Thank you for considering contributing to ProxLB! We appreciate your help in improving the efficiency and performance of Proxmox clusters. Below are guidelines for contributing to the project.
If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or have any suggestions, please create an issue in our GitHub repository. To create an issue:
- Go to the Issues section of the repository.
- Click on the "New issue" button.
- Select the appropriate issue template (Bug Report, Feature Request, or Custom Issue).
- Provide a clear and descriptive title.
- Fill out the necessary details in the issue template. Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand and reproduce the issue or evaluate the feature request.
Before submitting a pull request, ensure that your changes sucessfully perform the lintin. ProxLB uses [flake8] for running tests. Follow these steps to run tests locally:
Install pytest if you haven't already:
pip install flake8
Run the lintin:
python3 -m flake8 proxlb
Linting will also be performed for each PR. Therefore, it might make sense to test this before pushing locally.
Before submitting a pull request, ensure that your changes do not break existing functionality. ProxLB uses pytest for running tests. Follow these steps to run tests locally:
Install pytest if you haven't already:
pip install pytest
Run the tests:
Ensure all tests pass before submitting your changes.
ProxLB uses the Changelog Fragments Creator for creating the overall
file. This changelog file is being generated from the files placed in the directory. Each release is represented by its version number where additional yaml files are being placed and parsed by the CFC tool. Such files look like:
- Add option to rebalance by assigned VM resources to avoid overprovisioning. [#16]
Every PR should contain such a file describing the change to ensure this is also stated in the changelog file.
We welcome your contributions! Follow these steps to submit a pull request:
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
git clone cd proxlb
Please prefix your PR regarding its type. It might be:
- doc
- feature
- fix
It should also provide the issue id to which it is related.
Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/10-add-new-cool-stuff
Make your changes and commit them with a descriptive commit message:
git add . git commit -m "feature: Adding new cool stuff"
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/10-add-new-cool-stuff
Create a pull request from your forked repository:
- Go to the original repository on GitHub.
- Click on the "New pull request" button.
- Select the branch you pushed your changes to and create the pull request.
Please ensure that your pull request:
- Follows the project's coding style and guidelines.
- Includes tests for any new functionality.
- Updates the documentation as necessary.
By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please read it to understand the expected behavior and responsibilities when interacting with the community.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out by creating an issue or by joining our discussion forum. You can also refer to our documentation for more information about the project or join our chat room in Matrix.
Thank you for contributing to ProxLB! Together, we can enhance the efficiency and performance of Proxmox clusters.