Cs50 web Final project
This project is a single page web application used to check word definition and type. This project makes use of SQLite3 Database management system to store a dictionary of over 115,000 words and also makes use of The default Django Models to store the upvotes and downvotes.
- python
- Django
- JavaScript
- SQLite3
I am convinced that my project satisfies the distinctiveness requirements because it is not similar in any way to any of the web applications we have developed so far.
I believe this project satisfies the complexity requiment for several reasons. One of the requirements states that the project must utilize Django (using at least One model) on the back-end and JavaScript on the front-end, This requirement is met as I used the Django Framework and used the Reaction Model to store the upvotes and downvotes for each word in the dictionary. Also JavaScript is used on the front-end to send an Http request to the backend to update the upvote or downvote and edit the values displayed on the pages in respect to the button clicked.
- A Google search clone
- A project similar to wikipedia that enables us to create an article with a markdown system and edit it.
- A Bid auction website
- A SPA (single page app) - mail app
- A network App in which we can create/like a post, edit our own post and follow/unfollow other users.
on loading the default page a random word is selected and displayed alongside its definition and word type. This is achieved by calling some functions from the operations.py file, a word is returned along side its meaning and definition, This word is then passed Into the Html file using Jinja templating engine.
The Search textbox is used to find words. After The search button is filled and a request is sent to the server, the view in question fetches the user input and redirects to the view word route
There's also the Upvote and Downvote button which calls respective javascript functions to send a request to update the server data. The purpose of this function is to enable users to tell if a definition is correct or not depending on the ratio of upvote to downvotes provided by people who previously viewed the words and its definition.
The following is the file structure of the project where I added or modified. Default project files are ommitted.
/ (folder)
-- (files)
/Capstone - main project folder
--README.md - this file
--requirements.txt - list of libraries needed to run
--advancedict.db - SQLite database to store all words and definition
--db.sqlite - SQLite database used by Django to store data in models
/Capstone - Django main project folder
--settings.py - slightly modified settings
--urls.py - path configuration
/dictionary - Django Dictionary App
-index.html - html page for dictionary
-index.js - Javascript for front end
-styles.css - stylesheet
--admin.py - admin settings for model view
--operation.py - Functions to run sqlite3 commands and return required Data
--models.py - database models
--urls.py - all standard HTTP request routing handled here
--views.py - code to handle each view
run the following command snipet in project root directory
# Install Modules
~ $ pip install requirements.txt
# Install Modules
~ $ python manage.py makemigrations
# Install Modules
~ $ python manage.py migrate
# Run server
~ $ python manage.py runserver
- Username: user
- password: qwerty
- Run the following command snipet
# run command and provide your details as required
~ $ python manage.py create superuser