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ME&C to FHIR Worksheet

Myung Choi edited this page May 2, 2018 · 8 revisions

This document builds on the STU3 reference document of FHIR ( as well as the nightingale Standard Death Reporting Profile

Viewable Priority ME/C Data Field Standard Death Record Profile FHIR Resource FHIR DataType Derived /Non-Direct Notes
Y A Residence of decedent, state Decedent.Residency.state Patient.Address, Address string N
Y A Date death was pronounced CauseOfDeath.DatePronouncedDead.value Patient.disesasedDateTime.value dateTime N
Y A Age of decedent Decedent.Decedent.BirthDate Patient.birthDate date N
Y A Gender of decdent Decedent.Decedent.use-core-birthsex Patient.gender code N Binds to the valueset of
Y A Residence of decedent, city Patient.Address, Address string N
N A Date death reported to the medical examiner CauseOfDeath.ActualOrPresumedDateofDeath.value Observation.dateTime dateTime N
N A Date found dead, unconscious, or in distress (if found) Encounter, Patient.disceased dateTime Y If diseased within the EHR system, can be traced back to an Encounter Encounter.period.end. Possibly filter on Encounter.class = 'Emergency' or Encounter.priority = 'A' | 'EM' | 'S' | 'UR'. Repesenting "ASAP", "Emergency", "Stat", and "Urgent"
N A Time found dead, unconscious, or in distress Encounter, Patient.disceased dateTime Y If diseased within the EHR system, can be traced back to an Encounter Encounter.period.end. Possibly filter on Encounter.class = 'Emergency' or Encounter.priority = 'A' | 'EM' | 'S' | 'UR'. Repesenting "ASAP", "Emergency", "Stat", and "Urgent"
N A Address where found dead, unconscious, or in distress
Y A Time death was pronounced CauseOfDeath.DatePronouncedDead.value Patient.disceasedDateTime dateTime N
N A Name of place where death was pronounced Observation.context, Encounter.Location,, Patient string The DatePronouncedDead.context must be an "Encounter" reference, and not an "EpisodeOfCare" reference
N A State where death was pronounced CauseOfDeath.DatePronouncedDead.context.Location.address.state Observation.context, Encounter.Location, Location.Address, Address.state string The DatePronouncedDead.context must be an "Encounter" reference, and not an "EpisodeOfCare" reference
N A Disposition of case (accepted or declined)
N A Type of examination or case review
Y A Top line of cause of death statement CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.text Condition.note.text Narrative/string Y When using the profile, text is a Narrative datatype, which contains an xhtml content which contains the human readable text within.
Y A Second line of cause of death statement CauseOfDeath.ContributingCauseOfDeathCondition.text Condition.note.text Narrative/string Y When using the profile, text is a Narrative datatype, which contains an xhtml content which contains the human readable text within.
Y A Third line of cause of death statement CauseOfDeath.ContributingCauseOfDeathCondition.text Condition.note.text Narrative/string Y When using the profile, text is a Narrative datatype, which contains an xhtml content which contains the human readable text within.
Y A Fourth line of cause of death statement CauseOfDeath.ContributingCauseOfDeathCondition.text Condition.note.text Narrative/string Y When using the profile, text is a Narrative datatype, which contains an xhtml content which contains the human readable text within.
N A Manner of death CauseOfDeath.MannerOfDeath.code Observation.code CodeableConcept N
A Certified explanation of how injury occurred CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition
A Certified type of place where injury occurred CauseOfDeath.DeathFromTransportInjury, CauseOfDeath.DeathFromWorkInjury
A Certified street address of injury CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation.line Address.line string N
A Certified city of injury string N
A Certified state of injury CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation.state Address.state string N
A Certified date of death CauseOfDeath..value Patient.disesasedDateTime.value dateTime N
A Certified time of death CauseOfDeath.ActualOrPresumedDateOfDeath.value Patient.disesasedDateTime.value dateTime N
A Name of person certifying death or finalizing case Name N
A Last name of decedent string N Decedent profile only supports a text string field as a name, while the standard FHIR patient resource allows a HumanName datatype.
A Race of decedent Unavailable CodeableConcept N Refer to for relevant codes.
