From ce5f21755ecdb8f41f413bbcd8e48ffe4ced8909 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 18:10:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/28] setup for client server communication testing and
 analyser test for line shifts

---                          |   1 +
 tests/                 |   0
 tests/analysers/  | 114 ++++++++++++
 tests/                 |  66 +++++++
 tests/lsp_test_client/ |  10 ++
 tests/lsp_test_client/ | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/lsp_test_client/  |   7 +
 tests/lsp_test_client/  | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/lsp_test_client/    |  31 ++++
 textLSP/analysers/     |   1 -
 10 files changed, 722 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/
 create mode 100644 tests/analysers/
 create mode 100644 tests/
 create mode 100644 tests/lsp_test_client/
 create mode 100644 tests/lsp_test_client/
 create mode 100644 tests/lsp_test_client/
 create mode 100644 tests/lsp_test_client/
 create mode 100644 tests/lsp_test_client/

diff --git a/ b/
index bd00815..7673e27 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def read(fname):
         'dev': [
+            'python-lsp-jsonrpc',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aebb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import pytest
+from threading import Event
+from lsprotocol.types import (
+    DidOpenTextDocumentParams,
+    TextDocumentItem,
+    DidChangeTextDocumentParams,
+    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier,
+    TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1,
+    Range,
+    Position,
+from tests.lsp_test_client import session, utils
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text,edit,exp', [
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'This is another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+            ),
+            '\n',
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'This is another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                end=Position(line=0, character=0),
+            ),
+            '\n\n\n',
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=4, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=4, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'This is another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=1, character=23),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+            ),
+            '\n',
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='dummy.txt',
+            language_id='txt',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    done.wait()
+    done.clear()
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=1,
+            uri='dummy.txt',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                edit[0],
+                edit[1],
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    done.wait()
+    done.clear()
+    res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
+    assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..834100a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import pytest
+import copy
+from pygls.protocol import default_converter
+from tests.lsp_test_client import session, defaults
+def json_converter():
+    return default_converter()
+def simple_server():
+    with session.LspSession() as lsp_session:
+        lsp_session.initialize()
+        yield lsp_session
+def langtool_ls():
+    init_params = copy.deepcopy(defaults.VSCODE_DEFAULT_INITIALIZE)
+    init_params["initializationOptions"] = {
+        'textLSP': {
+            'analysers': {
+                'languagetool': {
+                    'enabled': True,
+                    'check_text': {
+                        'on_open': True,
+                        'on_save': True,
+                        'on_change': True,
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    with session.LspSession() as lsp_session:
+        lsp_session.initialize(init_params)
+        yield lsp_session
+def langtool_ls_onsave():
+    init_params = copy.deepcopy(defaults.VSCODE_DEFAULT_INITIALIZE)
+    init_params["initializationOptions"] = {
+        'textLSP': {
+            'analysers': {
+                'languagetool': {
+                    'enabled': True,
+                    'check_text': {
+                        'on_open': True,
+                        'on_save': True,
+                        'on_change': False,
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    with session.LspSession() as lsp_session:
+        lsp_session.initialize(init_params)
+        yield lsp_session
diff --git a/tests/lsp_test_client/ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f3eae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Taken from:
+"""Test client main module."""
+import py
+from .utils import as_uri
+TEST_ROOT = py.path.local(__file__) / ".."
+PROJECT_ROOT = TEST_ROOT / ".." / ".."
diff --git a/tests/lsp_test_client/ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529e52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+"""Default values for lsp test client."""
+import os
+import tests.lsp_test_client as lsp_client
+    "processId": os.getpid(),  # pylint: disable=no-member
+    "clientInfo": {"name": "vscode", "version": "1.45.0"},
+    "rootPath": str(lsp_client.PROJECT_ROOT),
+    "rootUri": lsp_client.PROJECT_URI,
+    "capabilities": {
+        "workspace": {
+            "applyEdit": True,
+            "workspaceEdit": {
+                "documentChanges": True,
+                "resourceOperations": ["create", "rename", "delete"],
+                "failureHandling": "textOnlyTransactional",
+            },
+            "didChangeConfiguration": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "didChangeWatchedFiles": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "symbol": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "symbolKind": {
+                    "valueSet": [
+                        1,
+                        2,
+                        3,
+                        4,
+                        5,
+                        6,
+                        7,
+                        8,
+                        9,
+                        10,
+                        11,
+                        12,
+                        13,
+                        14,
+                        15,
+                        16,
+                        17,
+                        18,
+                        19,
+                        20,
+                        21,
+                        22,
+                        23,
+                        24,
+                        25,
+                        26,
+                    ]
+                },
+                "tagSupport": {"valueSet": [1]},
+            },
+            "executeCommand": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "configuration": True,
+            "workspaceFolders": True,
+        },
+        "textDocument": {
+            "publishDiagnostics": {
+                "relatedInformation": True,
+                "versionSupport": False,
+                "tagSupport": {"valueSet": [1, 2]},
+                "complexDiagnosticCodeSupport": True,
+            },
+            "synchronization": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "willSave": True,
+                "willSaveWaitUntil": True,
+                "didSave": True,
+            },
+            "completion": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "contextSupport": True,
+                "completionItem": {
+                    "snippetSupport": True,
+                    "commitCharactersSupport": True,
+                    "documentationFormat": ["markdown", "plaintext"],
+                    "deprecatedSupport": True,
+                    "preselectSupport": True,
+                    "tagSupport": {"valueSet": [1]},
+                    "insertReplaceSupport": True,
+                },
+                "completionItemKind": {
+                    "valueSet": [
+                        1,
+                        2,
+                        3,
+                        4,
+                        5,
+                        6,
+                        7,
+                        8,
+                        9,
+                        10,
+                        11,
+                        12,
+                        13,
+                        14,
+                        15,
+                        16,
+                        17,
+                        18,
+                        19,
+                        20,
+                        21,
+                        22,
+                        23,
+                        24,
+                        25,
+                    ]
+                },
+            },
+            "hover": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "contentFormat": ["markdown", "plaintext"],
+            },
+            "signatureHelp": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "signatureInformation": {
+                    "documentationFormat": ["markdown", "plaintext"],
+                    "parameterInformation": {"labelOffsetSupport": True},
+                },
+                "contextSupport": True,
+            },
+            "definition": {"dynamicRegistration": True, "linkSupport": True},
+            "references": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "documentHighlight": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "documentSymbol": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "symbolKind": {
+                    "valueSet": [
+                        1,
+                        2,
+                        3,
+                        4,
+                        5,
+                        6,
+                        7,
+                        8,
+                        9,
+                        10,
+                        11,
+                        12,
+                        13,
+                        14,
+                        15,
+                        16,
+                        17,
+                        18,
+                        19,
+                        20,
+                        21,
+                        22,
+                        23,
+                        24,
+                        25,
+                        26,
+                    ]
+                },
+                "hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport": True,
+                "tagSupport": {"valueSet": [1]},
+            },
+            "codeAction": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "isPreferredSupport": True,
+                "codeActionLiteralSupport": {
+                    "codeActionKind": {
+                        "valueSet": [
+                            "",
+                            "quickfix",
+                            "refactor",
+                            "refactor.extract",
+                            "refactor.inline",
+                            "refactor.rewrite",
+                            "source",
+                            "source.organizeImports",
+                        ]
+                    }
+                },
+            },
+            "codeLens": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "formatting": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "rangeFormatting": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "onTypeFormatting": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "rename": {"dynamicRegistration": True, "prepareSupport": True},
+            "documentLink": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "tooltipSupport": True,
+            },
+            "typeDefinition": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "linkSupport": True,
+            },
+            "implementation": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "linkSupport": True,
+            },
+            "colorProvider": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+            "foldingRange": {
+                "dynamicRegistration": True,
+                "rangeLimit": 5000,
+                "lineFoldingOnly": True,
+            },
+            "declaration": {"dynamicRegistration": True, "linkSupport": True},
+            "selectionRange": {"dynamicRegistration": True},
+        },
+        "window": {"workDoneProgress": True},
+    },
+    "trace": "verbose",
+    "workspaceFolders": [{"uri": lsp_client.PROJECT_URI, "name": "textLSP"}],
+    "initializationOptions": {
+    },
diff --git a/tests/lsp_test_client/ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c1b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"""Run Language Server for Test."""
+import sys
+from textLSP.cli import main
diff --git a/tests/lsp_test_client/ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d09421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+"""Provides LSP session helpers for testing."""
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
+from threading import Event
+from pylsp_jsonrpc.dispatchers import MethodDispatcher
+from pylsp_jsonrpc.endpoint import Endpoint
+from pylsp_jsonrpc.streams import JsonRpcStreamReader, JsonRpcStreamWriter
+from tests.lsp_test_client import defaults
+PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
+WINDOW_LOG_MESSAGE = "window/logMessage"
+WINDOW_SHOW_MESSAGE = "window/showMessage"
+WINDOW_WORK_DONE_PROGRESS_CREATE = "window/workDoneProgress/create"
+# pylint: disable=no-member
+class LspSession(MethodDispatcher):
+    """Send and Receive messages over LSP as a test LS Client."""
+    def __init__(self, cwd=None):
+        self.cwd = cwd if cwd else os.getcwd()
+        # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
+        self._thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()
+        self._sub = None
+        self._writer = None
+        self._reader = None
+        self._endpoint = None
+        self._notification_callbacks = {}
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """Context manager entrypoint.
+        shell=True needed for pytest-cov to work in subprocess.
+        """
+        # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
+        self._sub = subprocess.Popen(
+            [
+                sys.executable,
+                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""),
+            ],
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+            bufsize=0,
+            cwd=self.cwd,
+            env=os.environ,
+            shell="WITH_COVERAGE" in os.environ,
+        )
+        self._writer = JsonRpcStreamWriter(
+            os.fdopen(self._sub.stdin.fileno(), "wb")
+        )
+        self._reader = JsonRpcStreamReader(
+            os.fdopen(self._sub.stdout.fileno(), "rb")
+        )
+        dispatcher = {
+            PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS: self._publish_diagnostics,
+            WINDOW_SHOW_MESSAGE: self._window_show_message,
+            WINDOW_LOG_MESSAGE: self._window_log_message,
+            WINDOW_WORK_DONE_PROGRESS_CREATE: self._window_work_done_progress_create,
+        }
+        self._endpoint = Endpoint(dispatcher, self._writer.write)
+        self._thread_pool.submit(self._reader.listen, self._endpoint.consume)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, typ, value, _tb):
+        self.shutdown(True)
+        try:
+            self._sub.terminate()
+        except Exception:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
+            pass
+        self._endpoint.shutdown()
+        self._thread_pool.shutdown()
+    def initialize(
+        self,
+        initialize_params=None,
+        process_server_capabilities=None,
+    ):
+        """Sends the initialize request to LSP server."""
+        server_initialized = Event()
+        def _after_initialize(fut):
+            if process_server_capabilities:
+                process_server_capabilities(fut.result())
+            self.initialized()
+            server_initialized.set()
+        self._send_request(
+            "initialize",
+            params=(
+                initialize_params
+                if initialize_params is not None
+                else defaults.VSCODE_DEFAULT_INITIALIZE
+            ),
+            handle_response=_after_initialize,
+        )
+        server_initialized.wait()
+    def initialized(self, initialized_params=None):
+        """Sends the initialized notification to LSP server."""
+        if initialized_params is None:
+            initialized_params = {}
+        self._endpoint.notify("initialized", initialized_params)
+    def shutdown(self, should_exit, exit_timeout=LSP_EXIT_TIMEOUT):
+        """Sends the shutdown request to LSP server."""
+        def _after_shutdown(_):
+            if should_exit:
+                self.exit_lsp(exit_timeout)
+        self._send_request("shutdown", handle_response=_after_shutdown)
+    def exit_lsp(self, exit_timeout=LSP_EXIT_TIMEOUT):
+        """Handles LSP server process exit."""
+        self._endpoint.notify("exit")
+        assert self._sub.wait(exit_timeout) == 0
+    def text_document_completion(self, completion_params):
+        """Sends text document completion request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/completion", params=completion_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_rename(self, rename_params):
+        """Sends text document rename request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request("textDocument/rename", params=rename_params)
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_code_action(self, code_action_params):
+        """Sends text document code action request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/codeAction", params=code_action_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_hover(self, hover_params):
+        """Sends text document hover request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request("textDocument/hover", params=hover_params)
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_signature_help(self, signature_help_params):
+        """Sends text document hover request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/signatureHelp", params=signature_help_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_definition(self, definition_params):
+        """Sends text document defintion request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/definition", params=definition_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_symbol(self, document_symbol_params):
+        """Sends text document symbol request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/documentSymbol", params=document_symbol_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_highlight(self, document_highlight_params):
+        """Sends text document highlight request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/documentHighlight", params=document_highlight_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def text_document_references(self, references_params):
+        """Sends text document references request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "textDocument/references", params=references_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def workspace_symbol(self, workspace_symbol_params):
+        """Sends workspace symbol request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "workspace/symbol", params=workspace_symbol_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def completion_item_resolve(self, resolve_params):
+        """Sends completion item resolve request to LSP server."""
+        fut = self._send_request(
+            "completionItem/resolve", params=resolve_params
+        )
+        return fut.result()
+    def notify_did_change(self, did_change_params):
+        """Sends did change notification to LSP Server."""
+        self._send_notification(
+            "textDocument/didChange", params=did_change_params
+        )
+    def notify_did_save(self, did_save_params):
+        """Sends did save notification to LSP Server."""
+        self._send_notification("textDocument/didSave", params=did_save_params)
+    def notify_did_open(self, did_open_params):
+        """Sends did open notification to LSP Server."""
+        self._send_notification("textDocument/didOpen", params=did_open_params)
+    def set_notification_callback(self, notification_name, callback):
+        """Set custom LS notification handler."""
+        self._notification_callbacks[notification_name] = callback
+    def get_notification_callback(self, notification_name):
+        """Gets callback if set or default callback for a given LS
+        notification."""
+        try:
+            return self._notification_callbacks[notification_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            def _default_handler(_params):
+                """Default notification handler."""
+            return _default_handler
+    def _publish_diagnostics(self, publish_diagnostics_params):
+        """Internal handler for text document publish diagnostics."""
+        return self._handle_notification(
+            PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS, publish_diagnostics_params
+        )
+    def _window_log_message(self, window_log_message_params):
+        """Internal handler for window log message."""
+        return self._handle_notification(
+            WINDOW_LOG_MESSAGE, window_log_message_params
+        )
+    def _window_show_message(self, window_show_message_params):
+        """Internal handler for window show message."""
+        return self._handle_notification(
+            WINDOW_SHOW_MESSAGE, window_show_message_params
+        )
+    def _window_work_done_progress_create(self, window_progress_params):
+        """Internal handler for window/workDoneProgress/create"""
+        return self._handle_notification(
+            WINDOW_WORK_DONE_PROGRESS_CREATE, window_progress_params
+        )
+    def _handle_notification(self, notification_name, params):
+        """Internal handler for notifications."""
+        fut = Future()
+        def _handler():
+            callback = self.get_notification_callback(notification_name)
+            callback(params)
+            fut.set_result(None)
+        self._thread_pool.submit(_handler)
+        return fut
+    def _send_request(
+        self, name, params=None, handle_response=lambda f: f.done()
+    ):
+        """Sends {name} request to the LSP server."""
+        fut = self._endpoint.request(name, params)
+        fut.add_done_callback(handle_response)
+        return fut
+    def _send_notification(self, name, params=None):
+        """Sends {name} notification to the LSP server."""
+        self._endpoint.notify(name, params)
diff --git a/tests/lsp_test_client/ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32c8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lsp_test_client/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+"""Provides LSP client side utilities for easier testing."""
+import pathlib
+import platform
+import functools
+import py
+# pylint: disable=no-member
+def normalizecase(path: str) -> str:
+    """Fixes 'file' uri or path case for easier testing in windows."""
+    if platform.system() == "Windows":
+        return path.lower()
+    return path
+def as_uri(path: py.path.local) -> str:
+    """Return 'file' uri as string."""
+    return normalizecase(pathlib.Path(path).as_uri())
+def handle_notification(params, event, results=None):
+    if results is not None:
+        results.append(params)
+    event.set()
+def get_notification_handler(*args, **kwargs):
+    return functools.partial(handle_notification, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 1a6b0f3..343abfc 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ def _update_code_actions(self, doc: BaseDocument):
     def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
         # TODO handle shifts within lines
         line_shifts = self._get_line_shifts(params)

From 141ff2878d47e67093f0f40809112ac8a51ea50f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 16:36:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/28] better shutdown handling

 textLSP/analysers/                   |  4 ++++
 textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ |  3 +++
 textLSP/                              | 12 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index ea37167..bce1569 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ def update_settings(self, settings):
             if name not in self.analysers:
+    def shutdown(self):
+        for analyser in self.analysers.values():
+            analyser.close()
     def get_diagnostics(self, doc: Document):
         return [analyser.get_diagnostics(doc) for analyser in self.analysers.values()]
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
index 7188d07..92e1fce 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
@@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ def close(self):
         self.tool = dict()
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
     def _get_mapped_language(self, language):
         return LANGUAGE_MAP[language]
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 520ee89..24e6fa4 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 from lsprotocol.types import (
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
+    ShutdownRequest,
 from .workspace import TextLSPWorkspace
 from .utils import merge_dicts, get_textlsp_version
@@ -120,6 +122,11 @@ def publish_stored_diagnostics(self, doc: Document):
         self.publish_diagnostics(doc.uri, diagnostics)
+    def shutdown(self):
+        logger.warning('TextLSP shutting down!')
+        self.analyser_handler.shutdown()
+        super().shutdown()
 SERVER = TextLSPLanguageServer(
@@ -148,6 +155,11 @@ async def did_close(ls: TextLSPLanguageServer, params: DidCloseTextDocumentParam
     await ls.analyser_handler.did_close(params)
+def shutdown(ls: TextLSPLanguageServer, params: ShutdownRequest):
+    ls.shutdown()
 def did_change_configuration(ls: TextLSPLanguageServer, params: DidChangeConfigurationParams):

From 888d1d62b194125fc95f7278c35a5e6c0ac2b8f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 08:41:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/28] initial steps to rework diagnostics and code action

 textLSP/analysers/ | 54 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 textLSP/              | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/              |  5 +++
 3 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 343abfc..6a0c93d 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@
-        MessageType,
 from ..documents.document import BaseDocument, ChangeTracker
 from ..utils import merge_dicts
-from ..types import Interval, TextLSPCodeActionKind, ProgressBar
+from ..types import Interval, TextLSPCodeActionKind, ProgressBar, PositionDict
 class Analyser():
@@ -76,6 +75,9 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: Document, changes: List[Interval]):
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def _get_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) -> List:
+        """
+        return: List of tuples (line, shift) should be sorted
+        """
         res = list()
         for change in params.content_changes:
             if type(change) == TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type2:
@@ -88,10 +90,13 @@ def _get_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) -> List:
         return res
-    def _handle_line_shifts(self, doc: BaseDocument, line_shifts: List):
+    def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
-        params: line_shifts: List of tuples (line, shift) should be sorted
+        Handlines line shifts and position shifts within lines
+        should_update_diagnostics = False
+        doc = self.get_document(params)
+        line_shifts = self._get_line_shifts(params)
         if len(line_shifts) == 0:
@@ -106,8 +111,8 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, doc: BaseDocument, line_shifts: List):
         # TODO extract to function
         # diagnostics
-        diagnostics = list()
-        for diag in self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri]:
+        # diagnostics = list()
+        for diag in list(self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri]):
             range = diag.range
             idx = bisect.bisect_left(bisect_lst, range.start.line)
             idx = min(idx, num_shifts-1)
@@ -126,8 +131,14 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, doc: BaseDocument, line_shifts: List):
-            diagnostics.append(diag)
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = diagnostics
+                self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].update(
+                    range.start,
+                    diag.range.start,
+                    diag
+                )
+                should_update_diagnostics = True
+            # diagnostics.append(diag)
+        # self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = diagnostics
         # code actions
         code_actions = list()
@@ -153,14 +164,12 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, doc: BaseDocument, line_shifts: List):
         self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = code_actions
+        return should_update_diagnostics
     def _remove_overflown_code_items(self, doc: BaseDocument):
         last_position = doc.last_position(True)
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = [
-            diag
-            for diag in self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri]
-            if diag.range.start <= last_position
-        ]
+        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_from(last_position, False)
         self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = [
@@ -189,9 +198,8 @@ def _update_code_actions(self, doc: BaseDocument):
     def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
         # TODO handle shifts within lines
-        line_shifts = self._get_line_shifts(params)
         doc = self.get_document(params)
-        self._handle_line_shifts(doc, line_shifts)
+        should_update_diagnostics = self._handle_line_shifts(params)
@@ -209,7 +217,7 @@ def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                     self._did_change(doc, changes)
                 self._content_change_dict[doc.uri] = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
-        elif len(line_shifts) > 0:
+        elif should_update_diagnostics:
     def update_document(self, doc: Document, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent):
@@ -272,21 +280,19 @@ def should_run_on(self, event: str) -> bool:
     def init_diagnostics(self, doc: Document):
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = list()
+        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = PositionDict()
     def get_diagnostics(self, doc: Document):
-        return self._diagnostics_dict.get(doc.uri, list())
+        return self._diagnostics_dict.get(doc.uri, PositionDict())
     def add_diagnostics(self, doc: Document, diagnostics: List[Diagnostic]):
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] += diagnostics
+        for diag in diagnostics:
+            self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].add(diag.range.start, diag)
     def remove_code_items_at_rage(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range):
-        diagnostics = list()
-        for diag in self.get_diagnostics(doc):
-            if diag.range.end < pos_range.start or diag.range.start > pos_range.end:
-                diagnostics.append(diag)
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = diagnostics
+        # FIXME: some items are disappearin on save
+        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range)
         code_actions = list()
         for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]:
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index fa99ea2..91efd4f 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 from typing import Optional, Any, List
 from dataclasses import dataclass
+from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
 from lsprotocol.types import (
@@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
+from .utils import position_to_tuple
 TEXT_PASSAGE_PATTERN = re.compile('[.?!] |\\n')
 LINE_PATTERN = re.compile('\\n')
@@ -211,6 +214,68 @@ def get_interval_at_position(self, position: Position, strict=True) -> OffsetPos
         return self.get_interval(idx)
+class PositionDict():
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._positions = SortedDict()
+    def add(self, position: Position, item):
+        position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        self._positions[position] = item
+    def get(self, position: Position):
+        position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        return self._positions[position]
+    def update(self, old_position: Position, new_position: Position = None,
+               new_value=None):
+        assert new_position is not None or new_value is not None, 'Either'
+        ' new_position or new_value should be specified.'
+        old_position = position_to_tuple(old_position)
+        new_position = position_to_tuple(new_position)
+        if new_position is None:
+            self._positions[old_position] = new_value
+        return
+        if new_value is None:
+            new_value = self._positions.popitem(old_position)
+        else:
+            del self._positions[old_position]
+        self._positions[new_position] = new_value
+    def remove(self, position: Position):
+        position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        del self._positions[position]
+    def remove_from(self, position: Position, inclusive=True):
+        position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        for key in list(self._positions.irange(
+            minimum=position,
+            inclusive=(inclusive, False)
+        )):
+            del self._positions[key]
+    def remove_between(self, range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
+        minimum = position_to_tuple(range.start)
+        maximum = position_to_tuple(range.end)
+        for key in list(self._positions.irange(
+            minimum=minimum,
+            maximum=maximum,
+            inclusive=inclusive,
+        )):
+            del self._positions[key]
+    def irange(self, minimum: Position, maximum: Position, *args, **kwargs):
+        minimum = position_to_tuple(minimum)
+        maximum = position_to_tuple(maximum)
+        return self._positions.irange(*args, **kwargs)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._positions.values())
 class TextLSPCodeActionKind(str, enum.Enum):
     AcceptSuggestion = CodeActionKind.QuickFix + '.accept_suggestion'
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index bca0186..65598a3 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from threading import RLock
 from git import Repo
 from appdirs import user_cache_dir
+from lsprotocol.types import Position
 def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2):
@@ -99,3 +100,7 @@ def batch_text(text: str, pattern: re.Pattern, max_size: int, min_size: int = 0)
     if sidx <= text_len:
         yield text[sidx:text_len]
+def position_to_tuple(position: Position):
+    return (position.line, position.character)

From 30cb86ee424ea1e8bf6897d95c8e2df28177fa27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 07:51:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/28] fixing a bug related to updating positions in

 tests/analysers/ | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 textLSP/                 |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index 2aebb0a..a0e8da7 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+    DidSaveTextDocumentParams,
+    TextDocumentIdentifier,
 from tests.lsp_test_client import session, utils
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
                 end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+            False
             start=Position(line=1, character=10),
@@ -41,30 +44,110 @@
                 end=Position(line=0, character=0),
+            True
             start=Position(line=4, character=10),
             end=Position(line=4, character=18),
+    # (
+    #     'This is a sentence.\n'
+    #     'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+    #     'This is another sentence.',
+    #     (
+    #         Range(
+    #             start=Position(line=1, character=23),
+    #             end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+    #         ),
+    #         '\n',
+    #         False
+    #     ),
+    #     Range(
+    #         start=Position(line=1, character=10),
+    #         end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+    #     ),
+    # ),
+def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='dummy.txt',
+            language_id='txt',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    done.wait()
+    done.clear()
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=1,
+            uri='dummy.txt',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                edit[0],
+                edit[1],
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    ret = done.wait(1)
+    done.clear()
+    # no diagnostics notification of none has changed
+    assert ret == edit[2]
+    if edit[2]:
+        assert len(results) == 2
+    else:
+        assert len(results) == 1
+    res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
+    assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text,edit,exp', [
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n'
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-        'This is another sentence.',
+        'This is another.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Thes is bold.',
-                start=Position(line=1, character=23),
-                end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+                start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=0),
-            '\n',
+            '\n\n',
-            start=Position(line=1, character=10),
-            end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+            start=Position(line=7, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=7, character=7),
-def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     done = Event()
     results = list()
@@ -106,9 +189,20 @@ def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_on
+    done.wait()
+    done.clear()
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            'dummy.txt'
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    print(results)
     res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
     assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 91efd4f..bdc080a 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def update(self, old_position: Position, new_position: Position = None,
         new_position = position_to_tuple(new_position)
         if new_position is None:
             self._positions[old_position] = new_value
-        return
+            return
         if new_value is None:
             new_value = self._positions.popitem(old_position)

From 87feb9a6f7c13a900769ba17b9d2bdab669e688a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 10:15:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/28] updating code_action handling

 tests/analysers/ | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 textLSP/analysers/    | 54 ++++++++++------------
 textLSP/                 | 22 +++++++--
 3 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index a0e8da7..8d0ae3c 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
+    CodeActionParams,
+    CodeActionContext,
+    Diagnostic,
 from tests.lsp_test_client import session, utils
@@ -68,16 +71,50 @@
     #         end=Position(line=1, character=18),
     #     ),
     # ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'This is another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=1, character=33),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=33),
+            ),
+            ' too',
+            False
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+    # (
+    #     'This is a sentence.\n'
+    #     'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+    #     'This is another sentence.',
+    #     (
+    #         Range(
+    #             start=Position(line=1, character=4),
+    #             end=Position(line=1, character=4),
+    #         ),
+    #         ' word',
+    #         False
+    #     ),
+    #     Range(
+    #         start=Position(line=1, character=15),
+    #         end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+    #     ),
+    # ),
-def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+def test_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     done = Event()
-    results = list()
+    diag_lst = list()
-            results=results
+            results=diag_lst
@@ -93,7 +130,7 @@ def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_on
-    done.wait()
+    assert done.wait(10)
     change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
@@ -111,18 +148,37 @@ def test_diagnostics_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_on
     ret = done.wait(1)
     # no diagnostics notification of none has changed
     assert ret == edit[2]
     if edit[2]:
-        assert len(results) == 2
+        assert len(diag_lst) == 2
-        assert len(results) == 1
+        assert len(diag_lst) == 1
-    res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
+    res = diag_lst[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
+    assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
+    diag = diag_lst[-1]['diagnostics'][0]
+    diag = Diagnostic(
+        range=Range(
+            start=Position(**res['start']),
+            end=Position(**res['end']),
+        ),
+        message=diag['message'],
+    )
+    code_action_params = CodeActionParams(
+        TextDocumentIdentifier('dummy.txt'),
+        exp,
+        CodeActionContext([diag]),
+    )
+    actions_lst = langtool_ls_onsave.text_document_code_action(
+        json_converter.unstructure(code_action_params)
+    )
+    assert len(actions_lst) == 1
+    res = actions_lst[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
     assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
@@ -171,7 +227,7 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    done.wait()
+    assert done.wait(10)
     change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
@@ -189,7 +245,7 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    done.wait()
+    assert done.wait(10)
     save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
@@ -200,7 +256,7 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    done.wait()
+    assert done.wait(10)
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 6a0c93d..718d66f 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -27,7 +27,12 @@
 from ..documents.document import BaseDocument, ChangeTracker
 from ..utils import merge_dicts
-from ..types import Interval, TextLSPCodeActionKind, ProgressBar, PositionDict
+from ..types import (
+    Interval,
+    TextLSPCodeActionKind,
+    ProgressBar,
+    PositionDict,
 class Analyser():
@@ -94,6 +99,7 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
         Handlines line shifts and position shifts within lines
+        # TODO handle shifts within lines
         should_update_diagnostics = False
         doc = self.get_document(params)
         line_shifts = self._get_line_shifts(params)
@@ -110,8 +116,6 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
         num_shifts = len(accumulative_shifts)
         # TODO extract to function
-        # diagnostics
-        # diagnostics = list()
         for diag in list(self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri]):
             range = diag.range
             idx = bisect.bisect_left(bisect_lst, range.start.line)
@@ -137,12 +141,9 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                 should_update_diagnostics = True
-            # diagnostics.append(diag)
-        # self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri] = diagnostics
         # code actions
-        code_actions = list()
-        for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]:
+        for action in list(self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]):
             range = action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range
             idx = bisect.bisect_left(bisect_lst, range.start.line)
             idx = min(idx, num_shifts-1)
@@ -161,8 +162,11 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
-            code_actions.append(action)
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = code_actions
+                self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].update(
+                    range.start,
+                    action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start,
+                    action
+                )
         return should_update_diagnostics
@@ -170,12 +174,7 @@ def _remove_overflown_code_items(self, doc: BaseDocument):
         last_position = doc.last_position(True)
         self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_from(last_position, False)
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = [
-            action
-            for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]
-            if action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start <= last_position
-        ]
+        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_from(last_position, False)
     def _update_single_code_action(self, action: CodeAction, doc: BaseDocument):
         # update document version
@@ -197,7 +196,6 @@ def _update_code_actions(self, doc: BaseDocument):
     def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
-        # TODO handle shifts within lines
         doc = self.get_document(params)
         should_update_diagnostics = self._handle_line_shifts(params)
@@ -291,18 +289,11 @@ def add_diagnostics(self, doc: Document, diagnostics: List[Diagnostic]):
     def remove_code_items_at_rage(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range):
-        # FIXME: some items are disappearin on save
-        code_actions = list()
-        for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]:
-            range = action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range
-            if range.end < pos_range.start or range.start > pos_range.end:
-                code_actions.append(action)
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = code_actions
+        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range)
     def init_code_actions(self, doc: Document):
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = list()
+        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = PositionDict()
     def get_code_actions(self, params: CodeActionParams) -> Optional[List[CodeAction]]:
         doc = self.get_document(params)
@@ -311,11 +302,12 @@ def get_code_actions(self, params: CodeActionParams) -> Optional[List[CodeAction
         # TODO make this faster?
         res = [
-            for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]
+            for action in self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].irange_values(maximum=range.start)
             if (
-                    action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start <= range.start
-                    and action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.end >= range.end
+                    # action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start <= range.start
+                    # and
+                    action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.end >= range.end
                 # if it's not reachable by the cursor
                 or (
@@ -384,7 +376,11 @@ def get_code_actions(self, params: CodeActionParams) -> Optional[List[CodeAction
         return res
     def add_code_actions(self, doc: Document, actions: List[CodeAction]):
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] += actions
+        for action in actions:
+            self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].add(
+                action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start,
+                action,
+            )
     def build_single_suggestion_action(
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index bdc080a..fac7696 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -227,10 +227,14 @@ def get(self, position: Position):
         position = position_to_tuple(position)
         return self._positions[position]
+    def pop(self, position: Position):
+        position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        return self._positions.popitem(position)
     def update(self, old_position: Position, new_position: Position = None,
-        assert new_position is not None or new_value is not None, 'Either'
-        ' new_position or new_value should be specified.'
+        assert new_position is not None or new_value is not None, ' new_position'
+        ' or new_value should be specified.'
         old_position = position_to_tuple(old_position)
         new_position = position_to_tuple(new_position)
@@ -267,11 +271,19 @@ def remove_between(self, range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
             del self._positions[key]
-    def irange(self, minimum: Position, maximum: Position, *args, **kwargs):
-        minimum = position_to_tuple(minimum)
-        maximum = position_to_tuple(maximum)
+    def irange(self, minimum: Position = None, maximum: Position = None, *args,
+               **kwargs):
+        if minimum is not None:
+            minimum = position_to_tuple(minimum)
+        if maximum is not None:
+            maximum = position_to_tuple(maximum)
         return self._positions.irange(*args, **kwargs)
+    def irange_values(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        for key in self.irange(*args, **kwargs):
+            yield self._positions[key]
     def __iter__(self):
         return iter(self._positions.values())

