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Project: 0x05. Processes and Signals


This project focuses on understanding and managing processes and signals in a Unix-like operating system. Processes are instances of running programs, and signals are a form of inter-process communication used to notify processes of events. This project provides hands-on experience with various commands and techniques to manage processes and handle signals.

Table of Contents


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Learning Objectives


  • Understand what a process is and how to manage processes in Unix-like operating systems
  • Learn how to use commands like ps, pgrep, pkill, kill, top, and htop to manage processes
  • Understand what a signal is and how signals are used for inter-process communication
  • Learn how to send and handle signals using commands like kill and trap
  • Understand the different types of signals and their default behaviors


Task Description File
0. What is my PID Write a Bash script that displays its own PID 0-what-is-my-pid
1. List your processes Write a Bash script that displays a list of currently running processes 1-list_your_processes
2. Show your Bash PID Write a Bash script that displays lines containing the bash word, thus allowing you to easily get the PID of your Bash process 2-show_your_bash_pid
3. Show your Bash PID made easy Write a Bash script that displays the PID, along with the process name, of processes whose name contains the string bash 3-show_your_bash_pid_made_easy
4. To infinity and beyond Write a Bash script that displays To infinity and beyond indefinitely 4-to_infinity_and_beyond
5. Don't stop me now! Write a Bash script that stops 4-to_infinity_and_beyond process 5-dont_stop_me_now
6. Stop me if you can Write a Bash script that stops 4-to_infinity_and_beyond process using kill 6-stop_me_if_you_can
7. Highlander Write a Bash script that displays To infinity and beyond indefinitely, with a sleep 2 in between each iteration, and stops after receiving a SIGTERM signal 7-highlander
8. Beheaded process Write a Bash script that kills the process 7-highlander 8-beheaded_process
9. Process and PID file Write a Bash script that creates the file /var/run/ containing its PID and displays To infinity and beyond indefinitely 100-process_and_pid_file
10. Manage my process Write a Bash script that manages the 100-process_and_pid_file script, starting and stopping it as needed 101-manage_my_process
11. Zombie Write a C program that creates 5 zombie processes 102-zombie.c
12. Screencast Create a screencast demonstrating the execution of the previous tasks 103-screencast

Additional Notes

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute the scripts.
  • Test the scripts in a safe environment to avoid any unintended changes to your system.
  • Refer to the resources provided for a deeper understanding of each concept and its practical applications.
  • Regularly review and update your scripts to maintain compatibility with the latest system updates.