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Running Geneid

Emilio Righi edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Running geneid

Table of contents:

  1. FASTA format
  2. General considerations
  3. Geneid command line options
  4. Geneid output formats
  5. Samples
  6. Multi-fasta files
  7. INDEX

FASTA format

geneid input sequences must be in FASTA format:

FASTA sequence files show this structure:


Usually Fasta lines are 60 chars long but this is not mandatory.

General considerations

To run geneid, type

- geneid \[options\] sequence\_file where sequence\_file 

is a FASTA formatted DNA sequence. Predictions are sent to the standard output. In addition, the program requires an organism specific parameters file (which can be broadly used within the phylogenetic group to which organism belongs. For instance, the human file may be used as well to predict genes in genomic sequences from vertebrates).The directory params contains several files for different organisms.

The parameters file may be speficied in three different ways:

  1. By default, geneid will try to find a default file called param.default which must be in the same directory that the binary.
  2. Through the enviromental var GENEID, defining the path.
  3. Using the command line option
- geneid -P file

Geneid command line options

    Selection of genomic elements to display
    Selection of genomic elements to display
    Flag Action
    b Display best Start codons found on sequence
    d Display best Donor sites found on sequence
    a Display best Acceptor sites found on sequence
    e Display best Stop codons found on sequence
    f Display best First exons found on sequence
    i Display best Internal exons found on sequence
    t Display best Terminal exons found on sequence
    s Display best Single genes found on sequence
    x Display best exons (all) found on sequence
    z Display Open Reading Frames found on sequence [see -Z]
    D Display genomic sequence in predicted genes

    Selection of output format
    Flag Action
    - geneid format
    G gff format
    X Extended format (gff or geneid)
    M XML output (see -m)
    m See DTD for XML output

    Control prediction engine
    Flag Action
    - Predictions in both strands of sequence
    W Predictions only in forward strand of sequence
    C Predictions only in reverse strand of sequence
    o Only signal and exon prediction (gene assembling disabled)
    F Force prediction of a complete gene
    O Only gene assembling (exons provided from file)
    Z Switch ORF searching on

    Re-annotation of sequences
    Flag Action
    R Include annotations (evidences) provided from file
    S Use homology to protein information (SR) provided from file

    Statistical model
    Flag Action
    P Provide a new parameter file
    E Increase/decrease exon weight value

    Flag Action
    v Display information during geneid running
    B Show memory requirements
    h Show list of available options

Geneid output formats

Click over every available format to see a detailed description:

- Geneid Format

    Gene extracted from human Chromosome 22 predictions (geneid format)
    Gene extracted from human Chromosome 22 predictions (geneid format)
    # Gene 10 (Forward). 5 exons. 787 aa. Score = 39.46
       First 13358069 13358945 18.58 + 0 1  5.78  3.15 45.54  0.00 AA   1:293 gene_10
    Internal 13359480 13359693  1.17 + 2 2 -2.83  0.56 18.82  0.00 AA 293:364 gene_10
    Internal 13359779 13360175  4.51 + 1 0  0.30 -1.47 26.77  0.00 AA 364:496 gene_10
    Internal 13368380 13368662  8.38 + 0 1  3.02  2.87 25.87  0.00 AA 497:591 gene_10
    Terminal 13370754 13371343  6.83 + 2 0  6.09  0.00 21.71  0.00 AA 591:787 gene_10
    Description of columns (geneid format)
    Description of columns (geneid format)
    Type Type of predicted exon: First, Internal, Terminal or Single
    Positions Start and finish positions of current exon
    Score Score (reliability) of this exon
    Strand Reading sense: forward or reverse
    Frame Left uncomplete codon length in this exon
    Remainder Right uncomplete codon length in this exon
    Partial scores: Scores (log likelihood) from:
    • Score for both signals defining exon
    • Protein coding potential (exon content)
    • Homology information score (blast HSPs): provided by user
    AA Amino acids corresponding to the exon translation
    Key Gene identifier

- Gff output format

    Gene extracted from a human prediction (gff format)
    Gene extracted from a human prediction (gff format)
    # Gene 2 (Reverse). 3 exons. 493 aa. Score = 25.25
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 21839 22922  18.37 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 23679 24029   7.99 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    30732 30775  -1.11 -  0  gene_2
    Description of columns (gff format)
    Description of columns (gff format)
    Locus DNA Sequence locusname
    Source Prediction program which produced this file
    Type Type of predicted exon: First, Internal, Terminal or Single
    Positions Start and finish positions of current exon
    Score Score (reliability) of this exon
    Strand Reading sense: forward or reverse
    Frame Left uncomplete codon length in this exon
    Key Gene identifier

- XML output format

    Gene extracted from a human prediction (XML FORMAT)
    Gene extracted from a human prediction (XML format)
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE prediction SYSTEM "geneid.dtd">
    <prediction locus="AF100956_AF027865" length="140000" source="geneid_v1.2" 
        date="Thu Sep 27 12:52:58 2001" genes="10" score ="204.19">
       <gene idGene="AF100956_AF027865.G5" strand ="fwd" exons="6" score="12.35">
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E1" type="First" frame="0" score="5.38">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E1S1" type="Start" position="65038" score="3.06" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E1S2" type="Donor" position="65220" score="2.89" />
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E2" type="Internal" frame="0" score="-0.93">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E2S1" type="Acceptor" position="65872" score="2.58" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E2S2" type="Donor" position="66019" score="0.44" />
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E3" type="Internal" frame="2" score="-0.44">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E3S1" type="Acceptor" position="66210" score="2.20" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E3S2" type="Donor" position="66321" score="3.78" />
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E4" type="Internal" frame="1" score="2.57">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E4S1" type="Acceptor" position="66774" score="2.22" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E4S2" type="Donor" position="66903" score="3.50" />
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E5" type="Internal" frame="0" score="4.80">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E5S1" type="Acceptor" position="67344" score="2.54" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E5S2" type="Donor" position="67548" score="1.45" />
          <exon idExon="AF100956_AF027865.G5E6" type="Terminal" frame="2" score="0.97">
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E6S1" type="Acceptor" position="67811" score="4.31" />
             <site idSite="AF100956_AF027865.G5E6S2" type="Stop" position="67899" score="0.00" />
          <protein length="289">
    Description of columns (gff format)
    Description of columns (gff format)
    XML headers XML Version and DTD used
    Prediction Prediction as a collection of genes
    Gene Gene as a collection of exons
    Exon Gene as a couple of sites
    Site Splice site or transcription signal description
    Key Predicted protein
    To see more details about XML format, click here

- Geneid extended output format

    Gene extracted from a human prediction (geneid eXtended format)
    Gene extracted from a human prediction (geneid eXtended format)
    # Gene 7 (Reverse). 3 exons. 476 aa. Score = 47.50
        Stop    91832    91834       0.00   -       ATAA
    Terminal    91832    92551      30.56   - 0 0   0.00  3.93   84.26  0.00   AA 237:476 gene_7
    Acceptor    92551    92552       3.93   -       GCGGTGGTGCGGCTGTCCCCGCAGGTG
       Donor    93982    93983       1.23   -       AAGGTATCT
    Internal    93983    94263       9.83   - 2 0   1.23  2.79   32.30  0.00   AA 143:236 gene_7
    Acceptor    94263    94264       2.79   -       AGCTGTGAACTGTTTGTTTGCTAGGGT
       Donor    95208    95209       2.52   -       AAGGTAACC
       First    95209    95635       7.11   - 0 1   2.52  -1.55  30.08  0.00   AA   1:143 gene_7
       Start    95633    95635      -1.55   -       TTTAGAAAGCTGAGATGATG
    Description of columns (geneid eXtended format)
    Description of columns (geneid eXtended format)
    Exon type Type of predicted exon: First, Internal, Terminal or Single
    Signal type Type of predicted signal: Acceptor, Donor, Start or Stop codon
    Positions Start and finish positions of current exon and signals
    Score Score (reliability) of exon and signals
    Strand Reading sense: forward or reverse
    Frame Left uncomplete codon length in this exon
    Remainder Right uncomplete codon length in this exon
    Partial scores (exons): Scores (log likelihood) from:
    • Score for both signals defining exon
    • Protein coding potential (exon content)
    • Homology information score (SR regions): provided by user
    AA Amino acids corresponding to the exon translation
    Key Gene identifier


