+ import { isNotEmpty, useForm, isEmail } from '@mantine/form';
+import { PasswordInput, Text, TextInput, Button, Group, Box, Center, Select, JsonInput, Tooltip, Textarea} from '@mantine/core';
+import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
+import { IconLock, IconCheck, IconAlertCircle, IconFaceIdError, IconEarOff } from '@tabler/icons-react';
+import { notifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
+import axios from 'axios';
+/** This component is using HID Authentication API End point to generate an access token to do various HID Authentication functions */
+function AuthService() {
+ const [visible, { toggle }] = useDisclosure(false);
+ /**
+ * Form for user input
+ * - Hostname for API endpoint
+ * - Tenant/Security Domain
+ * - Username
+ * - Password
+ * - Client ID
+ * - Client Secret
+ * - Grant Type
+ */
+ const form = useForm({
+ initialValues: {
+ Host: sessionStorage.getItem("hostname"),
+ Tenant: sessionStorage.getItem("tenant"),
+ username: sessionStorage.getItem("username"),
+ password: sessionStorage.getItem("password"),
+ client_id: sessionStorage.getItem("client_id"),
+ client_secret: sessionStorage.getItem("client_secret"),
+ grant_type: 'password'
+ },
+ validateInputOnChange: true
+ ,
+ validate: {
+ Host: isNotEmpty('Enter a hostname'),
+ Tenant: isNotEmpty('Enter a Tenant'),
+ grant_type: isNotEmpty('Please choose a grant type'),
+ client_id: isNotEmpty('Please enter a Client ID'),
+ client_secret: isNotEmpty('Please enter Client Password'),
+ username: isNotEmpty('Please enter a valid username'),
+ password: isNotEmpty('Please enter a password'),
+ },
+ });
+ // Render authentication form
+ return (
+ <Box pos="relative" sx={(theme) => ({
+ backgroundColor: theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[6] : theme.colors.gray[0],
+ padding: theme.spacing.xl,
+ borderRadius: theme.radius.md,
+ cursor: 'pointer',
+ '&:hover': {
+ backgroundColor:
+ theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[5] : theme.colors.gray[1],
+ },
+ })}
+ >
+ {/* Title and description */}
+ <Center><h2>Login (Authentication Service)</h2></Center>
+ <Center><Text>You can use any internet accessible (public) HID authentication product from AaaS, HID Appliance or HID AS and for private VPNs/DMZs please install these tools on your network.</Text></Center>
+ <Tooltip
+ label="Please enter an Internet accessible HID API Endpoint for example: auth-eu.api.hidglobal.com, auth-de.api.hidglobal.com, auth-us.api.hidglobal.com "
+ color="blue"
+ withArrow
+ arrowPosition="center"
+ >
+ <TextInput label="Host" placeholder="host" {...form.getInputProps('Host')} />
+ <TextInput mt="md" label="Tenant/Security Domain" placeholder="Tenant" {...form.getInputProps('Tenant')} />
+ <TextInput mt="md" label="Username" placeholder="Username" {...form.getInputProps('username')} />
+ <PasswordInput mt="md" label="Password" placeholder="Password" visible={visible}
+ onVisibilityChange={toggle} {...form.getInputProps('password')} icon={<IconLock size="1rem" />} />
+ <Tooltip
+ label="Please enter an OpenID API Integration Application ID ( Client ID )"
+ color="blue"
+ withArrow
+ arrowPosition="center"
+ >
+ <TextInput mt="md" label="Client ID" placeholder="Client ID" {...form.getInputProps('client_id')} />
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Tooltip
+ label="Please enter an OpenID API Integration Application password ( Client Password )"
+ color="blue"
+ withArrow
+ arrowPosition="center"
+ >
+ <PasswordInput mt="md" label="Client Secret" placeholder="Client Secret" visible={visible}
+ onVisibilityChange={toggle} {...form.getInputProps('client_secret')} icon={<IconLock size="1rem" />} />
+ </Tooltip>
+ <Select
+ label="Grant Type"
+ placeholder="password"
+ data={[
+ { value: 'password', label: 'Password' },
+ { value: 'client_credentials', label: 'Client Credentials' },
+ { value: 'authorization_code', label: 'Authorization Code (not implemented yet)' },
+ { value: 'refresh_token', label: 'Refresh Token (not implemented yet)' },
+ ]}
+ {...form.getInputProps('grant_type')}
+ />
+ <Group position="center" mt="xl">
+ <Button
+ variant="filled"
+ onClick={() => {
+ let hostname = form.values.Host;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("hostname", hostname);
+ let tenant = form.values.Tenant;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("tenant", tenant);
+ let grant_type = form.values.grant_type;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("grant_type", grant_type);
+ let username = form.values.username;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("username", username);
+ let password = form.values.password;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("password", password);
+ let client_id = form.values.client_id;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("client_id", client_id);
+ let client_secret = form.values.client_secret;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("client_secret", client_secret);
