- You can find good example with cellRanger in this link.
module load gcc/6.2.0 conda2/4.2.13
conda activate python_3.6.5 # you need an environment with python3 activated. (this one is custom for me)
pip3 install biopython
git clone https://github.com/gencorefacility/reform.git
cd reform/
--chrom=<chrom> \
--position=<pos> \
--in_fasta=<in_fasta> \
--in_gff=<in_gff> \
--ref_fasta=<ref_fasta> \
chrom ID of the chromsome to modify
position Position in chromosome at which to insert <in_fasta>. Can use -1 to add to end of chromosome. Note: Either position, or upstream AND downstream sequence must be provided.
upstream_fasta Path to Fasta file with upstream sequence. Note: Either position, or upstream AND downstream sequence must be provided.
downstream_fasta Path to Fasta file with downstream sequence. Note: Either position, or upstream AND downstream sequence must be provided.
in_fasta Path to new sequence to be inserted into reference genome in fasta format.
in_gff Path to GFF file describing new fasta sequence to be inserted.
ref_fasta Path to reference fasta file.
ref_gff Path to reference gff file.
python3 reform.py
--chrom=X \
--position=3 \
--in_fasta=in.fa \
--in_gff=in.gff3 \
--ref_fasta=ref.fa \
We will put the in.fa sequence in the X chromosome position 3.
Sequence is 10bp, so we expect a new transcript at X:4-13.