The delete command is used to remove network impairments from a specific interface on a ContainerLab node. This action resets the network settings for the specified interface to their default state, which typically means no delay, jitter, packet loss, or rate limitation.
clab-telemetry-linker delete -n <clab-node> -i <interface-name>
--node <clab-node>
or-n <clab-node>
: Specifies the ContainerLab node name.--interface <interface-name>
or-i <interface-name>
: Designates the specific interface on the node from which to delete impairments.
To delete impairments from interface Gi0-0-0-0 on node XR-1:
clab-telemetry-linker delete -n XR-1 -i Gi0-0-0-0
| Interface | Delay | Jitter | Packet Loss | Rate (kbit) |
| Gi0-0-0-0 | 0ms | 0s | 0.00% | 0 |