From 4d2fb6cdd4a932532349d085c85c634b8a20289d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 12:27:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/28] updating diganostics and code_action shift handling

 tests/analysers/ | 108 +++++++++++------
 textLSP/analysers/    | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
 textLSP/                 |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index 8d0ae3c..464aca7 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
         'This is a sentence.\n'
         'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-        'This is another sentence.',
+        'And another sentence.',
                 start=Position(line=2, character=0),
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         'This is a sentence.\n'
         'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-        'This is another sentence.',
+        'And another sentence.',
                 start=Position(line=0, character=0),
@@ -54,27 +54,44 @@
             end=Position(line=4, character=18),
-    # (
-    #     'This is a sentence.\n'
-    #     'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-    #     'This is another sentence.',
-    #     (
-    #         Range(
-    #             start=Position(line=1, character=23),
-    #             end=Position(line=1, character=23),
-    #         ),
-    #         '\n',
-    #         False
-    #     ),
-    #     Range(
-    #         start=Position(line=1, character=10),
-    #         end=Position(line=1, character=18),
-    #     ),
-    # ),
         'This is a sentence.\n'
         'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-        'This is another sentence.',
+        'And another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=0),
+            ),
+            '',
+            True
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=0, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=0, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'And another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=1, character=23),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+            ),
+            '\n',
+            False
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=10),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=18),
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'And another sentence.',
                 start=Position(line=1, character=33),
@@ -88,23 +105,40 @@
             end=Position(line=1, character=18),
-    # (
-    #     'This is a sentence.\n'
-    #     'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
-    #     'This is another sentence.',
-    #     (
-    #         Range(
-    #             start=Position(line=1, character=4),
-    #             end=Position(line=1, character=4),
-    #         ),
-    #         ' word',
-    #         False
-    #     ),
-    #     Range(
-    #         start=Position(line=1, character=15),
-    #         end=Position(line=1, character=23),
-    #     ),
-    # ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'And another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=1, character=4),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=4),
+            ),
+            ' word',
+            True
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=15),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=23),
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sAntence with an error.\n'
+        'And another sentence.',
+        (
+            Range(
+                start=Position(line=1, character=4),
+                end=Position(line=1, character=4),
+            ),
+            '\n',
+            True
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=2, character=5),
+            end=Position(line=2, character=13),
+        ),
+    ),
 def test_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     done = Event()
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 718d66f..04948f5 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import bisect
+import copy
 from typing import List, Optional
 from pygls.server import LanguageServer
@@ -79,91 +80,157 @@ def did_open(self, params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams):
     def _did_change(self, doc: Document, changes: List[Interval]):
         raise NotImplementedError()
-    def _get_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) -> List:
-        """
-        return: List of tuples (line, shift) should be sorted
-        """
-        res = list()
+    def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
+        # FIXME: this method is very complex, try to make it easier to read
+        should_update_diagnostics = False
+        doc = self.get_document(params)
+        val = 0
+        accumulative_shifts = list()
+        # handling inline shifts and building a list of line shifts for later
         for change in params.content_changes:
             if type(change) == TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type2:
             line_diff = change.range.end.line - change.range.start.line
             diff = change.text.count('\n') - line_diff
-            if diff != 0:
-                res.append((change.range.start.line, diff))
-        return res
-    def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
-        """
-        Handlines line shifts and position shifts within lines
-        """
-        # TODO handle shifts within lines
-        should_update_diagnostics = False
-        doc = self.get_document(params)
-        line_shifts = self._get_line_shifts(params)
-        if len(line_shifts) == 0:
-            return
+            if diff == 0:
+                in_line_diff = change.range.end.character - change.range.start.character
+                in_line_diff += len(change.text)
+                if in_line_diff >= 0:
+                    # in only some edit in a given line, let's shift the items
+                    # in the line
+                    next_pos = Position(
+                        line=change.range.start.line+1,
+                        character=0,
+                    )
-        val = 0
-        bisect_lst = [line_shifts[0][0]]
-        accumulative_shifts = [(line_shifts[0][0], 0)]
-        for shift in line_shifts:
-            val += shift[1]
-            accumulative_shifts.append((shift[0]+1, val))
-            bisect_lst.append(shift[0]+1)
-        num_shifts = len(accumulative_shifts)
-        # TODO extract to function
-        for diag in list(self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri]):
-            range = diag.range
-            idx = bisect.bisect_left(bisect_lst, range.start.line)
-            idx = min(idx, num_shifts-1)
+                    for diag in list(
+                        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].irange_values(
+                            minimum=change.range.start,
+                            maximum=next_pos,
+                            inclusive=(True, False)
+                        )
+                    ):
+                        item_range = diag.range
+                        diag.range = Range(
+                            start=Position(
+                                line=item_range.start.line,
+                                character=item_range.start.character+in_line_diff
+                            ),
+                            end=Position(
+                                line=item_range.end.line,
+                                character=item_range.end.character +
+                                (in_line_diff if item_range.start.line ==
+                                 item_range.end.line else 0)
+                            )
+                        )
+                        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].update(
+                            item_range.start,
+                            diag.range.start,
+                            diag
+                        )
+                        should_update_diagnostics = True
+                    for action in list(
+                            self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].irange_values(
+                                minimum=change.range.start,
+                                maximum=next_pos,
+                                inclusive=(True, False)
+                            )
+                    ):
+                        item_range = action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range
+                        action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range = Range(
+                            start=Position(
+                                line=item_range.start.line,
+                                character=item_range.start.character+in_line_diff
+                            ),
+                            end=Position(
+                                line=item_range.end.line,
+                                character=item_range.end.character +
+                                (in_line_diff if item_range.start.line ==
+                                 item_range.end.line else 0)
+                            )
+                        )
+                        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].update(
+                            item_range.start,
+                            action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range.start,
+                            action
+                        )
+            else:
+                # There is a line shift: diff > 0
+                val += diff
+                accumulative_shifts.append((change.range.start, val, change))
+        pos = doc.last_position(True)
+        pos = Position(line=pos.line+1, character=0)
+        accumulative_shifts.append((pos, val))
+        if len(accumulative_shifts) == 0:
+            return should_update_diagnostics
+        # handling line shifts ############################################
+        for idx in range(len(accumulative_shifts)-1):
+            pos = accumulative_shifts[idx][0]
+            next_pos = accumulative_shifts[idx+1][0]
             shift = accumulative_shifts[idx][1]
-            if shift != 0:
-                if range.start.line + shift < 0:
-                    continue
+            for diag in list(
+                    self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].irange_values(
+                        minimum=pos,
+                        maximum=next_pos,
+                        inclusive=(True, False)
+                    )
+            ):
+                item_range = diag.range
+                char_shift = 0
+                if item_range.start.line == pos.line:
+                    char_shift = item_range.start.character - \
+                        (pos.character + len(accumulative_shifts[idx][2].text))
                 diag.range = Range(
-                        line=range.start.line + shift,
-                        character=range.start.character
+                        line=item_range.start.line + shift,
+                        character=item_range.start.character - char_shift
-                        line=range.end.line + shift,
-                        character=range.end.character
+                        line=item_range.end.line + shift,
+                        character=item_range.end.character -
+                        (char_shift if item_range.start.line ==
+                         item_range.end.line else 0)
-                    range.start,
+                    item_range.start,
                 should_update_diagnostics = True
-        # code actions
-        for action in list(self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri]):
-            range = action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range
-            idx = bisect.bisect_left(bisect_lst, range.start.line)
-            idx = min(idx, num_shifts-1)
-            shift = accumulative_shifts[idx][1]
-            if shift != 0:
-                if range.start.line + shift < 0:
-                    continue
+            for action in list(
+                    self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].irange_values(
+                        minimum=pos,
+                        maximum=next_pos,
+                        inclusive=(True, False)
+                    )
+            ):
+                item_range = action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range
+                char_shift = 0
+                if item_range.start.line == pos.line:
+                    char_shift = item_range.start.character - \
+                        (pos.character + len(accumulative_shifts[idx][2].text))
                 action.edit.document_changes[0].edits[0].range = Range(
-                        line=range.start.line + shift,
-                        character=range.start.character
+                        line=item_range.start.line + shift,
+                        character=item_range.start.character - char_shift
-                        line=range.end.line + shift,
-                        character=range.end.character
+                        line=item_range.end.line + shift,
+                        character=item_range.end.character -
+                        (char_shift if item_range.start.line ==
+                         item_range.end.line else 0)
-                    range.start,
+                    item_range.start,
@@ -176,6 +243,16 @@ def _remove_overflown_code_items(self, doc: BaseDocument):
         self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_from(last_position, False)
         self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_from(last_position, False)
+    def _handle_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
+        """
+        Handlines line shifts and position shifts within lines
+        """
+        doc = self.get_document(params)
+        should_update_diagnostics = self._handle_line_shifts(params)
+        self._remove_overflown_code_items(doc)
+        return should_update_diagnostics
     def _update_single_code_action(self, action: CodeAction, doc: BaseDocument):
         # update document version
         if action.edit is not None:
@@ -197,8 +274,7 @@ def _update_code_actions(self, doc: BaseDocument):
     def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
         doc = self.get_document(params)
-        should_update_diagnostics = self._handle_line_shifts(params)
-        self._remove_overflown_code_items(doc)
+        should_update_diagnostics = self._handle_shifts(params)
         if self.should_run_on(Analyser.CONFIGURATION_CHECK_ON_CHANGE):
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index fac7696..10db0d7 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ def irange(self, minimum: Position = None, maximum: Position = None, *args,
         if maximum is not None:
             maximum = position_to_tuple(maximum)
-        return self._positions.irange(*args, **kwargs)
+        return self._positions.irange(minimum, maximum, *args, **kwargs)
     def irange_values(self, *args, **kwargs):
         for key in self.irange(*args, **kwargs):

From 316bbd598372cbc0a27f2b605599a2e255b99feb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hangyav <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 09:41:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/28] implementing TreeSitter tree editing for faster text

 tests/analysers/       |   9 +-
 tests/documents/          | 275 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 textLSP/analysers/          |   6 +-
 textLSP/documents/          | 330 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 textLSP/documents/latex/       |  10 +-
 textLSP/documents/markdown/ |  10 +-
 textLSP/documents/org/           |  10 +-
 textLSP/                       |   2 +-
 textLSP/                       |  23 ++
 9 files changed, 651 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index 464aca7..9bb4ee3 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def test_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    assert done.wait(10)
+    assert done.wait(30)
     change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    assert done.wait(10)
+    assert done.wait(30)
     change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    assert done.wait(10)
+    assert done.wait(30)
     save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
@@ -290,9 +290,8 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    assert done.wait(10)
+    assert done.wait(30)
-    print(results)
     res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
     assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index bcd80c2..ae7ee0f 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 import pytest
+import time
+import logging
 from lsprotocol.types import (
@@ -571,7 +573,7 @@ def test_get_paragraphs_at_range(content, range, exp):
-def test_updates(content, edits, exp):
+def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
     doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
     tracker = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
@@ -579,3 +581,274 @@ def test_updates(content, edits, exp):
     assert tracker.get_changes() == exp
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,change,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n'*2 +
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            # add 'o' to Introduction
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=3,
+                    character=13,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=3,
+                    character=13,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='o',
+        ),
+        'Introoduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        ' '.join(['This is a sentence.']*2) +
+        '\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n'*2 +
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            # delete 'o' from Introduction
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=3,
+                    character=13,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=3,
+                    character=14,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='',
+        ),
+        'Intrduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        ' '.join(['This is a sentence.']*2) +
+        '\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'An initial sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n'*2 +
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Conclusions}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'A final sentence.\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            # replace the word initial
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=3,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=10,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='\n\naaaaaaa',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n'
+        'An\n'
+        '\n'
+        'aaaaaaa sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        ' '.join(['This is a sentence.']*2) +
+        '\n\n'
+        'Conclusions\n'
+        '\n'
+        'A final sentence.\n',
+        (
+            -16,
+            'final',
+        ),
+        (
+            Position(
+                line=16,
+                character=2,
+            ),
+            'final',
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence. \\section{Inline} FooBar\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=2,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=2,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='oooooo',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Thoooooois is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Inline\n'
+        '\n'
+        'FooBar\n',
+        None,
+        (
+            Position(
+                line=5,
+                character=43,
+            ),
+            'FooBar',
+        ),
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=6,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=6,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='o',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence. o\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=2,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=2,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='o',
+        ),
+        'o\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        'o\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=2,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=3,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        (
+            0,
+            'Introduction',
+        ),
+        (
+            Position(
+                line=2,
+                character=9,
+            ),
+            'Introduction',
+        ),
+    ),
+def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
+    doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
+    doc.cleaned_source
+    start = time.time()
+    doc.apply_change(change)
+    assert doc.cleaned_source == exp
+    logging.warning(time.time() - start)
+    if offset_test is not None:
+        offset = offset_test[0]
+        if offset < 0:
+            offset = len(exp) + offset
+        assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(offset_test[1]), True) == offset_test[1]
+    if position_test is not None:
+        offset = doc.offset_at_position(position_test[0], True)
+        assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(position_test[1]), True) == position_test[1]
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 04948f5..855a21e 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import bisect
-import copy
+import logging
 from typing import List, Optional
 from pygls.server import LanguageServer
@@ -36,6 +35,9 @@
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Analyser():
     CONFIGURATION_CHECK = 'check_text'
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index f238d89..e3c294a 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
 import logging
 import tempfile
+import sys
 from typing import Optional, Generator, List, Dict
 from dataclasses import dataclass
+from itertools import chain
 from lsprotocol.types import (
+    TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1,
-from pygls.workspace import Document, position_from_utf16
+from pygls.workspace import Document, position_from_utf16, range_from_utf16
 from tree_sitter import Language, Parser, Tree, Node
 from ..utils import get_class, synchronized, git_clone, get_user_cache
@@ -242,8 +245,8 @@ def _clean_source(self):
         raise NotImplementedError()
     def apply_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) -> None:
-        super().apply_change(change)
         self._cleaned_source = None
+        super().apply_change(change)
     def position_at_offset(self, offset: int, cleaned=False) -> Position:
         if not cleaned:
@@ -337,6 +340,8 @@ def __init__(self, language_name, grammar_url, branch, *args, **kwargs):
         self._text_intervals = None
+        self._tree = None
+        self._query = self._build_query()
     def build_library(cls, name, url, branch=None) -> None:
@@ -371,15 +376,25 @@ def get_parser(cls, name=None, url=None, branch=None, language=None) -> Parser:
         return parser
+    def _build_query(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
     def _parse_source(self):
         return self._parser.parse(bytes(self.source, 'utf-8'))
-    def _clean_source(self):
-        tree = self._parse_source()
+    @property
+    def tree(self) -> Tree:
+        if self._tree is None:
+            self._tree = self._parse_source()
+        return self._tree
+    def _clean_source(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1 = None):
         self._text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
         offset = 0
-        for node in self._iterate_text_nodes(tree):
+        start_point = (0, 0)
+        end_point = (sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)
+        for node in self._iterate_text_nodes(self.tree, start_point, end_point):
             node_len = len(node)
@@ -394,9 +409,312 @@ def _clean_source(self):
         self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
-    def _iterate_text_nodes(self, tree: Tree) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
+    def _iterate_text_nodes(
+            self,
+            tree: Tree,
+            start_point,
+            end_point,
+    ) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
         raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
+        lines = self.lines
+        change_range = change.range
+        change_range = range_from_utf16(lines, change_range)
+        start_line = change_range.start.line
+        start_col = change_range.start.character
+        end_line = change_range.end.line
+        end_col = change_range.end.character
+        start_byte = len(bytes(
+            ''.join(
+                lines[:start_line] + [lines[start_line][:start_col+1]]
+            ),
+            'utf-8',
+        ))
+        end_byte = len(bytes(
+            ''.join(
+                lines[:end_line] + [lines[end_line][:end_col+1]]
+            ),
+            'utf-8',
+        ))
+        text_bytes = len(bytes(change.text, 'utf-8'))
+        if end_byte - start_byte == 0:
+            # INSERT
+            old_end_byte = start_byte
+            new_end_byte = start_byte + text_bytes
+            start_point = (start_line, start_col)
+            old_end_point = start_point
+            new_lines = change.text.count('\n')
+            new_end_point = (
+                start_line + new_lines,
+                (start_col + text_bytes) if new_lines == 0 else len(bytes(
+                    change.text.split('\n')[-1],
+                    'utf-8'
+                )),
+            )
+        elif text_bytes == 0:
+            # DELETE
+            old_end_byte = end_byte
+            new_end_byte = start_byte
+            start_point = (start_line, start_col)
+            old_end_point = (end_line, end_col)
+            new_end_point = start_point
+        else:
+            # REPLACE
+            old_end_byte = end_byte
+            new_end_byte = start_byte + text_bytes
+            start_point = (start_line, start_col)
+            old_end_point = (end_line, end_col)
+            new_lines = change.text.count('\n')
+            deleted_lines = end_line - start_line
+            if new_lines == 0 and deleted_lines == 0:
+                new_end_line = end_line
+                new_end_col = end_col + text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
+            elif new_lines > 0 and deleted_lines == 0:
+                new_end_line = end_line + new_lines
+                new_end_col = len(bytes(change.text.split('\n')[-1], 'utf-8'))
+            elif new_lines == 0 and deleted_lines > 0:
+                new_end_line = end_line - deleted_lines
+                new_end_col = end_col + text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
+            else:
+                new_end_line = end_line + new_lines - deleted_lines
+                new_end_col = len(bytes(change.text.split('\n')[-1], 'utf-8'))
+            new_end_point = (
+                new_end_line,
+                new_end_col,
+            )
+        return (
+                start_line,
+                start_col,
+                end_line,
+                end_col,
+                start_byte,
+                old_end_byte,
+                new_end_byte,
+                text_bytes,
+                start_point,
+                old_end_point,
+                new_end_point,
+        )
+    def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
+        node = None
+        edit_on_top = False
+        old_tree_end_point = None
+        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
+            pass
+        if node is None:
+            # edit in empty line
+            for node in self._query.captures(
+                    tree.root_node,
+                    start_point=(start_point[0]-1, start_point[1]),
+                    end_point=end_point
+            ):
+                pass
+            if node is None:
+                # edit in empty line at the top of the file
+                edit_on_top = True
+                old_tree_end_point = self._query.captures(
+                    tree.root_node,
+                )[0][0].end_point
+                for node in self._query.captures(
+                        tree.root_node,
+                        start_point=(0, 0),
+                        end_point=old_tree_end_point
+                ):
+                    pass
+        return node[0], edit_on_top, old_tree_end_point
+    def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+            self,
+            start_line,
+            start_col,
+            end_line,
+            end_col,
+            start_point,
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            text_bytes,
+            old_last_edited_node,
+            old_tree_end_point,
+            edit_on_top,
+    ):
+        text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
+        offset = 0
+        node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(
+            self.tree,
+            start_point if not edit_on_top else (0, 0),
+            new_end_point if not edit_on_top else old_tree_end_point,
+        )
+        node = next(node_iter)
+        # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
+        for interval_idx in range(len(self._text_intervals)):
+            interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
+            interval_end = (
+                interval.position_range.end.line,
+                interval.position_range.end.character,
+            )
+            if interval_end >= node.start_point:
+                break
+            offset += len(interval.value)
+            text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+        # handle the nodes that were in the edited subtree
+        tmp_intvals = list()
+        for node in chain([node], node_iter):
+            node_len = len(node)
+            tmp_intvals.append((
+                    offset,
+                    offset+node_len-1,
+                    node.start_point[0],
+                    node.start_point[1],
+                    node.end_point[0],
+                    node.end_point[1],
+                    node.text,
+            ))
+            offset += node_len
+        for interval in tmp_intvals[:-1]:
+            # there's always a newline return at the end of the file which
+            # is not needed if we are not really at the end of the file yet
+            text_intervals.add_interval_values(*interval)
+        offset -= len(tmp_intvals[-1][6])
+        # add remaining intervals shifted
+        last_idx = self._text_intervals.get_idx_at_position(
+            Position(
+                line=old_last_edited_node.start_point[0],
+                character=old_last_edited_node.start_point[1],
+            ),
+            strict=False,
+        )
+        last_idx += 1
+        if last_idx+1 >= len(self._text_intervals):
+            # we are actully at the end of the file so add the final newline
+            text_intervals.add_interval_values(*tmp_intvals[-1])
+        else:
+            for interval_idx in range(last_idx, len(self._text_intervals)):
+                interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
+                if (
+                    len(text_intervals) == 0
+                    and interval.value.count('\n') > 0
+                    and interval.value.strip() == ''
+                ):
+                    continue
+                node_len = len(interval.value)
+                # FIXME should not calculate for each but once for all after edit
+                # and separately for those which are affected by the edit, do we have those?
+                if interval.position_range.start.line > end_line:
+                    tmp = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
+                    start_line_offset = tmp
+                    start_char_offset = 0
+                    end_line_offset = tmp
+                    end_char_offset = 0
+                elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
+                      and interval.position_range.start.character > end_col):
+                    tmp = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
+                    start_line_offset = 0
+                    start_char_offset = tmp
+                    end_line_offset = 0
+                    if interval.position_range.end.line > interval.position_range.start.line:
+                        end_char_offset = 0
+                    else:
+                        end_char_offset = tmp
+                else:
+                    start_line_offset = 0
+                    start_char_offset = 0
+                    end_line_offset = 0
+                    end_char_offset = 0
+                text_intervals.add_interval_values(
+                    offset,
+                    offset+node_len-1,
+                    interval.position_range.start.line + start_line_offset,
+                    interval.position_range.start.character + start_char_offset,
+                    interval.position_range.end.line + end_line_offset,
+                    interval.position_range.end.character + end_char_offset,
+                    interval.value,
+                )
+                offset += node_len
+        return text_intervals
+    def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1) -> None:
+        """Apply an ``Incremental`` text change to the document"""
+        if self._tree is None:
+            super()._apply_incremental_change(change)
+            return
+        tree = self.tree
+        (
+                start_line,
+                start_col,
+                end_line,
+                end_col,
+                start_byte,
+                old_end_byte,
+                new_end_byte,
+                text_bytes,
+                start_point,
+                old_end_point,
+                new_end_point,
+        ) = self._get_edit_positions(change)
+        # bookkeeping for later source cleaning
+        (
+            old_last_edited_node,
+            edit_on_top,
+            old_tree_end_point
+        ) = self._get_last_node_for_edit(
+            tree,
+            start_point,
+            old_end_point,
+        )
+        tree.edit(
+            start_byte=start_byte,
+            old_end_byte=old_end_byte,
+            new_end_byte=new_end_byte,
+            start_point=start_point,
+            old_end_point=old_end_point,
+            new_end_point=new_end_point,
+        )
+        super()._apply_incremental_change(change)
+        new_source = bytes(self.source, 'utf-8')
+        self._tree = self._parser.parse(
+            new_source,
+            tree
+        )
+        # rebuild the cleaned source
+        text_intervals = self._build_updated_text_intervals(
+            start_line,
+            start_col,
+            end_line,
+            end_col,
+            start_point,
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            text_bytes,
+            old_last_edited_node,
+            old_tree_end_point,
+            edit_on_top,
+        )
+        self._text_intervals = text_intervals
+        self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
+    def _apply_full_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) -> None:
+        """Apply a ``Full`` text change to the document."""
+        super()._apply_full_change(change)
+        self._tree = None
     def position_at_offset(self, offset: int, cleaned=False) -> Position:
         if not cleaned:
             return super().position_at_offset(offset, cleaned)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/latex/ b/textLSP/documents/latex/
index ecca371..dae4115 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/latex/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/latex/
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._query = self._build_query()
     def _build_query(self):
         query_str = ''
@@ -59,13 +58,18 @@ def _build_query(self):
         return self._language.query(query_str)
-    def _iterate_text_nodes(self, tree: Tree) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
+    def _iterate_text_nodes(
+            self,
+            tree: Tree,
+            start_point,
+            end_point,
+    ) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
         lines = tree.text.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
         last_sent = None
         new_lines_after = list()
-        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node):
+        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
             # Check if we need some newlines after previous elements
             while len(new_lines_after) > 0:
                 if node[0].start_point > new_lines_after[0]:
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/markdown/ b/textLSP/documents/markdown/
index a029174..3d199bc 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/markdown/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/markdown/
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._query = self._build_query()
     def _build_query(self):
         query_str = ''
@@ -71,13 +70,18 @@ def _build_query(self):
         return self._language.query(query_str)
-    def _iterate_text_nodes(self, tree: Tree) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
+    def _iterate_text_nodes(
+            self,
+            tree: Tree,
+            start_point,
+            end_point,
+    ) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
         lines = tree.text.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
         last_sent = None
         new_lines_after = list()
-        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node):
+        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
             # Check if we need some newlines after previous elements
             while len(new_lines_after) > 0:
                 if node[0].start_point > new_lines_after[0]:
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/org/ b/textLSP/documents/org/
index 957562c..d52fa0c 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/org/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/org/
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._query = self._build_query()
         keywords = self.config.setdefault(
@@ -70,13 +69,18 @@ def _build_query(self):
         return self._language.query(query_str)
-    def _iterate_text_nodes(self, tree: Tree) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
+    def _iterate_text_nodes(
+            self,
+            tree: Tree,
+            start_point,
+            end_point,
+    ) -> Generator[TextNode, None, None]:
         lines = tree.text.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
         last_sent = None
         new_lines_after = list()
-        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node):
+        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
             # Check if we need some newlines after previous elements
             while len(new_lines_after) > 0:
                 if node[0].start_point > new_lines_after[0]:
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 10db0d7..16c8a8d 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def add_interval_values(
     def add_interval(self, interval: OffsetPositionInterval):
-            interval.offset_interval.end,
+            interval.offset_interval.start + interval.offset_interval.length,
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 65598a3..a3a2283 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -104,3 +104,26 @@ def batch_text(text: str, pattern: re.Pattern, max_size: int, min_size: int = 0)
 def position_to_tuple(position: Position):
     return (position.line, position.character)
+def traverse_tree(tree):
+    cursor = tree.walk()
+    reached_root = False
+    while reached_root:
+        yield cursor.node
+        if cursor.goto_first_child():
+            continue
+        if cursor.goto_next_sibling():
+            continue
+        retracing = True
+        while retracing:
+            if not cursor.goto_parent():
+                retracing = False
+                reached_root = True
+            if cursor.goto_next_sibling():
+                retracing = False

From 1efcd94c8fbbb8a7c626cf7d32bf9f7a71074f61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hangyav <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 15:50:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/28] fix: 2 issues in ChangeTracker; 1 issue in
 TreeSitterDocument edit

 tests/analysers/ | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/documents/     |  40 ++++++++++-
 tests/documents/        |  32 ++++++++-
 textLSP/analysers/        |   2 +-
 textLSP/documents/        |  46 ++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/analysers/

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d671f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import pytest
+from threading import Event
+from lsprotocol.types import (
+    DidOpenTextDocumentParams,
+    TextDocumentItem,
+    DidChangeTextDocumentParams,
+    VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier,
+    TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1,
+    Range,
+    Position,
+    DidSaveTextDocumentParams,
+    TextDocumentIdentifier,
+from tests.lsp_test_client import session, utils
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Not finished. See TODO below.")
+def test_bug1(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    text = ('\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+            + '\\begin{document}\n'
+            + '\n'
+            + '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+            + '\n'
+            + 'This is a sentence.\n'
+            + '\n'
+            + '\\end{document}')
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    # TODO This should wait for error messages from the server. The test should
+    # not cause any server errors.
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.WINDOW_LOG_MESSAGE,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+            language_id='tex',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=1,
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                Range(
+                    start=Position(line=5, character=19),
+                    end=Position(line=6, character=0),
+                ),
+                '\nThis is a sentence.\n',
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=2,
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                Range(
+                    start=Position(line=6, character=19),
+                    end=Position(line=7, character=0),
+                ),
+                '\nThis is a sentence.\n',
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            'dummy.tex'
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 927d70b..62a3a98 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ def test_get_sentence_at_offset(content, offset, length, exp):
-            Interval(169, 1),
+            Interval(169, 0),
@@ -409,12 +409,48 @@ def test_get_sentence_at_offset(content, offset, length, exp):
             Interval(171, 1),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='\nThis is a sentence.\n',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='\nThis is a sentence.\n',
+            ),
+        ],
+        [
+            Interval(19, 20),
+            Interval(39, 21),
+        ],
+    ),
 def test_updates(content, edits, exp):
     doc = BaseDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
     tracker = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
     for edit in edits:
-        tracker.update_document(edit)
+        doc.apply_change(edit)
+        tracker.update_document(edit, doc)
     assert tracker.get_changes() == exp
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index ae7ee0f..4c4cadf 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -578,7 +578,8 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
     tracker = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
     for edit in edits:
-        tracker.update_document(edit)
+        doc.apply_change(edit)
+        tracker.update_document(edit, doc)
     assert tracker.get_changes() == exp
@@ -835,6 +836,35 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            # delete last character: '.'
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=18,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=5,
+                    character=19,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index 855a21e..e55368a 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
     def update_document(self, doc: Document, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent):
-        self._content_change_dict[doc.uri].update_document(change)
+        self._content_change_dict[doc.uri].update_document(change, doc)
     def did_save(self, params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams):
         if self.should_run_on(Analyser.CONFIGURATION_CHECK_ON_SAVE):
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index e3c294a..41b38a9 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import logging
 import tempfile
 import sys
+import copy
 from typing import Optional, Generator, List, Dict
 from dataclasses import dataclass
@@ -332,6 +333,8 @@ class TreeSitterDocument(CleanableDocument):
     def __init__(self, language_name, grammar_url, branch, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        #######################################################################
+        # Do not deepcopy these
         self._language = self.get_language(language_name, grammar_url, branch)
         self._parser = self.get_parser(
@@ -339,9 +342,22 @@ def __init__(self, language_name, grammar_url, branch, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._text_intervals = None
         self._tree = None
         self._query = self._build_query()
+        #######################################################################
+        self._text_intervals = None
+    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+        cls = self.__class__
+        result = cls.__new__(cls)
+        memo[id(self)] = result
+        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+            if k not in {'_language', '_parser', '_tree', '_query'}:
+                setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
+            else:
+                setattr(result, k, v)
+        return result
     def build_library(cls, name, url, branch=None) -> None:
@@ -546,6 +562,14 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
+        if start_point == new_end_point:
+            # DELETE
+            # We might select an empty subtree -> extend the range
+            start_point = (
+                start_point[0] if start_point[1] > 0 else start_point[0]-1,
+                start_point[1]-1 if start_point[1] > 0 else 0,
+            )
         offset = 0
         node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(
@@ -866,7 +890,8 @@ def get_document(
 class ChangeTracker():
     def __init__(self, doc: BaseDocument, cleaned=False):
-        self.document = doc
+        self.document = None
+        self._set_document(doc)
         self.cleaned = cleaned
         length = len(doc.cleaned_source) if cleaned else len(doc.source)
         # list of tuples (span_length, was_changed)
@@ -874,7 +899,15 @@ def __init__(self, doc: BaseDocument, cleaned=False):
         self._items = [(length, False)]
         self.full_document_change = False
-    def update_document(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent):
+    def _set_document(self, doc: BaseDocument):
+        # XXX not too memory efficient
+        self.document = copy.deepcopy(doc)
+    def update_document(
+            self,
+            change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent,
+            updated_doc: BaseDocument
+    ):
         if self.full_document_change:
@@ -908,12 +941,15 @@ def update_document(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent):
         effective_change_length = max(effective_change_length, -1*start_offset)
         new_lst.append((effective_change_length, True))
-        new_lst.append((
+        tmp_item = (
-        ))
+        )
+        if tmp_item[0] > 0:
+            new_lst.append(tmp_item)
         self._replace_at(item_idx, new_lst)
+        self._set_document(updated_doc)
     def _get_offset_idx(self, offset):
         pos = 0

From 4388c015308881c543972f5f992656ced1aa95b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hangyav <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2023 18:09:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/28] fix: fixing a set of bugs related to TreeSitter change
 handling and diagnostics position shift; adding better error handling

 tests/analysers/     | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/analysers/ |  91 ++++++++++++++++--
 tests/documents/     |  78 +++++++++++++++-
 tests/documents/        | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/analysers/        |  28 ++++--
 textLSP/analysers/         |  69 +++++++++++---
 textLSP/documents/        | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 textLSP/documents/latex/     |   2 +
 textLSP/                     |   8 ++
 9 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index 9bb4ee3..890b88f 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def test_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+def test_diagnostics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     done = Event()
     results = list()
@@ -295,3 +295,119 @@ def test_diagnosttics_bug1(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     res = results[-1]['diagnostics'][0]['range']
     assert res == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
+def test_diagnostics_bug2(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    text = ('\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+            + '\\begin{document}\n'
+            + 'o\n'
+            + '\\section{Thes}\n'
+            + '\n'
+            + 'This is a sentence.\n'
+            + '\n'
+            + '\\end{document}')
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+            language_id='tex',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=1,
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=3, character=0),
+                ),
+                '',
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            'dummy.tex'
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=2,
+            uri='dummy.tex',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=16),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                ),
+                '\no\n',
+            )
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            'dummy.tex'
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    exp_lst = [
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=2, character=1),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=3, character=9),
+            end=Position(line=3, character=13),
+        ),
+    ]
+    res_lst = results[-1]['diagnostics']
+    assert len(res_lst) == len(exp_lst)
+    for exp, res in zip(exp_lst, res_lst):
+        assert res['range'] == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index d671f3c..1525bcb 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import pytest
 from threading import Event
 from lsprotocol.types import (
@@ -16,7 +14,6 @@
 from tests.lsp_test_client import session, utils
-@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Not finished. See TODO below.")
 def test_bug1(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     text = ('\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
             + '\\begin{document}\n'
@@ -30,10 +27,8 @@ def test_bug1(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     done = Event()
     results = list()
-    # TODO This should wait for error messages from the server. The test should
-    # not cause any server errors.
-        session.WINDOW_LOG_MESSAGE,
+        session.WINDOW_SHOW_MESSAGE,
@@ -99,5 +94,87 @@ def test_bug1(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
-    assert done.wait(30)
+    assert not done.wait(20)
+    done.clear()
+def test_bug2(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    text = (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        + 'This is a sentence.\n'
+        + 'This is a sentence.\n'
+    )
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.WINDOW_SHOW_MESSAGE,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='dummy.txt',
+            language_id='txt',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    for i, edit_range in enumerate([
+        # Last two sentences deleted as done by nvim
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=0, character=19),
+            end=Position(line=0, character=19),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=1, character=19),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=0, character=19),
+            end=Position(line=0, character=19),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+        ),
+    ], 1):
+        change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+            text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+                version=i,
+                uri='dummy.txt',
+            ),
+            content_changes=[
+                TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                    edit_range,
+                    '',
+                )
+            ]
+        )
+        langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+            json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+        )
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            'dummy.txt'
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    assert not done.wait(20)
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 62a3a98..8ba05db 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ def test_get_sentence_at_offset(content, offset, length, exp):
-            Interval(169, 0),
+            Interval(168, 1),
@@ -444,6 +444,82 @@ def test_get_sentence_at_offset(content, offset, length, exp):
             Interval(39, 21),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            # Last two sentences deleted as done by nvim
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+        ],
+        [
+            Interval(18, 1),
+        ],
+    ),
 def test_updates(content, edits, exp):
     doc = BaseDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 4c4cadf..d1855f2 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -572,6 +572,33 @@ def test_get_paragraphs_at_range(content, range, exp):
             Interval(35, 1),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=6,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=7,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='\n\\end{document}\n',
+            ),
+        ],
+        [
+            Interval(33, 16),
+        ],
+    ),
 def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
     doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
@@ -691,6 +718,10 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
+            Range(
+                start=Position(16, 2),
+                end=Position(16, 6),
+            ),
@@ -827,6 +858,10 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
+            Range(
+                start=Position(2, 9),
+                end=Position(2, 20),
+            ),
@@ -865,6 +900,92 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}\n'
+        '\n',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            # delete last character: '.'
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=8,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=9,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=6,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=7,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='\n\\end{document}\n',
+        ),
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        '\\section{Introduction}\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=1,
+                    character=16,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=2,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='\no\n',
+        ),
+        'o\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
@@ -879,6 +1000,8 @@ def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
         if offset < 0:
             offset = len(exp) + offset
         assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(offset_test[1]), True) == offset_test[1]
+        if len(offset_test) > 2:
+            assert doc.range_at_offset(offset, len(offset_test[1]), True) == offset_test[2]
     if position_test is not None:
         offset = doc.offset_at_position(position_test[0], True)
         assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(position_test[1]), True) == position_test[1]
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index e55368a..da1f008 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -94,12 +94,17 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
             if type(change) == TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type2:
+            if change.range.start != change.range.end:
+                num = self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, change.range, (True, False))
+                should_update_diagnostics = should_update_diagnostics or num > 0
+            change_text_len = len(change.text)
             line_diff = change.range.end.line - change.range.start.line
             diff = change.text.count('\n') - line_diff
             if diff == 0:
-                in_line_diff = change.range.end.character - change.range.start.character
-                in_line_diff += len(change.text)
-                if in_line_diff >= 0:
+                in_line_diff = change.range.start.character - change.range.end.character
+                in_line_diff += change_text_len
+                if in_line_diff != 0:
                     # in only some edit in a given line, let's shift the items
                     # in the line
                     next_pos = Position(
@@ -164,7 +169,10 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                 val += diff
                 accumulative_shifts.append((change.range.start, val, change))
         pos = doc.last_position(True)
-        pos = Position(line=pos.line+1, character=0)
+        pos = Position(
+            line=pos.line - (accumulative_shifts[-1][1] if len(accumulative_shifts) else 0) + 1,
+            character=0
+        )
         accumulative_shifts.append((pos, val))
         if len(accumulative_shifts) == 0:
@@ -286,13 +294,13 @@ def did_change(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                 changes = self._content_change_dict[doc.uri].get_changes()
+                self._content_change_dict[doc.uri] = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
                 with ProgressBar(
                         f'{} checking',
                     self._did_change(doc, changes)
-                self._content_change_dict[doc.uri] = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
         elif should_update_diagnostics:
@@ -310,13 +318,13 @@ def did_save(self, params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams):
                     changes = self._content_change_dict[doc.uri].get_changes()
+                    self._content_change_dict[doc.uri] = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
                     with ProgressBar(
                             f'{} checking',
                         self._did_change(doc, changes)
-                    self._content_change_dict[doc.uri] = ChangeTracker(doc, True)
     def _did_close(self, doc: Document):
@@ -366,9 +374,11 @@ def add_diagnostics(self, doc: Document, diagnostics: List[Diagnostic]):
             self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].add(diag.range.start, diag)
-    def remove_code_items_at_rage(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range):
-        self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range)
-        self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range)
+    def remove_code_items_at_rage(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
+        num = 0
+        num += self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range, inclusive)
+        num += self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range, inclusive)
+        return num
     def init_code_actions(self, doc: Document):
         self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri] = PositionDict()
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index bce1569..6622815 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -77,14 +77,32 @@ def shutdown(self):
     def get_diagnostics(self, doc: Document):
-        return [analyser.get_diagnostics(doc) for analyser in self.analysers.values()]
+        try:
+            return [
+                analyser.get_diagnostics(doc)
+                for analyser in self.analysers.values()
+            ]
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.language_server.show_message(
+                str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                MessageType.Error,
+            )
+            logger.exception(str(e))
+        return []
     def get_code_actions(self, params: CodeActionParams) -> Optional[List[CodeAction]]:
         res = list()
-        for analyser in self.analysers.values():
-            tmp_lst = analyser.get_code_actions(params)
-            if tmp_lst is not None and len(tmp_lst) > 0:
-                res.extend(tmp_lst)
+        try:
+            for analyser in self.analysers.values():
+                tmp_lst = analyser.get_code_actions(params)
+                if tmp_lst is not None and len(tmp_lst) > 0:
+                    res.extend(tmp_lst)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.language_server.show_message(
+                str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                MessageType.Error,
+            )
+            logger.exception(str(e))
         return res if len(res) > 0 else None
@@ -100,7 +118,16 @@ async def _submit_task(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
         if len(functions) == 0:
-        await asyncio.wait(functions)
+        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(functions)
+        for task in done:
+            try:
+                task.result()
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.language_server.show_message(
+                    str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                    MessageType.Error,
+                )
+                logger.exception(str(e))
     async def _did_open(
@@ -210,6 +237,12 @@ async def command_analyse(self, *args):
                     str(f'{analyser_name}: {e}'),
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.language_server.show_message(
+                    str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                    MessageType.Error,
+                )
+                logger.exception(str(e))
             await self._submit_task(self._command_analyse, args)
@@ -221,7 +254,14 @@ async def command_custom_command(self, *args):
         ext_command = f'command_{command}'
         if hasattr(analyser, ext_command):
-            getattr(analyser, ext_command)(**args)
+            try:
+                getattr(analyser, ext_command)(**args)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.language_server.show_message(
+                    str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                    MessageType.Error,
+                )
+                logger.exception(str(e))
                 str(f'No custom command supported by {analyser}: {command}'),
@@ -234,10 +274,17 @@ def update_document(self, doc: Document, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent)
     def get_completions(self, params: Optional[CompletionParams] = None) -> CompletionList:
         comp_lst = list()
-        for _, analyser in self.analysers.items():
-            tmp = analyser.get_completions(params)
-            if tmp is not None and len(tmp) > 0:
-                comp_lst.extend(tmp)
+        try:
+            for _, analyser in self.analysers.items():
+                tmp = analyser.get_completions(params)
+                if tmp is not None and len(tmp) > 0:
+                    comp_lst.extend(tmp)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.language_server.show_message(
+                str('Server error. See log for details.'),
+                MessageType.Error,
+            )
+            logger.exception(str(e))
         return CompletionList(
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 41b38a9..0a7b27a 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -441,6 +441,10 @@ def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
         start_col = change_range.start.character
         end_line = change_range.end.line
         end_col = change_range.end.character
+        if end_line >= len(lines):
+            # this could happen eg when the last line is deleted
+            end_line = len(lines) - 1
+            end_col = len(lines[end_line]) - 1
         start_byte = len(bytes(
@@ -521,29 +525,35 @@ def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
     def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
         node = None
         edit_on_top = False
-        old_tree_end_point = None
-        for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
-            pass
+        # old_tree_end_point = None
+        old_tree_end_point = self._query.captures(
+            tree.root_node,
+        )[-1][0].end_point
+        nodes = self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point)
+        if len(nodes) > 0:
+            node = nodes[-1]
         if node is None:
             # edit in empty line
-            for node in self._query.captures(
-                    tree.root_node,
-                    start_point=(start_point[0]-1, start_point[1]),
-                    end_point=end_point
-            ):
-                pass
+            nodes = self._query.captures(
+                tree.root_node,
+                start_point=(start_point[0]-1, start_point[1]),
+                end_point=end_point
+            )
+            if len(nodes) > 0:
+                node = nodes[-1]
             if node is None:
                 # edit in empty line at the top of the file
                 edit_on_top = True
-                old_tree_end_point = self._query.captures(
+                nodes = self._query.captures(
-                )[0][0].end_point
-                for node in self._query.captures(
-                        tree.root_node,
-                        start_point=(0, 0),
-                        end_point=old_tree_end_point
-                ):
-                    pass
+                    start_point=(0, 0),
+                    end_point=old_tree_end_point
+                )
+                node = nodes[-1]
         return node[0], edit_on_top, old_tree_end_point
     def _build_updated_text_intervals(
@@ -571,10 +581,25 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         offset = 0
+        if edit_on_top:
+            sp = (0, 0)
+            ep = old_tree_end_point
+        elif start_point > old_tree_end_point:
+            # edit at the end of the file
+            # need to extend the range to include the last node to avoid getting
+            # a single newline node in node_iter below
+            if old_end_point[1] > 0:
+                sp = (old_tree_end_point[0], old_tree_end_point[1]-1)
+            else:
+                sp = (old_tree_end_point[0]-1, 0)
+            ep = new_end_point
+        else:
+            sp = start_point
+            ep = new_end_point
         node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(
-            start_point if not edit_on_top else (0, 0),
-            new_end_point if not edit_on_top else old_tree_end_point,
+            sp,
+            ep,
         node = next(node_iter)
         # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
@@ -642,10 +667,11 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
                     end_char_offset = 0
                 elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
                       and interval.position_range.start.character > end_col):
+                    row_tmp = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
                     tmp = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
-                    start_line_offset = 0
+                    start_line_offset = row_tmp
                     start_char_offset = tmp
-                    end_line_offset = 0
+                    end_line_offset = row_tmp
                     if interval.position_range.end.line > interval.position_range.start.line:
                         end_char_offset = 0
@@ -929,24 +955,47 @@ def update_document(
         item_idx, item_offset = self._get_offset_idx(start_offset)
         change_length = len(change.text)
         range_length = end_offset-start_offset
-        start_offset = start_offset - item_offset
+        relative_start_offset = start_offset - item_offset
+        if relative_start_offset > 0:
+            # add item from the beginning of the item to the start of the change
+            new_lst.append((relative_start_offset, self._items[item_idx][1]))
+        if start_offset == end_offset and change_length == 0:
+            # nothing to do (I'm not sure what this is)
+            self._set_document(updated_doc)
+            return
-        if start_offset > 0:
-            new_lst.append((start_offset, self._items[item_idx][1]))
+        if change_length == 0:
+            # deletion
+            new_lst.append((0, True))
-        if change_length >= range_length:
-            effective_change_length = change_length
+            tmp_item = (
+                self._items[item_idx][0]-relative_start_offset-range_length,
+                self._items[item_idx][1]
+            )
+            if tmp_item[0] != 0:
+                new_lst.append(tmp_item)
+        elif range_length == 0:
+            # insertion
+            new_lst.append((change_length, True))
+            tmp_item = (
+                self._items[item_idx][0]-relative_start_offset,
+                self._items[item_idx][1]
+            )
+            if tmp_item[0] > 0:
+                new_lst.append(tmp_item)
-            effective_change_length = change_length-range_length
-        effective_change_length = max(effective_change_length, -1*start_offset)
-        new_lst.append((effective_change_length, True))
+            # replacement
+            new_lst.append((change_length, True))
-        tmp_item = (
-            self._items[item_idx][0]-start_offset-range_length,
-            self._items[item_idx][1]
-        )
-        if tmp_item[0] > 0:
-            new_lst.append(tmp_item)
+            tmp_item = (
+                self._items[item_idx][0]-relative_start_offset-(change_length-range_length),
+                self._items[item_idx][1]
+            )
+            if tmp_item[0] > 0:
+                new_lst.append(tmp_item)
         self._replace_at(item_idx, new_lst)
@@ -979,6 +1028,7 @@ def get_changes(self) -> List[Interval]:
             return [Interval(0, doc_length)]
         res = list()
+        seen = set()
         pos = 0
         for item in self._items:
             if item[1]:
@@ -989,7 +1039,20 @@ def get_changes(self) -> List[Interval]:
                     length = min(length*-1, doc_length-pos)
                     position = pos
-                res.append(Interval(position, length))
+                if position >= doc_length:
+                    position = doc_length-1
+                    length = 0
+                if length == 0 and position > 0:
+                    position -= 1
+                    length = 1
+                intv = Interval(position, length)
+                if intv not in seen:
+                    res.append(intv)
+                    seen.add(intv)
             pos += max(0, item[0])
         return res
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/latex/ b/textLSP/documents/latex/
index dae4115..129c215 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/latex/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/latex/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class LatexDocument(TreeSitterDocument):
     CURLY_GROUP = 'curly_group'
     ENUM_ITEM = 'enum_item'
     GENERIC_ENVIRONMENT = 'generic_environment'
+    ERROR = 'ERROR'  # content in syntex error, e.g. missing closing environment
     NODE_CONTENT = 'content'
     NODE_NEWLINE_BEFORE_AFTER = 'newline_before_after'
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ class LatexDocument(TreeSitterDocument):
+        ERROR,
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 16c8a8d..64848e3 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -255,21 +255,29 @@ def remove(self, position: Position):
     def remove_from(self, position: Position, inclusive=True):
         position = position_to_tuple(position)
+        num = 0
         for key in list(self._positions.irange(
             inclusive=(inclusive, False)
             del self._positions[key]
+            num += 1
+        return num
     def remove_between(self, range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
         minimum = position_to_tuple(range.start)
         maximum = position_to_tuple(range.end)
+        num = 0
         for key in list(self._positions.irange(
             del self._positions[key]
+            num += 1
+        return num
     def irange(self, minimum: Position = None, maximum: Position = None, *args,

From 9682f77c34101405d7c6a4a9f18d9e34caf35a3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:04:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/28] fix: adding missing requirement

--- | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index 7673e27..a365a9d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ def read(fname):
+        'sortedcontainers==2.4.0',
         'dev': [

From fecc161303e6eef525ee9f556cf6126a6b0f794e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 17:51:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/28] bugfix: small change to correctly handle edits of md
 coarse-grained TS structure

 tests/documents/ | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    |  5 ++--
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 1b9d86a..5869fd4 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 import pytest
 from textLSP.documents.markdown.markdown import MarkDownDocument
+from lsprotocol.types import (
+    Position,
+    Range,
+    TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
 @pytest.mark.parametrize('src,clean', [
@@ -103,3 +108,42 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
         res += lines[pos_range.end.line][:pos_range.end.character+1]
     assert res == exp
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,change,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.',
+        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+            range=Range(
+                start=Position(
+                    line=0,
+                    character=0,
+                ),
+                end=Position(
+                    line=0,
+                    character=4,
+                ),
+            ),
+            text='That',
+        ),
+        'That is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
+    doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
+    doc.cleaned_source
+    doc.apply_change(change)
+    assert doc.cleaned_source == exp
+    if offset_test is not None:
+        offset = offset_test[0]
+        if offset < 0:
+            offset = len(exp) + offset
+        assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(offset_test[1]), True) == offset_test[1]
+        if len(offset_test) > 2:
+            assert doc.range_at_offset(offset, len(offset_test[1]), True) == offset_test[2]
+    if position_test is not None:
+        offset = doc.offset_at_position(position_test[0], True)
+        assert doc.text_at_offset(offset, len(position_test[1]), True) == position_test[1]
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 0a7b27a..10ebbaa 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -638,12 +638,11 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         # add remaining intervals shifted
         last_idx = self._text_intervals.get_idx_at_position(
-                line=old_last_edited_node.start_point[0],
-                character=old_last_edited_node.start_point[1],
+                line=old_last_edited_node.end_point[0],
+                character=old_last_edited_node.end_point[1],
-        last_idx += 1
         if last_idx+1 >= len(self._text_intervals):
             # we are actully at the end of the file so add the final newline

From b321b2e236433809a6f666d07f77b0c31fbf7c8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 17:31:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/28] handling empty TS tree

 textLSP/documents/ | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 10ebbaa..567ce49 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -526,9 +526,13 @@ def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
         node = None
         edit_on_top = False
         # old_tree_end_point = None
-        old_tree_end_point = self._query.captures(
+        capture = self._query.captures(
-        )[-1][0].end_point
+        )
+        if len(capture) == 0:
+            return None, None, None
+        old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
         nodes = self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point)
         if len(nodes) > 0:
@@ -741,23 +745,26 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
-        # rebuild the cleaned source
-        text_intervals = self._build_updated_text_intervals(
-            start_line,
-            start_col,
-            end_line,
-            end_col,
-            start_point,
-            old_end_point,
-            new_end_point,
-            text_bytes,
-            old_last_edited_node,
-            old_tree_end_point,
-            edit_on_top,
-        )
+        if old_tree_end_point is not None:
+            # rebuild the cleaned source
+            text_intervals = self._build_updated_text_intervals(
+                start_line,
+                start_col,
+                end_line,
+                end_col,
+                start_point,
+                old_end_point,
+                new_end_point,
+                text_bytes,
+                old_last_edited_node,
+                old_tree_end_point,
+                edit_on_top,
+            )
-        self._text_intervals = text_intervals
-        self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
+            self._text_intervals = text_intervals
+            self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
+        else:
+            self._clean_source()
     def _apply_full_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) -> None:
         """Apply a ``Full`` text change to the document."""

From e4b0482a9ccc2fc600fd1be6da1bb87391f8ca1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2023 15:57:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/28] bugfix: removing reference to a TS node that can change
 in the background and better handling of edits in empty lines

 tests/documents/ | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 textLSP/documents/    |  52 +++++--------
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 5869fd4..9e01039 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -110,31 +110,124 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
     assert res == exp
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,change,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,changes,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
         'This is a sentence.',
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=0,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=0,
-                    character=4,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=0,
+                        character=4,
+                    ),
+                text='That',
-            text='That',
-        ),
+        ],
         'That is a sentence.\n',
+    (
+        # Based on a bug in nvim
+        'This is a sentence. This is another.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a new paragraph.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=19),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=36)
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=24)
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=19),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=19)
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=19),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='\n\n',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='\n',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='A',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text='s',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=2),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=2)
+                ),
+                text='d',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=3),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=3)
+                ),
+                text='f',
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Asdf\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
-def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
+def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
-    doc.apply_change(change)
+    for change in changes:
+        doc.apply_change(change)
     assert doc.cleaned_source == exp
     if offset_test is not None:
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 567ce49..bb6af2b 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -524,41 +524,29 @@ def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
     def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
         node = None
-        edit_on_top = False
-        # old_tree_end_point = None
         capture = self._query.captures(
         if len(capture) == 0:
-            return None, None, None
+            return None, None
         old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
-        nodes = self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point)
-        if len(nodes) > 0:
-            node = nodes[-1]
+        while True:
+            nodes = self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point)
-        if node is None:
-            # edit in empty line
-            nodes = self._query.captures(
-                tree.root_node,
-                start_point=(start_point[0]-1, start_point[1]),
-                end_point=end_point
-            )
             if len(nodes) > 0:
                 node = nodes[-1]
+                break
-            if node is None:
-                # edit in empty line at the top of the file
-                edit_on_top = True
-                nodes = self._query.captures(
-                    tree.root_node,
-                    start_point=(0, 0),
-                    end_point=old_tree_end_point
-                )
-                node = nodes[-1]
+            start_point = (start_point[0]-1, 0)
+            if start_point[0] < 0:
+                return None, None
-        return node[0], edit_on_top, old_tree_end_point
+        return Range(
+                start=Position(*node[0].start_point),
+                end=Position(*node[0].end_point)
+            ), old_tree_end_point
     def _build_updated_text_intervals(
@@ -572,7 +560,6 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
-            edit_on_top,
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
@@ -585,17 +572,14 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         offset = 0
-        if edit_on_top:
-            sp = (0, 0)
-            ep = old_tree_end_point
-        elif start_point > old_tree_end_point:
+        if start_point > old_tree_end_point:
             # edit at the end of the file
             # need to extend the range to include the last node to avoid getting
             # a single newline node in node_iter below
             if old_end_point[1] > 0:
-                sp = (old_tree_end_point[0], old_tree_end_point[1]-1)
+                sp = (old_tree_end_point[0], max(0, old_tree_end_point[1]-1))
-                sp = (old_tree_end_point[0]-1, 0)
+                sp = (max(0, old_tree_end_point[0]-1), 0)
             ep = new_end_point
             sp = start_point
@@ -642,8 +626,8 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         # add remaining intervals shifted
         last_idx = self._text_intervals.get_idx_at_position(
-                line=old_last_edited_node.end_point[0],
-                character=old_last_edited_node.end_point[1],
+                line=old_last_edited_node.end.line,
+                character=old_last_edited_node.end.character,
@@ -669,7 +653,7 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
                     end_line_offset = tmp
                     end_char_offset = 0
                 elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
-                      and interval.position_range.start.character > end_col):
+                      and interval.position_range.start.character >= end_col):
                     row_tmp = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
                     tmp = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
                     start_line_offset = row_tmp
@@ -722,7 +706,6 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
         # bookkeeping for later source cleaning
-            edit_on_top,
         ) = self._get_last_node_for_edit(
@@ -758,7 +741,6 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
-                edit_on_top,
             self._text_intervals = text_intervals

From c6163bfb59debde58e7b9834486b52c316708896 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 11:54:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/28] bugfix: in non-strict interval search

 tests/documents/ | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    |  6 ++-
 textLSP/                 |  5 ++-
 3 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 9e01039..ac67271 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -222,6 +222,69 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        # Based on a bug in nvim
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence three.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '# Header\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=13),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=27),
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=3, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=4, character=0),
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=3, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=3, character=15),
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=13),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=13),
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=3, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=4, character=0),
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=13),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=13),
+                ),
+                text=' Sentence two.\n\nSentence three.'
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence three.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Header\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index bb6af2b..ab9e993 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -533,7 +533,11 @@ def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
         old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
         while True:
-            nodes = self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point)
+            nodes = self._query.captures(
+                tree.root_node,
+                start_point=start_point,
+                end_point=end_point
+            )
             if len(nodes) > 0:
                 node = nodes[-1]
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 64848e3..b4a6ab4 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -199,7 +199,10 @@ def get_idx_at_position(self, position: Position, strict=True) -> int:
         if self._position_start_character[idx] <= position.character <= self._position_end_character[idx]:
             return idx
-        if position.character < self._position_start_character[idx]:
+        if (
+                position.line < self._position_start_line[idx] or
+                position.character < self._position_start_character[idx]
+           ):
             return None if strict else idx
         return None if strict else min(idx+1, length-1)

From 0b99b36612696c904a119fac7299d246f1846e7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 16:10:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/28] bugfix: handling multiple edits per change event when
 removing diagnostics/actions

 textLSP/analysers/ | 12 +++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index da1f008..d3e73e1 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -95,7 +95,17 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
             if change.range.start != change.range.end:
-                num = self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, change.range, (True, False))
+                tmp_range = Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=change.range.start.line-val,
+                        character=change.range.start.character,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=change.range.end.line-val,
+                        character=change.range.start.character,
+                    ),
+                )
+                num = self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, tmp_range, (True, False))
                 should_update_diagnostics = should_update_diagnostics or num > 0
             change_text_len = len(change.text)

From 6c257774573752f899372d8b5d191ed73bf15c5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 17:03:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/28] bugfix: inline diagnostic/action shift

 textLSP/analysers/                  | 10 +++++-----
 textLSP/analysers/gramformer/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/openai/             |  2 +-
 6 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/ b/textLSP/analysers/
index d3e73e1..77d1071 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
-                num = self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, tmp_range, (True, False))
+                num = self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, tmp_range, (True, False))
                 should_update_diagnostics = should_update_diagnostics or num > 0
             change_text_len = len(change.text)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                 in_line_diff = change.range.start.character - change.range.end.character
                 in_line_diff += change_text_len
                 if in_line_diff != 0:
-                    # in only some edit in a given line, let's shift the items
+                    # if only edits in a given line, let's shift the items
                     # in the line
                     next_pos = Position(
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                     for diag in list(
-                            minimum=change.range.start,
+                            minimum=change.range.end,
                             inclusive=(True, False)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def _handle_line_shifts(self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams):
                     for action in list(
-                                minimum=change.range.start,
+                                minimum=change.range.end,
                                 inclusive=(True, False)
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ def add_diagnostics(self, doc: Document, diagnostics: List[Diagnostic]):
             self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].add(diag.range.start, diag)
-    def remove_code_items_at_rage(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
+    def remove_code_items_at_range(self, doc: Document, pos_range: Range, inclusive=(True, True)):
         num = 0
         num += self._diagnostics_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range, inclusive)
         num += self._code_actions_dict[doc.uri].remove_between(pos_range, inclusive)
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/ b/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
index 3b1354c..e9b3122 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
-            self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, pos_range)
+            self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, pos_range)
             diags, actions = self._analyse_sentences(
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/ b/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
index 335bc17..64f21a5 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
-            self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, pos_range)
+            self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, pos_range)
             paragraph_text = doc.text_at_offset(paragraph.start, paragraph.length)
             text += paragraph_text
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/ b/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
index 27d5197..72a3824 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
-            self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, pos_range)
+            self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, pos_range)
             diags, actions = self._analyse_lines(
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
index 92e1fce..69d7791 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
                 end_sent.start-paragraph.start-1 + end_sent.length,
-            self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, pos_range)
+            self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, pos_range)
             diags, actions = self._analyse(
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/openai/ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
index 0207c44..1aae271 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/openai/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def _handle_paragraph(self, doc: BaseDocument, paragraph: Interval):
-        self.remove_code_items_at_rage(doc, pos_range)
+        self.remove_code_items_at_range(doc, pos_range)
         diags, actions = self._analyse(

From 7c5c46e3c5fd8ad49791db5bac8d8ec365f31a1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 17:53:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/28] bugfix: incorrect search for edited paragraphs in

 textLSP/analysers/gramformer/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/     |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ |  2 +-
 textLSP/analysers/openai/             |  4 ++--
 textLSP/documents/                  | 10 +++++-----
 6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/ b/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
index e9b3122..c28035b 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/gramformer/
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
         for change in changes:
             paragraph = doc.paragraph_at_offset(
-                min_length=change.length,
+                min_offset=change.start + change.length-1,
             if paragraph in checked:
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/ b/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
index 64f21a5..91a9389 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/grammarbot/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
         for change in changes:
             paragraph = doc.paragraph_at_offset(
-                min_length=change.length,
+                min_offset=change.start + change.length-1,
             if paragraph in checked:
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/ b/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
index 72a3824..9736e95 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/hf_checker/
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
         for change in changes:
             paragraph = doc.paragraph_at_offset(
-                min_length=change.length,
+                min_offset=change.start + change.length-1,
             if paragraph in checked:
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
index 69d7791..c83b0dc 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/languagetool/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
         for change in changes:
             paragraph = doc.paragraph_at_offset(
-                min_length=change.length,
+                min_offset=change.start + change.length-1,
             if paragraph in checked:
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/openai/ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
index 1aae271..7039c5c 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/openai/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def _did_open(self, doc: BaseDocument):
         diagnostics = list()
         code_actions = list()
         checked = set()
-        for paragraph in doc.paragraphs_at_offset(0, len(doc.cleaned_source), True):
+        for paragraph in doc.paragraphs_at_offset(0, len(doc.cleaned_source), cleaned=True):
             diags, actions = self._handle_paragraph(doc, paragraph)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ def _did_change(self, doc: BaseDocument, changes: List[Interval]):
         for change in changes:
             paragraph = doc.paragraph_at_offset(
-                min_length=change.length,
+                min_offset=change.start + change.length-1,
             if paragraph in checked:
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index ab9e993..8672ea4 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def sentence_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, cleaned=False) -> Interv
         return Interval(start_idx, end_idx-start_idx+1)
-    def paragraph_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, cleaned=False) -> Interval:
+    def paragraph_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, min_offset=0, cleaned=False) -> Interval:
         returns (start_offset, length)
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def paragraph_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, cleaned=False) -> Inter
                 end_idx += 1
-            if end_idx < len_source-1 and end_idx-start_idx+1 < min_length:
+            if end_idx < len_source-1 and (end_idx-start_idx+1 < min_length or end_idx <= min_offset):
                 end_idx += 1
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ def paragraph_at_position(self, position: Position, cleaned=False) -> Interval:
             return None
         return self.paragraph_at_offset(offset, cleaned=cleaned)
-    def paragraphs_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, cleaned=False) -> List[Interval]:
+    def paragraphs_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, min_offset=0, cleaned=False) -> List[Interval]:
         res = list()
-        doc_lenght = len(self.cleaned_source if cleaned else self.source)
+        doc_length = len(self.cleaned_source if cleaned else self.source)
         length = 0
-        while offset < doc_lenght and (length < min_length or length == 0):
+        while offset < doc_length and (length < min_length or offset <= min_offset or length == 0):
             paragraph = self.paragraph_at_offset(offset, cleaned=cleaned)

From 2e2163c12cc2c6d803f41e6f4ee1e579cf4084e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2023 13:44:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/28] bugfix: handling edits which are empty parsed trees

 tests/documents/ | 20 ++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    | 41 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index ac67271..1dd302f 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -285,6 +285,26 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                ),
+                text='\n\n',
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 8672ea4..0fcf6c6 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -566,34 +566,35 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
-        if start_point == new_end_point:
-            # DELETE
-            # We might select an empty subtree -> extend the range
-            start_point = (
-                start_point[0] if start_point[1] > 0 else start_point[0]-1,
-                start_point[1]-1 if start_point[1] > 0 else 0,
-            )
         offset = 0
+        sp = start_point
+        ep = new_end_point
         if start_point > old_tree_end_point:
             # edit at the end of the file
-            # need to extend the range to include the last node to avoid getting
-            # a single newline node in node_iter below
+            # need to extend the range to include the last node since there
+            # might be relevant content (e.g. multiple newlines) that was
+            # ignored since it was at the end
             if old_end_point[1] > 0:
                 sp = (old_tree_end_point[0], max(0, old_tree_end_point[1]-1))
                 sp = (max(0, old_tree_end_point[0]-1), 0)
-            ep = new_end_point
-        else:
-            sp = start_point
-            ep = new_end_point
-        node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(
-            self.tree,
-            sp,
-            ep,
-        )
+        node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(self.tree, sp, ep)
         node = next(node_iter)
+        while node.text == '\n' and node.start_point == (0, 1) and node.end_point == (0, 1):
+            # empty tree is selected
+            assert next(node_iter, None) is None
+            if sp > (0, 0):
+                sp = (max(0, sp[0]-1), 0)
+            else:
+                node.start_point = start_point
+                node.end_point = start_point
+                break
+            node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(self.tree, sp, ep)
+            node = next(node_iter)
         # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
         for interval_idx in range(len(self._text_intervals)):
             interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)

From c5a6d84830aa6518d6f1c17dd555b7d63beb791d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2023 16:23:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/28] bugfix: incorrect addition of OffsetPositionInterval in
 OffsetPositionIntervalList; incorrect handling of separator newlines when
 parsing edits

 tests/analysers/ | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tests/documents/ | 37 ++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    | 36 +++++++-----
 textLSP/                 |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/analysers/ b/tests/analysers/
index 890b88f..aaa4c40 100644
--- a/tests/analysers/
+++ b/tests/analysers/
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def test_line_shifts(text, edit, exp, json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     ret = done.wait(1)
-    # no diagnostics notification of none has changed
+    # no diagnostics notification if none has changed
     assert ret == edit[2]
     if edit[2]:
         assert len(diag_lst) == 2
@@ -411,3 +411,98 @@ def test_diagnostics_bug2(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
     assert len(res_lst) == len(exp_lst)
     for exp, res in zip(exp_lst, res_lst):
         assert res['range'] == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
+def test_diagnostics_bug3(json_converter, langtool_ls_onsave):
+    text = ('Thiiiis is paragraph one.\n'
+            '\n'
+            '\n'
+            '\n'
+            'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n')
+    done = Event()
+    results = list()
+    langtool_ls_onsave.set_notification_callback(
+        session.PUBLISH_DIAGNOSTICS,
+        utils.get_notification_handler(
+            event=done,
+            results=results
+        ),
+    )
+    open_params = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(
+        TextDocumentItem(
+            uri='',
+            language_id='md',
+            version=1,
+            text=text,
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_open(
+        json_converter.unstructure(open_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    change_params = DidChangeTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
+            version=1,
+            uri='',
+        ),
+        content_changes=[
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='A'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text='s'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=2),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=2)
+                ),
+                text='d'
+            ),
+        ]
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_change(
+        json_converter.unstructure(change_params)
+    )
+    assert not done.wait(10)
+    done.clear()
+    save_params = DidSaveTextDocumentParams(
+        text_document=TextDocumentIdentifier(
+            ''
+        )
+    )
+    langtool_ls_onsave.notify_did_save(
+        json_converter.unstructure(save_params)
+    )
+    assert done.wait(30)
+    done.clear()
+    exp_lst = [
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=0, character=7),
+        ),
+        Range(
+            start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+            end=Position(line=2, character=3),
+        ),
+    ]
+    res_lst = results[-1]['diagnostics']
+    assert len(res_lst) == len(exp_lst)
+    for exp, res in zip(exp_lst, res_lst):
+        assert res['range'] == json_converter.unstructure(exp)
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 1dd302f..4cc65e7 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -305,6 +305,43 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='A'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text='s'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=2),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=2)
+                ),
+                text='d'
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Asd\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 0fcf6c6..84e737a 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -640,6 +640,8 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
             # we are actully at the end of the file so add the final newline
+            row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
+            col_diff = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
             for interval_idx in range(last_idx, len(self._text_intervals)):
                 interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
                 if (
@@ -649,30 +651,34 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
                 node_len = len(interval.value)
-                # FIXME should not calculate for each but once for all after edit
-                # and separately for those which are affected by the edit, do we have those?
                 if interval.position_range.start.line > end_line:
-                    tmp = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
-                    start_line_offset = tmp
+                    start_line_offset = row_diff
                     start_char_offset = 0
-                    end_line_offset = tmp
+                    end_line_offset = row_diff
                     end_char_offset = 0
                 elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
                       and interval.position_range.start.character >= end_col):
-                    row_tmp = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
-                    tmp = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
-                    start_line_offset = row_tmp
-                    start_char_offset = tmp
-                    end_line_offset = row_tmp
+                    start_line_offset = row_diff
+                    start_char_offset = col_diff
+                    end_line_offset = row_diff
                     if interval.position_range.end.line > interval.position_range.start.line:
                         end_char_offset = 0
-                        end_char_offset = tmp
+                        end_char_offset = col_diff
-                    start_line_offset = 0
-                    start_char_offset = 0
-                    end_line_offset = 0
-                    end_char_offset = 0
+                    # These are the special newlines which are not in the source
+                    # but added by the parser to separate paragraphs
+                    assert (interval.value == '\n' and interval.position_range.start ==
+                            interval.position_range.end)
+                    last_interval_range = text_intervals.get_interval(-1).position_range
+                    interval_range = interval.position_range
+                    # we need to set start and end position to the same value
+                    # which is the same line as the last item in text_intervals
+                    # and one column to the right
+                    end_line_offset = last_interval_range.end.line - interval_range.end.line
+                    start_line_offset = interval_range.end.line - interval_range.start.line + end_line_offset
+                    end_char_offset = last_interval_range.end.character - interval_range.end.character + 1
+                    start_char_offset = interval_range.end.character - interval_range.start.character + end_char_offset
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index b4a6ab4..96da06e 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def add_interval_values(
     def add_interval(self, interval: OffsetPositionInterval):
-            interval.offset_interval.start + interval.offset_interval.length,
+            interval.offset_interval.start + interval.offset_interval.length - 1,

From 9e1602b335fde17215d4317e28fe945a208fd1ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2023 17:31:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/28] bugfix: still issues with dummy newlines, these should
 be refactored

 tests/documents/ | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    | 23 ++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 4cc65e7..8d9caf9 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -342,6 +342,39 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        'This is paragraph one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=22),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=22)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=22),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=23)
+                ),
+                text='\n'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='A'
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is paragraph one. A\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Sentence one. Sentence two.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 84e737a..0070620 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -598,12 +598,23 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
         for interval_idx in range(len(self._text_intervals)):
             interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
-            interval_end = (
-                interval.position_range.end.line,
-                interval.position_range.end.character,
-            )
-            if interval_end >= node.start_point:
-                break
+            if interval.value == '\n' and interval.position_range.start == interval.position_range.end:
+                # newline added by parser but not in source
+                interval_end = (interval.position_range.end.line+1, 0)
+                if interval_end >= node.start_point:
+                    # FIXME This is very messy. Handling these dummy newlines
+                    # should be refactored.
+                    interval.value = ' '
+                    offset += len(interval.value)
+                    text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+                    break
+            else:
+                interval_end = (
+                    interval.position_range.end.line,
+                    interval.position_range.end.character,
+                )
+                if interval_end >= node.start_point:
+                    break
             offset += len(interval.value)

From c61e1b6902a8eac2c9989e3263d6064503bfe74f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 14:15:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/28] bugfix: handling empty file

 textLSP/analysers/openai/ | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/openai/ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
index 7039c5c..af84ef2 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/openai/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
@@ -265,7 +265,10 @@ def get_code_actions(self, params: CodeActionParams) -> Optional[List[CodeAction
         if params.range.start != params.range.end:
             return res
-        line = doc.lines[params.range.start.line].strip()
+        if len(doc.lines) > 0:
+            line = doc.lines[params.range.start.line].strip()
+        else:
+            line = ''
         magic = self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_PROMPT_MAGIC, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PROMPT_MAGIC)
         if magic in line:
             if res is None:

