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"fields": {"name": "linux"}}, {"model": "blog.category", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "python"}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 9, "fields": {"title": "Questions tagged [django]", "body": "Django is an open source server-side web application framework, written in Python. It is designed to reduce the effort required to create complex data-driven websites and web applications, with a special focus on less code, no-redundancy and being more explicit than implicit", "created_time": "2018-07-05T21:43:34Z", "modified_time": "2018-07-17T13:00:00Z", "excerpt": "Django is an open source server-side web application f", "views": 202, "category": 3, "author": 1, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 10, "fields": {"title": "What's the best way to start learning django?", "body": "I really want to build a web application; something simple, maybe a database of Pok\u00e9mon cards for instance?\r\n\r\nI've heard excellent things about Django. Where would be the best place to start?", "created_time": "2018-07-09T19:00:00Z", "modified_time": "2018-07-12T01:00:00Z", "excerpt": "I really want to build a web application; something si", "views": 1000, "category": 3, "author": 7, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 11, "fields": {"title": "what does include() in urls.py do in django", "body": "I am new to django. I came across include() method. I read docs regarding it. But couldn't understand it, as it lacked suitable example. I am again rewriting this question in a proper way, so that it doesn't sounds baseless. Already It had been downvoted a lot, due to which I can't ask new questions any more ? Can you please help me out, by giving me a suitable example, regarding the scenario, in which include() method becomes handy ?\r\n\r\nThanks in advance.", "created_time": "2018-07-18T07:00:00Z", "modified_time": "2018-07-18T21:49:58Z", "excerpt": "I am new to django. I came across include() method. I ", "views": 301, "category": 3, "author": 2, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 12, "fields": {"title": "Linux/Ubuntu -> portable version", "body": "Can you help me with a link to download a portable version of Ubuntu/Linux? I've searched but I couldn't find.\r\n\r\nThank you very much!", "created_time": "2018-08-05T13:00:00Z", "modified_time": "2018-08-06T01:00:00Z", "excerpt": "Can you help me with a link to download a portable ver", "views": 13, "category": 5, "author": 7, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 13, "fields": {"title": "How do I make a background process block for input a la the shell's `b", "body": "0\r\ndown vote\r\nfavorite\r\nI am implementing my own fragment of code for a security control purpose. It normally runs in the background but on a timeout needs to take over the current terminal, display a message, collect user input, and react to the user input.\r\n\r\nWaiting for the timeout is easy. Collecting user input while sleep is the active program is easy. Preventing the shell from stealing the user input I just tried to collect is not so easy.\r\n\r\nI am reasonably convinced that \"What if two programs did this?\" doesn't apply. If another program triggered while we were waiting for input, it's not too bad. If the user wants to interfere with the security check, there are easier ways than this.", "created_time": "2018-07-13T21:53:11Z", "modified_time": "2018-07-20T21:53:16Z", "excerpt": "0\ndown vote\nfavorite\nI am implementing my own fragment", "views": 6000, "category": 5, "author": 5, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 14, "fields": {"title": "This site can\u2019t be reached- AWS-Jenkins Installation-Linux -RHEL-7", "body": "Installed jenkins in the aws ec-2 instance. added 80 security rules for instance. and the port 8080 is in listening state in the linux vm. netstat -anp | grep :80 tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 18022/java\r\n\r\nfirewalld also in running state as well as jenkins\r\n\r\nBut still the page is not loading in web browser.\r\n\r\nLinux OS : RHEL-7 jenkins: latest version", "created_time": "2018-08-01T07:00:00Z", "modified_time": "2018-08-02T21:54:15Z", "excerpt": "Installed jenkins in the aws ec-2 instance. added 80 s", "views": 1, "category": 5, "author": 1, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 15, "fields": {"title": "webpack + Vue: Vue app not rendering", "body": "I am new to Vue and this is my first time manually configuring webpack. My previous experiences with webpack always had it abstracted behind another framework, i.e. webpack as part of create-react-app. The issue is that my new configuration doesn't work. As a sidenote, this is all part of a Hugo site.\r\n\r\nMy previous configuration but my new one doesn't.\r\n\r\nPrevious configuration:\r\n\r\nthere are 2 pages with 2 separate Vue apps\r\nVue loaded through CDN\r\nNotes:\r\n\r\nHugo is used (might move away from this soon)\r\nAs part of the hugo structure, the source JS files are in the static/js directory, and the served files are in public/js", "created_time": "2018-07-17T07:00:00Z", "modified_time": "2018-07-27T13:00:00Z", "excerpt": "I am new to Vue and this is my first time manually con", "views": 500, "category": 4, "author": 8, "tags": []}}, {"model": "blog.post", "pk": 16, "fields": {"title": "Pandas Merging Mismatch: Second dataframe never merges?", "body": "I've two dataframes X and Y of 10 columns each. The first column of both dataframes are the same,called A. I want to merge the data in X and Y on the column A, and tried doing the below:\r\n\r\nX.merge(Y, on = 'A')\r\nThe values in X perfectly merge and align with A whereas the values in Y don't merge at all and just look like it got concatenated to X. Why is this happening?", "created_time": "2018-07-23T21:56:22Z", "modified_time": "2018-08-02T21:56:26Z", "excerpt": "I've two dataframes X and Y of 10 columns each. The fi", "views": 101, "category": 6, "author": 7, "tags": []}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 144, "fields": {"name": "Constantinos Daskalakis wins prestigious Nevanlinna Prize----August 1, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/constantinos-daskalakis-wins-prestigious-nevanlinna-prize-0801", "text": "Professor of electrical engineering and computer science is honored for his contributions to theoretical computer science."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 145, "fields": {"name": "Molecular clock could greatly improve smartphone navigation ----July 13, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/molecular-clocks-improve-smartphone-navigation-performance-0713", "text": "Novel chip keeps time using the constant, measurable rotation of molecules as a timing reference."