // source identity. For more information about using source identity, see [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]in the + // IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: +=,.@-. You cannot use a + // value that begins with the text aws: . This prefix is reserved for Amazon Web + // Services internal use. + // + // [chained role]: + // [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]: + // [sts:SourceIdentity]: SourceIdentity *string - // A list of session tags that you want to pass. Each session tag consists of a key - // name and an associated value. For more information about session tags, see - // Tagging Amazon Web Services STS Sessions - // ( in the - // IAM User Guide. This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. - // The plaintext session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters, and the values can’t - // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS - // Character Limits - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed - // inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed - // binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit - // even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize - // response element indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags for - // your request are to the upper size limit. You can pass a session tag with the - // same key as a tag that is already attached to the role. When you do, session - // tags override a role tag with the same key. Tag key–value pairs are not case - // sensitive, but case is preserved. This means that you cannot have separate - // Department and department tag keys. Assume that the role has the - // Department=Marketing tag and you pass the department=engineering session tag. - // Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and the session tag - // passed in the request takes precedence over the role tag. Additionally, if you - // used temporary credentials to perform this operation, the new session inherits - // any transitive session tags from the calling session. If you pass a session tag - // with the same key as an inherited tag, the operation fails. To view the - // inherited tags for a session, see the CloudTrail logs. For more information, see - // Viewing Session Tags in CloudTrail - // ( + // A list of session tags that you want to pass. Each session tag consists of a + // key name and an associated value. For more information about session tags, see [Tagging Amazon Web Services STS Sessions] // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext + // session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters, and the values can’t exceed 256 + // characters. For these and additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached + // to the role. When you do, session tags override a role tag with the same key. + // + // Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This means + // that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume that + // the role has the Department = Marketing tag and you pass the department = + // engineering session tag. Department and department are not saved as separate + // tags, and the session tag passed in the request takes precedence over the role + // tag. + // + // Additionally, if you used temporary credentials to perform this operation, the + // new session inherits any transitive session tags from the calling session. If + // you pass a session tag with the same key as an inherited tag, the operation + // fails. To view the inherited tags for a session, see the CloudTrail logs. For + // more information, see [Viewing Session Tags in CloudTrail]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Tagging Amazon Web Services STS Sessions]: + // [IAM and STS Character Limits]: + // [Viewing Session Tags in CloudTrail]: Tags []types.Tag // The value provided by the MFA device, if the trust policy of the role being // assumed requires MFA. (In other words, if the policy includes a condition that // tests for MFA). If the role being assumed requires MFA and if the TokenCode // value is missing or expired, the AssumeRole call returns an "access denied" - // error. The format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a - // sequence of six numeric digits. + // error. + // + // The format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a sequence + // of six numeric digits. TokenCode *string - // A list of keys for session tags that you want to set as transitive. If you set a - // tag key as transitive, the corresponding key and value passes to subsequent - // sessions in a role chain. For more information, see Chaining Roles with Session - // Tags - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. This parameter is optional. When you set session tags as - // transitive, the session policy and session tags packed binary limit is not - // affected. If you choose not to specify a transitive tag key, then no tags are - // passed from this session to any subsequent sessions. + // A list of keys for session tags that you want to set as transitive. If you set + // a tag key as transitive, the corresponding key and value passes to subsequent + // sessions in a role chain. For more information, see [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. The transitive status of a session tag does not + // impact its packed binary size. + // + // If you choose not to specify a transitive tag key, then no tags are passed from + // this session to any subsequent sessions. + // + // [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]: TransitiveTagKeys []string noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRole request, including temporary -// Amazon Web Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services -// requests. +// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRole request, including temporary Amazon Web +// Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services requests. type AssumeRoleOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the assumed role ID, which are identifiers // that you can use to refer to the resulting temporary security credentials. For // example, you can reference these credentials as a principal in a resource-based // policy by using the ARN or assumed role ID. The ARN and ID include the - // RoleSessionName that you specified when you called AssumeRole. + // RoleSessionName that you specified when you called AssumeRole . AssumedRoleUser *types.AssumedRoleUser // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret - // access key, and a security (or session) token. The size of the security token - // that STS API operations return is not fixed. We strongly recommend that you make - // no assumptions about the maximum size. + // access key, and a security (or session) token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *types.Credentials // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies and @@ -325,18 +391,21 @@ type AssumeRoleOutput struct { PackedPolicySize *int32 // The source identity specified by the principal that is calling the AssumeRole - // operation. You can require users to specify a source identity when they assume a - // role. You do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust - // policy. You can use source identity information in CloudTrail logs to determine - // who took actions with a role. You can use the aws:SourceIdentity condition key - // to further control access to Amazon Web Services resources based on the value of - // source identity. For more information about using source identity, see Monitor - // and control actions taken with assumed roles - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of - // characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no - // spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@- + // operation. + // + // You can require users to specify a source identity when they assume a role. You + // do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust policy. + // You can use source identity information in CloudTrail logs to determine who took + // actions with a role. You can use the aws:SourceIdentity condition key to + // further control access to Amazon Web Services resources based on the value of + // source identity. For more information about using source identity, see [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]in the + // IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]: SourceIdentity *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -346,6 +415,9 @@ type AssumeRoleOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRole{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -354,34 +426,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opti if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "AssumeRole"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -390,12 +469,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opti if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpAssumeRoleValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRole(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -405,6 +496,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, opti if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -412,7 +518,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRole(region string) *awsmiddleware.Reg return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "AssumeRole", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4ed0f5d0..d0e117ac 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" "" @@ -15,112 +16,132 @@ import ( // mechanism for tying an enterprise identity store or directory to role-based // Amazon Web Services access without user-specific credentials or configuration. // For a comparison of AssumeRoleWithSAML with the other API operations that -// produce temporary credentials, see Requesting Temporary Security Credentials -// ( -// and Comparing the Amazon Web Services STS API operations -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. The temporary security credentials returned by this -// operation consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security -// token. Applications can use these temporary security credentials to sign calls -// to Amazon Web Services services. Session Duration By default, the temporary -// security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML last for one hour. However, -// you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter to specify the duration of -// your session. Your role session lasts for the duration that you specify, or -// until the time specified in the SAML authentication response's -// SessionNotOnOrAfter value, whichever is shorter. You can provide a -// DurationSeconds value from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session -// duration setting for the role. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 -// hours. To learn how to view the maximum value for your role, see View the -// Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. The maximum session duration limit applies when you use -// the AssumeRole* API operations or the assume-role* CLI commands. However the -// limit does not apply when you use those operations to create a console URL. For -// more information, see Using IAM Roles -// ( in the IAM -// User Guide. Role chaining -// ( -// limits your CLI or Amazon Web Services API role session to a maximum of one +// produce temporary credentials, see [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]and [Compare STS credentials] in the IAM User Guide. +// +// The temporary security credentials returned by this operation consist of an +// access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. Applications can use +// these temporary security credentials to sign calls to Amazon Web Services +// services. +// +// # Session Duration +// +// By default, the temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML +// last for one hour. However, you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter +// to specify the duration of your session. Your role session lasts for the +// duration that you specify, or until the time specified in the SAML +// authentication response's SessionNotOnOrAfter value, whichever is shorter. You +// can provide a DurationSeconds value from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the +// maximum session duration setting for the role. This setting can have a value +// from 1 hour to 12 hours. To learn how to view the maximum value for your role, +// see [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]in the IAM User Guide. The maximum session duration limit applies when you +// use the AssumeRole* API operations or the assume-role* CLI commands. However +// the limit does not apply when you use those operations to create a console URL. +// For more information, see [Using IAM Roles]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [Role chaining]limits your CLI or Amazon Web Services API role session to a maximum of one // hour. When you use the AssumeRole API operation to assume a role, you can // specify the duration of your role session with the DurationSeconds parameter. // You can specify a parameter value of up to 43200 seconds (12 hours), depending // on the maximum session duration setting for your role. However, if you assume a // role using role chaining and provide a DurationSeconds parameter value greater -// than one hour, the operation fails. Permissions The temporary security -// credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML can be used to make API calls to any -// Amazon Web Services service with the following exception: you cannot call the -// STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. (Optional) You can -// pass inline or managed session policies -// ( -// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon -// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you -// use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. -// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The -// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's -// identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary -// credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in -// the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more -// permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is -// being assumed. For more information, see Session Policies -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML does not require the use of -// Amazon Web Services security credentials. The identity of the caller is -// validated by using keys in the metadata document that is uploaded for the SAML -// provider entity for your identity provider. Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML can -// result in an entry in your CloudTrail logs. The entry includes the value in the -// NameID element of the SAML assertion. We recommend that you use a NameIDType -// that is not associated with any personally identifiable information (PII). For -// example, you could instead use the persistent identifier -// (urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent). Tags (Optional) You can -// configure your IdP to pass attributes into your SAML assertion as session tags. -// Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated value. For more -// information about session tags, see Passing Session Tags in STS -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext session tag -// keys can’t exceed 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For -// these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed -// inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed -// binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit -// even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize -// response element indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags for -// your request are to the upper size limit. You can pass a session tag with the -// same key as a tag that is attached to the role. When you do, session tags -// override the role's tags with the same key. An administrator must grant you the -// permissions necessary to pass session tags. The administrator can also create -// granular permissions to allow you to pass only specific session tags. For more -// information, see Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive -// tags persist during role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with -// Session Tags -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. SAML Configuration Before your application can call -// AssumeRoleWithSAML, you must configure your SAML identity provider (IdP) to -// issue the claims required by Amazon Web Services. Additionally, you must use -// Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create a SAML provider entity in your -// Amazon Web Services account that represents your identity provider. You must -// also create an IAM role that specifies this SAML provider in its trust policy. +// than one hour, the operation fails. +// +// # Permissions +// +// The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithSAML can be used to +// make API calls to any Amazon Web Services service with the following exception: +// you cannot call the STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. +// +// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed [session policies] to this operation. You can pass a +// single JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. You can also +// specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed +// session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session +// policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies to this operation +// returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions are the +// intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session policies. You +// can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API +// calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You cannot use +// session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the +// identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, +// see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML does not require the use of Amazon Web Services +// security credentials. The identity of the caller is validated by using keys in +// the metadata document that is uploaded for the SAML provider entity for your +// identity provider. +// +// Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML can result in an entry in your CloudTrail logs. The +// entry includes the value in the NameID element of the SAML assertion. We +// recommend that you use a NameIDType that is not associated with any personally +// identifiable information (PII). For example, you could instead use the +// persistent identifier ( urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent ). +// +// # Tags +// +// (Optional) You can configure your IdP to pass attributes into your SAML +// assertion as session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an +// associated value. For more information about session tags, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM User +// Guide. +// +// You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext session tag keys can’t exceed +// 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For these and +// additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, +// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a +// separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext +// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates +// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper +// size limit. +// +// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to the +// role. When you do, session tags override the role's tags with the same key. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session tags. +// The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you to pass only +// specific session tags. For more information, see [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during role +// chaining. For more information, see [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// # SAML Configuration +// +// Before your application can call AssumeRoleWithSAML , you must configure your +// SAML identity provider (IdP) to issue the claims required by Amazon Web +// Services. Additionally, you must use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to +// create a SAML provider entity in your Amazon Web Services account that +// represents your identity provider. You must also create an IAM role that +// specifies this SAML provider in its trust policy. +// // For more information, see the following resources: // -// * About SAML 2.0-based -// Federation -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// [About SAML 2.0-based Federation] +// - in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [Creating SAML Identity Providers] +// - in the IAM User Guide. // -// * Creating SAML Identity Providers -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// [Configuring a Relying Party and Claims] +// - in the IAM User Guide. // -// * Configuring a Relying Party and Claims -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// [Creating a Role for SAML 2.0 Federation] +// - in the IAM User Guide. // -// * Creating a Role for SAML 2.0 Federation -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]: +// [Creating a Role for SAML 2.0 Federation]: +// [IAM and STS Character Limits]: +// [Creating SAML Identity Providers]: +// [session policies]: +// [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]: +// [Compare STS credentials]: +// [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]: +// [Configuring a Relying Party and Claims]: +// [Role chaining]: +// [Using IAM Roles]: +// [Session Policies]: +// [Passing Session Tags in STS]: +// [About SAML 2.0-based Federation]: +// [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]: func (c *Client) AssumeRoleWithSAML(ctx context.Context, params *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput{} @@ -149,10 +170,11 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // This member is required. RoleArn *string - // The base64 encoded SAML authentication response provided by the IdP. For more - // information, see Configuring a Relying Party and Adding Claims - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // The base64 encoded SAML authentication response provided by the IdP. + // + // For more information, see [Configuring a Relying Party and Adding Claims] in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Configuring a Relying Party and Adding Claims]: // // This member is required. SAMLAssertion *string @@ -166,85 +188,98 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct { // than this setting, the operation fails. For example, if you specify a session // duration of 12 hours, but your administrator set the maximum session duration to // 6 hours, your operation fails. To learn how to view the maximum value for your - // role, see View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. The - // DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console session - // that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to the - // federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration + // role, see [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. + // + // The DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console + // session that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to + // the federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration // parameter that specifies the maximum length of the console session. For more - // information, see Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the - // Amazon Web Services Management Console - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // information, see [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]: + // [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]: DurationSeconds *int32 // An IAM policy in JSON format that you want to use as an inline session policy. + // // This parameter is optional. Passing policies to this operation returns new // temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions are the intersection // of the role's identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the // role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to // access resources in the account that owns the role. You cannot use session // policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the identity-based - // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see Session - // Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed - // session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can - // be any ASCII character from the space character to the end of the valid - // character list (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), - // linefeed (\u000A), and carriage return (\u000D) characters. An Amazon Web - // Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy - // ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. - // Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other - // requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM + // User Guide. + // + // The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies can't + // exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII character + // from the space character to the end of the valid character list (\u0020 through + // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage + // return (\u000D) characters. + // + // For more information about role session permissions, see [Session policies]. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Session policies]: Policy *string // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to // use as managed session policies. The policies must exist in the same account as - // the role. This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy - // ARNs. However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see - // Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces - // ( in - // the Amazon Web Services General Reference. An Amazon Web Services conversion - // compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session - // tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can - // fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The - // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies - // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Passing policies to this - // operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions - // are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session - // policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web - // Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You - // cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the - // identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, - // see Session Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // the role. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. + // However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]in the + // Amazon Web Services General Reference. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The + // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's + // identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary + // credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in + // the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more + // permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is + // being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]: PolicyArns []types.PolicyDescriptorType noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithSAML request, including -// temporary Amazon Web Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web -// Services requests. +// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithSAML request, including temporary Amazon Web +// Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services requests. type AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput struct { // The identifiers for the temporary security credentials that the operation // returns. AssumedRoleUser *types.AssumedRoleUser - // The value of the Recipient attribute of the SubjectConfirmationData element of + // The value of the Recipient attribute of the SubjectConfirmationData element of // the SAML assertion. Audience *string // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret - // access key, and a security (or session) token. The size of the security token - // that STS API operations return is not fixed. We strongly recommend that you make - // no assumptions about the maximum size. + // access key, and a security (or session) token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *types.Credentials // The value of the Issuer element of the SAML assertion. @@ -252,18 +287,18 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput struct { // A hash value based on the concatenation of the following: // - // * The Issuer response - // value. + // - The Issuer response value. + // + // - The Amazon Web Services account ID. + // + // - The friendly name (the last part of the ARN) of the SAML provider in IAM. // - // * The Amazon Web Services account ID. + // The combination of NameQualifier and Subject can be used to uniquely identify a + // user. // - // * The friendly name (the last - // part of the ARN) of the SAML provider in IAM. + // The following pseudocode shows how the hash value is calculated: // - // The combination of NameQualifier - // and Subject can be used to uniquely identify a federated user. The following - // pseudocode shows how the hash value is calculated: BASE64 ( SHA1 ( - // "" + "123456789012" + "/MySAMLIdP" ) ) + // BASE64 ( SHA1 ( "" + "123456789012" + "/MySAMLIdP" ) ) NameQualifier *string // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies and @@ -272,35 +307,39 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput struct { // allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int32 - // The value in the SourceIdentity attribute in the SAML assertion. You can require - // users to set a source identity value when they assume a role. You do this by - // using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust policy. That way, - // actions that are taken with the role are associated with that user. After the - // source identity is set, the value cannot be changed. It is present in the - // request for all actions that are taken by the role and persists across chained - // role - // ( - // sessions. You can configure your SAML identity provider to use an attribute - // associated with your users, like user name or email, as the source identity when - // calling AssumeRoleWithSAML. You do this by adding an attribute to the SAML - // assertion. For more information about using source identity, see Monitor and - // control actions taken with assumed roles - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of - // characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no - // spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@- + // The value in the SourceIdentity attribute in the SAML assertion. The source + // identity value persists across [chained role]sessions. + // + // You can require users to set a source identity value when they assume a role. + // You do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust + // policy. That way, actions that are taken with the role are associated with that + // user. After the source identity is set, the value cannot be changed. It is + // present in the request for all actions that are taken by the role and persists + // across [chained role]sessions. You can configure your SAML identity provider to use an + // attribute associated with your users, like user name or email, as the source + // identity when calling AssumeRoleWithSAML . You do this by adding an attribute to + // the SAML assertion. For more information about using source identity, see [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]in + // the IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [chained role]: + // [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]: SourceIdentity *string // The value of the NameID element in the Subject element of the SAML assertion. Subject *string - // The format of the name ID, as defined by the Format attribute in the NameID + // The format of the name ID, as defined by the Format attribute in the NameID // element of the SAML assertion. Typical examples of the format are transient or - // persistent. If the format includes the prefix - // urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format, that prefix is removed. For example, - // urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient is returned as transient. If - // the format includes any other prefix, the format is returned with no + // persistent . + // + // If the format includes the prefix urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format , + // that prefix is removed. For example, + // urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient is returned as transient . + // If the format includes any other prefix, the format is returned with no // modifications. SubjectType *string @@ -311,6 +350,9 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithSAMLMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithSAML{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -319,28 +361,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithSAMLMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "AssumeRoleWithSAML"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -349,12 +401,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithSAMLMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpAssumeRoleWithSAMLValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoleWithSAML(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -364,6 +428,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithSAMLMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -371,7 +450,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoleWithSAML(region string) *awsmiddle return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "AssumeRoleWithSAML", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e2ff4ac6..0ae4bc17 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" "" @@ -13,132 +14,132 @@ import ( // Returns a set of temporary security credentials for users who have been // authenticated in a mobile or web application with a web identity provider. // Example providers include the OAuth 2.0 providers Login with Amazon and -// Facebook, or any OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider such as Google or -// Amazon Cognito federated identities -// ( +// Facebook, or any OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider such as Google or [Amazon Cognito federated identities]. +// // For mobile applications, we recommend that you use Amazon Cognito. You can use -// Amazon Cognito with the Amazon Web Services SDK for iOS Developer Guide -// ( and the Amazon Web Services SDK for Android -// Developer Guide ( to uniquely identify a -// user. You can also supply the user with a consistent identity throughout the -// lifetime of an application. To learn more about Amazon Cognito, see Amazon -// Cognito Overview -// ( -// in Amazon Web Services SDK for Android Developer Guide and Amazon Cognito -// Overview -// ( -// in the Amazon Web Services SDK for iOS Developer Guide. Calling -// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity does not require the use of Amazon Web Services -// security credentials. Therefore, you can distribute an application (for example, -// on mobile devices) that requests temporary security credentials without +// Amazon Cognito with the [Amazon Web Services SDK for iOS Developer Guide]and the [Amazon Web Services SDK for Android Developer Guide] to uniquely identify a user. You can also +// supply the user with a consistent identity throughout the lifetime of an +// application. +// +// To learn more about Amazon Cognito, see [Amazon Cognito identity pools] in Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. +// +// Calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity does not require the use of Amazon Web +// Services security credentials. Therefore, you can distribute an application (for +// example, on mobile devices) that requests temporary security credentials without // including long-term Amazon Web Services credentials in the application. You also // don't need to deploy server-based proxy services that use long-term Amazon Web // Services credentials. Instead, the identity of the caller is validated by using // a token from the web identity provider. For a comparison of // AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity with the other API operations that produce temporary -// credentials, see Requesting Temporary Security Credentials -// ( -// and Comparing the Amazon Web Services STS API operations -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. The temporary security credentials returned by this API -// consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. -// Applications can use these temporary security credentials to sign calls to -// Amazon Web Services service API operations. Session Duration By default, the -// temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity last for one -// hour. However, you can use the optional DurationSeconds parameter to specify the -// duration of your session. You can provide a value from 900 seconds (15 minutes) -// up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. This setting can have a -// value from 1 hour to 12 hours. To learn how to view the maximum value for your -// role, see View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. The maximum session duration limit applies when you use -// the AssumeRole* API operations or the assume-role* CLI commands. However the -// limit does not apply when you use those operations to create a console URL. For -// more information, see Using IAM Roles -// ( in the IAM -// User Guide. Permissions The temporary security credentials created by -// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can be used to make API calls to any Amazon Web -// Services service with the following exception: you cannot call the STS -// GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API operations. (Optional) You can pass -// inline or managed session policies -// ( -// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon -// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you -// use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. -// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The -// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's -// identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary -// credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in -// the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more -// permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is -// being assumed. For more information, see Session Policies -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Tags (Optional) You can configure your IdP to pass -// attributes into your web identity token as session tags. Each session tag -// consists of a key name and an associated value. For more information about -// session tags, see Passing Session Tags in STS -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext session tag -// keys can’t exceed 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For -// these and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed -// inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed -// binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit -// even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize -// response element indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags for -// your request are to the upper size limit. You can pass a session tag with the -// same key as a tag that is attached to the role. When you do, the session tag -// overrides the role tag with the same key. An administrator must grant you the -// permissions necessary to pass session tags. The administrator can also create -// granular permissions to allow you to pass only specific session tags. For more -// information, see Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive -// tags persist during role chaining. For more information, see Chaining Roles with -// Session Tags -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Identities Before your application can call -// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, you must have an identity token from a supported -// identity provider and create a role that the application can assume. The role -// that your application assumes must trust the identity provider that is -// associated with the identity token. In other words, the identity provider must -// be specified in the role's trust policy. Calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can -// result in an entry in your CloudTrail logs. The entry includes the Subject -// ( of the provided -// web identity token. We recommend that you avoid using any personally -// identifiable information (PII) in this field. For example, you could instead use -// a GUID or a pairwise identifier, as suggested in the OIDC specification -// ( For more -// information about how to use web identity federation and the -// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API, see the following resources: +// credentials, see [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]and [Compare STS credentials] in the IAM User Guide. +// +// The temporary security credentials returned by this API consist of an access +// key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. Applications can use these +// temporary security credentials to sign calls to Amazon Web Services service API +// operations. +// +// # Session Duration +// +// By default, the temporary security credentials created by +// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity last for one hour. However, you can use the optional +// DurationSeconds parameter to specify the duration of your session. You can +// provide a value from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration +// setting for the role. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hours. To +// learn how to view the maximum value for your role, see [Update the maximum session duration for a role]in the IAM User Guide. +// The maximum session duration limit applies when you use the AssumeRole* API +// operations or the assume-role* CLI commands. However the limit does not apply +// when you use those operations to create a console URL. For more information, see +// [Using IAM Roles]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// # Permissions +// +// The temporary security credentials created by AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can be +// used to make API calls to any Amazon Web Services service with the following +// exception: you cannot call the STS GetFederationToken or GetSessionToken API +// operations. +// +// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed [session policies] to this operation. You can pass a +// single JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. You can also +// specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed +// session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session +// policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies to this operation +// returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions are the +// intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session policies. You +// can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API +// calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You cannot use +// session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the +// identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, +// see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. // -// * Using Web -// Identity Federation API Operations for Mobile Apps -// ( -// and Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider -// ( +// # Tags // -// * -// Web Identity Federation Playground -// ( -// Walk through the process of authenticating through Login with Amazon, Facebook, -// or Google, getting temporary security credentials, and then using those -// credentials to make a request to Amazon Web Services. +// (Optional) You can configure your IdP to pass attributes into your web identity +// token as session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated +// value. For more information about session tags, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM User Guide. // -// * Amazon Web Services SDK -// for iOS Developer Guide ( and Amazon Web -// Services SDK for Android Developer Guide ( -// These toolkits contain sample apps that show how to invoke the identity -// providers. The toolkits then show how to use the information from these -// providers to get and use temporary security credentials. +// You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext session tag keys can’t exceed +// 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 characters. For these and +// additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, +// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a +// separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext +// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates +// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper +// size limit. +// +// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to the +// role. When you do, the session tag overrides the role tag with the same key. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session tags. +// The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you to pass only +// specific session tags. For more information, see [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can set the session tags as transitive. Transitive tags persist during role +// chaining. For more information, see [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// # Identities +// +// Before your application can call AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity , you must have an +// identity token from a supported identity provider and create a role that the +// application can assume. The role that your application assumes must trust the +// identity provider that is associated with the identity token. In other words, +// the identity provider must be specified in the role's trust policy. +// +// Calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity can result in an entry in your CloudTrail +// logs. The entry includes the [Subject]of the provided web identity token. We recommend +// that you avoid using any personally identifiable information (PII) in this +// field. For example, you could instead use a GUID or a pairwise identifier, as [suggested in the OIDC specification]. +// +// For more information about how to use OIDC federation and the +// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API, see the following resources: // -// * Web Identity -// Federation with Mobile Applications -// ( -// This article discusses web identity federation and shows an example of how to -// use web identity federation to get access to content in Amazon S3. +// [Using Web Identity Federation API Operations for Mobile Apps] +// - and [Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider]. +// +// [Amazon Web Services SDK for iOS Developer Guide] +// - and [Amazon Web Services SDK for Android Developer Guide]. These toolkits contain sample apps that show how to invoke the +// identity providers. The toolkits then show how to use the information from these +// providers to get and use temporary security credentials. +// +// [Amazon Web Services SDK for iOS Developer Guide]: +// [Amazon Web Services SDK for Android Developer Guide]: +// [IAM and STS Character Limits]: +// [session policies]: +// [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]: +// [Compare STS credentials]: +// [Subject]: +// [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]: +// [Amazon Cognito identity pools]: +// [Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider]: +// [Using IAM Roles]: +// [Session Policies]: +// [Amazon Cognito federated identities]: +// [Passing Session Tags in STS]: +// [Chaining Roles with Session Tags]: +// [Update the maximum session duration for a role]: +// [Using Web Identity Federation API Operations for Mobile Apps]: +// [suggested in the OIDC specification]: func (c *Client) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(ctx context.Context, params *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput{} @@ -158,6 +159,17 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the caller is assuming. // + // Additional considerations apply to Amazon Cognito identity pools that assume [cross-account IAM roles]. + // The trust policies of these roles must accept the + // service principal and must contain the + // condition key to restrict role assumption to users from your intended identity + // pools. A policy that trusts Amazon Cognito identity pools without this condition + // creates a risk that a user from an unintended identity pool can assume the role. + // For more information, see [Trust policies for IAM roles in Basic (Classic) authentication]in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. + // + // [cross-account IAM roles]: + // [Trust policies for IAM roles in Basic (Classic) authentication]: + // // This member is required. RoleArn *string @@ -165,10 +177,19 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // identifier that is associated with the user who is using your application. That // way, the temporary security credentials that your application will use are // associated with that user. This session name is included as part of the ARN and - // assumed role ID in the AssumedRoleUser response element. The regex used to - // validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting of upper- and - // lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include - // underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // assumed role ID in the AssumedRoleUser response element. + // + // For security purposes, administrators can view this field in [CloudTrail logs] to help identify + // who performed an action in Amazon Web Services. Your administrator might require + // that you specify your user name as the session name when you assume the role. + // For more information, see [sts:RoleSessionName]sts:RoleSessionName . + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [CloudTrail logs]: + // [sts:RoleSessionName]: // // This member is required. RoleSessionName *string @@ -176,7 +197,10 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // The OAuth 2.0 access token or OpenID Connect ID token that is provided by the // identity provider. Your application must get this token by authenticating the // user who is using your application with a web identity provider before the - // application makes an AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity call. + // application makes an AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity call. Timestamps in the token + // must be formatted as either an integer or a long integer. Tokens must be signed + // using either RSA keys (RS256, RS384, or RS512) or ECDSA keys (ES256, ES384, or + // ES512). // // This member is required. WebIdentityToken *string @@ -187,85 +211,100 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct { // higher than this setting, the operation fails. For example, if you specify a // session duration of 12 hours, but your administrator set the maximum session // duration to 6 hours, your operation fails. To learn how to view the maximum - // value for your role, see View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. The - // DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console session - // that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to the - // federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration + // value for your role, see [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds. + // + // The DurationSeconds parameter is separate from the duration of a console + // session that you might request using the returned credentials. The request to + // the federation endpoint for a console sign-in token takes a SessionDuration // parameter that specifies the maximum length of the console session. For more - // information, see Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the - // Amazon Web Services Management Console - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // information, see [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [View the Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role]: + // [Creating a URL that Enables Federated Users to Access the Amazon Web Services Management Console]: DurationSeconds *int32 // An IAM policy in JSON format that you want to use as an inline session policy. + // // This parameter is optional. Passing policies to this operation returns new // temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions are the intersection // of the role's identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the // role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to // access resources in the account that owns the role. You cannot use session // policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the identity-based - // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see Session - // Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed - // session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can - // be any ASCII character from the space character to the end of the valid - // character list (\u0020 through \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), - // linefeed (\u000A), and carriage return (\u000D) characters. An Amazon Web - // Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy - // ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. - // Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other - // requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how - // close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. + // policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM + // User Guide. + // + // The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies can't + // exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII character + // from the space character to the end of the valid character list (\u0020 through + // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage + // return (\u000D) characters. + // + // For more information about role session permissions, see [Session policies]. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Session policies]: Policy *string // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to // use as managed session policies. The policies must exist in the same account as - // the role. This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy - // ARNs. However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session - // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see - // Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces - // ( in - // the Amazon Web Services General Reference. An Amazon Web Services conversion - // compresses the passed inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session - // tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can - // fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The - // PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the policies - // and tags for your request are to the upper size limit. Passing policies to this - // operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's permissions - // are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and the session - // policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent Amazon Web - // Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns the role. You - // cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than those allowed by the - // identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed. For more information, - // see Session Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // the role. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. + // However, the plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies + // can't exceed 2,048 characters. For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]in the + // Amazon Web Services General Reference. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The + // resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's + // identity-based policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary + // credentials in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in + // the account that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more + // permissions than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is + // being assumed. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Session Policies]: + // [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]: PolicyArns []types.PolicyDescriptorType // The fully qualified host component of the domain name of the OAuth 2.0 identity // provider. Do not specify this value for an OpenID Connect identity provider. + // // Currently and are the only supported identity // providers for OAuth 2.0 access tokens. Do not include URL schemes and port - // numbers. Do not specify this value for OpenID Connect ID tokens. + // numbers. + // + // Do not specify this value for OpenID Connect ID tokens. ProviderId *string noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request, -// including temporary Amazon Web Services credentials that can be used to make -// Amazon Web Services requests. +// Contains the response to a successful AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request, including temporary Amazon Web +// Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services requests. type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the assumed role ID, which are identifiers // that you can use to refer to the resulting temporary security credentials. For // example, you can reference these credentials as a principal in a resource-based // policy by using the ARN or assumed role ID. The ARN and ID include the - // RoleSessionName that you specified when you called AssumeRole. + // RoleSessionName that you specified when you called AssumeRole . AssumedRoleUser *types.AssumedRoleUser // The intended audience (also known as client ID) of the web identity token. This @@ -274,9 +313,10 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput struct { Audience *string // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret - // access key, and a security token. The size of the security token that STS API - // operations return is not fixed. We strongly recommend that you make no - // assumptions about the maximum size. + // access key, and a security token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *types.Credentials // A percentage value that indicates the packed size of the session policies and @@ -285,33 +325,34 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput struct { // allowed space. PackedPolicySize *int32 - // The issuing authority of the web identity token presented. For OpenID Connect ID - // tokens, this contains the value of the iss field. For OAuth 2.0 access tokens, - // this contains the value of the ProviderId parameter that was passed in the - // AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request. + // The issuing authority of the web identity token presented. For OpenID Connect + // ID tokens, this contains the value of the iss field. For OAuth 2.0 access + // tokens, this contains the value of the ProviderId parameter that was passed in + // the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity request. Provider *string // The value of the source identity that is returned in the JSON web token (JWT) - // from the identity provider. You can require users to set a source identity value - // when they assume a role. You do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition - // key in a role trust policy. That way, actions that are taken with the role are - // associated with that user. After the source identity is set, the value cannot be - // changed. It is present in the request for all actions that are taken by the role - // and persists across chained role - // ( - // sessions. You can configure your identity provider to use an attribute + // from the identity provider. + // + // You can require users to set a source identity value when they assume a role. + // You do this by using the sts:SourceIdentity condition key in a role trust + // policy. That way, actions that are taken with the role are associated with that + // user. After the source identity is set, the value cannot be changed. It is + // present in the request for all actions that are taken by the role and persists + // across [chained role]sessions. You can configure your identity provider to use an attribute // associated with your users, like user name or email, as the source identity when - // calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. You do this by adding a claim to the JSON web - // token. To learn more about OIDC tokens and claims, see Using Tokens with User - // Pools - // ( - // in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. For more information about using source - // identity, see Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of - // characters consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no - // spaces. You can also include underscores or any of the following characters: - // =,.@- + // calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity . You do this by adding a claim to the JSON + // web token. To learn more about OIDC tokens and claims, see [Using Tokens with User Pools]in the Amazon + // Cognito Developer Guide. For more information about using source identity, see [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles] + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [chained role]: + // [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]: + // [Using Tokens with User Pools]: SourceIdentity *string // The unique user identifier that is returned by the identity provider. This @@ -329,6 +370,9 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -337,28 +381,38 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middlew if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -367,12 +421,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middlew if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -382,6 +448,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middlew if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -389,7 +470,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(region string) *aw return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd976e57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package sts + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + awsmiddleware "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +// Returns a set of short term credentials you can use to perform privileged tasks +// on a member account in your organization. +// +// Before you can launch a privileged session, you must have centralized root +// access in your organization. For steps to enable this feature, see [Centralize root access for member accounts]in the IAM +// User Guide. +// +// The STS global endpoint is not supported for AssumeRoot. You must send this +// request to a Regional STS endpoint. For more information, see [Endpoints]. +// +// You can track AssumeRoot in CloudTrail logs to determine what actions were +// performed in a session. For more information, see [Track privileged tasks in CloudTrail]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [Endpoints]: +// [Track privileged tasks in CloudTrail]: +// [Centralize root access for member accounts]: +func (c *Client) AssumeRoot(ctx context.Context, params *AssumeRootInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*AssumeRootOutput, error) { + if params == nil { + params = &AssumeRootInput{} + } + + result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "AssumeRoot", params, optFns, c.addOperationAssumeRootMiddlewares) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + out := result.(*AssumeRootOutput) + out.ResultMetadata = metadata + return out, nil +} + +type AssumeRootInput struct { + + // The member account principal ARN or account ID. + // + // This member is required. + TargetPrincipal *string + + // The identity based policy that scopes the session to the privileged tasks that + // can be performed. You can use one of following Amazon Web Services managed + // policies to scope root session actions. + // + // [IAMAuditRootUserCredentials] + // + // [IAMCreateRootUserPassword] + // + // [IAMDeleteRootUserCredentials] + // + // [S3UnlockBucketPolicy] + // + // [SQSUnlockQueuePolicy] + // + // [IAMDeleteRootUserCredentials]: + // [IAMCreateRootUserPassword]: + // [IAMAuditRootUserCredentials]: + // [S3UnlockBucketPolicy]: + // [SQSUnlockQueuePolicy]: + // + // This member is required. + TaskPolicyArn *types.PolicyDescriptorType + + // The duration, in seconds, of the privileged session. The value can range from 0 + // seconds up to the maximum session duration of 900 seconds (15 minutes). If you + // specify a value higher than this setting, the operation fails. + // + // By default, the value is set to 900 seconds. + DurationSeconds *int32 + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +type AssumeRootOutput struct { + + // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret + // access key, and a security token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. + Credentials *types.Credentials + + // The source identity specified by the principal that is calling the AssumeRoot + // operation. + // + // You can use the aws:SourceIdentity condition key to control access based on the + // value of source identity. For more information about using source identity, see [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles] + // in the IAM User Guide. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // + // [Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles]: + SourceIdentity *string + + // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. + ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +func (c *Client) addOperationAssumeRootMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } + err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoot{}, middleware.After) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoot{}, middleware.After) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "AssumeRoot"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addOpAssumeRootValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoot(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opAssumeRoot(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata { + return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ + Region: region, + ServiceID: ServiceID, + OperationName: "AssumeRoot", + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index b7a637d4..a56840e1 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,45 +4,46 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" - "" "" smithyhttp "" ) // Decodes additional information about the authorization status of a request from -// an encoded message returned in response to an Amazon Web Services request. For -// example, if a user is not authorized to perform an operation that he or she has -// requested, the request returns a Client.UnauthorizedOperation response (an HTTP -// 403 response). Some Amazon Web Services operations additionally return an -// encoded message that can provide details about this authorization failure. Only -// certain Amazon Web Services operations return an encoded authorization message. -// The documentation for an individual operation indicates whether that operation -// returns an encoded message in addition to returning an HTTP code. The message is -// encoded because the details of the authorization status can contain privileged -// information that the user who requested the operation should not see. To decode -// an authorization status message, a user must be granted permissions through an -// IAM policy -// ( to -// request the DecodeAuthorizationMessage (sts:DecodeAuthorizationMessage) action. +// an encoded message returned in response to an Amazon Web Services request. +// +// For example, if a user is not authorized to perform an operation that he or she +// has requested, the request returns a Client.UnauthorizedOperation response (an +// HTTP 403 response). Some Amazon Web Services operations additionally return an +// encoded message that can provide details about this authorization failure. +// +// Only certain Amazon Web Services operations return an encoded authorization +// message. The documentation for an individual operation indicates whether that +// operation returns an encoded message in addition to returning an HTTP code. +// +// The message is encoded because the details of the authorization status can +// contain privileged information that the user who requested the operation should +// not see. To decode an authorization status message, a user must be granted +// permissions through an IAM [policy]to request the DecodeAuthorizationMessage ( +// sts:DecodeAuthorizationMessage ) action. +// // The decoded message includes the following type of information: // -// * Whether the -// request was denied due to an explicit deny or due to the absence of an explicit -// allow. For more information, see Determining Whether a Request is Allowed or -// Denied -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// - Whether the request was denied due to an explicit deny or due to the +// absence of an explicit allow. For more information, see [Determining Whether a Request is Allowed or Denied]in the IAM User +// Guide. // -// * The principal who made the request. +// - The principal who made the request. // -// * The requested -// action. +// - The requested action. // -// * The requested resource. +// - The requested resource. // -// * The values of condition keys in the -// context of the user's request. +// - The values of condition keys in the context of the user's request. +// +// [Determining Whether a Request is Allowed or Denied]: +// [policy]: func (c *Client) DecodeAuthorizationMessage(ctx context.Context, params *DecodeAuthorizationMessageInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*DecodeAuthorizationMessageOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &DecodeAuthorizationMessageInput{} @@ -83,6 +84,9 @@ type DecodeAuthorizationMessageOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationDecodeAuthorizationMessageMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -91,34 +95,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationDecodeAuthorizationMessageMiddlewares(stack *middle if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "DecodeAuthorizationMessage"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -127,12 +138,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationDecodeAuthorizationMessageMiddlewares(stack *middle if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpDecodeAuthorizationMessageValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opDecodeAuthorizationMessage(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -142,6 +165,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationDecodeAuthorizationMessageMiddlewares(stack *middle if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -149,7 +187,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opDecodeAuthorizationMessage(region string) *a return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "DecodeAuthorizationMessage", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index b86a425d..c80b0550 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,32 +4,37 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" - "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Returns the account identifier for the specified access key ID. Access keys -// consist of two parts: an access key ID (for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) and a -// secret access key (for example, wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY). For -// more information about access keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. When you pass an access key ID to this operation, it -// returns the ID of the Amazon Web Services account to which the keys belong. -// Access key IDs beginning with AKIA are long-term credentials for an IAM user or -// the Amazon Web Services account root user. Access key IDs beginning with ASIA -// are temporary credentials that are created using STS operations. If the account -// in the response belongs to you, you can sign in as the root user and review your -// root user access keys. Then, you can pull a credentials report -// ( -// to learn which IAM user owns the keys. To learn who requested the temporary -// credentials for an ASIA access key, view the STS events in your CloudTrail logs -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. This operation does not indicate the state of the access -// key. The key might be active, inactive, or deleted. Active keys might not have -// permissions to perform an operation. Providing a deleted access key might return -// an error that the key doesn't exist. +// Returns the account identifier for the specified access key ID. +// +// Access keys consist of two parts: an access key ID (for example, +// AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE ) and a secret access key (for example, +// wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY ). For more information about access +// keys, see [Managing Access Keys for IAM Users]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// When you pass an access key ID to this operation, it returns the ID of the +// Amazon Web Services account to which the keys belong. Access key IDs beginning +// with AKIA are long-term credentials for an IAM user or the Amazon Web Services +// account root user. Access key IDs beginning with ASIA are temporary credentials +// that are created using STS operations. If the account in the response belongs to +// you, you can sign in as the root user and review your root user access keys. +// Then, you can pull a [credentials report]to learn which IAM user owns the keys. To learn who +// requested the temporary credentials for an ASIA access key, view the STS events +// in your [CloudTrail logs]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// This operation does not indicate the state of the access key. The key might be +// active, inactive, or deleted. Active keys might not have permissions to perform +// an operation. Providing a deleted access key might return an error that the key +// doesn't exist. +// +// [credentials report]: +// [CloudTrail logs]: +// [Managing Access Keys for IAM Users]: func (c *Client) GetAccessKeyInfo(ctx context.Context, params *GetAccessKeyInfoInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetAccessKeyInfoOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &GetAccessKeyInfoInput{} @@ -47,9 +52,10 @@ func (c *Client) GetAccessKeyInfo(ctx context.Context, params *GetAccessKeyInfoI type GetAccessKeyInfoInput struct { - // The identifier of an access key. This parameter allows (through its regex - // pattern) a string of characters that can consist of any upper- or lowercase - // letter or digit. + // The identifier of an access key. + // + // This parameter allows (through its regex pattern) a string of characters that + // can consist of any upper- or lowercase letter or digit. // // This member is required. AccessKeyId *string @@ -69,6 +75,9 @@ type GetAccessKeyInfoOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationGetAccessKeyInfoMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetAccessKeyInfo{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -77,34 +86,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetAccessKeyInfoMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetAccessKeyInfo"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -113,12 +129,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetAccessKeyInfoMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpGetAccessKeyInfoValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetAccessKeyInfo(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -128,6 +156,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetAccessKeyInfoMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -135,7 +178,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetAccessKeyInfo(region string) *awsmiddlewa return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "GetAccessKeyInfo", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a7f96c22..49304bda 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" "" "" @@ -11,14 +12,15 @@ import ( ) // Returns details about the IAM user or role whose credentials are used to call -// the operation. No permissions are required to perform this operation. If an -// administrator adds a policy to your IAM user or role that explicitly denies -// access to the sts:GetCallerIdentity action, you can still perform this -// operation. Permissions are not required because the same information is returned -// when an IAM user or role is denied access. To view an example response, see I Am -// Not Authorized to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// the operation. +// +// No permissions are required to perform this operation. If an administrator +// attaches a policy to your identity that explicitly denies access to the +// sts:GetCallerIdentity action, you can still perform this operation. Permissions +// are not required because the same information is returned when access is denied. +// To view an example response, see [I Am Not Authorized to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [I Am Not Authorized to Perform: iam:DeleteVirtualMFADevice]: func (c *Client) GetCallerIdentity(ctx context.Context, params *GetCallerIdentityInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetCallerIdentityOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &GetCallerIdentityInput{} @@ -38,8 +40,8 @@ type GetCallerIdentityInput struct { noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful GetCallerIdentity request, including -// information about the entity making the request. +// Contains the response to a successful GetCallerIdentity request, including information about the +// entity making the request. type GetCallerIdentityOutput struct { // The Amazon Web Services account ID number of the account that owns or contains @@ -49,11 +51,12 @@ type GetCallerIdentityOutput struct { // The Amazon Web Services ARN associated with the calling entity. Arn *string - // The unique identifier of the calling entity. The exact value depends on the type - // of entity that is making the call. The values returned are those listed in the - // aws:userid column in the Principal table - // ( - // found on the Policy Variables reference page in the IAM User Guide. + // The unique identifier of the calling entity. The exact value depends on the + // type of entity that is making the call. The values returned are those listed in + // the aws:userid column in the [Principal table]found on the Policy Variables reference page in + // the IAM User Guide. + // + // [Principal table]: UserId *string // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -63,6 +66,9 @@ type GetCallerIdentityOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationGetCallerIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetCallerIdentity{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -71,34 +77,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetCallerIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stac if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetCallerIdentity"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -107,9 +120,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetCallerIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stac if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetCallerIdentity(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -119,6 +144,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetCallerIdentityMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stac if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -126,7 +166,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetCallerIdentity(region string) *awsmiddlew return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "GetCallerIdentity", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 60026a13..e2ecc792 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,98 +4,110 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" - "" "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Returns a set of temporary security credentials (consisting of an access key ID, -// a secret access key, and a security token) for a federated user. A typical use -// is in a proxy application that gets temporary security credentials on behalf of -// distributed applications inside a corporate network. You must call the -// GetFederationToken operation using the long-term security credentials of an IAM -// user. As a result, this call is appropriate in contexts where those credentials -// can be safely stored, usually in a server-based application. For a comparison of -// GetFederationToken with the other API operations that produce temporary -// credentials, see Requesting Temporary Security Credentials -// ( -// and Comparing the Amazon Web Services STS API operations -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. You can create a mobile-based or browser-based app that -// can authenticate users using a web identity provider like Login with Amazon, -// Facebook, Google, or an OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider. In this -// case, we recommend that you use Amazon Cognito ( -// or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. For more information, see Federation Through a -// Web-based Identity Provider -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. You can also call GetFederationToken using the security -// credentials of an Amazon Web Services account root user, but we do not recommend -// it. Instead, we recommend that you create an IAM user for the purpose of the -// proxy application. Then attach a policy to the IAM user that limits federated -// users to only the actions and resources that they need to access. For more -// information, see IAM Best Practices -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. Session duration The temporary credentials are valid for the -// specified duration, from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to a maximum of 129,600 -// seconds (36 hours). The default session duration is 43,200 seconds (12 hours). -// Temporary credentials obtained by using the Amazon Web Services account root -// user credentials have a maximum duration of 3,600 seconds (1 hour). Permissions +// Returns a set of temporary security credentials (consisting of an access key +// ID, a secret access key, and a security token) for a user. A typical use is in a +// proxy application that gets temporary security credentials on behalf of +// distributed applications inside a corporate network. +// +// You must call the GetFederationToken operation using the long-term security +// credentials of an IAM user. As a result, this call is appropriate in contexts +// where those credentials can be safeguarded, usually in a server-based +// application. For a comparison of GetFederationToken with the other API +// operations that produce temporary credentials, see [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]and [Compare STS credentials] in the IAM User Guide. +// +// Although it is possible to call GetFederationToken using the security +// credentials of an Amazon Web Services account root user rather than an IAM user +// that you create for the purpose of a proxy application, we do not recommend it. +// For more information, see [Safeguard your root user credentials and don't use them for everyday tasks]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You can create a mobile-based or browser-based app that can authenticate users +// using a web identity provider like Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or an +// OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider. In this case, we recommend that you +// use [Amazon Cognito]or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity . For more information, see [Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider] in the IAM User +// Guide. +// +// # Session duration +// +// The temporary credentials are valid for the specified duration, from 900 +// seconds (15 minutes) up to a maximum of 129,600 seconds (36 hours). The default +// session duration is 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Temporary credentials obtained by +// using the root user credentials have a maximum duration of 3,600 seconds (1 +// hour). +// +// # Permissions +// // You can use the temporary credentials created by GetFederationToken in any -// Amazon Web Services service except the following: +// Amazon Web Services service with the following exceptions: +// +// - You cannot call any IAM operations using the CLI or the Amazon Web Services +// API. This limitation does not apply to console sessions. +// +// - You cannot call any STS operations except GetCallerIdentity . // -// * You cannot call any IAM -// operations using the CLI or the Amazon Web Services API. +// You can use temporary credentials for single sign-on (SSO) to the console. // -// * You cannot call any -// STS operations except GetCallerIdentity. +// You must pass an inline or managed [session policy] to this operation. You can pass a single +// JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. You can also specify up +// to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session +// policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session +// policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. // -// You must pass an inline or managed -// session policy -// ( -// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an -// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon -// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you -// use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. // Though the session policy parameters are optional, if you do not pass a policy, // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. When you pass // session policies, the session permissions are the intersection of the IAM user // policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives you a way to further // restrict the permissions for a federated user. You cannot use session policies // to grant more permissions than those that are defined in the permissions policy -// of the IAM user. For more information, see Session Policies -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. For information about using GetFederationToken to create -// temporary security credentials, see GetFederationToken—Federation Through a -// Custom Identity Broker -// ( +// of the IAM user. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User Guide. For +// information about using GetFederationToken to create temporary security +// credentials, see [GetFederationToken—Federation Through a Custom Identity Broker]. +// // You can use the credentials to access a resource that has a resource-based // policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user session in the // Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions allowed by the // policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions granted by -// the session policies. Tags (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your -// session. These are called session tags. For more information about session tags, -// see Passing Session Tags in STS -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. You can create a mobile-based or browser-based app that can -// authenticate users using a web identity provider like Login with Amazon, -// Facebook, Google, or an OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider. In this -// case, we recommend that you use Amazon Cognito ( -// or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity. For more information, see Federation Through a -// Web-based Identity Provider -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary -// to pass session tags. The administrator can also create granular permissions to -// allow you to pass only specific session tags. For more information, see -// Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is -// preserved. This means that you cannot have separate Department and department -// tag keys. Assume that the user that you are federating has the -// Department=Marketing tag and you pass the department=engineering session tag. -// Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and the session tag -// passed in the request takes precedence over the user tag. +// the session policies. +// +// # Tags +// +// (Optional) You can pass tag key-value pairs to your session. These are called +// session tags. For more information about session tags, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM User +// Guide. +// +// You can create a mobile-based or browser-based app that can authenticate users +// using a web identity provider like Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, or an +// OpenID Connect-compatible identity provider. In this case, we recommend that you +// use [Amazon Cognito]or AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity . For more information, see [Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider] in the IAM User +// Guide. +// +// An administrator must grant you the permissions necessary to pass session tags. +// The administrator can also create granular permissions to allow you to pass only +// specific session tags. For more information, see [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This means +// that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume that +// the user that you are federating has the Department = Marketing tag and you +// pass the department = engineering session tag. Department and department are +// not saved as separate tags, and the session tag passed in the request takes +// precedence over the user tag. +// +// [Federation Through a Web-based Identity Provider]: +// [session policy]: +// [Amazon Cognito]: +// [Session Policies]: +// [Passing Session Tags in STS]: +// [GetFederationToken—Federation Through a Custom Identity Broker]: +// [Safeguard your root user credentials and don't use them for everyday tasks]: +// [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]: +// [Compare STS credentials]: +// [Tutorial: Using Tags for Attribute-Based Access Control]: func (c *Client) GetFederationToken(ctx context.Context, params *GetFederationTokenInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetFederationTokenOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &GetFederationTokenInput{} @@ -114,128 +126,151 @@ func (c *Client) GetFederationToken(ctx context.Context, params *GetFederationTo type GetFederationTokenInput struct { // The name of the federated user. The name is used as an identifier for the - // temporary security credentials (such as Bob). For example, you can reference the - // federated user name in a resource-based policy, such as in an Amazon S3 bucket - // policy. The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters - // consisting of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You - // can also include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- + // temporary security credentials (such as Bob ). For example, you can reference + // the federated user name in a resource-based policy, such as in an Amazon S3 + // bucket policy. