LyRic is a versatile automated transcriptome annotation and analysis workflow written in the Snakemake language. Its core functionality is the production of:
- a set of high-quality RNA Transcript Models (TMs) mapped onto a genome sequence, based on Long-Read (LR) RNA sequencing data.
- various summary statistics plots and analysis results that describe the input and output data in details
- an interactive HTML table reporting statistics for each input sample, enabling easy and intuitive sample-to-sample comparison
- a UCSC Track Hub to display output TMs, as well as various other tracks produced by LyRic.
(Note that features 2, 3 and 4 can be easily switched on and off).
LyRic is platform-agnostic, i.e. it can deal with FASTQ data coming from both the ONT and PacBio platforms.
- TOC {:toc}
LyRic depends on the following software:
Please install those as a prerequisite. Once this is completed:
to the directory where you intend to run the LyRic workflow (referred to as the working directory below). -
Clone LyRic Snakefiles:
git clone ./LyRic
Customize the configuration variables and
according to your needs.
All paths mentioned below are relative to the working directory.
Note that running LyRic under a Snakemake-compatible HPC environment such as SGE/UGE is highly recommended.
An example bash script launching LyRic in cluster/DRMAA mode is provided (
), together with its accompanying workflow configuration (config_EXAMPLE.json
) and cluster configuration (cluster_config.json
) files. Note that you will need to customize these config files manually before your first LyRic run. Once this is done, make sure you're in your working directory and issue the following command to run LyRic:
Please refer to Snakemake's documentation for more advanced usage.
Must be placed inside the
subdirectory -
File naming scheme:
(no spaces or special characters allowed) where:{techname}
can be made up of one or more subfields, separated by a hyphen (-
), e.g.:<sequencing technology>
: e.g. 'ont
', 'pacBio
'<sequencing center>
: e.g. 'Crg
', 'Cshl
'<library preparation protocol>
: e.g. 'SmartSeq2
', 'CapTrap
: for sample names that didn't undergo targeted RNA capture, this field should match the following regex:\S+preCap$
. For captured samples, this field should match the name of the capture design (up to the user but preferably a short string).{sizeFrac}
: the RNA/cDNA size fraction the file corresponds to. If no size fractionation was performed, should be0+
should match the following regex: '(\S+)\d{2}Rep\d+
' (e.g.Brain01Rep1
). The(\S+)
prefix should match the value in thetissue
column of the corresponding row in the sample annotation file (see below). The\d{2}Rep\d+
suffix identifies multiple replicates of the same experiment.- the file basename (i.e.
) should have an exact match in thesample_name
column of the sample annotation file (see below).
Note that poly(A) tails should not have been trimmed from the input reads, contrary to e.g. PacBio's "mainstream" recommendation. Check out the pb_gen workflow if you need to generate LyRic-compatible PacBio Sequel FASTQs from PacBio subread BAMs.
If input reads are not polyadenylated, results will be biased in the following way:
- Mono-exonic transcripts will be heavily under-represented. That's because almost no mono-exonic read will make it into the HCGM set (see glossary entry).
- Transcript 3' end completeness statistics will be substantially under-estimated.
NOTE: Never, EVER use Excel /LibreOffice or the like to edit this file!!! Here's a good TSV editor, also available as a VSCode extension.
This tab-separated file contains all metadata associated to each sample/input LR FASTQ file, as well as some customizable, sample-specific LyRic run parameters. Its path is controlled by config variable SAMPLE_ANNOT
. A mock sample annotation file, named sample_annotations_EXAMPLE.tsv
is included in this repository.
All columns are optional, except (1) if otherwise stated below; (2) if said column is listed in config variable sampleRepGroupBy
. The contents of each column should me mostly self-explanatory, except:
(boolean, optional):True
if the corresponding sample contains ERCC and/or SIRV spike-ins that were artificially 5'-m7G-capped before their incorporation into the library,False
otherwise. -
(string, optional):the cell fraction, e.g.
(i.e. whole-cell extract with no cell fractionation) -
(integer, mandatory):minimum average Phred sequencing quality of read sequences +/- 3 nts around all their splice junctions for a spliced read to be considered high-confidence (see glossary entry) below). Example values:
for ONT,30
for PacBio HiFi reads. -
(string, optional):the sub-project this dataset is part of. This is useful to produce separate interactive HTML summary stats tables (see below) for each sub-project, if desired. Can be any string except '
'. -
(string, mandatory):should match the basename of the corresponding LR FASTQ file and should be globally unique.
