feature_stuff: a python machine learning library for advanced feature extraction, processing and interpretation.
Latest Release | see on pypi.org |
Package Status | see on pypi.org |
License | see on github |
Build Status | see on travis |
feature_stuff is a Python package providing fast and flexible algorithms and functions for extracting, processing and interpreting features:
Numeric feature extraction
feature_stuff.add_interactions | generic function for adding interaction features to a data frame either by passing them as a list or by passing a boosted trees model to extract the interactions from. |
feature_stuff.target_encoding | target encoding of a feature column using exponential prior smoothing or mean prior smoothing |
feature_stuff.cv_target_encoding | target encoding of a feature column taking cross-validation folds as input |
feature_stuff.add_knn_values | creates a new feature with the K-nearest-neighbours of the values of a given feature |
feature_stuff.model_features_insights_extractions.add_group_values | generic and memory efficient enrichment of features dataframe with group values |
Model feature insights extraction
get_xgboost_interactions | takes a trained xgboost model and returns a list of interactions between features, to the order of maximum depth of all trees. |
Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python package index .
# or PyPI
pip install feature_stuff
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at: https://github.com/hiflyin/Feature-Stuff
In the Feature-Stuff
directory (same one where you found this file after
cloning the git repo), execute:
python setup.py install
or for installing in development mode:
python setup.py develop
Alternatively, you can use pip
if you want all the dependencies pulled
in automatically (the -e
option is for installing it in development
pip install -e .
Below are examples for some functions. See the attached API of each function/ algorithm, for a complete documentation.
df: a pandas dataframe
model: boosted trees model (currently xgboost supported only). Can be None in which case the interactions have to be provided
interactions: list in which each element is a list of features/columns in df, default: None
Output: df containing the group values added to it
Example on extracting interactions from tree based models and adding them as new features to your dataset.
import feature_stuff as fs
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
data = pd.DataFrame({"x0":[0,1,0,1], "x1":range(4), "x2":[1,0,1,0]})
print data
x0 x1 x2
0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
2 0 2 1
3 1 3 0
target = data.x0 * data.x1 + data.x2*data.x1
print target.tolist()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
model = xgb.train({'max_depth': 4, "seed": 123}, xgb.DMatrix(data, label=target), num_boost_round=2)
fs.addInteractions(data, model)
# at least one of the interactions in target must have been discovered by xgboost
print data
x0 x1 x2 inter_0
0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
2 0 2 1 0
3 1 3 0 3
# if we want to inspect the interactions extracted
from feature_stuff import model_features_insights_extractions as insights
print insights.get_xgboost_interactions(model)
[['x0', 'x1']]
df: a pandas dataframe containing the column for which to calculate target encoding (categ_col)
ref_df: a pandas dataframe containing the column for which to calculate target encoding and the target variable (y_col)
for example we might want to use train data as ref_df to encode test data
categ_col: the name of the categorical column for which to calculate target encoding
y_col: the name of the target column, or target variable to predict
smoothing_func: the name of the function to be used for calculating the weights of the corresponding target variable
value inside ref_df. Default: exponentialPriorSmoothing.
aggr_func: the statistic used to aggregate the target variable values inside each category of the categ_col
smoothing_prior_weight: a prior weight to put on each category. Default 1.
Output: df containing a new column called <categ_col + "_bayes_" + aggr_func> containing the encodings of categ_col
Example on extracting target encodings from categorical features and adding them as new features to your dataset.
import feature_stuff as fs
import pandas as pd
train_data = pd.DataFrame({"x0":[0,1,0,1]})
test_data = pd.DataFrame({"x0":[1, 0, 0, 1]})
target = range(4)
train_data = fs.target_encoding(train_data, train_data, "x0", target, smoothing_func=fs.exponentialPriorSmoothing, aggr_func="mean", smoothing_prior_weight=1)
test_data = fs.target_encoding(test_data, train_data, "x0", target, smoothing_func=fs.exponentialPriorSmoothing, aggr_func="mean", smoothing_prior_weight=1)
#train data with target encoding of "x0"
x0 y_xx g_xx x0_bayes_mean
0 0 0 0 1.134471
1 1 1 0 1.865529
2 0 2 0 1.134471
3 1 3 0 1.865529
#test data with target encoding of "x0"
x0 x0_bayes_mean
0 1 1.865529
1 0 1.134471
2 0 1.134471
3 1 1.865529
df: a pandas dataframe containing the column for which to calculate target encoding (categ_col) and the target variable (y_col)
categ_cols: a list or array with the the names of the categorical columns for which to calculate target encoding
y_col: a numpy array of the target variable to predict
cv_folds: a list with fold pairs as tuples of numpy arrays for cross-val target encoding
smoothing_func: the name of the function to be used for calculating the weights of the corresponding target variable
value inside ref_df. Default: exponentialPriorSmoothing.
aggr_func: the statistic used to aggregate the target variable values inside each category of the categ_col
smoothing_prior_weight: a prior weight to put on each category. Default 1.
verbosity: 0-none, 1-high_level, 2-detailed
Output: df containing a new column called <categ_col + "_bayes_" + aggr_func> containing the encodings of categ_col
See feature_stuff.target_encoding example above.
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome.