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Upgrade Guide

MAJOR version bumps will have upgrade notes posted here.

[2022-09-21] 8.x.x to 9.x.x


Twilio Java Helper Library’s major version 9.0.0 is now available. We ensured that you can upgrade to Java helper Library 9.0.0 version without any breaking changes

Behind the scenes Java Helper is now auto-generated via OpenAPI with this release. This enables us to rapidly add new features and enhance consistency across versions and languages.

[2020-09-28] 7.x.x to 8.x.x


Version 8.x.x is the first version that officially drops support for Java 7.

CHANGED - Migration to built-in Java concurrency dependencies

Getting/Setting a custom Executor Service

// 7.x.x

ListeningExecutorService listeningExecutorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
// 8.x.x
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

Making asynchronous requests

Note that this change effects all asynchronous Create/Fetch/Update/Delete/Read return types. For example:

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;

ListenableFuture<IncomingPhoneNumber> incomingPhoneNumber = IncomingPhoneNumber.creator(new PhoneNumber("+11234567890")).createAsync();
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

CompletableFuture<IncomingPhoneNumber> incomingPhoneNumber = IncomingPhoneNumber.creator(new PhoneNumber("+11234567890")).createAsync();

CHANGED - RequestCanonicalizer no longer requires a hash function parameter

Note that this class is primarily used internally by com.twilio.jwt.validation.ValidationToken.

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.jwt.validation;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

Header[] headers;
List<String> signedHeaders = Arrays.asList("authorization", "duplicate", "host");
HashFunction hasher = Hashing.sha256();

String canonicalized = new RequestCanonicalizer("GET", "/Messages", "queryParam=Hello+World", "foobar", headers).create(signedHeaders, hasher);
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.jwt.validation;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

Header[] headers;
List<String> signedHeaders = Arrays.asList("authorization", "duplicate", "host");

String canonicalized = new RequestCanonicalizer("GET", "/Messages", "queryParam=Hello+World", "foobar", headers).create(signedHeaders);

CHANGED - Guava Range removal

Methods previously accepting a single Range<T> parameter now expect multiple date parameters representing the start and end of the range.

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.base.ResourceSet;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

ResourceSet<Message> messages = Message.reader()
       DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0)))
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.base.ResourceSet;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;

ResourceSet<Message> messages = Message.reader()
            .setDateSentAfter(ZonedDateTime.of(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("UTC")))
            .setDateSentBefore(ZonedDateTime.of(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("UTC")))

CHANGED - Dates now use java.time

This change effects the type needed for getting/setting date-related properties and parameters for all resources. For example:

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

IncomingPhoneNumber incomingPhoneNumber = IncomingPhoneNumber.fetcher("PNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX").fetch();
DateTime dateCreated = incomingPhoneNumber.getDateCreated();
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;

IncomingPhoneNumber incomingPhoneNumber = IncomingPhoneNumber.fetcher("PNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX").fetch();
ZonedDateTime dateCreated = incomingPhoneNumber.getDateCreated();

CHANGED - Renamed nested TwiML methods

Method names now match the nested element's TwiML verb/noun name (previously used the nested element's resource name). For example:

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.Refer;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.ReferSip;

ReferSip sip = new ReferSip.Builder("").build();
Refer refer = new Refer.Builder().referSip(sip).build();
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.Refer;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.ReferSip;

ReferSip sip = new ReferSip.Builder("").build();
Refer refer = new Refer.Builder().sip(sip).build();

Effected methods:

  • com.twilio.twiml.voice.Refer
    • referSip(ReferSip referSip) -> sip(ReferSip referSip)
  • com.twilio.twiml.voice.Say
    • ssmlBreak(SsmlBreak ssmlBreak) -> break_(SsmlBreak ssmlBreak)
    • ssmlEmphasis(SsmlEmphasis ssmlEmphasis) -> emphasis(SsmlEmphasis ssmlEmphasis)
    • ssmlLang(SsmlLang ssmlLang) -> lang(SsmlLang ssmlLang)
    • ssmlP(SsmlP ssmlP) -> p(SsmlP ssmlP)
    • ssmlPhoneme(SsmlPhoneme ssmlPhoneme) -> phoneme(SsmlPhoneme ssmlPhoneme)
    • ssmlProsody(SsmlProsody ssmlProsody) -> prosody(SsmlProsody ssmlProsody)
    • ssmlS(SsmlS ssmlS) -> s(SsmlS ssmlS)
    • ssmlSayAs(SsmlSayAs ssmlSayAs) -> sayAs(SsmlSayAs ssmlSayAs)
    • ssmlSub(SsmlSub ssmlSub) -> sub(SsmlSub ssmlSub)
    • ssmlW(SsmlW ssmlW) -> w(SsmlW ssmlW)

CHANGED - Remove deprecated JWT Access Token Grants

  • com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.ConversationsGrant has been deprecated in favor of com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.VoiceGrant
  • com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.IpMessagingGrant has no replacement