(boolean, mandatory):controls the production of HiSS files for the corresponding sample (see glossary entry below).
To map RNA sequencing reads against. One genome assembly per file, in (multi-)FASTA format (i.e. all chromosomes in separated records of a single FASTA file). Each FASTA file should be named '<genome_id>.fa
', where <genome_id>
is the genome assembly identifier, and should match a value in the capDesignToGenome{}
config variable object (e.g. 'hg38
' or 'mm10
The path to the directory containing genome sequences is controlled by config variable GENOMESDIR
(see below).
If present, pair-ended short reads contained in these files will be used to confirm splice junctions present in the LR FASTQ files. There should be one pair of Illumina FASTQ files per {capDesign}
inside the fastqs/hiSeq/
Only needed if config variable USE_MATCHED_ILLUMINA
is True
Reference gene annotation file to compare LyRic's output annotation against.Controlled by config variable genomeToAnnotGtf
(see below). This file should also contain spike-in gene annotations (e.g. SIRV/ERCC) if your samples include those.
Only needed if any of config variables produceStatPlots
, produceTrackHub
and produceHtmlStatsTable
are True
TSV file containing SIRV information. Format should be:
Controlled by config variable SIRVinfo
(see below). Only needed if any of config variables produceStatPlots
and produceHtmlStatsTable
are True
RepeatMasker BED file, containing the coordinates of repeat regions to compare TMs against. Can be easily downloaded from the UCSC Table Browser.
BED files should be named '<genome_id>.repeatMasker.bed
', where <genome_id>
is the genome assembly identifier, and should match a value in the capDesignToGenome{}
config variable object (e.g. 'hg38
' or 'mm10
'). The path to the directory containing repeat files is controlled by config variable REPEATMASKER_DIR
(see below).
Only needed if any of config variables produceStatPlots
and produceHtmlStatsTable
are True
GTF file of non-overlapping capture-targeted regions for each (post-capture) {capDesign}
. Only for RNA capture samples. Each region should be identified by its transcript_id
and labelled using the gene_type
GFF attribute to group features into target types (e.g. by gene biotype).
Filepath is controlled by config variable capDesignToTargetsGff
(see below).
Only needed if any of config variables produceStatPlots
, produceTrackHub
and produceHtmlStatsTable
are True
is True
The following config variables are user-customizable. These can be set either via a config file (Snakemake's --configfile FILE
option) or directly via command line options (--config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]]
). See Snakemake's CLI's documentation for more details.
(dictionary/JSON object):key: capture design identifier (
)value: corresponding genome assembly identifier (e.g.
) -
(boolean):set to '
' if some of your data underwent RNA capture and you want to obtain related target coverage statistics etc. -
(string):the path to the directory containing the genome multifastas to map the sequencing reads against (see corresponding section above for format requirements). Note that you should have write permissions inside this directory, to allow LyRic to build various genome indices in it.
(boolean):set to '
' if you want LyRic to produce interactive HTML summary tables containing various sample-specific statistics (see below). -
(boolean):set to '
' if you want LyRic to produce summary statistics plots (see below). -
(boolean):set to '
' if you want LyRic to produce a UCSC Track Hub based on your data (see below). -
(string):Path to the sample annotation file (see corresponding section above for format requirements)
(list/JSON array):list of columns in the sample annotation file used to combine
into groups of samples. Usually, this is the combination of experimental metadata properties that form a distinct group of replicates to group by. This list is used to merge TMs from distinct{sampleReps}
. See below for further details. -
(string):a short identifier to name your UCSC track hub and suffix your cluster job names with.
(boolean):whether to use
-matched Illumina FASTQs to confirm LR splice junctions.
(dictionary/JSON object):key: pre- or post-capture design identifier (
)value: corresponding post-capture design identifier.
Only needed if config variable
. -
(dictionary/JSON object):key: capture design identifier (
)value: path to non-overlapping capture-targeted regions in
, in GFF format.Only needed if config variable
. -
(dictionary/JSON object):key: genome assembly identifier (e.g.
)value: corresponding gene annotation file, in GTF format (e.g. gencode v24 GTF).
Only needed if any of config variables
. -
(dictionary/JSON object):key: genome assembly identifier (e.g.
