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01. Introduction to Binary Tree

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  1. Root – Root is a special node in a tree. The entire tree is referenced through it. It does not have a parent.
  2. Parent Node – Parent node is an immediate predecessor of a node.
  3. Child Node – All immediate successors of a node are its children.
  4. Siblings – Nodes with the same parent are called Siblings.
  5. Leaf – Last node in the tree. There is no node after this node.
  6. Edge – Edge is a connection between one node to another. It is a line between two nodes or a node and a leaf.
  7. Path – Path is a number of successive edges from source node to destination node.


  1. Tree can be termed as a RECURSIVE data structure.
  2. In a valid tree for N Nodes we have N-1 Edges/Links
  3. Depth (or LEVEL) of Node – Depth of a node represents the number of edges from the tree’s root node to the node.
  4. Height of Node – Height of a node is the number of edges on the longest path between that node & a leaf.
  5. Height of Tree – Height of tree represents the height of its root node.

Visualize above terms here


A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child(LC) and the right child(RC).


  1. Strict/Proper BT - Binary tree where each node has 2 or 0 children.
  2. Complete BT - Binary tree where all levels except the last are completely filled orelse if any levels are partially filled then all nodes in that level should be as left as possible.
  3. Perfect BT - Binary tree where each node has 2 childrens, except leaf nodes.
  4. Balance BT - Binary tree where the difference between the height of left subtree and right subtree for every node is not more than k(usually k=1). Travesal in balanced BT is more efficient than unbalanced BT.
  5. Max number of nodes at a given level ‘x’ = 2^x
  6. For a binary tree, maximum number of nodes with height ‘h’ = 2(h+1) – 1


public class BinaryTree {

	public static void main(String args[]) {

		Node root=new Node(1);
		root.left=new Node(2);
		root.right=new Node(3);
		/*        1
		         / \
		        2   3
		root.left.left=new Node(4);
		root.left.right=new Node(5);
		/*            1
			     / \
			    2	3
			   / \
			  4   5
		root.right.left=new Node(6);
		root.right.right=new Node(7);
		/*            1
			    /   \
			   2	 3
			  / \   / \
			 4   5 6   7
class Node{
	int data;
	Node left;
	Node right;
	public Node(int val) {