From 3f3b77a08428981794fcfe743fc0e0f3d03c1a2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 16:11:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/28] bugfix: handling merged subtrees in TS edit

 tests/documents/    | 325 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 tests/documents/ | 125 +++++++++++-
 textLSP/documents/    |  69 +++++--
 3 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index d1855f2..8c688ac 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
     assert tracker.get_changes() == exp
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,change,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('content,changes,exp,offset_test,position_test', [
@@ -621,20 +621,22 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'*2 +
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            # add 'o' to Introduction
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=3,
-                    character=13,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=3,
-                    character=13,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                # add 'o' to Introduction
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=13,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=13,
+                    ),
+                text='o',
-            text='o',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         ' '.join(['This is a sentence.']*2) +
@@ -651,20 +653,22 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'*2 +
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            # delete 'o' from Introduction
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=3,
-                    character=13,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=3,
-                    character=14,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                # delete 'o' from Introduction
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=13,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=14,
+                    ),
+                text='',
-            text='',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         ' '.join(['This is a sentence.']*2) +
@@ -688,20 +692,22 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'A final sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            # replace the word initial
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=3,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=10,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                # replace the word initial
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=3,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=10,
+                    ),
+                text='\n\naaaaaaa',
-            text='\n\naaaaaaa',
-        ),
+        ],
@@ -740,19 +746,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence. \\section{Inline} FooBar\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=2,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=2,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=2,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=2,
+                    ),
+                text='oooooo',
-            text='oooooo',
-        ),
+        ],
         'Thoooooois is a sentence.\n'
@@ -778,19 +786,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=6,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=6,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=6,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=6,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='o',
-            text='o',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         'This is a sentence. o\n',
@@ -809,19 +819,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=2,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=2,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='o',
-            text='o',
-        ),
+        ],
@@ -839,19 +851,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=2,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=3,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='',
-            text='',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         'This is a sentence.\n',
@@ -880,20 +894,22 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            # delete last character: '.'
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=18,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=5,
-                    character=19,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                # delete last character: '.'
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=18,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=5,
+                        character=19,
+                    ),
+                text='',
-            text='',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         'This is a sentence\n',
@@ -910,20 +926,22 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            # delete last character: '.'
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=8,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=9,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                # delete last character: '.'
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=8,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=9,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='',
-            text='',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         'This is a sentence.\n',
@@ -938,19 +956,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=6,
-                    character=0,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=7,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=6,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=7,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='\n\\end{document}\n',
-            text='\n\\end{document}\n',
-        ),
+        ],
         '\n' +
         'This is a sentence.\n',
@@ -965,19 +985,21 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
         'This is a sentence.\n'
-        TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
-            range=Range(
-                start=Position(
-                    line=1,
-                    character=16,
-                ),
-                end=Position(
-                    line=2,
-                    character=0,
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=1,
+                        character=16,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=2,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                text='\no\n',
-            text='\no\n',
-        ),
+        ],
@@ -986,12 +1008,57 @@ def test_change_tracker(content, edits, exp):
+    (
+        '\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n'
+        '\\begin{document}\n'
+        'A sentence.\n'
+        'Introduction\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '\\end{document}',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=0,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='\\section{',
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=21,
+                    ),
+                    end=Position(
+                        line=3,
+                        character=21,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                text='}',
+            ),
+        ],
+        'A sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Introduction\n'
+        '\n' +
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
-def test_edits(content, change, exp, offset_test, position_test):
+def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = LatexDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
     start = time.time()
-    doc.apply_change(change)
+    for change in changes:
+        doc.apply_change(change)
     assert doc.cleaned_source == exp
     logging.warning(time.time() - start)
diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 8d9caf9..9747006 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
-        # Based on a bug in nvim
+        # Based on a bug, as done by in nvim
         'This is a sentence. This is another.\n'
         'This is a new paragraph.\n',
@@ -375,6 +375,129 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Header\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='#'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Header\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'Header\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='#'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=1)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+        ],
+        'Header\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '# Header\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=2)
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'Header This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=0)
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='This is a sentence.'
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        '* This is point one.\n'
+        '* This is point two.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=0, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=0, character=0)
+                ),
+                text='* This is point one.\n'
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is point one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is point one.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is point two.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 0070620..838450d 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -441,23 +441,28 @@ def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
         start_col = change_range.start.character
         end_line = change_range.end.line
         end_col = change_range.end.character
-        if end_line >= len(lines):
-            # this could happen eg when the last line is deleted
-            end_line = len(lines) - 1
-            end_col = len(lines[end_line]) - 1
-        start_byte = len(bytes(
-            ''.join(
-                lines[:start_line] + [lines[start_line][:start_col+1]]
-            ),
-            'utf-8',
-        ))
-        end_byte = len(bytes(
-            ''.join(
-                lines[:end_line] + [lines[end_line][:end_col+1]]
-            ),
-            'utf-8',
-        ))
+        len_lines = len(lines)
+        if len_lines == 0:
+            start_byte = 0
+            end_byte = 0
+        else:
+            if end_line >= len(lines):
+                # this could happen eg when the last line is deleted
+                end_line = len(lines) - 1
+                end_col = len(lines[end_line]) - 1
+            start_byte = len(bytes(
+                ''.join(
+                    lines[:start_line] + [lines[start_line][:start_col]]
+                ),
+                'utf-8',
+            ))
+            end_byte = len(bytes(
+                ''.join(
+                    lines[:end_line] + [lines[end_line][:end_col]]
+                ),
+                'utf-8',
+            ))
         text_bytes = len(bytes(change.text, 'utf-8'))
         if end_byte - start_byte == 0:
@@ -532,6 +537,9 @@ def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
         old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
+        if start_point == end_point:
+            # avoid empty interval
+            end_point = (end_point[0], end_point[1]+1)
         while True:
             nodes = self._query.captures(
@@ -558,6 +566,9 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+            start_byte,
+            old_end_byte,
+            new_end_byte,
@@ -568,7 +579,18 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
         offset = 0
         sp = start_point
-        ep = new_end_point
+        if new_end_byte > old_end_byte:
+            # the node could have been broken into multiple nodes
+            # we parse all
+            ep = max(
+                new_end_point,
+                (
+                    old_last_edited_node.end.line,
+                    old_last_edited_node.end.character
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            ep = new_end_point
         if start_point > old_tree_end_point:
             # edit at the end of the file
@@ -651,6 +673,14 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
             # we are actully at the end of the file so add the final newline
+            while last_idx > 0:
+                interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(last_idx-1)
+                if (interval.value != '\n' or interval.position_range.start !=
+                        interval.position_range.end):
+                    # not dummy newline
+                    break
+                last_idx -= 1
             row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
             col_diff = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
             for interval_idx in range(last_idx, len(self._text_intervals)):
@@ -757,6 +787,9 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
+                start_byte,
+                old_end_byte,
+                new_end_byte,

From 4106baa0df59cacac3f70b9b2227c75533993643 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 17:50:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/28] bugfix: handling issues related to edits resulting in
 merges TS subtrees

 textLSP/documents/          | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 textLSP/documents/markdown/ | 10 ++++
 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 838450d..d607dd7 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -573,24 +573,15 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
-            old_last_edited_node,
+            last_changed_point,
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
         offset = 0
         sp = start_point
-        if new_end_byte > old_end_byte:
-            # the node could have been broken into multiple nodes
-            # we parse all
-            ep = max(
-                new_end_point,
-                (
-                    old_last_edited_node.end.line,
-                    old_last_edited_node.end.character
-                )
-            )
-        else:
-            ep = new_end_point
+        # last_changed_point is needed to handle subtrees being broken into
+        # multiple ones
+        ep = max(new_end_point, last_changed_point)
         if start_point > old_tree_end_point:
             # edit at the end of the file
@@ -643,6 +634,8 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         # handle the nodes that were in the edited subtree
         tmp_intvals = list()
+        last_new_node = None
+        tmp_node = None
         for node in chain([node], node_iter):
             node_len = len(node)
@@ -655,6 +648,12 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
             offset += node_len
+            last_new_node = tmp_node
+            tmp_node = node
+        if last_new_node is None:
+            return None
         for interval in tmp_intvals[:-1]:
             # there's always a newline return at the end of the file which
             # is not needed if we are not really at the end of the file yet
@@ -662,10 +661,49 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         offset -= len(tmp_intvals[-1][6])
         # add remaining intervals shifted
+        last_new_end_point = last_new_node.end_point
+        row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
+        if last_new_end_point[0] < new_end_point[0]:
+            # parse ended before the edit, happens when non parseable
+            # part is edited or all content was deleted
+            last_new_end_point = (
+                max(old_end_point, new_end_point)[0],
+                max(old_end_point, new_end_point)[1] + 1
+            )
+        elif last_new_end_point[0] > new_end_point[0]:
+            # parse ended in a later line  as the edit, i.e. its
+            # position is only affected by line shift
+            last_new_end_point = (
+                # last_new_end_point[0] - row_diff,
+                # last_new_end_point[1] + 1
+                max(last_changed_point, last_new_end_point)[0] - row_diff,
+                max(last_changed_point, last_new_end_point)[1] + 1
+            )
+        elif row_diff == 0:
+            # the parse ended in the line of the edit
+            last_new_end_point = (
+                last_new_end_point[0],
+                last_new_end_point[1] - (new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1]) + 1
+            )
+        elif row_diff > 0:
+            # the edit was in the line of the last node which is now
+            # shifted
+            last_new_end_point = (
+                last_new_end_point[0] - row_diff,
+                old_end_point[1] + last_new_end_point[1] - new_end_point[1] + 1
+            )
+        else:
+            # the edit was in the line of the last node which is now
+            # shifted
+            last_new_end_point = (
+                last_new_end_point[0] - row_diff,
+                new_end_point[1] + last_new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1] + 1
+            )
         last_idx = self._text_intervals.get_idx_at_position(
-                line=old_last_edited_node.end.line,
-                character=old_last_edited_node.end.character,
+                line=max(0, last_new_end_point[0]),
+                character=max(0, last_new_end_point[1])
@@ -756,6 +794,7 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
         ) = self._get_edit_positions(change)
         # bookkeeping for later source cleaning
+        # TODO remove this part
@@ -780,6 +819,10 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
+        last_changed_point = (0, 0)
+        for change in tree.get_changed_ranges(self.tree):
+            last_changed_point = max(last_changed_point, change.end_point)
         if old_tree_end_point is not None:
             # rebuild the cleaned source
             text_intervals = self._build_updated_text_intervals(
@@ -794,12 +837,13 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
-                old_last_edited_node,
+                last_changed_point,
-            self._text_intervals = text_intervals
-            self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
+            if text_intervals is not None:
+                self._text_intervals = text_intervals
+                self._cleaned_source = ''.join(self._text_intervals.values)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/markdown/ b/textLSP/documents/markdown/
index 3d199bc..16af8e9 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/markdown/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/markdown/
@@ -81,6 +81,16 @@ def _iterate_text_nodes(
         last_sent = None
         new_lines_after = list()
+        if start_point == end_point:
+            # FIXME This is a weird issue, it seems that in some cases nothing
+            # is selected if the interval is empty, but not in all cases. See
+            # test_edits() where first two characters of
+            # '# Header' is removed
+            end_point = (
+                end_point[0],
+                end_point[1] + 1
+            )
         for node in self._query.captures(tree.root_node, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point):
             # Check if we need some newlines after previous elements
             while len(new_lines_after) > 0:

From 93f8cedf9a1ac0c8d2a5423e5c91b6a3d31a425b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:56:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/28] bit of refactoring

 textLSP/documents/ | 288 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index d607dd7..0a4e955 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from ..utils import get_class, synchronized, git_clone, get_user_cache
 from ..types import (
+    OffsetPositionInterval,
@@ -560,24 +561,14 @@ def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
             ), old_tree_end_point
-    def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+    def _get_node_and_iterator_for_edit(
-            start_line,
-            start_col,
-            end_line,
-            end_col,
-            start_byte,
-            old_end_byte,
-            new_end_byte,
-            text_bytes,
-        text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
-        offset = 0
         sp = start_point
         # last_changed_point is needed to handle subtrees being broken into
         # multiple ones
@@ -608,7 +599,13 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
             node_iter = self._iterate_text_nodes(self.tree, sp, ep)
             node = next(node_iter)
-        # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
+        return node, chain([node], node_iter)
+    def _get_intervals_before_edit(
+            self,
+            node,
+    ):
+        # offset = 0
         for interval_idx in range(len(self._text_intervals)):
             interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
             if interval.value == '\n' and interval.position_range.start == interval.position_range.end:
@@ -618,8 +615,9 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
                     # FIXME This is very messy. Handling these dummy newlines
                     # should be refactored.
                     interval.value = ' '
-                    offset += len(interval.value)
-                    text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+                    # offset += len(interval.value)
+                    # text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+                    yield interval
                 interval_end = (
@@ -629,39 +627,52 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
                 if interval_end >= node.start_point:
-            offset += len(interval.value)
-            text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+            # offset += len(interval.value)
+            # text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+            yield interval
-        # handle the nodes that were in the edited subtree
+    def _get_edited_intervals_and_last_node(
+            self,
+            node_iter,
+            offset,
+    ):
         tmp_intvals = list()
         last_new_node = None
         tmp_node = None
-        for node in chain([node], node_iter):
+        for node in node_iter:
             node_len = len(node)
-            tmp_intvals.append((
-                    offset,
-                    offset+node_len-1,
-                    node.start_point[0],
-                    node.start_point[1],
-                    node.end_point[0],
-                    node.end_point[1],
-                    node.text,
-            ))
+            tmp_intvals.append(
+                OffsetPositionInterval(
+                    offset_interval=Interval(
+                        start=offset,
+                        length=node_len
+                    ),
+                    position_range=Range(
+                        start=Position(
+                            line=node.start_point[0],
+                            character=node.start_point[1],
+                        ),
+                        end=Position(
+                            line=node.end_point[0],
+                            character=node.end_point[1],
+                        ),
+                    ),
+                    value=node.text,
+                )
+            )
             offset += node_len
             last_new_node = tmp_node
             tmp_node = node
-        if last_new_node is None:
-            return None
+        return tmp_intvals, last_new_node
-        for interval in tmp_intvals[:-1]:
-            # there's always a newline return at the end of the file which
-            # is not needed if we are not really at the end of the file yet
-            text_intervals.add_interval_values(*interval)
-        offset -= len(tmp_intvals[-1][6])
-        # add remaining intervals shifted
-        last_new_end_point = last_new_node.end_point
+    def _get_idx_after_edited_tree(
+        self,
+        old_end_point,
+        new_end_point,
+        last_new_end_point,
+        last_changed_point
+    ):
         row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
         if last_new_end_point[0] < new_end_point[0]:
             # parse ended before the edit, happens when non parseable
@@ -683,7 +694,7 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
             # the parse ended in the line of the edit
             last_new_end_point = (
-                last_new_end_point[1] - (new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1]) + 1
+                last_new_end_point[1] - (new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1])+1
         elif row_diff > 0:
             # the edit was in the line of the last node which is now
@@ -707,68 +718,153 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+        return last_idx
+    def _handle_intervals_after_edit_shifted(
+            self,
+            last_idx,
+            start_col,
+            end_line,
+            end_col,
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            text_bytes,
+            offset,
+            text_intervals,
+    ):
+        while last_idx > 0:
+            interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(last_idx-1)
+            if (interval.value != '\n' or interval.position_range.start !=
+                    interval.position_range.end):
+                # not dummy newline
+                break
+            last_idx -= 1
+        row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
+        col_diff = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
+        for interval_idx in range(last_idx, len(self._text_intervals)):
+            interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
+            if (
+                len(text_intervals) == 0
+                and interval.value.count('\n') > 0
+                and interval.value.strip() == ''
+            ):
+                continue
+            node_len = len(interval.value)
+            if interval.position_range.start.line > end_line:
+                start_line_offset = row_diff
+                start_char_offset = 0
+                end_line_offset = row_diff
+                end_char_offset = 0
+            elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
+                  and interval.position_range.start.character >= end_col):
+                start_line_offset = row_diff
+                start_char_offset = col_diff
+                end_line_offset = row_diff
+                if interval.position_range.end.line > interval.position_range.start.line:
+                    end_char_offset = 0
+                else:
+                    end_char_offset = col_diff
+            else:
+                # These are the special newlines which are not in the source
+                # but added by the parser to separate paragraphs
+                assert (interval.value == '\n' and interval.position_range.start ==
+                        interval.position_range.end)
+                last_interval_range = text_intervals.get_interval(-1).position_range
+                interval_range = interval.position_range
+                # we need to set start and end position to the same value
+                # which is the same line as the last item in text_intervals
+                # and one column to the right
+                end_line_offset = last_interval_range.end.line - interval_range.end.line
+                start_line_offset = interval_range.end.line - interval_range.start.line + end_line_offset
+                end_char_offset = last_interval_range.end.character - interval_range.end.character + 1
+                start_char_offset = interval_range.end.character - interval_range.start.character + end_char_offset
+            text_intervals.add_interval_values(
+                offset,
+                offset+node_len-1,
+                interval.position_range.start.line + start_line_offset,
+                interval.position_range.start.character + start_char_offset,
+                interval.position_range.end.line + end_line_offset,
+                interval.position_range.end.character + end_char_offset,
+                interval.value,
+            )
+            offset += node_len
+    def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+            self,
+            start_line,
+            start_col,
+            end_line,
+            end_col,
+            start_byte,
+            old_end_byte,
+            new_end_byte,
+            start_point,
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            text_bytes,
+            last_changed_point,
+            old_tree_end_point,
+    ):
+        text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
+        # get first edited node and iterator for all edited nodes
+        node, node_iter = self._get_node_and_iterator_for_edit(
+            start_point,
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            last_changed_point,
+            old_tree_end_point,
+        )
+        # copy the text intervals up to the start of the change
+        for interval in self._get_intervals_before_edit(node):
+            text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+        if len(text_intervals) > 0:
+            offset = interval.offset_interval.start + interval.offset_interval.length
+        else:
+            offset = 0
+        # handle the nodes that were in the edited subtree
+        new_intervals, last_new_node = self._get_edited_intervals_and_last_node(
+            node_iter,
+            offset,
+        )
+        if last_new_node is None:
+            return None
+        for interval in new_intervals[:-1]:
+            # there's always a newline return at the end of the file which
+            # is not needed if we are not really at the end of the file yet
+            # text_intervals.add_interval_values(*interval)
+            text_intervals.add_interval(interval)
+        offset = interval.offset_interval.start + interval.offset_interval.length
+        # add remaining intervals shifted
+        last_new_end_point = last_new_node.end_point
+        last_idx = self._get_idx_after_edited_tree(
+            old_end_point,
+            new_end_point,
+            last_new_end_point,
+            last_changed_point
+        )
         if last_idx+1 >= len(self._text_intervals):
             # we are actully at the end of the file so add the final newline
-            text_intervals.add_interval_values(*tmp_intvals[-1])
+            text_intervals.add_interval(new_intervals[-1])
-            while last_idx > 0:
-                interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(last_idx-1)
-                if (interval.value != '\n' or interval.position_range.start !=
-                        interval.position_range.end):
-                    # not dummy newline
-                    break
-                last_idx -= 1
-            row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
-            col_diff = text_bytes - (end_col - start_col)
-            for interval_idx in range(last_idx, len(self._text_intervals)):
-                interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(interval_idx)
-                if (
-                    len(text_intervals) == 0
-                    and interval.value.count('\n') > 0
-                    and interval.value.strip() == ''
-                ):
-                    continue
-                node_len = len(interval.value)
-                if interval.position_range.start.line > end_line:
-                    start_line_offset = row_diff
-                    start_char_offset = 0
-                    end_line_offset = row_diff
-                    end_char_offset = 0
-                elif (interval.position_range.start.line == end_line
-                      and interval.position_range.start.character >= end_col):
-                    start_line_offset = row_diff
-                    start_char_offset = col_diff
-                    end_line_offset = row_diff
-                    if interval.position_range.end.line > interval.position_range.start.line:
-                        end_char_offset = 0
-                    else:
-                        end_char_offset = col_diff
-                else:
-                    # These are the special newlines which are not in the source
-                    # but added by the parser to separate paragraphs
-                    assert (interval.value == '\n' and interval.position_range.start ==
-                            interval.position_range.end)
-                    last_interval_range = text_intervals.get_interval(-1).position_range
-                    interval_range = interval.position_range
-                    # we need to set start and end position to the same value
-                    # which is the same line as the last item in text_intervals
-                    # and one column to the right
-                    end_line_offset = last_interval_range.end.line - interval_range.end.line
-                    start_line_offset = interval_range.end.line - interval_range.start.line + end_line_offset
-                    end_char_offset = last_interval_range.end.character - interval_range.end.character + 1
-                    start_char_offset = interval_range.end.character - interval_range.start.character + end_char_offset
-                text_intervals.add_interval_values(
+            self._handle_intervals_after_edit_shifted(
+                    last_idx,
+                    start_col,
+                    end_line,
+                    end_col,
+                    old_end_point,
+                    new_end_point,
+                    text_bytes,
-                    offset+node_len-1,
-                    interval.position_range.start.line + start_line_offset,
-                    interval.position_range.start.character + start_char_offset,
-                    interval.position_range.end.line + end_line_offset,
-                    interval.position_range.end.character + end_char_offset,
-                    interval.value,
-                )
-                offset += node_len
+                    text_intervals,
+            )
         return text_intervals