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@- // // This member is required. Name *string - // The duration, in seconds, that the session should last. Acceptable durations for - // federation sessions range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 129,600 seconds (36 - // hours), with 43,200 seconds (12 hours) as the default. Sessions obtained using - // Amazon Web Services account root user credentials are restricted to a maximum of - // 3,600 seconds (one hour). If the specified duration is longer than one hour, the - // session obtained by using root user credentials defaults to one hour. + // The duration, in seconds, that the session should last. Acceptable durations + // for federation sessions range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 129,600 seconds + // (36 hours), with 43,200 seconds (12 hours) as the default. Sessions obtained + // using root user credentials are restricted to a maximum of 3,600 seconds (one + // hour). If the specified duration is longer than one hour, the session obtained + // by using root user credentials defaults to one hour. DurationSeconds *int32 // An IAM policy in JSON format that you want to use as an inline session policy. - // You must pass an inline or managed session policy - // ( - // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an - // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon - // Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. This parameter is - // optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, then the resulting - // federated user session has no permissions. When you pass session policies, the - // session permissions are the intersection of the IAM user policies and the - // session policies that you pass. This gives you a way to further restrict the - // permissions for a federated user. You cannot use session policies to grant more - // permissions than those that are defined in the permissions policy of the IAM - // user. For more information, see Session Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The resulting credentials can be used to access a - // resource that has a resource-based policy. If that policy specifically - // references the federated user session in the Principal element of the policy, - // the session has the permissions allowed by the policy. These permissions are - // granted in addition to the permissions that are granted by the session policies. + // + // You must pass an inline or managed [session policy] to this operation. You can pass a single + // JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. You can also specify up + // to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session + // policies. + // + // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, + // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. + // + // When you pass session policies, the session permissions are the intersection of + // the IAM user policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives you a + // way to further restrict the permissions for a federated user. You cannot use + // session policies to grant more permissions than those that are defined in the + // permissions policy of the IAM user. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User + // Guide. + // + // The resulting credentials can be used to access a resource that has a + // resource-based policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user + // session in the Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions + // allowed by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the + // permissions that are granted by the session policies. + // // The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session policies can't // exceed 2,048 characters. The JSON policy characters can be any ASCII character // from the space character to the end of the valid character list (\u0020 through // \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage - // return (\u000D) characters. An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the - // passed inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a - // packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail for this - // limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize - // response element indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags for - // your request are to the upper size limit. + // return (\u000D) characters. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // [session policy]: + // [Session Policies]: Policy *string // The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want to // use as a managed session policy. The policies must exist in the same account as - // the IAM user that is requesting federated access. You must pass an inline or - // managed session policy - // ( - // to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an - // inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon - // Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you - // use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. - // You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about ARNs, - // see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces - // ( in - // the Amazon Web Services General Reference. This parameter is optional. However, - // if you do not pass any session policies, then the resulting federated user - // session has no permissions. When you pass session policies, the session - // permissions are the intersection of the IAM user policies and the session - // policies that you pass. This gives you a way to further restrict the permissions - // for a federated user. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions - // than those that are defined in the permissions policy of the IAM user. For more - // information, see Session Policies - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. The resulting credentials can be used to access a - // resource that has a resource-based policy. If that policy specifically - // references the federated user session in the Principal element of the policy, - // the session has the permissions allowed by the policy. These permissions are - // granted in addition to the permissions that are granted by the session policies. + // the IAM user that is requesting federated access. + // + // You must pass an inline or managed [session policy] to this operation. You can pass a single + // JSON policy document to use as an inline session policy. You can also specify up + // to 10 managed policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session + // policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline and managed session + // policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. You can provide up to 10 managed policy + // ARNs. For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]in the Amazon Web Services General + // Reference. + // + // This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies, + // then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. + // + // When you pass session policies, the session permissions are the intersection of + // the IAM user policies and the session policies that you pass. This gives you a + // way to further restrict the permissions for a federated user. You cannot use + // session policies to grant more permissions than those that are defined in the + // permissions policy of the IAM user. For more information, see [Session Policies]in the IAM User + // Guide. + // + // The resulting credentials can be used to access a resource that has a + // resource-based policy. If that policy specifically references the federated user + // session in the Principal element of the policy, the session has the permissions + // allowed by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the + // permissions that are granted by the session policies. + // // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext - // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by - // percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper // size limit. + // + // [session policy]: + // [Session Policies]: + // [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]: PolicyArns []types.PolicyDescriptorType // A list of session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an - // associated value. For more information about session tags, see Passing Session - // Tags in STS - // ( in the - // IAM User Guide. This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. - // The plaintext session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters and the values can’t - // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see IAM and STS - // Character Limits - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed - // inline session policy, managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed - // binary format that has a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit - // even if your plaintext meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize - // response element indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags for - // your request are to the upper size limit. You can pass a session tag with the - // same key as a tag that is already attached to the user you are federating. When - // you do, session tags override a user tag with the same key. Tag key–value pairs - // are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This means that you cannot have - // separate Department and department tag keys. Assume that the role has the - // Department=Marketing tag and you pass the department=engineering session tag. - // Department and department are not saved as separate tags, and the session tag - // passed in the request takes precedence over the role tag. + // associated value. For more information about session tags, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM User + // Guide. + // + // This parameter is optional. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plaintext + // session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters and the values can’t exceed 256 + // characters. For these and additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy, + // managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has a + // separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext + // meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates + // by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the upper + // size limit. + // + // You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached + // to the user you are federating. When you do, session tags override a user tag + // with the same key. + // + // Tag key–value pairs are not case sensitive, but case is preserved. This means + // that you cannot have separate Department and department tag keys. Assume that + // the role has the Department = Marketing tag and you pass the department = + // engineering session tag. Department and department are not saved as separate + // tags, and the session tag passed in the request takes precedence over the role + // tag. + // + // [Passing Session Tags in STS]: + // [IAM and STS Character Limits]: Tags []types.Tag noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful GetFederationToken request, including -// temporary Amazon Web Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web -// Services requests. +// Contains the response to a successful GetFederationToken request, including temporary Amazon Web +// Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services requests. type GetFederationTokenOutput struct { // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret - // access key, and a security (or session) token. The size of the security token - // that STS API operations return is not fixed. We strongly recommend that you make - // no assumptions about the maximum size. + // access key, and a security (or session) token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *types.Credentials // Identifiers for the federated user associated with the credentials (such as - // arn:aws:sts::123456789012:federated-user/Bob or 123456789012:Bob). You can use + // arn:aws:sts::123456789012:federated-user/Bob or 123456789012:Bob ). You can use // the federated user's ARN in your resource-based policies, such as an Amazon S3 // bucket policy. FederatedUser *types.FederatedUser @@ -253,6 +288,9 @@ type GetFederationTokenOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationGetFederationTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetFederationToken{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -261,34 +299,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetFederationTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetFederationToken"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -297,12 +342,24 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetFederationTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addOpGetFederationTokenValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetFederationToken(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -312,6 +369,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetFederationTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Sta if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -319,7 +391,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetFederationToken(region string) *awsmiddle return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "GetFederationToken", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index bfde5168..fdc45111 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,67 +4,69 @@ package sts import ( "context" + "fmt" awsmiddleware "" - "" "" "" smithyhttp "" ) -// Returns a set of temporary credentials for an Amazon Web Services account or IAM -// user. The credentials consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a -// security token. Typically, you use GetSessionToken if you want to use MFA to +// Returns a set of temporary credentials for an Amazon Web Services account or +// IAM user. The credentials consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and +// a security token. Typically, you use GetSessionToken if you want to use MFA to // protect programmatic calls to specific Amazon Web Services API operations like -// Amazon EC2 StopInstances. MFA-enabled IAM users would need to call -// GetSessionToken and submit an MFA code that is associated with their MFA device. -// Using the temporary security credentials that are returned from the call, IAM -// users can then make programmatic calls to API operations that require MFA -// authentication. If you do not supply a correct MFA code, then the API returns an -// access denied error. For a comparison of GetSessionToken with the other API -// operations that produce temporary credentials, see Requesting Temporary Security -// Credentials -// ( -// and Comparing the Amazon Web Services STS API operations -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. No permissions are required for users to perform this -// operation. The purpose of the sts:GetSessionToken operation is to authenticate -// the user using MFA. You cannot use policies to control authentication -// operations. For more information, see Permissions for GetSessionToken -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. Session Duration The GetSessionToken operation must be -// called by using the long-term Amazon Web Services security credentials of the -// Amazon Web Services account root user or an IAM user. Credentials that are -// created by IAM users are valid for the duration that you specify. This duration -// can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to a maximum of 129,600 seconds (36 -// hours), with a default of 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Credentials based on -// account credentials can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to 3,600 seconds -// (1 hour), with a default of 1 hour. Permissions The temporary security -// credentials created by GetSessionToken can be used to make API calls to any -// Amazon Web Services service with the following exceptions: +// Amazon EC2 StopInstances . // -// * You cannot call -// any IAM API operations unless MFA authentication information is included in the -// request. +// MFA-enabled IAM users must call GetSessionToken and submit an MFA code that is +// associated with their MFA device. Using the temporary security credentials that +// the call returns, IAM users can then make programmatic calls to API operations +// that require MFA authentication. An incorrect MFA code causes the API to return +// an access denied error. For a comparison of GetSessionToken with the other API +// operations that produce temporary credentials, see [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]and [Compare STS credentials] in the IAM User Guide. // -// * You cannot call any STS API except AssumeRole or -// GetCallerIdentity. +// No permissions are required for users to perform this operation. The purpose of +// the sts:GetSessionToken operation is to authenticate the user using MFA. You +// cannot use policies to control authentication operations. For more information, +// see [Permissions for GetSessionToken]in the IAM User Guide. // -// We recommend that you do not call GetSessionToken with -// Amazon Web Services account root user credentials. Instead, follow our best -// practices -// ( -// by creating one or more IAM users, giving them the necessary permissions, and -// using IAM users for everyday interaction with Amazon Web Services. The -// credentials that are returned by GetSessionToken are based on permissions -// associated with the user whose credentials were used to call the operation. If -// GetSessionToken is called using Amazon Web Services account root user -// credentials, the temporary credentials have root user permissions. Similarly, if -// GetSessionToken is called using the credentials of an IAM user, the temporary -// credentials have the same permissions as the IAM user. For more information -// about using GetSessionToken to create temporary credentials, go to Temporary -// Credentials for Users in Untrusted Environments -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// # Session Duration +// +// The GetSessionToken operation must be called by using the long-term Amazon Web +// Services security credentials of an IAM user. Credentials that are created by +// IAM users are valid for the duration that you specify. This duration can range +// from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to a maximum of 129,600 seconds (36 hours), +// with a default of 43,200 seconds (12 hours). Credentials based on account +// credentials can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to 3,600 seconds (1 +// hour), with a default of 1 hour. +// +// # Permissions +// +// The temporary security credentials created by GetSessionToken can be used to +// make API calls to any Amazon Web Services service with the following exceptions: +// +// - You cannot call any IAM API operations unless MFA authentication +// information is included in the request. +// +// - You cannot call any STS API except AssumeRole or GetCallerIdentity . +// +// The credentials that GetSessionToken returns are based on permissions +// associated with the IAM user whose credentials were used to call the operation. +// The temporary credentials have the same permissions as the IAM user. +// +// Although it is possible to call GetSessionToken using the security credentials +// of an Amazon Web Services account root user rather than an IAM user, we do not +// recommend it. If GetSessionToken is called using root user credentials, the +// temporary credentials have root user permissions. For more information, see [Safeguard your root user credentials and don't use them for everyday tasks]in +// the IAM User Guide +// +// For more information about using GetSessionToken to create temporary +// credentials, see [Temporary Credentials for Users in Untrusted Environments]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [Permissions for GetSessionToken]: +// [Temporary Credentials for Users in Untrusted Environments]: +// [Safeguard your root user credentials and don't use them for everyday tasks]: +// [Requesting Temporary Security Credentials]: +// [Compare STS credentials]: func (c *Client) GetSessionToken(ctx context.Context, params *GetSessionTokenInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*GetSessionTokenOutput, error) { if params == nil { params = &GetSessionTokenInput{} @@ -90,39 +92,42 @@ type GetSessionTokenInput struct { // Services account owners defaults to one hour. DurationSeconds *int32 - // The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the IAM user - // who is making the GetSessionToken call. Specify this value if the IAM user has a - // policy that requires MFA authentication. The value is either the serial number - // for a hardware device (such as GAHT12345678) or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) - // for a virtual device (such as arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/user). You can find - // the device for an IAM user by going to the Amazon Web Services Management - // Console and viewing the user's security credentials. The regex used to validate - // this parameter is a string of characters consisting of upper- and lower-case - // alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include underscores or any - // of the following characters: =,.@:/- + // The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the IAM + // user who is making the GetSessionToken call. Specify this value if the IAM user + // has a policy that requires MFA authentication. The value is either the serial + // number for a hardware device (such as GAHT12345678 ) or an Amazon Resource Name + // (ARN) for a virtual device (such as arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/user ). You + // can find the device for an IAM user by going to the Amazon Web Services + // Management Console and viewing the user's security credentials. + // + // The regex used to validate this parameter is a string of characters consisting + // of upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also + // include underscores or any of the following characters: =,.@:/- SerialNumber *string - // The value provided by the MFA device, if MFA is required. If any policy requires - // the IAM user to submit an MFA code, specify this value. If MFA authentication is - // required, the user must provide a code when requesting a set of temporary - // security credentials. A user who fails to provide the code receives an "access - // denied" response when requesting resources that require MFA authentication. The - // format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a sequence of - // six numeric digits. + // The value provided by the MFA device, if MFA is required. If any policy + // requires the IAM user to submit an MFA code, specify this value. If MFA + // authentication is required, the user must provide a code when requesting a set + // of temporary security credentials. A user who fails to provide the code receives + // an "access denied" response when requesting resources that require MFA + // authentication. + // + // The format for this parameter, as described by its regex pattern, is a sequence + // of six numeric digits. TokenCode *string noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// Contains the response to a successful GetSessionToken request, including -// temporary Amazon Web Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web -// Services requests. +// Contains the response to a successful GetSessionToken request, including temporary Amazon Web +// Services credentials that can be used to make Amazon Web Services requests. type GetSessionTokenOutput struct { // The temporary security credentials, which include an access key ID, a secret - // access key, and a security (or session) token. The size of the security token - // that STS API operations return is not fixed. We strongly recommend that you make - // no assumptions about the maximum size. + // access key, and a security (or session) token. + // + // The size of the security token that STS API operations return is not fixed. We + // strongly recommend that you make no assumptions about the maximum size. Credentials *types.Credentials // Metadata pertaining to the operation's result. @@ -132,6 +137,9 @@ type GetSessionTokenOutput struct { } func (c *Client) addOperationGetSessionTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) { + if err := stack.Serialize.Add(&setOperationInputMiddleware{}, middleware.After); err != nil { + return err + } err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetSessionToken{}, middleware.After) if err != nil { return err @@ -140,34 +148,41 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetSessionTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err != nil { return err } + if err := addProtocolFinalizerMiddlewares(stack, options, "GetSessionToken"); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("add protocol finalizers: %v", err) + } + + if err = addlegacyEndpointContextSetter(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientRequestID(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputeContentLength(stack); err != nil { return err } if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil { + if err = addComputePayloadSHA256(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRetry(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil { + if err = addRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil { + if err = addRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { return err } - if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil { + if err = addSpanRetryLoop(stack, options); err != nil { return err } - if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil { + if err = addClientUserAgent(stack, options); err != nil { return err } if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { @@ -176,9 +191,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetSessionTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } + if err = addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addTimeOffsetBuild(stack, c); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addUserAgentRetryMode(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetSessionToken(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil { return err } + if err = addRecursionDetection(stack); err != nil { + return err + } if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil { return err } @@ -188,6 +215,21 @@ func (c *Client) addOperationGetSessionTokenMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil { return err } + if err = addDisableHTTPSMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanInitializeEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestStart(stack); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = addSpanBuildRequestEnd(stack); err != nil { + return err + } return nil } @@ -195,7 +237,6 @@ func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opGetSessionToken(region string) *awsmiddlewar return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{ Region: region, ServiceID: ServiceID, - SigningName: "sts", OperationName: "GetSessionToken", } } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a90b2b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package sts + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + awsmiddleware "" + smithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" +) + +func bindAuthParamsRegion(_ interface{}, params *AuthResolverParameters, _ interface{}, options Options) { + params.Region = options.Region +} + +type setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware struct { +} + +func (*setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) ID() string { + return "setLegacyContextSigningOptions" +} + +func (m *setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + schemeID := rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID() + + if sn := awsmiddleware.GetSigningName(ctx); sn != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sn) + } + } + + if sr := awsmiddleware.GetSigningRegion(ctx); sr != "" { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&rscheme.SignerProperties, sr) + } else if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4a" { + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningRegions(&rscheme.SignerProperties, []string{sr}) + } + } + + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func addSetLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Finalize.Insert(&setLegacyContextSigningOptionsMiddleware{}, "Signing", middleware.Before) +} + +type withAnonymous struct { + resolver AuthSchemeResolver +} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*withAnonymous)(nil) + +func (v *withAnonymous) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + opts, err := v.resolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + opts = append(opts, &smithyauth.Option{ + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous, + }) + return opts, nil +} + +func wrapWithAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if _, ok := options.AuthSchemeResolver.(*defaultAuthSchemeResolver); !ok { + return + } + + options.AuthSchemeResolver = &withAnonymous{ + resolver: options.AuthSchemeResolver, + } +} + +// AuthResolverParameters contains the set of inputs necessary for auth scheme +// resolution. +type AuthResolverParameters struct { + // The name of the operation being invoked. + Operation string + + // The region in which the operation is being invoked. + Region string +} + +func bindAuthResolverParams(ctx context.Context, operation string, input interface{}, options Options) *AuthResolverParameters { + params := &AuthResolverParameters{ + Operation: operation, + } + + bindAuthParamsRegion(ctx, params, input, options) + + return params +} + +// AuthSchemeResolver returns a set of possible authentication options for an +// operation. +type AuthSchemeResolver interface { + ResolveAuthSchemes(context.Context, *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) +} + +type defaultAuthSchemeResolver struct{} + +var _ AuthSchemeResolver = (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver)(nil) + +func (*defaultAuthSchemeResolver) ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx context.Context, params *AuthResolverParameters) ([]*smithyauth.Option, error) { + if overrides, ok := operationAuthOptions[params.Operation]; ok { + return overrides(params), nil + } + return serviceAuthOptions(params), nil +} + +var operationAuthOptions = map[string]func(*AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option{ + "AssumeRoleWithSAML": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, + + "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity": func(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + {SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous}, + } + }, +} + +func serviceAuthOptions(params *AuthResolverParameters) []*smithyauth.Option { + return []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: smithyauth.SchemeIDSigV4, + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var props smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&props, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&props, params.Region) + return props + }(), + }, + } +} + +type resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware struct { + operation string + options Options +} + +func (*resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveAuthScheme" +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveAuthScheme") + defer span.End() + + params := bindAuthResolverParams(ctx, m.operation, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + options, err := m.options.AuthSchemeResolver.ResolveAuthSchemes(ctx, params) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("resolve auth scheme: %w", err) + } + + scheme, ok := m.selectScheme(options) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("could not select an auth scheme") + } + + ctx = setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx, scheme) + + span.SetProperty("auth.scheme_id", scheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +func (m *resolveAuthSchemeMiddleware) selectScheme(options []*smithyauth.Option) (*resolvedAuthScheme, bool) { + for _, option := range options { + if option.SchemeID == smithyauth.SchemeIDAnonymous { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(smithyhttp.NewAnonymousScheme(), option), true + } + + for _, scheme := range m.options.AuthSchemes { + if scheme.SchemeID() != option.SchemeID { + continue + } + + if scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) != nil { + return newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme, option), true + } + } + } + + return nil, false +} + +type resolvedAuthSchemeKey struct{} + +type resolvedAuthScheme struct { + Scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme + IdentityProperties smithy.Properties + SignerProperties smithy.Properties +} + +func newResolvedAuthScheme(scheme smithyhttp.AuthScheme, option *smithyauth.Option) *resolvedAuthScheme { + return &resolvedAuthScheme{ + Scheme: scheme, + IdentityProperties: option.IdentityProperties, + SignerProperties: option.SignerProperties, + } +} + +func setResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context, scheme *resolvedAuthScheme) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}, scheme) +} + +func getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx context.Context) *resolvedAuthScheme { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, resolvedAuthSchemeKey{}).(*resolvedAuthScheme) + return v +} + +type getIdentityMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*getIdentityMiddleware) ID() string { + return "GetIdentity" +} + +func (m *getIdentityMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + innerCtx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "GetIdentity") + defer span.End() + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(innerCtx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + resolver := rscheme.Scheme.IdentityResolver(m.options) + if resolver == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity resolver") + } + + identity, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyauth.Identity, error) { + return resolver.GetIdentity(innerCtx, rscheme.IdentityProperties) + }, + func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("get identity: %w", err) + } + + ctx = setIdentity(ctx, identity) + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} + +type identityKey struct{} + +func setIdentity(ctx context.Context, identity smithyauth.Identity) context.Context { + return middleware.WithStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}, identity) +} + +func getIdentity(ctx context.Context) smithyauth.Identity { + v, _ := middleware.GetStackValue(ctx, identityKey{}).(smithyauth.Identity) + return v +} + +type signRequestMiddleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*signRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return "Signing" +} + +func (m *signRequestMiddleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "SignRequest") + defer span.End() + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unexpected transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + identity := getIdentity(ctx) + if identity == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no identity") + } + + signer := rscheme.Scheme.Signer() + if signer == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no signer") + } + + _, err = timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", func() (any, error) { + return nil, signer.SignRequest(ctx, req, identity, rscheme.SignerProperties) + }, func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("auth.scheme_id", rscheme.Scheme.SchemeID()) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("sign request: %w", err) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 5d634ce3..59349890 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -16,12 +16,22 @@ import ( "" "" smithytime "" + "" smithyhttp "" "io" "strconv" "strings" + "time" ) +func deserializeS3Expires(v string) (*time.Time, error) { + t, err := smithytime.ParseHTTPDate(v) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil + } + return &t, nil +} + type awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRole struct { } @@ -37,6 +47,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRole) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Cont return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -154,6 +168,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoleWithSAML) HandleDeserialize(ctx cont return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -277,6 +295,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity) HandleDeserialize(c return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -388,6 +410,121 @@ func awsAwsquery_deserializeOpErrorAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(response *smithyhtt } } +type awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoot struct { +} + +func (*awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoot) ID() string { + return "OperationDeserializer" +} + +func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpAssumeRoot) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) ( + out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, err + } + + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} + } + + if response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode >= 300 { + return out, metadata, awsAwsquery_deserializeOpErrorAssumeRoot(response, &metadata) + } + output := &AssumeRootOutput{} + out.Result = output + + var buff [1024]byte + ringBuffer := smithyio.NewRingBuffer(buff[:]) + body := io.TeeReader(response.Body, ringBuffer) + rootDecoder := xml.NewDecoder(body) + t, err := smithyxml.FetchRootElement(rootDecoder) + if err == io.EOF { + return out, metadata, nil + } + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + } + + decoder := smithyxml.WrapNodeDecoder(rootDecoder, t) + t, err = decoder.GetElement("AssumeRootResult") + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return out, metadata, err + } + + decoder = smithyxml.WrapNodeDecoder(decoder.Decoder, t) + err = awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDocumentAssumeRootOutput(&output, decoder) + if err != nil { + var snapshot bytes.Buffer + io.Copy(&snapshot, ringBuffer) + err = &smithy.DeserializationError{ + Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response body, %w", err), + Snapshot: snapshot.Bytes(), + } + return out, metadata, err + } + + return out, metadata, err +} + +func awsAwsquery_deserializeOpErrorAssumeRoot(response *smithyhttp.Response, metadata *middleware.Metadata) error { + var errorBuffer bytes.Buffer + if _, err := io.Copy(&errorBuffer, response.Body); err != nil { + return &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("failed to copy error response body, %w", err)} + } + errorBody := bytes.NewReader(errorBuffer.Bytes()) + + errorCode := "UnknownError" + errorMessage := errorCode + + errorComponents, err := awsxml.GetErrorResponseComponents(errorBody, false) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if reqID := errorComponents.RequestID; len(reqID) != 0 { + awsmiddleware.SetRequestIDMetadata(metadata, reqID) + } + if len(errorComponents.Code) != 0 { + errorCode = errorComponents.Code + } + if len(errorComponents.Message) != 0 { + errorMessage = errorComponents.Message + } + errorBody.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) + switch { + case strings.EqualFold("ExpiredTokenException", errorCode): + return awsAwsquery_deserializeErrorExpiredTokenException(response, errorBody) + + case strings.EqualFold("RegionDisabledException", errorCode): + return awsAwsquery_deserializeErrorRegionDisabledException(response, errorBody) + + default: + genericError := &smithy.GenericAPIError{ + Code: errorCode, + Message: errorMessage, + } + return genericError + + } +} + type awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage struct { } @@ -403,6 +540,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage) HandleDeserialize( return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -511,6 +652,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpGetAccessKeyInfo) HandleDeserialize(ctx contex return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -616,6 +761,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpGetCallerIdentity) HandleDeserialize(ctx conte return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -721,6 +870,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpGetFederationToken) HandleDeserialize(ctx cont return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -835,6 +988,10 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_deserializeOpGetSessionToken) HandleDeserialize(ctx context return out, metadata, err } + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationDeserializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() response, ok := out.RawResponse.(*smithyhttp.Response) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.DeserializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", out.RawResponse)} @@ -2226,6 +2383,61 @@ func awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDocumentAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityOutput(v **Assume return nil } +func awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDocumentAssumeRootOutput(v **AssumeRootOutput, decoder smithyxml.NodeDecoder) error { + if v == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) + } + var sv *AssumeRootOutput + if *v == nil { + sv = &AssumeRootOutput{} + } else { + sv = *v + } + + for { + t, done, err := decoder.Token() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if done { + break + } + originalDecoder := decoder + decoder = smithyxml.WrapNodeDecoder(originalDecoder.Decoder, t) + switch { + case strings.EqualFold("Credentials", t.Name.Local): + nodeDecoder := smithyxml.WrapNodeDecoder(decoder.Decoder, t) + if err := awsAwsquery_deserializeDocumentCredentials(&sv.Credentials, nodeDecoder); err != nil { + return err + } + + case strings.EqualFold("SourceIdentity", t.Name.Local): + val, err := decoder.Value() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if val == nil { + break + } + { + xtv := string(val) + sv.SourceIdentity = ptr.String(xtv) + } + + default: + // Do nothing and ignore the unexpected tag element + err = decoder.Decoder.Skip() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + } + decoder = originalDecoder + } + *v = sv + return nil +} + func awsAwsquery_deserializeOpDocumentDecodeAuthorizationMessageOutput(v **DecodeAuthorizationMessageOutput, decoder smithyxml.NodeDecoder) error { if v == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected nil of type %T", v) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 7cabbb97..cbb19c7f 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ // Package sts provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS // Security Token Service. // -// Security Token Service Security Token Service (STS) enables you to request -// temporary, limited-privilege credentials for Identity and Access Management -// (IAM) users or for users that you authenticate (federated users). This guide -// provides descriptions of the STS API. For more information about using this -// service, see Temporary Security Credentials -// ( +// # Security Token Service +// +// Security Token Service (STS) enables you to request temporary, +// limited-privilege credentials for users. This guide provides descriptions of the +// STS API. For more information about using this service, see [Temporary Security Credentials]. +// +// [Temporary Security Credentials]: package sts diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index cababea2..dca2ce35 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -8,10 +8,20 @@ import ( "fmt" "" awsmiddleware "" + internalConfig "" + "" + "" internalendpoints "" + smithy "" + smithyauth "" + smithyendpoints "" "" + "" + "" smithyhttp "" + "net/http" "net/url" + "os" "strings" ) @@ -39,13 +49,6 @@ func (fn EndpointResolverFunc) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointRe return fn(region, options) } -func resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(o *Options) { - if o.EndpointResolver != nil { - return - } - o.EndpointResolver = NewDefaultEndpointResolver() -} - // EndpointResolverFromURL returns an EndpointResolver configured using the // provided endpoint url. By default, the resolved endpoint resolver uses the // client region as signing region, and the endpoint source is set to @@ -79,6 +82,10 @@ func (*ResolveEndpoint) ID() string { func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + if !awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) @@ -94,6 +101,11 @@ func (m *ResolveEndpoint) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.Ser var endpoint aws.Endpoint endpoint, err = m.Resolver.ResolveEndpoint(awsmiddleware.GetRegion(ctx), eo) if err != nil { + nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}) + if errors.As(err, &nf) { + ctx = awsmiddleware.SetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx, false) + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) } @@ -129,27 +141,10 @@ func removeResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { type wrappedEndpointResolver struct { awsResolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions - resolver EndpointResolver } func (w *wrappedEndpointResolver) ResolveEndpoint(region string, options EndpointResolverOptions) (endpoint aws.Endpoint, err error) { - if w.awsResolver == nil { - goto fallback - } - endpoint, err = w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) - if err == nil { - return endpoint, nil - } - - if nf := (&aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}); !errors.As(err, &nf) { - return endpoint, err - } - -fallback: - if w.resolver == nil { - return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("default endpoint resolver provided was nil") - } - return w.resolver.ResolveEndpoint(region, options) + return w.awsResolver.ResolveEndpoint(ServiceID, region, options) } type awsEndpointResolverAdaptor func(service, region string) (aws.Endpoint, error) @@ -160,12 +155,13 @@ func (a awsEndpointResolverAdaptor) ResolveEndpoint(service, region string, opti var _ aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions = awsEndpointResolverAdaptor(nil) -// withEndpointResolver returns an EndpointResolver that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. -// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the resolver will use the the provided -// fallbackResolver for resolution. +// withEndpointResolver returns an aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions that first delegates endpoint resolution to the awsResolver. +// If awsResolver returns aws.EndpointNotFoundError error, the v1 resolver middleware will swallow the error, +// and set an appropriate context flag such that fallback will occur when EndpointResolverV2 is invoked +// via its middleware. // -// fallbackResolver must not be nil -func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions, fallbackResolver EndpointResolver) EndpointResolver { +// If another error (besides aws.EndpointNotFoundError) is returned, then that error will be propagated. +func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptions aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions) EndpointResolver { var resolver aws.EndpointResolverWithOptions if awsResolverWithOptions != nil { @@ -176,7 +172,6 @@ func withEndpointResolver(awsResolver aws.EndpointResolver, awsResolverWithOptio return &wrappedEndpointResolver{ awsResolver: resolver, - resolver: fallbackResolver, } } @@ -198,3 +193,944 @@ func finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(options *Options) { } } + +func resolveEndpointResolverV2(options *Options) { + if options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + options.EndpointResolverV2 = NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() + } +} + +func resolveBaseEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) { + if cfg.BaseEndpoint != nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = cfg.BaseEndpoint + } + + _, g := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL") + _, s := os.LookupEnv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_STS") + + if g && !s { + return + } + + value, found, err := internalConfig.ResolveServiceBaseEndpoint(context.Background(), "STS", cfg.ConfigSources) + if found && err == nil { + o.BaseEndpoint = &value + } +} + +func bindRegion(region string) *string { + if region == "" { + return nil + } + return aws.String(endpoints.MapFIPSRegion(region)) +} + +// EndpointParameters provides the parameters that influence how endpoints are +// resolved. +type EndpointParameters struct { + // The AWS region used to dispatch the request. + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // AWS::Region + Region *string + + // When true, use the dual-stack endpoint. If the configured endpoint does not + // support dual-stack, dispatching the request MAY return an error. + // + // Defaults to + // false if no value is provided. + // + // AWS::UseDualStack + UseDualStack *bool + + // When true, send this request to the FIPS-compliant regional endpoint. If the + // configured endpoint does not have a FIPS compliant endpoint, dispatching the + // request will return an error. + // + // Defaults to false if no value is + // provided. + // + // AWS::UseFIPS + UseFIPS *bool + + // Override the endpoint used to send this request + // + // Parameter is + // required. + // + // SDK::Endpoint + Endpoint *string + + // Whether the global endpoint should be used, rather then the regional endpoint + // for us-east-1. + // + // Defaults to false if no value is + // provided. + // + // AWS::STS::UseGlobalEndpoint + UseGlobalEndpoint *bool +} + +// ValidateRequired validates required parameters are set. +func (p EndpointParameters) ValidateRequired() error { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseDualStack is required") + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseFIPS is required") + } + + if p.UseGlobalEndpoint == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter UseGlobalEndpoint is required") + } + + return nil +} + +// WithDefaults returns a shallow copy of EndpointParameterswith default values +// applied to members where applicable. +func (p EndpointParameters) WithDefaults() EndpointParameters { + if p.UseDualStack == nil { + p.UseDualStack = ptr.Bool(false) + } + + if p.UseFIPS == nil { + p.UseFIPS = ptr.Bool(false) + } + + if p.UseGlobalEndpoint == nil { + p.UseGlobalEndpoint = ptr.Bool(false) + } + return p +} + +type stringSlice []string + +func (s stringSlice) Get(i int) *string { + if i < 0 || i >= len(s) { + return nil + } + + v := s[i] + return &v +} + +// EndpointResolverV2 provides the interface for resolving service endpoints. +type EndpointResolverV2 interface { + // ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, + // returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. + ResolveEndpoint(ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters) ( + smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error, + ) +} + +// resolver provides the implementation for resolving endpoints. +type resolver struct{} + +func NewDefaultEndpointResolverV2() EndpointResolverV2 { + return &resolver{} +} + +// ResolveEndpoint attempts to resolve the endpoint with the provided options, +// returning the endpoint if found. Otherwise an error is returned. +func (r *resolver) ResolveEndpoint( + ctx context.Context, params EndpointParameters, +) ( + endpoint smithyendpoints.Endpoint, err error, +) { + params = params.WithDefaults() + if err = params.ValidateRequired(); err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint parameters are not valid, %w", err) + } + _UseDualStack := *params.UseDualStack + _UseFIPS := *params.UseFIPS + _UseGlobalEndpoint := *params.UseGlobalEndpoint + + if _UseGlobalEndpoint == true { + if !(params.Endpoint != nil) { + if exprVal := params.Region; exprVal != nil { + _Region := *exprVal + _ = _Region + if exprVal := awsrulesfn.GetPartition(_Region); exprVal != nil { + _PartitionResult := *exprVal + _ = _PartitionResult + if _UseFIPS == false { + if _UseDualStack == false { + if _Region == "ap-northeast-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "ap-south-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "ap-southeast-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "ap-southeast-2" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "aws-global" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "ca-central-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "eu-central-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "eu-north-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "eu-west-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "eu-west-2" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "eu-west-3" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "sa-east-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "us-east-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "us-east-2" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "us-west-1" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + if _Region == "us-west-2" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, _Region) + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + } + } + } + } + } + if exprVal := params.Endpoint; exprVal != nil { + _Endpoint := *exprVal + _ = _Endpoint + if _UseFIPS == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: FIPS and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Dualstack and custom endpoint are not supported") + } + uriString := _Endpoint + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + if exprVal := params.Region; exprVal != nil { + _Region := *exprVal + _ = _Region + if exprVal := awsrulesfn.GetPartition(_Region); exprVal != nil { + _PartitionResult := *exprVal + _ = _PartitionResult + if _UseFIPS == true { + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS and DualStack are enabled, but this partition does not support one or both") + } + } + if _UseFIPS == true { + if _PartitionResult.SupportsFIPS == true { + if _PartitionResult.Name == "aws-us-gov" { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString("") + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts-fips.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "FIPS is enabled but this partition does not support FIPS") + } + if _UseDualStack == true { + if true == _PartitionResult.SupportsDualStack { + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DualStackDnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "DualStack is enabled but this partition does not support DualStack") + } + if _Region == "aws-global" { + uriString := "" + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + Properties: func() smithy.Properties { + var out smithy.Properties + smithyauth.SetAuthOptions(&out, []*smithyauth.Option{ + { + SchemeID: "aws.auth#sigv4", + SignerProperties: func() smithy.Properties { + var sp smithy.Properties + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningName(&sp, "sts") + smithyhttp.SetSigV4ASigningName(&sp, "sts") + + smithyhttp.SetSigV4SigningRegion(&sp, "us-east-1") + return sp + }(), + }, + }) + return out + }(), + }, nil + } + uriString := func() string { + var out strings.Builder + out.WriteString("https://sts.") + out.WriteString(_Region) + out.WriteString(".") + out.WriteString(_PartitionResult.DnsSuffix) + return out.String() + }() + + uri, err := url.Parse(uriString) + if err != nil { + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse uri: %s", uriString) + } + + return smithyendpoints.Endpoint{ + URI: *uri, + Headers: http.Header{}, + }, nil + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("Endpoint resolution failed. Invalid operation or environment input.") + } + return endpoint, fmt.Errorf("endpoint rule error, %s", "Invalid Configuration: Missing Region") +} + +type endpointParamsBinder interface { + bindEndpointParams(*EndpointParameters) +} + +func bindEndpointParams(ctx context.Context, input interface{}, options Options) *EndpointParameters { + params := &EndpointParameters{} + + params.Region = bindRegion(options.Region) + params.UseDualStack = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseDualStackEndpoint == aws.DualStackEndpointStateEnabled) + params.UseFIPS = aws.Bool(options.EndpointOptions.UseFIPSEndpoint == aws.FIPSEndpointStateEnabled) + params.Endpoint = options.BaseEndpoint + + if b, ok := input.(endpointParamsBinder); ok { + b.bindEndpointParams(params) + } + + return params +} + +type resolveEndpointV2Middleware struct { + options Options +} + +func (*resolveEndpointV2Middleware) ID() string { + return "ResolveEndpointV2" +} + +func (m *resolveEndpointV2Middleware) HandleFinalize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.FinalizeInput, next middleware.FinalizeHandler) ( + out middleware.FinalizeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "ResolveEndpoint") + defer span.End() + + if awsmiddleware.GetRequiresLegacyEndpoints(ctx) { + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) + } + + req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + if m.options.EndpointResolverV2 == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("expected endpoint resolver to not be nil") + } + + params := bindEndpointParams(ctx, getOperationInput(ctx), m.options) + endpt, err := timeOperationMetric(ctx, "", + func() (smithyendpoints.Endpoint, error) { + return m.options.EndpointResolverV2.ResolveEndpoint(ctx, *params) + }) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve service endpoint, %w", err) + } + + span.SetProperty("", endpt.URI.String()) + + if endpt.URI.RawPath == "" && req.URL.RawPath != "" { + endpt.URI.RawPath = endpt.URI.Path + } + req.URL.Scheme = endpt.URI.Scheme + req.URL.Host = endpt.URI.Host + req.URL.Path = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.Path, req.URL.Path) + req.URL.RawPath = smithyhttp.JoinPath(endpt.URI.RawPath, req.URL.RawPath) + for k := range endpt.Headers { + req.Header.Set(k, endpt.Headers.Get(k)) + } + + rscheme := getResolvedAuthScheme(ctx) + if rscheme == nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("no resolved auth scheme") + } + + opts, _ := smithyauth.GetAuthOptions(&endpt.Properties) + for _, o := range opts { + rscheme.SignerProperties.SetAll(&o.SignerProperties) + } + + span.End() + return next.HandleFinalize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 86341bb7..70a88452 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ "": "v1.4.0", "": "v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000", "": "v2.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000", + "": "v1.0.5", "": "v1.0.7", "": "v1.4.0" }, @@ -12,19 +13,25 @@ "api_op_AssumeRole.go", "api_op_AssumeRoleWithSAML.go", "api_op_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.go", + "api_op_AssumeRoot.go", "api_op_DecodeAuthorizationMessage.go", "api_op_GetAccessKeyInfo.go", "api_op_GetCallerIdentity.go", "api_op_GetFederationToken.go", "api_op_GetSessionToken.go", + "auth.go", "deserializers.go", "doc.go", "endpoints.go", + "endpoints_config_test.go", + "endpoints_test.go", "generated.json", "internal/endpoints/endpoints.go", "internal/endpoints/endpoints_test.go", + "options.go", "protocol_test.go", "serializers.go", + "snapshot_test.go", "types/errors.go", "types/types.go", "validators.go" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index ae6f9e76..8e3322f2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package sts // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.17.6" +const goModuleVersion = "1.33.14" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index ce9acedc..8fc2012a 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ var partitionRegexp = struct { AwsCn *regexp.Regexp AwsIso *regexp.Regexp AwsIsoB *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoE *regexp.Regexp + AwsIsoF *regexp.Regexp AwsUsGov *regexp.Regexp }{ - Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + Aws: regexp.MustCompile("^(us|eu|ap|sa|ca|me|af|il|mx)\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsCn: regexp.MustCompile("^cn\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIso: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-iso\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsIsoB: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isob\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoE: regexp.MustCompile("^eu\\-isoe\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), + AwsIsoF: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-isof\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), AwsUsGov: regexp.MustCompile("^us\\-gov\\-\\w+\\-\\d+$"), } @@ -165,6 +169,15 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ap-southeast-3", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-4", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-5", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ap-southeast-7", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "aws-global", }: endpoints.Endpoint{ @@ -176,6 +189,9 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "ca-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "ca-west-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, @@ -200,12 +216,18 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "eu-west-3", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "il-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "me-central-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "me-south-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "mx-central-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, endpoints.EndpointKey{ Region: "sa-east-1", }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, @@ -381,6 +403,56 @@ var defaultPartitions = endpoints.Partitions{ }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, }, }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-e", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "sts-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "sts.