Click over every example to see the corresponding output:

diff - This the sequence used to generate these outputs: test.fa

- Prediction of acceptor splice sites

    1. geneid (default format)
    1. geneid (default) format
    ## date Thu Sep 27 15:21:50 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Acceptors(+) predicted in sequence test: [0,99999]
    Acceptor        1        2       0.40   +       ***********************GATC
    Acceptor        6        7      -0.01   +       ******************GATCAGGCT
    Acceptor       60       61       2.21   +       GCATTCTTTTCTGCTTCAATTCAGTCC
    Acceptor       83       84      -0.79   +       GTCCATCCCTGACCACCCACCCAGCCA
    Acceptor      140      141       4.62   +       TCCTCCACCTTCCCACTCCCACAGCTA
    Acceptor      151      152      -6.25   +       CCCACTCCCACAGCTAATCAGTAGCCA
    Acceptor      164      165      -1.79   +       CTAATCAGTAGCCAAACCCTTTAGATT
    Acceptor      229      230       0.87   +       TCCTCTAATTATGACTTAATTCAGGCT
    Acceptor      272      273       2.02   +       TAAATTATTGCTGTATTGCTACAGGAG
    Acceptor      275      276      -6.95   +       ATTATTGCTGTATTGCTACAGGAGTGG
    Acceptor      316      317       1.17   +       ACTGTTCATCTTGGTATGCTATAGACT
    Acceptor      328      329      -4.24   +       GGTATGCTATAGACTCTTGCCCAGCAG
    Acceptor      331      332      -1.50   +       ATGCTATAGACTCTTGCCCAGCAGTTT
    Acceptor      353      354       0.15   +       AGTTTTGCCTCAATTCTTTAAAAGCTC
    Acceptor      359      360      -4.31   +       GCCTCAATTCTTTAAAAGCTCCAGTTC
    Acceptor      383      384      -0.88   +       TTCATTGTTTGAAATATCAATCAGAAC
    Acceptor      424      425       0.88   +       GCTAAAATGATTGTCATTCCCCAGTTT
    Acceptor      450      451      -0.95   +       TTAATATCTCTATCATCTGCTAAGTAA
    Acceptor      456      457      -5.79   +       TCTCTATCATCTGCTAAGTAAAAGCAA
    Acceptor      478      479      -0.15   +       AGCAAGCTCCTCCTTGTGGCGTAGCAG
    Acceptor      481      482      -0.48   +       AAGCTCCTCCTTGTGGCGTAGCAGGGC
    % bin/geneid -P param/human3iso.param -ao test.fa
    2. gff format
    2. gff format
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Sep 27 15:24:22 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Acceptors(+) predicted in sequence test: [0,99999]
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor    1     2   0.40   +   .    # ***********************GATC
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor    6     7  -0.01   +   .    # ******************GATCAGGCT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor   60    61   2.21   +   .    # GCATTCTTTTCTGCTTCAATTCAGTCC
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor   83    84  -0.79   +   .    # GTCCATCCCTGACCACCCACCCAGCCA
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  140   141   4.62   +   .    # TCCTCCACCTTCCCACTCCCACAGCTA
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  151   152  -6.25   +   .    # CCCACTCCCACAGCTAATCAGTAGCCA
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  164   165  -1.79   +   .    # CTAATCAGTAGCCAAACCCTTTAGATT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  229   230   0.87   +   .    # TCCTCTAATTATGACTTAATTCAGGCT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  272   273   2.02   +   .    # TAAATTATTGCTGTATTGCTACAGGAG
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  275   276  -6.95   +   .    # ATTATTGCTGTATTGCTACAGGAGTGG
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  316   317   1.17   +   .    # ACTGTTCATCTTGGTATGCTATAGACT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  328   329  -4.24   +   .    # GGTATGCTATAGACTCTTGCCCAGCAG
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  331   332  -1.50   +   .    # ATGCTATAGACTCTTGCCCAGCAGTTT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  353   354   0.15   +   .    # AGTTTTGCCTCAATTCTTTAAAAGCTC
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  359   360  -4.31   +   .    # GCCTCAATTCTTTAAAAGCTCCAGTTC
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  383   384  -0.88   +   .    # TTCATTGTTTGAAATATCAATCAGAAC
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  424   425   0.88   +   .    # GCTAAAATGATTGTCATTCCCCAGTTT
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  450   451  -0.95   +   .    # TTAATATCTCTATCATCTGCTAAGTAA
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  456   457  -5.79   +   .    # TCTCTATCATCTGCTAAGTAAAAGCAA
    test    geneid_v1.2   Acceptor  478   479  -0.15   +   .    # AGCAAGCTCCTCCTTGTGGCGTAGCAG
    % bin/geneid -P param/human3iso.param -aoG test.fa

- Prediction of exons

    geneid samples: exons
    geneid samples: exons
    1. geneid (default) format
    ## date Thu Sep 27 15:31:03 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Exons(x) predicted in sequence test: [0,99999]
    Internal    2   59  -10.08  + 0 1  0.40  -6.58  -2.17  0.00  20  IRLFLSVNLLPWHSFLLQF
    Internal    2   59   -8.80  + 2 2  0.40  -6.58   1.01  0.00  20  QALSLCKPAPMAFFSASI
    Terminal    2   23   -5.55  + 1 0  0.40   0.00  -0.74  0.00   8  SGSFSL*
    Terminal    2  115   -6.83  + 0 0  0.40   0.00  -3.92  0.00  38  IRLFLSVNLLPWHSFLLQFSPSLTTHPATHAGNLRY
    Terminal    2  144   -5.78  + 2 0  0.40   0.00  -1.30  0.00  48  QALSLCKPAPMAFFSASIQSIPDHPPSHPCWKSEIS
    Terminal    3   25   -9.22  - 2 0  0.00  -6.33  -1.04  0.00   8  LQRERA*
    Internal    7   59   -9.50  + 0 2 -0.01  -6.58  -0.11  0.00  18  ALSLCKPAPMAFFSASI
    Internal    7   59  -10.55  + 1 1 -0.01  -6.58  -2.73  0.00  19  LFLSVNLLPWHSFLLQF
    Terminal    7   23   -6.12  + 2 0 -0.01   0.00  -1.55  0.00   6  SFSL*
    Terminal    7  115   -7.30  + 1 0 -0.01   0.00  -4.48  0.00  37  LFLSVNLLPWHSFLLQFSPSLTTHPATHAGNLRYL*
    Terminal    7  144   -6.47  + 0 0 -0.01   0.00  -2.42  0.00  46  ALSLCKPAPMAFFSASIQSIPDHPPSHPCWKSEISL
    % bin/geneid -P param/human3iso.param -xo test.fa
    2. gff format
    2. gff format
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Sep 27 15:46:06 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Exons(x) predicted in sequence test: [0,99999]
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        2       59      -10.08  +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        2       59      -8.80   +       2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        2       23      -5.55   +       1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        2      115      -6.83   +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        2      144      -5.78   +       2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        3       25      -9.22   -       2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        7       59      -9.50   +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        7       59      -10.55  +       1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        7       23      -6.12   +       2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        7      115      -7.30   +       1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        7      144      -6.47   +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     First          26       91      -7.08   -       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     First          26       40      -6.56   -       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     First          26       35      -6.35   -       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal       26      140      -7.80   -       1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal       26       67      -8.90   -       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     First          34       59      -9.51   +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Single         34      144      -6.49   +       0
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal       52      140      -9.19   -       2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal       52       67      -7.05   -       1    
    % bin/geneid -GP param/human3iso.param -xo test.fa

- Gene Prediction

    1. geneid (default) format
    1. geneid (default) format
    ## date Thu Sep 27 15:54:45 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 7 genes. Score = 164.188676 
    # Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988 
    Internal     3698     3982	 8.69	+ 2 1	 5.39	 1.69	23.61	 0.00	AA   1: 96 gene_1
    Internal     4612     4890	 5.95	+ 2 1	 3.01	 2.36	19.33	 0.00	AA  96:189 gene_1
    Internal     5102     5230	 1.03	+ 2 1	 0.20	 2.06	11.69	 0.00	AA 189:232 gene_1
    Internal    13675    13737	 0.26	+ 2 1	 2.23	 5.66	 1.33	 0.00	AA 232:253 gene_1
    Internal    15525    15806	 4.26	+ 2 1	 5.61	 2.81	11.79	 0.00	AA 253:347 gene_1
    Internal    17034    17318	 3.80	+ 2 1	 5.76	 1.67	12.10	 0.00	AA 347:442 gene_1
    Internal    21599    21618	 0.64	+ 2 0	 4.61	 5.66	-0.07	 0.00	AA 442:448 gene_1
    Terminal    23145    23375	 0.61	+ 0 0	 5.33	 0.00	 7.28	 0.00	AA 449:525 gene_1


    Gene 2 (Forward). 2 exons. 181 aa. Score = 10.263193 First 74617 74854 6.35 + 0 1 5.56 -0.98 22.75 0.00 AA 1: 80 gene_2 Terminal 74929 75233 3.91 + 2 0 -6.70 0.00 33.58 0.00 AA 80:181 gene_2


    Gene 3 (Reverse). 5 exons. 203 aa. Score = 5.699872 Terminal 86249 86417 1.51 - 1 0 0.00 4.28 9.84 0.00 AA 147:203 gene_3 Internal 94859 94977 -1.65 - 0 2 2.22 2.55 2.46 0.00 AA 108:147 gene_3 Internal 96314 96443 3.31 - 1 0 5.34 4.11 7.85 0.00 AA 64:107 gene_3 Internal 97054 97185 2.74 - 1 2 0.34 2.74 15.98 0.00 AA 20: 64 gene_3 First 98244 98302 -0.20 - 0 2 3.60 1.52 5.57 0.00 AA 1: 20 gene_3


    Gene 4 (Reverse). 1 exons. 104 aa. Score = 4.755478 Single 100629 100940 4.76 - 0 0 0.00 0.42 25.01 0.00 AA 1:104 gene_4


    Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015 First 101952 102061 -1.42 + 0 2 1.16 0.34 6.71 0.00 AA 1: 37 gene_5 Internal 102210 102340 -0.15 + 1 1 4.04 -1.92 8.94 0.00 AA 37: 81 gene_5 Internal 103300 103505 3.34 + 2 0 4.52 4.14 7.86 0.00 AA 81:149 gene_5 Internal 103932 104129 4.76 + 0 0 3.85 -0.04 18.67 0.00 AA 150:215 gene_5 Internal 105331 105459 4.56 + 0 0 5.35 3.92 10.00 0.00 AA 216:258 gene_5 Internal 105609 105797 3.81 + 0 0 5.64 0.78 12.40 0.00 AA 259:321 gene_5 Internal 106357 106530 5.45 + 0 0 3.90 3.52 15.00 0.00 AA 322:379 gene_5 Internal 106774 106936 1.28 + 0 1 3.56 0.52 9.56 0.00 AA 380:434 gene_5 Internal 107245 107381 2.61 + 2 0 3.85 4.71 6.19 0.00 AA 434:479 gene_5 Internal 108664 108840 2.52 + 0 0 4.41 -1.36 14.21 0.00 AA 480:538 gene_5 Internal 111360 111507 1.14 + 0 1 4.01 0.44 8.68 0.00 AA 539:588 gene_5 Internal 111666 111777 4.83 + 2 2 4.40 5.44 9.82 0.00 AA 588:625 gene_5 Internal 112186 112315 4.80 + 1 0 3.55 3.50 13.92 0.00 AA 625:668 gene_5 Internal 112714 112918 6.00 + 0 1 2.72 1.65 20.97 0.00 AA 669:737 gene_5 Terminal 113402 113490 3.02 + 2 0 5.19 0.00 12.26 0.00 AA 737:766 gene_5


    Gene 6 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949 First 116217 116709 1.18 + 0 1 4.46 2.44 5.09 0.00 AA 1:165 gene_6 Internal 116799 116913 4.26 + 2 2 5.85 4.63 7.42 0.00 AA 165:203 gene_6 Internal 117437 117484 0.05 + 1 2 6.31 3.70 -1.13 0.00 AA 203:219 gene_6 Internal 118677 118807 3.22 + 1 1 5.18 3.05 8.20 0.00 AA 219:263 gene_6 Internal 119091 119296 7.73 + 2 0 5.08 4.49 17.47 0.00 AA 263:331 gene_6 Internal 121626 121823 6.17 + 0 0 4.30 3.64 17.26 0.00 AA 332:397 gene_6 Internal 121989 122117 2.09 + 0 0 7.47 4.49 1.03 0.00 AA 398:440 gene_6 Internal 123644 123832 2.08 + 0 0 4.08 0.30 11.14 0.00 AA 441:503 gene_6 Internal 124010 124183 7.03 + 0 0 5.53 3.68 16.25 0.00 AA 504:561 gene_6 Internal 124361 124520 3.46 + 0 1 4.54 1.41 12.22 0.00 AA 562:615 gene_6 Internal 132128 132308 2.65 + 2 2 6.44 3.78 5.05 0.00 AA 615:675 gene_6 Internal 137494 137585 1.72 + 1 1 5.36 5.38 1.95 0.00 AA 675:706 gene_6 Internal 139123 139392 4.46 + 2 1 2.30 4.31 14.99 0.00 AA 706:796 gene_6 Internal 139835 140116 3.25 + 2 1 5.08 -0.18 13.27 0.00 AA 796:890 gene_6 Terminal 150538 150989 1.80 + 2 0 1.12 0.00 16.56 0.00 AA 890:1040 gene_6


    Gene 7 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181 First 159435 159556 0.89 + 0 2 1.25 6.11 4.94 0.00 AA 1: 41 gene_7 Internal 177915 177947 0.49 + 1 2 5.67 4.44 -0.19 0.00 AA 41: 52 gene_7 Internal 190046 190173 -1.22 + 1 1 2.30 0.25 6.88 0.00 AA 52: 95 gene_7 Internal 192477 192743 17.00 + 2 1 4.16 4.31 42.30 0.00 AA 95:184 gene_7 Internal 195269 195550 1.81 + 2 1 3.07 1.41 11.56 0.00 AA 184:278 gene_7 Internal 196514 196624 1.56 + 2 1 2.68 4.53 5.59 0.00 AA 278:314 gene_7


    % bin/geneid -vP param/human3iso.param test.fa
    2. gff format
    2. gff format
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Sep 27 17:16:16 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 7 genes. Score = 164.188676
     Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal          3698    3982   8.69   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal          4612    4890   5.95   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal          5102    5230   1.03   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         13675    1373   0.26   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         15525    1580   4.26   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         17034    1731   3.80   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         21599   21618   0.64   +       2       gene_1
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal         23145   23375   0.61   +       0       gene_1
     Gene 2 (Forward). 2 exons. 181 aa. Score = 10.263193
    test    geneid_v1.2        First         74617   74854   6.35   +       0       gene_2
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal         74929   75233   3.91   +       2       gene_2
     Gene 3 (Reverse). 5 exons. 203 aa. Score = 5.699872
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal         86249   86417   1.51   -       1       gene_3
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         94859   94977  -1.65   -       0       gene_3
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         96314   96443   3.31   -       1       gene_3
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal         97054   97185   2.74   -       1       gene_3
    test    geneid_v1.2        First         98244   98302  -0.20   -       0       gene_3   
     Gene 4 (Reverse). 1 exons. 104 aa. Score = 4.755478
    test    geneid_v1.2       Single        100629  100940   4.76   -       0       gene_4
     Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015
    test    geneid_v1.2        First        101952  102061  -1.42   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        102210  102340  -0.15   +       1       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        103300  103505   3.34   +       2       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        103932  104129   4.76   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        105331  105459   4.56   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        105609  105797   3.81   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        106357  106530   5.45   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        106774  106936   1.28   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        107245  107381   2.61   +       2       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        108664  108840   2.52   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        111360  111507   1.14   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        111666  111777   4.83   +       2       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        112186  112315   4.80   +       1       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        112714  112918   6.00   +       0       gene_5
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        113402  113490   3.02   +       2       gene_5
     Gene 6 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949
    test    geneid_v1.2        First        116217  116709   1.18   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        116799  116913   4.26   +       2       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        117437  117484   0.05   +       1       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        118677  118807   3.22   +       1       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        119091  119296   7.73   +       2       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        121626  121823   6.17   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        121989  122117   2.09   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        123644  123832   2.08   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        124010  124183   7.03   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        124361  124520   3.46   +       0       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        132128  132308   2.65   +       2       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        137494  137585   1.72   +       1       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        139123  139392   4.46   +       2       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        139835  140116   3.25   +       2       gene_6
    test    geneid_v1.2     Terminal        150538  150989   1.80   +       2       gene_6
     Gene 7 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181
    test    geneid_v1.2        First        159435  159556   0.89   +       0       gene_7
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        177915  177947   0.49   +       1       gene_7
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        190046  190173  -1.22   +       1       gene_7
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        192477  192743  17.00   +       2       gene_7
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        195269  195550   1.81   +       2       gene_7
    test    geneid_v1.2     Internal        196514  196624   1.56   +       2       gene_7 
    % bin/geneid -vGP param/human3iso.param test.fa
    3. eXtended formar (default)
    3. eXtended format (default)
    ## date Thu Sep 27 17:27:29 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 7 genes. Score = 164.188676 
    # Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988 
    Acceptor     3697     3698	 5.39	+	AACCTCACCCTGTGTCCTTTGCAGCTC
    Internal     3698     3982	 8.69	+ 2 1	 5.39	 1.69	23.61	 0.00	AA   1: 96 gene_1
       Donor     3982     3983	 1.69	+	GAGGTCAGG
    Acceptor     4611     4612	 3.01	+	CCTACACTTCAATCCCCCCACCAGGGT
    Internal     4612     4890	 5.95	+ 2 1	 3.01	 2.36	19.33	 0.00	AA  96:189 gene_1
       Donor     4890     4891	 2.36	+	GGGGTGAGG
    Acceptor     5101     5102	 0.20	+	GGCTGAGCCACTCATTTCCTCCAGTAC
    Internal     5102     5230	 1.03	+ 2 1	 0.20	 2.06	11.69	 0.00	AA 189:232 gene_1
       Donor     5230     5231	 2.06	+	GTGGTATGT
    Acceptor    13674    13675	 2.23	+	ACTGAACTCCCGGCATCTTTACAGAGC
    Internal    13675    13737	 0.26	+ 2 1	 2.23	 5.66	 1.33	 0.00	AA 232:253 gene_1
       Donor    13737    13738	 5.66	+	CAGGTAAGG
    Acceptor    15524    15525	 5.61	+	TTCTCCCTTCCCTGGCTCCTCTAGGTG
    Internal    15525    15806	 4.26	+ 2 1	 5.61	 2.81	11.79	 0.00	AA 253:347 gene_1
       Donor    15806    15807	 2.81	+	CACGTGAGG
    Acceptor    17033    17034	 5.76	+	AACATGTTTTTTTCTCCTATGCAGGGC
    Internal    17034    17318	 3.80	+ 2 1	 5.76	 1.67	12.10	 0.00	AA 347:442 gene_1
       Donor    17318    17319	 1.67	+	GGAGTAAGT
    Acceptor    21598    21599	 4.61	+	CTTTGTAGGTTTTTTGTTTTATAGGAA
    Internal    21599    21618	 0.64	+ 2 0	 4.61	 5.66	-0.07	 0.00	AA 442:448 gene_1
       Donor    21618    21619	 5.66	+	CAGGTAAGG
    Acceptor    23144    23145	 5.33	+	CTCCCCTCTTCCCTCTGCTCTTAGGCT
    Terminal    23145    23375	 0.61	+ 0 0	 5.33	 0.00	 7.28	 0.00	AA 449:525 gene_1
        Stop    23373    23375	 0.00	+	ATAG


