Hackalong.io Submission 📑 tags: tealgarden ethturin self-management
Mail: JoshAFairhead@gmail.com Address: 0xE680D5a71eBc0134E2aCc14eb69d8776159d8177
Practice / Process ID :writing_hand: : Appreciative value distributions
Category :writing_hand: :Online Collaboration, Accountingm Reputation, Social, Governance, Project Management, Fun Org size: Crew, Organisaion, Community, Crowd
- What does the process unlock for the org? / its partners? Accounting for intrinsicly motivated action.
- Which building blocks is it composed of? People and circles (aka holons)
- How do the building blocks interact? People create or join teams and delegate their appreciation across membranes.
- Benefits
- Game is warped from zero sum to positive sum
- Bottom up accounting for a plurality of values
- No asymetric bias from the top down
- Do the work, recieve the recognition and rewards
- Adoption Requirements
5.1 🌐 Org Structure ✍️ : the more permissive and less prescriptive the better. The org should be of requisite diversity
5.2 📜 Policies ✍️ : non prescriptive
5.3 🎭 Roles ✍️ : non prescriptive
5.4 🛠️ Tools ✍️ : non prescriptive
5.5 ❤️ Values ✍️ : the more the better