From 9bc4ad0705ed358440e0a9ae45bdb864ff3e040d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:27:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/28] updateing dependency versions

 .github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml |  2 +-                              | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 textLSP/analysers/openai/    | 17 +++++++++--------
 textLSP/documents/         | 14 ++++++++------
 textLSP/                     |  2 +-
 textLSP/                      |  4 ++--
 textLSP/                  | 18 ++++++++++--------
 7 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml
index d03aa7e..dba9243 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
     - name: Set up Python
       uses: actions/setup-python@v4
-        python-version: "3.10"
+        python-version: "3.11"
     - name: Install pypa/setuptools
       run: >-
         python -m
diff --git a/ b/
index a365a9d..e580122 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 import sys
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 11, 0):
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12, 0):
     # due to current pytorch limitations
-    print('Required python version <= 3.11.0')
+    print('Required python version <= 3.12.0')
@@ -29,25 +29,25 @@ def read(fname):
         "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",
         "Operating System :: OS Independent",
-    entry_points = {
+    entry_points={
         'console_scripts': ['textlsp=textLSP.cli:main'],
-        'pygls==1.0.0',
-        'lsprotocol==2022.0.0a9',
+        'pygls==1.1.2',
+        'lsprotocol==2023.0.0b1',
-        'tree_sitter==0.20.1',
-        'gitpython==3.1.29',
+        'tree_sitter==0.20.4',
+        'gitpython==3.1.40',
-        'torch==1.13.1',
-        'openai==0.26.4',
-        'transformers==4.25.1',
+        'torch==2.1.0',
+        'openai==1.2.4',
+        'transformers==4.35.1',
         'dev': [
-            'pytest',
-            'python-lsp-jsonrpc',
+            'pytest==7.4.3',
+            'python-lsp-jsonrpc==1.1.2',
diff --git a/textLSP/analysers/openai/ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
index af84ef2..4c22656 100644
--- a/textLSP/analysers/openai/
+++ b/textLSP/analysers/openai/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import logging
 import openai
-from openai.error import OpenAIError
+from openai import OpenAI, APIError
 from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
 from lsprotocol.types import (
@@ -54,19 +54,20 @@ def __init__(self, language_server: LanguageServer, config: dict, name: str):
         super().__init__(language_server, config, name)
         if self.CONFIGURATION_API_KEY not in self.config:
             raise ConfigurationError(f'Reqired parameter: {name}.{self.CONFIGURATION_API_KEY}')
-        openai.api_key = self.config[self.CONFIGURATION_API_KEY]
+        self._client = OpenAI(api_key=self.config[self.CONFIGURATION_API_KEY])
     def _edit(self, text) -> List[TokenDiff]:
-            res = openai.Edit.create(
+            # res = openai.Edit.create(
+            res = self._client.edits.create(
                 model=self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_EDIT_MODEL, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_EDIT_MODEL),
                 instruction=self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_EDIT_INSTRUCTION, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_EDIT_INSTRUCTION),
                 temperature=self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_TEMPERATURE, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE),
             if len(res.choices) > 0:
-                return TokenDiff.token_level_diff(text, res.choices[0]['text'].strip())
-        except OpenAIError as e:
+                return TokenDiff.token_level_diff(text, res.choices[0].text.strip())
+        except APIError as e:
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ def _edit(self, text) -> List[TokenDiff]:
     def _generate(self, text) -> Optional[str]:
-            res = openai.Completion.create(
+            res = self._client.completions.create(
                 model=self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_MODEL, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_MODEL),
                 temperature=self.config.get(self.CONFIGURATION_TEMPERATURE, self.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE),
@@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ def _generate(self, text) -> Optional[str]:
             if len(res.choices) > 0:
-                return res.choices[0]['text'].strip()
-        except OpenAIError as e:
+                return res.choices[0].text.strip()
+        except APIError as e:
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 0a4e955..36d9737 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
-from pygls.workspace import Document, position_from_utf16, range_from_utf16
+from pygls.workspace import TextDocument
+from pygls.workspace.position_codec import PositionCodec
 from tree_sitter import Language, Parser, Tree, Node
 from ..utils import get_class, synchronized, git_clone, get_user_cache
@@ -26,9 +27,10 @@
 from .. import documents
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_codec = PositionCodec()
-class BaseDocument(Document):
+class BaseDocument(TextDocument):
     def __init__(self, *args, config: Dict = None, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         if config is None:
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ def range_at_offset(self, offset: int, length: int, cleaned=False) -> Range:
     def offset_at_position(self, position: Position, cleaned=False) -> int:
         # doesn't really matter
         lines = self.cleaned_lines if cleaned else self.lines
-        pos = position_from_utf16(lines, position)
+        pos = _codec.position_from_client_units(lines, position)
         row, col = pos.line, pos.character
         return col + sum(len(line) for line in lines[:row])
@@ -437,7 +439,7 @@ def _iterate_text_nodes(
     def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
         lines = self.lines
         change_range = change.range
-        change_range = range_from_utf16(lines, change_range)
+        change_range = _codec.range_from_client_units(lines, change_range)
         start_line = change_range.start.line
         start_col = change_range.start.character
         end_line = change_range.end.line
@@ -916,7 +918,7 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
         last_changed_point = (0, 0)
-        for change in tree.get_changed_ranges(self.tree):
+        for change in tree.changed_ranges(self.tree):
             last_changed_point = max(last_changed_point, change.end_point)
         if old_tree_end_point is not None:
@@ -1068,7 +1070,7 @@ def get_document(
         version: Optional[int] = None,
         language_id: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> Document:
+    ) -> TextDocument:
             type = DocumentTypeFactory.get_file_type(language_id)
             cls = get_class(
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 24e6fa4..506a2eb 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     def lsp_initialize(self, params: InitializeParams) -> InitializeResult:
         result = super().lsp_initialize(params)
-        self.workspace = TextLSPWorkspace.workspace2textlspworkspace(
+        self._workspace = TextLSPWorkspace.workspace2textlspworkspace(
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index a3a2283..63a4d93 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import sys
 import importlib
 import inspect
-import pkg_resources
 import re
+from importlib.metadata import version
 from functools import wraps
 from threading import RLock
 from git import Repo
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def get_textlsp_name():
 def get_textlsp_version():
-    pkg_resources.require(get_textlsp_name())[0].version
+    return version(get_textlsp_name())
 def get_user_cache(app_name=None):
diff --git a/textLSP/ b/textLSP/
index 8d5003a..9dddbf5 100644
--- a/textLSP/
+++ b/textLSP/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-from pygls.workspace import Workspace, Document
+from pygls.workspace import Workspace, TextDocument
 from .documents.document import DocumentTypeFactory
 from .analysers.handler import AnalyserHandler
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ def __init__(self, analyser_handler: AnalyserHandler, settings: Dict, *args, **k
         self.analyser_handler = analyser_handler
         self.settings = settings
-    def _create_document(
+    def _create_text_document(
         doc_uri: str,
         source: Optional[str] = None,
         version: Optional[int] = None,
         language_id: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> Document:
+    ) -> TextDocument:
         return DocumentTypeFactory.get_document(
@@ -59,9 +59,11 @@ def update_settings(self, settings):
         self.settings = merge_dicts(self.settings, settings)
-    def update_document(self,
-                        text_doc: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier,
-                        change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent):
-        doc = self._docs[text_doc.uri]
+    def update_text_document(
+        self,
+        text_doc: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier,
+        change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
+    ):
+        doc = self._text_documents[text_doc.uri]
         self.analyser_handler.update_document(doc, change)
-        super().update_document(text_doc, change)
+        super().update_text_document(text_doc, change)

From 84b2302441294f3d9ad550af8df8e224a9a29525 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:12:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/28] further cleanup and some small bugfixes

 tests/documents/ |  90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 textLSP/documents/    | 100 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/documents/ b/tests/documents/
index 9747006..1dd8216 100644
--- a/tests/documents/
+++ b/tests/documents/
@@ -498,6 +498,96 @@ def test_highlight(src, offset, exp):
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'A\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=1)
+                ),
+                text='B'
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=2),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=2)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence. AB\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        'A\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=1),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=1)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=1, character=2),
+                    end=Position(line=1, character=2)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence. A\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '   This will be an unparsed part.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=0)
+                ),
+                text=' '
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
+    (
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        '    This will be a parsed part.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        [
+            TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1(
+                range=Range(
+                    start=Position(line=2, character=0),
+                    end=Position(line=2, character=1)
+                ),
+                text=''
+            ),
+        ],
+        'This is a sentence.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This will be a parsed part.\n'
+        '\n'
+        'This is a sentence.\n',
+        None,
+        None,
+    ),
 def test_edits(content, changes, exp, offset_test, position_test):
     doc = MarkDownDocument('DUMMY_URL', content)
diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index 36d9737..e48e26e 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -530,51 +530,33 @@ def _get_edit_positions(self, change):
-    def _get_last_node_for_edit(self, tree, start_point, end_point):
-        node = None
-        capture = self._query.captures(
-            tree.root_node,
-        )
-        if len(capture) == 0:
-            return None, None
-        old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
-        if start_point == end_point:
-            # avoid empty interval
-            end_point = (end_point[0], end_point[1]+1)
-        while True:
-            nodes = self._query.captures(
-                tree.root_node,
-                start_point=start_point,
-                end_point=end_point
-            )
-            if len(nodes) > 0:
-                node = nodes[-1]
-                break
-            start_point = (start_point[0]-1, 0)
-            if start_point[0] < 0:
-                return None, None
-        return Range(
-                start=Position(*node[0].start_point),
-                end=Position(*node[0].end_point)
-            ), old_tree_end_point
     def _get_node_and_iterator_for_edit(
+            old_tree_first_node_new_end_point,
         sp = start_point
+        if len(self._text_intervals) > 0:
+            old_first_interval_end_point = (
+                self._text_intervals.get_interval(0).position_range.end.line,
+                self._text_intervals.get_interval(0).position_range.end.character
+            )
+        else:
+            old_first_interval_end_point = (0, 0)
+        if start_point < old_first_interval_end_point:
+            # there's new content at the beginning, we need to parse the next
+            # subtree as well, since there are no necesary whitespace tokens in
+            # the current text_intervals
+            tmp_point = old_tree_first_node_new_end_point
+        else:
+            tmp_point = (0, 0)
         # last_changed_point is needed to handle subtrees being broken into
         # multiple ones
-        ep = max(new_end_point, last_changed_point)
+        ep = max(tmp_point, new_end_point, last_changed_point)
         if start_point > old_tree_end_point:
             # edit at the end of the file
@@ -672,9 +654,14 @@ def _get_idx_after_edited_tree(
+        text_bytes,
+        # we take the max since none parseable content could have been
+        # added at the end
+        last_new_end_point = max(last_changed_point, last_new_end_point)
         row_diff = new_end_point[0] - old_end_point[0]
         if last_new_end_point[0] < new_end_point[0]:
             # parse ended before the edit, happens when non parseable
@@ -687,16 +674,14 @@ def _get_idx_after_edited_tree(
             # parse ended in a later line  as the edit, i.e. its
             # position is only affected by line shift
             last_new_end_point = (
-                # last_new_end_point[0] - row_diff,
-                # last_new_end_point[1] + 1
-                max(last_changed_point, last_new_end_point)[0] - row_diff,
-                max(last_changed_point, last_new_end_point)[1] + 1
+                last_new_end_point[0] - row_diff,
+                last_new_end_point[1] + 1
         elif row_diff == 0:
             # the parse ended in the line of the edit
             last_new_end_point = (
-                last_new_end_point[1] - (new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1])+1
+                last_new_end_point[1] - (new_end_point[1] - old_end_point[1]) + text_bytes + 1
         elif row_diff > 0:
             # the edit was in the line of the last node which is now
@@ -734,7 +719,7 @@ def _handle_intervals_after_edit_shifted(
-        while last_idx > 0:
+        while last_idx > 1:
             interval = self._text_intervals.get_interval(last_idx-1)
             if (interval.value != '\n' or interval.position_range.start !=
@@ -807,6 +792,7 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+            old_tree_first_node_new_end_point,
         text_intervals = OffsetPositionIntervalList()
@@ -817,6 +803,7 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
+            old_tree_first_node_new_end_point,
@@ -849,6 +836,7 @@ def _build_updated_text_intervals(
         last_idx = self._get_idx_after_edited_tree(
+            text_bytes,
@@ -892,15 +880,15 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
         ) = self._get_edit_positions(change)
         # bookkeeping for later source cleaning
-        # TODO remove this part
-        (
-            old_last_edited_node,
-            old_tree_end_point
-        ) = self._get_last_node_for_edit(
-            tree,
-            start_point,
-            old_end_point,
+        capture = self._query.captures(
+            tree.root_node,
+        if len(capture) == 0:
+            old_tree_first_node = None
+            old_tree_end_point = None
+        else:
+            old_tree_first_node = capture[0][0]
+            old_tree_end_point = capture[-1][0].end_point
@@ -917,7 +905,20 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
-        last_changed_point = (0, 0)
+        if old_tree_first_node is not None:
+            old_tree_first_node.edit(
+                start_byte=start_byte,
+                old_end_byte=old_end_byte,
+                new_end_byte=new_end_byte,
+                start_point=start_point,
+                old_end_point=old_end_point,
+                new_end_point=new_end_point,
+            )
+            old_tree_first_node_new_end_point = old_tree_first_node.end_point
+        else:
+            old_tree_first_node_new_end_point = None
+        last_changed_point = (-1, -1)
         for change in tree.changed_ranges(self.tree):
             last_changed_point = max(last_changed_point, change.end_point)
@@ -936,6 +937,7 @@ def _apply_incremental_change(self, change: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent_Type1
+                old_tree_first_node_new_end_point,

From 73a8156d73e87e88ddbf3998d97d60e039daca83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 11:43:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/28] handling out of bounds offset search

 textLSP/documents/ | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/textLSP/documents/ b/textLSP/documents/
index e48e26e..c1f0433 100644
--- a/textLSP/documents/
+++ b/textLSP/documents/
@@ -143,15 +143,17 @@ def sentence_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, cleaned=False) -> Interv
     def paragraph_at_offset(self, offset: int, min_length=0, min_offset=0, cleaned=False) -> Interval:
+        Returns the last paragraph if offset is over the content length.
         returns (start_offset, length)
-        start_idx = offset
-        end_idx = offset
         source = self.cleaned_source if cleaned else self.source
         len_source = len(source)
+        start_idx = offset
         assert start_idx >= 0
-        assert end_idx < len_source
+        if start_idx >= len_source:
+            start_idx = len_source - 1
+        end_idx = start_idx
         while (
             start_idx >= 0

From 1c1a85d8a9f074a089eaf267b65f3e52c45f477e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Viktor Hangya <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 11:57:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/28] adding test workflow

 .github/workflows/test_main.yml | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/test_main.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/test_main.yml b/.github/workflows/test_main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fe9af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test_main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This workflow will install Python dependencies and run tests with a single version of Python.
+name: Test main branch
+  push:
+    branches: [ "main" ]
+  pull_request:
+    branches: [ "main" ]
+  contents: read
+  build:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+    - name: Set up Python
+      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+      with:
+        python-version: "3.11"
+    - name: Install dependencies
+      run: |
+        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+        pip install .[dev]
+    - name: Test with pytest
+      run: |
+        pytest