no double completing quest steps >:)
no double completing quest steps >:)
Logging for completed quests, added titles to quest steps
Logging for completed quests, added titles to quest steps
quest serializing/deserializing
quest serializing/deserializing
Added conversation about Halls of Gray to Judas
Added conversation about Halls of Gray to Judas
we are really getting somehwere with serialization
we are really getting somehwere with serialization
Changed jeering mask to weeping mask
Changed jeering mask to weeping mask
Moved logging messages around
Moved logging messages around
Added some warnings when weird stuff happens
Added some warnings when weird stuff happens
added little bump animation on attack
added little bump animation on attack
Added fun statue to Pisces' quarters
Added fun statue to Pisces' quarters
Dict and List deserialization! Yipee!
Dict and List deserialization! Yipee!