    Gene 2 (Forward). 2 exons. 181 aa. Score = 10.263193 Start 74617 74619 5.56 + CGGAGCACCCGGCAATGGCG First 74617 74854 6.35 + 0 1 5.56 -0.98 22.75 0.00 AA 1: 80 gene_2 Donor 74854 74855 -0.98 + TGGGTGATG Acceptor 74928 74929 -6.70 + ACAGATAGCTTGCTAAGAACTTAGCTG Terminal 74929 75233 3.91 + 2 0 -6.70 0.00 33.58 0.00 AA 80:181 gene_2 Stop 75231 75233 0.00 + ATAG


    Gene 3 (Reverse). 5 exons. 203 aa. Score = 5.699872 Stop 86249 86251 0.00 - TTGA Terminal 86249 86417 1.51 - 1 0 0.00 4.28 9.84 0.00 AA 147:203 gene_3 Acceptor 86417 86418 4.28 - TCGTCTCTATTTGGCCTGTTTTAGGGC Donor 94858 94859 2.22 - CTGGTATGG Internal 94859 94977 -1.65 - 0 2 2.22 2.55 2.46 0.00 AA 108:147 gene_3 Acceptor 94977 94978 2.55 - TCATCTACCTGGTCACTATTACAGCTG Donor 96313 96314 5.34 - CAGGTGAGT Internal 96314 96443 3.31 - 1 0 5.34 4.11 7.85 0.00 AA 64:107 gene_3 Acceptor 96443 96444 4.11 - CTTTATTCCTAATATTTCCCTCAGGAT Donor 97053 97054 0.34 - TGGGTATGA Internal 97054 97185 2.74 - 1 2 0.34 2.74 15.98 0.00 AA 20: 64 gene_3 Acceptor 97185 97186 2.74 - TGACTGTTGACTCCCTCCTGACAGCGA Donor 98243 98244 3.60 - AGGGTGAGT First 98244 98302 -0.20 - 0 2 3.60 1.52 5.57 0.00 AA 1: 20 gene_3 Start 98300 98302 1.52 - TGCAGACCACCATCATGGCA


    Gene 4 (Reverse). 1 exons. 104 aa. Score = 4.755478 Stop 100629 100631 0.00 - TTAG Single 100629 100940 4.76 - 0 0 0.00 0.42 25.01 0.00 AA 1:104 gene_4 Start 100938 100940 0.42 - CCAGCAGGGAGAATATGCGG


    Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015 Start 101952 101954 1.16 + TTTCTCCAGGGGAGATGGCC First 101952 102061 -1.42 + 0 2 1.16 0.34 6.71 0.00 AA 1: 37 gene_5 Donor 102061 102062 0.34 + CAGGTCTGG Acceptor 102209 102210 4.04 + CCTTTTTTTCCGGGTTCTTTATAGTGC Internal 102210 102340 -0.15 + 1 1 4.04 -1.92 8.94 0.00 AA 37: 81 gene_5 Donor 102340 102341 -1.92 + CAGGTTTCT Acceptor 103299 103300 4.52 + ACTCTCTTCTCCCCAACCCTGCAGGTA Internal 103300 103505 3.34 + 2 0 4.52 4.14 7.86 0.00 AA 81:149 gene_5 Donor 103505 103506 4.14 + CAGGTATGT Acceptor 103931 103932 3.85 + CATCTCTTGTCCATGTATCCACAGTTG Internal 103932 104129 4.76 + 0 0 3.85 -0.04 18.67 0.00 AA 150:215 gene_5 Donor 104129 104130 -0.04 + AGTGTGAGC Acceptor 105330 105331 5.35 + CCTTTTTTTGTGGTCTCTTTATAGATT Internal 105331 105459 4.56 + 0 0 5.35 3.92 10.00 0.00 AA 216:258 gene_5 Donor 105459 105460 3.92 + GAGGTGAGG Acceptor 105608 105609 5.64 + TTCACTATTCTTACCTCCCTCTAGGTA Internal 105609 105797 3.81 + 0 0 5.64 0.78 12.40 0.00 AA 259:321 gene_5 Donor 105797 105798 0.78 + CAGGTACAA Acceptor 106356 106357 3.90 + ATCGTGTGCTTCTCTGGCCTCTAGGGG Internal 106357 106530 5.45 + 0 0 3.90 3.52 15.00 0.00 AA 322:379 gene_5 Donor 106530 106531 3.52 + CAGGTATGG Acceptor 106773 106774 3.56 + ACTCTTCATCATATTTCATCTCAGGTG Internal 106774 106936 1.28 + 0 1 3.56 0.52 9.56 0.00 AA 380:434 gene_5 Donor 106936 106937 0.52 + CAGGTACTC Acceptor 107244 107245 3.85 + TCATCTTGGCCCTTTGCTCTGCAGAGG Internal 107245 107381 2.61 + 2 0 3.85 4.71 6.19 0.00 AA 434:479 gene_5 Donor 107381 107382 4.71 + CAGGTGAGG Acceptor 108663 108664 4.41 + TGACGGTCCGATGTCTTTCCTCAGGTG Internal 108664 108840 2.52 + 0 0 4.41 -1.36 14.21 0.00 AA 480:538 gene_5 Donor 108840 108841 -1.36 + ATGGTGCAG Acceptor 111359 111360 4.01 + TCTCAACCTCTTTTCTCTTATCAGCCC Internal 111360 111507 1.14 + 0 1 4.01 0.44 8.68 0.00 AA 539:588 gene_5 Donor 111507 111508 0.44 + TTAGTGAGT Acceptor 111665 111666 4.40 + TCCCAAAGCTCCATCTTCTTCCAGGTG Internal 111666 111777 4.83 + 2 2 4.40 5.44 9.82 0.00 AA 588:625 gene_5 Donor 111777 111778 5.44 + CAGGTAAGC Acceptor 112185 112186 3.55 + TCACTCCACCTTGTCCTCACCCAGGCT Internal 112186 112315 4.80 + 1 0 3.55 3.50 13.92 0.00 AA 625:668 gene_5 Donor 112315 112316 3.50 + AAGGTGGGT Acceptor 112713 112714 2.72 + AGCCTGAAATCTTTCATCTTATAGGGT Internal 112714 112918 6.00 + 0 1 2.72 1.65 20.97 0.00 AA 669:737 gene_5 Donor 112918 112919 1.65 + ATAGTAAGA Acceptor 113401 113402 5.19 + TGTTCTTTTCTCATTTGTCCACAGTGT Terminal 113402 113490 3.02 + 2 0 5.19 0.00 12.26 0.00 AA 737:766 gene_5 Stop 113488 113490 0.00 + ATAA


    Gene 6 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949 Start 116217 116219 4.46 + CCGTTGACAGAGCCATGCGG First 116217 116709 1.18 + 0 1 4.46 2.44 5.09 0.00 AA 1:165 gene_6 Donor 116709 116710 2.44 + TGGGTGAGT Acceptor 116798 116799 5.85 + TGTTATTTTTCATGCCTCTTTCAGGTG Internal 116799 116913 4.26 + 2 2 5.85 4.63 7.42 0.00 AA 165:203 gene_6 Donor 116913 116914 4.63 + CAGGTAGGT Acceptor 117436 117437 6.31 + ACTTGCTTTCCTTTCTCTTTCTAGACA Internal 117437 117484 0.05 + 1 2 6.31 3.70 -1.13 0.00 AA 203:219 gene_6 Donor 117484 117485 3.70 + GAGGTGAGC Acceptor 118676 118677 5.18 + CCCTCTTATTCTCCTACCCCACAGCTC Internal 118677 118807 3.22 + 1 1 5.18 3.05 8.20 0.00 AA 219:263 gene_6 Donor 118807 118808 3.05 + CAGGTGGGG Acceptor 119090 119091 5.08 + CCTCACCTGCTCTGTCCTTCTTAGGGG Internal 119091 119296 7.73 + 2 0 5.08 4.49 17.47 0.00 AA 263:331 gene_6 Donor 119296 119297 4.49 + CAGGTGAGC Acceptor 121625 121626 4.30 + GTGTTTGCTGGCCCTCTTTTCCAGGAA Internal 121626 121823 6.17 + 0 0 4.30 3.64 17.26 0.00 AA 332:397 gene_6 Donor 121823 121824 3.64 + AGGGTAAGA Acceptor 121988 121989 7.47 + CATCTCTTTCTTCTCCTCTTCCAGGTG Internal 121989 122117 2.09 + 0 0 7.47 4.49 1.03 0.00 AA 398:440 gene_6 Donor 122117 122118 4.49 + CAGGTGAGC Acceptor 123643 123644 4.08 + GGCTCTCCCATTCCTGTTTTCCAGACC Internal 123644 123832 2.08 + 0 0 4.08 0.30 11.14 0.00 AA 441:503 gene_6 Donor 123832 123833 0.30 + AAGGTGCCT Acceptor 124009 124010 5.53 + TTAACTCTTTTTCTGGTTTTCTAGGGG Internal 124010 124183 7.03 + 0 0 5.53 3.68 16.25 0.00 AA 504:561 gene_6 Donor 124183 124184 3.68 + CAGGTGGGT Acceptor 124360 124361 4.54 + TCTGCCCCTGTCCCTGCTGCACAGGTG Internal 124361 124520 3.46 + 0 1 4.54 1.41 12.22 0.00 AA 562:615 gene_6 Donor 124520 124521 1.41 + CAGGTATCT Acceptor 132127 132128 6.44 + GTTTTTTTTGTTTTTTTTTTCTAGAAA Internal 132128 132308 2.65 + 2 2 6.44 3.78 5.05 0.00 AA 615:675 gene_6 Donor 132308 132309 3.78 + CGGGTGAGT Acceptor 137493 137494 5.36 + ATCTCATTTTTTTCCTTTCTCCAGAAT Internal 137494 137585 1.72 + 1 1 5.36 5.38 1.95 0.00 AA 675:706 gene_6 Donor 137585 137586 5.38 + CAGGTAAGA Acceptor 139122 139123 2.30 + ATGGTTTTGGTTTTGGTTTTCCAGAAG Internal 139123 139392 4.46 + 2 1 2.30 4.31 14.99 0.00 AA 706:796 gene_6 Donor 139392 139393 4.31 + AAGGTGAGC Acceptor 139834 139835 5.08 + GTCTCATTTTTCCTCCCTTCCTAGTGC Internal 139835 140116 3.25 + 2 1 5.08 -0.18 13.27 0.00 AA 796:890 gene_6 Donor 140116 140117 -0.18 + GGAGTGAGA Acceptor 150537 150538 1.12 + AAACCCACATGATTATCTCAATAGATG Terminal 150538 150989 1.80 + 2 0 1.12 0.00 16.56 0.00 AA 890:1040 gene_6 Stop 150987 150989 0.00 + CTAG


    Gene 7 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181 Start 159435 159437 1.25 + GAGGTGGAAAGAACATGAGG First 159435 159556 0.89 + 0 2 1.25 6.11 4.94 0.00 AA 1: 41 gene_7 Donor 159556 159557 6.11 + AAGGTAAGT Acceptor 177914 177915 5.67 + GTGCTTCCCTGTCTCTATCCCCAGGGA Internal 177915 177947 0.49 + 1 2 5.67 4.44 -0.19 0.00 AA 41: 52 gene_7 Donor 177947 177948 4.44 + CAGGTGAGA Acceptor 190045 190046 2.30 + GTATTGTGCCTTTGCTCATATCAGATG Internal 190046 190173 -1.22 + 1 1 2.30 0.25 6.88 0.00 AA 52: 95 gene_7 Donor 190173 190174 0.25 + CCAGTAGGG Acceptor 192476 192477 4.16 + CTGACCCGCCGTGATTCTCCGCAGAGG Internal 192477 192743 17.00 + 2 1 4.16 4.31 42.30 0.00 AA 95:184 gene_7 Donor 192743 192744 4.31 + AAGGTGAGC Acceptor 195268 195269 3.07 + TTCCCTGTCTGTTACTGCCCTCAGTGG Internal 195269 195550 1.81 + 2 1 3.07 1.41 11.56 0.00 AA 184:278 gene_7 Donor 195550 195551 1.41 + GGCGTAAGG Acceptor 196513 196514 2.68 + CTCACACTCAGTTCTGCTCCTTAGGGG Internal 196514 196624 1.56 + 2 1 2.68 4.53 5.59 0.00 AA 278:314 gene_7 Donor 196624 196625 4.53 + AAGGTGAGG


