TechFolio is a personal portfolio website showcasing Kushal Gupta's technical skills, projects, and achievements. It highlights his work in the tech industry, providing links to his projects, GitHub profile, and social media accounts.
- Project Showcase: Display of various technical projects created by Kushal, highlighting his skills and experience.
- Skills & Technologies: Lists the technologies and tools Kushal is proficient in.
- Social Media Links: Direct links to his GitHub, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social platforms.
- Contact Information: Easy access to communicate or get in touch with Kushal.
- HTML5: Used for structuring the web content.
- CSS3: Provides the styling for the website's layout and design.
- Responsive Design: Ensures the website is mobile-friendly and looks great on all screen sizes.
- JavaScript: For interactivity and dynamic content.
- About Section: A brief introduction to Kushal's background, education, and experience.
- Projects: Links to important projects, including their descriptions and live demo versions.
- Skills & Technologies: An overview of Kushal's technical expertise in areas like programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
- Contact: Social media links like GitHub, LinkedIn, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.