Installing MongoDB on linux/mac
brew install mongodb
Running the mongodb server
brew services start mongodb
Stop the mongodb server
brew services stop mongodb
Starting the mongodb shell in the terminal
mongo --host localhost:27017
Check server status and connection
Create a database and use it
use testDatabase
Create a collection (table)
Insert one document in the collection
db.testCollection.insert({"city": "San Fransisco", "population": "884363", "state": "California"})
Insert multiple documents in the database
db.testCollection.insert([{"city": "San Fransisco", "population": "884363", "state": "California"},{"city": "Seattle", "population": "724745", "state": "Washington"},{"city": "Portland", "population": "647805", "state": "Oregon"}])
List all the records in the collection
Search for a specific record
db.user.find({"city": "Seattle"})
Show all the databases on the server
show dbs
Show all the collections on the server
show collections
Delete a collection
Show the total size of the collection
Exporting a collection
mongoexport --db testDatabase --collection testCollection --out db.json
Delete current database
Show all the users
show users
Create a new user
db.createUser({"user": "testUser", "pwd": "testPassword", "roles": ["readWrite"]})
Log into the database using user credentials
mongo -u testUser -p testPassword --authenticationDatabase testDatabase
Delete a user
Importing a collection
mongoimport --db testDatabase --collection testCollection < path/to/db.json