This repository contains a template for creating a chat system with an upvoting feature. The system is built using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and uses in-memory data storage. The primary technologies used are WebSockets, Node.js, TypeScript, and Express.
- Real-time Messaging: Users can send and receive messages in real-time using WebSockets.
- Upvoting: Users can upvote messages, promoting the most relevant or popular messages in a chat.
- Object-Oriented Design: The system is designed using OOP principles, making it modular and easy to extend.
- In-Memory Data Storage: The chat data is stored in memory for fast access and simplicity.
- Node.js: Backend runtime environment.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
- Express: Web framework for Node.js.
- WebSockets: Protocol for real-time communication.