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Sign Language Recognition - review of useful resources

A list of useful resources in the sign language recognition, translation or generation using different languages. Created during the project.


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Table of Datasets

Dataset Language Classes/task decription Size Data type Adnotation type Language level Link Licence Downloaded
DGS German SL Signers were asked to do one of 20 activities like: describing something and storytelling 50 hours video iLex, srt (subtitles), openpose (json), elan, cmdi continous DGS Licence partially
PJM Polish SL Signers were asked to tell the story of picture content and clips, tell videos about themselves and talk about topics that interest them. 400 hours video text continous PJM no info partialy
Signor Corpus Slovenian SL Most of the recording sessions were performed on the premises of the local deaf clubs, only in some cases the mobile recording team visited the informant at home. no info video tokenization, iLex, HamNoSys, gloss continous Signor not avaible not avaible yet due to datta protection issues
Dicta Sign Lexicon British SL
Greek SL
German SL
French SL
1000 words and phrases and many videos where signers tell some stories no info video gloss/translation (?) both Dicta no info no
Galex German SL gardening and landscape vocabulary 654 technical phrases video gloss isolated GaLex no info no
LEDASILA Austrian SL words, different categories no info video meaning (gloss) and description of the move isolated LedaSila Creative commons in contact with owners
RWTH-PHOENIX German SL It is a sign language transcription of a weather forecast. 53GB video (All recorded videos are at 25 frames per second and the size of the frames is 210 by 260 pixels) gloss continous Phoenix seems to be open to use (not specified directly on the page) yes
GSLL Greek SL 347 different signs/classes 3,464 videos /42 GB video gloss/traslation isolated GSLL publicly avaible, no info about restrictions yes
SIGNUM German SL words and phrases (used on a daily basis) no info videos gloss/translation both SIGNUM no info about restrictions no
MS-ASL American SL 1000 signs 25000 videos video bbox, gloss, isolated MS ASL publicly available yes
AUTSL Turkish SL 226 signs that are performed by 43 different signers 38336 videos video recorded using Microsoft Kinect v2 in RGB, depth and skeleton formats spatial coordinates of the 25 junction points on the signer body, gloss isolated AUTSL public but not uploaded yet (?) no
WLASL American SL 3126 glosses 34404 videos video gloss, bbox,temporal boundary (start, end of frame), dialect of SL isolated WLASL Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA) yes, partially without yt videos
British SL
German SL
Russian SL
French SL
American SL
Spanish SL
25030 words in 42 languages 574273 videos video gloss isolated Spread the sign no info yes
CSL-Daily Chinese SL travel, shopping, medical care and daily-live words no info video spoken language translations and gloss-level annotations continous CSL you need to sign the agreement with the USTC link, research only, noncommercial use no
NMFs-CSL Chinese SL 1,067 Chinese sign words (610 confusing words , 457 normal words no info RGB videos gloss isolated NMFs CSL you need to sign the agreement with the USTC link, research only, noncommercial use no
ASLLVD American SL many words and phrases no info video gloss labels, sign start and end time codes, start and end handshape labels for both hands, morphological and articulatory classifications of sign type isolated ASLLVD Can be used for research and education purposes. Commercial use is not allowed. no
BUHMAP-DB Turkish SL non-manual gestures, 8 different classes 48 annotated videos video gloss, ground truth of selected points isolated BUHMAP available and free for academic research purposes no
PL-Kinect Polish SL 84 words in PSL (PJM).Each gesture is performed 20 times. 84 videos (?) point clouds videos translation/gloss isolated Vision PRZ publicly avaible, no info about restrictions no
LATLAB American SL 98 different stories each video is 0,5-4 minutes long video glosses for each sign, an English translation of each passage, and details about the establishment and use of pronominal spatial reference points in space continous LATLAB no info no