A Residence of decedent (street number and name) Decedent.Residency.line Patient.Address.line string N
A Residence of decedent, county string N
A Residence of decedent, zip Decedent.Residency.postalCode Patient.Address.postalCode string N
A Police department name that has jurisdiction
A Narrative description of circumstances and follow up notes Can possible reuse CaseOfDeath.MannerOfDeath here
A Categorization of place of death (e.g., dead on scene) CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation.use Patient.Address.use code N home | work | temp | old
A Type of place where events leading to death occurred Can be interpreted from the condition.context
A Time death reported to the medical examiner Patient.disesasedDateTime.value dateTime N
A Date of injury/onset of events leading to death (if not found) CauseOfDeath.DetailsOfInjury.effective dateTime N
A Time of injury/onset of natural events leading to death CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.onset Condition.onset dateTime,Period N
A Address of injury or onset of natural fatal events CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation, CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.location Encounter.location Address Y CauseOfDeathCondition.context must be of resource type "Encounter" and not "EpisodeOfCare"
A Address where death was pronounced (street name and number) DeathRecord.Certifier.address.line Practitioner.address.line string N
A City where death was pronounced string N
A Date of examination or case review NOTE: Depends of where the examination is the autopsy, or the death record certification process.
A Ancillary procedures by medical examiner.
A Other significant conditions Condition.code CodeableConcept Y
Supporting Resource A Certified time of injury CauseOfDeath.DetailsOfInjury.effective Observation.effectivedateTime dateTime N
Supporting Resource A Certified county of injury string N
Supporting Resource A Certified zip code where injury occurred CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation.postalCode Address.postalCode string N
A Date of certification or case closure.
A Toxicology results.
A Ethnicity of decedent Unavailable CodeableConcept N Refer to for the accepted concept codes for this element
A Birth date of decedent Deecedent.Decedent.birthDate Patient.dateOfBirth dateTime N
A Date on which decedent arrived at hospital CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.period.startTime, CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.episodeOfCare.period.startTime Encounter.period.startTime EpisodeOfCare.period.startTime dateTime Y Note: If encounter is not of class == 'inpatient', then refer to the EpisodeOfCare link if available
A Time at which decedent arrived at hospital CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.period.startTime, CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.episodeOfCare.period.startTime Encounter.period.startTime EpisodeOfCare.period.startTime dateTime Y Note: If encounter is not of class == 'inpatient', then refer to the EpisodeOfCare link if available
A Name of hospital where decedent was first taken string Y
A Date on which next of kin were notified of death
A Time at which next of kin were notified of death
A Specific Autopsy Findings - Autopsy Report CauseOfDeath.AutopsyPerformed, CauseOfDeath.AutopsyResultsAvailable.text Narrative Y When using the profile, text is a Narrative datatype, which contains an xhtml content which contains the human readable text within.
A What specific tox tests performed - requested and results
A First name of decedent string N
A Middle name of decedent string N Note: FHIR HumanNames don't track middle name by default
Supporting Resource A County where death was pronounced string N
Supporting Resource Zip code where death was pronounced string N
A Who will sign the death certificate string
A Disposition of the body (burial or cremation)
A Investigator conducting investigation
A Certified date of injury CauseOfDeath.DetailsOfInjury.effective Observation.effectivedateTime dateTime N Injury being a previously tracked injury, and not one associated with the death
A Qualification/clarification of injury date (IS IT KNOWN? UNKNOWN?)
A Did the events leading to death occur while working?
A Will death certificate indicate an autopsy was performed? CaseOfDeath.AutopsyPerformed.value boolean N
A Will certificate indicate that autopsy findings were used? - DEFINE AUTOPSY DeathRecord.DeathRecord, CaseOfDeath.AutopsyResultsAvailable boolean Y If any AutopseResultsAvailable are within the DeathRecord, then true. ow false
A Decedent's marital status at time of death Decedent.Decedent.sdr-deceder-MaritalStatusAtDeath-extension Patient.MartialStatus CodeableConcept
A Date last known alive or alert
A Time last known alive or alert
A How decedent was last known to be alive or okay
A Number of other persons known to be dead from same incident
Supporting Resources A Details of medical history Condition,Encounter,Medication, MedicationRequest, MedicationStatement, Observation List[CodeableConcept] Y
A Person or agency who transported decedent to hospital string Y Check for participant-type of "emergency" or "ADM" for admittance
A Date scene investigation was conducted by investigator (if done)
A Name of person who conducted scene visit or scene investigation
A Type of agonal treatment or therapy
A Time of examination or case review
A Death scene investigation findings
A Suspected Child Abuse Condition.code, Procedure.code, Observation.code Possible conceptset related to child abuse?
A Method of identification
A Recent falls or hip fracture Encounter.code, Condition.code, Observation.code Possible conceptset related to hip fracture?