CHANGED - Remove deprecated com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.VoiceGrant methods

configurationProfileSid has been renamed to room. Getter and setter has been renamed:

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.VoiceGrant;

VoiceGrant vg = new VoiceGrant();
String sid = vg.getConfigurationProfileSid();
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.jwt.accesstoken.VoiceGrant;

VoiceGrant vg = new VoiceGrant();
String sid = vg.getRoom();

CHANGED - Updated com.twilio.type.IceServer URL types

IceServer properties url and urls types have been changed from to String:

// 7.x.x
import com.twilio.type.IceServer;

Token token = Token.creator().create()

for (IceServer iceServer : token.getIceServers()) {
    URI url = iceServer.getUrl();
    URI urls = iceServer.getUrls();
// 8.x.x
import com.twilio.type.IceServer;

Token token = Token.creator().create()

for (IceServer iceServer : token.getIceServers()) {
    String url = iceServer.getUrl();
    String urls = iceServer.getUrls();

[2017-12-15] 7.16.x to 7.17.x


Version 7.17.x is the first version containing our new auto-generated twiml classes. As such a fair amount of backwards incompatible changes were made to the twiml module to standardize it with the other twilio helper libraries as well as improve the experience of using TwiML. Some changes that affect all resources:

  • Java types are now used when possible.
    • Ie url parameters now take java's URI type, phone number parameters now take PhoneNumber types
    • This applies to both method parameters as well as fields on TwiML resources.
    • We have provided "upgrade" methods where possible to preserve backwards compatibility, for instance a method which takes a string url and upgrades it to a URI for the user.

CHANGED - TwiML package structure reorganized


Previously all TwiML objects lived in a single package. In 7.17.x we've reorganized each TwiML resource into sub-packages such as voice, messaging, fax to reflect in which contexts they can be used. This is necessary as we add more and more TwiML objects.

Affected Resources

  • com.twilio.twiml.Body -> com.twilio.twiml.messaging.Body
  • com.twilio.twiml.Media -> com.twilio.twiml.messaging.Media
  • com.twilio.twiml.Message -> com.twilio.twiml.messaging.Message
  • com.twilio.twiml.Redirect -> com.twilio.twiml.messaging.Redirect
  • com.twilio.twiml.Client -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Client
  • com.twilio.twiml.Conference -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Conference
  • com.twilio.twiml.Dial -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Dial
  • com.twilio.twiml.Echo -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Echo
  • com.twilio.twiml.Enqueue -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Enqueue
  • com.twilio.twiml.Gather -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Gather
  • com.twilio.twiml.Hangup -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Hangup
  • com.twilio.twiml.Leave -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Leave
  • com.twilio.twiml.Number -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Number
  • com.twilio.twiml.Pause -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Pause
  • com.twilio.twiml.Play -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Play
  • com.twilio.twiml.Queue -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Queue
  • com.twilio.twiml.Record -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Record
  • com.twilio.twiml.Redirect -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Redirect
  • com.twilio.twiml.Reject -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Reject
  • com.twilio.twiml.Say -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Say
  • com.twilio.twiml.Sim -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Sim
  • com.twilio.twiml.Sip -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Sip
  • com.twilio.twiml.Sms -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Sms
  • com.twilio.twiml.Task -> com.twilio.twiml.voice.Task

CHANGED - Voice and Message Redirect TwiML resource requires url parameter

Affected Resources

  • com.twilio.twiml.messaging.Redirect
  • com.twilio.twiml.voice.Redirect
// 7.16.x
Redirect redirect = new Redirect.Builder().url("").build();
// 7.17.x
Redirect redirect = new Redirect.Builder("").build();

CHANGED - ConferenceEvent TwiML enum renamed to Event

Affected Resources

  • com.twilio.twiml.voice.Conference
// 7.16.x
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")
    .statusCallbackEvents(Lists.newArrayList(Conference.ConferenceEvent.END, Conference.ConferenceEvent.JOIN))
// 7.17.x
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")
    .statusCallbackEvents(Lists.newArrayList(Conference.Event.END, Conference.Event.JOIN))

CHANGED Parameters with type Method now have type HttpMethod


This standardizes the type we use for Http methods with the rest of the library.

// 7.16.x
import com.twilio.twiml.Method;
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")
// 7.17.x
import com.twilio.http.HttpMethod;
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")

CHANGED - Removed global Trim enum and move to within each resource that requires it


This is a side effect of moving to generating the code, placing enums directly within resource that requires them is the pattern used throughout the library.