    % bin/geneid -XP param/human3iso.param test.fa
    4. eXtended format (gff)
    4. eXtended format (gff)
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Sep 27 17:28:38 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 7 genes. Score = 164.188676 
    # Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988 
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor    3697    3698   5.39  +  .  # AACCTCACCCTGTGTCCTTTGCAGCTC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal    3698    3982   8.69  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor    3982    3983   1.69  +  .  # GAGGTCAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor    4611    4612   3.01  +  .  # CCTACACTTCAATCCCCCCACCAGGGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal    4612    4890   5.95  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor    4890    4891   2.36  +  .  # GGGGTGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor    5101    5102   0.20  +  .  # GGCTGAGCCACTCATTTCCTCCAGTAC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal    5102    5230   1.03  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor    5230    5231   2.06  +  .  # GTGGTATGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   13674   13675   2.23  +  .  # ACTGAACTCCCGGCATCTTTACAGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   13675   13737   0.26  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   13737   13738   5.66  +  .  # CAGGTAAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   15524   15525   5.61  +  .  # TTCTCCCTTCCCTGGCTCCTCTAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   15525   15806   4.26  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   15806   15807   2.81  +  .  # CACGTGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   17033   17034   5.76  +  .  # AACATGTTTTTTTCTCCTATGCAGGGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   17034   17318   3.80  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   17318   17319   1.67  +  .  # GGAGTAAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   21598   21599   4.61  +  .  # CTTTGTAGGTTTTTTGTTTTATAGGAA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   21599   21618   0.64  +  2  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   21618   21619   5.66  +  .  # CAGGTAAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   23144   23145   5.33  +  .  # CTCCCCTCTTCCCTCTGCTCTTAGGCT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Terminal   23145   23375   0.61  +  0  gene_1
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop   23373   23375   0.00  +  .  # ATAG
     Gene 2 (Forward). 2 exons. 181 aa. Score = 10.263193 
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start   74617   74619   5.56  +  .  # CGGAGCACCCGGCAATGGCG
    test  geneid_v1.2     First   74617   74854   6.35  +  0  gene_2
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   74854   74855  -0.98  +  .  # TGGGTGATG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   74928   74929  -6.70  +  .  # ACAGATAGCTTGCTAAGAACTTAGCTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Terminal   74929   75233   3.91  +  2  gene_2
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop   75231   75233   0.00  +  .  # ATAG
     Gene 3 (Reverse). 5 exons. 203 aa. Score = 5.699872 
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop   86249   86251   0.00  -  .  # TTGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Terminal   86249   86417   1.51  -  1  gene_3
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   86417   86418   4.28  -  .  # TCGTCTCTATTTGGCCTGTTTTAGGGC
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   94858   94859   2.22  -  .  # CTGGTATGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   94859   94977  -1.65  -  0  gene_3
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   94977   94978   2.55  -  .  # TCATCTACCTGGTCACTATTACAGCTG
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   96313   96314   5.34  -  .  # CAGGTGAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   96314   96443   3.31  -  1  gene_3
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   96443   96444   4.11  -  .  # CTTTATTCCTAATATTTCCCTCAGGAT
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   97053   97054   0.34  -  .  # TGGGTATGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal   97054   97185   2.74  -  1  gene_3
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor   97185   97186   2.74  -  .  # TGACTGTTGACTCCCTCCTGACAGCGA
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor   98243   98244   3.60  -  .  # AGGGTGAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2     First   98244   98302  -0.20  -  0  gene_3
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start   98300   98302   1.52  -  .  # TGCAGACCACCATCATGGCA
     Gene 4 (Reverse). 1 exons. 104 aa. Score = 4.755478 
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop  100629  100631   0.00  -  .  # TTAG
    test  geneid_v1.2    Single  100629  100940   4.76  -  0  gene_4
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start  100938  100940   0.42  -  .  # CCAGCAGGGAGAATATGCGG
     Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015 
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start  101952  101954   1.16  +  .  # TTTCTCCAGGGGAGATGGCC
    test  geneid_v1.2     First  101952  102061  -1.42  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  102061  102062   0.34  +  .  # CAGGTCTGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  102209  102210   4.04  +  .  # CCTTTTTTTCCGGGTTCTTTATAGTGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  102210  102340  -0.15  +  1  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  102340  102341  -1.92  +  .  # CAGGTTTCT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  103299  103300   4.52  +  .  # ACTCTCTTCTCCCCAACCCTGCAGGTA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  103300  103505   3.34  +  2  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  103505  103506   4.14  +  .  # CAGGTATGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  103931  103932   3.85  +  .  # CATCTCTTGTCCATGTATCCACAGTTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  103932  104129   4.76  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  104129  104130  -0.04  +  .  # AGTGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  105330  105331   5.35  +  .  # CCTTTTTTTGTGGTCTCTTTATAGATT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  105331  105459   4.56  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  105459  105460   3.92  +  .  # GAGGTGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  105608  105609   5.64  +  .  # TTCACTATTCTTACCTCCCTCTAGGTA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  105609  105797   3.81  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  105797  105798   0.78  +  .  # CAGGTACAA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  106356  106357   3.90  +  .  # ATCGTGTGCTTCTCTGGCCTCTAGGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  106357  106530   5.45  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  106530  106531   3.52  +  .  # CAGGTATGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  106773  106774   3.56  +  .  # ACTCTTCATCATATTTCATCTCAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  106774  106936   1.28  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  106936  106937   0.52  +  .  # CAGGTACTC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  107244  107245   3.85  +  .  # TCATCTTGGCCCTTTGCTCTGCAGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  107245  107381   2.61  +  2  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  107381  107382   4.71  +  .  # CAGGTGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  108663  108664   4.41  +  .  # TGACGGTCCGATGTCTTTCCTCAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  108664  108840   2.52  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  108840  108841  -1.36  +  .  # ATGGTGCAG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  111359  111360   4.01  +  .  # TCTCAACCTCTTTTCTCTTATCAGCCC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  111360  111507   1.14  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  111507  111508   0.44  +  .  # TTAGTGAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  111665  111666   4.40  +  .  # TCCCAAAGCTCCATCTTCTTCCAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  111666  111777   4.83  +  2  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  111777  111778   5.44  +  .  # CAGGTAAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  112185  112186   3.55  +  .  # TCACTCCACCTTGTCCTCACCCAGGCT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  112186  112315   4.80  +  1  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  112315  112316   3.50  +  .  # AAGGTGGGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  112713  112714   2.72  +  .  # AGCCTGAAATCTTTCATCTTATAGGGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  112714  112918   6.00  +  0  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  112918  112919   1.65  +  .  # ATAGTAAGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  113401  113402   5.19  +  .  # TGTTCTTTTCTCATTTGTCCACAGTGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Terminal  113402  113490   3.02  +  2  gene_5
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop  113488  113490   0.00  +  .  # ATAA
     Gene 6 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949 
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start  116217  116219   4.46  +  .  # CCGTTGACAGAGCCATGCGG
    test  geneid_v1.2     First  116217  116709   1.18  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  116709  116710   2.44  +  .  # TGGGTGAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  116798  116799   5.85  +  .  # TGTTATTTTTCATGCCTCTTTCAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  116799  116913   4.26  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  116913  116914   4.63  +  .  # CAGGTAGGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  117436  117437   6.31  +  .  # ACTTGCTTTCCTTTCTCTTTCTAGACA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  117437  117484   0.05  +  1  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  117484  117485   3.70  +  .  # GAGGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  118676  118677   5.18  +  .  # CCCTCTTATTCTCCTACCCCACAGCTC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  118677  118807   3.22  +  1  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  118807  118808   3.05  +  .  # CAGGTGGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  119090  119091   5.08  +  .  # CCTCACCTGCTCTGTCCTTCTTAGGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  119091  119296   7.73  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  119296  119297   4.49  +  .  # CAGGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  121625  121626   4.30  +  .  # GTGTTTGCTGGCCCTCTTTTCCAGGAA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  121626  121823   6.17  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  121823  121824   3.64  +  .  # AGGGTAAGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  121988  121989   7.47  +  .  # CATCTCTTTCTTCTCCTCTTCCAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  121989  122117   2.09  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  122117  122118   4.49  +  .  # CAGGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  123643  123644   4.08  +  .  # GGCTCTCCCATTCCTGTTTTCCAGACC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  123644  123832   2.08  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  123832  123833   0.30  +  .  # AAGGTGCCT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  124009  124010   5.53  +  .  # TTAACTCTTTTTCTGGTTTTCTAGGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  124010  124183   7.03  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  124183  124184   3.68  +  .  # CAGGTGGGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  124360  124361   4.54  +  .  # TCTGCCCCTGTCCCTGCTGCACAGGTG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  124361  124520   3.46  +  0  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  124520  124521   1.41  +  .  # CAGGTATCT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  132127  132128   6.44  +  .  # GTTTTTTTTGTTTTTTTTTTCTAGAAA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  132128  132308   2.65  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  132308  132309   3.78  +  .  # CGGGTGAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  137493  137494   5.36  +  .  # ATCTCATTTTTTTCCTTTCTCCAGAAT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  137494  137585   1.72  +  1  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  137585  137586   5.38  +  .  # CAGGTAAGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  139122  139123   2.30  +  .  # ATGGTTTTGGTTTTGGTTTTCCAGAAG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  139123  139392   4.46  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  139392  139393   4.31  +  .  # AAGGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  139834  139835   5.08  +  .  # GTCTCATTTTTCCTCCCTTCCTAGTGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  139835  140116   3.25  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  140116  140117  -0.18  +  .  # GGAGTGAGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  150537  150538   1.12  +  .  # AAACCCACATGATTATCTCAATAGATG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Terminal  150538  150989   1.80  +  2  gene_6
    test  geneid_v1.2      Stop  150987  150989   0.00  +  .  # CTAG
     Gene 7 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181 
    test  geneid_v1.2     Start  159435  159437   1.25  +  .  # GAGGTGGAAAGAACATGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2     First  159435  159556   0.89  +  0  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  159556  159557   6.11  +  .  # AAGGTAAGT
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  177914  177915   5.67  +  .  # GTGCTTCCCTGTCTCTATCCCCAGGGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  177915  177947   0.49  +  1  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  177947  177948   4.44  +  .  # CAGGTGAGA
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  190045  190046   2.30  +  .  # GTATTGTGCCTTTGCTCATATCAGATG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  190046  190173  -1.22  +  1  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  190173  190174   0.25  +  .  # CCAGTAGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  192476  192477   4.16  +  .  # CTGACCCGCCGTGATTCTCCGCAGAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  192477  192743  17.00  +  2  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  192743  192744   4.31  +  .  # AAGGTGAGC
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  195268  195269   3.07  +  .  # TTCCCTGTCTGTTACTGCCCTCAGTGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  195269  195550   1.81  +  2  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  195550  195551   1.41  +  .  # GGCGTAAGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Acceptor  196513  196514   2.68  +  .  # CTCACACTCAGTTCTGCTCCTTAGGGG
    test  geneid_v1.2  Internal  196514  196624   1.56  +  2  gene_7
    test  geneid_v1.2     Donor  196624  196625   4.53  +  .  # AAGGTGAGG
    % bin/geneid -XGP param/human3iso.param test.fa
    5. XML Format
    5. XML format
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             <site idSite="test.G6E9S1" type="Acceptor" position="124010" score="5.53" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E9S2" type="Donor" position="124183" score="3.68" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E10" type="Internal" frame="0" score="3.46">
             <site idSite="test.G6E10S1" type="Acceptor" position="124361" score="4.54" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E10S2" type="Donor" position="124520" score="1.41" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E11" type="Internal" frame="2" score="2.65">
             <site idSite="test.G6E11S1" type="Acceptor" position="132128" score="6.44" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E11S2" type="Donor" position="132308" score="3.78" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E12" type="Internal" frame="1" score="1.72">
             <site idSite="test.G6E12S1" type="Acceptor" position="137494" score="5.36" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E12S2" type="Donor" position="137585" score="5.38" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E13" type="Internal" frame="2" score="4.46">
             <site idSite="test.G6E13S1" type="Acceptor" position="139123" score="2.30" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E13S2" type="Donor" position="139392" score="4.31" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E14" type="Internal" frame="2" score="3.25">
             <site idSite="test.G6E14S1" type="Acceptor" position="139835" score="5.08" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E14S2" type="Donor" position="140116" score="-0.18" />
          <exon idExon="test.G6E15" type="Terminal" frame="2" score="1.80">
             <site idSite="test.G6E15S1" type="Acceptor" position="150538" score="1.12" />
             <site idSite="test.G6E15S2" type="Stop" position="150989" score="0.00" />
          <protein length="1040">
       <gene idGene="test.G7" strand ="fwd" exons="6" score="20.53">
          <exon idExon="test.G7E1" type="First" frame="0" score="0.89">
             <site idSite="test.G7E1S1" type="Start" position="159435" score="1.25" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E1S2" type="Donor" position="159556" score="6.11" />
          <exon idExon="test.G7E2" type="Internal" frame="1" score="0.49">
             <site idSite="test.G7E2S1" type="Acceptor" position="177915" score="5.67" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E2S2" type="Donor" position="177947" score="4.44" />
          <exon idExon="test.G7E3" type="Internal" frame="1" score="-1.22">
             <site idSite="test.G7E3S1" type="Acceptor" position="190046" score="2.30" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E3S2" type="Donor" position="190173" score="0.25" />
          <exon idExon="test.G7E4" type="Internal" frame="2" score="17.00">
             <site idSite="test.G7E4S1" type="Acceptor" position="192477" score="4.16" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E4S2" type="Donor" position="192743" score="4.31" />
          <exon idExon="test.G7E5" type="Internal" frame="2" score="1.81">
             <site idSite="test.G7E5S1" type="Acceptor" position="195269" score="3.07" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E5S2" type="Donor" position="195550" score="1.41" />
          <exon idExon="test.G7E6" type="Internal" frame="2" score="1.56">
             <site idSite="test.G7E6S1" type="Acceptor" position="196514" score="2.68" />
             <site idSite="test.G7E6S2" type="Donor" position="196624" score="4.53" />
          <protein length="314">
    % bin/geneid -MP param/human3iso.param test.fa

