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Releases: gromgit/homebrew-fuse


10 Jan 11:26
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mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

dislocker-mac-0.7.3: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 04:27
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Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

curlftpfs-mac-0.9.2: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 04:05
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Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!


27 Apr 06:49
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gcsfuse-mac: update 0.34.1 bottle.

bindfs-mac-1.15.1: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 03:37
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Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

avfs-mac-1.1.4: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 03:25
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Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

archivemount-mac-0.9.1: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 03:16
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Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!

afuse-mac-0.4.1: mass rename to avoid clashes with core tap

27 Apr 02:37
Choose a tag to compare
Forgot that base formula names need to be unique, otherwise `brew upgrade` picks up the core tap formula over this replacement, leading to:
$ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading sshfs 2.10_2 -> 3.7.1
Error: sshfs has been disabled because it requires FUSE!