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoE, + IsRegionalized: true, + }, + { + ID: "aws-iso-f", + Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ + { + Variant: endpoints.FIPSVariant, + }: { + Hostname: "sts-fips.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + { + Variant: 0, + }: { + Hostname: "sts.{region}", + Protocols: []string{"https"}, + SignatureVersions: []string{"v4"}, + }, + }, + RegionRegex: partitionRegexp.AwsIsoF, + IsRegionalized: true, + Endpoints: endpoints.Endpoints{ + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "us-isof-east-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + endpoints.EndpointKey{ + Region: "us-isof-south-1", + }: endpoints.Endpoint{}, + }, + }, { ID: "aws-us-gov", Defaults: map[endpoints.DefaultKey]endpoints.Endpoint{ diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1398f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT. + +package sts + +import ( + "context" + "" + awsmiddleware "" + internalauthsmithy "" + smithyauth "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + smithyhttp "" + "net/http" +) + +type HTTPClient interface { + Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) +} + +type Options struct { + // Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all + // operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to + // modify this list for per operation behavior. + APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error + + // The optional application specific identifier appended to the User-Agent header. + AppID string + + // This endpoint will be given as input to an EndpointResolverV2. It is used for + // providing a custom base endpoint that is subject to modifications by the + // processing EndpointResolverV2. + BaseEndpoint *string + + // Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger. + ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode + + // The credentials object to use when signing requests. + Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider + + // The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the + // clients initial default settings. + DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint. + EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions + + // The service endpoint resolver. + // + // Deprecated: Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a + // value for this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related + // service features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and + // BaseEndpoint. + // + // To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set + // the client option BaseEndpoint instead. + EndpointResolver EndpointResolver + + // Resolves the endpoint used for a particular service operation. This should be + // used over the deprecated EndpointResolver. + EndpointResolverV2 EndpointResolverV2 + + // Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer + HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4 + + // The logger writer interface to write logging messages to. + Logger logging.Logger + + // The client meter provider. + MeterProvider metrics.MeterProvider + + // The region to send requests to. (Required) + Region string + + // RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call + // an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and + // will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify + // per operation call's retry max attempts. + // + // If specified in an operation call's functional options with a value that is + // different than the constructed client's Options, the Client's Retryer will be + // wrapped to use the operation's specific RetryMaxAttempts value. + RetryMaxAttempts int + + // RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if + // Retryer option is not also specified. + // + // When creating a new API Clients this member will only be used if the Retryer + // Options member is nil. This value will be ignored if Retryer is not nil. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + RetryMode aws.RetryMode + + // Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable + // failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of + // default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode + // option. + Retryer aws.Retryer + + // The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set + // to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig . You + // should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here + // within your applications. + RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment + + // The client tracer provider. + TracerProvider tracing.TracerProvider + + // The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the + // DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved + // value was at that point in time. + // + // Currently does not support per operation call overrides, may in the future. + resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode + + // The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP + // implementation if nil. + HTTPClient HTTPClient + + // The auth scheme resolver which determines how to authenticate for each + // operation. + AuthSchemeResolver AuthSchemeResolver + + // The list of auth schemes supported by the client. + AuthSchemes []smithyhttp.AuthScheme +} + +// Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied. +func (o Options) Copy() Options { + to := o + to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions)) + copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions) + + return to +} + +func (o Options) GetIdentityResolver(schemeID string) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if schemeID == "aws.auth#sigv4" { + return getSigV4IdentityResolver(o) + } + if schemeID == "smithy.api#noAuth" { + return &smithyauth.AnonymousIdentityResolver{} + } + return nil +} + +// WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions +// option. +func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...) + } +} + +// Deprecated: EndpointResolver and WithEndpointResolver. Providing a value for +// this field will likely prevent you from using any endpoint-related service +// features released after the introduction of EndpointResolverV2 and BaseEndpoint. +// +// To migrate an EndpointResolver implementation that uses a custom endpoint, set +// the client option BaseEndpoint instead. +func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolver = v + } +} + +// WithEndpointResolverV2 returns a functional option for setting the Client's +// EndpointResolverV2 option. +func WithEndpointResolverV2(v EndpointResolverV2) func(*Options) { + return func(o *Options) { + o.EndpointResolverV2 = v + } +} + +func getSigV4IdentityResolver(o Options) smithyauth.IdentityResolver { + if o.Credentials != nil { + return &internalauthsmithy.CredentialsProviderAdapter{Provider: o.Credentials} + } + return nil +} + +// WithSigV4SigningName applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing name for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing name from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningName(name string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningName(ctx, name), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningName", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +// WithSigV4SigningRegion applies an override to the authentication workflow to +// use the given signing region for SigV4-authenticated operations. +// +// This is an advanced setting. The value here is FINAL, taking precedence over +// the resolved signing region from both auth scheme resolution and endpoint +// resolution. +func WithSigV4SigningRegion(region string) func(*Options) { + fn := func(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, + ) { + return next.HandleInitialize(awsmiddleware.SetSigningRegion(ctx, region), in) + } + return func(o *Options) { + o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + return s.Initialize.Add( + middleware.InitializeMiddlewareFunc("withSigV4SigningRegion", fn), + middleware.Before, + ) + }) + } +} + +func ignoreAnonymousAuth(options *Options) { + if aws.IsCredentialsProvider(options.Credentials, (*aws.AnonymousCredentials)(nil)) { + options.Credentials = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 05531d36..96b22213 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import ( smithy "" "" "" + "" smithyhttp "" "path" ) @@ -25,6 +26,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRole) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRole) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -76,6 +81,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRole) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -89,6 +96,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithSAML) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithSAML) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -140,6 +151,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithSAML) HandleSerialize(ctx context. } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -153,6 +166,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -204,6 +221,78 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity) HandleSerialize(ctx c } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} + +type awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoot struct { +} + +func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoot) ID() string { + return "OperationSerializer" +} + +func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpAssumeRoot) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() + request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} + } + + input, ok := in.Parameters.(*AssumeRootInput) + _ = input + if !ok { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown input parameters type %T", in.Parameters)} + } + + operationPath := "/" + if len(request.Request.URL.Path) == 0 { + request.Request.URL.Path = operationPath + } else { + request.Request.URL.Path = path.Join(request.Request.URL.Path, operationPath) + if request.Request.URL.Path != "/" && operationPath[len(operationPath)-1] == '/' { + request.Request.URL.Path += "/" + } + } + request.Request.Method = "POST" + httpBindingEncoder, err := httpbinding.NewEncoder(request.URL.Path, request.URL.RawQuery, request.Header) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + httpBindingEncoder.SetHeader("Content-Type").String("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") + + bodyWriter := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + bodyEncoder := query.NewEncoder(bodyWriter) + body := bodyEncoder.Object() + body.Key("Action").String("AssumeRoot") + body.Key("Version").String("2011-06-15") + + if err := awsAwsquery_serializeOpDocumentAssumeRootInput(input, bodyEncoder.Value); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + err = bodyEncoder.Encode() + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + if request, err = request.SetStream(bytes.NewReader(bodyWriter.Bytes())); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + + if request.Request, err = httpBindingEncoder.Encode(request.Request); err != nil { + return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: err} + } + in.Request = request + + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -217,6 +306,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -268,6 +361,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage) HandleSerialize(ctx } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -281,6 +376,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetAccessKeyInfo) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetAccessKeyInfo) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -332,6 +431,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetAccessKeyInfo) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Co } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -345,6 +446,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetCallerIdentity) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetCallerIdentity) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -392,6 +497,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetCallerIdentity) HandleSerialize(ctx context.C } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -405,6 +512,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetFederationToken) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetFederationToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -456,6 +567,8 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetFederationToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context. } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } @@ -469,6 +582,10 @@ func (*awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetSessionToken) ID() string { func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetSessionToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler) ( out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + _, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "OperationSerializer") + endTimer := startMetricTimer(ctx, "") + defer endTimer() + defer span.End() request, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) if !ok { return out, metadata, &smithy.SerializationError{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request)} @@ -520,12 +637,11 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetSessionToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Con } in.Request = request + endTimer() + span.End() return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) } func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentPolicyDescriptorListType(v []types.PolicyDescriptorType, value query.Value) error { - if len(v) == 0 { - return nil - } array := value.Array("member") for i := range v { @@ -549,6 +665,35 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentPolicyDescriptorType(v *types.PolicyDescriptor return nil } +func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentProvidedContext(v *types.ProvidedContext, value query.Value) error { + object := value.Object() + _ = object + + if v.ContextAssertion != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("ContextAssertion") + objectKey.String(*v.ContextAssertion) + } + + if v.ProviderArn != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("ProviderArn") + objectKey.String(*v.ProviderArn) + } + + return nil +} + +func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentProvidedContextsListType(v []types.ProvidedContext, value query.Value) error { + array := value.Array("member") + + for i := range v { + av := array.Value() + if err := awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentProvidedContext(&v[i], av); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTag(v *types.Tag, value query.Value) error { object := value.Object() _ = object @@ -567,9 +712,6 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTag(v *types.Tag, value query.Value) error { } func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagKeyListType(v []string, value query.Value) error { - if len(v) == 0 { - return nil - } array := value.Array("member") for i := range v { @@ -580,9 +722,6 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagKeyListType(v []string, value query.Value) } func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagListType(v []types.Tag, value query.Value) error { - if len(v) == 0 { - return nil - } array := value.Array("member") for i := range v { @@ -620,6 +759,13 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeOpDocumentAssumeRoleInput(v *AssumeRoleInput, value qu } } + if v.ProvidedContexts != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("ProvidedContexts") + if err := awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentProvidedContextsListType(v.ProvidedContexts, objectKey); err != nil { + return err + } + } + if v.RoleArn != nil { objectKey := object.Key("RoleArn") objectKey.String(*v.RoleArn) @@ -745,6 +891,30 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeOpDocumentAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput(v *AssumeRole return nil } +func awsAwsquery_serializeOpDocumentAssumeRootInput(v *AssumeRootInput, value query.Value) error { + object := value.Object() + _ = object + + if v.DurationSeconds != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("DurationSeconds") + objectKey.Integer(*v.DurationSeconds) + } + + if v.TargetPrincipal != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("TargetPrincipal") + objectKey.String(*v.TargetPrincipal) + } + + if v.TaskPolicyArn != nil { + objectKey := object.Key("TaskPolicyArn") + if err := awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentPolicyDescriptorType(v.TaskPolicyArn, objectKey); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + func awsAwsquery_serializeOpDocumentDecodeAuthorizationMessageInput(v *DecodeAuthorizationMessageInput, value query.Value) error { object := value.Object() _ = object diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index b109fe5f..041629bb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import ( type ExpiredTokenException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -24,7 +26,12 @@ func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorCode() string { return "ExpiredTokenException" } +func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "ExpiredTokenException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The request could not be fulfilled because the identity provider (IDP) that was @@ -35,6 +42,8 @@ func (e *ExpiredTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.F type IDPCommunicationErrorException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -47,16 +56,24 @@ func (e *IDPCommunicationErrorException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *IDPCommunicationErrorException) ErrorCode() string { return "IDPCommunicationError" } +func (e *IDPCommunicationErrorException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "IDPCommunicationError" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *IDPCommunicationErrorException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The identity provider (IdP) reported that authentication failed. This might be -// because the claim is invalid. If this error is returned for the -// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity operation, it can also mean that the claim has expired -// or has been explicitly revoked. +// because the claim is invalid. +// +// If this error is returned for the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity operation, it can +// also mean that the claim has expired or has been explicitly revoked. type IDPRejectedClaimException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -69,15 +86,22 @@ func (e *IDPRejectedClaimException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *IDPRejectedClaimException) ErrorCode() string { return "IDPRejectedClaim" } +func (e *IDPRejectedClaimException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "IDPRejectedClaim" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *IDPRejectedClaimException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The error returned if the message passed to DecodeAuthorizationMessage was -// invalid. This can happen if the token contains invalid characters, such as -// linebreaks. +// invalid. This can happen if the token contains invalid characters, such as line +// breaks, or if the message has expired. type InvalidAuthorizationMessageException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -91,7 +115,10 @@ func (e *InvalidAuthorizationMessageException) ErrorMessage() string { return *e.Message } func (e *InvalidAuthorizationMessageException) ErrorCode() string { - return "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException" + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidAuthorizationMessageException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride } func (e *InvalidAuthorizationMessageException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient @@ -103,6 +130,8 @@ func (e *InvalidAuthorizationMessageException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { type InvalidIdentityTokenException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -115,7 +144,12 @@ func (e *InvalidIdentityTokenException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *InvalidIdentityTokenException) ErrorCode() string { return "InvalidIdentityToken" } +func (e *InvalidIdentityTokenException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "InvalidIdentityToken" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *InvalidIdentityTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The request was rejected because the policy document was malformed. The error @@ -123,6 +157,8 @@ func (e *InvalidIdentityTokenException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return type MalformedPolicyDocumentException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -135,7 +171,12 @@ func (e *MalformedPolicyDocumentException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *MalformedPolicyDocumentException) ErrorCode() string { return "MalformedPolicyDocument" } +func (e *MalformedPolicyDocumentException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "MalformedPolicyDocument" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *MalformedPolicyDocumentException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } // The request was rejected because the total packed size of the session policies @@ -143,16 +184,18 @@ func (e *MalformedPolicyDocumentException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { retu // compresses the session policy document, session policy ARNs, and session tags // into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. The error message // indicates by percentage how close the policies and tags are to the upper size -// limit. For more information, see Passing Session Tags in STS -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. You could receive this error even though you meet other defined -// session policy and session tag limits. For more information, see IAM and STS -// Entity Character Limits -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// limit. For more information, see [Passing Session Tags in STS]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// You could receive this error even though you meet other defined session policy +// and session tag limits. For more information, see [IAM and STS Entity Character Limits]in the IAM User Guide. +// +// [Passing Session Tags in STS]: +// [IAM and STS Entity Character Limits]: type PackedPolicyTooLargeException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -165,18 +208,25 @@ func (e *PackedPolicyTooLargeException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *PackedPolicyTooLargeException) ErrorCode() string { return "PackedPolicyTooLarge" } +func (e *PackedPolicyTooLargeException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "PackedPolicyTooLarge" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *PackedPolicyTooLargeException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } -// STS is not activated in the requested region for the account that is being asked -// to generate credentials. The account administrator must use the IAM console to -// activate STS in that region. For more information, see Activating and -// Deactivating Amazon Web Services STS in an Amazon Web Services Region -// ( -// in the IAM User Guide. +// STS is not activated in the requested region for the account that is being +// asked to generate credentials. The account administrator must use the IAM +// console to activate STS in that region. For more information, see [Activating and Deactivating STS in an Amazon Web Services Region]in the IAM +// User Guide. +// +// [Activating and Deactivating STS in an Amazon Web Services Region]: type RegionDisabledException struct { Message *string + ErrorCodeOverride *string + noSmithyDocumentSerde } @@ -189,5 +239,10 @@ func (e *RegionDisabledException) ErrorMessage() string { } return *e.Message } -func (e *RegionDisabledException) ErrorCode() string { return "RegionDisabledException" } +func (e *RegionDisabledException) ErrorCode() string { + if e == nil || e.ErrorCodeOverride == nil { + return "RegionDisabledException" + } + return *e.ErrorCodeOverride +} func (e *RegionDisabledException) ErrorFault() smithy.ErrorFault { return smithy.FaultClient } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 86e50990..dff7a3c2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import ( // returns. type AssumedRoleUser struct { - // The ARN of the temporary security credentials that are returned from the - // AssumeRole action. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in - // policies, see IAM Identifiers - // ( in + // The ARN of the temporary security credentials that are returned from the AssumeRole + // action. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in policies, see [IAM Identifiers]in // the IAM User Guide. // + // [IAM Identifiers]: + // // This member is required. Arn *string @@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ type FederatedUser struct { // The ARN that specifies the federated user that is associated with the // credentials. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in policies, - // see IAM Identifiers - // ( in - // the IAM User Guide. + // see [IAM Identifiers]in the IAM User Guide. + // + // [IAM Identifiers]: // // This member is required. Arn *string @@ -83,37 +83,57 @@ type FederatedUser struct { type PolicyDescriptorType struct { // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM managed policy to use as a session - // policy for the role. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names - // (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces - // ( in - // the Amazon Web Services General Reference. + // policy for the role. For more information about ARNs, see [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]in the Amazon Web + // Services General Reference. + // + // [Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces]: Arn *string noSmithyDocumentSerde } -// You can pass custom key-value pair attributes when you assume a role or federate -// a user. These are called session tags. You can then use the session tags to -// control access to resources. For more information, see Tagging Amazon Web -// Services STS Sessions -// ( in the -// IAM User Guide. +// Contains information about the provided context. This includes the signed and +// encrypted trusted context assertion and the context provider ARN from which the +// trusted context assertion was generated. +type ProvidedContext struct { + + // The signed and encrypted trusted context assertion generated by the context + // provider. The trusted context assertion is signed and encrypted by Amazon Web + // Services STS. + ContextAssertion *string + + // The context provider ARN from which the trusted context assertion was generated. + ProviderArn *string + + noSmithyDocumentSerde +} + +// You can pass custom key-value pair attributes when you assume a role or +// federate a user. These are called session tags. You can then use the session +// tags to control access to resources. For more information, see [Tagging Amazon Web Services STS Sessions]in the IAM User +// Guide. +// +// [Tagging Amazon Web Services STS Sessions]: type Tag struct { - // The key for a session tag. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text - // session tag keys can’t exceed 128 characters. For these and additional limits, - // see IAM and STS Character Limits - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // The key for a session tag. + // + // You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag keys can’t + // exceed 128 characters. For these and additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User + // Guide. + // + // [IAM and STS Character Limits]: // // This member is required. Key *string - // The value for a session tag. You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text - // session tag values can’t exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, - // see IAM and STS Character Limits - // ( - // in the IAM User Guide. + // The value for a session tag. + // + // You can pass up to 50 session tags. The plain text session tag values can’t + // exceed 256 characters. For these and additional limits, see [IAM and STS Character Limits]in the IAM User + // Guide. + // + // [IAM and STS Character Limits]: // // This member is required. Value *string diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 3e4bad2a..1026e221 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -70,6 +70,26 @@ func (m *validateOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Conte return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) } +type validateOpAssumeRoot struct { +} + +func (*validateOpAssumeRoot) ID() string { + return "OperationInputValidation" +} + +func (m *validateOpAssumeRoot) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) ( + out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + input, ok := in.Parameters.