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Using the Business Card Customization


The customize-bizcard extension allows you to add, modify, or delete the submenu under 'More Actions' on a user's business card (a.k.a. bizcard). The bizcard pops up when a user hovers over a user name or user image, and the 'More Actions' menu can be found on the footer area. This JavaScript code uses the Dojo Toolkit API; see online documentation for help.

The following shows an example customization where 2 new links (Google Me, Chat with Bill) have been added:

Event Listener

The main script adds an event listener to listen for when the user clicks on the 'More Actions' menu wrapper on the bizcard using the document.addEventListener(...). The user could be clicking on the arrow button or the 'More Actions' text and the script will find the nearest 'More Action' menu wrapper anchor element.

In the event function, there is a call to the CustomizeMenu function. In that function are examples of how to customize the 'More Actions' menu wrapper.

Customization Examples

Below is a list of function, parameter, and description use to customize the submenu:

Functions Parameters Description
customizeMenu None This function calls the waitFor() with these parameters:
  • Callback function - In here you'll find the examples of how to create, modify and delete the submenu under the 'More Actions' menu wrapper. You don't have to do a create, modify, or delete all at once, i.e. comment out the code you don't need or modify the menu properties here.

  • The HTML query selector, 'li.lotusMenusSeparator'. This will wait for the menu wrapper to finish rendering, by querying the HTLM element <li class='lotusMenuSeparator'> if it exists, before proceeding to customize the submenu(s).
To fetch information about the current user bizcard information, use the SemTagSvc._tagTypes[1].tagHandler.currentPerson.* DOM properties.

Creating a Submenu

Below are details of the function, parameters and description of how it is used to create the submenu:

Functions Parameters Description
  • ulActionsMenu: ul element that contains the 'More Actions' menu wrapper
  • menuId: provide a unique id for the new submenu
  • menuTitle: submenu text
  • menuLink: submenu link
Creates a submenu underneath the 'More Actions' menu wrapper and a menu link.

Modifying a Submenu

Below are details of the function, parameters and description of how it is used to modify the sub-menu:

Functions Parameters Description
  • ulActionsMenu: ul element that contains the 'More Actions' menu wrapper
  • querySubMenu: query the submenu by text
  • newText: menu text to change to
  • newLink: menu link to change to
  • newClass: menu class to change to (Optional)
This function will query for the submenu text by, querySubMenu parameter and modify the submenu properties (newText, newLink, newClass).

Delete a Submenu

Below are details of the function, parameters and description of how it is used to delete the sub-menu:

Functions Parameters Description
  • ulActionsMenu: ul element that contains the 'More Actions' menu wrapper
  • querySubMenu: query the submenu by text
This function will query the submenu by text, querySubMenu parameter, and delete the submenu underneath the 'More Actions' menu wrapper.

Other Utility Function

Below are details of the function, parameters and descriptions of how it is used to wait for an HTML element to load:

Functions Parameters Description
  • callback: callback function
  • elXpath: query selector to search for the HTML elements on the page
  • elXpathRoot: where to start looking in the DOM tree (usually this is the document body)
  • maxInter: maximum number of intervals before expiring
  • waitTime: wait time in seconds
This function is used to wait on a DOM element to render on a page before proceeding with your callback function.

Troubleshooting / Validation

Below are some common troubleshooting issues and how to potentially solve those issues and validate that the custom extension script is working properly. Additional console log statements can be added to the custom JS script to help with debugging.

Errors Potential Solutions
Cannot find More Actions menu to modify submenu: Check that the menu wrapper passed in exists or the submenu querying anchor element with a child font element contains the submenu text, returns a element value.
Cannot find More Actions menu to delete submenu: Check that the menu wrapper passed in exists or the submenu querying anchor element with a child font element contains the submenu text, returns a element value.

Using the Profile Customization


The customize-profile extension allows you to add, modify, or delete the buttons in the 'My Profile'page. This JavaScript code uses the Dojo Toolkit API; see online documentation for help.

The following shows an example customization where a button (Bill's Files) has been added:

Customization Examples

The main script uses the waitFor() function as described above in the bizcard customization section to provide examples of how to create a button, modify a button and delete a button.

  • In the example for creating a button, the waitFor function waits for the lotusStreamTopLoading and div.loaderMain.lotusHidden elements to render on the page before proceeding to create a button with a link.

    • In the domConstruct.create(...) method, the button text (innerHTML property) and button link (buttonLink parameter) can be changed.
  • Following the example for creating a button is an example of how to modify a button that was just created. This is for illustration only for how to change the properties of an existing button.

  • In the previous step, the class lotusBtn newBtn was added. After waiting for the new button to be created, the button can be modified. This can be adjusted to query for an existing button by text to modify the button text, link or class.

  • Finally, there is an example of how to delete a button that was just modified. This code is commented out but it shows how to delete a button by button id. It can be used to remove one of the standard buttons on the profile page.

Troubleshooting / Validation

Below are some common troubleshooting issues and how to potentially solve those issues and validate that the custom extension script is working properly. Additional console log statements can be added to the custom JS script to help with debugging.

Issues Potential Solutions
Button does not show up Check that you are on a profile page, that the elements in the waitFor() function exist and the timer waiting for the page to load is not being reached.
Cannot modify button Check to make sure the button has a unique id or a unique class name(s) to query for in the query selector.

Registering the Customizer Extension(s)

In order for Customizer to insert these customizations, extensions should be registered that reference the custom JS script files:

  1. Put the custom JS file(s) onto the MSP environment.
  2. Launch the appregistry UI at /appreg/apps URL (requires admin access).
  3. Create a New App definition.
  4. Go to the Code Editor section and remove the JSON outline.
  5. Paste in the content of the file customize-bizcard.json or customize-profile.json file.
  6. If necessary, modify the include-files path and file name to match the location and name of the JS file on the MSP environment.

See section 2.5.1 Hosting the Custom JS / CSS Files of the main Connections Cloud Application Extension Migration documentation for more details about where to host the custom JS/CSS files.