Wrapper around the Dark Sky API.
yarn add @gretzky/darksky-api
// or
npm install --save @gretzky/darksky-api
This is a single method wrapper around the API where you pass in the appropriate params. The only required keys are key
(your Dark Sky API key), latitude
, and longitude
, and Dark Sky will return the current forecast for the location provided. You can pass a UNIX epoch time string to the time
param to get the forecast for a specific time at a given location.
See the API docs for request params.
import darkskyApi from "darksky-api";
const key = "yoursecretkey";
// get the latest forecast for a given latitude/longitude
const currentForecast = darkskyApi.getForecast({
latitude: 43.65806,
longitude: -70.24417,
params: {
exclude: ["minutely", "daily", "hourly"], // returns 'currently', 'alerts', 'flags'
units: "ca",
// or, get the forecast for a given time at a given latitude/longitude
const tomorrowAfternoonForecast = darkskyApi.getForecast({
time: 1599053400, // UNIX epoch timestamp. Date object may work