(*AssumeRootInput) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown input parameters type %T", in.Parameters) + } + if err := validateOpAssumeRootInput(input); err != nil { + return out, metadata, err + } + return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in) +} + type validateOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage struct { } @@ -142,6 +162,10 @@ func addOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentity{}, middleware.After) } +func addOpAssumeRootValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { + return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpAssumeRoot{}, middleware.After) +} + func addOpDecodeAuthorizationMessageValidationMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error { return stack.Initialize.Add(&validateOpDecodeAuthorizationMessage{}, middleware.After) } @@ -254,6 +278,24 @@ func validateOpAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput(v *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput) } } +func validateOpAssumeRootInput(v *AssumeRootInput) error { + if v == nil { + return nil + } + invalidParams := smithy.InvalidParamsError{Context: "AssumeRootInput"} + if v.TargetPrincipal == nil { + invalidParams.Add(smithy.NewErrParamRequired("TargetPrincipal")) + } + if v.TaskPolicyArn == nil { + invalidParams.Add(smithy.NewErrParamRequired("TaskPolicyArn")) + } + if invalidParams.Len() > 0 { + return invalidParams + } else { + return nil + } +} + func validateOpDecodeAuthorizationMessageInput(v *DecodeAuthorizationMessageInput) error { if v == nil { return nil diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c01141aa..2518b349 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -20,3 +20,10 @@ target/ build/ */out/ */*/out/ + +# VS Code +bin/ +.vscode/ + +# make +c.out diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 1e23bf95..de39171c 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,3 +1,128 @@ +# Release (2025-01-21) + +## General Highlights +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.22.2 + * **Bug Fix**: Fix HTTP metrics data race. + * **Bug Fix**: Replace usages of deprecated ioutil package. + +# Release (2024-11-15) + +## General Highlights +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.22.1 + * **Bug Fix**: Fix failure to replace URI path segments when their names overlap. + +# Release (2024-10-03) + +## General Highlights +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.22.0 + * **Feature**: Add HTTP client metrics. + +# Release (2024-09-25) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: [v1.0.0](aws-http-auth/ + * **Release**: Initial release of module aws-http-auth, which implements generically consumable SigV4 and SigV4a request signing. + +# Release (2024-09-19) + +## General Highlights +* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.21.0 + * **Feature**: Add tracing and metrics APIs, and builtin instrumentation for both, in generated clients. +* ``: [v1.0.0](metrics/smithyotelmetrics/ + * **Release**: Initial release of `smithyotelmetrics` module, which is used to adapt an OpenTelemetry SDK meter provider to be used with Smithy clients. +* ``: [v1.0.0](tracing/smithyoteltracing/ + * **Release**: Initial release of `smithyoteltracing` module, which is used to adapt an OpenTelemetry SDK tracer provider to be used with Smithy clients. + +# Release (2024-08-14) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.20.4 + * **Dependency Update**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.21. + +# Release (2024-06-27) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.20.3 + * **Bug Fix**: Fix encoding/cbor test overflow on x86. + +# Release (2024-03-29) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# Release (2024-02-21) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.20.1 + * **Bug Fix**: Remove runtime dependency on go-cmp. + +# Release (2024-02-13) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.20.0 + * **Feature**: Add codegen definition for sigv4a trait. + * **Feature**: Bump minimum Go version to 1.20 per our language support policy. + +# Release (2023-12-07) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.19.0 + * **Feature**: Support modeled request compression. + +# Release (2023-11-30) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# Release (2023-11-29) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.18.0 + * **Feature**: Expose Options() method on generated service clients. + +# Release (2023-11-15) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.17.0 + * **Feature**: Support identity/auth components of client reference architecture. + +# Release (2023-10-31) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.16.0 + * **Feature**: **LANG**: Bump minimum go version to 1.19. + +# Release (2023-10-06) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.15.0 + * **Feature**: Add `http.WithHeaderComment` middleware. + +# Release (2023-08-18) + +* No change notes available for this release. + +# Release (2023-08-07) + +## Module Highlights +* ``: v1.14.1 + * **Bug Fix**: Prevent duplicated error returns in EndpointResolverV2 default implementation. + +# Release (2023-07-31) + +## General Highlights +* **Feature**: Adds support for smithy-modeled endpoint resolution. + # Release (2022-12-02) * No change notes available for this release. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index c4b6a1c5..1f8d01ff 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -39,6 +39,37 @@ To send us a pull request, please: GitHub provides additional document on [forking a repository]( and [creating a pull request]( +### Changelog Documents + +(You can SKIP this step if you are only changing the code generator, and not the runtime). + +When submitting a pull request please include a changelog file on a folder named `.changelog`. +These are used to generate the content `` and Release Notes. The format of the file is as follows: + +``` +{ + "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" + "type": "bugfix" + "collapse": true + "description": "Fix improper use of printf-style functions.", + "modules": [ + "." + ] +} +``` + +* id: a UUID. This should also be used for the name of the file, so if your id is `12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012` the file should be named `12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012.json/` +* type: one of the following: + * bugfix: Fixing an existing bug + * Feature: Adding a new feature to an existing service + * Release: Releasing a new module + * Dependency: Updating dependencies + * Announcement: Making an announcement, like deprecation of a module +* collapse: whether this change should appear separately on the release notes on every module listed on `modules` (`"collapse": false`), or if it should show up as a single entry (`"collapse": true`) + * For the smithy-go repository this should always be `false` +* description: Description of this change. Most of the times is the same as the title of the PR +* modules: which Go modules does this change impact. The root module is expressed as "." + ## Finding contributions to work on Looking at the existing issues is a great way to find something to contribute on. As our projects, by default, use the default GitHub issue labels (enhancement/bug/duplicate/help wanted/invalid/question/wontfix), looking at any 'help wanted' issues is a great place to start. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 4b3c2093..a3c2cf17 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -33,13 +33,18 @@ smithy-clean: ################## # Linting/Verify # ################## -.PHONY: verify vet +.PHONY: verify vet cover verify: vet vet: go vet ${BUILD_TAGS} --all ./... +cover: + go test ${BUILD_TAGS} -coverprofile c.out ./... + @cover=`go tool cover -func c.out | grep '^total:' | awk '{ print $$3+0 }'`; \ + echo "total (statements): $$cover%"; + ################ # Unit Testing # ################ @@ -93,5 +98,12 @@ module-version: ############## .PHONY: install-changelog +external-changelog: + mkdir -p .changelog + cp changelog-template.json .changelog/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.json + @echo "Generate a new UUID and update the file at .changelog/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.json" + @echo "Make sure to rename the file with your new id, like .changelog/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012.json" + @echo "See 'Changelog Documents' and an example at" + install-changelog: go install ${REPOTOOLS_MODULE}/cmd/changelog@${REPOTOOLS_VERSION} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index a4bb43fb..08df7458 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,11 +1,92 @@ -## Smithy Go +# Smithy Go [![Go Build Status](]([![Codegen Build Status](]( -[Smithy]( code generators for Go. +[Smithy]( code generators for Go and the accompanying smithy-go runtime. + +The smithy-go runtime requires a minimum version of Go 1.20. **WARNING: All interfaces are subject to change.** +## Can I use the code generators? + +In order to generate a usable smithy client you must provide a [protocol definition](, +such as [AWS restJson1](, +in order to generate transport mechanisms and serialization/deserialization +code ("serde") accordingly. + +The code generator does not currently support any protocols out of the box other than the new `smithy.protocols#rpcv2Cbor`, +therefore the useability of this project on its own is currently limited. +Support for all [AWS protocols]( +exists in [aws-sdk-go-v2]( We are +tracking the movement of those out of the SDK into smithy-go in +[#458](, but there's currently no +timeline for doing so. + +## Plugins + +This repository implements the following Smithy build plugins: + +| ID | GAV prefix | Description | +|----|------------|-------------| +| `go-codegen` | `` | Implements Go client code generation for Smithy models. | +| `go-server-codegen` | `` | Implements Go server code generation for Smithy models. | + +**NOTE: Build plugins are not currently published to mavenCentral. You must publish to mavenLocal to make the build plugins visible to the Smithy CLI. The artifact version is currently fixed at 0.1.0.** + +## `go-codegen` + +### Configuration + +[`GoSettings`](codegen/smithy-go-codegen/src/main/java/software/amazon/smithy/go/codegen/ +contains all of the settings enabled from `smithy-build.json` and helper +methods and types. The up-to-date list of top-level properties enabled for +`go-client-codegen` can be found in `GoSettings::from()`. + +| Setting | Type | Required | Description | +|-----------------|---------|----------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `service` | string | yes | The Shape ID of the service for which to generate the client. | +| `module` | string | yes | Name of the module in `generated.json` (and `go.mod` if `generateGoMod` is enabled) and `doc.go`. | +| `generateGoMod` | boolean | | Whether to generate a default `go.mod` file. The default value is `false`. | +| `goDirective` | string | | [Go directive]( of the module. The default value is the minimum supported Go version. | + +### Supported protocols + +| Protocol | Notes | +|----------|-------| +| [`smithy.protocols#rpcv2Cbor`]( | Event streaming not yet implemented. | + +### Example + +This example applies the `go-codegen` build plugin to the Smithy quickstart +example created from `smithy init`: + +```json +{ + "version": "1.0", + "sources": [ + "models" + ], + "maven": { + "dependencies": [ + "" + ] + }, + "plugins": { + "go-codegen": { + "service": "", + "module": "", + "generateGoMod": true, + "goDirective": "1.20" + } + } +} +``` + +## `go-server-codegen` + +This plugin is a work-in-progress and is currently undocumented. + ## License This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5bdb70c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +// Package auth defines protocol-agnostic authentication types for smithy +// clients. +package auth diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba8cf70d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +package auth + +import ( + "context" + "time" + + "" +) + +// Identity contains information that identifies who the user making the +// request is. +type Identity interface { + Expiration() time.Time +} + +// IdentityResolver defines the interface through which an Identity is +// retrieved. +type IdentityResolver interface { + GetIdentity(context.Context, smithy.Properties) (Identity, error) +} + +// IdentityResolverOptions defines the interface through which an entity can be +// queried to retrieve an IdentityResolver for a given auth scheme. +type IdentityResolverOptions interface { + GetIdentityResolver(schemeID string) IdentityResolver +} + +// AnonymousIdentity is a sentinel to indicate no identity. +type AnonymousIdentity struct{} + +var _ Identity = (*AnonymousIdentity)(nil) + +// Expiration returns the zero value for time, as anonymous identity never +// expires. +func (*AnonymousIdentity) Expiration() time.Time { + return time.Time{} +} + +// AnonymousIdentityResolver returns AnonymousIdentity. +type AnonymousIdentityResolver struct{} + +var _ IdentityResolver = (*AnonymousIdentityResolver)(nil) + +// GetIdentity returns AnonymousIdentity. +func (*AnonymousIdentityResolver) GetIdentity(_ context.Context, _ smithy.Properties) (Identity, error) { + return &AnonymousIdentity{}, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5dabff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package auth + +import "" + +type ( + authOptionsKey struct{} +) + +// Option represents a possible authentication method for an operation. +type Option struct { + SchemeID string + IdentityProperties smithy.Properties + SignerProperties smithy.Properties +} + +// GetAuthOptions gets auth Options from Properties. +func GetAuthOptions(p *smithy.Properties) ([]*Option, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(authOptionsKey{}).([]*Option) + return v, ok +} + +// SetAuthOptions sets auth Options on Properties. +func SetAuthOptions(p *smithy.Properties, options []*Option) { + p.Set(authOptionsKey{}, options) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb6a57c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package auth + +// Anonymous +const ( + SchemeIDAnonymous = "smithy.api#noAuth" +) + +// HTTP auth schemes +const ( + SchemeIDHTTPBasic = "smithy.api#httpBasicAuth" + SchemeIDHTTPDigest = "smithy.api#httpDigestAuth" + SchemeIDHTTPBearer = "smithy.api#httpBearerAuth" + SchemeIDHTTPAPIKey = "smithy.api#httpApiKeyAuth" +) + +// AWS auth schemes +const ( + SchemeIDSigV4 = "aws.auth#sigv4" + SchemeIDSigV4A = "aws.auth#sigv4a" +) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d36e2b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", + "type": "feature|bugfix|dependency", + "description": "Description of your changes", + "collapse": false, + "modules": [ + "." + ] +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 96abd073..543e7cf0 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -26,10 +26,17 @@ type Encoder struct { header http.Header } -// NewEncoder creates a new encoder from the passed in request. All query and +// NewEncoder creates a new encoder from the passed in request. It assumes that +// raw path contains no valuable information at this point, so it passes in path +// as path and raw path for subsequent trans +func NewEncoder(path, query string, headers http.Header) (*Encoder, error) { + return NewEncoderWithRawPath(path, path, query, headers) +} + +// NewHTTPBindingEncoder creates a new encoder from the passed in request. All query and // header values will be added on top of the request's existing values. Overwriting // duplicate values. -func NewEncoder(path, query string, headers http.Header) (*Encoder, error) { +func NewEncoderWithRawPath(path, rawPath, query string, headers http.Header) (*Encoder, error) { parseQuery, err := url.ParseQuery(query) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse query string: %w", err) @@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ func NewEncoder(path, query string, headers http.Header) (*Encoder, error) { e := &Encoder{ path: []byte(path), - rawPath: []byte(path), + rawPath: []byte(rawPath), query: parseQuery, header: headers.Clone(), } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e78926c9..9ae30854 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -22,33 +22,33 @@ func bufCap(b []byte, n int) []byte { // replacePathElement replaces a single element in the path []byte. // Escape is used to control whether the value will be escaped using Amazon path escape style. func replacePathElement(path, fieldBuf []byte, key, val string, escape bool) ([]byte, []byte, error) { - fieldBuf = bufCap(fieldBuf, len(key)+3) // { [+] } + // search for "{}". If not found, search for the greedy version "{+}". If none are found, return error + fieldBuf = bufCap(fieldBuf, len(key)+2) // { } fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, uriTokenStart) fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, key...) + fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, uriTokenStop) start := bytes.Index(path, fieldBuf) - end := start + len(fieldBuf) - if start < 0 || len(path[end:]) == 0 { - // TODO what to do about error? - return path, fieldBuf, fmt.Errorf("invalid path index, start=%d,end=%d. %s", start, end, path) - } - encodeSep := true - if path[end] == uriTokenSkip { - // '+' token means do not escape slashes + if start < 0 { + fieldBuf = bufCap(fieldBuf, len(key)+3) // { [+] } + fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, uriTokenStart) + fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, key...) + fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, uriTokenSkip) + fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, uriTokenStop) + + start = bytes.Index(path, fieldBuf) + if start < 0 { + return path, fieldBuf, fmt.Errorf("invalid path index, start=%d. %s", start, path) + } encodeSep = false - end++ } + end := start + len(fieldBuf) if escape { val = EscapePath(val, encodeSep) } - if path[end] != uriTokenStop { - return path, fieldBuf, fmt.Errorf("invalid path element, does not contain token stop, %s", path) - } - end++ - fieldBuf = bufCap(fieldBuf, len(val)) fieldBuf = append(fieldBuf, val...) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9352839 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package transport + +import ( + "net/http" + "net/url" + + "" +) + +// Endpoint is the endpoint object returned by Endpoint resolution V2 +type Endpoint struct { + // The complete URL minimally specfiying the scheme and host. + // May optionally specify the port and base path component. + URI url.URL + + // An optional set of headers to be sent using transport layer headers. + Headers http.Header + + // A grab-bag property map of endpoint attributes. The + // values present here are subject to change, or being add/removed at any + // time. + Properties smithy.Properties +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 8eaac41e..a51ceca4 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ package smithy // goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module -const goModuleVersion = "1.13.5" +const goModuleVersion = "1.22.2" diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c009d9f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +// Package metrics defines the metrics APIs used by Smithy clients. +package metrics + +import ( + "context" + + "" +) + +// MeterProvider is the entry point for creating a Meter. +type MeterProvider interface { + Meter(scope string, opts ...MeterOption) Meter +} + +// MeterOption applies configuration to a Meter. +type MeterOption func(o *MeterOptions) + +// MeterOptions represents configuration for a Meter. +type MeterOptions struct { + Properties smithy.Properties +} + +// Meter is the entry point for creation of measurement instruments. +type Meter interface { + // integer/synchronous + Int64Counter(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Counter, error) + Int64UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Int64UpDownCounter, error) + Int64Gauge(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Gauge, error) + Int64Histogram(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Histogram, error) + + // integer/asynchronous + Int64AsyncCounter(name string, callback Int64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) + Int64AsyncUpDownCounter(name string, callback Int64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) + Int64AsyncGauge(name string, callback Int64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) + + // floating-point/synchronous + Float64Counter(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Counter, error) + Float64UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Float64UpDownCounter, error) + Float64Gauge(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Gauge, error) + Float64Histogram(name string, opts ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Histogram, error) + + // floating-point/asynchronous + Float64AsyncCounter(name string, callback Float64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) + Float64AsyncUpDownCounter(name string, callback Float64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) + Float64AsyncGauge(name string, callback Float64Callback, opts ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) +} + +// InstrumentOption applies configuration to an instrument. +type InstrumentOption func(o *InstrumentOptions) + +// InstrumentOptions represents configuration for an instrument. +type InstrumentOptions struct { + UnitLabel string + Description string +} + +// Int64Counter measures a monotonically increasing int64 value. +type Int64Counter interface { + Add(context.Context, int64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Int64UpDownCounter measures a fluctuating int64 value. +type Int64UpDownCounter interface { + Add(context.Context, int64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Int64Gauge samples a discrete int64 value. +type Int64Gauge interface { + Sample(context.Context, int64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Int64Histogram records multiple data points for an int64 value. +type Int64Histogram interface { + Record(context.Context, int64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Float64Counter measures a monotonically increasing float64 value. +type Float64Counter interface { + Add(context.Context, float64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Float64UpDownCounter measures a fluctuating float64 value. +type Float64UpDownCounter interface { + Add(context.Context, float64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Float64Gauge samples a discrete float64 value. +type Float64Gauge interface { + Sample(context.Context, float64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Float64Histogram records multiple data points for an float64 value. +type Float64Histogram interface { + Record(context.Context, float64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// AsyncInstrument is the universal handle returned for creation of all async +// instruments. +// +// Callers use the Stop() API to unregister the callback passed at instrument +// creation. +type AsyncInstrument interface { + Stop() +} + +// Int64Callback describes a function invoked when an async int64 instrument is +// read. +type Int64Callback func(context.Context, Int64Observer) + +// Int64Observer is the interface passed to async int64 instruments. +// +// Callers use the Observe() API of this interface to report metrics to the +// underlying collector. +type Int64Observer interface { + Observe(context.Context, int64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// Float64Callback describes a function invoked when an async float64 +// instrument is read. +type Float64Callback func(context.Context, Float64Observer) + +// Float64Observer is the interface passed to async int64 instruments. +// +// Callers use the Observe() API of this interface to report metrics to the +// underlying collector. +type Float64Observer interface { + Observe(context.Context, float64, ...RecordMetricOption) +} + +// RecordMetricOption applies configuration to a recorded metric. +type RecordMetricOption func(o *RecordMetricOptions) + +// RecordMetricOptions represents configuration for a recorded metric. +type RecordMetricOptions struct { + Properties smithy.Properties +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb374e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +package metrics + +import "context" + +// NopMeterProvider is a no-op metrics implementation. +type NopMeterProvider struct{} + +var _ MeterProvider = (*NopMeterProvider)(nil) + +// Meter returns a meter which creates no-op instruments. +func (NopMeterProvider) Meter(string, ...MeterOption) Meter { + return nopMeter{} +} + +type nopMeter struct{} + +var _ Meter = (*nopMeter)(nil) + +func (nopMeter) Int64Counter(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Counter, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64UpDownCounter(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Int64UpDownCounter, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64Gauge(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Gauge, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64Histogram(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Int64Histogram, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64AsyncCounter(string, Int64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64AsyncUpDownCounter(string, Int64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Int64AsyncGauge(string, Int64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[int64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64Counter(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Counter, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64UpDownCounter(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Float64UpDownCounter, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64Gauge(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Gauge, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64Histogram(string, ...InstrumentOption) (Float64Histogram, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64AsyncCounter(string, Float64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64AsyncUpDownCounter(string, Float64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} +func (nopMeter) Float64AsyncGauge(string, Float64Callback, ...InstrumentOption) (AsyncInstrument, error) { + return nopInstrument[float64]{}, nil +} + +type nopInstrument[N any] struct{} + +func (nopInstrument[N]) Add(context.Context, N, ...RecordMetricOption) {} +func (nopInstrument[N]) Sample(context.Context, N, ...RecordMetricOption) {} +func (nopInstrument[N]) Record(context.Context, N, ...RecordMetricOption) {} +func (nopInstrument[_]) Stop() {} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f51aa4f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +package middleware + +import "context" + +type ( + serviceIDKey struct{} + operationNameKey struct{} +) + +// WithServiceID adds a service ID to the context, scoped to middleware stack +// values. +// +// This API is called in the client runtime when bootstrapping an operation and +// should not typically be used directly. +func WithServiceID(parent context.Context, id string) context.Context { + return WithStackValue(parent, serviceIDKey{}, id) +} + +// GetServiceID retrieves the service ID from the context. This is typically +// the service shape's name from its Smithy model. Service clients for specific +// systems (e.g. AWS SDK) may use an alternate designated value. +func GetServiceID(ctx context.Context) string { + id, _ := GetStackValue(ctx, serviceIDKey{}).(string) + return id +} + +// WithOperationName adds the operation name to the context, scoped to +// middleware stack values. +// +// This API is called in the client runtime when bootstrapping an operation and +// should not typically be used directly. +func WithOperationName(parent context.Context, id string) context.Context { + return WithStackValue(parent, operationNameKey{}, id) +} + +// GetOperationName retrieves the operation name from the context. This is +// typically the operation shape's name from its Smithy model. +func GetOperationName(ctx context.Context) string { + name, _ := GetStackValue(ctx, operationNameKey{}).(string) + return name +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 20295cdd..9d94b7cb 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ [dependencies] - "" = "v0.5.8" "" = "v0.4.0" [modules] diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..004d78f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package requestcompression + +import ( + "bytes" + "compress/gzip" + "fmt" + "io" +) + +func gzipCompress(input io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { + var b bytes.Buffer + w, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&b, gzip.DefaultCompression) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create gzip writer, %v", err) + } + + inBytes, err := io.ReadAll(input) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed read payload to compress, %v", err) + } + + if _, err = w.Write(inBytes); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write payload to be compressed, %v", err) + } + if err = w.Close(); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to flush payload being compressed, %v", err) + } + + return b.Bytes(), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06c16afc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package requestcompression + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "fmt" + "" + smithyhttp "" + "io" + "net/http" +) + +const captureUncompressedRequestID = "CaptureUncompressedRequest" + +// AddCaptureUncompressedRequestMiddleware captures http request before compress encoding for check +func AddCaptureUncompressedRequestMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, buf *bytes.Buffer) error { + return stack.Serialize.Insert(&captureUncompressedRequestMiddleware{ + buf: buf, + }, "RequestCompression", middleware.Before) +} + +type captureUncompressedRequestMiddleware struct { + req *http.Request + buf *bytes.Buffer + bytes []byte +} + +// ID returns id of the captureUncompressedRequestMiddleware +func (*captureUncompressedRequestMiddleware) ID() string { + return captureUncompressedRequestID +} + +// HandleSerialize captures request payload before it is compressed by request compression middleware +func (m *captureUncompressedRequestMiddleware) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Context, input middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler, +) ( + output middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + request, ok := input.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request) + if !ok { + return output, metadata, fmt.Errorf("error when retrieving http request") + } + + _, err = io.Copy(m.buf, request.GetStream()) + if err != nil { + return output, metadata, fmt.Errorf("error when copying http request stream: %q", err) + } + if err = request.RewindStream(); err != nil { + return output, metadata, fmt.Errorf("error when rewinding request stream: %q", err) + } + + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, input) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c414760 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// Package requestcompression implements runtime support for smithy-modeled +// request compression. +// +// This package is designated as private and is intended for use only by the +// smithy client runtime. The exported API therein is not considered stable and +// is subject to breaking changes without notice. +package requestcompression + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "fmt" + "" + "" + "io" +) + +const MaxRequestMinCompressSizeBytes = 10485760 + +// Enumeration values for supported compress Algorithms. +const ( + GZIP = "gzip" +) + +type compressFunc func(io.Reader) ([]byte, error) + +var allowedAlgorithms = map[string]compressFunc{ + GZIP: gzipCompress, +} + +// AddRequestCompression add requestCompression middleware to op stack +func AddRequestCompression(stack *middleware.Stack, disabled bool, minBytes int64, algorithms []string) error { + return stack.Serialize.Add(&requestCompression{ + disableRequestCompression: disabled, + requestMinCompressSizeBytes: minBytes, + compressAlgorithms: algorithms, + }, middleware.After) +} + +type requestCompression struct { + disableRequestCompression bool + requestMinCompressSizeBytes int64 + compressAlgorithms []string +} + +// ID returns the ID of the middleware +func (m requestCompression) ID() string { + return "RequestCompression" +} + +// HandleSerialize gzip compress the request's stream/body if enabled by config fields +func (m requestCompression) HandleSerialize( + ctx context.Context, in middleware.SerializeInput, next middleware.SerializeHandler, +) ( + out middleware.SerializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + if m.disableRequestCompression { + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } + // still need to check requestMinCompressSizeBytes in case it is out of range after service client config + if m.requestMinCompressSizeBytes < 0 || m.requestMinCompressSizeBytes > MaxRequestMinCompressSizeBytes { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("invalid range for min request compression size bytes %d, must be within 0 and 10485760 inclusively", m.requestMinCompressSizeBytes) + } + + req, ok := in.Request.