)value: corresponding CAGE cluster coordinates to compare TM's 5' ends against, in BED format.
Only needed if any of config variables
. -
(dictionary/JSON object):key: genome assembly identifier (e.g.
)value: corresponding DHS cluster coordinates to compare TM's 5' ends against, in BED format.
Only needed if any of config variables
. -
(string):your contact email (to include in UCSC Track Hub Data). Only needed if config variable
. -
(string):a long name for your UCSC Track hub. Only needed if config variable
. -
(string):The path to the directory where repeatMasker BED files are located (see relevant section above).
Only needed if any of config variables
. -
(string):path to TSV file containing SIRV information (see corresponding section above for format requirements).
If present (and if any of config variables
), comparisons between LyRic's transcriptome and SIRV annotations will be performed. -
(string):the base URL of the UCSC Track Hub. It should point to
on your web server.Only needed if config variable
All files output by LyRic are written under './output/
' in the working directory. LyRic will generate various types of output files, listed below.
The production of each output type can be turned on and off using config variables, namely 'produceStatPlots
', produceHtmlStatsTable
' and produceTrackHub
'. If all these are set to False
, the workflow will only produce transcriptome GTF files (which cannot be switched off).
All reads and transcripts are collapsed/merged using tmerge.
(Output directory: output/mappings/mergedReads/
One GTF file per input FASTQ.
(missing section)
(Output directory: output/mappings/mergedReads/groupedSampleReps/
Samples-specific TMs can be further merged across samples according to config variable sampleRepGroupBy
. The output transcriptome files will be named based on the column values used to group by. For example, given config_EXAMPLE.json
and sample_annotations_EXAMPLE.tsv
would be merged into:
would be merged into:
All other samples will be left untouched, as they correspond to singleton replicates. Note that in that latter case, a file (identical in content to the input sample-specific TM file) would be created in the output directory anyway, following the file naming scheme described above.
(Output directory: ./output/plots/
Controlled by config variable 'produceStatPlots
': boolean. If True
, multiple statistics plots in PNG format will be output inside the output directory.
(incomplete section)
(Output directory: ./output/html/
Production of the interactive HTML summary table is controlled by config variable 'produceHtmlStatsTable
' variable. If set to True
, detailed reports containing various per-sample statistics will be produced in the output directory.
LyRic will produce one table per distinct subProject
value in the input sample annotation file (as long as those correspond to actual input FASTQ files) (./output/html/summary_table_{subProject}.html
), plus a global one containing info for all samples (./output/html/summary_table_ALL.html
For each interactive HTML summary stats table, an accompanying TSV file with the same basename and the .tsv
extension will also be produced. It contains the same data as the HTML table, in an easily parsable tab-separated format.
(incomplete section)
(Output directory: ./output/trackHub/
Controlled by config variable 'produceTrackHub
' (boolean). If true, LyRic will generate a UCSC Track Hub structure in the corresponding output directory. The URL of the resulting Track Hub directory (i.e. where the Genome Browser should fetch the hub.txt
file is controlled by config variable TRACK_HUB_BASE_URL
(missing section)
High-Confidence Genome Mappings.
Filtered read-to-genome mappings characterized by:
- only canonical introns (*if read is spliced*)
- no suspicious introns possibly arising from RT template switching ("RT-facts") (*if read is spliced*)
- minimum average sequencing quality of
on the read sequence +/- 3 nts around all their splice junctions.filter_SJ_Qscore
is set on a per-sample basis in the corresponding column of the sample annotation file (*if read is spliced*) - a detectable, clipped polyA tail on the read (*if read is unspliced*)
Produced by snakemake rule highConfidenceReads
Hi-Seq-Supported read mappings.
Those correspond to HCGMs that have all their splice junctions supported by at least one split read in the corresponding {capDesign}
-matched HiSeq sample, if use_matched_HiSeq
is set to true
for the corresponding sample in the sample annotation file (config[SAMPLE_ANNOT]
). If use_matched_HiSeq
is false
, HiSS reads are exactly equivalent to HCGMs.
Produced by Snakemake rule getHiSeqSupportedHCGMs
Long sequencing Read (typically produced by the PacBio and ONT platforms).
Transcript Model.
The evidence-based model of an RNA transcript represented as the genomic coordinates of its intron-exon structure. A gene model contains a set of exon-overlapping TMs.