Reconstruct ecDNA elements in cell lines and patient samples using Decoil.
Install using Nanopore Guideline, guppy_6.3.4
. Per sample perform basecalling to transform fast5 to fastq.
sbatch ../ecDNA_reconstruction/
This step is perform per sample and executes:
- read filtering
- QC
- mapping
- sv calling
- coverage profile
# download snakmemake workflow
git clone
cd nano-wgs
# uses an input file s.txt
# Run Sample Patient Kit Flowcell
# <path_to_fastq> <p1_s1> <p1> SQK-LSK110 FLO-MIN106
# <path_to_fastq> <p1_s2> <p1> SQK-LSK110 FLO-MIN106
# <path_to_fastq> <p2_s1> <p2> SQK-LSK110 FLO-MIN106
# <path_to_fastq> <p2_s2> <p2> SQK-LSK110 FLO-MIN106
sbatch ../ecDNA_reconstruction/
git clone
cd decoil-pre
# checkout release 1.1.2-slim
git checkout tags/1.1.2-slim
# create conda environment
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate envdecoil
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python build install
# add decoil in $PATH
ROOT=`dirname $(which decoil)`
This is available also as docker container madagiurgiu25/decoil:1.1.2-slim.
sbatch ../ecDNA_reconstruction/
sbatch ../ecDNA_reconstruction/
sbatch ../ecDNA_reconstruction/