(*http.Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown request type %T", req) + } + + for _, algorithm := range m.compressAlgorithms { + compressFunc := allowedAlgorithms[algorithm] + if compressFunc != nil { + if stream := req.GetStream(); stream != nil { + size, found, err := req.StreamLength() + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("error while finding request stream length, %v", err) + } else if !found || size < m.requestMinCompressSizeBytes { + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) + } + + compressedBytes, err := compressFunc(stream) + if err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to compress request stream, %v", err) + } + + var newReq *http.Request + if newReq, err = req.SetStream(bytes.NewReader(compressedBytes)); err != nil { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("failed to set request stream, %v", err) + } + *req = *newReq + + if val := req.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"); val != "" { + req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", val, algorithm)) + } else { + req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", algorithm) + } + } + break + } + } + + return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68df4c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package smithy + +import "maps" + +// PropertiesReader provides an interface for reading metadata from the +// underlying metadata container. +type PropertiesReader interface { + Get(key any) any +} + +// Properties provides storing and reading metadata values. Keys may be any +// comparable value type. Get and Set will panic if a key is not comparable. +// +// The zero value for a Properties instance is ready for reads/writes without +// any additional initialization. +type Properties struct { + values map[any]any +} + +// Get attempts to retrieve the value the key points to. Returns nil if the +// key was not found. +// +// Panics if key type is not comparable. +func (m *Properties) Get(key any) any { + m.lazyInit() + return m.values[key] +} + +// Set stores the value pointed to by the key. If a value already exists at +// that key it will be replaced with the new value. +// +// Panics if the key type is not comparable. +func (m *Properties) Set(key, value any) { + m.lazyInit() + m.values[key] = value +} + +// Has returns whether the key exists in the metadata. +// +// Panics if the key type is not comparable. +func (m *Properties) Has(key any) bool { + m.lazyInit() + _, ok := m.values[key] + return ok +} + +// SetAll accepts all of the given Properties into the receiver, overwriting +// any existing keys in the case of conflicts. +func (m *Properties) SetAll(other *Properties) { + if other.values == nil { + return + } + + m.lazyInit() + for k, v := range other.values { + m.values[k] = v + } +} + +// Values returns a shallow clone of the property set's values. +func (m *Properties) Values() map[any]any { + return maps.Clone(m.values) +} + +func (m *Properties) lazyInit() { + if m.values == nil { + m.values = map[any]any{} + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a404ed9d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +package tracing + +import "context" + +type ( + operationTracerKey struct{} + spanLineageKey struct{} +) + +// GetSpan returns the active trace Span on the context. +// +// The boolean in the return indicates whether a Span was actually in the +// context, but a no-op implementation will be returned if not, so callers +// can generally disregard the boolean unless they wish to explicitly confirm +// presence/absence of a Span. +func GetSpan(ctx context.Context) (Span, bool) { + lineage := getLineage(ctx) + if len(lineage) == 0 { + return nopSpan{}, false + } + + return lineage[len(lineage)-1], true +} + +// WithSpan sets the active trace Span on the context. +func WithSpan(parent context.Context, span Span) context.Context { + lineage := getLineage(parent) + if len(lineage) == 0 { + return context.WithValue(parent, spanLineageKey{}, []Span{span}) + } + + lineage = append(lineage, span) + return context.WithValue(parent, spanLineageKey{}, lineage) +} + +// PopSpan pops the current Span off the context, setting the active Span on +// the returned Context back to its parent and returning the REMOVED one. +// +// PopSpan on a context with no active Span will return a no-op instance. +// +// This is mostly necessary for the runtime to manage base trace spans due to +// the wrapped-function nature of the middleware stack. End-users of Smithy +// clients SHOULD NOT generally be using this API. +func PopSpan(parent context.Context) (context.Context, Span) { + lineage := getLineage(parent) + if len(lineage) == 0 { + return parent, nopSpan{} + } + + span := lineage[len(lineage)-1] + lineage = lineage[:len(lineage)-1] + return context.WithValue(parent, spanLineageKey{}, lineage), span +} + +func getLineage(ctx context.Context) []Span { + v := ctx.Value(spanLineageKey{}) + if v == nil { + return nil + } + + return v.([]Span) +} + +// GetOperationTracer returns the embedded operation-scoped Tracer on a +// Context. +// +// The boolean in the return indicates whether a Tracer was actually in the +// context, but a no-op implementation will be returned if not, so callers +// can generally disregard the boolean unless they wish to explicitly confirm +// presence/absence of a Tracer. +func GetOperationTracer(ctx context.Context) (Tracer, bool) { + v := ctx.Value(operationTracerKey{}) + if v == nil { + return nopTracer{}, false + } + + return v.(Tracer), true +} + +// WithOperationTracer returns a child Context embedding the given Tracer. +// +// The runtime will use this embed a scoped tracer for client operations, +// Smithy/SDK client callers DO NOT need to do this explicitly. +func WithOperationTracer(parent context.Context, tracer Tracer) context.Context { + return context.WithValue(parent, operationTracerKey{}, tracer) +} + +// StartSpan is a convenience API for creating tracing Spans from a Context. +// +// StartSpan uses the operation-scoped Tracer, previously stored using +// [WithOperationTracer], to start the Span. If a Tracer has not been embedded +// the returned Span will be a no-op implementation. +func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...SpanOption) (context.Context, Span) { + tracer, _ := GetOperationTracer(ctx) + return tracer.StartSpan(ctx, name, opts...) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..573d28b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package tracing + +import "context" + +// NopTracerProvider is a no-op tracing implementation. +type NopTracerProvider struct{} + +var _ TracerProvider = (*NopTracerProvider)(nil) + +// Tracer returns a tracer which creates no-op spans. +func (NopTracerProvider) Tracer(string, ...TracerOption) Tracer { + return nopTracer{} +} + +type nopTracer struct{} + +var _ Tracer = (*nopTracer)(nil) + +func (nopTracer) StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...SpanOption) (context.Context, Span) { + return ctx, nopSpan{} +} + +type nopSpan struct{} + +var _ Span = (*nopSpan)(nil) + +func (nopSpan) Name() string { return "" } +func (nopSpan) Context() SpanContext { return SpanContext{} } +func (nopSpan) AddEvent(string, ...EventOption) {} +func (nopSpan) SetProperty(any, any) {} +func (nopSpan) SetStatus(SpanStatus) {} +func (nopSpan) End() {} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..089ed393 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// Package tracing defines tracing APIs to be used by Smithy clients. +package tracing + +import ( + "context" + + "" +) + +// SpanStatus records the "success" state of an observed span. +type SpanStatus int + +// Enumeration of SpanStatus. +const ( + SpanStatusUnset SpanStatus = iota + SpanStatusOK + SpanStatusError +) + +// SpanKind indicates the nature of the work being performed. +type SpanKind int + +// Enumeration of SpanKind. +const ( + SpanKindInternal SpanKind = iota + SpanKindClient + SpanKindServer + SpanKindProducer + SpanKindConsumer +) + +// TracerProvider is the entry point for creating client traces. +type TracerProvider interface { + Tracer(scope string, opts ...TracerOption) Tracer +} + +// TracerOption applies configuration to a tracer. +type TracerOption func(o *TracerOptions) + +// TracerOptions represent configuration for tracers. +type TracerOptions struct { + Properties smithy.Properties +} + +// Tracer is the entry point for creating observed client Spans. +// +// Spans created by tracers propagate by existing on the Context. Consumers of +// the API can use [GetSpan] to pull the active Span from a Context. +// +// Creation of child Spans is implicit through Context persistence. If +// CreateSpan is called with a Context that holds a Span, the result will be a +// child of that Span. +type Tracer interface { + StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...SpanOption) (context.Context, Span) +} + +// SpanOption applies configuration to a span. +type SpanOption func(o *SpanOptions) + +// SpanOptions represent configuration for span events. +type SpanOptions struct { + Kind SpanKind + Properties smithy.Properties +} + +// Span records a conceptually individual unit of work that takes place in a +// Smithy client operation. +type Span interface { + Name() string + Context() SpanContext + AddEvent(name string, opts ...EventOption) + SetStatus(status SpanStatus) + SetProperty(k, v any) + End() +} + +// EventOption applies configuration to a span event. +type EventOption func(o *EventOptions) + +// EventOptions represent configuration for span events. +type EventOptions struct { + Properties smithy.Properties +} + +// SpanContext uniquely identifies a Span. +type SpanContext struct { + TraceID string + SpanID string + IsRemote bool +} + +// IsValid is true when a span has nonzero trace and span IDs. +func (ctx *SpanContext) IsValid() bool { + return len(ctx.TraceID) != 0 && len(ctx.SpanID) != 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58e1ab5e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package http + +import ( + "context" + + smithy "" + "" +) + +// AuthScheme defines an HTTP authentication scheme. +type AuthScheme interface { + SchemeID() string + IdentityResolver(auth.IdentityResolverOptions) auth.IdentityResolver + Signer() Signer +} + +// Signer defines the interface through which HTTP requests are supplemented +// with an Identity. +type Signer interface { + SignRequest(context.Context, *Request, auth.Identity, smithy.Properties) error +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d60cf2a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package http + +import ( + "context" + + smithy "" + "" +) + +// NewAnonymousScheme returns the anonymous HTTP auth scheme. +func NewAnonymousScheme() AuthScheme { + return &authScheme{ + schemeID: auth.SchemeIDAnonymous, + signer: &nopSigner{}, + } +} + +// authScheme is parameterized to generically implement the exported AuthScheme +// interface +type authScheme struct { + schemeID string + signer Signer +} + +var _ AuthScheme = (*authScheme)(nil) + +func (s *authScheme) SchemeID() string { + return s.schemeID +} + +func (s *authScheme) IdentityResolver(o auth.IdentityResolverOptions) auth.IdentityResolver { + return o.GetIdentityResolver(s.schemeID) +} + +func (s *authScheme) Signer() Signer { + return s.signer +} + +type nopSigner struct{} + +var _ Signer = (*nopSigner)(nil) + +func (*nopSigner) SignRequest(context.Context, *Request, auth.Identity, smithy.Properties) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index e691c69b..0fceae81 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ import ( "net/http" smithy "" + "" "" + "" ) // ClientDo provides the interface for custom HTTP client implementations. @@ -27,13 +29,30 @@ func (fn ClientDoFunc) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { // implementation is http.Client. type ClientHandler struct { client ClientDo + + Meter metrics.Meter // For HTTP client metrics. } // NewClientHandler returns an initialized middleware handler for the client. +// +// Deprecated: Use [NewClientHandlerWithOptions]. func NewClientHandler(client ClientDo) ClientHandler { - return ClientHandler{ + return NewClientHandlerWithOptions(client) +} + +// NewClientHandlerWithOptions returns an initialized middleware handler for the client +// with applied options. +func NewClientHandlerWithOptions(client ClientDo, opts ...func(*ClientHandler)) ClientHandler { + h := ClientHandler{ client: client, } + for _, opt := range opts { + opt(&h) + } + if h.Meter == nil { + h.Meter = metrics.NopMeterProvider{}.Meter("") + } + return h } // Handle implements the middleware Handler interface, that will invoke the @@ -42,6 +61,14 @@ func NewClientHandler(client ClientDo) ClientHandler { func (c ClientHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) ( out interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, ) { + ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, "DoHTTPRequest") + defer span.End() + + ctx, client, err := withMetrics(ctx, c.client, c.Meter) + if err != nil { + return nil, metadata, fmt.Errorf("instrument with HTTP metrics: %w", err) + } + req, ok := input.(*Request) if !ok { return nil, metadata, fmt.Errorf("expect Smithy http.Request value as input, got unsupported type %T", input) @@ -52,7 +79,17 @@ func (c ClientHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) ( return nil, metadata, err } - resp, err := c.client.Do(builtRequest) + span.SetProperty("http.method", req.Method) + span.SetProperty("http.request_content_length", -1) // at least indicate unknown + length, ok, err := req.StreamLength() + if err != nil { + return nil, metadata, err + } + if ok { + span.SetProperty("http.request_content_length", length) + } + + resp, err := client.Do(builtRequest) if resp == nil { // Ensure a http response value is always present to prevent unexpected // panics. @@ -79,6 +116,10 @@ func (c ClientHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, input interface{}) ( _ = builtRequest.Body.Close() } + span.SetProperty("net.protocol.version", fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", resp.ProtoMajor, resp.ProtoMinor)) + span.SetProperty("http.status_code", resp.StatusCode) + span.SetProperty("http.response_content_length", resp.ContentLength) + return &Response{Response: resp}, metadata, err } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 6b290fec..db9801be 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ func ValidPortNumber(port string) bool { return true } -// ValidHostLabel returns whether the label is a valid RFC 3986 host abel. +// ValidHostLabel returns whether the label is a valid RFC 3986 host label. func ValidHostLabel(label string) bool { if l := len(label); l == 0 || l > 63 { return false diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1beaa59 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +package http + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/tls" + "net/http" + "net/http/httptrace" + "sync/atomic" + "time" + + "" +) + +var now = time.Now + +// withMetrics instruments an HTTP client and context to collect HTTP metrics. +func withMetrics(parent context.Context, client ClientDo, meter metrics.Meter) ( + context.Context, ClientDo, error, +) { + hm, err := newHTTPMetrics(meter) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + ctx := httptrace.WithClientTrace(parent, &httptrace.ClientTrace{ + DNSStart: hm.DNSStart, + ConnectStart: hm.ConnectStart, + TLSHandshakeStart: hm.TLSHandshakeStart, + + GotConn: hm.GotConn(parent), + PutIdleConn: hm.PutIdleConn(parent), + ConnectDone: hm.ConnectDone(parent), + DNSDone: hm.DNSDone(parent), + TLSHandshakeDone: hm.TLSHandshakeDone(parent), + GotFirstResponseByte: hm.GotFirstResponseByte(parent), + }) + return ctx, &timedClientDo{client, hm}, nil +} + +type timedClientDo struct { + ClientDo + hm *httpMetrics +} + +func (c *timedClientDo) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { + + resp, err := c.ClientDo.Do(r) + +, + return resp, err +} + +type httpMetrics struct { + DNSLookupDuration metrics.Float64Histogram // client.http.connections.dns_lookup_duration + ConnectDuration metrics.Float64Histogram // client.http.connections.acquire_duration + TLSHandshakeDuration metrics.Float64Histogram // client.http.connections.tls_handshake_duration + ConnectionUsage metrics.Int64UpDownCounter // client.http.connections.usage + + DoRequestDuration metrics.Float64Histogram // client.http.do_request_duration + TimeToFirstByte metrics.Float64Histogram // client.http.time_to_first_byte + + doStart safeTime + dnsStart safeTime + connectStart safeTime + tlsStart safeTime +} + +func newHTTPMetrics(meter metrics.Meter) (*httpMetrics, error) { + hm := &httpMetrics{} + + var err error + hm.DNSLookupDuration, err = meter.Float64Histogram("client.http.connections.dns_lookup_duration", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "The time it takes a request to perform DNS lookup." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + hm.ConnectDuration, err = meter.Float64Histogram("client.http.connections.acquire_duration", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "The time it takes a request to acquire a connection." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + hm.TLSHandshakeDuration, err = meter.Float64Histogram("client.http.connections.tls_handshake_duration", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "The time it takes an HTTP request to perform the TLS handshake." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + hm.ConnectionUsage, err = meter.Int64UpDownCounter("client.http.connections.usage", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "{connection}" + o.Description = "Current state of connections pool." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + hm.DoRequestDuration, err = meter.Float64Histogram("client.http.do_request_duration", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "Time spent performing an entire HTTP transaction." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + hm.TimeToFirstByte, err = meter.Float64Histogram("client.http.time_to_first_byte", func(o *metrics.InstrumentOptions) { + o.UnitLabel = "s" + o.Description = "Time from start of transaction to when the first response byte is available." + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return hm, nil +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) DNSStart(httptrace.DNSStartInfo) { + m.dnsStart.Store(now()) +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) ConnectStart(string, string) { + m.connectStart.Store(now()) +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) TLSHandshakeStart() { + m.tlsStart.Store(now()) +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) GotConn(ctx context.Context) func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) { + return func(httptrace.GotConnInfo) { + m.addConnAcquired(ctx, 1) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) PutIdleConn(ctx context.Context) func(error) { + return func(error) { + m.addConnAcquired(ctx, -1) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) DNSDone(ctx context.Context) func(httptrace.DNSDoneInfo) { + return func(httptrace.DNSDoneInfo) { + m.DNSLookupDuration.Record(ctx, m.dnsStart.Elapsed()) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) ConnectDone(ctx context.Context) func(string, string, error) { + return func(string, string, error) { + m.ConnectDuration.Record(ctx, m.connectStart.Elapsed()) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) TLSHandshakeDone(ctx context.Context) func(tls.ConnectionState, error) { + return func(tls.ConnectionState, error) { + m.TLSHandshakeDuration.Record(ctx, m.tlsStart.Elapsed()) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) GotFirstResponseByte(ctx context.Context) func() { + return func() { + m.TimeToFirstByte.Record(ctx, m.doStart.Elapsed()) + } +} + +func (m *httpMetrics) addConnAcquired(ctx context.Context, incr int64) { + m.ConnectionUsage.Add(ctx, incr, func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("state", "acquired") + }) +} + +// Not used: it is recommended to track acquired vs idle conn, but we can't +// determine when something is truly idle with the current HTTP client hooks +// available to us. +func (m *httpMetrics) addConnIdle(ctx context.Context, incr int64) { + m.ConnectionUsage.Add(ctx, incr, func(o *metrics.RecordMetricOptions) { + o.Properties.Set("state", "idle") + }) +} + +type safeTime struct { + atomic.Value // time.Time +} + +func (st *safeTime) Store(v time.Time) { + st.Value.Store(v) +} + +func (st *safeTime) Load() time.Time { + t, _ := st.Value.Load().(time.Time) + return t +} + +func (st *safeTime) Elapsed() float64 { + end := now() + elapsed := end.Sub(st.Load()) + return float64(elapsed) / 1e9 +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 1d3b218a..914338f2 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package http import ( "context" + "io" + "" "" - "io" - "io/ioutil" ) // AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware adds the middleware to automatically @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func (m *errorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware) HandleDeserialize( if err != nil { if resp, ok := out.RawResponse.(*Response); ok && resp != nil && resp.Body != nil { // Consume the full body to prevent TCP connection resets on some platforms - _, _ = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body) + _, _ = io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body) // Do not validate that the response closes successfully. resp.Body.Close() } @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func (m *closeResponseBody) HandleDeserialize( if resp, ok := out.RawResponse.(*Response); ok { // Consume the full body to prevent TCP connection resets on some platforms - _, copyErr := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body) + _, copyErr := io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body) if copyErr != nil { middleware.GetLogger(ctx).Logf(logging.Warn, "failed to discard remaining HTTP response body, this may affect connection reuse") } diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..855c2272 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package http + +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + "net/http" + + "" +) + +// WithHeaderComment instruments a middleware stack to append an HTTP field +// comment to the given header as specified in RFC 9110 +// ( +// +// The header is case-insensitive. If the provided header exists when the +// middleware runs, the content will be inserted as-is enclosed in parentheses. +// +// Note that per the HTTP specification, comments are only allowed in fields +// containing "comment" as part of their field value definition, but this API +// will NOT verify whether the provided header is one of them. +// +// WithHeaderComment MAY be applied more than once to a middleware stack and/or +// more than once per header. +func WithHeaderComment(header, content string) func(*middleware.Stack) error { + return func(s *middleware.Stack) error { + m, err := getOrAddHeaderComment(s) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("get or add header comment: %v", err) + } + + m.values.Add(header, content) + return nil + } +} + +type headerCommentMiddleware struct { + values http.Header // hijack case-insensitive access APIs +} + +func (*headerCommentMiddleware) ID() string { + return "headerComment" +} + +func (m *headerCommentMiddleware) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler) ( + out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error, +) { + r, ok := in.Request.(*Request) + if !ok { + return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unknown transport type %T", in.Request) + } + + for h, contents := range m.values { + for _, c := range contents { + if existing := r.Header.Get(h); existing != "" { + r.Header.Set(h, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", existing, c)) + } + } + } + + return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in) +} + +func getOrAddHeaderComment(s *middleware.Stack) (*headerCommentMiddleware, error) { + id := (*headerCommentMiddleware)(nil).ID() + m, ok := s.Build.Get(id) + if !ok { + m := &headerCommentMiddleware{values: http.Header{}} + if err := s.Build.Add(m, middleware.After); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("add build: %v", err) + } + + return m, nil + } + + hc, ok := m.(*headerCommentMiddleware) + if !ok { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("existing middleware w/ id %s is not *headerCommentMiddleware", id) + } + + return hc, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c65aa393 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +package http + +import smithy "" + +type ( + sigV4SigningNameKey struct{} + sigV4SigningRegionKey struct{} + + sigV4ASigningNameKey struct{} + sigV4ASigningRegionsKey struct{} + + isUnsignedPayloadKey struct{} + disableDoubleEncodingKey struct{} +) + +// GetSigV4SigningName gets the signing name from Properties. +func GetSigV4SigningName(p *smithy.Properties) (string, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(sigV4SigningNameKey{}).(string) + return v, ok +} + +// SetSigV4SigningName sets the signing name on Properties. +func SetSigV4SigningName(p *smithy.Properties, name string) { + p.Set(sigV4SigningNameKey{}, name) +} + +// GetSigV4SigningRegion gets the signing region from Properties. +func GetSigV4SigningRegion(p *smithy.Properties) (string, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(sigV4SigningRegionKey{}).(string) + return v, ok +} + +// SetSigV4SigningRegion sets the signing region on Properties. +func SetSigV4SigningRegion(p *smithy.Properties, region string) { + p.Set(sigV4SigningRegionKey{}, region) +} + +// GetSigV4ASigningName gets the v4a signing name from Properties. +func GetSigV4ASigningName(p *smithy.Properties) (string, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(sigV4ASigningNameKey{}).(string) + return v, ok +} + +// SetSigV4ASigningName sets the signing name on Properties. +func SetSigV4ASigningName(p *smithy.Properties, name string) { + p.Set(sigV4ASigningNameKey{}, name) +} + +// GetSigV4ASigningRegion gets the v4a signing region set from Properties. +func GetSigV4ASigningRegions(p *smithy.Properties) ([]string, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(sigV4ASigningRegionsKey{}).([]string) + return v, ok +} + +// SetSigV4ASigningRegions sets the v4a signing region set on Properties. +func SetSigV4ASigningRegions(p *smithy.Properties, regions []string) { + p.Set(sigV4ASigningRegionsKey{}, regions) +} + +// GetIsUnsignedPayload gets whether the payload is unsigned from Properties. +func GetIsUnsignedPayload(p *smithy.Properties) (bool, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(isUnsignedPayloadKey{}).(bool) + return v, ok +} + +// SetIsUnsignedPayload sets whether the payload is unsigned on Properties. +func SetIsUnsignedPayload(p *smithy.Properties, isUnsignedPayload bool) { + p.Set(isUnsignedPayloadKey{}, isUnsignedPayload) +} + +// GetDisableDoubleEncoding gets whether the payload is unsigned from Properties. +func GetDisableDoubleEncoding(p *smithy.Properties) (bool, bool) { + v, ok := p.Get(disableDoubleEncodingKey{}).(bool) + return v, ok +} + +// SetDisableDoubleEncoding sets whether the payload is unsigned on Properties. +func SetDisableDoubleEncoding(p *smithy.Properties, disableDoubleEncoding bool) { + p.Set(disableDoubleEncodingKey{}, disableDoubleEncoding) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ index 7177d6f9..5cbf6f10 100644 --- a/vendor/ +++ b/vendor/ @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ( "context" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" @@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ func (r *Request) Build(ctx context.Context) *http.Request { switch stream := { case *io.PipeReader: - req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(stream) + req.Body = io.NopCloser(stream) req.ContentLength = -1 default: // HTTP Client Request must only have a non-nil body if the @@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ func (r *Request) Build(ctx context.Context) *http.Request { // Client will interpret a non-nil body and ContentLength 0 as // "unknown". This is unwanted behavior. if req.ContentLength != 0 && != nil { - req.Body = iointernal.NewSafeReadCloser(ioutil.NopCloser(stream)) + req.Body = iointernal.NewSafeReadCloser(io.NopCloser(stream)) } } diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 3c2da288..b9e17037 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ # v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5 ## explicit -# v1.17.2 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.36.1 +## explicit; go 1.21 @@ -21,17 +20,24 @@ -# v1.18.4 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.29.6 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.13.4 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.17.59 +## explicit; go 1.21 @@ -39,40 +45,44 @@ -# v1.12.20 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.16.28 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.1.26 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.3.32 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v2.4.20 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v2.6.32 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.3.27 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.8.2 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.9.20 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.12.2 +## explicit; go 1.21 +# v1.12.13 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.11.26 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.24.15 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.13.9 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.28.14 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.17.6 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.33.14 +## explicit; go 1.21 -# v1.13.5 -## explicit; go 1.15 +# v1.22.2 +## explicit; go 1.21 @@ -80,13 +90,17 @@ # v1.0.1