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E. F. Haghish edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 5 revisions

MarkDoc is fairly simple and minimalistic, yet full of features intended for Stata users from complete beginners to advanced. The package is also well-documented, with several examples to begin with. Perhaps it would be best to begin with the journal article to really get the logic behind MarkDoc.

MarkDoc package vignette (PDF)

Journal Article


Torture tests

If you have a particular question, feel free to post it on! There are many users experienced with MarkDoc that actively respond to the questions about MarkDoc. Think of other users who might have the same questions! Posting your questions publicly will help other users too.

The good news is that there are also possibilities for attending workshops about MarkDoc and learning about its features and how to use it effectively to reproduce an analysis or write detailed analysis report.

Continue reading about MarkDoc Workshops.