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Part III: Functions

Note: Before getting started on these exercises, please be certain that you've read through the root file in this repository.


Basic Requirements

  1. In your console, copy the following function and verify that the following invocations match your expectations:

    function square(num){
       return num * num;
    square(10) + 2;
    square(100) + square(77);
    square(8 / 2)
    square(2 + 17);
  2. Write a sentence in plain English describing how square(square(15)) is evaluated.

  3. Rename square's num parameter in your above code to monkey, and rename the uses of that parameter in the body to monkey as well. Will the function square still work? Why or why not?

  4. What is wrong with the following definitions of square? Write a sentence or two describing the issue(s); then, try copying the erroneous examples into a console one-at-a-time and observing the error(s) generated (you may have to attempt to invoke the functions to see the error). What errors are produced (if any) for each erroneous version? Do the errors make sense?

    function square(monkey) {
      return x * x;
    function square(5) {
      return 5 * 5;
    function square("x") {
      return "x" * "x";
  5. Fix the invalid syntax in the following functions (you can copy and paste these invalid definitions into your console and then edit them there):

    func square1(x {
      return x * x;
    functionsquare2 x)
      return x * x;
    function (x) square3 {
      return x * x;
  6. The following functions exhibit poor style -- fix these issues using the original version of square as a reference.

    function square(x){return x*x;}
    function square (x) { return x *x;
    function square(x)
    return x * x;
  7. Complete the function cube that returns the cube of x:

function cube(x) {
  // your code here
  1. Complete the function fullName that should take two parameters, firstName and lastName, and returns the firstName and lastName concatenated together with a space in between.
// don't forget the parameters!
function fullName() {
  // your code here
fullName("John", "Doe") // => "John Doe"
  1. Write a function average that takes two numbers as input (parameters), and returns the average of those numbers.

  2. Write a function greeter that takes a name as an argument and greets that name by returning something along the lines of "Hello, <name>!"

  3. Using the document found at this link, translate the first page of geometric formulas into JavaScript functions.

    As an example, a function to compute the perimeter of a rectangle might look like this:

    function perimeterRect(l, w) {
      return 2 * (l + w);

    NOTE: JavaScript provides some nifty mathematical functions and constants built into the language that you'll need for this exercise. The two that we'll be making use of are:

    Math.PI; // => 3.141592653589793
    Math.sqrt(256); // => 16

    To test your answers, you'll need to:

    1. Code your function in the console in the way that you think it will work
    2. Call the function with arguments in the console to see the result, e.g. perimeterRect(2, 6).
    3. Eventually, you may want to verify that the output is correct. Google is a great tool for this:

google geometry answer

More Practice

Translate the rest of the geometric formulas found here into JavaScript functions.

Advanced (extra practice)

  1. Compound interest can be calculated with the formula:

    future value

    • F: future value
    • P: present value
    • i: nominal interest rate
    • n: compounding frequency
    • t: time

Write a function futureValue that can be used to calculate the future value of a quantity of money using compound interest.

Use the function to calculate what the future value of $1700 (P = 1700) deposited in a bank that pays an annual interest rate of 4.7% (i = 0.047), compounded quarterly (n = 4) after 6 years (t = 6) (you can use Math.pow to do exponentiation).

  1. Write a power function that accepts the parameters base and exponent and returns the result. Replace square and cube with the power function you just wrote. Do not use Math.pow.

  2. Write your own square-root function called sqrt that accepts a number parameter and returns an approximate square root. Square-root approximations make use of averages. Be sure to use the average function you previously wrote. The first version of your square root function should perform no more than 3 successive averages.