Releases: herby2212/CBMFC
Releases · herby2212/CBMFC
1.8 General Update
Bug fixes
- Removed replacement of color codes in normal text messages (other variables can still be used)
- New command: /gblreload - reload the full configuration (can be used for example to reload the MOTD)
- New permission:
1.7 Global Tablist Update
- Global tablist that displays the same header & footer on all servers of the network
- Option to enable/disable in the config (default: true)
- Option to set unlimited header & footer rows which work with all CBMFC variables
1.6 Friend Update
- Changed to the use of UUID's instead of player names to prevent conflicts with name changes
- New option in the config.yml to enable/disable the use of CBMFC variables in global chat
- Data get stored in a special file with UUID's
- Data can be restored after a proxy crash
- Compatible with name changes of the player
- Offline support if a player is not online
- New Permission:
- required to use the /friend command - New Commands:
- /friend list - show a list of all your friends with online/offline indicator
- /friend add - send a friend invite to a player (invited need to be online)
- /friend remove - remove a friend from your list
- /friend accept - accept the friend invite from a player (both sender & receiver need to be online)
- /friend deny - deny the friend invite from a player (both sender & receiver need to be online)
- /friend join - joins a friend's server (if joinable)
- New variable:
- amount of friends
- New messages in the config.yml:
- Friend.UserNotOnline = the requested user is not online
- Friend.AlreadyFriends = the requested user is already the players friend
- Friend.NoFriends = player has no friends at the moment
- Friend.NotFriends = the player and requested users are no friends
- Friend.Removed = the player removed a friend
- Friend.NoFriendInvite = no outstanding friend invites
- Friend.Invite.Sender = conformation that invite got send
- Friend.Invite.Receiver = invite receiving
- Friend.Invite.Pending = the requested player is already invited
- Friend.Invite.Removed = the player rejected his sent invite
- Friend.Accept = the player accept the friend invite
- Friend.Accept_Info = the invite author receives a message that his invite got accepted
- Friend.Deny = the player deny the friend invite
- Friend.Deny_Info = the invite author receives a message that this invite got denied
- Friend.Server_Join.Try = the player tries to join a friend's server
- Friend.Server_Join.Error = the player could not join a friend's server
1.5 Character Update
- The config does now support UTF-8 characters
1.4 Party Update
- Updated default config
Party decline command
- /party decline - deny/decline a party invite
- You can't accept the invite afterwards
- Changed this as default command for the hovering deny invite message
- A change in your existing config is recommended
- New message in the config.yml:
- Party.DeclineInfo = information that the invited player has denied the invite
1.3 General Update
- Fixed some typos in the default config
- New language presets site:
- This site contains several config presets for different languages
1.2 Party + Options Update
- New option to enable/disable the MOTD in the config.yml => You need to regenerate the MOTD line in your config!
- Two new variables:
- <13> - ✔
- <14> - ✖
- You can now setup party invite's with clickable buttons in the chat
- New permission:
- required to use the /party command as player - New messages in the config.yml:
- Party.Invite.Sent = conformation that invite has been sent to person
- Party.Invite.Accept.Text = text for invite accept button
- Party.Invite.Accept.Hover = text that appears when hovering over the accept button in chat
- Party.Invite.Accept.Command = command that gets executed when clicking on that button
- Party.Invite.Decline.Text = text for invite decline button
- Party.Invite.Decline.Hover = text that appears when hovering over the decline button in chat
- Party.Invite.Decline.Command = command that gets executed when clicking on that button
- Party.Invite.BeforeButtons = text of the invite that stand before the buttons
- Party.Invite.AfterButtons = text of the invite that follows after the buttons
- Party.Invite.Old.Use = toggle if the new system, or old normal message shall be send
- Party.Invite.Old.Text = old default Party.InviteReceived message
1.1 Party Update
- Updated some old methods
- New variables:
- name of the player if available[cbmfc-player-displayname]
- displayname of the player if available
New Commands:
- /party create - create a party
- /party invite - invite a player to your party
- /party have - check if you're in a party
- /party join - join the invited party
- /party leave - leave your current party
- /party dissolve - remove/delete your party
- /party kick - remove a player from your party
- /party chat - send a message to all party members
New variables:
- size of your party[cbmfc-party-creator-name]
- name of current host/creator of your party[cbmfc-party-creator-displayname]
- displayname of current host/creator of your party
New messages in the config.yml:
- Party.JoinedServer = party joined a server
- Party.Dissolved = party got dissolved by its creator
- Party.NoParty = player has no party
- Party.Created = party got created
- Party.AlreadyCreated = party is already created
- Party.Remove = party got dissolved
- Party.NotCreator = not the host/creator of the party
- Party.Have = check if you're in a party or not
- Party.Leave = player left the party
- Party.LeaveInfo = information of player leave for party creator
- Party.Join = player joined the party
- Party.JoinInfo = information of player join for party creator
- Party.AlreadyInParty = player is already in a party (sent when trying to join a party)
- Party.NoInvite = player got no party invite
- Party.InviteSent = invite to a player got sent successful
- Party.InviteReceived = player received a party invite
- Party.PlayerAlreadyInAParty = invited player is already in a party
- Party.Kicked = player got successfully kicked out of the party
- Party.PlayerKicked = player got kicked out of the party
- Party.Chat = party chat format