{-| This module implements the logic for desugaring single-quoted @Text@
module Multiline
( -- * Desugaring
) where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude hiding (lines, unlines)
import Syntax (TextLiteral(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.Text as Text
Multi-line literals are syntactic sugar for double-quoted literals. For example, this expression:
λ(x : Text) → ''
${x} baz
... is syntactic sugar for this expression:
λ(x : Text) → "${x} baz\n bar\n foo\n "
This document standardizes this conversion from a multi-line literal to a double-quoted literal.
Multi-line literals use a different escaping mechanism than double-quoted
literals and the following re-escape
judgment converts multi-line escape
sequences to double-quoted escape sequences:
re-escape(s₀) = s₁
... where
(the input) is a double-quoted literal with multi-line escape sequences but without interpolated expressionss₁
(the output) is a double-quoted literal with double-quote escape sequences but without interpolated expressions
-- | Interpret single-quoted escape sequences
reEscape :: Text -> Text
replaces the ''${
escape sequence with \${
re-escape("ss₀…") = "ss₁…"
re-escape("''${ss₀…") = "\${ss₁…"
also replaces the '''
escape sequence with ''
re-escape("ss₀…") = "ss₁…"
re-escape("'''ss₀…") = "''ss₁…"
Additionally, re-escape
has to introduce escape sequences for characters
that need to be escaped for double-quoted literals:
re-escape("ss₀…") = "ss₁…"
────────────────────────────── ; c₀ ∈ { ", $, \ }
re-escape("c₀ss₀…") = "\c₀ss₁…"
For all other characters, re-escape leaves them unmodified:
re-escape("ss₀…") = "ss₁…"
────────────────────────────── ; c₀ is a character that does not need to
re-escape("c₀ss₀…") = "c₀ss₁…" ; be escaped
Note that the double-quoted literal passed to re-escape
may contain
interpolated expressions, which this case handles:
re-escape("ss₀…") = "ss₁…"
re-escape("${t}ss₀…") = "${t}ss₁…"
reEscape =
Text.replace "''${" "${"
. Text.replace "'''" "''"
-- Note that `reEscape` does not escape `"`, `$`, or `\` because the
-- `TextLiteral` type stores `Text` values in their unescaped forms.
Multi-line literals provide support for automatically stripping shared leading spaces from each line after the opening single quotes (including the line before the closing single quotes). For example, this expression:
... is the same as this expression:
... which is also the same as this expression:
All three examples are equivalent to:
However, the previous examples are NOT the same as:
... which does not strip the two spaces before foo
and bar
because the
spaces are not also present before the closing single quotes:
" foo\n bar\n"
This feature only strips spaces and tabs (i.e. \u0020
and \u0009
) and not
any other form of whitespace.
Stripping leading whitespace requires first computing the largest shared prefix
using the indent
indent(ss) = p
... where
(the input) is a multi-line literalp
(the output) is the largest shared prefix (a string of only\u0020
-- | Computes the leading indentation that should be stripped from each line
indent :: TextLiteral -> Text
There is always at least one line in a multi-line literal, which is the line preceding the final pair of single quotes:
──────────────────── ; The "s" denotes the end of the leading indent, which
indent('' ; can be terminated by any of the following:
ps'') = p ; * any character other than `\u0020` or `\u0009`
; * an interpolated expression
; * the end of the multi-line literal (i.e. '')
The grammar enforces this by requiring a mandatory newline after the opening single quotes, which means that an expression like this is not allowed:
''ABC'' -- Not legal
Note that string interpolation interrupts leading indentation, so this multi-line literal:
${Natural/show 1} foo
... is the same as this double-quoted literal:
"${Natural/show 1} foo\n bar\n"
A multi-line literal with more than one line takes the longest common indent prefix over all lines:
indent('' ; Find the longest common indent prefix for the
ss'') = q ; remainder of the literal
ss'') = lcip(p,q)
lcip(x, y) = p
lcip(\u0020x, \u0020y) = \u0020p
lcip(x, y) = p
lcip(\u0009x, \u0009y) = \u0009p
─────────────────────────────── ; p ∉ { \u0009, \u0020 }
lcip(px, py) = ""
─────────────────────────────── ; p ≠ q
lcip(px, qy) = ""
Blank lines, however, are not counted towards this prefix, unless they are the last line:
ss'') = p
ss'') = p
'') = ""
{- The Haskell logic does not closely follow the standard here because there is
a simpler way to implement this when we're not constrained by the language of
natural deduction
The key trick is to implement the `lines` and `unlines` utilities which split
and join `TextLiteral`s on line boundaries, respectively. The majority of
the implementation complexity is in the `lines` function and once you've
implemented that then everything else follows pretty easily.
