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Client API Documentation

Timothy Duffy edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 8 revisions

##API Documentation v0.1##



Returns information about the version of the server, and the required version of the client software. This is a HTTP GET end point.

Field Descriptions:

- none -

A response looks like this:

    "server_version": "0.0.1",
    "success": true,
    "required_client_version": "0.0.1"


The upload_media.json end point allows for the client to upload a media object of text, image, audio, or video. Multiple media objects can be associated with a post. This is an HTTP POST end point.

Field Descriptions:


    This is of type text, and is the unique id of the client.  This is a uuid that is generated by the 
    client and is associated with a user within the database.  Event if a user is 'validated' their 
    unique client_id is still used to identify them.


    This field holds the type of the media.  Valid types include:

        text - a text post.  there is no limit on it's length.
        audio - an audio recording (should be in mp3 format)
        video - a video recording (should be in mpg format)
        image - an image (should be in jpg format)

    If a media_type of 'text' is used, then the media_text field must contain a non-zero length string.  If
    any other media_type is used, then the media_file field must contain file data.  Not following these
    rules will produce a { "success": false } response.


    This is of type file, and will be the media object that is being uploaded.  This is an optional field,
    but the media_type filed must be 'text' if this is not included, else { "success": false } will be 


    This is of type text, and will hold the text of the media post.  This is an optional field, but the
    media_type field must be 'audio', 'video', or 'image' if this is not include, else a 
    { "success": false } will be returned.


    This is of type text, and will hold an additional description of the media type.  This is an optional
    and does not need to be included.


Successful upload:

        media_id: "0be05edf-3489-4037-bd00-d6af3baee8b9"
        success: true
        new_user: false
        file_name: "b75aa8b5-5e0b-46ad-9344-f74da0d54fee.jpg"
        media_text: ""
        error_text: ""

Unsuccessful upload:

        "success": false,
        "error_text": "<some error text>"

Once a successful response is issued, you can navigate to the media object:



The publish_post.json end point allows the client to publish a post to the server with any number of media objects associated with it. This is an HTTP POST end point.

Field Descriptions:


    This is of type text, and is the unique id of the client.  This is a uuid that is generated by the 
    client and is associated with a user within the database.  Event if a user is 'validated' their 
    unique client_id is still used to identify them.


    This is of type text, and holds the assignment id the post is responding to.  This field will hold
    the assignment id that the post is responding to.  If this is a free-post (not associated with an
    assignment) then set this to "0".


    This is of type text, and holds the two letter language code the post is in.  Language codes must
    match those codes that exist within the languages table within the database.  Valid values currently

        en - English
        es - Español

    Note: If responding to an assignment, the response post should have the same language code as the
    question being asked.

    The title of the post.

    This is the latitude of the user. 43.1656 is an example.

    This is the longitude of the user.  -77.6114 is an example.


    This is of type text, and is a json object that holds an array of media_id's.  The json array
    looks like this:


    The supplied id's must be associated with valid mediaobject uploads, and should only come from the
    upload_media.json response json dictionary.

A valid response looks like:

    "new_user": false,
    "post_id": 1,
    "success": true


The get_assignments.json end point will return all assignments that have geo fences that include the current lat/lng of the user. This is a HTTP GET end point.


The input fields are:

Field Descriptions:


    This is of type text, and is the unique id of the client.  This is a uuid that is generated by the 
    client and is associated with a user within the database.  Event if a user is 'validated' their 
    unique client_id is still used to identify them.

    This is the two letter language code ('en', 'es', 'fr', etc.)

    This is the users current latitude in degrees

    This is the users current longitude in degrees

A valid response looks like:

    "assignments": [
            "bottom_right_lat": -77.3,
            "question_text": "How do you feel about broccoli?",
            "answer9": "",
            "answer8": "",
            "assignment_id": 1,
            "answer4": "",
            "answer7": "",
            "top_left_lng": -77.9,
            "answer1": "",
            "answer0": "",
            "answer3": "",
            "answer2": "",
            "expire_datetime": "2014-09-21 16:03:11.435792",
            "description": "Tell me how you really feel about broccoli.  Be as detailed as you want!",
            "answer6": "",
            "top_left_lat": 43.4,
            "question_type_id": 1,
            "organization": "Yellr",
            "answer5": "",
            "publish_datetime": "2014-08-22 16:03:11.435785",
            "bottom_right_lng": -77.3,
            "post_count": 14
    "success": true


This end point allows users to get the current stories that your location is showing.


There are four required fields:

    the unique id for the user making the request

    The current latitude of the user in degrees.

