Tagman is a web platform to create a manually annotated dataset of smells. The principle aim of Tagman is to facilitate users to annotate randomly selected code snippets for particular smells that could exist in the code and use the platform to create a sizeable quality dataset containing manually annotated samples for subjective code smells. We have considered four code smells we believe are subjective in nature: Multifaceted Abstraction, Complex Method, Long Method and Empty Catch Block
In order to run Tagman, the following dependencies are necessary.
- Java version 8 or above
- Apache Maven
- Mysql Server running Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS.
To setup the Tagman server, follow the following steps
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/SMART-Dal/Tagman_Phase2.git
- Run maven build In the project directory, run the following command:
Maven clean install
The Tagman requires a running MySql server to use as a database for the annotations. The following properties are configured for the server:
The server sends and receives requests over https. Hence, we need a valid signed ppk certificate. The config for the same is as follows:
The server contains a self contained embedded tomcat server. Hence, the jar does not need to be deployed to a server. To start Tagman, run the following command:
Java -jar tagman-1.0.jar
Tagman needs a corpus of samples – classes and methods to be shown to the user. To download the corpus, the link to the repository containing python scripts is as follows:
Once the samples are ready, log into the tagman as an admin and import them to the MySQL server. After completing this process, users can signup and start tagging the samples.