Allows for drawing pixels and text to the Waveshare SSD1327 128x128 OLED module and similar displays using a full framebuffer. It was developed using the official datasheet, so in theory, any SSD1327 128x128 module should work with this library. Note that using a complete framebuffer uses a lot of memory (8 KiB for the buffer alone), and as such, this library is unusable on AVR-based boards like the Uno and Mega. Recommended platforms include ARM-based boards (e.g. Arduino Due) and the ESP family (ESP8266 and ESP32 boards such as NodeMCU).
8x8 font based on dhepper's font8x8. All other font sizes are Ubuntu Mono.
#define PIN_CS 5
#define PIN_DC 4
#define PIN_RST 16
#include "SSD1327.h"
SSD1327 disp(PIN_CS, PIN_DC, PIN_RST);
void setup() {
void loop() {
disp.drawString(16, 16, "Hello", 0xF, 32);
disp.drawString(16, 48, "World!", 0xF, 32);
Method | Description | Example |
SSD1327(int cs, int dc, int rst) |
Creates a new SSD1327 object on the provided CS, DC, and RST pins. | SSD1327 myDisplay(5, 4, 16) |
void init() |
Initializes the display. Call this once in your setup() . |
myDisplay.init() |
void clearBuffer() |
Resets the entire framebuffer to black (0). | myDisplay.clearBuffer() |
void writeFullBuffer() |
Outputs the entire framebuffer to the display. Best used when most of the screen has changed since last frame, or for initializing the screen (e.g. blacking it out). | myDisplay.writeFullBuffer() |
void writeUpdates() |
Writes all pixels that have changed since last write to the display. Optimal for animations that do not affect the entire screen at once. | myDisplay.writeUpdates() |
void drawPixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t color, bool display) |
Draws a pixel at x and y , with greyscale shade color (0-15). If display is true, the pixel is immediately output to the display. Otherwise, only the internal framebuffer is affected. |
myDisplay.drawPixel(32, 12, 0xF, false) |
void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint8_t color, bool display = false) |
Draws a line from x1 ,y1 to x2 ,y2 of shade color . If display is true , the line will be immediately drawn to the display. |
myDisplay.drawLine(12, 12, 42, 15, 0xF, false) |
void drawCharArray(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char text[], uint8_t color, int size=8) |
Draws an array of chars sequentially, of shade color and font size size , with the upper left corner at x ,y . Valid font sizes are 8 (8x8), 16 (8x16), and 32 (16x32). Note that this library does NOT support text wrapping, you will need to implement this yourself if you have unpredictable string lengths. |
myDisplay.drawCharArray(24, 16, {'H','e','l','l','o'}, 0xF, 32) |
void drawString(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, String textString, uint8_t color, int size=8) |
Wrapper for drawCharArray which accepts Arduino String objects. |
myDisplay.drawString(24, 16, "Hi!", 0xF, 32) |
void fillStripes(uint8_t offset) |
Fills the framebuffer with vertical gradient stripes, offset horizontally by offset . I don't know why I left this in, it's just a silly test function. |
myDisplay.fillStripes(0) |
void setContrast(uint8_t contrast) |
Sets the display contrast to a value from 0-255. Higher values result in higher contrast. | myDisplay.setContrast(255) |
void setupScrolling(uint8_t startRow, uint8_t endRow, uint8_t startCol, uint8_t endCol, uint8_t scrollSpeed, bool right) |
Prepares the display for scrolling within a given rectangular area. Speed is a macro fitting the format of SSD1327_SCROLL_X , where X is a speed in frames per pixel from the following list: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 32, 64, 256. |
disp.setupScrolling(0, 127, 0, 127, SSD1327_SCROLL_2, true); |