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Game Entity

Game entities represent objects inside the game world.

  1. Architecture
  2. Game Entity class
  3. Component Data Storage
  4. Control Flow
    1. System
    2. Activities
    3. Manager


Game entity UML

Game entity mechanics are structured using the concept of separation of concerns. This means that there is not one single GameEntity class that implements all data and game logic. Instead, data and logic are separated into distinct engine components that each have a dedicated, clearly-defined purpose.

Data storage is handled by Component objects that manage references to the nyan database and store runtime data on curves. Game logic is implemented in systems, which are best described as independent functions that perform a specific action on an entity. Event handling is done by the GameEntityManager which initiates and directs the entity's individual control flow.

It should be noted that while the terminology we use here is very similar to names in the Entity-Component-System (ECS) architecture, you shouldn't think of the openage game simulation as a traditional ECS-driven architecture. We merely use this terminology because we can't think of anything better (and because we are too lazy to find better names).

Game Entity class

Game entity class UML

The GameEntity class primarily provides references to the game entity's unique ID, assigned components, and event handling manager. If the game entity is supposed to be animated, a render entity can also be set. This allows requesting animations for the game entity.

GameEntity follows the principle of composition over inheritance. Therefore, capabilities and attributes of a game entity are defined by the assigned components rather than properties of its class. The GameEntity class is merely a thin wrapper with a reference ID for a set of components storing the actual data (via Component subclasses). Components of the specific entity can be accessed via the GameEntity object's get_component(..) method.

Component Data Storage

For a description of the available components, check the component reference.

Component class UML

Components are data storage objects for a game entity that also perform the dual role of signifying what a game entity can do or is depending on their component type. Component types are usually associated with a subclass of Component, e.g. Move. For example, assigning a Move component to a game entity signifies that the game entity can perform move actions during gameplay. Movement data relevant to the game entity is then also stored in this component object.

In general, component classes are designed to be atomic, i.e. they don't depend on other components to be assigned to the game entity. While some components may have a close relationship, e.g. Move and Position, it should never be assumed that all components are assigned when operating on a game entity.

Persistent game data, i.e. data that is the same in every game like unit stats, is not managed by the component itself but in the game's nyan database. The component only holds a reference to the nyan object associated with the component. Data from nyan must be fetched via the openage nyan interface. Component types usually have a corresponding nyan object type in the nyan API, e.g. the Move component corresponds to the engine.ability.type.Move nyan type.

Runtime data, i.e. data that changes due to gameplay interactions, is stored on curves managed by the component object. Curves are keyframe-based time-value storages that track changes to the data over time. Components can provide helper methods to interact with the curve, e.g. Position provides set_position to insert a new keyframe on its position data curve.

Control Flow

The control flow is organized into 3 core mechanisms: Systems, activities, and managers. This again tries to achieve a separation of concern design to make the game logic maintanable and extensible.


For a description of the available systems, check the system reference.

A system in openage is basically a function that operates on game entity components. They are explicitely separated from game entity and component objects to allow for more flexible implementation. In practice, systems are implemented as static functions inside the gamestate::system namespace.

Systems are stateless, so they don't remember anything about the game entity components they operate on. If something about the execution state should be remembered, it needs to be stored in a component. Additionally, system execution is always immediate. This means that a system never waits for events or for a certain amount of time. Waiting is handled by the game entity manager and the activity control flow instead.

When adding new systems to the engine, interdependencies to other systems should be avoided at all cost, i.e. a system should never call another system directly. Exceptions should only be made for direct subsystems implementing subroutines or to avoid code redundancies. The reasoning behind this is that dependencies between systems may quickly become unmanageable.


Activity Example

Activities connect systems together in a node graph to describe the overall control flow for a game entity. In openage, activity node graphs are used to model the complex behaviour behaviour and action chains of RTS game entities, while also allowing the behaviour to be as configurable as possible. One could also think of activities as a behaviour graph where paths are taken based on the inputs a game entity receives. The architecture of the activity control flow is described in more detail in the activity control flow documentation.

A game entity's current activity state is stored in its Activity component. This component holds a reference to the activity node graph used by the entity as well as the last visited node. This node describes which action/behavioural state the game entity currently is in.

Advancement to the next node can be initiated in several ways, depending on the node type of the current node. It can happen automatically or be triggered by an event. In the latter case, the event is handled by the GameEntityManager which calls an activity system that processes the event to choose the next node.

Activity Workflow


The game entity listens for events that target the entity and takes the associated action depending on the event type.