Enable the debug logging and inspect the console logs of your device through XCode.
I would like to customise how frequently the AltBeacon library scans for proximity devices (beacons). How do I do that?
Introduce an Android specific preference in your config.xml, something like this:
<preference name="com.unarin.cordova.beacon.android.altbeacon.ForegroundBetweenScanPeriod" value="5000" />
This will ensure that the AltBeacon library will wait five seconds in-between foreground scans. The default is 0 for the mentioned configuration value.
'NSInternalInconsistencyException' Exception at Application Startup: Assertion failure in -[CLLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:]
This most likely happens because you forgot to enable the Background Modes
capability by switching
it to ON
and then ticking Location updates
as well. The messages and the stack trace may lead
you to think that this is something to do with the UIWebView/WKWebView that you are using, but it is not.