- Geneid samples re annotation

    geneid samples: re-annotation
    geneid samples: re-annotation
    1. Prediction ab initio
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Jul  5 11:05:29 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.1 --
    ## Sequence cons.x8bisXs.970911 - Length = 151676 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 7 genes. Score = 106.865317 
    # Gene 1 (Reverse). 11 exons. 618 aa. Score = 35.850634 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4001     4150    0.31 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4515     4905    2.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   5514     5750    1.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7504     7569    1.77 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7909     8116    7.21 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   8421     8506    1.30 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9478     9592    5.78 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9763     9955    0.18 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal  10669    10770    1.74 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal  10903    11070    7.45 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     11149    11284    6.41 -  0  gene_1
    # Gene 2 (Reverse). 3 exons. 493 aa. Score = 25.252512
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal  21839    22922   18.37 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal  23679    24029    7.99 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     30732    30775   -1.11 -  0  gene_2
    # Gene 3 (Forward). 1 exons. 77 aa. Score = 1.009624 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Single    31465    31695    1.01 +  0  gene_3
    # Gene 4 (Reverse). 1 exons. 64 aa. Score = 0.612301 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Single    48468    48659    0.61 -  0  gene_4
    # Gene 5 (Forward). 6 exons. 220 aa. Score = 0.610088
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     53124    53261    0.33 +  0  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal  87535    87599   -0.78 +  0  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal  97769    97942    0.66 +  1  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 100189   100281    0.85 +  1  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 109098   109228   -1.00 +  1  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 112987   113045    0.55 +  2  gene_5
    # Gene 6 (Reverse). 2 exons. 84 aa. Score = 1.237887 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 113700   113816   -0.15 -  0  gene_6
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    114104   114238    1.38 -  0  gene_6
    # Gene 7 (Forward). 6 exons. 365 aa. Score = 42.292270 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    135780   135891    2.76 +  0  gene_7
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 142150   142446   14.69 +  2  gene_7
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 144435   144603    5.04 +  2  gene_7
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 146071   146236    5.28 +  1  gene_7
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 147791   148030   12.98 +  0  gene_7
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 150313   150423    1.53 +  0  gene_7
    % geneid -G test.fasta
    2. Introducing evidences (without group)
    2. Introducing evidences (without group)
    ## Annotated gene
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation Terminal 11190 11300 .  -  .
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation Internal 21842 22922 .  -  .
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation Internal 23679 24029 .  -  .
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation Internal 30732 30772 .  -  .
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation Internal 48471 48659 .  -  .
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  annotation First    52780 52800 .  -  .

    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Jul  5 11:27:58 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.1 --
    ## Sequence cons.x8bisXs.970911 - Length = 151676 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 5 genes. Score = 65.815047 
    # Gene 1 (Reverse). 9 exons. 453 aa. Score = 20.329739 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4001     4150    0.31 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4515     4905    2.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   5514     5750    1.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7504     7569    1.77 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7909     8116    7.21 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   8421     8506    1.30 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9478     9592    5.78 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9763     9827   -0.77 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     10071    10109    1.03 -  0  gene_1
    # Gene 2 (Reverse). 2 exons. 60 aa. Score = 1.938525 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Terminal  11190    11300    0.00 -  0  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     11377    11445    1.94 -  0  gene_2
    # Gene 3 (Reverse). 6 exons. 599 aa. Score = 0.016626 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal  13926    14039    0.02 -  0  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  21842    22922    0.00 -  1  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  23679    24029    0.00 -  1  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  30732    30772    0.00 -  0  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  48471    48659    0.00 -  0  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    First     52780    52800    0.00 -  0  gene_3
    # Gene 4 (Reverse). 2 exons. 84 aa. Score = 1.237887 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 113700   113816   -0.15 -  0  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    114104   114238    1.38 -  0  gene_4
    # Gene 5 (Forward). 6 exons. 365 aa. Score = 42.292270 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    135780   135891    2.76 +  0  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 142150   142446   14.69 +  2  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 144435   144603    5.04 +  2  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 146071   146236    5.28 +  1  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 147791   148030   12.98 +  0  gene_5
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 150313   150423    1.53 +  0  gene_5
    % geneid -GR evi.gff test.fasta
    3. Introducing evidences (with group)
    3. Introducing evidences (with group)
    ## Annotated gene
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  Terminal 11190 11300 .  -  .  id_x
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  Internal 21842 22922 .  -  .  id_x
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  Internal 23679 24029 .  -  .  id_x
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  Internal 30732 30772 .  -  .  id_x
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  Internal 48471 48659 .  -  .  id_x
    cons.x8bisXs.970911 annotation  First    52780 52800 .  -  .  id_x

    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Thu Jul  5 11:28:29 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.1 --
    ## Sequence cons.x8bisXs.970911 - Length = 151676 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 4 genes. Score = 63.859896 
    # Gene 1 (Reverse). 9 exons. 453 aa. Score = 20.329739 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4001     4150    0.31 -  2  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   4515     4905    2.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   5514     5750    1.36 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7504     7569    1.77 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   7909     8116    7.21 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   8421     8506    1.30 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9478     9592    5.78 -  1  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal   9763     9827   -0.77 -  0  gene_1
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First     10071    10109    1.03 -  0  gene_1
    # Gene 2 (Reverse). 6 exons. 598 aa. Score = 0.000000 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Terminal  11190    11300    0.00 -  0  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  21842    22922    0.00 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  23679    24029    0.00 -  1  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  30732    30772    0.00 -  0  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    Internal  48471    48659    0.00 -  0  gene_2
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  evidence    First     52780    52800    0.00 -  0  gene_2
    # Gene 3 (Reverse). 2 exons. 84 aa. Score = 1.237887 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 113700   113816   -0.15 -  0  gene_3
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    114104   114238    1.38 -  0  gene_3
    # Gene 4 (Forward). 6 exons. 365 aa. Score = 42.292270 
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 First    135780   135891    2.76 +  0  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 142150   142446   14.69 +  2  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 144435   144603    5.04 +  2  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 146071   146236    5.28 +  1  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Internal 147791   148030   12.98 +  0  gene_4
    cons.x8bisXs.970911  geneid_v1.2 Terminal 150313   150423    1.53 +  0  gene_4
    % geneid -GR evi.gff test.fasta

- Geneid samples homology information

    geneid samples: homology information
    geneid samples: homology information
    1. Prediction ab initio
    ## gff-version 2
    ## date Mon Oct  8 09:48:32 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 6 genes. Score = 161.724069 
     Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988 
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	3698	3982	 8.69	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	4612	4890	 5.95	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	5102	5230	 1.03	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	13675	13737	 0.26	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	15525	15806	 4.26	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	17034	17318	 3.80	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	21599	21618	 0.64	+	2	gene_1
    test	geneid_v1.2	Terminal	23145	23375	 0.61	+	0	gene_1
     Gene 2 (Forward). 2 exons. 181 aa. Score = 10.263193 
    test	geneid_v1.2	   First	74617	74854	 6.35	+	0	gene_2
    test	geneid_v1.2	Terminal	74929	75233	 3.91	+	2	gene_2
     Gene 3 (Reverse). 5 exons. 197 aa. Score = 7.990742 
    test	geneid_v1.2	Terminal	94916	95043	-0.44	-	2	gene_3
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	95943	96084	 1.53	-	0	gene_3
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	96314	96443	 2.43	-	1	gene_3
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	97054	97185	 4.67	-	1	gene_3
    test	geneid_v1.2	   First	98244	98302	-0.20	-	0	gene_3
     Gene 4 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015 
    test	geneid_v1.2	   First	101952	102061	-1.42	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	102210	102340	-0.15	+	1	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	103300	103505	 3.34	+	2	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	103932	104129	 4.76	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	105331	105459	 4.56	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	105609	105797	 3.81	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	106357	106530	 5.45	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	106774	106936	 1.28	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	107245	107381	 2.61	+	2	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	108664	108840	 2.52	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	111360	111507	 1.14	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	111666	111777	 4.83	+	2	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	112186	112315	 4.80	+	1	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	112714	112918	 6.00	+	0	gene_4
    test	geneid_v1.2	Terminal	113402	113490	 3.02	+	2	gene_4
     Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949 
    test	geneid_v1.2	   First	116217	116709	 1.18	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	116799	116913	 4.26	+	2	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	117437	117484	 0.05	+	1	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	118677	118807	 3.22	+	1	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	119091	119296	 7.73	+	2	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	121626	121823	 6.17	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	121989	122117	 2.09	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	123644	123832	 2.08	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	124010	124183	 7.03	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	124361	124520	 3.46	+	0	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	132128	132308	 2.65	+	2	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	137494	137585	 1.72	+	1	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	139123	139392	 4.46	+	2	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	139835	140116	 3.25	+	2	gene_5
    test	geneid_v1.2	Terminal	150538	150989	 1.80	+	2	gene_5
     Gene 6 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181 
    test	geneid_v1.2	   First	159435	159556	 0.89	+	0	gene_6
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	177915	177947	 0.49	+	1	gene_6
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	190046	190173	-1.22	+	1	gene_6
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	192477	192743	17.00	+	2	gene_6
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	195269	195550	 1.81	+	2	gene_6
    test	geneid_v1.2	Internal	196514	196624	 1.56	+	2	gene_6
    % geneid -G test.fasta
    2. Introducing sequence homology information
    2. Introducing sequence homology information
    ## Homology information: HSP
    test	BLASTN	HSP	74000	75500	 50.000	-	.
    test	BLASTN	HSP	76000	76500	100.000	-	.
    test	BLASTN	HSP	78000	79500	 50.000	-	.

