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Naming convention and data formats

Zoltan Derzsi edited this page Oct 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

The toolbox saves data in a format that is more convenient for Matlab users.
Generally 2D arrays are used, where each row is a frame of captured data, and three columns are used for each entry. All data arrays must have a multiple of 3 columns. The data is in double-precision floating-point.

Marker position array

In each row, a marker's coordinates are stored in X-Y-Z triplets. For example, where there are M frames and N markers:

coorindate_array = [
frame1_marker1_X, frame1_marker1_Y, frame1_marker1_Z, frame1_marker2_X, frame1_marker2_Y, frame1_marker2_Z, ..., frame1_markerN_X, frame1_markerN_Y, frame1_markerN_Z;
frame2_marker1_X, frame2_marker1_Y, frame2_marker1_Z, frame2_marker2_X, frame2_marker2_Y, frame2_marker2_Z, ..., frame2_markerN_X, frame2_markerN_Y, frame2_markerN_Z;
frameM_marker1_X, frameM_marker1_Y, frameM_marker1_Z, frameM_marker2_X, frameM_marker2_Y, frameM_marker2_Z,..., frameM_markerN_X, frameM_markerN_Y, frameM_markerN_Z;

Rigid body arrays

When there is a rigid body defined, there are two arrays generated. The translation array tells where the calculated centroid object is with respect to the coordinate system, and the rotation array tells the orientation of the object with respect to the rigid body definition by default. Each row corresponds to a frame. If there is more than one rigid body defined, the C code generates more columns in the return array.


Translation is returned for each frame, with X-Y-Z triplets for each rigid body. For M frames and N rigid bodies, the array looks like this:

translation_array = [
frame1_rigidBody1_X, frame1_rigidBody1_Y, frame1_rigidBody1_Z, frame1_rigidBody2_X, frame1_rigidBody2_Y, frame1_rigidBody2_Z, ..., frame1_rigidBodyN_X, frame1_rigidBodyN_Y, frame1_rigidBodyN_Z;
frame2_rigidBody1_X, frame2_rigidBody1_Y, frame2_rigidBody1_Z, frame2_rigidBody2_X, frame2_rigidBody2_Y, frame2_rigidBody2_Z, ..., frame2_rigidBodyN_X, frame2_rigidBodyN_Y, frame2_rigidBodyN_Z;
frameM_rigidBody1_X, frameM_rigidBody1_Y, frameM_rigidBody1_Z, frameM_rigidBody2_X, frameM_rigidBody2_Y, frameM_rigidBody2_Z,..., frameM_rigidBodyN_X, frameM_rigidBodyN_Y, frameM_rigidBodyN_Z;


The orientation is stored in RADIANS, in roll-pitch-yaw triplets. For N rigid bodies and M frames:

rotation_array = [
frame1_rigidBody1_roll, frame1_rigidBody1_pitch, frame1_rigidBody1_yaw, frame1_rigidBody2_roll, frame1_rigidBody2_pitch, frame1_rigidBody2_yaw, ..., frame1_rigidBodyN_roll, frame1_rigidBodyN_pitch, frame1_rigidBodyN_yaw;
frame2_rigidBody1_roll, frame2_rigidBody1_pitch, frame2_rigidBody1_yaw, frame2_rigidBody2_roll, frame2_rigidBody2_pitch, frame2_rigidBody2_yaw, ..., frame2_rigidBodyN_roll, frame2_rigidBodyN_pitch, frame2_rigidBodyN_yaw;
frameM_rigidBody1_roll, frameM_rigidBody1_pitch, frameM_rigidBody1_yaw, frameM_rigidBody2_roll, frameM_rigidBody2_pitch, frameM_rigidBody2_yaw,..., frameM_rigidBodyN_roll, frameM_rigidBodyN_pitch, frameM_rigidBodyN_yaw;

Rotation definititions:

'ROLL' is when I spin the X axis, so the angle is calculated from the Z and Y coordinates.
'PITCH' is when I spin the Y axis, so the angle is calculated from the X and Z coordinates.
'YAW' is when I spin the Z axis, so the angle is calculated from the X and Y coordinates.