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Uses validator.js under the hood.

Installation and usage

Install the library with npm i js-validation-tool


const jsValidator = require('js-validator-tool');
// or
const validate = require('js-validator-tool/core/validate');
const validations = require('js-validator-tool/core/validations);
// or
const { validate, validateModel, validations } = require('js-validator-tool);

Validation models

Models are functions that returns an object, each property has a collection of validations.

const ModelValidations = require('js-validator-tool/core/modelValidations');
const userModel = () => ({
  name: [ModelValidations.string.isNotEmpty()],
  age: [ModelValidations.number.isBetween({ from: 18, to: 30 })],
  isNew: [ModelValidations.boolean.isBool()]

Single validations

Every validation takes the following parameters

Parameter Description Optional
key Property name being validated No
value Value to validate No
configuration Validation additional parameters Yes
errorMessage Custom error message when validation is failed Yes

returns a Promise<{ fields: [String], isValid: Boolean }>

Available validations

Validations are separated in types (string, boolean, number and common)

String validations

Validation Description Params
isNotEmpty Returns true if the given string value is not empty
isString Returns true if the given value is a string
isMongoId Returns true if the given value is a valid mongo id
isDate Returns true if the given value is a date
isEmail Returns true if the given value is a valid email address
isLength Returns true if the given string matches the provided min - max length {min: number, max: number}

Common validations

Validation Description
isOptional Set the property as optional to be validated
isOneOf Returns true when any value matches the provided array

Number validations

Validation Description
isNumeric Returns true when the given value is a valid number
isNotZero Returns true when the provided value is different to 0
isBetween Returns true when the provided value matches with the provided range (config)

Bool validations

Validation Description
isBool Returns true if the given value is boolean ('true' is valid)


const validationResult = await validate([
  validations.string.isString('name', 'Jhon'),
  validations.number.isNotZero('age', 0),
console.log(validationResult); // prints: { isValid: true, fields: ["Field 'age', expected not to be Zero. Got 0"] }

Add your own validations

const customValidator = (prop, value) => {
  const onFailureMessage = `Field '${prop}', is not valid`;
  return {
    validation: 'myCustomValidation', // validation name
    property: prop,
    execute: () => value !== undefined,

const customValResult = await validate([customValidator('name', undefined)]);
console.log(customValResult); // prints { isValid: false, fields: [ "Field 'name', is not valid" ] }

Full example

const { validate, validateModel, validations, modelValidations } = require('js-validator-tool');

(async () => {
  // model validator example
  const productModel = () => ({
    name: [modelValidations.string.isNotEmpty('name',],
    description: [
      modelValidations.common.isOptional('description', entity.description),
      modelValidations.string.isNotEmpty('description', entity.description),
    isNew: [modelValidations.boolean.isBool('isNew', entity.isNew)],

  const product = {
    name: 'Super box',
    // description is marked as optional, so can be omitted
    isNew: false,

  const modelValidationResult = await validateModel(productModel, product);
  console.log(modelValidationResult); // prints {isValid: true, fields: []}

  // single validations example
  const validationResult = await validate([
    validations.string.isString('foo', 'fooValue'),
    validations.number.isNotZero('bar', 0),
  console.log(validationResult); // prints { isValid: true, fields: ["Field 'bar', expected not to be Zero. Got 0"] }

  // custom validation example
  const customValidator = (prop, value) => {
    const onFailureMessage = `Field '${prop}', is not valid`;
    return {
      validation: 'myCustomValidation', // validation name
      property: prop,
      execute: () => value !== undefined,

  const customValResult = await validate([customValidator('name', undefined)]);
  console.log(customValResult); // prints { isValid: false, fields: [ "Field 'name', is not valid" ] }