Table of Contribiutions

Year Paper Dataset Language Task Algorithms Results Code
2021 Continuous 3D Multi-Channel Sign Language Production via Progressive Transformers and Mixture Density Networks PHOENIX14T German SL Sign Language Production Progressive Transformers and Mixture Density Networks BLEU-4 ~ 13.64
2021 NetFACS: Using network science to understand facial communication systems FACS datasets Facial Signals Recognition NetFACS Github - code in R
2021 ANONYSIGN: Novel Human Appearance Synthesis for Sign Language Video Anonymisation SMILE German SL Sign Language Production for Sign Language Video Anonymisation AnonySign architecture LPIPS ~ 0.243, FID ~ 49.48
2021 Mixed SIGNals: Sign Language Production via a Mixture of Motion Primitives Pre-processed Phoenix14T German SL Sign Language Production Mixture of Motion Primitives architecture BLEU-4 ~ 12.67
2021 On-device Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition American SL Hand Gesture Recognition Hand Tracking + NN Recall=88%
2021 Development of a software module for recognizing the fingerspelling of the Russian Sign Language based on LSTM Russian SL Sign Alphabet Recognition LSTM Neural Network Precision=91%, Recall=91%
2021 Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Sign Language - - Sign Language Recognition & Translation - - -
2021 A Deep Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Sign Alphabet Recognition Sign Language MNIST American Sign Language Sign Alphabet Recognition CNN Accuracy=~94% Kaggle
2021 Efficient sign language recognition system and dataset creation method based on deep learning and image processing Brazilian Sign Language Sign Language Recognition XCeption Accuracy=~80%
2021 Multi-Modal Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition RKS-PERSIAN, ASLVID, isoGD Persian Sign Language, American Sign Language Sign Language Recognition C3D, LSTM, BERT Accuracy=~68%
2021 Application of Transfer Learning to Sign Language Recognition using an Inflated 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Network SIGNUM, MS-ASL German Sign Language, American Sign Language Sign Language Recognition Inception-v3 Accurracy=49% Github
2021 Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition AUTSL Turkish Sign Language Sign Language Recognition SAM-SLR Top-1Accuracy=~95%, Top-2Accuracy=~99.7% Github
2021 Word-level Sign Language Recognition with Multi-stream Neural Networks Focusing on Local Regions WLASL, ML-ASL American Sign Lnaguage Sign Language Recognition YOLO3, I3D, ST-GCN Top-10Accuracy=92.94%
2021 Automatic Segmentation of Sign Language into Subtitle-Units MEDIAPI-SKEL French Sign Language Sign Language Segmentation ST-GCN, BiLSTM Precision=~56%, Recal=~75%
2021 SignBERT: Pre-Training of Hand-Model-Aware Representation for Sign Language Recognition MS-ASL, WLASL, NMFs-CSL, SLR500 American Sign Language, Chinese Sign Language Sign Language Recognition SignBERT, Transformers WLASL2000: top-1Accuracy=~54%, top-5Accuracy=~87%
2021 PiSLTRc: Position-informed Sign Language Transformer with Content-aware Convolution PHOENIX-2014, PHOENIX-2014-T, CSL German Sign Language, Chinese Sign Language Sign Language Recognition, Sign Language Translation CNN, Sign Language Transformers, Self Attention Mechanism PHOENIX2014T: WER=~23%, BLEU-4=~23% Github
2020 Progressive Transformers for End-to-End Sign Language Production Pre-processed Phoenix14T German SL Sign Language Production Progressive Transformer BLEU-4 ~ 9.94 Github
2020 HamNoSyS2SiGML: Translating HamNoSys Into SiGML Translating HamNoSys Into SiGML Convert HamNoSys symbols to their Unicode codes Github
2020 Video-to-HamNoSys Automated Annotation System DGS Corspus Multiple Convert Pose to HamNoSys Tree-like-structure Accuracy=~22%
2020 Combining Feature Selection with Neural Networks for Polish Sign Alphabet Recognition Polish Sign Language Sign Alphabet Recognition VGG16
2020 Independent sign language recognition with 3D body, hands, and face reconstruction GSLL Greek Sign Language Sign Language Recognition I3D, SMPL-X
2020 Sign Language Transformers: Joint End-to-end Sign Language Recognition and Translation RWTH-Phoenix German Sign Language Sign Language Recognition, Sign Language Translation SLRR, SLTT (Transformers) WER=24%, BLEU-4=22% Github
2020 Phonologically-Meaningful Subunits for Deep Learning-Based Sign Language Recognition RWTH-Phoenix German Sign Language Sign Language Recognition Trajectory Space Factorization, RNN WER=~27%, Accuracy=~73%
2020 Real-Time Sign Language Detection using Human Pose Estimation DGS Corpus German Sign Language Sign Language Detection LSTM Accuracy=~92% Github
2020 Pose-based Sign Language Recognition using GCN and BERT WLASL American Sign Lnaguage Sign Language Recognition GCN, BERT Top-1Accuracy~60%, Top-5Accuracy=~84%
2020 Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Sign Language Recognition ASLLVD American Sign Language Sign Language Recognition ST-GCN Accuracy=~61% Github
2019 Improving American Sign Language Recognition with Synthetic Data SYN1...10 American SL Sign Language Recognition with Synthetic Data DeepHand model, K-means Clustering 58.7% Acc < 71.1% Github
2019 Exploiting Spatial-temporal Relationships for 3D Pose Estimation via Graph Convolutional Networks Human3.6M, STB 3D Pose Estimation GCN distanceError=~39mm Github
2018 Approach to the Sign Language Gesture Recognition Framework Based on HamNoSys Analysis sEMG, ACC, GYRO Russian Sign Language Sign Language Gesture Recognition
2018 OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation Using Part Affinity Fields MPII, COCO Pose Estimation CNN, Affinity Fields AP=~70% Github
2018 Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Kinetics, NTU-RGBD Action Recognition ST-GCN Top-5Accuracy=~53% Github