This tutorial provides how to use trestlebot sync-cac-content
transform Cac content to OSCAL models.
This command has two sub-commands component-definition
and profile
This command is to create OSCAL component definitions by transforming Cac content control files.
The CLI performs the following transformations:
- Populate CaC product information to Oscal component title and description
- Ensure OSCAL component control mappings are populated with rule and rule parameter data from CaC control files
- Create a validation component from SSG rules to check mappings
- Ensure OSCAL Component Definition implemented requirements are populated from control notes in the control file
- Ensure implementation status of an implemented requirement in OSCAL component definitions are populated with the status from CaC control files
Initialize the trestlebot workspace.
Pull the CacContent repository.
poetry run trestlebot sync-cac-content component-definition \
--repo-path $trestlebot_workspace_directory \
--branch main \
--cac-content-root ~/content \
--cac-profile $CacContentRepo/content/products/ocp4/profiles/high-rev-4.profile \
--oscal-profile $OSCAL-profile-name \
--committer-email \
--committer-name tester \
--product $productname \
--dry-run \
--component-definition-type $type
For more details about these options and additional flags, you can use the --help flag: `poetry run trestlebot sync-cac-content component-definition --help' This will display a full list of available options and their descriptions.
After run the CLI with the right options, you would successfully generate an OSCAL component definition under $trestlebot_workplace_directory/component-definitions/$product_name.
This command is to generate OSCAL profile according to content policy
Initialize the trestlebot workspace if you do not have one.
Pull the CacContent repository.
poetry run trestlebot sync-cac-content profile \
--repo-path ~/trestlebot-workspace \
--dry-run \
--cac-content-root ~/content \
--product ocp4 \
--oscal-catalog nist_rev5_800_53 \
--policy-id nist_ocp4 \
--committer-email \
--committer-name test \
--branch main
For more details about these options and additional flags, you can use the --help flag: `poetry run trestlebot sync-cac-content profile --help' This will display a full list of available options and their descriptions.
After run the CLI with the right options, you would successfully generate an OSCAL profile under $trestlebot_workplace_directory/profiles.