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 146, "fields": {"name": "Project to elucidate the structure of atomic nuclei at the femtoscale----July 6, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/project-to-elucidate-structure-of-atomic-nuclei-at-femtoscale-0706", "text": "Laboratory for Nuclear Science project selected to explore machine learning for lattice quantum chromodynamics."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 147, "fields": {"name": "An AI system for editing music in videos----July 5, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/ai-editing-music-videos-pixelplayer-csail-0705", "text": "Given a video of a musical performance, CSAIL\u2019s deep-learning system can make individual instruments louder or softer."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 148, "fields": {"name": "Chip upgrade helps miniature drones navigate----June 20, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/novel-chip-upgrade-helps-miniature-drones-navigate-0620", "text": "Low-power design will allow devices as small as a honeybee to determine their location while flying."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 149, "fields": {"name": "How to control robots with brainwaves and hand gestures----June 20, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/how-to-control-robots-with-brainwaves-hand-gestures-mit-csail-0620", "text": "Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory system enables people to correct robot mistakes on multiple-choice tasks."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 150, "fields": {"name": "Faster analysis of medical images----June 18, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/faster-analysis-of-medical-images-0618", "text": "Algorithm makes the process of comparing 3-D scans up to 1,000 times faster."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 151, "fields": {"name": "CSAIL launches new five-year collaboration with iFlyTek----June 15, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/csail-launches-five-year-collaboration-with-iflytek-0615", "text": "Lab will work with Chinese company on research in artificial intelligence, language processing, and human-computer interaction."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 152, "fields": {"name": "Artificial intelligence senses people through walls----June 12, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/artificial-intelligence-senses-people-through-walls-0612", "text": "Wireless smart-home system from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory could monitor diseases and help the elderly \u201cage in place.\u201d"}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 153, "fields": {"name": "Novel transmitter protects wireless data from hackers----June 11, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/novel-transmitter-protects-wireless-data-hackers-0611", "text": "Device uses ultrafast \u201cfrequency hopping\u201d and data encryption to protect signals from being intercepted and jammed."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 154, "fields": {"name": "MIT announces leadership of its Quest for Intelligence----June 11, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-announces-leadership-quest-intelligence-0611", "text": "Faculty from across the Institute tapped to lead new initiative in human and machine intelligence. "}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 155, "fields": {"name": "A better device for measuring electromagnetic radiation----June 11, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/better-device-measuring-electromagnetic-radiation-0611", "text": "New bolometer is faster, simpler, and covers more wavelengths.\r\n"}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 156, "fields": {"name": "Decoding RNA-protein interactions----June 7, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/decoding-rna-protein-interactions-0607", "text": "Scientists leverage one step, unbiased method to characterize the binding preferences of more than 70 human RNA-binding proteins."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 157, "fields": {"name": "MIT faculty approves new urban science major----June 5, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-faculty-approves-new-urban-science-major-0605", "text": "Interdisciplinary undergraduate program combines urban planning and computer science."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 158, "fields": {"name": "Device allows a personal computer to process huge graphs ----May 31, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/device-allows-personal-computer-process-huge-graphs-0531", "text": "With novel system, data scientists can analyze massive networks without the need for power-hungry servers. "}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 159, "fields": {"name": "Teaching chores to an artificial agent----May 30, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-csail-teaching-chores-artificial-agent-0530", "text": "Activity simulator could eventually teach robots tasks like making coffee or setting the table."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 160, "fields": {"name": "Fleet of autonomous boats could service some cities, reducing road traffic----May 23, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/fleet-autonomous-boats-service-cities-reducing-road-traffic-0523", "text": "Researchers design 3-D-printed, driverless boats that can provide transport and self-assemble into other floating structures."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 161, "fields": {"name": "Applying machine learning to challenges in the pharmaceutical industry----May 17, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/applying-machine-learning-to-challenges-in-pharmaceutical-industry-0517", "text": "MIT researchers and industry form new consortium to aid the drug discovery process."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 162, "fields": {"name": "CS+HASS SuperUROP debuts with nine research projects----May 15, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/cs-hass-superurop-debuts-nine-research-projects-0515", "text": "In yearlong program, MIT students apply computer science to humanities, arts, and social science research."}}, {"model": "news.website", "pk": 163, "fields": {"name": "Protecting confidentiality in genomic studies----May 7, 2018", "url": "http://news.mit.edu/2018/protecting-confidentiality-genomic-studies-0507", "text": "Cryptographic system could enable \u201ccrowdsourced\u201d genomics, with volunteers contributing information to privacy-protected databases."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1, "fields": {"action_time": "2018-07-18T21:30:58.725Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 9, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "test", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "[{\"added\": {}}]"}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 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