    The current longitude of the user in degrees.

    The language code of the stories you would like.
    Note: if this is left blank, language will be ignored, and all languages will be returned.

A valid response looks like this:

    "total_story_count": 1,
    "stories": [
            "bottom_right_lat": 43,
            "top_text": "",
            "author_last_name": "SYSTEM USER",
            "top_left_lng": -77.9,
            "banner_media_file_name": "dea9d50a-d6ec-4f39-9d8e-3a4a5d21e618.jpg",
            "author_first_name": "SYSTEM USER",
            "title": "My Story!",
            "bottom_right_lng": -77.3,
            "story_unique_id": "194e2157-dd3c-4cba-bcc6-49a360c8fde0",
            "tags": "first, story, fresh",
            "author_organization": "Yellr",
            "banner_media_id": "25b0910f-480e-4add-bd41-194b502c71a8",
            "author_email": "",
            "top_left_lat": 43.4,
            "edited_datetime": "None",
            "publish_datetime": "2014-08-22 16:03:37.450331",
            "contents": "... the <b>story</b>!"
    "success": true


The get_notifications.json end-point gets all notifications for the user. This is an HTTP GET end point.


Field Descriptions:


    This is of type text, and is the unique id of the client.  This is a uuid that is generated by the 
    client and is associated with a user within the database.  Event if a user is 'validated' their 
    unique client_id is still used to identify them.

Response example:

    "notifications": [
            "notification_id": 2,
            "notification_type": "new_message",
            "notification_datetime": "2014-07-30 17:22:49.724056",
            "payload": {
                "organization": "Yellr"
    "success": true

The resulting json dict will have an array of notifications called 'notifications'. Note that this list will never be more than 25 items long. It includes the 'notification_id' of the notification. It is the clients responsibility to keep track of which notifications have, and have not been 'seen'.

The 'notification_type' field can have the following values, paired with their respective payload values:

    payload = {
        'post_id': 0, # the ID within the database of the post (probably not useful to client)
        'title': '', # the title of the post that was sent (could be used for display purposes)

    payload = {
        'organization': '', # organization that viewed the post

    payload = {
        'organization': '', # organization the person who viewed the post belongs to

    payload = {
        'message_subject': '' # the subject of the message that was sent


The get_messages.json gets any messages the user may have waiting for them. This includes response messages. This is an HTTP GET end point;


Field Descriptions:


    This is of type text, and is the unique id of the client.  This is a uuid that is generated by the 
    client and is associated with a user within the database.  Event if a user is 'validated' their 
    unique client_id is still used to identify them.

An example response looks like:

    "messages": [
            "message_datetime": "2014-07-10 15:52:41.388892",
            "parent_message_id": null,
            "text": "Congratulations, you are now apart of Yellr!  You can start posting content right away!",
            "from_organization": null,
            "from_user_id": null,
            "to_user_id": 1,
            "subject": "Welcome to Yellr!"
            "message_id": 2,
    "success": true

Response Field Descriptions:


    This is the date and time the message was created.


    This holds the parent message id.  If the message is apart of a chain of correspondence, this will be
    the message the sender is responding to.  If the field is null, then it is an original, and the first
    of a correspondence chain.


    This is the body text of the message.


    The display organization that the message is from.  If this field is null it is a system message.


    This is the ID of the user that sent the message.  If it is null then it is a system message.


    This is the ID of the client user.


    This is the subject field for the message.  This is usually a brief description or theme of the 
    message body.


Returns information about the user.



Valid response looks like:

    "first_name": "",
    "last_name": "",
    "verified": false,
    "success": true,
    "post_count": 1,
    "post_view_count": 0,
    "organization": "",
    "post_used_count": 0,
    "email": ""

For unverified users, first_name, last_name, organization, and email will be "". post_count, post_view_count, and post_used_count will always be a real number greater or equal to 0.

    This represents the number of posts that a moderator/subscriber have viewed of the users

    This represents the number of posts that have been used in a story by a moderator/subscriber.


This API is used to respond to a message sent by an admin/mod/sub.


This call is an HTTP POST API. The command takes the following fields:

    The client id that must correspond to the user that the message was sent to.

    The free-form text that is the subject of the message (can be unique from the parent message)

    The free-from text that is the body of the message.

    This is the message if of the parent message.  This is included in the response form 

Valid responses:

    "error_text": "One or more of the following fields is missing or invalid: client_id, parent_message_id, :subject, text.",
    "success": false

    "error_text": "Message already has posted response.",
    "success": false

    "message_id": 6,
    "success": true
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