- Fix S3 upload on Windows.
- Experimental support for "inactve_settings" options, which can be used to automatically scale down the inactive environment.
- Update default solution stack name to latest supported JAVA stack.
- Validate solution_stack option before creating environment and list available solution_stacks if not valid.
- Backoff and retry when AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Errors::Throttling happens during polling events
- Allow provding different deploy strategy for different components.
- Remove options for delete all environments ("-d --all"), because it is too destructive and not recoverable.
- Experimental support for multiple components deployment.
- revert back all changes from 0.3.8 to 0.3.9. Elasticbeanstalk haven't relex the real unique constain. The actually contrain is you can not have environment name cross different application
- Fix hang problem introduced in 0.3.8 when migrating old ElasticBeanstalk environment.
- Fix issue #13 (Deployment via S3 object broken since 0.3.7)
- Change ElasticBeanstalk environment name pattern. Stop using sufix hash to make eb environment global unique. (Because ElasticBeanstalk does not require environment has globally uniqe name any more.)
- Add migration logic so that if a ElasticBeanstalk environment with legcy name exists, eb_deployer will automaticly terminate it and replace it with ElasticBeanstalk environment has new name pattern.