+ notifications.update({
+ id: 'load-data',
+ color: 'green',
+ title: 'Authentication details!',
+ message: "You have saved your HID Auth details to the browser session successfully.",
+ icon: <IconEarOff size="1rem" />,
+ autoClose: 2000,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ >
+ Save
+ </Button>
+ <Button variant="outline" onClick=
+ {() => {
+ let hostname = form.values.Host;
+ sessionStorage.setItem("hostname", hostname);
+ let tenant = form.values.Tenant;
+ let grant_type = form.values.grant_type;
+ let username = form.values.username;
+ let password = form.values.password;
+ let client_id = form.values.client_id;
+ let client_secret = form.values.client_secret;
+ notifications.show({
+ id: 'load-data',
+ loading: true,
+ title: 'Connecting',
+ message: 'Connecting to ' + hostname,
+ autoClose:true,
+ withCloseButton: true,
+ });
+ (!!hostname) ? axios.post('https://api.bz9.net/conng', {
+ grant_type: grant_type,
+ username: username,
+ password: password,
+ hostname: hostname,
+ tenant: tenant,
+ client_id: client_id,
+ client_secret: client_secret,
+ }, {
+ auth: {
+ username: client_id,
+ password: client_secret,
+ },
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ }
+ }
+ ).then(function (response) {
+ { document.getElementById("resBody").value = JSON.stringify(response.data);
+ const resp = response.data;
+ var detail = response.data.detail;
+ var statusres = response.data.status;
+ if(response.data.access_token!=null){
+ notifications.update({
+ id: 'load-data',
+ color: 'teal',
+ title: 'Connected!',
+ message: "Successfully recieved an access token:\n " + JSON.stringify(response.data.access_token),
+ icon: <IconCheck size="1rem" />,
+ autoClose: 2000
+ // autoClose: 2000,
+ })
+ sessionStorage.setItem("access_token", response.data.access_token?.replace(/"/g, ''));
+ var response_data = JSON.stringify('Successful authentication and obtained access token of type bearer');
+ }else{
+ var response_data = JSON.stringify(response.data);
+ }
+ const { GoogleGenerativeAI } = require("@google/generative-ai");
+ const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI('AIzaSyAiMimtz8xXBJYF53jqJnO10YS4qJoyBog');
+ async function run() {
+ const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-pro"});
+ if(detail!=null && statusres !=null){
+ const prompt = 'Explain this HID Global Authentication API error detail : '+ detail+ ' with this status code '+statusres;
+ }
+ const prompt = 'Explain this HID Global Authentication API ' + response_data;
+ document.getElementById('ai').innerHTML = 'Analysing....';
+ const result = await model.generateContent(prompt);
+ const response = await result.response;
+ const text = response.text();
+ document.getElementById('ai').innerHTML = text;
+ }
+ run();
+ }
+ document.getElementById("status").style.color = "green";
+ {
+ (!!JSON.stringify(response.data.access_token)) ? document.getElementById("status").innerText = "Access Token: " + JSON.stringify(response.data.access_token)?.replace(/"/g, '')
+ + "\nToken Type: " + JSON.stringify(response.data.token_type)?.replace(/"/g, '') + "\nExpires in: " + JSON.stringify(response.data.expires_in)?.replace(/"/g, '') :
+ document.getElementById("status").innerText = "Error: " + JSON.stringify(response.data.error_description)?.replace(/"/g, '')
+ }
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ if (error.response) {
+ // The request was made and the server responded with a status code
+ // that falls out of the range of 2xx
+ //document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(error.response.data);
+ document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(error.response.status);
+ // document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = error.response.headers;
+ } else if (error.request) {
+ // The request was made but no response was received
+ // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of
+ // http.ClientRequest in node.js
+ notifications.update({
+ id: 'load-data',
+ color: 'red',
+ title: 'Error!',
+ message: "The request was made but no response was received",
+ icon: <IconFaceIdError size="1rem" />,
+ autoClose: 2000,
+ });
+ //document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(error.request);
+ }
+ }) :
+ notifications.update({
+ id: 'load-data',
+ color: 'red',
+ title: 'Error!',
+ message: "Sorry, you must provide an API end point to authenticate.",
+ icon: <IconFaceIdError size="1rem" />,
+ autoClose: 2000,
+ });
+ }}>Test Connection</Button>
+ <Text fz="xs">All data is saved on your browser session and we don't keep any copy of your data.</Text>
+ </Group>
+ <br />
+ <JsonInput
+ label="Response Body"
+ placeholder="JSON Response Body"
+ validationError="Invalid JSON"
+ formatOnBlur
+ autosize
+ minRows={4}
+ id="resBody"
+ />
+ <Textarea id="ai" label="AI" minRows={8}>
+ </Textarea>
+ </Box>
+ );
+export default AuthService;