A Deaths in Custody
A Time of scene visit by investigator [ARRIVAL TIME]
A Where decedent was last known to be alive or okay
A Who last knew decedent to be alive or okay
A Year by which case is categorized CauseOfDeath.MannerOfDeath.effective Observation.effectivedateTime dateTime Y
A If decedent was found dead or unconscious, who found decedent
A Address at which scene investigation was conducted
A Name of next of kin who was contacted about the death
A Name of decedent's personal physician or health provider Provider Possibly multiple physicians
A Suspected Domestic Violence (FOR REPORTS, PROCEDURES & REFERRAL)
A Religious Objections
A Person conducting examination or case review string N
A Case number assigned to examination or review
A Qualification of certified date of death
A Title of certifier
A Specimen for which result is reported in ETOH [ALL DRUGS NOT JUST ETOH]
A Companion case numbers
A Name of or type of decedent residence Patient, Clarification about what the "type" of residence would be
A If unidentified, putative name if available
A Number assigned to police report by police department
A What samples are available Observation, Specimen
A Case load per forensic pathologist
A Workflow/turnaround times
A Case number assigned to the death by medical examiner office
A NAME annual report statistics (e.g., exhumations, procurements declined, cremation approvals, etc.)
A Social security number Patient.Identifier Identifier N Only if Identifier matches SSN uri
A Usual occupation of decedent Decedent.Decendent.sdr-decedent-occupation-extension.sdr-decednet-Job-extension, Decedent.Decendent.sdr-decedent-occupation-extension.sdr-decednet-Industry-extension string N
B Social history, including IV drug use, prison record
B Informants/Witnesses
B Person's name who pronounced death string N
B Was surgery performed? CarePlan.code, Procedure.code boolean Y
B Date of surgery, if performed CarePlan.code, Procedure.code,Procedure.performedDateTime dateTime N
B Safety Issues/ Mechanisms Identified at Scene
B Family Medical History RelatedPerson, Patient, Condition.code CodeableConcept Y
B Information source for medical history
B Status of medication history investigation (INVENTORY, PDMP, ETC)
B Property - brought in, released, chain of custody
Supporting Resource B Duration of condition on top line of cause of death CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.onset, CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.abatement, Condition.onset, Condition.abatement Period N
Supporting Resource B Duration of condition on second line of cause of death CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.onset, CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.abatement Condition.onset, Condition.abatement Period N
Supporting Resource B Duration of condition on third line of cause of death CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.onset, CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.abatement Condition.onset, Condition.abatement Period N
Supporting Resource B Duration of condition on fourth line of cause of death CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.onset, CauseOfDeath.ContributedToDeathCondition.abatement Condition.onset, Condition.abatement Period N
B Organ Weights
B Type of residence (e.g., halfway house, homeless, nursing homes, etc.)
B Response times
B Type of person pronouncing death (Police, EMS, etc.)
B Key words or phrases about the circumstances of the death
C Condition when found (dead, unconscious, or in distress)
C Status of ethanol testing and result
C Status of drug testing and qualitative results
C Number of other persons injured in this incident but not killed
C Procedures that result in case being held as pending
C Inherited diseases/genetics/other family members at risk
C Industry or trade of decedent's occupation Decedent.Decendent.sdr-decedent-occupation-extension.sdr-decednet-Industry-extension string N
C Reasons for surgery, if performed Procedure.reasonCode CodeableConcept N Refer to for valueset
C Name of person or agency who transported body from death site
C Indication of whether physical evidence was submitted for analysis
C Categorization code for onset of fatal events
C Does an injury constitute NIOSH injury at work?
C Are toxicology results representative of time of fatal incident?
C Status of medical history investigation.
C Status of referral of case to other agencies.
C Time of refrigeration
C Who gave consent for donation/are there any restrictions
C Will donation be pre or post autopsy
C Person who reported death to the medical examiner
C Employment status of decedent Decedent.Decendent.sdr-decedent-occupation-extension.sdr-decednet-Job-extension, Decedent.Decendent.sdr-decedent-occupation-extension.sdr-decednet-Industry-extension string N Note; if not included, assume "Unemployed" for default
C Was decedent unidentified at time of death report?
C Name of person or agency who notified next of kin
C Date on which investigator's report was first filed
C Duration at Scene
C Ambient Temp at Scene
C Case Peer Reviewed?
C Key words or phrases to categorize decedent
C Name of person who first received the death report
C Key words or phrases about the place of fatal event
D Apparent actual date of death (if known) CauseOfDeath.DatePronouncedDead.value dateTime N
D Apparent actual time of death CauseOfDeath.DatePronouncedDead.value dateTime N
D Apparent address where death actually occurred CauseOfDeath.InjuryLocation, CauseOfDeath.CauseOfDeathCondition.context.location Encounter.location Address Y CauseOfDeathCondition.context must be of resource type "Encounter" and not "EpisodeOfCare"
D Aggregate Statistics
D MDI process questions
D Date of additions/change to electronic case record
D Demographics of Jurisdiction
D Accreditation Status of Office
D Time of certification or finalization
D License number of person pronouncing death
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