// 7.16.x
import com.twilio.twiml.Trim;
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")
// 7.17.x
Conference conference = new Conference.Builder("my conference")

CHANGED - Task TwiML now requires body, data param renamed to body

// 7.16.x
Task t = new Task.Builder().data("body").build();
// 7.17.x
new Task.Builder("body").build()

CHANGED - Enqueue TwiML queueName parameter changed to name

// 7.16.x
Enqueue e = new Enqueue.Builder()

// 7.17.x
Enqueue e = new Enqueue.Builder()


REMOVED - EnqueueTask TwiML Resource


EnqueueTask was a special case of the Enqueue TwiML resource to be able to nest a Task TwiML resource within an Enqueue, we've merged this functionality into Enqueue

// 7.16.x
EnqueueTask enqueue = new EnqueueTask.Builder(new Task.Builder().build()).build()
// 7.17.x
Enqueue enqueue = new Enqueue.Builder()
   .task(new Task.Builder().build())

CHANGED - TwiML Classes no longer directly constructible


Some TwiML classes allowed direct construction of the resource in addition to using a Builder to build the resource. For consistency purposes we've standardized all resource construction through the Builder pattern.

// 7.16.x
Hangup hangup = new Hangup();
Body body = new Body("This body!");
// 7.17.x
Hangup hangup = new Hangup.Builder().build();
Body body = new Body.Builder("This body!").build();

CHANGED - Global Event enum removed and moved to each resource which requires it

// 7.16.x
import com.twilio.twiml.Event;
Number number = new Number.Builder("number")
// 7.17.x
Number number = new Number.Builder("number")

CHANGED - TwiML resources which allowed freeform attributes via options now accept them via option

Affected Resources

  • Pause
  • Dial
  • Conference
// 7.16.x
Pause pause = new Pause.Builder()
       .options("foo", "bar")
// 7.17.x
Pause pause = new Pause.Builder()
       .option("foo", "bar")

CHANGED - Global TwiML Language enum moved to each resource which uses it

// 7.16.x
Say say = new Say.Builder("I <3 Twilio")
// 7.17.x
Say say = new Say.Builder("I <3 Twilio")

CHANGED - Gather input parameter type changed from String to Gather.Input Enum


This was a rare instance where a parameter which had a small set of possible values did not have a proper Enum in 7.16.x.

// 7.16.x
Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()
// 7.17.x
Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()

CHANGED - Gather speechTimeout parameter type changed from int to String


SpeechTimeout accept either an integer or the string "auto". We didn't have a good way to model this in our code generator so had to leave the type as String.

// 7.16.x
Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()
// 7.17.x
Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()

[2017-11-17] 7.15.x to 7.16.x

CHANGED - Make data an optional parameter on Sync Document/List Item/Map Item update.

// 7.15.x
Document.updater("IS123", "ET123", data).update();
SyncListItem.updater("IS123", "ES123", 1, data).update();
SyncMapItem.updater("IS123", "MP123", "myKey", data).update();
// 7.16.x
Document.updater("IS123", "ET123").setData(data).update();
SyncListItem.updater("IS123", "ES123", 1).setData(data).update();
SyncMapItem.updater("IS123", "MP123", "myKey").setData(data).update();

[2017-05-24] 7.14.x to 7.15.x

CHANGED - Make body an optional parameter on Chat Message creation.

// 7.14.x
Message.creator("IS123", "CH123", "this is the body");
// 7.15.x
MessageCreator creator = Message.creator("IS123", "CH123");

CHANGED - data, apn, gcm, fcm, sms parameters in Notifications create resource are maps instead of strings.

// 7.14.x
NotificationCreator notificationCreator = Notification.creator("IS123");
notificationCreator.setData("{\"key\": \"value\"}");
notificationCreator.setApn("{\"key\": \"value\"}");
// 7.15.x
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<~>();
data.put("key", "value);

NotificationCreator notificationCreator = Notification.creator("IS123");

[2017-05-24] 7.10.x to 7.11.x

CHANGED - Rename Recording to RoomRecording in TwilioVideo

Affected Resources

- `src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/video/v1/room/`
- `src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/video/v1/room/`
- `src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/video/v1/room/`
- `src/test/java/com/twilio/rest/video/v1/room/`
// 7.10.x
// 7.11.x

[2017-05-19] 7.9.x to 7.10.x

CHANGED - Remove convenience method getSid() on records that do not have a sid


There already exists a getter for the resource

Affected Resources

  • src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/lookups/v1/
// 7.9.x
// 7.10.x
  • src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/pricing/v1/messaging/
  • src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/pricing/v1/phonenumber/
  • src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/pricing/v1/voice/
// 7.9.x
// 7.10.x
  • src/main/java/com/twilio/rest/pricing/v1/voice/
// 7.9.x
// 7.10.x

[2017-02-01] 7.4.x to 7.5.x

CHANGED - Remove required updating of friendlyName parameter when updating TaskRouter Activities

  • Updating friendlyName is now done through a setter instead of the constructor


The friendlyName parameter is optional when updating TaskRouter Activities

Affected Resources

  • TaskRouter Activities


Activity.updater("WS123", "AC123", "friendlyName").update();


Activity.updater("WS123", "AC123").setFriendlyName("friendlyName").update();

CHANGED - Filterting of Tasks by assignmentStatus now takes a list of statuses


Filtering by Tasks exposes the ability to filter by multiple status. The library is being updated to support this feature