    ## date Mon Oct  8 10:21:06 2003
    ## source-version: geneid v 1.2 --
    ## Sequence test - Length = 198285 bps
    # Optimal Gene Structure. 6 genes. Score = 209.270570 
    # Gene 1 (Forward). 8 exons. 525 aa. Score = 25.246988 
    Internal     3698     3982	 8.69	+ 2 1	 5.39	 1.69	23.61	 0.00	AA   1: 96 gene_1
    Internal     4612     4890	 5.95	+ 2 1	 3.01	 2.36	19.33	 0.00	AA  96:189 gene_1
    Internal     5102     5230	 1.03	+ 2 1	 0.20	 2.06	11.69	 0.00	AA 189:232 gene_1
    Internal    13675    13737	 0.26	+ 2 1	 2.23	 5.66	 1.33	 0.00	AA 232:253 gene_1
    Internal    15525    15806	 4.26	+ 2 1	 5.61	 2.81	11.79	 0.00	AA 253:347 gene_1
    Internal    17034    17318	 3.80	+ 2 1	 5.76	 1.67	12.10	 0.00	AA 347:442 gene_1
    Internal    21599    21618	 0.64	+ 2 0	 4.61	 5.66	-0.07	 0.00	AA 442:448 gene_1
    Terminal    23145    23375	 0.61	+ 0 0	 5.33	 0.00	 7.28	 0.00	AA 449:525 gene_1


    # Gene 2 (Reverse). 11 exons. 537 aa. Score = 51.309784 Terminal 26805 26994 0.68 - 1 0 0.00 0.27 15.05 0.00 AA 474:537 gene_2 Internal 47107 47188 -0.31 - 2 2 4.09 1.96 3.90 0.00 AA 447:474 gene_2 Internal 70660 70831 0.57 - 0 1 2.22 0.79 10.66 0.00 AA 390:447 gene_2 Internal 73992 74191 1.63 - 2 0 2.48 -3.18 2.88 6.40 AA 323:389 gene_2 Internal 74475 74801 11.88 - 2 1 -1.55 0.73 17.45 10.89 AA 214:323 gene_2 Internal 74925 75006 -0.62 - 0 1 -5.56 6.63 3.77 2.73 AA 187:214 gene_2 Internal 76083 76212 18.65 - 1 0 -0.38 -6.11 5.24 25.95 AA 143:186 gene_2 Internal 76337 76368 -0.07 - 0 2 -0.89 -0.67 -0.06 6.39 AA 133:143 gene_2 Internal 76398 76516 18.53 - 2 0 -0.67 2.24 6.31 20.56 AA 93:132 gene_2 Internal 77306 77382 -2.88 - 1 1 4.14 -2.09 3.47 0.00 AA 67: 93 gene_2 First 78038 78237 3.25 - 0 2 2.39 -3.03 6.19 6.66 AA 1: 67 gene_2


    # Gene 3 (Reverse). 7 exons. 298 aa. Score = 14.490652 Terminal 78787 79006 6.99 - 1 0 0.00 3.23 8.30 7.23 AA 225:298 gene_3 Internal 79267 79446 0.97 - 1 2 -3.15 -3.00 10.41 6.00 AA 165:225 gene_3 Internal 87121 87151 -1.90 - 2 2 -0.33 5.16 1.76 0.00 AA 155:165 gene_3 Internal 95943 96084 1.53 - 0 1 1.04 1.08 13.14 0.00 AA 108:155 gene_3 Internal 96314 96443 2.43 - 1 0 5.34 4.11 4.41 0.00 AA 64:107 gene_3 Internal 97054 97185 4.67 - 1 2 0.34 2.74 19.56 0.00 AA 20: 64 gene_3 First 98244 98302 -0.20 - 0 2 3.60 1.52 5.57 0.00 AA 1: 20 gene_3 >test|geneid_v1.2_predicted_protein_3|298_AA MAVEFDGGVVMGSDSRVSAGEAVVNRVFDKLSPLHERIYCALSGSAADAQAVADMAAYQL ELHGIELEEPPLVLAAANVVRNISYKYREDLSAHLMVAGWDQREGGQVYGTLGGMLTRQP FAIGGSGSTFIYGYVDAAYKPGMSPEECRRFTTDVKFLKQKWFRRKYLGTNSFNEEFYQR FKEELTPINLFQKIEAEEAFPSLFYKARITSIPKPNNDNGKKRKLNIGVEEIFLYLIKIV YKNPMVNILDSERLNSFYLKSGTRQECPLSPLLFTVLEVLDSAIGMKKEIKGIQIVK*

    Gene 4 (Forward). 15 exons. 766 aa. Score = 46.549015 First 101952 102061 -1.42 + 0 2 1.16 0.34 6.71 0.00 AA 1: 37 gene_4 Internal 102210 102340 -0.15 + 1 1 4.04 -1.92 8.94 0.00 AA 37: 81 gene_4 Internal 103300 103505 3.34 + 2 0 4.52 4.14 7.86 0.00 AA 81:149 gene_4 Internal 103932 104129 4.76 + 0 0 3.85 -0.04 18.67 0.00 AA 150:215 gene_4 Internal 105331 105459 4.56 + 0 0 5.35 3.92 10.00 0.00 AA 216:258 gene_4 Internal 105609 105797 3.81 + 0 0 5.64 0.78 12.40 0.00 AA 259:321 gene_4 Internal 106357 106530 5.45 + 0 0 3.90 3.52 15.00 0.00 AA 322:379 gene_4 Internal 106774 106936 1.28 + 0 1 3.56 0.52 9.56 0.00 AA 380:434 gene_4 Internal 107245 107381 2.61 + 2 0 3.85 4.71 6.19 0.00 AA 434:479 gene_4 Internal 108664 108840 2.52 + 0 0 4.41 -1.36 14.21 0.00 AA 480:538 gene_4 Internal 111360 111507 1.14 + 0 1 4.01 0.44 8.68 0.00 AA 539:588 gene_4 Internal 111666 111777 4.83 + 2 2 4.40 5.44 9.82 0.00 AA 588:625 gene_4 Internal 112186 112315 4.80 + 1 0 3.55 3.50 13.92 0.00 AA 625:668 gene_4 Internal 112714 112918 6.00 + 0 1 2.72 1.65 20.97 0.00 AA 669:737 gene_4 Terminal 113402 113490 3.02 + 2 0 5.19 0.00 12.26 0.00 AA 737:766 gene_4


    Gene 5 (Forward). 15 exons. 1040 aa. Score = 51.141949 First 116217 116709 1.18 + 0 1 4.46 2.44 5.09 0.00 AA 1:165 gene_5 Internal 116799 116913 4.26 + 2 2 5.85 4.63 7.42 0.00 AA 165:203 gene_5 Internal 117437 117484 0.05 + 1 2 6.31 3.70 -1.13 0.00 AA 203:219 gene_5 Internal 118677 118807 3.22 + 1 1 5.18 3.05 8.20 0.00 AA 219:263 gene_5 Internal 119091 119296 7.73 + 2 0 5.08 4.49 17.47 0.00 AA 263:331 gene_5 Internal 121626 121823 6.17 + 0 0 4.30 3.64 17.26 0.00 AA 332:397 gene_5 Internal 121989 122117 2.09 + 0 0 7.47 4.49 1.03 0.00 AA 398:440 gene_5 Internal 123644 123832 2.08 + 0 0 4.08 0.30 11.14 0.00 AA 441:503 gene_5 Internal 124010 124183 7.03 + 0 0 5.53 3.68 16.25 0.00 AA 504:561 gene_5 Internal 124361 124520 3.46 + 0 1 4.54 1.41 12.22 0.00 AA 562:615 gene_5 Internal 132128 132308 2.65 + 2 2 6.44 3.78 5.05 0.00 AA 615:675 gene_5 Internal 137494 137585 1.72 + 1 1 5.36 5.38 1.95 0.00 AA 675:706 gene_5 Internal 139123 139392 4.46 + 2 1 2.30 4.31 14.99 0.00 AA 706:796 gene_5 Internal 139835 140116 3.25 + 2 1 5.08 -0.18 13.27 0.00 AA 796:890 gene_5 Terminal 150538 150989 1.80 + 2 0 1.12 0.00 16.56 0.00 AA 890:1040 gene_5


    Gene 6 (Forward). 6 exons. 314 aa. Score = 20.532181 First 159435 159556 0.89 + 0 2 1.25 6.11 4.94 0.00 AA 1: 41 gene_6 Internal 177915 177947 0.49 + 1 2 5.67 4.44 -0.19 0.00 AA 41: 52 gene_6 Internal 190046 190173 -1.22 + 1 1 2.30 0.25 6.88 0.00 AA 52: 95 gene_6 Internal 192477 192743 17.00 + 2 1 4.16 4.31 42.30 0.00 AA 95:184 gene_6 Internal 195269 195550 1.81 + 2 1 3.07 1.41 11.56 0.00 AA 184:278 gene_6 Internal 196514 196624 1.56 + 2 1 2.68 4.53 5.59 0.00 AA 278:314 gene_6


    % geneid -GS sr.gff test.fasta

Multi-fasta files

geneid can process files containing more than one FASTA sequence. Moreover, external information as annotations and HSPs can be provided for every sequence. Requirement: records belonging to the same Locus must be sorted by first position.

Click over every example to see the corresponding output:

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Enrique Blanco Garcia © 2003