indent textLiteral =
foldr1 lcip (fmap toPrefix (removeEmpty (lines textLiteral)))
toPrefix (Chunks [] z) = Text.takeWhile prefixCharacter z
toPrefix (Chunks ((x, _) : _ ) _) = Text.takeWhile prefixCharacter x
-- | Removes all lines that are blank, except for the last line
removeEmpty :: NonEmpty TextLiteral -> NonEmpty TextLiteral
removeEmpty ls = prepend (filter (not . isEmpty) initLines) (pure lastLine)
initLines = NonEmpty.init ls
lastLine = NonEmpty.last ls
isEmpty (Chunks [] "") = True
isEmpty _ = False
-- | Only spaces and tabs can be stripped from leading indentation
prefixCharacter :: Char -> Bool
prefixCharacter c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
-- | Return the longest common prefix
lcip :: Text -> Text -> Text
lcip x y = case Text.commonPrefixes x y of
Nothing -> ""
Just (prefix, _, _) -> prefix
{-| Split a `TextLiteral` on newline boundaries to create a list of
`TextLiteral`s (one for each line, not including the newline)
lines :: TextLiteral -> NonEmpty TextLiteral
lines = loop mempty
loop currentLine (Chunks [] z) =
(currentLine <> headLine) :| tailLines
headLine :| tailLines = fmap toChunk (lines_ z)
loop currentLine (Chunks ((x, y) : xys) z) =
case lines_ x of
_ :| [] ->
loop (currentLine <> Chunks [(x, y)] "") (Chunks xys z)
l0 :| l1 : ls ->
let ls' = l1 :| ls
in NonEmpty.cons
(currentLine <> toChunk l0)
(fmap toChunk (NonEmpty.init ls'))
(Chunks [(NonEmpty.last ls', y)] "")
(Chunks xys z)
-- Like `lines` for plain `Text` values
lines_ :: Text -> NonEmpty Text
lines_ text = Semigroup.sconcat (fmap (splitOn "\n") (splitOn "\r\n" text))
-- | Concatenate a list and a non-empty list
prepend :: [a] -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
prepend [] ys = ys
prepend (x : xs) (y :| ys)= x :| (xs <> (y : ys))
{-| `Text.splitOn` currently always returns a non-empty list, but the type does
not express that, so this is a type-safe wrapper that enforces that the
result is non-empty (even if the upstream implementation changes in
splitOn :: Text -> Text -> NonEmpty Text
splitOn needle haystack =
case Text.splitOn needle haystack of
l : ls -> l :| ls
[] -> "" :| []
-- | Promote a plain (uninterpolated) `Text` value to a `TextLiteral`
toChunk :: Text -> TextLiteral
toChunk text = Chunks [] text
As in the rest of Dhall, you can use either a plain LF character as a line
ending (%x0A
in ABNF) or a CR followed by a LF (%x0D.0A
in ABNF). However,
the value of the resulting string will always use %x0A
-style line endings,
regardless of which was used in the Dhall source. This means that the meaning
of a Dhall file does not depend on the specific type of line ending used.
Note: If you really need a %x0D.0A
-style line ending, you can insert a CR
character at the end of a line by interpolation:
CRLF line ending${"\r"}
Once you can compute the leading indent, you can convert the multi-line literal
into a double-quoted literal using the flatten
judgment, which strips the
leading indent and converts escape codes:
flatten(n, s₀) = s₁
... where
(the input) is the number of leading codepoints to strip from each lines₀
(the input) is a multi-line literals₁
(the output) is a double-quoted literal
{-| Strip a fixed number of characters from each line and interpret escape
flatten :: Int -> TextLiteral -> TextLiteral
There is always at least one line in a multi-line literal:
re-escape("s₀") = "s₁"
──────────────────── ; The "s" denotes everything after the first `n`
flatten(n, '' ; codepoints, which could be even more whitespace
␣␣␣␣␣n␣␣␣␣␣s₀'') = "s₁" ; if not all lines shared the same indent
... but no newline is emitted in the corresponding double-quoted literal. The
first newline after the opening ''
quotes is not preserved in the conversion
to a double-quoted literal. For example, this multi-line literal:
... is equivalent to this double-quoted literal:
However, each line after the first line does add a newline in the corresponding double-quoted literal:
re-escape("s₀") = "s₁"
flatten(n, ''
ss₀'') = "ss₁"
flatten(n, ''
ss'') = "s₀\nss₁"
flatten indentLength textLiteral =
escape (unlines (fmap stripPrefix (lines textLiteral)))
stripPrefix (Chunks [] z) =
Chunks [] (Text.drop indentLength z)
stripPrefix (Chunks ((x, y) : xys) z) =
Chunks ((Text.drop indentLength x, y) : xys) z
-- | Escape each `Text` segment of a `TextLiteral`
escape :: TextLiteral -> TextLiteral
escape (Chunks xys z) = Chunks xys' z'
xys' = do
(x, y) <- xys
return (reEscape x, y)
z' = reEscape z
{-| This is the inverse of `lines`, which joins `TextLiteral`s back together
by intercalating newline characters
unlines :: NonEmpty TextLiteral -> TextLiteral
unlines = foldr1 join
join l r = l <> toChunk "\n" <> r
So, for example, this multi-line literal:
... is the same as this double-quoted literal:
Then the to-double-quotes
judgement combines indent
with flatten
to-double-quotes(s₀) = s₁
... where
(the input) is a multi-line literals₁
(the output) is a double-quoted literal
{-| The top-level utility that converts a single-quoted `TextLiteral` into the
equivalent double-quoted `TextLiteral` by stripping leading indentation and
fixing all escape sequences
toDoubleQuotes :: TextLiteral -> TextLiteral
indent(s₀) = p flatten(length(p), s₀) = s₁
to-double-quotes(s₀) = s₁
toDoubleQuotes s₀ = s₁
p = indent s₀
s₁ = flatten (Text.length p) s₀
The to-double-quotes
judgment represents the logic for desugaring a
multi-line literal to a double-quoted literal at parse time.