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TF2 Server

Dedicated Team Fortress 2 server w/ MetaMod:Source, SourceMod and custom SourceMod plugins

All Windows commands are done through PowerShell; do not use admin!

1) Install SteamCMD

1.1) Windows

New-Item -Path "D:\SteamCMD\" -ItemType directory
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "D:\SteamCMD\"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "D:\SteamCMD\" -DestinationPath "D:\SteamCMD\"

1.2) Linux

sudo groupadd -r steam
sudo useradd -r -m -d /home/steam/ -g steam -s /bin/bash steam
sudo -u steam -i
curl -sqL "" | tar zxvf -

2) Update SteamCMD

2.1) Windows

& "D:\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +quit"

2.2) Linux

./ +login anonymous +quit

3) Install Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server

3.1) Windows

New-Item -Path D:\TF2Server\ -ItemType directory
& "D:\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe" +force_install_dir D:\TF2server\ +login anonymous +app_update 232250 +quit

3.2) Linux

mkdir /home/steam/tf2server/
./ +force_install_dir /home/steam/tf2server/ +login anonymous +app_update 232250 +quit

4) Configure TF2 server

Create and modify D:\TF2Server\tf\cfg\server.cfg on Windows or /home/steam/tf2server/tf/cfg/server.cfg on Linux: server.cfg

Create and modify D:\TF2Server\tf\cfg\motd.txt on Windows or /home/steam/tf2server/tf/cfg/motd.txt on Linux: motd.txt

Create and modify D:\TF2Server\tf\cfg\mapcycle.txt on Windows or /home/steam/tf2server/tf/cfg/mapcycle.txt on Linux: mapcycle.txt

5) Install and configure Metamod:Source and SourceMod



Download, unzip and extract these to the tf/ folder - the final directory structure should look something like this:

└── tf
    ├── addons
    │   ├── metamod
    │   ├── sourcemod
    │   ├── metamod.vdf
    │   ├── metamod_x64.vdf
    ├── cfg
    │   ├── sourcemod
    │   │   ├── sm_warmode_off.cfg
    │   │   ├── sm_warmode_on.cfg
    │   │   ├── sourcemod.cfg

Make yourself an in-game administrator for /admin access by modifying tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg:

        "auth"        "steam"
        "identity"    "YOUR_STEAMID3_HERE"
        "flags"       "z"
        "immunity"    "99"

If you want to add in-game moderators as well, modify tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg:

        "auth"        "steam"
        "identity"    "THEIR_STEAMID3_HERE"
        "flags"       "abcdefghijklmn"
        "immunity"    "88"

To make normal players be able to vote, modify tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_groups.cfg and make sure the "Default" group has the "k" flag:

        "flags"       "k"
        "immunity"    "1"

If you have plugins that wants to interact with MySQL, modify tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg and make sure these settings are present:

    "driver_default"    "mysql"

        "driver"      "default"
        "host"        "localhost"
        "database"    "SQL_DBNAME"
        "user"        "SQL_USERNAME"
        "pass"        "SQL_PASSWORD"
        "port"        "3306"

6) Run server

6.1) Windows

Start the server with:

& "D:\TF2Server\srcds.exe" -console -game tf -secured +ip -clientport 27005 -port 27015 +tv_port 27020 -replay +servercfgfile server.cfg +map cp_sunshine +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt

If you want to create a shortcut on your desktop:

$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$Home\Desktop\TF2Server.lnk")
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "D:\TF2Server\srcds.exe"
$shortcut.Arguments = "-console -game tf -secured +ip -clientport 27005 -port 27015 +tv_port 27020 -replay +servercfgfile server.cfg +map cp_sunshine +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt"
$Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "D:\TF2Server\"

6.2) Linux

Start the server with:

/home/steam/tf2server/srcds_run -console -game tf -secured +ip -clientport 27005 -port 27015 +tv_port 27020 -replay +servercfgfile server.cfg +map cp_sunshine +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt

If you want to create a shortcut with screen you can execute later with ./


screen -m -S tf2server /home/steam/tf2server/srcds_run -console -game tf -secured +ip -clientport 27005 -port 27015 +tv_port 27020 -replay +servercfgfile server.cfg +map cp_sunshine +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt