NOTE: This module is depreciated since SecurePay has moved from their SOAP XML API to REST Please see the SecurePay API to communicate with SecurePay
The below documentation is provided for backwards compatibility for existing SOAP XML requests which use the old username / password system
Very simple API for PHP.
The secure pay service is a reasonably reliable and well documented credit card gateway.
You will require an existing username and password (or a test account) to use this module.
Download this GIT repository and copy into your application directory.
Alternatively, install with Composer.
$sp = new SecurePay('username','password');
$sp->TestMode(); // Remove this line to actually preform a transaction
$sp->NameOnCard = 'John Citizen'; // optional
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
if ($sp->Valid()) { // Is the above data valid?
$response = $sp->Process();
echo "Transaction was a success\n";
} else {
echo "Transaction failed with the error code: $response\n";
echo "XML Dump: " . print_r($sp->ResponseXml,1) . "\n";
} else {
die("Your data is invalid\n");
The following examples all the basic PHP setup to kick things off. Obviously we need to load the library first:
$sp = new SecurePay('username','password');
$sp = new SecurePay();
if ($sp->TestConnection()) {
echo "Server is working\n";
} else {
echo "Server is Down\n";
if ($sp->Valid()) {
echo "Everything is valid\n";
} else {
echo "Something is wrong\n";
OR you can break each validity test down individually
if (!$sp->ValidCc()) {
echo "Credit Card Number is invalid\n";
} elseif (!$sp->ValidExpiryDate()) {
echo "Expiry Date is invalid\n";
} elseif (!$sp->ValidCvv()) {
echo "CVV is invalid\n";
} elseif (!$sp->ValidChargeAmount()) {
echo "Charge Amount is invalid\n";
} elseif (!$sp->ValidChargeCurrency()) {
echo "Charge Currency is invalid\n";
} elseif (!$sp->ValidOrderId()) {
echo "Order ID is invalid\n";
} else {
echo "All data is valid\n";
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars. The card expires on '07/09', has the CVV code '32' and the local order ID is 'ORD34234'.
$sp->Process(123, 'USD', '462834666666', '07/09', '321', 'ORD34234');
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars. The card expires on '07/09', has the CVV code '32' and the local order ID is 'ORD34234'.
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
// This is the same process as passing a regular payment but the last parameter indicates that it should be treated as a PreAuth transaction
$sp->Process(123, 'USD', '462834666666', '07/09', '321', 'ORD34234', TRUE);
// Exactly the same as a regular charge but with PreAuth = 1
$sp->PreAuth = 1;
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
$preauthid = $sp->PreAuthId; // $preauthid contains the ID used by SecurePay (use this when finalizing a PreAuth)
$sp->PreAuth = 1;
$sp->PreAuthID = $preauthid; // The ID we got in the above process
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234'; // NOTE this must match the OrderID used in the above process
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars every month for 6 months.
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
$sp->SetupRepeat('monthly', 6); // Second arg is the interval between months
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars every week for 6 weeks starting on 01/01/10
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
$sp->RepeatStart = strtotime('01/01/10');
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars every two days for 60 days starting on 01/01/10
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
$sp->RepeatInterval = 2;
$sp->RepeatCount = 60;
$sp->RepeatStart = strtotime('01/01/10');
// Charge the credit card '462834666666' '$123' US dollars every week for 6 weeks starting on 01/01/10
// Then manually trigger the response
$sp->Cc = 462834666666;
$sp->ExpiryDate = '07/09';
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123;
$sp->ChargeCurrency = 'USD';
$sp->Cvv = 321;
$sp->OrderId = 'ORD34234';
$sp->RepeatStart = strtotime('01/01/10');
$sp->RepeatTrigger = FALSE;
// ... The repeat payment is now setup
$sp->Trigger(); // Now start it
//We are assuming that we have previously charged a credit card with the OrderId `ABC123` and the TransactionId was `123456`
$sp->TransactionId = 123456;
$sp->ChargeAmount = 123; //Must be less or equal to the transaction amount
$sp->OrderId = 'ABC123'; //Must be the same as the original transaction
$sp->Refund(); //Refund it!
$sp->WebLogin('username','admin','password'); // Web login details
$details = $sp->GetClientInfo();
$sp->WebLogin('username','admin','password'); // Web login details
$details = $sp->GetClientInfo('a_client_id');
OR for yesterday:
OR for any date range:
print_r($sp->GetTransactions(strtotime('1/1/2008'), strtotime('30/1/2008'))); // Retrieves all transactions between 1/1/2008 and 30/1/2008
Thanks to Chris Bosdriesz for pointing out that CVV is optional with some cards.